Results for 'legal insanity'

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  1.  64
    Legal insanity and moral knowledge: Why is a lack of moral knowledge related to a mental illness exculpatory?Katrina L. Sifferd - 2022 - In Matt King & Joshua May, Agency in Mental Disorder: Philosophical Dimensions. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter argues that a successful plea of legal insanity ought to rest upon proof that a criminal act is causally related to symptoms of a mental disorder. Diagnosis of a mental disorder can signal to the court that the defendant had very little control over relevant moral ignorance or incompetence. Must we draw the same conclusion for defendants who lack moral knowledge due to miseducation or other extreme environmental conditions, unrelated to a mental disorder? Adults who were (...)
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  2. Legal Insanity and Executive Function.Katrina Sifferd, William Hirstein & Tyler Fagan - 2016 - In Mark D. White, The Insanity Defense: Multidisciplinary Views on Its History, Trends, and Controversies. Praeger. pp. 215-242.
    In this chapter we will argue that the capacities necessary to moral and legal agency can be understood as executive functions in the brain. Executive functions underwrite both the cognitive and volitional capacities that give agents a fair opportunity to avoid wrongdoing: to recognize their acts as immoral and/or illegal, and to act or refrain from acting based upon this recognition. When a person’s mental illness is serious enough to cause severe disruption of executive functions, she is very likely (...)
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  3.  38
    Legal Insanity: Explorations in Psychiatry, Law, and Ethics.Gerben Meynen - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book examines core issues related to legal insanity, integrating perspectives from psychiatry, law, and ethics. Various criteria for insanity are analyzed and recommendations for forensic psychiatric and legal practice are offered. Many legal systems have an insanity defense, in one form or another. Still, it remains unclear exactly when and why mental disorders affect a person’s moral or criminal responsibility. Questions addressed in this book include: Why should insanity be a component of (...)
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  4. Are Psychopaths Legally Insane?Anneli Jefferson & Katrina Sifferd - 2018 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 14 (1):79-96.
    The question of whether psychopaths are criminally and morally responsible has generated significant controversy in the literature. In this paper, we discuss what relevance a psychopathy diagnosis has for criminal responsibility. It has been argued that figuring out whether psychopathy is a mental illness is of fundamental importance, because it is a precondition for psychopaths’ eligibility to be excused via the legal insanity defense. But even if psychopathy counts as a mental illness, this alone is not sufficient to (...)
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  5.  51
    Wild Beasts and Idle Humours: Legal Insanity and the Finding of Fault.Daniel N. Robinson - 1994 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 37:159-.
    So fearfully and wonderfully are we made, so infinitely subtle is the spiritual part of our being, so difficult is it to trace with accuracy the effect of diseased intellect upon human action, that I may appeal to all who hear me, whether there are any causes more difficult, or which, indeed, so often confound the learning of the judges themselves, as when insanity, or the the effects and consequences of insanity, become the subjects of legal consideration (...)
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  6. Issues to Consider When Revising Legal Insanity.Gerben Meynen - 2016 - In Legal Insanity: Explorations in Psychiatry, Law, and Ethics. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  7.  79
    The insanity defence without mental illness? Some considerations.Luca Malatesti, Marko Jurjako & Gerben Meynen - 2020 - International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 71.
    In this paper we aim to offer a balanced argument to motivate (re)thinking about the mental illness clause within the insanity defence. This is the clause that states that mental illness should have a relevant causal or explanatory role for the presence of the incapacities or limited capacities that are covered by this defence. We offer three main considerations showing the important legal and epistemological roles that the mental illness clause plays in the evaluation of legal responsibility. (...)
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  8. Neuroscience, Ethics and Legal Responsibility: The Problem of the Insanity Defense: Commentary on “The Ethics of Neuroscience and the Neuroscience of Ethics: A Phenomenological–Existential Approach”.Steven R. Smith - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (3):475-481.
