Results for 'irruption theory'

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  1.  20
    La théorie des Würfe de von Staudt – Une irruption de l’algèbre dans la géométrie pure.Philippe Nabonnand - 2008 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 62 (3):201-242.
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  2. On motivating irruptions: the need for a multilevel approach at the interface between life and mind.Ignacio Cea - 2024 - Adaptive Behavior 32 (1):95-99.
    In a recent remarkable article, Froese (2023) presents his Irruption Theory to explain how motivations can make a behavioral difference in motivated activity. In this opinion article, we review the main tenets of Froese’s theory, and highlight its difficulty in overcoming the randomness challenge it supposedly solves, that is, the issue of how adaptive behavior can arise in the face of material underdetermination. To advance our understanding of motivated behavior in line with Froese’s approach, we recommend that (...)
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    Beyond Hamlet and Hecuba: Irruption and Play in Carl Schmitt's Thought.A. Mossa - 2016 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2016 (175):68-84.
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    On Gadamer's Heteronomy Argument: The "Irruption" of Reality vs. its "Strategic Excision".Josep Maria Bech - 2022 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 24 (1):96-112.
    The aim of this paper is to find out whether Gadamer is entitled to hold together his finitist commitment to the heteronomy of art and thought, and his advocacy of an "endless conversation with itself" of humankind. We focus on three texts: Gadamer’s dismis­sal of Carl Schmitt’s outside-in account of the heteronomy implied by the "irrup­tion of reality" in the play Hamlet and, as Archimedean point, Shakespeare’s "excision of reality" according to Stephen Greenblatt, and its inside-out heteronomic consequences. The results: (...)
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    Ce que fait l’environnement à l’esthétique : autour de la pensée d’Arnold Berleant.Diane Linder - 2020 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 25 (1):135-144.
    Plus qu’à une théorie de l’engagement esthétique, Berleant invite à une réflexion sur ce que produit l’irruption de l’environnement pour la théorie esthétique classique. Nous l’abordons en trois temps : sa définition de l’environnement, la lecture critique qu’une telle définition permet d’opérer sur l’esthétique de la nature classique, notamment le pittoresque, ainsi que les ajustements qu’il préconise. S’opposeront une expérience comprise de manière dualiste et dont l’attitude relève du désintérêt vis-à-vis d’un objet autonome et une expérience holiste permise par (...)
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    The Law or the Demos? Derrida and Rancière on the Paradox of Democracy.Jen Hui Bon Hoa - 2020 - Paragraph 43 (2):179-196.
    Jacques Rancière's theory of democracy shares a great deal with Derrida's. Both view democracy as founded on paradox, define it as the irruption of alterity and, most notably, explain the disjuncti...
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  7. Value and the regulation of the sentiments.Justin D’Arms - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 163 (1):3-13.
    “Sentiment” is a term of art, intended to refer to object-directed, irruptive states, that occur in relatively transient bouts involving positive or negative affect, and that typically involve a distinctive motivational profile. Not all the states normally called “emotions” are sentiments in the sense just characterized. And all the terms for sentiments are sometimes used in English to refer to longer lasting attitudes. But this discussion is concerned with boutish affective states, not standing attitudes. That poses some challenges that will (...)
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    Philosophie de la photographie.Carole Maigné - 2022 - Archives de Philosophie 85 (1):7-9.
    La « camera-réalité », néologisme qualifiant la nature du médium photographique, est un « objet théorique » qui interroge l’irruption de l’image photographique en philosophie. Siegfried Kracauer définit dans Théorie du film le réalisme propre à l’image photographique, en revisitant le concept d’affinité, dans une discussion serrée avec l’héritage kantien qu’il connaît parfaitement : il y va d’une redéfinition de l’expérience esthétique par l’enregistrement, entre déliaison et rédemption, le trait d’union entre caméra et réalité signant un effort conceptuel à (...)
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    National Enterprise Emergency.Brian Massumi - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (6):153-185.
    The figure of today’s threat is the suddenly irrupting, locally self-organizing, systemically self-amplifying threat of large-scale disruption. This form of threat, fed by instability and metastability, is not only indiscriminate, it is also indiscrimin able; it is indistinguishable from the general environment. The figure of the environment shifts: from the harmony of a natural balance to the normality of a generalized crisis environment so encompassing in its endemic threat-form as to connect, across the spectrum, the polar extremes of war and (...)
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    Feminism, Aestheticism and the Limits of Law.Anne Barron - 2000 - Feminist Legal Studies 8 (3):275-317.
