Results for 'long‐term memories '

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  1.  38
    Distractibility during retrieval of long-term memory: domain-general interference, neural networks and increased susceptibility in normal aging.Peter E. Wais & Adam Gazzaley - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:76196.
    The mere presence of irrelevant external stimuli results in interference with the fidelity of details retrieved from long-term memory (LTM). Recent studies suggest that distractibility during LTM retrieval occurs when the focus of resource-limited, top-down mechanisms that guide the selection of relevant mnemonic details is disrupted by representations of external distractors. We review findings from four studies that reveal distractibility during episodic retrieval. The approach cued participants to recall previously studied visual details when their eyes were closed, or were open (...)
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    Long-term memory span.James S. Nairne & Ian Neath - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):134-135.
    Cowan assumes that chunk-based capacity limits are synonymous with the essence of a “specialized STM mechanism.” In a single experiment, we measured the capacity, or span, of long-term memory and found that it, too, corresponds roughly to the magical number 4. The results imply that a chunk-based capacity limit is not a signature characteristic of remembering over the short-term.
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    Long-term memory effects in the perception of apparent movement.Larry M. Raskin - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 79 (1p1):97.
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    Long-term memory of odors with and without verbal descriptions.Trygg Engen & Bruce M. Ross - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 100 (2):221.
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    Long-term memory as a function of retention time and repeated recalling.Edward A. Bilodeau, Marshall B. Jones & C. Michael Levy - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (4):303.
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    Long-Term Memory Updating: The Reset-of-Encoding Hypothesis in List-Method Directed Forgetting.Bernhard Pastötter, Tobias Tempel & Karl-Heinz T. Bäuml - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Activated long-term memory? The bases of representation in working memory.Bradley R. Postle - 2007 - In Naoyuki Osaka, Robert H. Logie & Mark D'Esposito (eds.), The Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory. Oxford University Press. pp. 333--349.
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    Long-term memory-based control of attention in multi-step tasks requires working memory: evidence from domain-specific interference.Rebecca M. Foerster, Elena Carbone & Werner X. Schneider - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  9. Working memory retention systems: A state of activated long-term memory.Daniel S. Ruchkin, Jordan Grafman, Katherine Cameron & Rita S. Berndt - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):709-728.
    High temporal resolution event-related brain potential and electroencephalographic coherence studies of the neural substrate of short-term storage in working memory indicate that the sustained coactivation of both prefrontal cortex and the posterior cortical systems that participate in the initial perception and comprehension of the retained information are involved in its storage. These studies further show that short-term storage mechanisms involve an increase in neural synchrony between prefrontal cortex and posterior cortex and the enhanced activation of long-term memory representations of material (...)
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    Extremely long-term memory and familiarity after 12 years.Christelle Larzabal, Eve Tramoni, Sophie Muratot, Simon J. Thorpe & Emmanuel J. Barbeau - 2018 - Cognition 170:254-262.
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    The Disruption of Memory Consolidation of Duration Introduces Noise While Lengthening the Long-Term Memory Representation of Time in Humans.Joffrey Derouet, Valérie Doyère & Sylvie Droit-Volet - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    This study examined the effect of an interference task on the consolidation of duration in long-term memory. In a temporal generalization task, the participants performed a learning phase with a reference duration that either was, or was not, followed 30 minutes later by a 15-min interference task. They were then given a memory test, 24h later. Using different participant groups, several reference durations were examined, from several hundred milliseconds (600ms) to several seconds (2.5, 4 and 8s). The results showed that (...)
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    The contribution of long-term memory and the role of frontal-lobe systems in on-line processing.Jennifer D. Ryan & Neal J. Cohen - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):756-756.
    Ruchkin et al. ascribe a pivotal role to long-term memory representations and binding within working memory. Here we focus on the interaction of working memory and long-term memory in supporting on-line representations of experience available to guide on-going processing, and we distinguish the role of frontal-lobe systems from what the hippocampus contributes to relational long-term memory binding.
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    Activation of long-term memory by alpha oscillations in a working-memory task?Wolfgang Klimesch & Bärbel Schack - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):743-743.
