Results for 'Fabienne Collette'

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  1.  27
    Executive function and grey matter atrophy in healthy aging: A voxel-based morphometry analysis.Manard Marine, François Sarah, Salmon Eric, Collette Fabienne & Bahri Mohamed Ali - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  2.  22
    The neural bases of proactive and reactive control processes in normal aging.Manard Marine, François Sarah, Salmon Eric & Collette Fabienne - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  3.  43
    Seasonal variation in human executive brain responses.Meyer Christelle, Jaspar Mathieu, Muto Vincenzo, Kussé Caroline, Chellappa Sarah, Degueldre Christian, Balteau Evelyne, Luxen André, Collette Fabienne, Phillips Christophe, Middleton Benita, Archer Simon, Dijk Derk-Jan, Vandewalle Gilles & Maquet Pierre - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  4.  33
    Does sustained ERP activity in posterior lexico-semantic processing areas during short-term memory tasks only reflect activated long-term memory?Steve Majerus, Martial Van der Linden, Fabienne Collette & Eric Salmon - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (6):746-747.
    We challenge Ruchkin et al.'s claim in reducing short-term memory (STM) to the active part of long-term memory (LTM), by showing that their data cannot rule out the possibility that activation of posterior brain regions could also reflect the contribution of a verbal STM buffer.
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  5. Democratic Legitimacy without Collective Rationality Fabienne Peter.Fabienne Peter - 2009 - In Boudewijn de Bruin & Christopher F. Zurn (eds.), New waves in political philosophy. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 143.
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    The Psychoanalysis of Sense: Deleuze and the Lacanian School.Guillaume Collett - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Guillaume Collett questions to what extent we can locate Deleuze within the Lacanian School during the late-1960s, prior to Guattari. In so doing, he offers a new, integrated reading of Deleuze's The Logic of Sense by understanding it as a 'psychoanalysis of sense', and gives a new interpretation of Deleuze's conception of philosophy itself. The Psychoanalysis of Sense shows that Deleuze was not merely aware of the debates animating the Lacanian School during the 1960s: he sought to contribute to them. (...)
  7. The Grounds of Political Legitimacy.Fabienne Peter - 2020 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 6 (3):372-390.
    The debate over rival conceptions of political legitimacy tends to focus on first-order considerations—for example, on the relative importance of procedural and substantive values. In this essay, I argue that there is an important, but often overlooked, distinction among rival conceptions of political legitimacy that originates at the meta-normative level. This distinction, which cuts across the distinctions drawn at the first-order level, concerns the source of the normativity of political legitimacy, or, as I refer to it here, the grounds of (...)
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    Reconsidering the role of orthographic redundancy in visual word recognition.Fabienne Chetail - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Charles Darwin's ill health.Fabienne Smith - 1990 - Journal of the History of Biology 23 (3):443-459.
  10.  22
    On the Economic Dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility.Fabienne Fortanier & Ans Kolk - 2007 - Business and Society 46 (4):457-478.
    The macro-level debate on the economic impact of multinational enterprises (MNEs) is still unsettled. This article explores micro-level evidence by examining what Fortune Global 250 firms themselves report about their economic impact. Such reporting embodies corporate attempts to account for their economic implications, in addition to the environmental and social aspects of their activities that have traditionally received more attention in the context of corporate responsibility. Firms' reports turn out to provide a rich illustration of the mechanisms through which MNEs (...)
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    Covert Hate Speech, Conspiracy Theory and Anti-semitism: Linguistic Analysis Versus Legal Judgement.Fabienne Baider - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (6):2347-2371.
    In this paper we focus on the difficulty in judging what is called covert hate speech. We emphasize the need for a multidimensional framework when analysing covert hate speech in situ, and the need to consider the multifaceted dimension of such speech act to assess its performativity. To explain such need, we apply the test of the Rabat Plan of Action and adopt a pragmatic perspective to analyse a specific covert hate speech act, considering such speech act as both an (...)
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  12.  65
    Mandle, Jon, and Reidy, David A., eds. A Companion to Rawls. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, 2014. Pp. 587. $199.95.Fabienne Peter - 2015 - Ethics 125 (2):591-596.
