Results for 'laconism'

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  1.  44
    (A laconic exposition of) a method by which the internal compositional features of qualitative experience can be made evident to subjective awareness.Mark Pestana - 2005 - Philosophical Psychology 18 (6):767-783.
    In this paper I explicate a technique which can be used to make subtle relational features of experience more evident to awareness. Results of this method could be employed to diffuse one intuition that drives the common critique of functionalist-information theoretic accounts of mind that "qualia" cannot be exhaustively characterized in information theoretic-functional terms. An intuition that commonly grounds this critique is that the qualitative aspects of experience do not entirely appear in consciousness as informational-functional structures. The first section of (...)
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  2. A Laconic Narrative of the Life & Death of James Wilson, Known by the Name of Daft Jamie in Which Are Interspersed General Anecdotes Relative to Him and His Old Friend Boby Awl, an Idiot Who Strolled About Edinburgh for Many Years. A. - 1881 - Reprinted by A. & G. Brown.
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    Lacon.Kasper Siemek - 2021 - Warszawa: Narodowe Centrum Kultury. Edited by Józef Macjon, Paweł Sydor & Kasper Siemek.
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    Lacon’s Silence in Theocritus’ „ID. 5“.Judit Domány - 2009 - Hermes 137 (3):382-385.
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    Socrates’s Laconic Wisdom.Brian Marrin - 2023 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (2):183-206.
    Plato’s Protagoras is famous for Protagoras’s defense of the public practice of sophistry and his great myth, which contains his account of the origins of political life, as well as for Hippias’s rejection of the tyranny of nomos in the name of the natural kinship of the wise. What is perplexing is that Socrates makes no explicit response to these arguments. This essay argues that Socrates’s indirect response is actually contained in his otherwise unmotivated interpretation of the poem of Simonides, (...)
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  6. L'Epicureo Demetrio Lacone.V. de Falco - 1890 - In Alfred Körte, Vincenzo De Falco & Metrodorus, Epicureanism: two collections of fragments and studies. New York: Garland.
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  7. rec.: MC Santoro, Demetrio Lacone. La forma del Dio (Napoli 2000).M. Bonazzi - 2004 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 59:646-648.
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    L'epicureo Demetrio Lacone. [REVIEW]A. D. Nock - 1924 - The Classical Review 38 (3-4):89-90.
  9.  17
    Han Solo.Kevin S. Decker - 2023 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker, Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 132–142.
    Han Solo‐orphan, laconically cool Corellian smuggler, Rebel general, and martyr for the Resistance, is one of the most‐loved characters in the Star Wars universe. His emotional and moral development throughout the original trilogy into a trusted friend, Leia's lover, and a warrior for Rebel values is inspiring. In the sequel trilogy, he's returned to smuggling and reluctantly re‐assumes the mantle of father to Ben Solo, an alienated and ultimately patricidal son, but even death fails to stop him from offering fatherly (...)
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    Poetic Taint.Richard Kuhns - 1983 - The Monist 66 (2):189-201.
    Wittgenstein’s laconic observation about self and history elicits thought about the interventions of history into our private consciousness. Although “the world” may end with the end of my consciousness, I could hardly claim that my consciousness exhausts the world, or that there are no presences, realities, objects, and events that do not come into my consciousness from elsewhere, creating for me a distinct ever-present awareness of mine and other, inner and outer, recollection and recognition. A plaintive refrain, similar to that (...)
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  11. Cosmic Pessimism.Eugene Thacker - 2012 - Continent 2 (2):66-75.
    continent. 2.2 (2012): 66–75 ~*~ We’re Doomed. Pessimism is the night-side of thought, a melodrama of the futility of the brain, a poetry written in the graveyard of philosophy. Pessimism is a lyrical failure of philosophical thinking, each attempt at clear and coherent thought, sullen and submerged in the hidden joy of its own futility. The closest pessimism comes to philosophical argument is the droll and laconic “We’ll never make it,” or simply: “We’re doomed.” Every effort doomed to failure, every (...)
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    Letters of Bertrand Russell and Wincenty Lutosławski on Immortality, Matter and Plato.Tomasz Mróz - 2020 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 40:27-42.
    Wincenty Lutosławski (1863–1954) was internationally recognized in the academic world as a prominent Plato scholar. His fragmentary correspondence with Bertrand Russell is presented in this paper. Before World War II he initiated an exchange of letters with Russell on issues such as reincarnation, but the replies he received were laconic and discouraging. This changed, however, after the war when Russell published his History of Western Philosophy. Despite their different philosophical positions, Lutosławski’s opinion on this work as a whole was favourable, (...)
