Results for 'institutionalization'

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  1.  72
    The Institutionalization of Fair Trade: More than Just a Degraded Form of Social Action.Corinne Gendron, Véronique Bisaillon & Ana Isabel Otero Rance - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (S1):63 - 79.
    The context of economic globalization has contributed to the emergence of a new form of social action which has spread into the economic sphere in the form of the new social economic movements. The emblematic figure of this new generation of social movements is fair trade, which influences the economy towards political or social ends. Having emerged from multiple alternative trade practices, fair trade has gradually become institutionalized since the professionalization of World Shops, the arrival of fair trade products in (...)
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    Institutionalization of the processes of socio-cultural development of local communities.В. С Шмаков - 2023 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 21 (2):47-57.
    The article deals with the problem of institutionalization of evolutionary forms of socio-cultural development of local communities. The purpose of the study is to analyze the conditions and factors affecting the processes of institutionalization in the context of socio-cultural dynamics. Socio-cultural institutions are the most important structures, mechanisms for the formation of socio-cultural identity, act as regulators of the generation of value-normative complexes forming models of socio-cultural development. The main factors determining the institutional dynamics of socio-cultural evolution under (...)
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    Institutionalizing the Just War.Allen Buchanan - 2018 - Oup Usa.
    Institutionalizing the Just War provides a new approach to theorizing the morality of war and argues that sound moral principles regarding war-making must take into account the fact that the validity of moral principles can depend upon existing institutions and social practices.
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  4. The institutionalization of organizational ethics.Ronald R. Sims - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (7):493 - 506.
    The institutionalization of ethics is an important task for today's organizations if they are to effectively counteract the increasingly frequent occurrences of blatantly unethical and often illegal behavior within large and often highly respected organizations. This article discusses the importance of institutionalizing organizational ethics and emphasizes the importance of several variables (psychological contract, organizational commitment, and an ethically-oriented culture) to the institutionalization of ethics within any organization.... institutionalizing ethics may sound ponderous, but its meaning is straightforward. It means (...)
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    Institutionalizing Dualism: Complementarities and Change in France and Germany.Kathleen Thelen & Bruno Palier - 2010 - Politics and Society 38 (1):119-148.
    The French and German political economies have been significantly reconfigured over the past two decades. Although the changes have often been more piecemeal than revolutionary, their cumulative effects are profound. The authors characterize the changes that have taken place as involving the institutionalization of new forms of dualism and argue that what gives contemporary developments a different character from the past is that dualism is now explicitly underwritten by state policy. They see this outcome as the culmination of a (...)
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    The Institutionalization of Sustainability in Business Organizations.James Weber & John Wargofchik - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:122-132.
    This paper explores the research question: Do all businesses institutionalize sustainability into their organizations in the same way, in the same sequence or to the same degree? Utilizing a grounded theory approach, a developmental, multi-stage and multi-dimensional model is constructed to better describe how sustainability is institutionalized in the business organization.
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  7. Institutionalized Intolerance of ADHD: Sources and Consequences.Susan C. C. Hawthorne - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (3):504 - 526.
    Diagnosable individuals, caregivers, and clinicians typically embrace a biological conception of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), finding that medical treatment is beneficial. Scientists study ADHD phenomenology, interventions to ease symptoms, and underlying mechanisms, often with an aim of helping diagnosed people. Yet current understanding of ADHD, jointly influenced by science and society, has an unintended downside. Scientific and social influences have embedded negative values in the ADHD concept, and have simultaneously dichotomized ADHD diagnosable from non-diagnosable individuals. In social settings insistent on certain (...)
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  8. Institutionalizing Ethics Into Business Organizations.James Weber - 1993 - Business Ethics Quarterly 3 (4):419-436.
    Grounded upon the late 1970s phrase "institutionalizing ethics into business," I present a multi-component model and research agenda to enhance our understanding of organizations' efforts to integrate ethics into the daily decision-making process of employees. Three research foci are emphasized: (I) the need to establish consistent categorical frameworks to describe business organizations' efforts in the field, (2) the study of the interrelationships between the various components presented in the model, and (3) the exploration of the linkage between organizational efforts to (...)
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  9.  38
    Institutionalization or Decoupling? An Exploratory Analysis of the UN Global Compact LEAD Initiative.Nora Junaid, Opal Leung & Anthony F. Buono - 2015 - Business and Society Review 120 (4):491-518.