  13. Wagering with and without Pascal.Daniel Collette & Joseph Anderson - 2018 - Res Philosophica 95 (1):95-110.
    Pascal’s wager has received the attention of philosophers for centuries. Most of its criticisms arise from how the wager is often framed. We present Pascal’s wager three ways: in isolation from any further apologetic arguments, as leading toward a regimen intended to produce belief, and finally embedded in a larger apology that includes evidence for Christianity. We find that none of the common objections apply when the wager is presented as part of Pascal’s larger project. Pascal’s wager is a successful (...)
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  14.  16
    David Lefebvre, Dynamis. Sens et genèse de la notion aristotélicienne de puissance.Fabienne Baghdassarian - 2019 - Philosophie Antique 19:186-188.
    On ne peut que saluer la parution de cet ouvrage important, dont le sous-titre exprime d’emblée l’originalité et la force : élucider le sens de la notion aristotélicienne de dynamis par l’étude de son histoire ou de sa genèse (cf. p. 7 et 32). Cette méthode de travail répond à la volonté de débrouiller les fils d’une ambiguïté bien connue de la notion aristotélicienne de puissance, qui se partage entre deux acceptions principales, explicitées en Metaph. Θ : d’une part, la (...)
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    Principe du bien et principe du mal chez Aristote.Fabienne Baghdassarian - 2017 - Chôra 15:333-358.
    This paper deals with Aristotle’s criticism of a metaphysical principle of evil. On several occasions in the Metaphysics, Aristotle notes that some of his predecessors, e.g. Empedocles and Plato at least, have been forced to admit the existence of a principle of evil, for the very same reasons that led them to define the good as a principle. Needless to say Aristotle too admits that the good belongs to the range of principles, but he obviously does not think he is (...)
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  16. Poésie, politique, religion. Solon entre les dieux et les hommes (l''Eunomie' et l''Elégie aux Muses', 4 et 13 West).Fabienne Blaise - 2005 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 23 (1):3-40.
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    La persistance du patriarcat.Fabienne Brugère - 2020 - Multitudes 79 (2):193-198.
    Le mouvement des femmes contre les agressions sexuelles pointe la responsabilité du patriarcat, d’un système de classement binaire qui organise la domination des hommes sur les femmes. La sociologie française préfère parler d’une domination masculine, expliquée par la volonté des hommes de s’approprier la fécondité des femmes pour Françoise Héritier, ou de construire un monde de l’entre-soi pour Pierre Bourdieu. Pour Carol Gilligan et Naomi Snider, le patriarcat est une force de hiérarchisation genrée qui s’applique à toutes les relations sociales, (...)
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  18. Quelle place pour la beauté dans la Théorie des sentiments moraux?Fabienne Brugere - 2002 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 20:95-112.
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    La coupe de Méroé, une nouvelle étude iconographique et historique.Fabienne Burkhalter - 1984 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 108 (1):407-423.
    Στή σκηνή πού παριστάνεται στήν « κύλικα τῆς Μερόης », πολλοί θέλησαν νά διακρίνουν τόν βασιλέα Βόκχορι, τόν βασιλέα Σολομῶντα ἤ καί τόν Αὔγουστο μέ ἀλληγορία τῆς Αἰγύπτου. Ή κύλικα ἀνακαλύφθηκε στή βασιλική νεκρόπολη, στά περίχωρα τῆς πυραμίδας τοῦ βασιλέα Άμενιχαμπάλ, καί βρίσκεται σήμερα στό Museum of Fine Arts τῆς Βοστώνης. Οἱ συγγραφείς τοῦ ἄρθρου ἐρμηνεύουν τή σκηνή σάν ἐπεισόδιο ἀπό τήν τραγωδία τῆς Μήδειας : ὁ Κρέων καθισμένος στό ἕδρανο καί ἕνας φρουρός πού ἑτοιμάζεται νά ἐκτελέσει τίς διαταγές του, (...)
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  20.  7
    Paysages en devenir.Fabienne Costa, Danièle Méaux & Hélène Saule-Sorbé (eds.) - 2012 - Saint-Etienne: Publications de l'université de Saint-Etienne.