    This article seeks to identify and address the normative void that resides at the heart of postmodernist-feminist theory, and to propose a philosophical framework – beyond postmodernism, but incorporating its central insights – for thinking through the normative questions with which feminists are inevitably confronted in their engagements with positive law. Two varieties of postmodernist-feminism are identified and critically analysed: the ‘corporeal feminism’ of Elizabeth Grosz and Judith Butler, which seeks to ground feminist critical practice in the irruptive capacities (...)
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  11.  51
    Marx, l'histoire et les historiens. Une relation à réinventer.Enzo Traverso - 2011 - Actuel Marx 50 (2):153-165.
    Historians don’t seem to be concerned by the “back to Marx” trend observed in many fields during the last decade. After an initial, very limited breakthrough in the inter-war years, Marxism irrupted in the academy in the 1960’s, when it established its hegemony on historical studies, merging with a multiplicity of social sciences. This “golden age” was followed by an epoch of decline, the climax of which was reached in 1989, with the fall of the Berlin’s wall. Since this turning (...)
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    Le Socrate malsain de l'Assemblée nationale : Burke et Rousseau.Patrick Thierry - 1994 - Philosophiques 21 (1):125-135.
    Que Burke se soit vu rapproché de Rousseau peut déconcerter : l'intéressé d'abord, sans doute, le lecteur des deux ensuite. Burke fait en effet de Rousseau le responsable sur le plan de la moralité des divagations et des excès de l'époque révolutionnaire et lui confère ainsi la dimension d'un Contre-éducateur. Le rapprochement cependant n'est pas inconcevable à partir du moment où chez tous deux l'écart se marque avec les théories contractualistes et où l'on prend en compte la conception organique que (...)
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    The Social Ontology of Alain Badiou’s Being and Event.Min Seong Kim - 2022 - Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 9 (2):261-277.
    The innovation of Alain Badiou’s theory of change, which has attracted a great amount of attention from scholars working in disciplines across humanities, social sciences, and art over the past two decades, cannot be appreciated independently of the account of situations prior to an event’s irruption, namely, the order of being that is conceived using modern set theory in his treatise on general ontology. Retracing the meticulous systematicity with which pre-evental situations are conceived in Being and Event, (...)
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    Althusser and contingency.Stefano Pippa - 2019 - [Place of publication not identified]: MIMESIS International. Edited by Vittorio Morfino.
    This thesis argues that the concept of contingency plays a central role in Althusser's recasting of Marxist philosophy and in his attempt to free the Marxist conception of history from concepts such as teleology, necessity and origin. It is critically placed both against those readings that see the emergence of the problematic of contingency only in the late Althusserm and to the most recent attempts to establish a straightforward continuity in Althusser's work. Drawing on published and unplublished material and covering (...)
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  15.  16
    Droit et épistémologie: l'Organon du droit.Paul Dubouchet - 2008 - Paris: Harmattan.
    En prenant pour objet le droit, l'épistémologie ne fait pas irruption dans un monde qui lui est totalement étranger dans la mesure où, prétendant fixer le statut de la connaissance, elle n'a cessé de se poser des questions " de droit ...
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    Latin American Environmental Thinking.Enrique Leff - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (4):431-450.
    From the beginning of the environmental crisis, a constellation of ecosophies, theories, ideologies, discourses, and narratives have irrupted in the emergent complex ground of environmental philosophy and political ecology. In this non-unifyable field of forces, sociological analysis has been intended to sketch maps and derive typologies to order the different views and standpoints in science, ecological thinking, and environmental ethics so as to guide academic research or political action. From this will to set and settle differences in thought and strategy, (...)
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  17. Donna J. Haraway’s ecofeminism revisited: Critical new materialist pedagogies for Anthropocenic crisis times.Delphi Carstens & Evelien Geerts - 2024 - Southern African Journal of Environmental Education 40 (1):1-16.
    By bringing feminist science studies scholar Donna J. Haraway’s A manifesto for cyborgs (1985) and Situated knowledges (1988) in line with contemporary critical new materialist thought (see Colman & Van der Tuin, 2024; Dolphijn & Van der Tuin, 2012; Geerts, 2022), this critical pedagogical and philosophical think piece tackles the problematic of Anthropocenic disruptions of the planetary biosphere for critical pedagogies and higher education (also see Carstens, 2016). It additionally encourages its readers to think through their own pedagogical conceptions and (...)
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    Let's start again.Sarah Wood - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (1):4-19.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Let’s Start AgainSarah Wood (bio)Nicholas Royle. After Derrida. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1995.Robert Smith. Derrida and Autobiography. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995.start... v. i. to shoot, dart, move suddenly forth, or out: to spring up or forward: to strain forward: to break away: to make a sudden or involuntary movement as of surprise or becoming aware: to spring open, out of place, or loose: to begin to move: of a car, (...)
