Results for 'kūniškumas, lyrinis subjektas, Idea Vilariño, Birutė Pūkelevičiūtė, fenomenologija'

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  1.  19
    Baltic Conferences on History of Science: Documenting the History of Science of the Baltic Countries in 1958–2019.Giedrė Miknienė & Birutė Railienė - 2022 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 10 (1):5-25.
    The first attempt to bring together the historians of science from the Baltic States took place in Riga in 1958. Prof. Pauls Stradiņš initiated and organised a joint meeting for historians of science from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania under the supervision of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. A program for future joint activities was developed, and the tradition of joint conferences—the Baltic Conference on History of Science —in each country followed. In 1991, the Baltic Association of the History (...)
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    Fenomenologija kategorije subjekta u arhitektonici Kranjčevićeva poetskoga opusa: u koordinatama geneze književnoteorijske metodologije: uz 110. obljetnicu smrti Silvija Strahimira Kranjčevića.Antun Česko - 2018 - Zagreb: Durieux. Edited by Silvije Strahimir Kranjčević.
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    Intertekstualnost i interdiskurzivnost. Komparativizam između filologije i etičke teorije subjekta.Borislav Mikulić - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (4):975-984.
    U radu se komentiraju neki aspekti filozofske relevancije Bhagavadgîte povodom novog izdanja u hrvatskom prijevodu Gorana Kardaša s kritičkim aparatom i intertekstualnom studijom: s jedne strane, intertekstualnost se, kao imanentnije načelo analize, prikazuje kao legitimni nastavak logike komparativizma u historijama ideja i ujedno kao nužni supstitut komparativne metode; s druge strane, intertekstualnost se kao načelo analize prevodi sa filološke i sadržajno-historijske razine analize u model sinkronijskog poretka različitih diskursâ. Takva zamjena filološke razine konceptualnom i diskurzivnom omogućuje da se na Bhagavadgîti (...)
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  4. The exteriority of ethics in management and its transition into justice: A Levinasian approach to ethics in business.Dag G. Aasland - 2007 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 16 (3):220–226.
    Levinas did not present any new ethical theories; he did not even give any normative recommendations. But his phenomenological investigations help us to understand how the idea of ethics emerges and how we try to cope with it. The purpose of this paper is to suggest some implications from a reading of Levinas on how ethical challenges are handled within a management perspective. The paper claims that management, both in theory and in practice, is necessarily egocentric and thus ethically (...)
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    From Sordid Sexuality to Ruin in T. S. Eliot’s The Waste Land.Syed Zamanat Abbas - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:16-27.
    Eliot’s poem, The Waste Land, in the wake of the Great War or the First World War, which was a time particularly in Western Europe when civilization had fallen to pieces, and it was literally, quite literally in ruin as trenches were dug across the fields of France and Belgium and other countries in Western Europe and as the landscape itself is torn apart, finds only death and self-destruction instead of rebirth or any sense of revivification or any sense of (...)
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    Voices and Selves: Beyond the Modern-Postmodern Divide.Mitchell Aboulafia - 2013 - The Pluralist 8 (1):1-12.
    Arthur O. Lovejoy famously referred to thirteen pragmatisms. If he were called on to enumerate postmodernisms, no doubt he would increase this number tenfold.1 Fortunately I need not follow his lead for the task at hand, namely, to discuss whether the pragmatic tradition can narrow the divide between modernism and postmodernism on the topic of cosmopolitanism. To do so I will focus on specific sets of ideas that have been associated with these terms. So, for example, modernists have been viewed (...)
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    Objective Collapse Induced by a Macroscopic Object.Arnab Acharya, Pratik Jeware & Soumitro Banerjee - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (4):1-11.
    The collapse of the wavefunction is arguably the least understood process in quantum mechanics. A plethora of ideas—macro-micro divide, many worlds and even consciousness—have been put forth to resolve the issue. Contrary to the standard Copenhagen interpretation, objective collapse models modify the Schrödinger equation with nonlinear and stochastic terms in order to explain the collapse of the wavefunction. In this paper we propose a collapse model in which a particle’s wavefunction has a possibility of collapsing when it interacts with macroscopic (...)
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    “A contemporary of Moses reborn in our days”: Oskar Goldberg and kabbalistic metaphysics.К. Ю Бурмистров - 2024 - Philosophy Journal 17 (3):20-35.