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    Storia delle antiche teologie atomiste.Enrico Piergiacomi - 2017 - Roma: Sapienza Università Editrice.
    Il presente studio indaga lo sviluppo della dottrina teologica degli Atomisti antichi, secondo cui gli dèi esistono, ma non si occupano in tutto o in parte di noi umani. Ritenuta per lungo tempo espressione di ateismo, essa è presentata qui come una teoria filosofica solida ed eticamente rilevante, perché offre una concezione positiva della natura divina. Il volume compie un’indagine sistematica dei testi teologici degli Atomisti, partendo dai frammenti di Democrito e di Epicuro, fino agli scritti degli Epicurei di età (...)
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  14. Remembering Lewis E. Hahn.George Sun, John Howie, Thomas Alexander, Kenneth Stikkers & Randall Auxier - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):1-15.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Remembering Lewis E. HahnGeorge C. H. Sun, President, John Howie, Professor Emeritus, Thomas Alexander, Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Kenneth W. Stikkers, Professor and Chair, Randall Auxier, Professor, Robert Hahn, Professor, Joseph Wu, Professor Emeritus, Elizabeth R. Eames, Professor Emeritus, Martin Lu, Professor of Philosophy, George Kimball Plochmann, Professor Emeritus, Matt Sronkoski, Philosophy Graduate and Academic Adviser, Dave Clarke, Professor Emeritus, Eugenie Gatens-Robinson, Professor Emerita, Hans H. Rudnick, (...)
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    Error and the Will.J. L. Evans - 1963 - Philosophy 38 (144):136 - 148.
    Throughout the history of philosophy there has been a sustained interest in the concepts of knowledge, truth and meaning; interest in the concepts of error, falsity and nonsense, on the other hand, has been intermittent and spasmodic. Error, for example, has suffered at the expense of knowledge to such an extent that sometimes its very existence has been denied, or it has been explained away as being merely the absence of or privation of knowledge; many theories of truth are so (...)
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    Xunzi Among the Chinese Neo-Confucians.Justin Tiwald - 2016 - In Eric L. Hutton, Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Xunzi. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 435-473.
    This chapter explains how Xunzi's text and views helped shape the thought of the Neo-Confucian philosophers, noting and explicating some areas of influence long overlooked in modern scholarship. It begins with a general overview of Xunzi’s changing position in the tradition (“Xunzi’s Status in Neo-Confucian Thought”), in which I discuss Xunzi’s status in three general periods of Neo-Confucian era: the early period, in which Neo-Confucian views of Xunzi were varied and somewhat ambiguous, the “mature” period, in which a broad consensus (...)
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  17. Lakonik und Suada in der Prosa Thomas Bernhards.Andreas Dorschel - 2007/08 - Thomas Bernhard Jahrbuch:215-233.
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    Philology and cuisine in De re coquinaria.John Edwards - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (2):255-263.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 122.2 (2001) 255-263 [Access article in PDF] Philology And Cuisine In De Re Coquinaria John Edwards The text of Apicius' De Re Coquinaria contains many disputed readings. Through bisociation, the use of one discipline to illuminate another, some of them can be resolved. To put it simply, the translation should fit the plate. Just as Homer, the poet of the Achaians, wrote a description of (...)
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    Qualitative and Quantitative Parameters of the Execution of Foreign Policy in the Lithuanian Constitution.Egidijus Jarašiūnas - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (3):923-953.
    The present article analyses the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the execution of foreign policy in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania. It should be noted that the matters of foreign policy were on the brink of constitutional regulation for a long time. The powers of institutions of the state in the field of foreign relations were established laconically by the Constitutions of first and second “waves” of establishment of constitutionalism. It was argued that the choices of decisions and (...)
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    Michael Panaretos in context. A historiographical study of the chronicle On the emperors of Trebizond.Scott Kennedy - 2019 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 112 (3):899-934.
    It has often been said it would be impossible to write the history of the empire of Trebizond (1204-1461) without the terse and often frustratingly laconic chronicle of the Grand Komnenoi by the protonotarios of Alexios III (1349-1390), Michael Panaretos. While recent scholarship has infinitely enhanced our knowledge of the world in which Panaretos lived, it has been approximately seventy years since a scholar dedicated a historiographical study to the text. This study examines the world that Panaretos wanted posterity to (...)
