Results for 'irreality'

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  1.  8
    Presencias irReales: simulacros, espectros y construcción de realidades.Ana Carrasco Conde - 2017 - Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, España: Plaza y Valdés Editores.
    Si la gran mayoría de las reflexiones actuales (y no tan actuales) abordan cómo el sujeto se “subjetiviza” y adquiere identidad y peso en el seno de una comunidad, Presencias irReales, en diálogo con Hegel, Schelling, Heidegger, Deleuze, Derrida, Žižek o Sloterdijk constituye una reflexión a contracorriente porque su propósito es analizar los mecanismos más peligrosos y más desatendidos: aquellos que destruyen al sujeto, que le vacían de identidad e incluso corrompen su memoria. Este libro comienza para ello con un (...)
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    Irreale oder reale Geschichte: Ein Traktat über Methodenfragen der Geschichtswissenschaft.Hubert Kiesewetter - 2002 - Herbolzheim: Centaurus Verlag & Media.
    In Fortführung einer postmodernen Geschichtsschreibung haben sich in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten deutsche und angelsächsische Historiker verstärkt darum bemüht, eine virtuelle oder konjekturale Geschichtsforschung als den Königsweg zur Überwindung der Krise der Geschichtswissenschaft zu etablieren. Die Was wäre geschehen, wenn...?-Geschichtsschreibung wird vor allem von dem Althistoriker Alexander Demandt als eine erkenntnistheoretische Wunderwaffe, als ein Novum Organon der Geschichtswissenschaft, angepriesen. In diesem Buch wird gezeigt, daß die irreale oder virtuelle Geschichte sich nicht nur in logische und methodologische Widersprüche verstrickt, sondern geschichtstheoretisch (...)
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    L'irreale in Ortega e Zubiri / The Unreal in Ortega and Zubiri.María Lida Mollo - 2010 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 23:199-238.
    Starting from the rejection of Husserl.s theory of intentionality, both Ortega and Zubiri elaborate two unlike concepts of experience. Life and Reality are the capital themes of two different metaphysics which not only cannot avoid the concept of unreality, but, in some way, are based on it. For this reason, experience becomes a conquest: in one case (Ortega), after the struggle with and against the circumstances which is the I, in the other (Zubiri) by the encounter and the fulfillment of (...)
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    Imagining Irreality: A Study of Unreal Possibilities.Nicholas Rescher - 2003 - Open Court Publishing.
    Nicholas Rescher surveys and analyzes the different kinds of unreal possibilities and nonexistent objects, tying together all the diverse ways in which this area has been approached by philosophers. As he surveys the field and clarifies the kinds of unreality, he also makes a sustained argument against the philosophical fashion for dealing with nonexistent possible world as though they were authentic objects. The author holds that, while we may discuss possibilities, we ought not to accord them ontological status. The possibility (...)
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    (1 other version)Lo “Irreal” en Xavier Zubiri: el problema filosófico del arte y la literatura.E. Diego Honorato - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía 73:71-86.
    En este artículo se aborda el problema de lo irreal en el filósofo español Xavier Zubiri y, más específicamente, el problema de la ficción y del arte. Se realiza una breve conceptuación de lo que el filósofo entiende por realidad, y de cómo se inserta en ella lo irreal. Se propone sucintamente que lo irreal es “realmente” irreal y que el hombre está forzado a habérselas con lo irreal y con la ficción para poder estar verdaderamente en las cosas. El (...)
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    Irreality of Fact.Stig Alstrup Rasmussen - 2003 - SATS 4 (2):45-66.
    It is argued that C. Wright's worry over the Basic Argument for Quitism is misplaced since the argument is incoherent. An even more basic argument is considered, and some consequences traced for, inter alia, the Tractarian view in metaphysics and Dummett's Metaphor Thesis, connecting ontology and semantics. In the course of the argument, work by, primarily, C. Peacocke and J. McDowell is touched upon.
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    (1 other version)Kausalgefüge, irreale bedingungssätze und Das problem der definierbarkeit Von dispositionsprädikaten.Hans-Ulrich Hoche - 1977 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 8 (2):257-291.