    The biography and views of Oscar Goldberg (1885–1952), a Jewish-German philosopher, psychologist and religious thinker, have in recent years attracted increasing attention from specialists in the history of philosophy, religious and cultural studies. The interpre­tation of metaphysical problems, the nature of myth and ritual, and the concepts of the sa­cred and profane that he proposed had a significant influence on a number of thinkers and writers of the first half of the twentieth century. The article discusses one of the most (...)
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    Teoría de las ideas según G.B. Vico.Francesco Acri - forthcoming - Cuadernos Sobre Vico.
    En este discurso, F. Acri, con un estilo claro, didáctico y personal, comenta los textos de Vico en los que se fundamentan sus tres teorías sobre las ideas: una que las presenta como paradigmas o arquetipos, otra como asociaciones de elementos, y otra, la de la Idea única en forma teológica, la más “viquiana” según el autor, por ser la mejor explicada y aplicada. Las tres surgen y se mantienen en paralelo a lo largo de toda la obra del (...)
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    Reading Weber’s sociology of law.Christopher Adair-Toteff - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    ABSTRACT‘Reading Weber’s Sociology of Law’ is a review essay of Hubert Treiber’s Reading Max Weber’s Sociology of Law. It is an exploration and evaluation of Treiber’s splendid analysis of Weber’s legal philosophy. Treiber addresses the question of the dating of Weber’s manuscripts on the sociology of law and he clarifies Weber’s four stages in the development of the law and legal practices. This review essay concludes with a comparison between Treiber’s book and those by Werner Gephart and by Michel Coutu. (...)
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  11.  42
    How I, a Christian, Have Learned from Buddhist Practice, or "The Frog Sat on the Lily Pad . . . Not Waiting".Frances S. Adeney - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):33-36.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 33-36 [Access article in PDF] How I, a Christian, Have Learned from Buddhist Practice, or "The Frog Sat on the Lily Pad... Not Waiting" Frances S. Adeney Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary As a Christian, I have practiced various forms of silent meditation. I remember sitting under the grand piano as a child of three, watching the sun flit through white curtains during our one-hour home (...)
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    The 2005 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies.Frances S. Adeney - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):181-182.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The 2005 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian StudiesFrances S. Adeney, SecretaryThe annual meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies was held in Philadelphia on November 18, 2005. The theme of the program was visual and aural expressions in Christianity and Buddhism and their relationship to religious practice.The focus of the first session was visual images of sacred art. Victoria Scarlett presented the paper "The Iconography of Compassion: Visualizing (...)
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    "Impossible Things before Breakfast": A Commentary on Burman and Richmond.Gwen Adshead - 2001 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 8 (1):33-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 8.1 (2001) 33-37 [Access article in PDF] "Impossible Things before Breakfast":A Commentary on Burman and Richmond Gwen Adshead "Why sometimes, I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." --Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking GlassBoth Burman and Richmond discuss how a feminist critique or take on a body of theory helps to illuminate or confuse further theoretical development. Burman applies such a critique to (...)
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    Efecte de limitã ale ideologiei/ Limitation Effects of Ideology.Stefan Afloroaei - 2006 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 5 (13):78-89.
    Following mainly Ricoeur’s understanding of ideology and assuming as fundamental premise the idea that this phenomenon is rooted in the exact same ground as the metaphysics of everyday life, the author argues that every ideology, at a social level, has two types effects: vulgar effects (in the originary sense of the word) and limit effects defined as those types of effects which exceed any institutional or communitarian reason and whose distinctive mark is the excessive violence in an arbitrary or (...)
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    El carácter justo de los Estados y el desarrollo de las disposiciones naturales humanas según Kant.Martín Arias Albisu - 2023 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 15 (1):243-261.
    Kant considera que las disposiciones específicas de la especie humana sólo pueden desarrollarse plenamente en un Estado con una constitución justa. Tales disposiciones son la técnica, la pragmática y la moral. Mostraremos de qué manera la existencia de un Estado justo fomenta y asegura el desarrollo de esas disposiciones. En Idea para una historia universal en intención cosmopolita (1784), Kant sostiene que una constitución totalmente justa es solamente una idea de la razón práctica a la que debemos aproximarnos (...)
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  16. Ethical Discourse on Epigenetics and Genome Editing: The Risk of (Epi-) genetic Determinism and Scientifically Controversial Basic Assumptions.Karla Alex & Eva C. Winkler - 2021 - In Michael Welker, Eva Winkler & John Witte Jr (eds.), The Impact of Health Care on Character Formation, Ethical Education, and the Communication of Values in Late Modern Pluralistic Societies. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt & Wipf & Stock Publishers. pp. 77-99.
