Results for 'legal mistake'

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  1. Does legal epistemology rest on a mistake? On fetishism, two‐tier system design, and conscientious fact‐finding.David Enoch, Talia Fisher & Levi Spectre - 2021 - Philosophical Issues 31 (1):85-103.
  2. Was inclusive legal positivism founded on a mistake?Scott J. Shapiro - 2009 - Ratio Juris 22 (3):326-338.
    In this paper, I present a new argument against inclusive legal positivism. As I show, any theory which permits morality to be a condition on legality cannot account for a core feature of legal activity, namely, that it is an activity of social planning. If the aim of a legal institution is to guide the conduct of the community through plans, it would be self-defeating if the existence of these plans could only be determined through deliberation on (...)
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    The Ethics of Medical Mistakes: Historical, Legal, and Institutional Perspectives.Michael A. DeVita & Mark P. Aulisio - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (2):115-116.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11.2 (2001) 115-116 [Access article in PDF] The Ethics of Medical Mistakes: Historical, Legal, and Institutional Perspectives Introduction In late 1999, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released its report on medical errors, To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System. The report estimated almost 50,000 deaths per year nationally due to medical mistakes, making it a leading cause of death. IOM speculated (...)
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  4. Institutional Responses to Medical Mistakes: Ethical and Legal Perspectives.Andy Thurman - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (2):147-156.
    Health care institutions must decide whether to inform the patient of a medical error. The barriers to disclosure are an aversion to admitting errors, a concern about implicating other practitioners, and a fear of lawsuits and liability. However, admission of medical errors is the ethical thing to do and may be required by law. When examined, the barriers to such disclosures have little merit, and, in fact, lawsuits and liability may actually be reduced by informing the patient of medical errors. (...)
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    Legalistic Mistake.Marco Antonio Azevedo - 2018-05-09 - In Robert Arp, Steven Barbone & Michael Bruce (eds.), Bad Arguments. Wiley. pp. 282–285.
    This chapter focuses on one of the common fallacies in Western philosophy, 'legalistic mistake'. The use of “legal‐like” terms abounds outside the legal domain. But sometimes the users of these terms commit the fallacy Joel Feinberg called the legalistic mistake. On widening the use of such legal‐like terms, we must be cautious, for we might find ourselves guilty of making inferential mistakes or even proffering pure nonsense. The error, according to Feinberg, is committed by “one (...)
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    Psychopathic disorder: a category mistake? A legal response to Colin Holmes.I. Mackay - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 17 (2):86-88.
    Holmes is concerned with a conflict between law and medicine about the problem of psychopathy, in particular as it relates to homicide. He looks for a consistent set of legal principles based on a variety of medical concepts and in doing so criticises the court for its commonsense approach, its disregard for medical evidence and for employing lay notions of responsibility and illness. This commentary explores how Holmes's notions fit into existing legal rules and explains how the court (...)
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    Does Kelsen’s Notion of Legal Normativity Rest on a Mistake?Veronica Rodriguez-Blanco - 2012 - Law and Philosophy 31 (6):725-752.
    Kelsen advanced a sophisticated naturalist conception of intention and adumbrated a methodological strategy that would enable the transformation of the sophisticated naturalist conception of ‘intention’ into a cognizable object of legal science while simultaneously providing an explanation of the legal ‘ought’. The methodological strategy is the ‘inversion thesis’ which establishes that legal norms enable us to objectively identify and determine the ‘will’ or the intention of legal authority. Contrary to nineteenth century psychologism, Kelsen argues that it (...)
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    ‘He was wearing street clothes, not pyjamas’: common mistakes in lawyers’ assessment of legal capacity for vulnerable older clients.Lise Barry - 2018 - Legal Ethics 21 (1):3-22.