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    Paradoxes of Human Cognition.Robert Djidjian - 2016 - Imastut'yun 7 (2):49-58.
    This paper presents the main paradoxes of the theory of human cognition, namely the paradoxes of epistemology and methodology. Each of paradoxes is given its laconic solution using a more strict definition of relevant concepts. Suggested solutions could be helpful in developing further the complete teaching of human cognition.
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    Is Shape Real? Controversies Over the Nature and Reality of Shape in the Works of Vasubandhu and His Commentators.Szilvia Szanyi - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (4):767-789.
    The classification of sense objects, especially visible objects, is a controversial issue in Abhidharma philosophy, with a significant part of the debate revolving around the nature and reality of shape ( saṃsthāna ). The purpose of this article is to expose the dynamics of the Abhidharmic debates over shape and unpack the laconic arguments we find in various works attributed to Vasubandhu and his commentators Yaśomitra and Sthiramati. Studying these arguments is essential not only to gain a better understanding of (...)
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  23.  93
    Rationes ex machina. La micrologie à l’âge de l’industrie de l’argument.Leone Gazziero - 2008 - Paris: Vrin.
    Do Ideas exist and can we prove it ? Do proofs of their existence have all the same value or not ? Aristotle addresses these issues in two famous documents of the controversy that pitted supporters of the theory of Forms against its opponents within Plato’s Academy : his lost work, quoted by Alexander of Aphrodisias by the title of Peri Ideon, and the lengthy thrust against Ideas that can be read, with some minor variations, in books A, chapter 9, (...)
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  24.  20
    Review Essay: Aquinas, Modern Theology, and the Trinity.O. S. B. Guy Mansini - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1415-1420.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Review Essay:Aquinas, Modern Theology, and the TrinityGuy Mansini O.S.B.As one would expect from his Incarnate Lord, Thomas Joseph White's Trinity is no exercise in historical theology, although of course it calls on history, but aims to give us St. Thomas's theology as an enduring and so contemporary theology that both respects the creedal commitments of the Catholic Church and offers a more satisfying understanding of the Trinity than anything (...)
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    Remembering Lewis E. Hahn.Sharon Crowell, George C. H. Sun, John Howie, Thomas M. Alexander, Kenneth W. Stikkers, Randall E. Auxier, Robert Hahn, Sen Wu, Elizabeth Ramsden Eames, Martin Lu, George Kimball Plochmann, Matt Sronkoski, D. S. Clarke, Eugenie Gatens-Robinson, Hans H. Rudnick, Stephen Bickham & Don Mikula - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (1):1-15.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Remembering Lewis E. HahnGeorge C. H. Sun, President, John Howie, Professor Emeritus, Thomas Alexander, Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Kenneth W. Stikkers, Professor and Chair, Randall Auxier, Professor, Robert Hahn, Professor, Joseph Wu, Professor Emeritus, Elizabeth R. Eames, Professor Emeritus, Martin Lu, Professor of Philosophy, George Kimball Plochmann, Professor Emeritus, Matt Sronkoski, Philosophy Graduate and Academic Adviser, Dave Clarke, Professor Emeritus, Eugenie Gatens-Robinson, Professor Emerita, Hans H. Rudnick, (...)
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    Redundancies in traffic signs: an exploratory study.Michał Dudek - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (247):283-317.
    Against the background of studies on redundancy in law that completely omit the visual element in law and of studies on traffic signs that are laconic about their redundancies, the present study proposes more focused investigation into the redundancies of traffic signs. After presentation of the broader context of existing studies on traffic signs and on redundancy in law, and following a discussion of the direct inspiration for embarking upon research into this topic, the article moves to present and discuss (...)
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    Why Maturana?Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (1):22-24.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Why Maturana?Hans Ulrich GumbrechtWhy would a German scholar specializing in pedagogical thought travel thousands of miles to Santiago de Chile for an interview with a aging scientist who, it seems, has created for himself a solid reputation in the field of "biology of vision" without being hailed by his peers as a path-breaking innovator? In the German intellectual context, the answer to this question could be as laconic as (...)
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  28.  18
    L’absence de préconception du temps chez Épicure.Marianne Gœury - 2012 - Philosophie Antique 12:89-114.
    Le passage de la Lettre à Hérodote consacré au temps (Hrdt. 72-73) est particulièrement obscur. Épicure y affirme explicitement que le mot temps ne renvoie à aucune préconception (prolepse), en tout cas pas au sens habituel qu’a ce terme pour lui, puisqu’il n’existe aucun contenu commun à toutes nos expériences du temps ; et cependant le mot temps n’est pas vide. Cet article vise à résoudre ce paradoxe. Il éclaircit la nature de la perception du temps épicurien et tente de (...)