    The insanity defense presents many difficult questions for the legal system. It attracts attention beyond its practical significance (it is seldom used successfully) because it goes to the heart of the concept of legal responsibility. “Not guilty by reason of insanity” generally requires that as a result of mental illness the defendant was unable to distinguish right from wrong at the time of the crime. The many difficult and complex questions presented by the insanity defense (...)
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  9. Psychotic Delusion and the Insanity Defense.John Whelan Jr - 2009 - Public Affairs Quarterly 23 (1):27-48.
    I attempt to describe and defend an alternative definition of insanity. I claim that my definition follows from an adequate general understanding of legal excuse and that it describes correctly the question that jurors in the recent Andrea Yates case and others like it ought to be faced with. My essay has three parts. In the first, I briefly criticize M'Naghten- and Durham-inspired insanity statutes. In the second, I sketch and defend a general understanding of legal (...)
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  10.  63
    Insanity legislation.John R. Hamilton - 1986 - Journal of Medical Ethics 12 (1):13-17.
    The McNaughton Rules, which are used when someone pleads insanity at the time of a homicide, are out of date and unsatisfactory. Suggestions have been made about how the insanity defence can be reformulated. The preference of a defence of diminished responsibility means abandoning an ancient and humane principle of not convicting those who are so mentally disordered as not to be responsible for their actions. There is a need for Parliament to consider changes to the law both (...)
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  11. (1 other version)The insanity plea: Szaszian ethics and epistemology.Lee S. Weinberg & Richard E. Vatz - 1982 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 3 (3):417-433.
    The traditional legal verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity as well as the more recent verdict of guilty but mentally ill rest on often unquestioned epistemological assumptions about human behavior and its causes, unjustified reliance on forensic psychiatrists, and questionable, if not deplorable ethical standards. This paper offers a critique of legal perspectives on insanity, historical and current, based on the altermative epistemological and ethical assumptions of Thomas S. Szasz. In addition, we examine Szasz''s (...)
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  12. The Quest for a Responsible Responsibility Test: Norwegian Insanity Law After Breivik.Michael S. Moore - 2015 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 9 (4):645-693.
    The Breivik case in Norway has motivated a reassessment of Norwegian insanity law by the Norwegian government. Because Norway since 2002 has utilized a “medical model” for legal insanity—a model according to which the legal excuse of insanity is identified with some medical concept such as psychosis—the Norwegian reexamination of its law is not without interest throughout the world. In this paper, I utilize the Anglo-American experience with different medical models for insanity to assess (...)
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  13.  83
    Insanity and responsibility.Herbert Fingarette - 1972 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 15 (1-4):6 – 29.
    This paper attempts to set forth, in the context of Anglo-U.S. criminal law, the meaning of the concept of insanity, its necessary relation to absence of responsibility, and its bearing on some relevant psychiatric concepts and legal controversies. Irrationality is a distinctive and necessary (but not sufficient) condition for insanity. Irrationality consists in failure even to grasp the relevance of what is 'essentially' relevant. To that extent there obviously can be no responsibility. A mental makeup which renders (...)
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  14.  92
    "Idiots, infants, and the insane": mental illness and legal incompetence.T. Szasz - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (2):78-81.
    Prior to the second world war, most persons confined in insane asylums were regarded as legally incompetent and had guardians appointed for them. Today, most persons confined in mental hospitals are, in law, competent; nevertheless, in fact, they are treated as if they were incompetent. Should the goal of mental health policy be providing better psychiatric services to more and more people, or the reduction and ultimate elimination of the number of persons in the population treated as mentally ill?
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  15.  21
    Automatism, Insanity, and the Psychology of Criminal Responsibility: A Philosophical Inquiry.Robert F. Schopp - 1991 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a book about the role that psychological impairment should play in a theory of criminal liability. Criminal guilt in the Anglo-American legal tradition requires both that the defendant committed some proscribed act and did so with intent, knowledge, or recklessness. The second requirement corresponds to the intuitive idea that people should not be punished for something they did not do 'on purpose' or if they 'did not realize what they were doing'. Unlike many works in this area, (...)