    The symbolic paraphrase of 'because' sentences suggested by Frege, which is still widely accepted, will be gradually developed into a more adequate, though much more complicated, form. Out of the different types of such sentences, the 'for the only reason that' type will be given especial consideration. Furthermore, it will be expounded that contrary-to-fact conditionals may function either as 'for the only reason that' explanations, or as 'for at least the reason that' explanations, or as arguments, the difference being dependent (...)
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    Construction of Irreality: An Enactive-Constructivist Stance on Counterfactuals.Andrey S. Druzhinin - 2020 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (1):069-080.
    Context: Linguists and philosophers, as well as psychologists, have not yet offered a coherent explanation of the logic behind the intricate grammar of counterfactuals, the meaning of irreality and….
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    How “Real” is Irreal?Vincent Kenny - 2020 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (1):092-094.
    I propose constructive alternatives to selected statements made by Druzhinin in his description of the irreal, and I remind ourselves that the words we use are not the experiences we are attempting….
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  10.  28
    The Language of the Irreal.Richard Polt - 2022 - Journal of Continental Philosophy 3 (1):23-50.
    “Irrealis” grammatical moods, such as the subjunctive, provoke linguistic, literary, and phenomenological questions. What is the ontological status of the domain revealed by irrealis moods? How does it solicit signification? Is it a mere illusion or a distraction from the real? I propose not only that our ventures into the irreal are indispensable ways of making sense of things, but that the irreal is necessary to the being of language and to our own being.
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    Hedwig Conrad-Martius on Color, Light, and the Irreality of the Artwork.Irene Breuer - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 10 (2):161-177.
    In her article “Die Irrealität des Kunstwerkes,” first published in 1938, Hedwig Conrad-Martius delves into the question of the artistic representation of the real reality of the world, which basically concerns the classical distinction between art and nature. It is in this context that Conrad-Martius rejects idealism and the concomitant assumption that an artwork imitates the “living reality” of Nature. She clearly distinguishes between the task of phenomenology and that of art: while phenomenology should surpass the sphere of mere sensuous (...)
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  12. Il visibile e l'irreale: l'oggetto estetico nel pensiero di Nicolai Hartmann.Daniela Angelucci - 1999 - [Palermo]: Centro internazionale studi di estetica.
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  13. Gegen entia rationis, sogenannte irreale oder ideale Gegenstände.Franz Brentano - 1929 - Philosophische Hefte 2 (4):257-273.
  14.  29
    Anthropological Weight and Physical Irreality of Euclidian Geometry.Víctor Gómez Pin - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 18:129-139.
    Il est tout à fait possible de soutenir que l’espace de Newton manque d’objectivité physique (ce qui est un corollaire de la théorie einsténienne) et néanmoins prendre tout à fait au sérieux la thèse de l’espace euclidien comme condition de possibilité de l’expérience. Condition de possibilité de l’émergence d’un sujet qui configure son monde en remettant tout point de son environnement à une métrique. Cette métrique ne serait autre que celle qui donne sens à la géométrie que l’on a appris (...)
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  15. Lo real, lo irreal y lo humano: releer a Zubiri.Joan Cuscó I. Clarasó - 2009 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 36:497-508.
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    Beauty, the Irreal, and the Willing Assumption of Disbelief.Jerome McGann - 2004 - Critical Inquiry 30 (4):717.
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    Illusion and irreality: The enlargement of experience.Maurice Natanson - 1985 - The Monist 68 (4):425-438.
  18. Was ist ein irrealer Konditionalsatz?W. Waletzki - 1980 - Kant Studien 71 (2):254.
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    Lo real, lo irreal y lo humano, releer a Zubiri.Joan Cuscó Clarasó - 2009 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 36:497-508.
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    Fenomenologia e psicopatologia em Sartre: "irreal normal" e "irreal patológico".Gustavo Fujiwara - 2019 - Trans/Form/Ação 42 (1):179-200.
    Resumo: Este artigo pretende investigar a maneira pela qual o filósofo francês Jean-Paul Sartre enquadra, em sua psicologia fenomenológica da imaginação, a problemática acerca do irreal normal e do irreal patológico. Estruturando psicofenomenologicamente a atividade da consciência imaginante, será possível ver que a imagem difere radicalmente da percepção, mas ambas permanecem, contudo, consciência intencional. Nessa toada, cabe a indagação: se toda consciência imaginante é consciência intencional, como enquadrar as experiências alucinatórias?: The aim of the present article is to investigate how (...)