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  29.  16
    Les athéismes de Bion de Borysthène.Suzanne Husson - 2018 - Philosophie Antique 18:193-215.
    Bion de Borysthène, qui a fréquenté l’école académicienne (Xénocrate), cynique (Cratès) et cyrénaïque (Théodore), ne faisait pas partie des listes traditionnelles d’athées en circulation dans l’Antiquité, mais on lui attribue pourtant la formule athée d’après laquelle « il n’y a pas de dieux » (Diogène Laërce, IV, 55). L’examen des témoignages montre qu’il pouvait être qualifié d’athée à deux niveaux. Tout d’abord, aussi bien au niveau théorique que pratique, il adoptait une attitude très critique à l’égard des pratiques religieuses et (...)
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    Maigret's method.M. W. Jackson - 1990 - Journal of Value Inquiry 24 (3):169-183.
    The task of the historian is not one of tracing a series of links in a temporal chain; rather, it is his task to analyze a complex pattern of change into the factors which served to make it precisely what it was. The relationship which I therefore take to be fundamental to historiography is ... a relationship of part to whole, not a relationship of antecedent to consequent.Mandelbaum's historian relates the part to the whole, leaving it for the sociologist to (...)
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    Erzählungen von Leben und Tod: Das Markusevangelium im narratologischen Vergleich mit Plutarchs Biographie Catos des Jüngeren.Felix John - 2019 - Millennium 16 (1):25-46.
    While a narratological reading of the Gospels is relatively well accepted, their characterisation as parts of the genre of ancient biography was much antagonised in former times. Although things have changed thanks to seminal monographs on the problem from the second half of the 20th century and to continuing work, some questions remain open. Therefore, a narratological comparison of Gospels with concrete representatives of the ancient bios could possibly help to clarify the relations between both. In what follows, the oldest (...)
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    History of Aesthetics, Vol. I. Ancient Aesthetics, and: History of Aesthetics, Vol. II. Medieval Aesthetics (review).Allan Shields - 1973 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (1):110-111.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:110 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY History of Aesthetics, Vol. I. Ancient Aesthetics. By Wladyslaw Tatarkiewicz. Ed. J. Harrell. Trans. Adam and Ann Czerniawski. (The Hague-Paris: Mouton and Warszawa: PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers, 1970. Pp. vii-352.) History of Aesthetics, Vol. II. Medieval Aesthetics. By WladySlaw Tatarkiewicz. Ed. C. Barrett. Trans. R. M. Montgomery. (The Hague-Paris: Mouton and Warszawa: PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers, 1970. Pp. vii-315.) These two volumes of Tatarkiewicz' monumental history of (...)
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    The composition of Julian of Norwich's Revelation of Love.Nicholas Watson - 1993 - Speculum 68 (3):637-683.
    Julian of Norwich's Revelation of Love is an exploratory account of supernatural events she experienced in May 1373, when she was thirty years old. Lying ill in bed, apparently near death, she suddenly began to see, reflected in a crucifix being held before her face, a series of details from Christ's Passion: his blood, flowing down from under the crown of thorns ; his body, buffeted by unseen agencies ; the drying of his facial skin as he hung on the (...)
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    Immanuel Kant und Andrea Bina: Ein Autor, missverstanden und übersehen.Paolo Grillenzoni - 2024 - Kant Studien 115 (2):111-142.
    In his third essay on earthquakes, Kant refers to “Pater Bina’s” electric interpretation of seismic phenomena. Although not a distinguished scholar, and maybe for that reason frequently confused with a certain “Father Isidore Binet”, Bina was nevertheless a noteworthy author. A Cassinese benedictine, Andrea Bina was a philosopher interested in sciences just like Kant; he studied Newton, translated Wolff, invented a seismoscope and was appreciated by his contemporaries at home and beyond the Alps. Kant’s laconic quotation, followed by a value (...)
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    Atheism is Nothing but an Expression of Buddha-Nature.Gereon Kopf - 2021 - Sophia 60 (3):607-622.
    The theism-atheism debate is foreign to many Mahāyāna Buddhist thinkers such as the Japanese Zen Master Dōgen. Nevertheless, his philosophy of ‘expression’ is able to shine a new light on the various incarnations of this debate throughout history. This paper will explore a/theism from Dōgen’s philosophical standpoint. Dōgen introduces the notion of ‘expression’ to describe the concomitant vertical and horizontal relationships of the religious project, namely the relationship between the individual and the divine as well as the relationship among a (...)