    Institutionalization occurs when organizations adopt policies and practices in an attempt to increase their legitimacy and competitive position. This process assumes that an organization's formal policies (macro‐level) are translated into organizational practices (micro‐level). This translation, however, can fail to occur, resulting in organizational decoupling and de‐institutionalization. Drawing on an institutionalization typology based on different levels of legitimacy (macro) and taken‐for‐grantedness (micro), the article draws on data from an assessment of theUnitedNations Global CompactLEADinitiative, assessing the extent to which (...)
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  10. Institutionalization of organizational ethics through transformational leadership.Dawn S. Carlson & Pamela L. Perrewe - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (10):829 - 838.
    Concerns regarding corporate ethics have grown steadily throughout the past decade. In order to remain competitive, many organizational leaders are faced with the challenge of creating an ethical environment within their organization. A model is presented showing the process and elements necessary for the institutionalization of organizational ethics. The transformational leadership style lends itself well to the creation of an ethical environment and is suggested as a means to facilitate the institutionalization of corporate ethics. Finally, the benefits of (...)
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  11.  24
    Institutionalization of Evangelical Protestantism in Ukraine.Olena Panych - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 77:55-66.
    In the article O. Panich "Institutionalization of Evangelical Protestantism in Ukraine reveals the history of the emergence and development of Ukrainian evangelical Protestant communities, especially the evangelical-Baptist movement. The peculiarity of the faith and the way of life of Baptists and evangelical Christians is considered.
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    Institutionalization and autonomy of art: Can socially engaged art be institutionalized?Bruno Trentini - 2020 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 22 (2):25-39.
    This paper deals with the autonomy of art and more specifically with the autonomy of socially engaged art once it is institutionalized. The originality of the article is its use of Goodman's terminology to theorize socially engaged art. By comparing two works of art from the same collective, the main issue is to defend the hypothesis that artistic consecration prevents an emancipatory action from functioning as art or prevents an action from functioning as socially engaged art. Thus, in the context (...)
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    Institutionalizing Inequality: The Physical Criterion of Assisted Suicide.David Elliot - 2018 - Christian Bioethics 24 (1):17-37.
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  14.  86
    Institutionalization of ethics: The perspective of managers. [REVIEW]Anita Jose & Mary S. Thibodeaux - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 22 (2):133 - 143.
    Corporate America is institutionalizing ethics through a variety of structures, systems, and processes. This study sought to identify managerial perceptions regarding the institutionalization of ethics in organizations. Eighty-six corporate level marketing and human resource managers of American multi-national corporations responded to a mail survey regarding the various implicit and explicit ways by which corporations institutionalize ethics. The results revealed that managers found ethics to be good for the bottom line of the organizations, they did not perceive the need for (...)
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  15.  75
    Institutionalizing Ethics in Institutional Voids: Building Positive Ethical Strength to Serve Women Microfinance Borrowers in Negative Contexts.Subrata Chakrabarty & A. Erin Bass - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (4):529-542.
    This study examines whether microfinance institutions (MFIs) that serve women borrowers at the base of the economic pyramid are likely to adopt a written code of positive organizational ethics (POE). Using econometric analysis of operational and economic data of a sample of MFIs from across the world, we find that two contextual factors—poverty level and lack of women’s empowerment—moderate the influence of an MFI’s percentage of women borrowers on the probability of the MFI having a POE code. MFIs that serve (...)
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  16.  33
    CSR Institutionalized Myths in Developing Countries: An Imminent Threat of Selective Decoupling.Navjote Khara, Peter Lund-Thomsen & Dima Jamali - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (3):454-486.
    This article examines joint action initiatives among small- and medium-sized enterprises in the manufacturing industries in developing countries in the context of the ascendancy of corporate social responsibility and the proliferation of a variety of international accountability tools and standards. Through empirical fieldwork in the football manufacturing industry of Jalandhar in North India, the article documents how local cluster-based SMEs stay coupled with the global CSR agenda through joint CSR initiatives focusing on child labor. Probing further, however, also reveals patterns (...)
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  17.  44
    Institutionalizing expert systems: Guidelines and legal concerns. [REVIEW]Janet S. Zeide & Jay Liebowitz - 1992 - AI and Society 6 (3):287-293.
    Often, knowledge engineers become so involved in the development process of the expert system that they fail to look further down the road toward the expert system's institutionalization within the organization. Institutionalization is an important component of the expert system planning process. More specifically, the legal issues associated with expert systems development and deployment are critical institutionalization factors. This paper looks at some expert system institutionalization guidelines, and then focuses on legal considerations.