    Dans la culture occidentale, le paysage est le plus souvent reconnu comme une portion d'espace appréhendée à distance, selon un point de vue unique; l'étendue, telle qu'elle est circonscrite par le regard, l'emporte sur la temporalité qui se trouve négligée. Or, le territoire est affecté de changements incessants, que ceux-ci soient d'origine naturelle ou déterminés par l'intervention des hommes; les dispositifs techniques, qu'ils s'agissent des "machines de locomotion" ou des "machines de vision" contribuent à conférer une dimension temporelle à la (...)
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    Les techniques de la narration aux origines de 1'opera: isotopies et strategies narratives dans.Fabienne Desquilbe - 1996 - In Eero Tarasti, Paul Forsell & Richard Littlefield (eds.), Musical semiotics in growth. Imatra: International Semiotics Institute. pp. 4--437.
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  22.  14
    (1 other version)Nicole Claude Mathieu (dir.), Une maison sans fille est une maison morte. La personne et le genre en sociétés matrilinéaires et/ou uxorilocales.Fabienne Desray - 2010 - Clio 32.
    Cet ouvrage collectif réunit quatorze contributions d’anthropologues, dont les recherches ont intégré la dimension du genre dans les questions de parenté. Elles ont été menées dans des aires géographiques très diverses, tant en Amérique du Sud et du Nord qu’en Asie. Les études se sont centrées, pour la plupart, sur l’observation de sociétés restreintes contemporaines, tout en faisant référence à l’histoire et aux mythes qui déterminent leur mode de construction du genre. En réunissant tous ce...
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  23.  10
    Auswahlbibliographie.Fabienne Forster - 2017 - In Michael Hampe (ed.), John Dewey: Erfahrung Und Natur. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 187-198.
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  24.  14
    Ce que le féminisme n'est pas: le féminisme, un universalisme? enjeux et débats actuels.Fabienne Messica - 2022 - Paris: Rue de Seine.
  25. Social equity and the case of Australia's early childhood education and care system reform.Collette Tayler - 2019 - In Nóirín Hayes & Mathias Urban (eds.), In search of social justice: John Bennett's lifetime contribution to early childhood policy and practice. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Dispositifs narratif et argumentatif: Quel intérêt pour la médiation des savoirs?Fabienne Thomas - 1999 - Hermes 25:219.
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    (1 other version)Commémorer Christophe Colomb à Puerto Rico, Cuba et en République dominicaine : anamnèse et insularités mémorielles.Fabienne Viala - 2014 - Diogène 246 (2):99.
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    The Grounds of Political Legitimacy.Fabienne Peter - 2023 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Political decisions have the potential to greatly impact our lives. Think of decisions in relation to abortion or climate change, for example. This makes political legitimacy an important normative concern. But what makes political decisions legitimate? Are they legitimate in virtue of having support from the citizens? Democratic conceptions of political legitimacy answer in the affirmative. Such conceptions righly highlight that legitimate political decision-making must be sensitive to disagreements among the citizens. But what if democratic decisions fail to track what (...)
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  29. Political legitimacy under epistemic constraints : why public reasons matter.Fabienne Peter - 2019 - In Jack Knight & Melissa Schwartzberg (eds.), NOMOS LXI: Political Legitimacy. New York: NYU Press.
    My aim in this paper is to provide an epistemological argument for why public reasons matter for political legitimacy. A key feature of the public reason conception of legitimacy is that political decisions must be justified to the citizens. Critics of the public reason conception, by contrast, argue that political legitimacy depends on justification simpliciter. Another way to put the point is that the critics of the public reason conception take the justification of political decisions to be based on reasons (...)
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  30. Rational fools, rational commitments.Fabienne Peter & H. B. Schmid - 2007 - In rationality and commitment. Oxford University Press USA.
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  31.  54
    Living by her laws: Jacqueline Pascal and women's autonomy.Daniel Collette & Dwight K. Lewis - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):32-48.
    As a Catholic nun, to suggest Jacqueline Pascal as autonomous might at first glance seem contradictory. We show that her moral deference to the divine is not at all forfeiting her autonomy, but that aligning her own law with God's law is to align her own law with rationality itself, that is, the laws of nature. Her theoretical structure begins with a theory of virtue—viz., how and to whom we have an obligation to be moral. For her, acting in accordance (...)