    We focus on the functional specificity of theta and alpha oscillations and show that theta is related to working memory, whereas alpha is related to semantic long-term memory. Recent studies, however, indicate that alpha oscillations also play an important role during short-term memory retention and retrieval. This latter finding provides support for the basic hypothesis suggested by Ruchkin et al.
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  14.  31
    Making long-term memories in minutes: a spaced learning pattern from memory research in education.Paul Kelley & Terry Whatson - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  15. Long-Term Semantic Memory Versus Contextual Memory in Unconscious Number Processing.S. Dehaene, A. G. Greenwald, R. L. Abrams & L. Naccache - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 29 (2):235-247.
    Subjects classified visible 2-digit numbers as larger or smaller than 55. Target numbers were preceded by masked 2-digit primes that were either congruent (same relation to 55) or incongruent. Experiments 1 and 2 showed prime congruency effects for stimuli never included in the set of classified visible targets, indicating subliminal priming based on long-term semantic memory. Experiments 2 and 3 went further to demonstrate paradoxical unconscious priming effects resulting from task context. For example, after repeated practice classifying 73 as larger (...)
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  16.  19
    Very long term memory for tacit knowledge.R. Allen - 1980 - Cognition 8 (2):175-185.
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    The short-term/long-term memory distinction: Back to the past?Giuseppe Vallar - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):757-758.
    The view that short-term memory should be conceived of as being a process based on the activation of long-term memory is inconsistent with neuropsychological evidence. Data from brain-damaged patients, showing specific patterns of impairment, are compatible with a vision of memory as a multiple-component system, whose different aspects, in neurologically unimpaired subjects, show a high degree of interaction.
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  18. The Role of Long-Term Memory in Visual Perception.Berit Brogaard & Thomas Alrik Sørensen - 2024 - In Robert French & Berit Brogaard (eds.), The Roles of Representations in Visual Perception. Springer. pp. 47–69.
    There has been a long-standing debate in philosophy and psychology about the role of representation in visual perception. Here, we argue on the basis of evidence from philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience that episodic and schematic memory representations are pivotal to the visual perception of objects and scenes. In the visual perception of objects and scenes, sensory information is initially matched with object and scene templates, or schemas, in long-term memory. The most relevant representations are then selected for encoding in working (...)
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  19.  21
    Long-term memory following serial discrimination reversal learning.William H. Calhoun & George W. Handley - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (5):354-356.
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    A new cognitive model of long-term memory for intentions.Thor Grünbaum, Franziska Oren & Søren Kyllingsbæk - 2021 - Cognition 215 (C):104817.
    In this paper, we propose a new mathematical model of retrieval of intentions from long-term memory. We model retrieval as a stochastic race between a plurality of potentially relevant intentions stored in long-term memory. Psychological theories are dominated by two opposing conceptions of the role of memory in temporally extended agency – as when a person has to remember to make a phone call in the afternoon because, in the morning, she promised she would do so. According to the Working (...)
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    Long-term memories, features, and novelty.James K. Kroger - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):744-745.
    Ruchkin et al. make a strong claim about the neural substrates of active information. Some qualifications on that conclusion are: (1) Long-term memories and neural substrates activated for perception of information are not the same thing; (2) humans are capable of retaining novel information in working memory, which is not long-term memory; (3) the content of working memory, a dynamically bound representation, is a quantity above and beyond the long-term memories activated, or the activity in perceptual substrates.
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  22.  22
    Long-term memory for abstract concepts in the lowland gorilla.Thomas L. Patterson & Ovid J. L. Tzeng - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (5):279-282.
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    Neural Correlates of Long-Term Memory Enhancement Following Retrieval Practice.Eugenia Marin-Garcia, Aaron T. Mattfeld & John D. E. Gabrieli - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Retrieval practice, relative to further study, leads to long-term memory enhancement known as the “testing effect.” The neurobiological correlates of the testing effect at retrieval, when the learning benefits of testing are expressed, have not been fully characterized. Participants learned Swahili-English word-pairs and were assigned randomly to either the Study-Group or the Test-Group. After a week delay, all participants completed a cued-recall test while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging. The Test-Group had superior memory for the word-pairs compared to the Study-Group. (...)