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  18.  53
    The global institutionalization of nanotechnology research: A bibliometric approach to the assessment of science policy.Joachim Schummer - unknown
    Based on bibliometric methods, this paper describes the global institutionalization of nanotechnology research from the mid-1980s to 2006. Owing to an extremely strong dynamics, the institutionalization of nanotechnology is likely to surpass those of major disciplines in only a few years. A breakdown of the relative institutionalizations strengths by the main geographical regions, countries, research sectors, disciplines, and institutional types provides a very diverse picture over the time period because of different national science policies. The results allow a (...)
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  19.  73
    The Institutionality Of Legal Validity.Kenneth M. Ehrenberg - 2020 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 100 (2):277-301.
    The most influential theory of law in current analytic legal philosophy is legal positivism, which generally understands law to be a kind of institution. The most influential theory of institutions in current analytic social philosophy is that of John Searle. One would hope that the two theories are compatible, and in many ways they certainly are. But one incompatibility that still needs ironing out involves the relation of the social rule that undergirds the validity of any legal system (H.L.A. Hart's (...)
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  20.  5
    Institutionalizing Sustainability: The Role of Multiple Logics in B Corp Course Integration.Maija Lähteenkorva - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-14.
    Sustainability has gained increased importance in business schools, yet its full institutionalization within the curricula remains challenging. To address this gap, business schools are increasingly collaborating with alternative organizations, such as B Corporations. However, the factors driving the integration of these B Corp courses into the curricula are not well understood. This study employs an institutional logic approach to examine in what way institutional logics coexist and shape the integration of B Corp courses within business school curricula. A qualitative (...)
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  21.  63
    Institutionalizing Peace through Commerce: Engagement or Divestment in South African and Sudan.Michelle Westermann-Behaylo - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (S4):417 - 434.
    Peace through Commerce literature has discussed how business can engage in more responsible behavior in order to mitigate conflict risk and promote conflict resolution. However, in many conflict situations, the question arises at what point does it become impossible for a firm to remain engaged on the ground and still function as an ethical business? This article discusses the role of divestment activist groups in changing institutional norms among MNCs operating in conflict situations. Institutional norms shift from firms conducting "business (...)
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  22. The institutionalization of organization ethics.R. L. Sim - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (7):493-506.
  23.  45
    Sexuality Among Institutionalized Elderly Patients with Dementia.M. Ehrenfeld, G. Bronner, N. Tabak, R. Alpert & R. Bergman - 1999 - Nursing Ethics 6 (2):144-149.
    The subject of sexuality among elderly patients with dementia was examined, focusing on two main aspects: the sexual behaviour of institutionalized elderly people with dementia; and the reactions of other patients, staff and family members to this behaviour. The behaviour was found to be mostly heterosexual and ranged from love and caring to romance and outright eroticism. Reactions varied, being accepting of love and care but often objecting to erotic behaviour. Understanding of the sexual needs of elderly people should become (...)
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  24.  52
    Institutionalizing agroecology: successes and challenges in Cuba. [REVIEW]Erin Nelson, Steffanie Scott, Judie Cukier & Ángel Leyva Galán - 2009 - Agriculture and Human Values 26 (3):233-243.
    Over the past two decades, Cuba has become a recognized global leader in sustainable agriculture. This paper explores how this process of agricultural transition has taken place, and argues that it has largely been led by research institutes, non-state organizations and the Cuban government, which have all contributed to the institutionalization of agroecology in both policy and practice. This process has been highly effective in terms of the numbers of people using agroecological techniques. However, although these techniques have been (...)
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  25.  15
    Institutiones metaphysicae: quas in usum auditorum philosophiae elucubratus est.Nikolaus Burkhäuser - 1771 - New York: G. Olms.
    Pars 1. De ente, sive ontologia -- Pars 2. De anima, sive psychologia -- Pars 3. De Deo, sive theologia naturalis.
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    Institutionalization of firm’s commitment to CSR—a mimetic isomorphism perspective.Manish Bansal & Sastry Sarath Pendyala - 2023 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 12 (2):129-150.
    The purpose of the study is to investigate whether internal and external institutional environmental conditions play a role in the institutionalization of strategic commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) among Indian firms in the wake of the mandatory CSR norms or not (where the firms of certain size and profitability are mandated to spend on CSR). The study examines the fixed effects regression on balanced panel data collected from the annual reports and Prowess database of Bombay Stock Exchange-listed firms. (...)
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  27.  55
    Corporate institutionalization of ethics in the United States and Great Britain.Diana C. Robertson & Bodo B. Schlegelmilch - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (4):301-312.