    ABSTRACTLawyers are increasingly called upon to deal with older clients and have ethical responsibilities to attest to their capacity for legal decision-making. As witnesses to enduring documents, the making of wills and other significant advance planning transactions, lawyers play a role in preventing elder abuse and in upholding the rights of older people. To date however, there has been very little empirical research examining how lawyers assess an older person’s legal decision-making capacity. This article presents research examining three (...)
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  9. Excusing mistakes of law.Gideon Yaffe - 2009 - Philosophers' Imprint 9:1-22.
    Whether we understand it descriptively or normatively, the slogan that ignorance of the law is no excuse is false. Our legal system sometimes excuses those who are ignorant of the law on those grounds and should. Still, the slogan contains a grain of truth; mistakes of law excuse less readily than mistakes of fact, and ought to. This paper explains the asymmetry by identifying a principle of excuse of the form “If defendant D has a false belief that p (...)
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  10. Mistake of Law and Obstruction of Justice: A 'Bad Excuse' ... Even for a Lawyer!Lucinda Vandervort - 2001 - University of New Brunswick Law Journal 50: 171-186.
    In Regina v. Murray, (2000, Ont S.Ct.J.) the learned trial judge, Justice Gravely, errs in his interpretation and application of the law of mens rea in the offense of willfully attempting to obstruct justice under section 139(2) of the Criminal Code of Canada. In view of his findings of fact and law, including the determination that the accused knowingly and intentionally committed the actus reus of the offense and the absence of any suggestion that he lacked awareness of any relevant (...)
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  11. Mistakes as a Social Construct: An Historical Approach.Rosa Lynn B. Pinkus - 2001 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 11 (2):117-133.
    The Institute of Medicine (IOM) published To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System in November 1999. The report focused public attention on the errors that occur within the medical system that cause death and harm to patients. It outlined a series of changes for health care that are aimed at reducing these errors by 50 percent over the next five years. This paper examines the problem of medical mistakes historically. It documents how legal, scientific, and medical trends (...)
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  12.  16
    Alleviating Mistakes: Reversal and Forgiveness for Flawed Perceptions.E. Allan Farnsworth - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    How often our actions go awry because our perceptions are at odds with reality! This book examines the legal issues that arise when we seek to avoid the untoward consequences of an action by claiming that our perception was flawed. We all make mistakes. Some have unfortunate consequences: we might overpay a debt or make an unfavourable contract, or we might be sued or accused of a crime as a result of our mistake. Claims to alleviation on the (...)
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  13. Mistake of Law and Sexual Assault: Consent and Mens rea.Lucinda Vandervort - 1987-1988 - Canadian Journal of Women and the Law 2 (2):233-309.
    In this ground-breaking article submitted for publication in mid-1986, Lucinda Vandervort creates a radically new and comprehensive theory of sexual consent as the unequivocal affirmative communication of voluntary agreement. She argues that consent is a social act of communication with normative effects. To consent is to waive a personal legal right to bodily integrity and relieve another person of a correlative legal duty. If the criminal law is to protect the individual’s right of sexual self-determination and physical autonomy, (...)
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  14. Modular argumentation for modelling legal doctrines in common law of contract.Phan Minh Dung & Phan Minh Thang - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 17 (3):167-182.
    To create a programming environment for contract dispute resolution, we propose an extension of assumption-based argumentation into modular assumption-based argumentation in which different modules of argumentation representing different knowledge bases for reasoning about beliefs and facts and for representation and reasoning with the legal doctrines could be built and assembled together. A distinct novel feature of modular argumentation in compare with other modular logic-based systems like Prolog is that it allows references to different semantics in the same module at (...)
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  15. Reasonable Mistakes and Regulative Norms: Racial Bias in Defensive Harm.Renée Jorgensen Bolinger - 2017 - Journal of Political Philosophy 25 (2):196-217.