    Excerpt: 1. Introduction This chapter provides insight into the diverse ethical debates on genetics and epigenetics. Much controversy surrounds debates about intervening into the germline genome of human embryos, with catchwords such as genome editing, designer baby, and CRISPR/Cas. The idea that it is possible to design a child according to one’s personal preferences is, however, a quite distorted view of what is actually possible with new gene technologies and gene therapies. These are much more limited than the editing (...)
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  17. Realismo Clásico Y Realismo Cuántico En La Microfísica.Rafael Andrés Alemañ-Berenguer - 2014 - THEMATA - Revista de Filosofía 1 (49):15-32.
    El carácter fundamentalmente probabilista de la medición de las magnitudes cuánticas, alentó la suposición de que tales valores “no existen” antes de la medida. Una reinterpretación de nuestras ideas sobre las magnitudes físicas, considerándolas formalmente representadas por distribuciones de valores en lugar de valores numéricos concretos, ayudaría a disipar toda sombra de irrealidad física.
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  18. (1 other version)About the Infinite Repetition of Histories in Space.Manuel Alfonseca & Francisco José Soler Gil - 2014 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 29 (3):361.
    This paper analyzes two different proposals, one by Ellis and Brundrit, based on classical relativistic cosmology, the other by Garriga and Vilenkin, based on the DH interpretation of quantum mechanics, both concluding that, in an infinite universe, planets and beings must be repeated an infinite number of times. We point to possible shortcomings in these arguments. We conclude that the idea of an infinite repetition of histories in space cannot be considered strictly speaking a consequence of current physics and (...)
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    Grondin, J. Del sentido de las cosas. La idea de la metafísica Ed. Herder. Barcelona. 2018. 226 páginas.Diego Solera Alfonso - 2019 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 36 (2):583-585.
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    The Idea of Salvation in the World's Religions. By J. W. Parker, M.A., B.D. (London: Macmillan & Co.1935. Pp. viii + 259. Price 6s. net.). [REVIEW]Alfred E. Garvie - 1936 - Philosophy 11 (44):498-.
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    European restructuring and changing agricultural policies. Rural self-identity and modes of life in late modernity.Reidar Almås - 1993 - Agriculture and Human Values 10 (4):2-12.
    The main idea of this article is to present various perspectives in order to analyze the recent crisis concerning the agriculture-based rural societies in the developed capitalist communities. In all of these countries there is a production crisis, resulting in too much food. But this is also an ideological crisis, because the consumer thinks that the food is produced at too high a price. And it is a political crisis as well because a major part of the voters think (...)
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    Honorableness or Beneficialness? Cicero on Natural Law, Virtues, Glory, and (Corporate) Reputation.Michael S. Aßländer - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (4):751-767.
    During the last decade corporate reputation as one of the central efforts of corporate citizenship behavior has gained increasing attention in scholarly research, as has the way that reputation can serve as an instrument for business purposes. This poses the question of how such reputation will be achieved. To answer these questions this article examines Cicero’s considerations concerning the interrelation of honorableness and beneficialness made in his work ‘On Duties’. Based on Cicero’s understanding of universal natural law and his (...) that reputation derives solely from honorable behavior and the orientation in the common good, we show that also corporate reputation is achieved only if it is based primarily on ‘honorableness’, and that reputation is lost if financial interests override the intentions of honesty of a company. (shrink)
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    Are we our fictions?: The narrative boundaries of self.Law Alsobrook - 2014 - Technoetic Arts 12 (2):337-346.
    Revisiting Dawkin’s proposal of memes – a piece of thought copied from person to person – raises the question: can narrative, and by extension narratology, be utilized to explore the ‘infecting’, or transferring agent of cultural ideas, identity and the creation of self? Intriguingly, and perhaps even more relevant to the role of emergent models and the shifting divide between engineered and organic constructions, what role does media play in the fabrication of self? This article proposes to examine various attempts (...)
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    In Defense of Plato's Intermediates.William Henry Furness Altman - 2020 - Plato Journal 20:151-166.