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  16.  36
    İnsan Hakları, Ahlak ve Kültür Açısından “Onur” Kavramına Yaklaşımın Kavramın Tanımlanmasına Etkileri.Fatma Betül Parmaksizoğlu - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (54):225-246.
    We often hear the term “dignity” in our age. Especially in societies with multicultural and multi-faith, peace, respect, tolerance and human rights ideas are associated with human precious beings. However, understanding what dignity is and which rights it includes are difficult. Because human dignity has social, philosophical, theological and legal dimensions in which its content changes in historical process. Dignity is a term discussed in western societies and has a place in international contexts. That’s why the emphasis is on (...)
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  17.  58
    Insanity as a Tort Defence.James Goudkamp - 2011 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 31 (4):727-754.
    Unlike the criminal law, tort law does not recognize insanity as an answer to liability. The fact that a defendant was insane at the time of his impugned conduct is essentially ignored by tort law's liability rules. It will be argued that this situation is unsatisfactory. A person should not incur liability in tort in respect of acts committed while insane. This result should be realized by providing for a generally applicable affirmative defence of insanity.
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  18.  27
    Medico-legal stories of female insanity: Three nullity suits. [REVIEW]Melanie Williams - 1998 - Feminist Legal Studies 6 (1):3-31.
  19.  27
    Ezra Pound: "Insanity," "Treason," and Care.William M. Chace - 1987 - Critical Inquiry 14 (1):134-141.
    The British journalist Christopher Hitchens has recently noted that the extraordinary excitement created by l’affaire Pound, an excitement sustained for now some forty years, is partly the result of having no fewer than three debates going on whenever the poet’s legal situation and his consequent hospitalization are discussed. As Hitchens says, those questions are: “First, was Pound guilty of treason? If not, or even if so, was he mad? Third, was he given privileged treatment for either condition?”1 I propose (...)
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  20.  11
    A new interpretation of the modern two-pronged tests for insanity.Johannes Bijlsma - 2018 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 47 (1):29-48.
    A new interpretation of the modern two-pronged tests for insanity Michael Moore has argued that modern two-pronged tests for legal insanity are wrongheaded and that the insanity defense instead should be a ‘status defense’. If Moore is right, than the laws on insanity in most legal systems are wrong. This merits a critical examination of Moore’s critique and his alternative approach. In this paper I argue that Moore’s status approach to insanity is either (...)
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  21.  21
    Ethics and psychiatry: insanity, rational autonomy, and mental health care.Rem Blanchard Edwards (ed.) - 1997 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Ethics of Psychiatry addresses the key ethical and legal issues in mental health care. With selections by Paul S. Applebaum, Christopher Boorse, Kerry Brace, Peter R. Breggin, Paula J. Caplan, Glen O. Gabbard, Donald H.J. Hermann, Lawrie Reznek, Thomas Szasz, Jerome Wakefield, Bruce J. Winick, and Robert M. Veatch, among others, this sourcebook offers the latest research in psychiatry, psychology, advocacy, mental health law, social services, and medical ethics relevant to the rational autonomy of psychiatric patients.
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  22.  41
    Deconstructing the Criminal Defence of Insanity.Gary Lilienthal & Nehaluddin Ahmad - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (1):151-169.
    The significance of this article is in its deconstruction of the criminal insanity defence in a meta-legal critical context. The article’s objective is to critically review beliefs that the insanity defence was designed solely for public protection from insane violent people, or, for criminal deterrence. Arising from the long and continued use of the Roman Law concept of non compos mentis, the question arises as to what has become of the practical meaning of the term “insanity”, (...)
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  23.  72
    The rules of insanity: commentary on: psychopathic disorder: a category mistake?C. Elliott - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 17 (2):89-90.