    A regulative norm for permissible defense distinguishes the conditions under which we will hold defenders to be innocent of any wrongdoing from those in which we hold them responsible for assault or manslaughter. The norm must strike a fair balance between defenders' security, on the one hand, and other agents’ legitimate claim to live without fear of suffering mistaken defensive harm, on the other. Since agents must make defensive decisions under high pressure and on only partial information, they will sometimes (...)
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    Inclusive Legal Positivism and the Fallibility of Officials.Kenneth M. Ehrenberg - 2024 - In Thomas Bustamante, Saulo M. M. De Matos & André Coelho (eds.), Law, Morality and Judicial Reasoning: Essays on W.J. Waluchow's Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 23-40.
    Wil Waluchow has advanced perhaps the most convincing argument in favour of what he eloquently termed ‘inclusive legal positivism’, the view that a given legal system could make legal validity depend on moral truths. This chapter refocuses the case for the opposing view of exclusive positivism on the metaphysical tension in seeing law as an institutional social fact and yet for its validity to depend on something that is not a social fact, developing an understanding of official (...)
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    Final authority to bind with moral mistakes: On the explanatory potential of inclusive legal positivism. [REVIEW]Kenneth E. Himma - 2005 - Law and Philosophy 24 (1):1-45.
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  18. Deliberation, Responsibility, and Excusing Mistakes of Law.Alexander A. Guerrero - 2015 - Jurisprudence 6 (1):81-94.
    In ‘Excusing Mistakes of Law’, Gideon Yaffe sets out to ‘vindicate’ the claim ‘that mistakes of law never excuse’ by ‘identifying the truth that is groped for but not grasped by those who assert that ignorance of law is no excuse’. Yaffe does not offer a defence of the claim that mistakes of law never excuse. That claim, Yaffe argues, is false. Yaffe’s article is, rather, an effort to assess what plausible thought might be behind the idea that mistakes of (...)
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  19.  63
    Legal Positivism in American Jurisprudence.Anthony James Sebok - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book represents a serious and philosophically sophisticated guide to modern American legal theory, demonstrating that legal positivism has been a misunderstood and underappreciated perspective through most of twentieth-century American legal thought. Anthony Sebok traces the roots of positivism through the first half of the twentieth century, and rejects the view that one must adopt some version of natural law theory in order to recognize moral principles in the law. On the contrary, once one corrects for the (...)
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    Psychopathic disorder: a category mistake?C. A. Holmes - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 17 (2):77-85.
    Although the concept of psychopathy retains its currency in British psychiatry, apparently being meaningful as well as useful to practitioners (1), it is often taken to refer to a purely legal category with social control functions rather than a medical diagnosis with treatment implications. I wish, in this brief article, to suggest that it is essentially, and most usefully, an ethical category which stands outside the diagnostic framework of present-day psychiatry.
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    Unexcused reasonable mistakes: Can the case for not excusing mistakes of law be supported by the case for not excusing mistakes of morality?Alexander A. Guerrero - 2015 - Legal Theory 21 (2):86-99.
    In most common-law and civil-law jurisdictions, mistakes of law do not excuse. That is, the fact that one was ignorant of the content or requirements of some law does not excuse violations of that law. Many have argued that this doctrine is mistaken. In particular, many have argued that if an individual’s ignorance or false belief is blameless, if she held the false belief reasonably, then she ought to be able to use that ignorance as an excuse for violating the (...)
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  22. 'Too Young to Sell Me Sex!?' Mens Rea, Mistake of Fact, Reckless Exploitation, and the Underage Sex Worker.Lucinda Vandervort - 2012 - Criminal Law Quarterly 58 (3/4):355-378.
    In 1987, apprehension that “unreasonable mistakes of fact” might negative mens rea in sexual assault cases led the Canadian Parliament to enact “reasonable steps” requirements for mistakes of fact with respect to the age of complainants. The role and operation of the “reasonable steps” provisions in ss. 150.1(4) and (5) and, to a lesser extent, s. 273.2 of the Criminal Code, must be reassessed. Mistakes of fact are now largely addressed at common law by jurisprudence that has re-invigorated judicial awareness (...)