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    CARRASCO CONDE, ANA, Presencias irReales. Simulacros, espectros y construcción de realidades, Plaza y Valdés, Madrid, 2017, 281 pp. [REVIEW]Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri - 2017 - Anuario Filosófico 50 (3):630-633.
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    O que há de real e de irreal com o realismo: Searle versus Rorty.Paulo Ghiraldelli Júnior - 1999 - Trans/Form/Ação 21 (1):119-129.
    O texto fala a respeito do debate entre Searle e Rorty sobre “irracionalismo” de Rorty. Ele tenta mostrar que a posição de Rorty está fora do campo “realismo versus anti-realismo” e o “irracionalismo” não é um bom adjetivo. Searle estaria sobre uma linha incorreta em sua abordagem do tema da verdade em Rorty.
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  23. Sartre, el círculo imaginario: ontología irreal de la imagen.Joaquín Maristany del Rayo - 1987 - Barcelona: Anthropos.
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    Bemerkungen zum Problem der Interpretation irrealer Konditionalsätze als verkürzter Schlüsse.Thomas M. Seebohm - 1977 - Kant Studien 68 (1-4):1-17.
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  25. Gravitational lensing and Hacking's extragalactic irreality.Jutta Rockmann - 1998 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 12 (2):151 – 164.
    In Extragalactic Reality: The Case of Gravitational Lensing Hacking resumes the discussion of scientific realism from the last chapter of Representing and Intervening. Since the criterion of manipulability cannot be applied to astronomical objects, experimental entity realism seems to be restricted to terrestrial entities. In fact, Hacking explicitly argues against astronomical realism. The case at issue is the existence of gravitational lenses. In this paper, I question Hacking 's chief witness for astronomical antirealism: the gravitational lens system “0957+ 561”. It (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Psychologismus und transzendentale Grundlegung der Logik: Logischer Psychologismus und logischer Idealismus, Die Idealität der logischen Gebilde als irreales Auftreten in der logisch-psychischen Sphäre.Edmund Husserl - 1929 - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung 10:138.
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    Sartre, el círculo imaginario: ontología irreal de la imagen.Joaquín Maristany del Rayo - 1987 - Barcelona: Anthropos Editorial.
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    Xavier Zubiri, El hombre: lo real y lo irreal, Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 2005, 230 páginas, 15 x 23 cm, ISBN: 84-206-4333-5. [REVIEW]José Joaquín Castellón Martín - 2023 - Isidorianum 14 (28):608-611.
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    Antonio de Murcia Conesa. Sobre "Presencias irReales. Simulacros, espectros y construcción de realidades", de Ana Carrasco Conde, Madrid, Plaza y Valdés, 2017. [REVIEW]Antonio De Murcia Conesa - 2018 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 35 (3):793-798.
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    Numerical Identity and the Constitution of Transcendence in Transcendental Phenomenology.Burt C. Hopkins - 2016 - Research in Phenomenology 46 (2):205-220.
    _ Source: _Volume 46, Issue 2, pp 205 - 220 I investigate the phenomenological significance of Husserl’s appeal to the “numerical identity” of _irreality_ as it appears in recollected manifolds of lived-experience in his mature account of the transcendental constitution of transcendence and find it wanting. I show that what is at stake for Husserl in this appeal is the descriptive mark that exhibits the distinction between a unit of meaning as it is constituted in psychologically determined lived-experience and as (...)
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  31.  12
    The Assassination of Marilyn Monroe by the Coward Andrew Dominik: An Existentialist Phenomenology of Cinematic Imagination.David Sorfa - 2024 - In Kelli Fuery (ed.), Film Phenomenologies: Temporality, Embodiment, Transformation. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 141-166.
    The release of Andrew Dominik’s Blonde in 2022 on Netflix caused a furor of out-rage, and the film was seen variously as misogynistic, exploitative, and badly made. Here I wish to explore the ways in which we can think about the hyper-mediated image of Marilyn Monroe through Jean-Paul Sartre’s phenomenological consid-eration of imagination and Simone de Beauvoir’s existentialist analysis of ethics and ambiguity. I will argue that Sartre’s idea of irreality (unreality) guarantees the freedom of each individual and that (...)