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    Long-term memory as a function of retention time and other conditions of training and recall.Edward A. Bilodeau & C. Michael Levy - 1964 - Psychological Review 71 (1):27-41.
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    High-Fidelity Visual Long-Term Memory within an Unattended Blink of an Eye.Christof Kuhbandner, Elizabeth A. Rosas-Corona & Philipp Spachtholz - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Thoughts from the long-term memory chair.Jonathan K. Foster - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):734-735.
    With reference to Ruchkins et al.'s framework, this commentary briefly considers the history of working memory, and whether, heuristically, this is a useful concept. A neuropsychologically motivated critique is offered, specifically with regard to the recent trend for working-memory researchers to conceptualise this capacity more as a process than as a set of distinct task-specific stores.
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    Intention, attention and long-term memory for visual scenes: It all depends on the scenes.Karla K. Evans & Alan Baddeley - 2018 - Cognition 180 (C):24-37.
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    Reflections of idiographic long-term memory characteristics in resting-state neuroimaging data.Peiyun Zhou, Florian Sense, Hedderik van Rijn & Andrea Stocco - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104660.
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    As in long-term memory, LTP is consolidated by reinforcers.Klaus G. Reymann - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):627-628.
    Recent evidence from our lab indicates that LTP shares an important property with memory consolidation: it is consolidated by natural reinforcement. Nevertheless, the hypothesis, that LTP-like mechanisms or other forms of enhanced synaptic efficacy are basic elements in learning is not unequivocally supported. Skepticism aside, LTP is an accessible experimental model that is optimally equipped for the investigation of the cellular and molecular machinery involved in synaptic weight changes.
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    Attention capture by episodic long-term memory.Allison E. Nickel, Lauren S. Hopkins, Greta N. Minor & Deborah E. Hannula - 2020 - Cognition 201 (C):104312.
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    Signaling Pathways for Long-Term Memory Formation in the Cricket.Yukihisa Matsumoto, Chihiro S. Matsumoto & Makoto Mizunami - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    On retrieving sequence from long-term memory.Tarow Indow & Kaworu Togano - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (4):317-331.
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    Rapid Learning and Long-Term Memory for Dangerous Humans in Ravens.C. R. Blum, W. Tecumseh Fitch & T. Bugnyar - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Visual long-term memory and change blindness: Different effects of pre- and post-change information on one-shot change detection using meaningless geometric objects.Megumi Nishiyama & Jun Kawaguchi - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 30:105-117.
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    Interference in short- and long-term memory.Wayne H. Bartz & Merry Salehi - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 84 (2):380.
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    Commentary: Merging of long-term memories in an insect.Gema Martin-Ordas & Tom V. Smulders - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Does sustained ERP activity in posterior lexico-semantic processing areas during short-term memory tasks only reflect activated long-term memory?Steve Majerus, Martial Van der Linden, Fabienne Collette & Eric Salmon - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):746-747.
    We challenge Ruchkin et al.'s claim in reducing short-term memory (STM) to the active part of long-term memory (LTM), by showing that their data cannot rule out the possibility that activation of posterior brain regions could also reflect the contribution of a verbal STM buffer.
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    Working memory as a state of activated long-term memory: A plausible theory, but other data provide more compelling evidence.Frank Rösler & Martin Heil - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):754-755.
    The identity of working-memory and long-term memory representations follows from many lines of evidence. However, the data provided by Ruchkin et al. are hardly compelling, as they make unproved assumptions about hypothetical generators. We cite studies from our lab in which congruent slow-wave topographies were found for short-term and long-term memory tasks, strongly suggesting that both activate identical cell assemblies.
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    Subliminally and Supraliminally Acquired Long-Term Memories Jointly Bias Delayed Decisions.Simon Ruch, Elizabeth Herbert & Katharina Henke - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Relationships among short-term recall, intralist intrusions, subjective certainty ratings, and long-term memory.Anthony F. Grasha, Donald A. Schumsky & Lee A. Elliott - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 100 (1):83.