    Once we realize that the indivisible and infinitely repeatable One of the arithmetic lesson in Republic7 is generated by διάνοια at Parmenides 143a6-9, it becomes possible to revisit the Divided Line’s Second Part and see that Aristotle’s error was not to claim that Plato placed Intermediates between the Ideas and sensible things but to restrict that class to the mathematical objects Socrates used to explain it. All of the One-Over-Many Forms of Republic10 that Aristotle, following Plato, attacked with the Third (...)
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    A space to resist rape myths? Journalism, patriarchy and sexual violence.Inês Amaral, Alexandre de Sousa Carvalho, Julia Garraio & Sofia Jose Santos - 2022 - European Journal of Women's Studies 29 (2):298-315.
    In September 2018, a controversial judicial sentence concerning sexual violence caused a public outcry in Portugal. The court decision invoked the alleged environment of mutual seduction, the use of much alcohol consumption, and the lack of serious injuries to justify the suspended penalty. Stemming from the idea that understandings of what journalism is and what it should be are profoundly ideological and that notions of what it means to be and to behave like a woman and as a man (...)
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  26. Prototypical Reasoning About Species and the Species Problem.Yuichi Amitani - 2015 - Biological Theory 10 (4):289-300.
    The species problem is often described as the abundance of conflicting definitions of _species_, such as the biological species concept and phylogenetic species concepts. But biologists understand the notion of species in a non-definitional as well as a definitional way. In this article I argue that when they understand _species_ without a definition in their mind, their understanding is often mediated by the notion of _good species_, or prototypical species, as the idea of ``prototype'' is explicated in cognitive psychology. (...)
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    Some Implications of Arguing that Deliberation is Purely Rational.Emmanuel Ifeanyi Ani - 2020 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 37 (3):303-321.
    In his proposal for a democracy by consensus, Wiredu argued that deliberation is an activity that depends solely on the logical persuasiveness of ideas. Emmanuel Chukwudi Eze and I had objected to this view of deliberation. Bernard Matolino has responded separately to Eze and me by sticking to Wiredu’s position that deliberation is a purely rational activity. In this article, I support my earlier claim that persuasion (and hence deliberation) is not an entirely logical activity, and our concern as human (...)
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  28. Learning as a Child in Gopnik’s The Philosophical Baby.Christopher Joseph An - 2017 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 21 (3):82-96.
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    The Vestibular in Film.Luis Rocha Antunes - 2012 - Essays in Philosophy 13 (2):522-549.
    For decades, the audiovisual nature of the film medium has limited film scholarship to the strict consideration of sound and sight as the senses at play. Aware of the limitations of this sense-to-sense correspondence, Laura U. Marks has been the first to consistently give expression to a new and emergent line of enquiry that seeks to understand the multisensory nature of film.Adding to the emergent awareness of the cinema of the senses, neuroscience, specifically multisensory studies, has identified autonomous sensory systems (...)
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    Analytic Philosophy.Евгений Борисов - 2021 - Philosophical Anthropology 7 (1):143-167.
    The paper provides an overview of the most fundamental ideas representing analytic philosophy throughout its history from the beginning of 20th century up to now. The history of analytic philosophy is divided into two stages – the early and the contemporary ones. The main distinguishing features of early analytic philosophy are using mathematical logic as a tool of stating and solving philosophical problems, and critical attitude toward ‘metaphysics’, i.e., traditional and contemporary non-analytic philosophical theories. The genesis of analytic philosophy was (...)
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    La tremenda confusión de ideas en el mundo actual.Francisco Arasa & Fundaciâon Letamendi-Forns (eds.) - 1993 - Barcelona: Fundacion Letamendi-Forns.
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    On the difficulty of discovering mathematical proofs.Andrew Arana & Will Stafford - 2023 - Synthese 202 (2):1-29.
    An account of mathematical understanding should account for the differences between theorems whose proofs are “easy” to discover, and those whose proofs are difficult to discover. Though Hilbert seems to have created proof theory with the idea that it would address this kind of “discovermental complexity”, much more attention has been paid to the lengths of proofs, a measure of the difficulty of _verifying_ of a _given_ formal object that it is a proof of a given formula in a (...)
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    On the idea of obligation to future generations.Nirmalya N. Arayan Chakraborty - 2010 - In Shashi Motilal (ed.), Applied ethics and human rights: conceptual analysis and contextual applications. New York: Anthem Press.
  34. La doctrina del amor en Ibn Al-cArabî: Comentario del nombre divino Al-Wadd.Pablo Beneito Arias - 2001 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 18:61-77.