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    Poles’ National Character in Philosophical and Pedagogical Explorations on the Turn of XIX-XX Centuries (on materials of Julian Leopold Ochorowicz scientific heritage).Sławomir Sztobryn - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 29 (2):198-209.
    There is proposed the analysis of conceptual foundations in researching of Poles’ national character on materials of Julian Leopold Ochorowicz (1850-1917) scientific heritage connected with philosophical and pedagogical implications of his ideas. Ochorowicz’s contribution to interdisciplinary approach on Poles’ national character is emphasizing. The heuristically potential of this approach is explicated using reconstruction and systemizing of his views, which had played a significant role in determining intentionality in discussions on the matter «What philosophy do Poles need?” for the successful self-statement (...)
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    Sign-free Biosemantics and Transcendental Phenomenology: a Better Non-Metaphysical Approach to Close the Mind-body Gap.Zixuan Liu - 2022 - Biosemiotics 15 (2):325-356.
    Attempts to close the mind-body gap traditionally resort to a priori speculations. Motivated by dissatisfaction with such accounts, neurophenomenology constitutes one of the first attempts to close the mind-body gap non-metaphysically. Nonetheless, it faces significant challenges. Many of these challenges arise from its abandoning of transcendentality and its dim view of bioinformation. In this paper, I propose a superior non-metaphysical alternative: a combination of a reformed biosemiotics and transcendental phenomenology. My approach addresses the difficulties of neurophenomenology, while retaining the merit (...)
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    ¿Y si la vida fuera un sueño? Reflexiones desde la filosofía de Zubiri.Jesús Alberdi Sudupe & Íñigo Alberdi Páramo - 2024 - Pensamiento 80 (307):129-150.
    La vida no es más que un sueño. Desde Heráclito y Parménides hasta la actualidad, esta hipótesis de que solamente vivimos en los sueños en los que nos sueña un supuesto espíritu o voluntad universal, ha merecido una atención filosófica en distintos momentos históricos. Si así fuera, no somos sino espectros en un mundo soñado. Todo es sueño. Heráclito distingue ese mundo propio de cada cual, en el que nos sumergimos al dormir y en el que soñamos, de otro mundo (...)
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    Realisms. Temporal and spatial.Zdzisław Augustynek - 1995 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 3:3-22.
    Conceptual realism acknowledges the existence of abstract objects: theoretical realism acknowledges the existence of non-observable objects; whereas classical realism acknowledges the existence of observable objects. Similarly, temporal realism accepts the existence of future and past events along with present ones, and spatial realism accepts the events which occur there (else-where) as well as those that occur here. We dealt earlier with the three former kinds of realism and their opposites: nominalism, instrumentalism and (ontological) idealism [2]. This paper contains an examination (...)
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    Acerca de la realidad de la vida y la literatura.Segundo Arsenio Anacona-Becerra - 2017 - Escritos 25 (55):349-353.
    “Toda la literatura consiste en un esfuerzo para hacer real la vida. Como todos saben, incluso cuando actúan sin saber, la vida es absolutamente irreal, en su realidad directa; los campos, la ciudades, las ideas, son cosas absolutamente ficticias, hijas de nuestra compleja sensación de nosotros mismos. Son intrasmisibles todas las impresiones salvo si las hacemos literarias”. La luz de originalidad de este fragmento de Bernardo Soares, heterónimo de Fernando Pessoa, suscita una intuición que permite descubrir y considerar que cuando (...)
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    Ensayo de ontología pluralista: mundo de la vida y valores.Pilar Fernández Beites - 2011 - Anuario Filosófico 44 (3):463-496.
    Este artículo esboza una ontología pluralista que, partiendo de una teoría de todos y partes, busca una clasificación de los todos reales en la que se evite la desmesura del idealismo, pero sin caer en posiciones materialistas, que minusvaloran la importancia de la subjetividad. Tras deslindar lo real, tanto de lo ideal como de lo irreal, se articula la realidad en cuatro tipos de todos materiales, completando para ello el esquema propuesto por el filósofo español X. Zubiri. A continuación, se (...)
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  38. Phenomenology and Metaphysics in „Realismo metafísico e irrealidad“ by Jesús Villagrasa.Joshua Brotherton - 2008 - Información Filosófica 5 (11):219-237.