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    Two rules of legality in criminal law.Peter Westen - 2006 - Law and Philosophy 26 (3):229-305.
    Criminal law scholars approach legality in various ways. Some scholars eschew over-arching principles and proceed directly to one or more distinct “rules”: (1) the rule against retroactive criminalization; (2) the rule that criminal statutes be construed narrowly; (3) the rule against the judicial creation of common-law offenses; and (4) the rule that vague criminal statutes are void. Other scholars seek a single principle, i.e., the “principle of legality,” that they claim underlies the four rules. In contrast, I believe that both (...)
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  24. Legal Subversion of the Criminal Justice Process? Judicial, Prosecutorial and Police Discretion in Edmondson, Kindrat and Brown.Lucinda Vandervort - 2012 - In Elizabeth Sheehy (ed.), Chapter 6, SEXUAL ASSAULT IN CANADA: LAW, LEGAL PRACTICE & WOMEN'S ACTIVISM, pp. 113-153. University of Ottawa Press. pp. 111-150.
    In 2001, three non-Aboriginal men in their twenties were charged with the sexual assault of a twelve year old Aboriginal girl in rural Saskatchewan. Legal proceedings lasted almost seven years and included two preliminary hearings, two jury trials, two retrials with juries, and appeals to the provincial appeal court and the Supreme Court of Canada. One accused was convicted. The case raises questions about the administration of justice in sexual assault cases in Saskatchewan. Based on observation and analysis of (...)
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    On Hart's category mistake.Michael S. Green - 2013 - Legal Theory 19 (4):347-369.
    This essay concerns Scott Shapiro's criticism that H.L.A. Hart's theory of law suffers from a Although other philosophers of law have summarily dismissed Shapiro's criticism, I argue that it identifies an important requirement for an adequate theory of law. Such a theory must explain why legal officials justify their actions by reference to abstract propositional entities, instead of pointing to the existence of social practices. A virtue of Shapiro's planning theory of law is that it can explain this phenomenon. (...)
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    Mix-Ups, Mistake and Moral Judgement: Recent Developments in U.K. Law on Assisted Conception. [REVIEW]José Miola - 2004 - Feminist Legal Studies 12 (1):67-77.
    Hard cases make bad law. In a matter of months, two such cases involving assisted reproduction have appeared before the U.K. High Court and legislation has been enacted. The common threads between them are consent and fatherhood. The first case concerns a ‘mistake’ resulting in sperm from the wrong man being used to create an embryo for a couple and the second the revocation of consent by a man to his former partner being allowed to use an embryo they (...)
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    The law's Aversion to Naked Statistics and Other Mistakes.Ronald J. Allen & Christopher K. Smiciklas - 2022 - Legal Theory 28 (3):179-209.
    A vast literature has developed probing the law's aversion to statistical/probability evidence in general and its rejection of naked statistical evidence in particular. This literature rests on false premises. At least so far as US law is concerned, there is no general aversion to statistical forms of proof and even naked statistics are admissible and sufficient for a verdict when the evidentiary proffer meets the normal standards of admissibility, the most important of which is reliability. The belief to the contrary (...)
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    The Legal, Ethical, and Practical Implications of Noncompetition Clauses: What Physicians Should Know before They Sign.Derek W. Loeser - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (2):283-291.
    Employers of all types, including group practices, health maintenance organizations, and university and other hospital practices, commonly include noncompetition clauses in physician employment contracts. The clauses only apply in the event physicians leave their employers, and typically only limit activities in relatively narrow geographic areas. Consequently, physicians often agree to the clauses without much thought or analysis. This is a mistake, as the clauses may have broad adverse ramifications for both physicians and patients.This article identifies the standard components of (...)
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    Montesquieu's Mistakes and the True Meaning of Separation.Laurence Claus - 2005 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 25 (3):419-451.