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  36. God and Matter in Locke: An Exposition of Essay 4.10.Jonathan Bennett - 2005 - In Mercer & O'Neill, Early Modern Philosophy: Mind Matter Metaphysics. Oxford University Press.
    Although we never made time to talk it out thoroughly, Margaret Wilson and I shared an interest in, and enthusiasm for, the tenth chapter in Locke’s Essay IV, entitled ‘Of Our Knowledge of the Existence of a GOD.’ In the present paper, written in sad tribute to her work and her person, I shall expound that deep, subtle, intricate, flawed chapter. While I shall evaluate its arguments as I go, I chiefly aim just to make clear what happens in those (...)
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    Mise en Esprit: One-Character Films and the Evocation of Sensory Imagination.Julian Hanich - 2020 - Paragraph 43 (3):249-264.
    This article starts out by introducing the category of the ‘one-character film’ — that is, narrative feature films that rely on a single onscreen character. One-character films can range from extremely laconic movies entirely focused on the action in the narrative here-and-now via highly talkative films that revolve around soliloquies of self-reflection, questioning of identity and a problematizing of the narrative past to strongly dialogue-heavy films that — via phones and other telecommunication devices — reach far beyond the depicted scene. (...)
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    "As Philolaos the Pythagorean Said": Philosophy, Geometry, Freedom.Imre Toth & Jon Kaplansky - 1998 - Diogenes 46 (182):43-71.
    In his collection of anecdotes, Lives, Opinions, and Remarkable Sayings of the Most Famous Ancient Philosophers, Diogenes Laertius devotes a chapter to the life of Zeno of Elea. Zeno's reputation is based on his celebrated paradoxes, amply discussed by Aristotle: a moving body will never reach its (pre-defined) telos, since it first has to cover half (or more than half) the remaining distance; the faster will never catch up with the slower, since it first has to get to the point (...)
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    Several Remarks on Lex Servilia Caepionis of 106 Bc in the Light of the Fragment of Cic. Pro Balbo 24. 54.Piotr Kołodko - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 65 (1):83-92.
    This paper includes an analysis of a fragment of Cicero’s address in pro Balbo 24.54, which contains interesting, yet highly laconic information regarding one of the leges de repetundis – i.e. lex Servilia Caepionis. The analysis of the fragment led to the determination that the basic purpose of issuing that act was to cover the issue of changing the personal composition of judges sitting on the de reptundis tribunal. Apart from that, it seems that the genesis of the institution of (...)
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    Invitus invitam: A window allusion in suetonius' Titus.Duncan E. Macrae - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):415-418.
    Berenicen statim ab urbe dimisit invitus invitam.As for Berenice, he immediately dismissed her from the city against his will, against her will. Suetonius' laconic description of Titus' dismissal of his consort, the Herodian Berenice, after his accession to the Principate has attracted the attention of readers across the centuries. The biographer's use of polyptoton, invitus invitam, to describe the mental states of the Roman princeps and Judaean princess has been read as particularly moving. Perhaps most notably, Racine turned the emperor's (...)
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    Pop Cultured: The Photography of Mark Mcnulty.Mark McNulty - 2008 - Liverpool University Press.
    For over twenty years, Mark McNulty has been documenting the Liverpool music scene, both in the city and as it has proliferated worldwide. Accompanied by over 100 photographs, Pop Cultured celebrates the city, its music, and its culture through the lens of this highly acclaimed and influential photographer. McNulty has covered a wide array of iconic British bands such as the Stone Roses, Happy Mondays, Echo and the Bunnymen, and the Arctic Monkeys, as well as visiting international acts like the (...)
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    God.Jon Mills - 2011 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 19 (2):61-79.
    In this essay, I argue that the God hypothesis is merely an idea based on a fantasy principle. Albeit a logical concept born of social convention, God is a semiotic embodiment and symbolization of ideal value. Put laconically, God is only a thought. Rather than an extant ontological subject or agency traditionally attributed to a supernatural, transcendent creator or supreme being responsible for the coming into being of the universe, God is a psychological invention signifying ultimate ideality. Here God becomes (...)
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    The origins of Wittgenstein's imaginary scenarios: Something old, something new.Andrew J. Peach - 2004 - Philosophical Investigations 27 (4):299–327.