    In “Realismo metafísico e irrealidad”, Jesús Villagrasa analyzes the metaphysical contributions of Antonio Millán-Puelles in “Teoría del objeto puro” and develops a number of important points. Besides clarifying the notions of object, objectuality, and pure object, he elaborates the nature of the irreal , the relationship between logic and ontology, and the legitimacy of using phenomenology in metaphysics.
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    Das Feststehende bestimmt das Mögliche. Semantische Untersuchungen zu Möglichkeitsurteilen.Eva-Maria Engelen - 1999 - frommann-holzboog.
    Ziel dieses systematischen Ansatz ist es eine Antwort auf die Frage der Wahrheitswertzuschreibung für irreale Konditionalsätze zu geben. Die große philosophische Fragestellung, die damit verfolgt wird, betrifft das Verhältnis von Sprache und Welt, Wirklichkeit und Möglichkeit. Am Ende wird geklärt inwiefern logische Strukturen einen Weltbezug haben. Damit ist ein Vorschlag der Naturalisierung der Normativität der Semantik verbunden. Außer sprachphilosophischen Überlegungen werden auch erkenntnistheoretische und wissenschaftstheoretische Überlegungen angestellt. -/- Inhaltsverzeichnis -/- Vorwort 7 -/- Einführung 8 -/- I. Tatsachen I -/- 1. (...)
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    Was leistet in der Frage von Gottes Vorherwissen des kontingenten Zukünftigen Ockhams logischer Scharfsinn über Duns Scotus hinaus?Michael-Thomas Liske - 2003 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 57 (2):159 - 187.
    Da mittelalterliche Denker Gottes Wissen der Welt vorwiegend als ein praktisches, auf Fürsorge gründendes Wissen begriffen, können die freien künftigen menschlichen Taten nicht als prinzipiell unwißbar ausgeschlossen werden. Gottes praktisches Wissen des kontingenten Zukünftigen gründet für Duns Scotus auf seinem faktisch unwandelbaren Willensentschluß und ist daher nur insofern kontingent, als es kontrafaktisch anders hätte sein können. Ockham verwirft solche irrealen Alternativen gleichzeitig zum Faktischen, da die Eigenart willentlicher Verursachung auch ohne solche hohen "ontologischen Kosten" erklärbar sei: Anders als eine Naturursache (...)
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    El lógos bifacial: las sendas de "Éros y Thánatos".Vicente Llamas Roig - 2015 - Madrid: Editorial Sindéresis.
    La bifacialidad de la hipóstasis nodal (noûs, psyché) en el régimen de emanación neoplatónico, recabada en clave antropológica, impregna el pensamiento occidental como expresión de la doble faceta de la razón: facies cognoscitiva/ad infra e idealizadora/ad supra. El noúmeno se erige en límite ideal de conocimiento para la progresión de la razón hacia lo incondicionado, con valor, entonces, no cognoscitivo sino regulativo. Sobre esa tesis kantiana versal, la irrealidad de lo cognoscible en su comisión objetiva (la objetualidad de lo sólo (...)
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  42. La nostalgia del prójimo en la reflexión de Miguel de Unamuno.Angelo Marocco - 2007 - Información Filosófica 4 (1):80-100.
    Il presente articolo si propone di cogliere alcuni aspetti della riflessione antropologica di Miguel de Unamuno. In particolare, si intende qui mostrare il rilievo e l’attualità della dimensione interpersonale nel pensiero unamuniano. Nella comunicazione la persona è per Unamuno esposta al rischio di essere un oggetto fra gli altri dell'altro che è di fronte. Ed è proprio in questo preciso momento che la trama della comunicazione intersoggettiva viene bruscamente interrotta per ritornare nella solitudine. Il dialogo si logora allorché si ha (...)
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    Sobre el tejido histórico y su fundamento ahistórico.Guillermo Aguirre Martínez - 2021 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 97:75-94.
    Se comprende un concreto tejido histórico como un constructo. La aceptación de esta condi-ción irreal permite relativizar las ideas que sostienen dichos constructos, mientras que su comprensión como objetos absolutos nos sumerge en el curso trágico de la historia, esto es, en un magma de dinámicas dialécticas. Comprendemos, asimismo, que sin una conciencia ahistórica de lo existente, tanto en un ámbito colectivo como en uno individual, el sujeto de-viene en esclavo de sus propias ideaciones.