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    Deleuze et l'histoire de la philosophie Manola Antonioli Collection «Philosophie-épistémologie» Paris, Éditions Kimé, 1999, 128 p. [REVIEW]Alain Beaulieu - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (2):396-.
    Manola Antonioli se donne pour tâche d'élucider la nature du rapport controversé de Deleuze avec l'histoire de la philosophie. Pour ce faire, elle passe en revue chacune des monographies que Deleuze a consacrées aux philosophes: Hume, Nietzsche, Bergson, Kant, Spinoza et Leibniz. Seul Foucault, qui fait l'objet de la dernière étude d'auteur de Deleuze, manque à l'appel. Lorsqu'il revient sur les figures de la tradition, Deleuze est impétueux et les textes dont il s'occupe font l'objet d'une violence interprétative qui rend (...)
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  20.  25
    Earworms, Daydreams and Cognitive Capitalism.Eldritch Priest - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (1):141-162.
    Although the cognitive neurosciences are currently conducting research to determine the brain networks that are implicated in the production of ‘earworms’, my project seeks to address the technical nature of these abstract parasites that hears their spontaneous irruption in thought as both a product and source of contemporary capitalism’s aim to draw value from involuntary nervous activities. In this respect, I approach the earworm from a deliberately speculative perspective in order to conceptualize its appearance as a technical matter expressive (...)
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    Gothic Matters of De-Composition: The Pastoral Dead in Contemporary American Fiction.John Armstrong - 2016 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 6 (1):127-143.
    In Alice Walker’s vignette “The Flowers,” a young black girl’s walk in the woods is interrupted when she treads “smack” into the skull of a lynched man. As her name predicates, Myop’s age and innocence obstruct her from seeing deeply into the full implications of the scene, while the more worldly reader is jarred and confronted with a whole history of racial violence and slavery. The skeleton, its teeth cracked and broken, is a temporal irruption, a Gothic “smack” that (...)
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  22. 14 Howard H. Kendler.General Sr Theory - 1968 - In T. Dixon & Deryck Horton (eds.), Verbal Behavior and General Behavior Theory. Prentice-Hall.
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  23. Roger J. Sullivan.Classical Moral Theories - 2001 - In William Sweet (ed.), The bases of ethics. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press. pp. 23.
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    Det er i nåtid vi snakker om kommunisering.Théorie Communiste - 2014 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 31 (3-4):245-261.
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    A Theory of Legal Argumentation: The Theory of Rational Discourse as Theory of Legal Justification.Ruth Adler (ed.) - 1989 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Robert Alexy develops his influential theory of legal reasoning exploring the nature of legal argumentation and its relation to practical reasoning. In doing so he sheds light on fundamental questions of law and rationality, which are as crucial to practising lawyers and law students as they are to scholars of legal theory.
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    A Theory of Language and Mind.Ermanno Bencivenga - 1997 - University of California Press.
    In his most recent book, Ermanno Bencivenga offers a stylistically and conceptually exciting investigation of the nature of language, mind, and personhood and the many ways the three connect. Bencivenga, one of the most iconoclastic voices to emerge in contemporary American philosophy, contests the basic assumptions of analytic (and also, to an extent, postmodern) approaches to these topics. His exploration leads through fascinating discussions of education, courage, pain, time and history, selfhood, subjectivity and objectivity, reality, facts, the empirical, power and (...)
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  27. European academy of legal theory.Académie Européenne, Europese Akademie, du Droit de Théorie & Voor Rechstheorie - 1999 - Ratio Juris 12 (1):122-130.
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    Judith Butler and political theory: troubling politics.Samuel Allen Chambers - 2008 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Terrell Carver.
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    Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education.Mark Mason (ed.) - 2008 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    A collection of scholarly essays, __Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education__ provides an accessible theoretical introduction to the topic of complexity theory while considering its broader implications for educational change. Explains the contributions of complexity theory to philosophy of education, curriculum, and educational research Brings together new research by an international team of contributors Debates issues ranging from the culture of curriculum, to the implications of work of key philosophers such as Foucault and John Dewey for (...)
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  30. An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge.Dan O'Brien - 2006 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    _An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge_ guides the reader through the key issues and debates in contemporary epistemology. Lucid, comprehensive and accessible, it is an ideal textbook for students who are new to the subject and for university undergraduates. The book is divided into five parts. Part I discusses the concept of knowledge and distinguishes between different types of knowledge. Part II surveys the sources of knowledge, considering both _a priori_ and _a posteriori_ knowledge. Parts III and IV (...)
