Results for 'judicial'

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    Subject Selection for Clinical Trials.American Medical Association Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs - forthcoming - IRB: Ethics & Human Research.
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    A Physician’s Role Following a Breach of Electronic Health Information.Daniel Kim, Kristin Schleiter, Bette-Jane Crigger, John W. McMahon, Regina M. Benjamin, Sharon P. Douglas & American Medical Association The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs - 2010 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (1):30-35.
    The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs of the American Medical Association examines physicians’ professional ethical responsibility in the event that the security of patients’ electronic records is breached.
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    Multiplex Genetic Testing.American Medical Association The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
  4.  45
    Judicial analytics and the great transformation of American Law.Daniel L. Chen - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 27 (1):15-42.
    Predictive judicial analytics holds the promise of increasing efficiency and fairness of law. Judicial analytics can assess extra-legal factors that influence decisions. Behavioral anomalies in judicial decision-making offer an intuitive understanding of feature relevance, which can then be used for debiasing the law. A conceptual distinction between inter-judge disparities in predictions and inter-judge disparities in prediction accuracy suggests another normatively relevant criterion with regards to fairness. Predictive analytics can also be used in the first step of causal (...)
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    Sentencia judicial, prueba y error.Diego Dei Vecchi - 2023 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 58.
    En este trabajo se explora el rol que la verdad de los enunciados fácticos juega en la aplicación de normas jurídicas y en la justificación de las decisiones judiciales. Se sostiene que la verdad es irrelevante respecto de la aplicación de normas jurídicas, entendida esta última en términos «inferenciales», y que lo es también respecto de la justificación interna de las decisiones que aplican esas normas. Se argumenta luego que la verdad de la premisa fáctica tampoco es condición necesaria de (...)
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    (1 other version)Against judicial supremacy in constitutional interpretation.E. Bello Hutt Donald - 2017 - Revus. Journal for Constitutional Theory and Philosophy of Law / Revija Za Ustavno Teorijo in Filozofijo Prava 31.
    Rejecting judicial supremacy in constitutional interpretation, this paper argues that understanding the interpretation of constitutions to be a solely legal and judicial undertaking excludes citizens from such activity. The paper proffers a two-pronged classification of analyses of constitutional interpretation. Implicit accounts discuss interpretation without reflecting on whether such activity can or should be performed by non-judicial institutions as well. Explicit accounts ask whether interpretation of constitutions is a matter to be dealt with by courts and answer affirmatively. (...)
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    Judicial review without shortcuts: A vindication of the knower from a pragmatist and critical theoretical approach.Gianfranco Casuso - 2020 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (1):54-57.
    In my article, I want to focus on the critique Cristina Lafont makes to expertocracy and epistocracy, mainly through the institution of judicial review, to which she dedicates chapter 7 and part of...
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    Judicial Discretion and the Problem of Dirty Hands.Daniel Tigard - 2016 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 19 (1):177-192.
    H.L.A. Hart’s lost and found essay ‘Discretion’ has provided new insight into the issue of how legal systems can cope with indeterminacy in the law. The so-called ‘open texture’ of law calls for the exercise of judicial discretion, which, I argue, renders judges susceptible to the problem of dirty hands. To show this, I frame the problem as being open to an array of appropriate emotional responses, namely, various senses of guilt. With these responses in mind, I revise an (...)
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  9. Democracy and judicial review: are they really incompatible?Annabelle Lever - 2007 - Public Law:280-298.
    This article shows that judicial review has a democratic justification even though judges may be no better at protecting rights than legislatures. That justification is procedural, not consequentialist: reflecting the ability of judicial review to express and protect citizen’s interests in political participation, political equality, political representation and political accountability. The point of judicial review is to symbolize and give expression to the authority of citizens over their governors, not to reflect the wisdom, trustworthiness or competence of (...)
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    Judicial Review, Administrative Review, and Constitutional Review in the Weimar Republic.Michael Stolleis - 2003 - Ratio Juris 16 (2):266-280.
    Judicial review (richterliches Prüfungsrecht), administrative review (Verwaltungsgerichtbarkeit), and constitutional review (Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit) are three different ways in which the judiciary has sought to control the executive and legislative powers of the state. Historically and functionally they are closely linked. I intend to discuss them in their German context, focussing, in particular, on the Weimar Republic, that is to say, on the period between 1919 and 1932. Although I shall not be addressing the highly interesting parallels with the U.S. Supreme Court, (...)