    The imaginary scenarios that appear in nearly every work of the later Wittgenstein – ones involving laughing cattle, disembodied eyes that see, and the like – are decidedly absent from the Tractatus. What necessitated this change in methodology? A comparison of the Tractatus with the Philosophical Remarks, Wittgenstein's first major work after his return to philosophy, reveals that these devices are the product of something old and something new. The rationale for these devices is already present in the notion of (...)
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    A Realistic Theory of Categories: An Essay on Ontology.Gary S. Rosenkrantz - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (4):650.
    Roderick Chisholm is a seminal figure in contemporary analytical metaphysics, epistemology, and philosophy of mind. The current healthy state of metaphysics and epistemology is in no small measure due to his influence and positive example. Chisholm has defended realism in metaphysics, foundationalism in epistemology, and the primacy of intentionality in the philosophy of mind. Throughout his long career at Brown, Chisholm was absorbed in the technical philosophical problems internal to this program. For example, his Socratic quests for the required definitions (...)
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  45. Plato's Critical Theory.Sara Brill - 2013 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (2):233-248.
    This paper argues that the creation of Kallipolis and the educational pro­gamme designed therein should be read in the context of one branch of Plato’s critique of Athenian democracy; namely, its employment of the Laconizing trope prominent in Politeia literature in order to identify and radicalize the desires innervated by an idealized vision of Spartan unity. In particular, it aims to show that the discussion of sexual difference in the famous first wave of Book 5, as well as the peculiar (...)
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    Is unsaying polite?Berislav Žarnić - 2011 - In Majda Trobok, Nenad Miščević & Berislav Žarnić, Between Logic and Reality: Modeling Inference, Action and Understanding. Dordrecht and New York: Springer. pp. 201--224.
    This paper is divided in five sections. Section 11.1 sketches the history of the distinction between speech act with negative content and negated speech act, and gives a general dynamic interpretation for negated speech act. “Downdate semantics” for AGM contraction is introduced in Section 11.2. Relying on semantically interpreted contraction, Section 11.3 develops the dynamic semantics for constative and directive speech acts, and their external negations. The expressive completeness for the formal variants of natural language utterances, none of which is (...)
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    Limed Reeds in Theocritus, Aristophanes, and Propertius.E. K. Borthwick - 1967 - Classical Quarterly 17 (1):110-112.
    Both the meaning of and the identity of the are in some doubt here. Gow's view that ‘Lacon thinks of labourers and cicadas vying with one another in the heat’ and that means ‘provoke to further exertions, put him on his mettle’ agrees in general with the scholiast.
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  48.  9
    The Unknown Socrates: Translations, with Introductions and Notes, of Four Important Documents in the Late Antique Reception of Socrates the Athenian.William M. Calder, Diogenes Laertius, Libanius, Maximus & Apuleius - 2002 - Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers.
    Socrates (469-399 BC) is one of history's most enigmatic figures. Our knowledge of him comes to us second-hand, primarily from the philosopher Plato, who was Socrates' most gifted student, and from the historian and sometime-philosopher Xenophon, who counted himself as a member of Socrates' inner circle of friends. We also hear of Socrates in one comic play produced during his lifetime (Aristophanes' Clouds) and in passing from the philosopher Aristotle, a student of Plato. Socrates is a figure of enduring interest. (...)
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    Perceiving the sacred feminine: Some thoughts on the cycladic figurines and Jungian archetypes.T. V. Danylova - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 17:88-97.
    Purpose. Without claiming to explain the meaning and purpose of the Cycladic figurines of the canonical type in the context of the culture that created them, the author attempts to investigate the phenomenon of these ancient images and their impact on contemporary humans through the lens of Carl Gustav Jung’s theory of the collective unconscious and the archetypes. Theoretical basis. The primary meanings and purposes of the Cycladic figurines are ambiguous and incomprehensible to us. We cannot understand them in the (...)
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    The Suspended Substantive: On Animals and Men in Giorgio Agamben's The Open.Leland De la Durantaye - 2003 - Diacritics 33 (2):3-9.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:diacritics 33.2 (2005) 3-9 [Access article in PDF] The Suspended Substantive On Animals and Men in Giorgio Agamben's The Open Leland de la Durantaye Giorgio Agamben. The Open: Man and Animal. Trans. Kevin Attell. Stanford: Stanford UP, 2004. [O] Trans. of L'aperto: L'uomo e l'animale. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, 2002. [A] With a title as enigmatic as The Open, the reader might well wonder, "the open what?" Is the title's (...)
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