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    Sartre: Passagem da Psicologia à Fenomenologia.Luiz Damon Santos Moutinho - 1994 - Discurso 23:109-148.
    Este texto investiga a passagem sartriana à filosofia primeira. O mérito maior da fenomenologia – a superação da querela entre realismo e idealismo – será comprometido pelo pensamento ulterior de Husserl, caracterizado como “idealista”. Recusando o conceito de noema irreal, Sartre procurará retomar os “verdadeiros princípios” da fenomenologia, reinaugurando o discurso da filosofia primeira.
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    Nonexistents Then and Now.Rescher Nicholas - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 57 (2):359 - 381.
    PROBLEM: THE BEING OF NONEXISTENTS. In matters of irreality, medieval philosophers were not much concerned with fiction as such. The prime focus of their attention was theology, and their dealings with nonexistence related to the role of such items in relation to the thoughts of God rather than those of man. In this light, the medievals approached the issue of nonexistents on essentially the following basis.
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    A origem de Deus no imaginário dos homens.Frederico Rochaferreira - 2016 - Multifoco.
    A bela manhã de sol era um convite a visitar meus pensamentos mais distantes, assim, absorto em minhas reflexões caminhava a passos lentos, sem perceber a presença de Alina, que observava sorrindo aquele meu ritual. Alina: Esse caminhar kantiano me diz que buscavas algo, ou melhor; alguma resposta. Estou certa? Lancio: Alina, que bom vê-la! É verdade. Caminhar estimula a circulação e os neurônios, consequentemente, é ótimo para raciocinar e ir em busca de respostas para delas obter perguntas, contudo é (...)
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  47. The Ontology of the Musical Work.Roger Scruton - 2013 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 2 (3):25--50.
    [ES] Confronta ciertos enigmas surgidos en torno a la naturaleza e identidad de la obra musical, y rechaza estos enigmas por irreales: o bien ellos conciernen a la obra musical en sí misma, en cuyo caso son enigmas acerca del estatus metafísico de un objeto intencional, y por lo tanto susceptibles a una solución arbitraria, o bien ellos conciernen a los sonidos con los que la obra es escuchada, en cuyo caso simplemente se trata de casos especiales de los problemas (...)
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    Continental Philosophy and Organisational Studies: A Critique of Aspects of Postmodern thought in OS.Stephen Sheard - 2009 - Philosophy of Management 7 (3):43-59.
    In this paper I debate a range of unnoticed presuppositions which are used by a selection of influential thinkers in organisation studies to adapt a theory of the irreal to the social realm. I first examine a selection of ‘Postmodern’ authors and focus on the ‘Process Metaphysics’ theories (especially those influenced by Bergson) present in excerpts of contemporary OS ‘Postmodernism’. I argue that ‘Process-Metaphysics’ is the theoretical movement which underpins these aspects of Postmodernism in organisation studies. This is evinced in (...)
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  49.  6
    Die Realität des Inneren: der Einfluss der deutschen Mystik auf die deutsche Philosophie.Gerhard Stamer (ed.) - 2001 - Rodopi.
    Die konzentrierte innere Erfahrung der deutschen Mystik war eine wichtige Quelle der deutschen Philosophie. Nicht nur innerhalb der philosophischen Tradition, sondern auch in den Bauernkriegen des 16. Jahrhunderts und auch in der Reformation spielten mystische Motive eine beachtliche Rolle und übten in der Folgezeit Einfluß auf die Medizin (Paracelsus), aber auch auf die Dichtung und die Musik aus. Daß der Nationalsozialismus die Mystik jedoch für die eigene Ideologie mißbrauchte, hatte zur Folge, daß seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg der Einfluß der deutschen (...)
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    Resisting the Habit of Tlön: Whitehead, Borges, and the Fictional Nature of Concepts.Michael L. Thomas - 2018 - Philosophy and Literature 42 (1):81-96.
    Our interpretations of experience determine the limits of what we can do with the world.Jorge Luis Borges's short stories act as narrative experiments with the potential to alter the reader's experience. They provide momentary glimpses into a remixed reality that, through their vivacity, allow us to wonder at the immanent possibilities that emerge when we acknowledge the irreality of language. This function of Borges's writing follows from his understanding of fictions as imaginative verbal constructions that are effective due to (...)
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