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    Administrative Judicial Decisions as a Hybrid Argumentative Activity Type.H. José Plug - 2016 - Informal Logic 36 (3):333-348.
    This article focuses on strategic manoeuvring that takes place in Dutch administrative judi- cial decisions. These decisions may be seen as a distinct argumentative activity type. Starting from the char- acteristics that traditionally are per- tinent to this activity type, I will explore how implications of current discussions on the changing task of the administrative judge may be- come manifest in the judge’s strate- gic manoeuvring by means of the presentation of argumentation and the introduction of additional stand- points. The (...)
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    Constitutionalism, Judicial Supremacy, and Judicial Review: Waluchow's Defense of Judicial Review against Waldron.Kenneth Einar Himma - 2009 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (3):75-99.
    Jeremy Waldron is well known for his disdain of U.S. jurisprudential doc- trine that allows courts to invalidate democratically enacted legislation on the ground it violates certain fundamental constitutional (and quasi-moral) rights. He believes that where disagreement on the relevant substantive is- sues is widespread among citizens and officials alike, it is illegitimate for judges to impose their views on the majority by invalidating a piece of enacted law. Even if we assume, plausibly enough, there are objective moral constraints on (...)
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  13.  30
    Judicial Rview in an Objective Legal System.Jason Morgan - 2017 - Libertarian Papers 9.
    In a new book-length treatment, Tara Smith, who has written extensively on the intersections of Objectivist philosophy and law, explains how judicial review, a feature of non-Objectivist jurisprudence, should function in a truly Objectivist legal system. Divided into two halves, Judicial Review in an Objective Legal System first sets forth what Objectivism is and how Objectivists understand law. Of particular importance in this regard, Smith stresses, is the written constitution, which Smith, following the logical premises of Objectivism, calls (...)
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    Judicial Review in an Age of Moral Pluralism.Ronald C. Den Otter - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Americans cannot live with judicial review, but they cannot live without it. There is something characteristically American about turning the most divisive political questions - like freedom of religion, same-sex marriage, affirmative action and abortion - into legal questions with the hope that courts can answer them. In Judicial Review in an Age of Moral Pluralism Ronald C. Den Otter addresses how judicial review can be improved to strike the appropriate balance between legislative and judicial power (...)
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    Judicial review: a practising judge's perspective.S. Breyer - 1999 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 19 (2):153-166.
    In this lecture Justice Breyer examines three classical criticisms of constitutional judicial review. Those criticisms say that a grant to unelected judges of the power to set aside legislation as contrary to a written constitution leads to judicial decision-making that is (a) undemocratic, (b) subjective, and impractical. Justice Breyer describes features of the constitutional decision-making that do not dictate results in individual cases, but none the less hold the judges' 'subjective' will in check. He also describes necessary (...) efforts to focus upon considerations of administrative practicality. The description seeks, not to refute the criticisms in their entirety, but to help evaluate the extent to which those criticisms militate against the adoption of a system of constitutional judicial review. (shrink)
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    Measuring Judicial Independence Reconsidered: Survival Analysis, Matching, and Average Treatment Effects.Kentaro Fukumoto & Mikitaka Masuyama - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (1):33-51.
    This article reconsiders how to judge judicial independence by using the Japanese judicature, one of the allegedly-most dependent judiciary branches. In their influential work, Ramseyer and Rasmusen argue that judges who once belonged to a leftist group take longer to reach a under the long-term conservative rule of Japan. Their method does not, however, deal appropriately with the possibility of judges not reaching this position because the judge dies, retires early, or is still at the early stage of her (...)
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    The Judicial Protection of Religious Symbols in Europe's Public Educational Institutions: Thank God for Canada and South Africa.Florian H. K. Theissen & Hans-Martien ThD ten Napel - 2011 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 8 (1).
    How should judges deal with the manifestation of religious symbols in public educational institutions? In light of the important role of human rights in our legal and political system, courts should grant maximum protection under the freedom of religion or belief. The central thesis of this article is that the European Court of Human Rights fails to live up to this standard. In order to reach this conclusion, the article analyzes relevant case law of the European Court and compares its (...)