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    Constraint on collapse models by limit on spontaneous x-ray emission in Ge.Brian Collett, Philip Pearle, Frank Avignone & Shmuel Nussinov - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (10):1399-1412.
    The continuous spontaneous localization (CSL) model modifies Schrödinger's equation so that the collapse of the state vector is described as a physical process (a special interaction of particles with a universal fluctuating field). A consequence of the model is that an electron in an atom should occasionally get “spontaneously” knocked out of the atom. The CSL ionization rate for the 1s electrons in the Ge atom is calculated and compared with an experimental upper limit for the rate of “spontaneously” generated (...)
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  33.  59
    Democracy or decision-making by experts?Fabienne Peter - 2015 - Forum for European Philosophy Blog.
    Fabienne Peter on whether difficult political decisions should be made by experts.
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    Assembling Resistance: From Foucault's Dispositif to Deleuze and Guattari's Diagram of Escape.Guillaume Collett - 2020 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 14 (3):375-401.
    While Deleuze and Guattari's Anti-Oedipus is quite rightly considered a fully fledged response to May ’68 and as one with the radical politics of the 1970s, their 1980 follow-up, A Thousand Plateaus, has tended to provoke a more perplexed reaction. In this article, I will argue that we can nonetheless extract a definite line of argumentation serving a precise political end if we relate the text back to Foucault's mid-1970s output on power/knowledge. In particular, I will emphasise Deleuze and Guattari's (...)
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  35.  55
    Justice: Political Not Natural.Fabienne Peter - 2006 - Analyse & Kritik 28 (1):83-88.
    Ken Binmore casts his naturalist theory of justice in opposition to theories of justice that claim authority on the grounds of some religious or moral doctrine. He thereby overlooks the possibility of a political conception of justice−a theory of justice based on the premise that there is an irreducible pluralism of metaphysical, epistemological, and moral doctrines. In my brief comment I shall argue that the naturalist theory of justice advocated by Binmore should be conceived of as belonging to one family (...)
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  36.  68
    Sen's Idea of Justice and the locus of normative reasoning.Fabienne Peter - 2012 - Journal of Economic Methodology 19 (2):165 - 167.
  37.  16
    La matière à l’origine du mal chez Numénius (Fr. 43 et 52 Des Places).Fabienne Jourdan - 2014 - Philosophie Antique 14:185-235.
    Dans son interprétation du Timée, Calcidius rapporte un exposé de Numénius sur la manière dont Pythagore, suivi par Platon, conçoit l’origine du monde. À cette occasion, Numénius identifie la matière à trois entités : la dyade indéterminée, la nécessité et l’âme mauvaise du monde évoquée dans les Lois (fr. 52 Des Places). L’article montre en quoi ces trois analogies permettent de comprendre le rôle qu’il attribue à la matière dans l’origine du mal, et ce même avant l’incarna­tion de l’âme, d’après (...)
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    L'être et ses degrés: histoire de l'ontologie scalaire.Fabienne Baghdassarian & Kristell Trego (eds.) - 2023 - Paris: Hermann.
    Des contributions interrogeant, depuis l'Antiquité jusqu'à la pensée contemporaine, la notion de degrés de l'être, une option théorique récurrente dans l'histoire de la métaphysique, qui permet d'accueillir la diversité des êtres en y discernant des nuances, un ordre ou des structures, mais qui implique également que certaines choses seraient davantage des êtres que d'autres. ©Electre 2023.
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    Matière locale et substances astrales chez Aristote.Fabienne Baghdassarian - 2020 - Chôra 18:181-199.
    This paper deals with the Aristotelian notion of topical matter mentioned in a few passages of the Metaphysics and ascribed to the celestial bodies. Taking into account the metaphysical context of each occurrence of this notion, it tries to determine for what metaphysical use this notion has been developed and what impact it has on the ousiological analysis of the celestial substances. It suggests that the notion of topical matter, although intended to provide a convenient tool that makes possible a (...)