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    Contract Formation and Mistake in European Contract Law: A Genetic Comparison of Transnational Model Rules.Nils Jansen & Reinhard Zimmermann - 2011 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 31 (4):625-662.
    The article examines how the rules on formation of contract and on mistake, contained in the various transnational model rules that have been published over the past two decades, have taken shape. The approach adopted here is based on an analysis of the ‘textual stratification’ of European private law. The relevant instruments (Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Principles of European Contract Law, UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, Draft Common Frame of Reference, Principes contractuels communs) (...)
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    Nietzsche and legal science: Bodenheimer’s interpretation on Nietzsche revisited.Vinicius Fernandes Ormelesi - 2024 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 52:84-99.
    This work deals with the interpretation of Nietzschean philosophy carried out by jurist Edgar Bodenheimer to verify if it can help in the understanding of Nietzsche's thought in relation to law. We seek to gather the fundamental impressions of Bodenheimer's work on Nietzsche to examine possible mistakes made by the jurist when dealing with Nietzschean thought. At the end of this study, it is intended to answer the hypothesis raised about whether or not there is still relevance in the study (...)
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    Moral Rightness and the Significance of Law: Why, How and When Mistake of Law Matters.Re'em Segev - 2014 - University of Toronto Law Journal, Forthcoming 64:36-63.
    The question of whether a mistake of law should negate or mitigate criminal liability is commonly considered to be pertinent to the culpability of the agent, often examined in light of the (epistemic) reasonableness of the mistake. I argue that this view disregards an important aspect of this question, namely whether a mistake of law affects the rightness of the action, particularly in light of the moral significance of the mistake. I argue that several plausible premises, (...)
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    Sources of Law Are not Legal Norms.Fábio Perin Shecaira - 2015 - Ratio Juris 28 (1):15-30.
    Anglo-American authors have paid little attention to a subtle distinction that has important jurisprudential implications. It is the distinction between sources of law and the legal norms which can be derived from sources by means of interpretation. The distinction might also be rendered as a threefold one, separating sources of law from legal norms and both of these from that which mediates their relation, namely, methods of legal interpretation. This paper intends to state the “source-norm” distinction clearly (...)
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    Non-Epistemic Values in Adaptive Management: Framing Possibilities in the Legal Context of Endangered Columbia River Salmon.Shana Lee Hirsch & Jerrold Long - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (5):467-488.
    Courts have determined that adaptive management does not satisfy the Endangered Species Act's requirement to use the ‘best available science’. This is due, in part, to the failure to recognise the role of non-epistemic values in science. We examine the role of values in the legal controversy over the scientific reports and adaptive management plans for endangered salmon in the Columbia River Basin. To do this, we employ philosophical concepts related to risk and uncertainty that demonstrate how non-epistemic values (...)
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  35. Drone Warfare, Civilian Deaths, and the Narrative of Honest Mistakes.Matthew Talbert & Jessica Wolfendale - 2023 - In Nobuo Hayashi & Carola Lingaas (eds.), Honest Errors? Combat Decision-Making 75 Years After the Hostage Case. T.M.C. Asser Press. pp. 261-288.
    In this chapter, we consider the plausibility and consequences of the use of the term “honest errors” to describe the accidental killings of civilians resulting from the US military’s drone campaigns in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and elsewhere. We argue that the narrative of “honest errors” unjustifiably excuses those involved in these killings from moral culpability, and reinforces long-standing, pernicious assumptions about the moral superiority of the US military and the inevitability of civilian deaths in combat. Furthermore, we maintain that, given (...)
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  36. Legal obligation and method in ch. V of Hart's The Concept of Law.Gabriel Vieira Bilhalva - 2015 - Controvérsia 11 (1):18-28.