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    Judicial review and the protection of constitutional rights.Sadurski Wojciech - 2002 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 22 (2):275-299.
    Does the effective protection of constitutional rights require a system of robust judicial review? This differs from the question of whether judicial review is democratically legitimate, although the two are often merged. The dominant liberal constitutional discourse concerning the requirement of judicial review has arguably suffered from a degree of insensitivity to the actual effects of specific judicial review systems. In contrast to a fact‐insensitive approach, I suggest that the ‘matrix’ of rights‐protection in any specific system (...)
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    Questioning Judicial Deliberations.Jan Komárek - 2009 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 29 (4):805-826.
    Mitchel Lasser's Judicial Deliberations compares the argumentative practices of the French Cour de cassation, the US Supreme Court, and the European Court of Justice (ECJ), and examines how they achieve judicial legitimacy. In this review I firstly question the models of judicial legitimacy presented by Lasser. I believe that the French ‘institutional’ model relies far more on the interplay between the Cour de cassation and the legislature than on the system of selection of those who take part (...)
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    Judicial Greatness and the Duties of a Judge.Omri Ben-Zvi - 2016 - Law and Philosophy 35 (6):615-654.
    This paper addresses the phenomenon of judicial greatness by developing a general concept of greatness and applying it to law. Under the view offered in the paper, greatness is connected to theoretical or methodological diversification. When applied to adjudication, this means that great judges are revered because they successfully make a prima facie case for their novel adjudicative methods. This is not a judicial duty but rather a voluntary project. However, once a judge succeeds in making such a (...)
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    Revisão Judicial Sob o Enfoque Do Originalismo e Do Interpretativismo.Márcio Alves Figueira & Elísio Augusto Velloso Bastos - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 6 (1):115.
    O artigo científico visa esclarecer acerca do judicial review com enfoque no originalismo e no interpretativismo. Neste trabalho pretendemos demonstrar ser o interpretativismo um construto da Suprema Corte dos Estados Unidos oriundo do precedente Brown. Em primeiro lugar, examinaremos os precedentes da Suprema Corte, cujos fundamentos foram obtidos a partir da corrente originalista, até chegarmos ao citado caso Brown e em seguida analisaremos filosoficamente o precedente. Em conclusão, antes se buscava a intenção original do constituinte, no entanto, modernamente, almeja-se (...)
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    Judicial Corporal Punishment.Ole Martin Moen - 2020 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 17 (1).
    Most of us think that states are justified in incarcerating criminals, sometimes for decades. In this paper I suggest that if states are justified in this, they are also justified in inflicting certain forms of corporal punishment. Many forms of corporal punishment are less burdensome than long-term incarceration, and arguably, they are also cheaper, fairer, more deterring, and less destructive of the social and economic networks that convicts often depend on for future reintegration into society. After presenting a pro tanto (...)
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    Applied judicial ethics.Pierre Noreau - 2008 - Montréal: Wilson & Lafleur. Edited by Chantal Roberge.
  24. Is judicial review undemocratic?Annabelle Lever - 2009 - Perspectives on Politics 7 (4):897-915.
    This paper examines Jeremy Waldron’s ‘core case’ against judicial review. Waldron’s arguments, it shows, exaggerate the importance of voting to our judgements about the legitimacy and democratic credentials of a society and its government. Moreover, Waldron is insufficiently sensitive to the ways that judicial review can provide a legitimate avenue of political activity for those seeking to rectify historic injustice. While judicial review is not necessary for democratic government, the paper concludes that Waldron is wrong to believe (...)
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    Judicial responses to civil disobedience: A comparative approach.Sophie Turenne - 2004 - Res Publica 10 (4):379-399.
    In this paper, I compare the extent of Anglo-American judicial engagement in response to civil disobedience with that of the French judiciary. I begin by examining what the civil disobedient can realistically expect to achieve in a court of law. I shall argue that his priority should be to require the judge, acting as a mouthpiece for the law, to respond to his complaints. To do this, the civil disobedient must be able to deny liability for the offence he (...)
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  26. Resolving Judicial Dilemmas.Alexander Sarch & Daniel Wodak - 2018 - Virginia Journal of Criminal Law 6:93-181.