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  31. Probability Theory and Causation: A Branching Space-Times Analysis.Thomas Müller - 2005 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 56 (3):487-520.
    We provide a formally rigorous framework for integrating singular causation, as understood by Nuel Belnap's theory of causae causantes, and objective single case probabilities. The central notion is that of a causal probability space whose sample space consists of causal alternatives. Such a probability space is generally not isomorphic to a product space. We give a causally motivated statement of the Markov condition and an analysis of the concept of screening-off. 1. Causal dependencies and probabilities1.1Background: causation in branching space-times1.2What (...)
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  32.  63
    Situation Theory and its Applications Vol.Jon Barwise, Jean Mark Gawron, Gordon Plotkin & Syun Tutiya (eds.) - 1991 - CSLI Publications.
    Preface This volume represents the proceedings of the Second Conference on Situation Theory and its Applications, held at Loch Rannoch, Scotland, ...
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    Interpreting quantum theory: a therapeutic approach.Simon Friederich - 2014 - Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Is it possible to approach quantum theory in a 'therapeutic' vein that sees its foundational problems as arising from mistaken conceptual presuppositions? The book explores the prospects for this project and, in doing so, discusses such fascinating issues as the nature of quantum states, explanation in quantum theory, and 'quantum non-locality'.
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  34. Causal Decision Theory is Safe from Psychopaths.Timothy Luke Williamson - 2019 - Erkenntnis 86 (3):665-685.
    Until recently, many philosophers took Causal Decision Theory to be more successful than its rival, Evidential Decision Theory. Things have changed, however, with a renewed concern that cases involving an extreme form of decision instability are counterexamples to CDT :392–403, 1984; Egan in Philos Rev 116:93–114, 2007). Most prominent among those cases of extreme decision instability is the Psychopath Button, due to Andy Egan; in that case, CDT recommends a seemingly absurd act that almost certainly results in your (...)
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    The theory of the individual in economics: identity and value.John Bryan Davis - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    The concept of the individual and his/her motivations is a bedrock of philosophy. All strands of thought at heart contain to a particular theory of the individual. Economics, though, is guilty of taking this hugely important concept without questioning how we theorize it. This superb book remedies this oversight. The new approach put forward by Davies is to pay more attention to what moral philosophy may offer us in the study of personal identity, self consciousness and will. This crosses (...)
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  36. (1 other version)A Theory of Sentience.Austen Clark - 2000 - Philosophy 77 (299):135-138.
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    Logical Theory Choice.Graham Priest - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Logic 16 (7):283-297.
    There is at present a certain dispute about counterfactuals taking place. What is at issue is whether counterfactuals with necessarily false antecedents are all true. Some hold that such counterfactuals are vacuously true, appearances notwithstanding. Let us call such people vacuists. Others hold that some counterfactuals with necessarily false antecedents are true; some are false: it just depends on their contents. Let us call such people non-vacuists. As a notable representative of the vacuists, I will take Tim Williamson. On the (...)
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  38. What Is Rape? Social Theory and Conceptual Analysis.Hilkje Charlotte Hänel - 2018 - Bielefeld, Deutschland: Transcript.
    What exactly is rape? And how is it embedded in society? -/- Hilkje Charlotte Hänel offers a philosophical exploration of the often misrepresented concept of rape in everyday life, systematically mapping out and elucidating this atrocious phenomenon. Hänel proposes a theory of rape as a social practice facilitated by ubiquitous sexist ideologies. Arguing for a normative cluster model for the concept of rape, this timely intervention improves our understanding of lived experiences of sexual violence and social relations within sexist (...)
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  39.  31
    Feminist Consequences: Theory for the New Century.Elisabeth Bronfen & Misha Kavka (eds.) - 2001 - Columbia University Press.
    Exploring the status of feminism in this "postfeminist" age, this sophisticated meditation on feminist thinking over the past three decades moves away from the all too common dependence on French theorists and male thinkers and instead builds on a wide-ranging body of feminist theory written by women. These writings address the question "Where are we going?" as well as "Where have we come from?" As evidenced in the essays compiled here, the multiplicity of directions available to this new feminism (...)
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    Classification Theory: Proceedings of the U.S.-Israel Workshop on Model Theory in Mathematical Logic Held in Chicago, Dec. 15-19, 1985.J. T. Baldwin & U. Workshop on Model Theory in Mathematical Logic - 1987 - Springer.