    Partiendo, de un lado, de la idea de que la especulación es, para el gnóstico, el espejo en el que se reflejan los misterios divinos, cuyo eco percibe a su vez la razón discursiva (que, por lo mismo, no puede quererse fuente ni de su método ni de su lenguaje), y partiendo, de otro, de la exploración intralingüística o gramatosófica emprendida (a partir de tales premisas) por el gnóstico andalusí Ibn al-'ArabÌ, ofrecemos al lector una traducción comentada de una (...)
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    Modernity and what has been lost: considerations on the legacy of Leo Strauss.Pawel Armada & Arkadiusz Górnisiewicz (eds.) - 2011 - South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press.
    Modernity and What Has Been Lost comes out of a conference held at the Jagiellonian University in Krakw̤, Poland, on June 4-5, 2009 that sought to identify Leo Strauss's intellectual background in re: the repudiation of a modern idea of homogenous, universal state (considered as an illegitimate synthesis of Jerusalem and Athens, i.e., the claims of Reason and Revelation). The world we live in, molded by science and historical relativism, may be described as hostile to human dignity or perfection, (...)
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    Deleuze's Idea of Cinema.Stephen Arnott - 2001 - Film-Philosophy 5 (2).
    _Deleuze and Guattari: New Mappings in Politics, Philosophy and Culture_ Edited by Eleanor Kaufman and Kevin Jon Heller Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1998 ISBN 0-8166-30283 320 pp.
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    El proyecto fichteano de un derecho penal independiente de la ética.Héctor Arrese - 2011 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 23 (1):7-24.
    "The Fitchean Project of a Penal Right Independent from Ethics". in this paper I intend to examine the Fitchean Project of building a theory of right independent from ethics, especially in the sphere of penal right. I consider that the ideas of atonement for pure and applied right are different. This difference responds to the psychological and moral presuppositions of each and puts the internal consistency of the theory into checkmate.
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    Positive Egalitarianism Reconsidered.Gustaf Arrhenius & Julia Mosquera - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (1):19-38.
    According topositive egalitarianism, not only do relations of inequality have negative value, as negative egalitarians claim, but relations of equality also have positive value. The egalitarian value of a population is a function of both pairwise relations of inequality (negative) and pairwise relations of equality (positive). Positive andnegative egalitarianismdiverge, especially in different-number cases. Hence, an investigation of positive egalitarianism might shed new light on the vexed topic of population ethics and our duties to future generations. We shall here, in light (...)
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  39. Emerson's Speculative Pragmatism.Ridvan Askin - 2019 - In David Rudrum, Ridvan Askin & Frida Beckman (eds.), New Directions in Philosophy and Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 234-252.
    With its poetic and highly paratactic style and its reliance on the essay form Emerson’s program, I believe, is best captured with the expression ‘speculative pragmatism’. I will attempt to give this expression some consistency. The trajectory I have chosen for this task is as follows: I will begin with considerations concerning the fundamental relation between metaphysics and aesthetics for Emerson, then move on to the more specific relation between aesthetics and the work of art with literature as its prime (...)
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    The Logic of Plurality. [REVIEW]B. W. A. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (3):549-549.
    Among the quantificational notions neglected by classical logic are "many," "few," and "nearly all." Despite the apparent vagueness associated with these terms in ordinary discourse, in specific contexts we can and do draw strict inferences from statements in which they occur. In this pioneering work, Altham has attempted to uncover something of the formal logic that justifies such inferences. He begins by showing the mutual interdefinability of the three terms. If negation and any one of them are taken as primitive, (...)
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    From mutualism to moral transcendence.Scott Atran - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1):81-82.
    Baumard et al. attribute morality to a naturally selected propensity to share costs and benefits of cooperation fairly. But how does mundane mutualism relate to transcendent notions of morality critical to creating cultures and civilizations? Humans often make their greatest exertions for an idea they form of their group. Primary social identity is bounded by sacred values, which drive individuals to promote their group through non-rational commitment to actions independently of likely risks and rewards.
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    The Phenomenological Circle and the Unity of Life and Thought.George E. Atwood & Robert D. Stolorow - 2016 - Psychoanalytic Review 103 (3):291-316.