    The legal reasons that bind a judge and the moral reasons that bind all persons can sometimes pull in different directions. There is perhaps no starker example of such judicial dilemmas than in criminal sentencing. Particularly where mandatory minimum sentences are triggered, a judge can be forced to impose sentences that even the judge regards as “immensely cruel, if not barbaric.” Beyond those directly harmed by overly harsh laws, some courts have recognized that “judges who, forced to participate in (...)
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    The judicial dialogue.Richard D. Rieke - 1991 - Argumentation 5 (1):39-55.
    A variety of theoretical positions are emerging to explain the judicial process from such perspectives as hermeneutics, semiotics, critical theory and argumentation/rhetoric. They ask such questions as these: What is the source of judicial authority? How do judges arrive at their decisions? By what logic are decisions to be tested? In this essay I argue that a focus on decisions and their justifications alone masks the broader process in which judges, along with all the other relevant groups, engage (...)
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    Judicial control of government action.John G. Collier & R. W. M. Dias - 1988 - Springer.
  29.  26
    Judicial Recusal, Spouses and Health Care Reforms: Correspondent's Report from the USA.John Steele - 2011 - Legal Ethics 14 (1):138-139.
    The normally staid topics of judicial ethics and the standards for judicial recusal have become the focus of political debates, editorials and letter writing campaigns. Most of the recent focus falls on conservative justices of the US Supreme Court and in particular on their anticipated participation in what is expected to be an important ruling on the constitutionality of the heath care reforms championed by President Obama and the Democratic Party. But the issue is not simply about partisan (...)
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  30. Contra la supremacía judicial en la interpretación de la constitución.Hutt Donald E. Bello - 2017 - Revus. Journal for Constitutional Theory and Philosophy of Law / Revija Za Ustavno Teorijo in Filozofijo Prava.
    Por medio del rechazo a la supremacía judicial en la interpretación constitucional, este artículo argumenta que entender la interpretación de una constitución como un práctica estrictamente legal y judicial, excluye a la ciudadanía de dicha actividad. El artículo ofrece una clasificación de análisis de interpretación constitucional. Primero, las tesis implícitas discuten sobre la interpretación sin reflexionar sobre si dicha actividad puede ser también llevada a cabo por instituciones no judiciales. Segundo, las tesis explícitas cuestionan si la interpretación constitucional (...)
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    Proceduralism, Judicial Review and the Refusal of Royal Assent.Yann Allard-Tremblay - 2013 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33 (2):379-400.
    This article provides an exploration of the relationships between a procedural account of epistemic democracy, illegitimate laws and judicial review. I first explain how there can be illegitimate laws within a procedural account of democracy. I argue that even if democratic legitimacy is conceived procedurally, it does not imply that democracy could legitimately undermine itself or adopt grossly unjust laws. I then turn to the legitimacy of judicial review with regard to these illegitimate laws. I maintain that courts (...)
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    Judicial Discretion in the House of Lords.David Robertson - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    There have been few studies of the Law Lords, and no study of them by a political scientist for more than ten years. This book concentrates on the arguments the Law Lords use in justifying their decisions, and is concerned as much with the legal methodology as with the substance of their decisions. Very close attention is paid to the different approaches and styles of judicial argument, but the book is not restricted to this traditional analytic approach. One chapter (...)
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    Judicial Corrosion: Outlines of a Theory.John Kleinig - 2012 - Criminal Justice Ethics 31 (1):19-30.
    Abstract Even judiciaries that do not have histories of serious or pervasive corruption need to be watchful lest what I refer to as judicial corrosion occurs. Drawing on studies of institutional entropy, I identify some of the external and internal sources of such corrosion and comment briefly on challenges that face its prevention or repair within the judicial realm.
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    Balancing, Judicial Review and Disobedience: Comments on Richard Posner’s Analysis of Anti-Terror Measures (Not a Suicide Pact).Re'em Segev - 2009 - Israel Law Review 43 (2):234-247.
    The general assumption that underlines Richard Posner’s argument in his book Not a Suicide Pact is that decisions concerning rights and security in the context of modern terrorism should be made by balancing competing interests. This assumption is obviously correct if one refers to the most rudimentary sense of balancing, namely, the idea that normative decisions should be made in light of the importance of the relevant values and considerations. However, Posner advocates a more specific conception of balancing, both substantively (...)