    This paper addresses Colin Holmes's suggestion that the psychopathic disorder is best regarded not as a psychiatric concept, but as an ethical one. The paper argues that the concept of psychopathy, like many other concepts, can span both psychiatry and ethics, and that it is not clear what removing if from the realm of psychiatry would entail. Also, the question of whether the concept of psychopathy is useful for psychiatrists must be separated from the question of whether psychopaths should be (...)
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  24.  49
    The Limited Relevance of Neuroimaging in Insanity Evaluations. [REVIEW]Michael J. Vitacco, Emily Gottfried, Scott O. Lilienfeld & Ashley Batastini - 2019 - Neuroethics 13 (3):249-260.
    Forensic evaluations of insanity have recently borne witness to an influx of neuroimaging methods, especially structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography, to assist in the development of explanations that help to excuse legal responsibility for criminal behavior. The results of these scanning methods have been increasingly introduced in legal settings to offer or support a clinical diagnosis that in turn suggests that an individual was incapable of knowing right from wrong, or to pinpoint (...)
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  25.  16
    Criminal Responsibility (Insanity Defense).Besa Arifi & Rina Zejneli - 2022 - Seeu Review 17 (2):120-138.
    Criminal responsibility refers to a person’s ability to understand his action, behavior at the time a crime is committed, what a person is thinking when he commits a crime or the expected result when a crime is committed. Crime is defined in terms of an act or omission (actus reus) and a mental state (mens rea). In this paper, is presented the general concept of irresponsibility and essentially reduced responsibility as a reason to be exempted from the punishment provided by (...)
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  26. Should a Personality Disorder Qualify as a Mental Disease in Insanity Adjudication?Richard J. Bonnie - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (4):760-763.
    In his accompanying article, Dr. Kinscherff has convincingly demonstrated why a categorical exclusion of personality disorders from the definition of “mental disease” in insanity defense adjudication is arbitrary, both conceptually and clinically. He explains his position in the context of a vignette involving a hypothetical defendant, Wilhelmina Sykes, charged with ramming her car into another car obstructing her path, causing serious injury to its driver. Dr. Kinscherff correctly points out that the determinative issue in applying the insanity defense (...)
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  27.  51
    Excuses and Exemptions: Is it Really a Mistake to Understand the Category of Excuses to Include Infancy and Insanity?Marcia Baron - forthcoming - Criminal Law and Philosophy:1-10.
    Moral responsibility is a prerequisite for culpability. One can be morally responsible for φing without being culpable for it, but not vice versa. I agree with Andrew Simester on this, and agree that it is important to differentiate moral responsibility from culpability. That moral responsibility is a prerequisite for culpability is often taken to require sharply distinguishing excuses from what are called ‘exemptions’ (or to use the term Simester uses, ‘irresponsibility defences’) and treating exemptions as forming a category of their (...)
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  28.  26
    Review of Robert F. Schopp: Automatism, Insanity, and the Psychology of Criminal Responsibility: A Philosophical Inquiry[REVIEW]Robert F. Schopp - 1993 - Ethics 103 (3):594-596.
    This is a book about the role that psychological impairment should play in a theory of criminal liability. Criminal guilt in the Anglo-American legal tradition requires both that the defendant committed some proscribed act and did so with intent, knowledge, or recklessness. The second requirement corresponds to the intuitive idea that people should not be punished for something they did not do 'on purpose' or if they 'did not realize what they were doing'. Unlike many works in this area, (...)
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  29. Concluding Observations on the Present and Future of Insanity.Gerben Meynen - 2016 - In Legal Insanity: Explorations in Psychiatry, Law, and Ethics. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  30.  67
    Psychopathy and Criminal Responsibility (2nd edition).Marko Jurjako & Luca Malatesti - 2023 - Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy.