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    Co-theory of sorted profinite groups for PAC structures.Daniel Max Hoffmann & Junguk Lee - 2023 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 23 (3).
    We achieve several results. First, we develop a variant of the theory of absolute Galois groups in the context of many sorted structures. Second, we provide a method for coding absolute Galois groups of structures, so they can be interpreted in some monster model with an additional predicate. Third, we prove the “Weak Independence Theorem” for pseudo-algebraically closed (PAC) substructures of an ambient structure with no finite cover property (nfcp) and the property [Formula: see text]. Fourth, we describe Kim-dividing (...)
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  42. Das komische Pathos.Kierkegaards Theorie der Komik - 1999 - Kierkegaardiana 20:111.
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  43. “Toward a Feminist Theory of Content”.Keya Maitra - 2022 - In Keya Maitra & Jennifer McWeeny (eds.), Feminist Philosophy of Mind. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press, Usa. pp. 70-85.
    A feminist theory of content allows us to appreciate the nuanced role that historical and socio-cultural forces play in shaping the content of many of our terms. In this chapter, Maitra first shows how the classic articulation of externalism in literature is ineffective for feminist purposes. She then identifies two important ingredients that a feminist theory of content requires, namely, accounts of how the social and physical world shape content and what is required to transform that content. The (...)
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    Microgenetic Theory of Perception, Memory, and the Mental State: A Brief Review.J. W. Brown - 2017 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 24 (11-12):52-70.
    For over a century and certainly since single-unit recordings in the 1960s the theory of perception that has dominated thinking and research, with implications for the understanding of all other cognitive domains, entails a neocortical process of progressive assembly from V-1 to V-4 leading to object-construction and secondary spatial updating and recognition. In recent years, however, difficulties with the theory have emerged in neurophysiological research though a compelling alternative has not been forcefully argued. It is the purpose of (...)
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    Expanding theory testing in general relativity: LIGO and parametrized theories.Lydia Patton - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 69:142-53.
    The multiple detections of gravitational waves by LIGO (the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory), operated by Caltech and MIT, have been acclaimed as confirming Einstein's prediction, a century ago, that gravitational waves propagating as ripples in spacetime would be detected. Yunes and Pretorius (2009) investigate whether LIGO's template-based searches encode fundamental assumptions, especially the assumption that the background theory of general relativity is an accurate description of the phenomena detected in the search. They construct the parametrized post-Einsteinian (ppE) framework in (...)
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    Crash Theory: Entrapments of Conservation Drones and Endangered Megafauna.Adam Fish - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (2):425-451.
    Drones deployed to monitor endangered species often crash. These crashes teach us that using drones for conservation is a contingent practice ensnaring humans, technologies, and animals. This article advances a crash theory in which pilots, conservation drones, and endangered megafauna are relata, or related actants, that intra-act, cocreating each other and a mutually constituted phenomena. These phenomena are entangled, with either reciprocal dependencies or erosive entrapments. The crashing of conservation drones and endangered species requires an ethics of care, repair, (...)
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  47. Glaubens.Theorie Des Zu Spinozas - 1988 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 4:227.
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  48. Wolfgang Vogt, Moses Mendelssohns Beschreibung der Wirklichkeit menschlichen Erkennens.(Epistemata. Würzburger wissenschaftliche Schriften. Reihe Philosophie 394) Königs-hausen & Neumann 2005. 250 S., E 34, 80. [REVIEW]Theorie Moses Mendelssohns - 1983 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 57 (S 64):166.
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    Computability theory, nonstandard analysis, and their connections.Dag Normann & Sam Sanders - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (4):1422-1465.
    We investigate the connections between computability theory and Nonstandard Analysis. In particular, we investigate the two following topics and show that they are intimately related. A basic property of Cantor space$2^ $ is Heine–Borel compactness: for any open covering of $2^ $, there is a finite subcovering. A natural question is: How hard is it to compute such a finite subcovering? We make this precise by analysing the complexity of so-called fan functionals that given any $G:2^ \to $, output (...)
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    Why Conscience Matters: A Theory of Conscience and Its Relevance to Conscientious Objection in Medicine.Xavier Symons - 2023 - Res Publica 29 (1):1-21.
    Conscience is an idea that has significant currency in liberal democratic societies. Yet contemporary moral philosophical scholarship on conscience is surprisingly sparse. This paper seeks to offer a rigorous philosophical account of the role of conscience in moral life with a view to informing debates about the ethics of conscientious objection in medicine. I argue that conscience is concerned with a commitment to moral integrity and that restrictions on freedom of conscience prevent agents from living a moral life. In section (...)
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