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    Acoustic savings for items forgotten from long-term memory.Thomas O. Nelson & Robert Rothbart - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 93 (2):357.
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    (1 other version)Commentary “Reinstatement of long-term memory following erasure of its behavioral and synaptic expression in Aplysia”.Patrick C. Trettenbrein - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Mood-dependent retrieval in visual long-term memory: dissociable effects on retrieval probability and mnemonic precision.Weizhen Xie & Weiwei Zhang - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (4):674-690.
    Although memories are more retrievable if observers’ emotional states are consistent between encoding and retrieval, it is unclear whether the consistency of emotional states increases the likelihood of successful memory retrieval, the precision of retrieved memories, or both. The present study tested visual long-term memory for everyday objects while consistent or inconsistent emotional contexts between encoding and retrieval were induced using background grey-scale images from the International Affective Picture System. In the study phase, participants remembered colours of sequentially (...)
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    Imagery versus repetition encoding in short- and long-term memory.Lee Elliott - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 100 (2):270.
  45. Pre-frontal executive committee for perception, working memory, attention, long-term memory, motor control, and thinking: A tutorial review.Bill Faw - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (1):83-139.
    As an explicit organizing metaphor, memory aid, and conceptual framework, the prefrontal cortex may be viewed as a five-member ‘Executive Committee,’ as the prefrontal-control extensions of five sub-and-posterior-cortical systems: the ‘Perceiver’ is the frontal extension of the ventral perceptual stream which represents the world and self in object coordinates; the ‘Verbalizer’ is the frontal extension of the language stream which represents the world and self in language coordinates; the ‘Motivator’ is the frontal cortical extension of a subcortical extended-amygdala stream which (...)
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    From working memory to long-term memory and back: Linked but distinct.Stephen Grossberg - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):737-738.
    Neural models have proposed how short-term memory (STM) storage in working memory and long-term memory (LTM) storage and recall are linked and interact, but are realized by different mechanisms that obey different laws. The authors' data can be understood in the light of these models, which suggest that the authors may have gone too far in obscuring the differences between these processes.
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  47. Making the case that episodic recollection is attributable to operations occurring at retrieval rather than to content stored in a dedicated subsystem of long-term memory.Stan Klein - 2013 - Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 7 (3):1-14.
    Episodic memory often is conceptualized as a uniquely human system of long-term memory that makes available knowledge accompanied by the temporal and spatial context in which that knowledge was acquired. Retrieval from episodic memory entails a form of first–person subjectivity called autonoetic consciousness that provides a sense that a recollection was something that took place in the experiencer’s personal past. In this paper I expand on this definition of episodic memory. Specifically, I suggest that (a) the core features assumed unique (...)
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  48.  44
    Effects of experimental and preexperimental organization on recognition: Evidence for two storage systems in long-term memory.D. J. Herrmann & John P. McLaughlin - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 99 (2):174.
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    An Investigation of Stretched Exponential Function in Quantifying Long-Term Memory of Extreme Events Based on Artificial Data following Lévy Stable Distribution.HongGuang Sun, Lin Yuan, Yong Zhang & Nicholas Privitera - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-7.
    Extreme events, which are usually characterized by generalized extreme value models, can exhibit long-term memory, whose impact needs to be quantified. It was known that extreme recurrence intervals can better characterize the significant influence of long-term memory than using the GEV model. Our statistical analyses based on time series datasets following the Lévy stable distribution confirm that the stretched exponential distribution can describe a wide spectrum of memory behavior transition from exponentially distributed intervals to power-law distributed ones, extending the previous (...)
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  50.  13
    (1 other version)Reports of Mental Imagery in Retrieval from Long-Term Memory.William Brewer & John Pani - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 5 (3):25-287.
    Phenomenal reports were obtained immediately after participants retrieved information from long-term memory. Data were gathered for six basic forms of memory and for three forms of memory that asked for declarative information about procedural tasks. The data show consistent reports of mental imagery during retrieval of information from the generic perceptual, recollective, motor—declarative, rote—declarative, and cognitive—declarative categories; much less imagery was reported for the semantic, motor, rote, and cognitive categories. Overall, the data provide support for the theoretical framework outlined in (...)
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