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  35. Judicial Democracy.Robert C. Hughes - 2019 - Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 51:19-64.
    Many scholars believe that it is procedurally undemocratic for the judiciary to have an active role in shaping the law. These scholars believe either that such practices as judicial review and creative statutory interpretation are unjustified, or that they are justified only because they improve the law substantively. This Article argues instead that the judiciary can play an important procedurally democratic role in the development of the law. Majority rule by legislatures is not the only defining feature of democracy; (...)
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    Judicial Activism: Bulwark of Freedom or Precarious Security? (2nd edition).Christopher Wolfe - 1997 - Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In this revised and updated edition of a classic text, one of America's leading constitutional theorists presents a brief but well-balanced history of judicial review and summarizes the arguments both for and against judicial activism within the context of American democracy. Christopher Wolfe demonstrates how modern courts have used their power to create new "rights" with fateful political consequences and he challenges popular opinions held by many contemporary legal scholars. This is important reading for anyone interested in the (...)
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    Variaciones sobre el precedente judicial. Una mirada desde el sistema jurídico chileno.Flavia Carbonell Bellolio - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho:9-38.
    El presente trabajo es el resultado de mi participación en el evento de discusión de la revista Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoría del Derecho, que llevó por nombre “La construcción del precedente en el Civil Law: debates, conceptos y desafíos”, en el cual participaron varios colegas con un amplio conocimiento en el tema del precedente judicial; de igual forma, ahonda en los temas de mayor debate dentro de lo referente al precedente judicial, enfocado al caso chileno. Todo (...)
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  38.  42
    Judicial Review, Rights, and Democracy.Horacio Spector - 2003 - Law and Philosophy 22 (3-4):285-334.
  39.  18
    Variations on Judicial Precedent: From the Perspective of the Chilean Legal System.Flavia Carbonell Bellolio - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho.
    This paper is the result of my participation in a discussion event of Problema. Anuario de filosofía y teoría del derecho entitled “The Construction of Precedent in Civil Law: Debates, Concepts and Challenges”. Several colleagues with a vast knowledge on the subject of judicial precedent participated in this seminar, which also delved into the widely debated aspects of judicial precedent focused on the case of Chile. The entire discussion aimed at proposing solutions, as well as shedding some light (...)
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    (1 other version)Why Judicial Formalism is Incompatible with the Rule of Law.Marcin Matczak - 2018 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 31 (1):61-85.
    Judicial formalism is perceived as fully compliant with the requirements of the rule of law. With its reliance on plain meaning and its reluctance to apply historical, purposive and functional interpretative premises, it seems an ideal tool for constraining discretionary judicial powers and securing the predictability of law’s application, which latter is one of the main tenets of the rule of law. In this paper, I argue that judicial formalism is based on a misguided model of language, (...)
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    We are all judicial activists now.Robert Justin Lipkin - unknown
    Judicial activism is in serious, though undeserved, trouble. The current impasse over its role in constitutional discourse pits two opposed positions committed to different paradigms of judicial activism against one another. One side condemns activist judges for engaging in ultra vires adjudication by reading their idiosyncratic values into the Constitution. In this view, the charge of judicial activism has significant content and should be deployed to restrain renegade judges. The other side insists that calling someone a " (...) activist" has only emotive content and is used merely as an empty epithet denouncing judges with whom one disagrees. This Article redirects the controversy over judicial activism by distinguishing between two different, but interrelated, levels of constitutional discourse: the surface level and the deep level. The problem of judicial activism exists on the surface level of constitutional discourse and will remain irresolvable on that level. However, once we attend to the deep level of constitutional discourse, the role of judicial activism becomes clear. The presence of judicial activism on the surface structure of constitutional discourse reveals on the deep structure reasonable disagreement over the meaning of key constitutional provisions. The idea of "reasonable disagreement" is profitably explicated by combining what social theorist W.B. Gallie called "essentially contested concepts" with the political philosopher John Rawls' important categorization of "the burdens of judgment." These obstacles to rational consensus are endemic to a republican democracy. Consequently, reasonable disagreement over key constitutional provisions should not be regarded negatively; it is an inevitable and positive feature of any society championing liberty, equality, and pluralism. However, the inevitability and desirability of reasonable disagreement has institutional consequences for constitutional review. When reasonable disagreement is inevitable, legislatures, not courts should have the last word on constitutional meaning. (shrink)
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    The Rise of Modern Judicial Review: From Judicial Interpretation to Judge-Made Law (2nd edition).Christopher Wolfe - 1994 - Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    'A clear, readable and fair account of the development of judicial review.'-Ashley Montagu.