    Psychopathy is typically characterized as a constellation of deviant personality traits and behavioral tendencies. The link between psychopathic personality traits and pervasive antisocial behavior raises a crucial question concerning the legal accountability of offenders with psychopathy. Some argue that the unique clinical profile and neurobiological peculiarities of individuals with psychopathy mitigate their responsibility, while others maintain that current scientific knowledge does not support the use of psychopathy as an exculpatory condition for criminal offending. Our overview mainly centeres on whether (...)
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  31. The mad, the bad, and the psychopath.Heidi L. Maibom - 2008 - Neuroethics 1 (3):167-184.
    It is common for philosophers to argue that psychopaths are not morally responsible because they lack some of the essential capacities for morality. In legal terms, they are criminally insane. Typically, however, the insanity defense is not available to psychopaths. The primary reason is that they appear to have the knowledge and understanding required under the M’Naghten Rules. However, it has been argued that what is required for moral and legal responsibility is ‘deep’ moral understanding, something that (...)
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  32.  28
    “That proves you mad, because you know it not”: impaired insight and the dilemma of governing psychiatric patients as legal subjects.Neil Gong - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (3):201-228.
    This article investigates “impaired insight,” a controversial psychiatric category describing a mad person unable to know his or her madness. Like “moral insanity” and other concepts before it, impaired insight offers a way to link the disparate logics of human responsibility in psychiatry and the law. I attribute its development to changes wrought by deinstitutionalization, the rise of antipsychotic medication, and patient incarceration in penal settings. In a system that aims to govern psychiatric patients through their freedom, the logic (...)
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  33.  44
    We are More Than our Executive Functions: on the Emotional and Situational Aspects of Criminal Responsibility and Punishment.Federica Coppola - 2022 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 16 (2):253-266.
    In Responsible Brains, Hirstein, Sifferd and Fagan apply the language of cognitive neuroscience to dominant understandings of criminal responsibility in criminal law theory. The Authors make a compelling case that, under such dominant understandings, criminal responsibility eventually ‘translates’ into a minimal working set of executive functions that are primarily mediated by the frontal lobes of the brain. In so arguing, the Authors seem to unquestioningly accept the law’s view of the “responsible person” as a mixture of cognitive capacities and mechanisms—thereby (...)
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  34.  32
    Criminal Responsibility Reconsidered.Stephen J. Morse - forthcoming - Criminal Law and Philosophy:1-15.
    This essay review addresses the central responsibility thesis of David Brink's "Fair. Opportunity and Responsibility" and then considers two applications of the central. Thesis: legal insanity and diminished capacity.
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  35.  6
    The Most Reliable Judgment Standard for Soft Legal Paternalism.William J. Talbott - 2010 - In William Talbott, Human rights and human well-being. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This author shows how the main principle would endorse a new ground-level principle of weak legal paternalism, the most reliable judgment standard, and compares this standard with the most influential nonconsequentialist standard, Joel Feinberg’s voluntariness standard. The most reliable judgment standard will permit legal paternalism if it is reasonable to believe that the subject will or would come to unequivocally endorse it. The chapter illustrates the difference between his and Feinberg’s standards with hypothetical examples of drug and suicide (...)
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  36.  28
    The occasional triumph of the moral sentiments over legal technicalities: Law, seduction, and the sentimental heroine.Andrea L. Hibbard & John T. Parry - manuscript
    Our paper explores how the affective energies and cultural expectations set in motion by best-selling American sentimental novels like Hannah Foster's The Coquette and Susanna Rowson's Charlotte Temple informed the notorious mid-nineteenth-century American trial of Amelia Norman, who attempted to kill the man who seduced her. Once newspapers, defense lawyers, and reformers such as Lydia Maria Child recast the defendant as a sentimental heroine, the trial became about seduction, and Norman was acquitted against the weight of the evidence. Sentimental novels (...)
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  37.  29
    A Scoping Review of Ethical and Legal Issues in Behavioural Variant Frontotemporal Dementia.Anirudh Nair, Colleen Berryessa & Veljko Dubljević - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (2):120-132.
    Behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) is a subtype of frontotemporal dementia characterized by changes in personality, social behaviour, and cognition. Although neural abnormalities cause bvFTD patients to struggle with inhibiting problematic behaviour, they are generally considered fully autonomous individuals. Subsequently, bvFTD patients demonstrate understanding of right and wrong but are unable to act in accordance with moral norms. To investigate the ethical, legal, and social issues associated with bvFTD, we conducted a scoping review of academic literature with inclusion & (...)
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  38. Neurolaw.Gregg D. Caruso - 2024 - Cambridge University Press.
    Neurolaw is an area of interdisciplinary research on the meaning and implications of neuroscience for the law and legal practices. This Element addresses the potential contributions of neuroscience, and the brain sciences more generally, to criminal justice decision-making and policy. It distinguishes between three different areas and domains of investigation in neurolaw: assessment, intervention, and revision. The first concerns brain-based assessments, which may be used for predicting future violence, lie detection, judging legal insanity, and the like. The (...)
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  39. Moore on the Mind.Stephen J. Morse - 2016 - In Kimberly Kessler Ferzan & Stephen J. Morse, Legal, Moral, and Metaphysical Truths: The Philosophy of Michael S. Moore. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    This chapter addresses the many topics concerning the mind that Michael Moore has written about for many decades, including the metaphysics of mind and action, the act requirement in criminal law, the basis for the excuse of legal insanity, a volitional or control excuse, and the relation of the new neuroscience to law. Rather than primarily responding to Moore’s influential work, the chapter largely considers issues that are complementary to Moore’s work. The chapter does question whether metaphysical issues (...)
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  40.  62
    Conceptualizing Coercive Indoctrination in Moral and Legal Philosophy.Evan Tiffany - 2022 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 16 (1):153-179.
    This paper argues that there are compelling grounds for thinking that coercive indoctrination can defeat or mitigate moral culpability in virtue of being a form of non-culpable moral ignorance. That is, I defend a two-tier account such that what excuses an agent for a wrongful act is the agent’s ignorance regarding the moral quality of their act; and what excuses the defendant for their ignorance is that coercion or manipulation deprived the defendant of a fair opportunity to avoid that ignorance. (...)
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  41.  46
    Scientific expertise and the politics of emotions in the 1902 trial of Giuseppe Musolino.Daphne Rozenblatt - 2017 - History of the Human Sciences 30 (3):25-49.
    In 1902, the Calabrian brigand Giuseppe Musolino was tried on several counts of murder and many crimes of lesser magnitude. While the tale of the brigand’s 1898 false conviction, imprisonment, escape and then revenge sparked a national debate about the political and cultural meaning of brigandage, the trial came to focus on Musolino’s emotional state at the time of his crimes. Was he a cold-blooded and calculating killer who manipulated southerners into believing he was a folk hero? Or was he (...)
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  42.  69
    Neuroscience and the Concept of Culpability.Tyler Fagan - 2022 - In Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience, 2nd edition. pp. 713-718.
    Culpability lies at the heart of our moral and legal practices of blaming, censuring, and punishing. Put simply, an agent is culpable for an action if the action is wrongful and the agent is responsible for that action. This seemingly straightforward concept remains contested within philosophy and legal theory, however, especially in the relatively new fields of neuroethics and neurolaw. How to understand responsible agency, which agents are potential bearers of culpability in general—and for which actions—and the possible (...)
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  43.  21
    Neuroscience-based Psychiatric Assessments of Criminal Responsibility: Beyond Self-Report?Gerben Meynen - 2020 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 29 (3):446-458.
    Many legal systems have an insanity defense, which means that although a person has committed a crime, she is not held criminally responsible for the act. A challenge with regard to these assessments is that forensic psychiatrists have to rely to a considerable extent on the defendant's self-report. Could neuroscience be a way to make these evaluations more objective? The current value of neuroimaging in insanity assessments will be examined. The author argues that neuroscience can be valuable (...)