    In the second section of Chapter V of The concept of law, Hart lays down the concept of legal obligation throughout a critique of the concept of obligation in John Austin’s predictive theory. The critique aims at the core domain of this theory, which occupies the major part of the section, and shows how wrong it is to describe the legal obligation in terms of commands and habits of obedience. At the end of this section, Hart introduces the (...)
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    The rules of insanity: commentary on: psychopathic disorder: a category mistake?C. Elliott - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 17 (2):89-90.
    This paper addresses Colin Holmes's suggestion that the psychopathic disorder is best regarded not as a psychiatric concept, but as an ethical one. The paper argues that the concept of psychopathy, like many other concepts, can span both psychiatry and ethics, and that it is not clear what removing if from the realm of psychiatry would entail. Also, the question of whether the concept of psychopathy is useful for psychiatrists must be separated from the question of whether psychopaths should be (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Extrascientific uses of physics: The case of nonlinear dynamics and legal theory.Stephen H. Kellert - 2001 - Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association 2001 (3):S455-.
    This essay explores the metaphorical use of the area of nonlinear dynamics popularly known as "chaos theory," surveying its use in one particular field: legal theory. After sketching some of the mistakes encountered in these efforts, I outline the possibility of the fruitful use of nonlinear dynamics for thinking about our legal system. I then offer some general lessons to be drawn from these examples-both cautionary maxims and a limited defense of cross-disciplinary borrowing. I conclude with some reflections (...)
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  39. In Defense of Classical Natural Law in Legal Theory: Why Unjust Law is No Law at All.Philip Soper - 2007 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 20 (1):201-224.
    The classical view of natural law, often traced to Aquinas' statement that "unjust law is no law at all," finds few defenders today. Even those most sympathetic to natural law theories do not embrace the classical account, but, instead, convert Aquinas' claim into a claim of political theory or construct new "natural law" accounts about the connection between legal and moral principles in a theory of adjudication. In this paper, I defend the view that extreme injustice disqualifies otherwise valid (...)
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    Influence of Impossibility of Performance on the Validity of Legal Transactions – Application of the Rule “impossibilium nulla obligatio est” in Modern Law.Asta Dambrauskaitė - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 117 (3):313-337.
    The article deals with the issue of initial impossibility of performance of an obligation and the influence of such impossibility of performance on the validity of the legal transaction that establishes such an obligation. The legal doctrine convincingly demonstrates that for Roman lawyers the rule Impossitionbilium nulla obligatio est merely meant that nobody can be obliged to perform something that cannot be performed; however, it did not necessarily follow that a contract establishing such an obligation was void. Modern (...)
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    Excuses and Exemptions: Is it Really a Mistake to Understand the Category of Excuses to Include Infancy and Insanity?Marcia Baron - forthcoming - Criminal Law and Philosophy:1-10.
    Moral responsibility is a prerequisite for culpability. One can be morally responsible for φing without being culpable for it, but not vice versa. I agree with Andrew Simester on this, and agree that it is important to differentiate moral responsibility from culpability. That moral responsibility is a prerequisite for culpability is often taken to require sharply distinguishing excuses from what are called ‘exemptions’ (or to use the term Simester uses, ‘irresponsibility defences’) and treating exemptions as forming a category of their (...)
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  42. Why the Debate Between Originalists and Evolutionists Rests on a Semantic Mistake.John M. Collins - 2011 - Law and Philosophy 30 (6):645-684.
    I argue that the dispute between two leading theories of interpretation of legal texts, textual originalism and textual evolutionism, depends on the false presupposition that changes in the way a word is used necessarily require a change in the word’s meaning. Semantic externalism goes a long way towards reconciling these views by showing how a word’s semantic properties can be stable over time, even through vicissitudes of usage. I argue that temporal externalism can account for even more semantic stability, (...)
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  43. “Who Should I Trust with My Data?” Ethical and Legal Challenges for Innovation in New Decentralized Data Management Technologies.Haleh Asgarinia, Andrés Chomczyk Penedo, Beatriz Esteves & Dave Lewis - 2023 - Information (Switzerland) 14 (7):1-17.