    This paper describes the important role of our deep immersions in philosophy in the development of our phenomenological-contextualist approach to psychoanalysis. Influenced most particularly by the phenomenological movement, our collaborative dialogue over more than four decades has led us to a shared commitment to reflection upon the philosophical underpinnings and constitutive contexts of origin of all our theoretical ideas. The growth of our thinking follows an endlessly recurring phenomenological circle joining theoretical perspectives with the inquirers from whose emotional worlds they (...)
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    New Approach for Writer Verification Based on Segments of Handwritten Graphemes.Verónica Aubin, Marco Mora & Matilde Santos - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (6):965-978.
    Traditional literature considers complex biometric sources such as words, letters and signatures for writer verification/identification. In this work the use of small segments of the handwritten stroke for writer verification is proposed. A grapheme is defined as the concatenation of smaller segments or fragments. Two models of grapheme are developed based on the idea that the segments are parts of a circle with or without direction. The average of Gray Level of the Perpendicular Line to the Skeleton and Local (...)
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    Meaning and Mind: An Examination of a Gricean Account of Language.Anita Avramides - 1989 - Bradford Books.
    The Gricean account of language is at the center of much current work in the philosophy of language and the philosophy of mind. Anita Avramides maintains that Grice's paradigm can be used to defend very different conceptions of mind and of meaning. In this clearly argued book she describes Grice's analysis of meaning and proposes two interpretations of it, one reductive and one nonreductive. Much current work in cognitive science assumes that the content of words and thoughts can be explained (...)
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    Bioethics regulations in Turkey.E. Aydin - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (5):404-407.
    Although modern technical and scientific developments in medicine are followed closely in Turkey, it cannot be claimed that the same is true in the field of bioethics. Yet, more and more attention is now being paid to bioethics and ethics training in health sciences. In addition, there are also legal regulations in bioethics, some of which are not so new. The objective of these regulations is to provide technical and administrative control. Ethical concerns are rather few. What attracts our attention (...)
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    A Philosophers' Manifesto: Volume 91: Ideas and Arguments to Change the World.Julian Baggini (ed.) - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    In A Philosophers' Manifesto a diverse range of leading philosophers from around the world present the philosophical case for a new policy or law they think will make an improvement in the world. The proposals range across questions of punishment, state ownership, education, freedom, democratic and economic inclusion. They draw in perspectives from Europe, the Americas, East Asia, Africa and India. This collection presents robust arguments for some radical new approaches to social and political issues, showing exactly how philosophy can (...)
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    Animadversions: Tekhne After Capital / Life After Work.Jennifer Bajorek - 2003 - Diacritics 33 (1):42-59.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Animadversions:Tekhne After Capital/Life After WorkJennifer Bajorek (bio)The consumption of food by a beast of burden does not become any less a necessary moment of the production process because the beast enjoys what it eats.—Karl Marx, Capital1For a long time we have been used to thinking the relation, on the one hand, between language and tekhne and, on the other, between capital and the technical or technological. And yet, for (...)
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  48.  25
    Augustinus en het moderne denken.R. Bakker - 1974 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 36 (3):442 - 465.
    In this article we have tried to draw some connections between the philosophy of St Augustine and the phenomenology of Husserl and Heidegger. The occasion for our choosing this subject was the fact that on the next 13th November 1620 years have elapsed since Augustine's day of birth. The way Augustine approached the basic questions of human existence is closely related to contemporary phenomenological thought. This we will illustrate with the help of some notions as „memory” and „time”. Modern thought (...)
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    Australian realism: the systematic philosophy of John Anderson.A. J. Baker - 1986 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book outlines the realist and pluralist philosophy of John Anderson, Australia's most original thinker. His teaching at Sydney University and his arti6es have deeply influenced Australian intellectual life. Several main themes run through his work, but Anderson never gave an overall account of his views. This is remedied here: exhibiting the range of Anderson's thought from logic, epistemology and theory of mind, to language and social theory, this volume sketches realism as a systematic philosophical position, while showing something of (...)
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    La heteronimia: una ontología poética sin metafísica.Judith Balso & T. Carlos Vásquez - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 45:149-166.
    Judith Balso desarrolla en este artículo una visión orgánica de la heteronimia de Fernando Pessoa. En ella aspira a mostrar cómo la poesía afronta con sus propios recursos los desafíos y preguntas propios de la ontología. De ese modo Pessoa se coloca más allá de la tradicional separación entre filosofía y poesía propia de la metafísica occidental. Leer a Pessoa significa encarnar en la escritura las preguntas esenciales de lo humano: la cuestión de la existencia, la pregunta por el ser (...)
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