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  44. Is psychopathy a mental disease?Thomas Nadelhoffer & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - 2013 - In A. N. Vincent, Neuroscience and legal responsibility. Oxford University Press,. pp. 229–255.
    Whether psychopathy is a mental disease or illness can affect whether psychiatrists should treat it and whether it could serve as the basis for an insanity defense in criminal trials. Our understanding of psychopathy has been greatly improved in recent years by new research in psychology and neuroscience. This illuminating research enables us to argue that psychopathy counts as a mental disease on any plausible account of mental disease. In particular, Szasz's and Pickard's eliminativist views and Sedgwick's social constructivist (...)
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  45.  40
    The Singleton case: enforcing medical treatment to put a person to death. [REVIEW]Mirko Daniel Garasic - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):795-806.
    In October 2003 the Supreme Court of the United States allowed Arkansas officials to force Charles Laverne Singleton, a schizophrenic prisoner convicted of murder, to take drugs that would render him sane enough to be executed. On January 6 2004 he was killed by lethal injection, raising many ethical questions. By reference to the Singleton case, this article will analyse in both moral and legal terms the controversial justifications of the enforced medical treatment of death-row inmates. Starting with a (...)
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  46. Philosophy and Psychiatry: Problems, Intersections and New Perspectives.Daniel D. Moseley & Gary Gala - 2015 - Routledge.
    This groundbreaking volume of original essays presents fresh avenues of inquiry at the intersection of philosophy and psychiatry. Contributors draw from a variety of fields, including evolutionary psychiatry, phenomenology, biopsychosocial models, psychoanalysis, neuroscience, neuroethics, behavioral economics, and virtue theory. Philosophy and Psychiatry’s unique structure consists of two parts: in the first, philosophers write five lead essays with replies from psychiatrists. In the second part, this arrangement is reversed. The result is an interdisciplinary exchange that allows for direct discourse, and a (...)
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  47.  50
    Punishment: theory and practice.Mark Tunick - 1992 - Berkeley, CA: University of California.
    Unlike other treatments of legal punishment, this book takes both an external approach, asking why we punish at all, and an internal approach, considering issues faced by those 'inside' the practice: For what actions should we punish? Should we allow plea-bargaining? the insanity defense? How should sentencing be determined? The two approaches are connected: To decide whether to punish someone who is 'insane', or who cops a plea, we need to ask whether doing so is consistent with our (...)
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  48.  19
    Thinking through the body of the law.Pheng Cheah, David Fraser & Judith Grbich (eds.) - 1996 - Washington Square, N.Y.: New York University Press.
    The body of the law is an ambiguous phrase. Conventionally, it designates the law as a determinate corpus; legal codes, statutes, and the rulings of common law. But it can also refer to the subjected body that is produced by and is part of the law. This subjected body is necessary for the law's existence. Thinking Through the Body of the Law reconceives the role of the body in the founding, maintaining, and regulation of our legal systems and (...)
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  49.  76
    ‘Irresistible Impulse’ and Moral Responsibility.Susan Khin Zaw - 1977 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 11:99-134.
    Should the insane and the mentally ill be held morally responsible for their actions? To answer ‘No’ to this question is to classify the mentally abnormal as not fully human: and indeed legal tradition has generally oscillated between assimilating the insane to brutes and assimilating them to children below the age of discretion, neither of these two categories being accountable in law for what they do. In what respect relevant to moral responsibility were the insane held to resemble brutes (...)
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  50.  87
    Intoxication and Criminal Responsibility in England, 1819–1920.Phil Handler - 2013 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33 (2):243-262.
    In the period 1819–1920 the ostensibly strict English common law rule that drunkenness was not an excuse to any criminal charge was modified. It was formally recognized that, at least for crimes requiring proof of a specific intention, intoxication could reduce liability. Legal historians have explained this course of development with reference to the establishment of a subjective pattern of criminal responsibility. Conceived as a mental condition excuse, intoxication could only be accommodated in legal doctrine once the defendant’s (...)
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