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  40.  20
    Philosophie de la nature et communauté chez Shaftesbury et Toland.Fabienne Brugère - 1995 - Revue de Synthèse 116 (2-3):303-314.
    La publication par John Toland de l’Enquête sur la vertu ou le mérite de Shaftesbury semble indiquer une complicité, voire même une convergence de doctrine entre les deux penseurs. Or, cette convergence apparente masque la spécificité de chacun concernant surtout les concepts de nature et de communauté. Plus précisément, l’orientation de la nature par rapport à la communauté humaine ne se fait pas pour les mêmes raisons. Alors que Shaftesbury inclut nature et communauté dans une même perspective pour aboutir à (...)
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    Richard Conte (dir.), René Passeron. La Création en acte.Fabienne Brugère - 2023 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 31 (1):143-144.
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    The Sālibhadra-Dhanna-Carita : A Work in Old Gujarātī, Critically Edited and Translated, with a Grammatical Analysis and GlossaryThe Salibhadra-Dhanna-Carita : A Work in Old Gujarati, Critically Edited and Translated, with a Grammatical Analysis and Glossary.Collette Caillat & Ernest Bender - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (2):292.
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  43. Snark, Jabberwock, Poordʼjeli: Deleuze and the Lacanian school on the names-of-the-father.Guillaume Collett - 2016 - In Boštjan Nedoh & Andreja Zevnik (eds.), Lacan and Deleuze: A Disjunctive Synthesis. Edinburgh: Eup.
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    The Double Binds of Neoliberalism: Theory and Culture After 1968.Guillaume Collett & Krista Bonello Rutter Giappone (eds.) - 2022 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    An interdisciplinary examination of the legacies of the global 1968 uprisings from the vantage point of the current crisis of neoliberal hegemony.
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    Taking the Lid Off: Socialist Feminism in Oxfordshire.Christine Collette - 1987 - Feminist Review 26 (1):74-81.
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    Virtual Reality as Experiential Learning.Daniel Collette - 2019 - Teaching Philosophy 42 (1):29-39.
    While the pedagogical benefits of experiential learning are well known, classroom technology is a more contentious topic. In my experience, philosophy instructors are hesitant to embrace technology in their pedagogy. A great deal of this trepidation is justified: when technology serves only to replicate existing methods without contributing to course objectives, it unnecessarily adds extra work for the instructor and can even be a distraction from learning. However, I believe, if applied appropriately, technology can be used to positively enhance the (...)
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  47. Multinationals and spill-overs: how firms report on their economic impact.Fabienne Fortanier & Ans Kolk - forthcoming - Business and Society.
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    Claude Langlois, On savait mais quoi? La pédophilie dans l’Église de la Révolution à nos jours.Fabienne Giuliani - 2020 - Clio 52:289-291.
    Publié en janvier 2020, cet ouvrage de Claude Langlois puise son origine dans un « sentiment d’urgence, urgence civique et toute séculière, d’apporter [sa] part de vérité » (p. 7) après la publication, le 20 août 2018, de la Lettre au peuple de Dieu du pape François. Directeur d’étude à l’École pratique des hautes études, Claude Langlois est historien et sociologue, spécialiste du catholicisme contemporain. Il s’empare du sujet de la pédophilie après avoir déjà fait une incursion croisée dans...
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    Anne Jacquemin – Dominique Mulliez – Georges Rougemont, Choix d’inscriptions de Delphes, traduites et commentées.Fabienne Marchand - 2015 - Klio 97 (1):389-391.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 97 Heft: 1 Seiten: 389-391.
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    Un dispositif social pour le soutien psychologique des femmes en grande difficulté.Fabienne Nouts - 2004 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 163 (1):25-36.
    Un lieu d’accueil spécifique pour des femmes d’un quartier de Marseille a développé un dispositif social expérimental qui repose sur une approche globale et transversale des problématiques. La situation économique, sociale, culturelle de ces femmes les retranche dans la précarité et demande une réponse adaptée, qui tienne notamment compte de la dimension psychologique des difficultés qu’elles rencontrent. Elles sont pour la plupart issues de l’immigration, voire primo-arrivantes. Le Centre ressources femmes s’est entouré de partenaires de terrain spécialisés et s’est appuyé (...)
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