    News about personal data breaches or data abusive practices, such as Cambridge Analytica, has questioned the trustworthiness of certain actors in the control of personal data. Innovations in the field of personal information management systems to address this issue have regained traction in recent years, also coinciding with the emergence of new decentralized technologies. However, only with ethically and legally responsible developments will the mistakes of the past be avoided. This contribution explores how current data management schemes are insufficient to (...)
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    Australia: Acting on Opponents' Mistakes—Expense Reduction Analysts Group Pty Ltd v Armstrong Strategic Management and Marketing Pty Ltd and the Inadvertent Disclosure of Privileged Material.Katie Murray - 2014 - Legal Ethics 17 (1):132-134.
    This article is currently available as a free download on ingentaconnect.
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    Leśniewski-quantifiers and modal arguments in legal discourse.Burkhard Schäfer - 1998 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 6:133.
    Following an idea first proposed by Jerzy Wróblewski, this paperexamines the usefulness of formal logic for comparative legal analysis. Subject of the comparison are the doctrines of mistake and attempt in Germanand English criminal law. These doctrines are distinguished by the interaction of deontic, epistemic and alethic modalities. I propose a purely extensional logic which is based on Leśniewski’s substitutional interpretation ofquantification to analyse differences in the logical structure of the variouscriminal law doctrines.
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    (1 other version)Hegel’s Treatment of the Free Will Problem: a Conceptual Oversight and Its Implications for Legal Theory.Robert Donoghue - forthcoming - Symposion. Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences.
    Robert Donoghue ABSTRACT: G.W.F Hegel offers a thorough, complex, and unique theory of free will in the Philosophy of Right. In what follows, I argue that Hegel’s conceptualization of free will makes the mistake of collapsing the possibility of organic freedom into the potential for moral freedom ….
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  47. It's Not Too Difficult: A Plea to Resurrect the Impossibility Defense.Ken Levy - 2014 - New Mexico Law Revview 45:225-274.
    Suppose you are at the gym trying to see some naked beauties by peeping through a hole in the wall. A policeman happens by, he asks you what you are doing, and you honestly tell him. He then arrests you for voyeurism. Are you guilty? We don’t know yet because there is one more fact to be considered: while you honestly thought that a locker room was on the other side of the wall, it was actually a squash court. Are (...)
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    A. D. Woozley and the Concept of Right Answers in Law.Brian Bix - 1992 - Ratio Juris 5 (1):58-66.
    Abstract.In the debates about legal determinacy, an important but often neglected issue is what is meant in the legal context by saying that a question has a right answer. By way of a critique of A. D. Woozley's discussion of “right answers,” I try to show how this issue is connected with issues of legal truth, legal mistake, and precedent.
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    Gaps in Labour Law and Their Influence on Flexibility and Stability of the Labour Law System.Viktoras Tiažkijus - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (4):1551-1566.
    The Labour Code of the Republic of Lithuania was enacted on 4 June 2002. However, the practice of ten years has shown that even the systematisation of this branch of law by means of codification could not help avoiding gaps in labour law. The Lithuanian labour law system balances on the brink of flexibility, liberalisation and stability. The purpose of this article is to examine the legal side of this problem and to evaluate the quality of legal regulation (...)
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  50.  42
    Alf Ross on the Nature of Law.Brian H. Bix - 2023 - Ratio Juris 36 (1):61-71.
    In his work, On Law and Justice, Alf Ross sought to explain law in scientific/empirical terms, in terms that would require no recourse to what he called “metaphysics” or “idealism.” The result is a sort of translation of legal rules and official actions into propositions of behavior, predictions of behavior, and shared ideology. The present work raises questions about the tensions within Ross's work(s), and discusses the places where Ross's analysis seems to fall short of its ambitions. In the (...)
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