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    Judicial review.W. J. Waluchow - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (2):258–266.
    Courts are sometimes called upon to review a law or some other official act of government to determine its constitutionality, its reasonableness, rationality, or its compatibility with fundamental principles of justice. In some jurisdictions, this power of judicial review includes the ability to ‘strike down’ or nullify a law duly passed by a legislature body. This article examines this practice and various criticisms of it, including the charge that it is fundamentally undemocratic. The focus is on the powerful critique (...)
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  44. Judicial reminiscences in the theatrical works of Quinault.A. Elthes - 1998 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 76 (3):803-815.
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  45. Judicial Review and Deliberative Democracy: A Circular Model of Law Creation and Legitimation.Mark Van Hoecke - 2001 - Ratio Juris 14 (4):415-423.
    In this paper the author discusses the legitimation of judicial review of legislation. He argues that such a legitimation is not just a moral matter but is to be considered more generally in terms of societal acceptability, since it is based on a wide range of reasons including moral, social and pragmatic concerns. Moreover, the paper stresses that the legitimation of judicial decisions should be properly viewed in a circular perspective, so that the relationship between legislators and judges (...)
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    Modern legal theory and judicial impartiality.Ofer Raban - 2003 - Portland, Or.: GlassHouse Press.
    This new book argues that at the core of legal philosophy’s principal debates there is essentially one issue judicial impartiality. Keeping this issue to the forefront,Raban’s approach sheds much light on many difficult and seemingly perplexing jurisprudential debates. Modern Legal Theory and Judicial Impartiality.
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    Judicial Decisions and Opinions.Kent Greenawalt - 1995 - In Private Consciences and Public Reasons. Oup Usa.
    This chapter focuses on the theory surrounding judicial decision-making. The chapter concedes that if anyone is constrained in the reasons they should employ for decision and argument, it is judges. The restraint on judges is obvious in easy cases, where the existing law calls for straightforward answers; but it has been typically assumed that judges are substantially constrained even when the right result for a case is highly arguable. The chapter presents two challenges to the ideal decision-making theory in (...)
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    Judicial interventions in health policy: Epistemic competence and the courts.Leticia Morales - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (8):760-766.
    The judiciary is a key policy actor that is involved in deciding health rights and policy by intervening in the policy process through a variety of judicial mechanisms, yet the appropriate extent of its involvement remains contentious. Taking the competence objection seriously requires understanding it as an epistemic problem about how courts assess empirical and scientific evidence in order to competently adjudicate controversial health claims. This paper examines recent advances in social epistemology to develop insights for the epistemic competence (...)
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    Judicial Evaluation of Religious Belief and the Accessibility Requirement in Public Reason.David Golemboski - 2016 - Law and Philosophy 35 (5):435-460.
    Many theories of liberal public reason exclude claims derived from religion on grounds that religious beliefs are not publicly ‘accessible’, because they are not amenable to meaningful evaluation by outsiders to the faith. Some authors, though, have argued that at least some religious beliefs are, in fact, publicly accessible. This paper examines the consequences of these arguments by exploring the accessibility requirement in relation to U.S. judicial precedent concerning religious accommodation. I first show that precedent accords de facto with (...)
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    Judicial knowledge-enhanced magnitude-aware reasoning for numerical legal judgment prediction.Sheng Bi, Zhiyao Zhou, Lu Pan & Guilin Qi - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 31 (4):773-806.
    Legal Judgment Prediction (LJP) is an essential component of legal assistant systems, which aims to automatically predict judgment results from a given criminal fact description. As a vital subtask of LJP, researchers have paid little attention to the numerical LJP, i.e., the prediction of imprisonment and penalty. Existing methods ignore numerical information in the criminal facts, making their performances far from satisfactory. For instance, the amount of theft varies, as do the prison terms and penalties. The major challenge is how (...)
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