    This paper compares the results of large-scale U.S. and U.K. surveys designed to identify managers' major ethical concerns and to investigate how firms are formulating and communicating ethics policies responsive to these concerns.Our findings indicate some important differences between U.S. and U.K. firms in perceptions of what are important ethical issues, in the means used to communicate ethics policies, and in the issues addressed in ethics policies and employee training. U.K. companies tend to be more likely to communicate ethics policies (...)
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  28.  83
    The institutionalization of unethical behavior.LaRue T. Hosmer - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (6):439 - 447.
    There is a possibility that the ethical problems that have recently surfaced at General Electric, E. F. Hutton and General Dynamics are not simple anomalies, but the direct result of corporate pressures on individual managers. The author looks at the nature of these pressures, which come from the strategic planning systems in use at most large corporations, and concludes that the current emphasis upon improvements in competitive positioning have led many managers to take actions that are directly contrary to the (...)
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  29. Institutionalizing molecular biology in post-war europe: A comparative study.J. B. - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (3):515-546.
    The intellectual origins of molecular biology are usually traced back to the 1930s. By contrast, molecular biology acquired a social reality only around 1960. To understand how it came to designate a community of researchers and a professional identity, I examine the creation of the first institutes of molecular biology, which took place around 1960, in four European countries: Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Switzerland. This paper shows how the creation of these institutes was linked to the results of (...)
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  30.  13
    The institutionalization of an academic discipline.Martin Bulmer - 1994 - Social Epistemology 8 (1):3 – 8.
  31.  18
    Institutionalizing the Statistics of Nationality in Prussia in the 19th Century.Morgane Labbé - 2007 - Centaurus 49 (4):289-306.
    By the end of the 19th century, the Prussian censuses registered regularly the nationality of the population according to a standard criterion: the mother tongue. The background to this institutionalization could be mapped out in terms of the early creation of the statistical office, the reform of the bureaucracy, and the political challenge following the annexation of the western part of the former Polish state. However, this paper gives a different account of that goes beyond a state-level history of (...)
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    The Institutionalization of International Friendship.Antoine Vion - 2007 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 10 (2):281-297.
    International friendship is often neglected in international relations. The purpose of this paper is to analyze international friendship empirically as a result of the construction of multiple institutional facts. Two main fields are investigated in this study: the development of city twinnings and cultural institutes. Paying attention to emotions, rituals, and unusual events, allows in which to understand the ways friendship is socially constructed. Studying international friendship as a pattern of institutional facts invites attention to the specific contexts in which (...)
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  33. Institutiones philosophicae de Deo, anima humana, mundo et primis cognitionis humanae principiis.Johann Franz Coing - 1765 - New York: G. Olms.
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    Institutionalizing the Common Good in Economy: Lessons from the Mondragon Cooperatives.Kenneth W. Stikkers - 2020 - Humanistic Management Journal 5 (1):105-115.
    While the idea of worker-owned cooperatives is centuries-old, the network of over 300 such enterprises in the Basque region of Spain and founded upon Catholic social justice teachings, is the most successful and impressive in history. The central claim of this paper is that the worker-owned, Mondragon cooperatives demonstrate not only how economic institutions can be structured so as to promote the common good but also how participation in them can engender a concern for the common good among individual participants (...)
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  35.  22
    Institutionalizing Big Data methods in social and political research.Pertti Ahonen - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
    We expect Big Data methods to contribute to research with results that are not inferior to those attained in other ways but possibly better, or hard or impossible to generate in other ways. Those who apply these methods may also aspire to augment the arsenal of research methods, offer surrogates for existing research designs, and re-orient research. Moreover, we can critically examine the institutional, societal and political effects of the Big Data methods and the conditions for the solid institutionalization (...)
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  36.  51
    Institutionalizing Dissent: A Proposal for an Adversarial System of Pharmaceutical Research.Justin Biddle - 2013 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 23 (4):325-353.
    Many observers now acknowledge that there are serious problems with the way in which pharmaceutical research is currently practiced. These problems include the suppression of undesirable results, bias in the design of studies and in the interpretation of results, and neglect of diseases that afflict the poor in developing countries. These problems can be traced at least in part to the influence of commercial interests on research. In what follows, I will discuss some of the main deficiencies of current pharmaceutical (...)
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  37. The institutionalization of social welfare : a study of medicalizing management.Mikael Holmqvist - 2011 - In Ann Brooks (ed.), Social theory in contemporary Asia. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  38.  16
    The Institutionalization of Ethics in the U.S. Senate.Bruce Jennings - 1981 - Hastings Center Report 11 (1):5-9.
  39.  12
    (1 other version)Zu den „Institutiones oratoriae“ des Sulpicius Victor.Thomas Riesenweber - 2018 - Hermes 146 (4):484.
    In the first part of my studies on Sulpicius Victor’s „Institutiones oratoriae“ I discuss its date and medieval transmission. Among other things I propose possible new evidence for its reception in 12th-century Western Germany. Finally I try to show that probably all of the transmitted chapter headings are later additions.
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  40.  54
    The institutionalization of Open Source.Robert A. Gehring - 2006 - Poiesis and Praxis 4 (1):54-73.
    Using concepts of neoinstitutional economics, such as transaction cost economics, institutional economics, property rights theory, and information economics, the development of the Open Source movement is investigated. Following the evolution of institutions in Open Source, it is discussed what the comparative institutional advantages of this model are. The conclusion is that it is the institutional framework of Open Source, not merely the low cost of Open Source software that makes it an attractive alternative mode of organizing the production and distribution (...)
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  41.  58
    Institutionalized reason: the jurisprudence of Robert Alexy.Matthias Klatt (ed.) - 2012 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume gathers leading figures from legal philosophy and constitutional theory to offer a critical examination of the work of Robert Alexy.
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  42.  66
    The institutionalization of reason.Frederick Rauscher - 2005 - Kantian Review 9:95-104.
    Kant's description of an enlightened society as involving the free use of reason in public debate has received due attention in recent work on Kant. When thinking of Kant's view of Enlightenment, one now conjures up the image of free persons speaking their mind in what is now often called the ‘public sphere’. Jürgen Habermas is well known for taking Kant to be committed to wide participation of individuals in public debate. Kant's own suggestion for a motto for the Enlightenment, (...)
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  43. Introduction and Institutionalization of Genetics in Mexico Ana Barahona, Susana Pinar and Francisco J. Ayala.Ana Barahona, Susana Pinar & Francisco J. Ayala - 2005 - Journal of the History of Biology 38 (2):273-299.
    We explore the distinctive characteristics of Mexico's society, politics and history that impacted the establishment of genetics in Mexico, as a new disciplinary field that began in the early 20th century and was consolidated and institutionalized in the second half. We identify about three stages in the institutionalization of genetics in Mexico. The first stage can be characterized by Edmundo Taboada, who was the leader of a research program initiated during the Cárdenas government (1934-1940), which was primarily directed towards (...)
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  44. Institutionalizing the Just War.Allen Buchanan - 2005 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 34 (1):2-38.
  45.  14
    Institutionalization of Protestantism as a way out.Petro Yarotskiy & YuYe Reshetnikov - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 35:238-261.
    The study of the current state and tendencies of the development of the traditional trends of late Protestantism in Ukraine - Baptism, Adventism and Pentecostalism, as well as Jehovah's Witnesses during 1999-2005 made it possible, in our opinion, to be scientifically valuable and relevant to the public in these confessions. generalizations and conclusions. At the same time, in our study, they have both a universal character for all four of these denominations, as well as a specific context in the form (...)
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    The Institutionalization of Propaganda in the Fascist Era: The Cases of Germany, Portugal, and Italy.Goffredo Adinolfi - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (5):607-621.
    Almost a century after the emergence of right-wing dictatorships in twentieth-century Europe, a consensual regime paradigm has yet to be found. The debate always gets bogged down by ongoing attempts to find the definitive and complete definition of the two most common regime types: fascism or generic fascism, and totalitarianism/authoritarianism. This article claims that, although definitive nomenclatures are unlikely to be found, it is more useful to think of regimes as more or less approximating their ideal type than to posit (...)
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    Institutionalization by and of policy processes.Jan de Bruin - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (2):258-263.
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    The institutionalization of Jesus' charismatic authority: "Son of Man" as case study 1.Yolanda Dreyer - 2000 - HTS Theological Studies 56 (4).
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    Institutiones iuris naturalis, seu, Philosophiae moralis universae: secundum principia S. Thomae Aquinatis: ad usum scholorem.Theodor Meyer - 1900 - Friburgi Brisgoviae: Herder.
    pt. 1. Ius naturae generale (editio 2. emendata. 1906) -- pt. 2. Ius naturae speciale.
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  50. The institutionalization of expertise in university licensing.Jason Owen-Smith - 2011 - Theory and Society 40 (1):63-94.
    This article draws on ethnographic data from a field leading university licensing office to document and explain a key step in the process of institutionalization, the abstraction of standardized rules and procedures from idiosyncratic efforts to collectively resolve pressing problems. I present and analyze cases where solutions to complicated quandaries become abstract bits of professional knowledge and demonstrate that in some circumstances institutionalized practices can contribute to the flexibility of expert reasoning and decision-making. In this setting, expertise is rationalized (...)
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