Results for 'marketing'

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  1. Un tratado de ética nuevo.Oswaldo Market - 1959 - Verdad y Vida 17 (67):543-552.
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  2. Dinâmica do pensar: homenagem a Oswaldo Market.Oswaldo Market (ed.) - 1991 - [Lisboa]: Departamento de Filosofia, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa.
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    Laurence Whitehead (ed.), Emerging Market Democracies: East Asia and Latin America Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002, 216 pp. ISBN 0801872197. [REVIEW]Emerging Market Democracies - 2004 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 5 (1):213-228.
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  4. Kant y la recepción de su obra hasta los albores del siglo XX.Oswaldo Market - 1989 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 7:195-230.
    The article analizes the several times of Proclus‘s reception by Nicholas of Cusa’s thought. The direct reading of Proclus can be established because Expositio in Parmenidem Platonis –Cod.Cus. 186– and Elementatio theological –Cod.Cus.195– (Moerbeke’s translation) and De theologia Platonis Libri VI –Cod.Cus.185– (Petrus Balbus’s translation) are in his Library in Bernkastel-Kues with his marginalia. The assimilation of doctrines can be considered assuming that the implicits and explicits references to Plato’s Diadochus, especially in the last works.
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    La gran lección de Kant sobre la naturaleza del filosofar.Oswaldo Market - 1981 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 2:13-30.
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    The Purpose of Politics.Oliver Letwin & Social Market Foundation - 1999
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  7. III.Roman Slave Market - forthcoming - Semiotics.
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    A revolução kantiana e o idealismo alemão =.Oswaldo Market - 2011 - Lisboa: Centro de Filosofia da Universidade. Edited by Oswaldo Market.
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  9. Del tema del bien al del ser.Oswaldo Market - 1962 - Verdad y Vida 20 (77):123-138.
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  10. (3 other versions)Kurt Schilling: Geschichte Der Philosophie.Oswaldo Market & Staff - 1953 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 12 (46):456.
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  11. Vito A. Belleza: "l'esistenzialismo Positivo Di Giovani Gentile".O. Market & Staff - 1955 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 14 (55):608.
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    Vida y concepción de mundo. Un texto olvidado de Karl Ernst von Baer (1860).Oswaldo Market - 1996 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 13:209.
    Se editan los textos centrales de la conferencia pronunciada en 1860 por K. E. y. Baer, según la rara edición que hizo de la misma en ¡862. Su mostración imaginativa de lo diferente que sería nuestra representación de la realidad natural con el USO de otros cánones espacio-temporales, puede volver a interesar hoy, sobre todo, al llamado Constructivismo,Zentrale Texte des Vortrages von 1860, den It E. y. Baer lii Petesbrug hielt, nach der seltenen Ausgabe von 1862, sowie ibre spanische Ubersetzung (...)
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    Etica y racionalidad en Kant.Oswaldo Market - 1992 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 9:59-75.
    El gran edificio de la moral kantiana, construido sobre una sólida concepción de la naturaleza de lo ético, deja con todo un margen a la perplejidad: no acaba de convencer. Estudiadas las líneas maestras de su arquitectónica, la investigación que busca hallar la raíz de esta insatisfacción, termina por centrarse en el concepto kantiano de "razón práctica". En él se descubre el uso del modelo jurídico, que tiene como consecuencia una concepción de la ley moral que encaja más en el (...)
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    Fichte y Nietzsche. Reflexiones sobre el origen del nihilismo.Oswaldo Market - 1980 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 1:105.
    This article is devoted to examine two theories on the origin of cognition. The first of them is a neurobiological theory by de authors V. Mountcastle and J. Hawkins working separately. The second one is a theory from the Cognitive Psychology by D. Gentner. It is interesting to check that exists a strong congruence between both of them despite they have absolutely different methodologies. Two different ways lead to postulate the analogy and their mechanisms as the main element of cognition. (...)
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    Immanuel Kant (1724-1804).Oswaldo Market - 1981 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 2:11-12.
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    Fichte und Nietzsche.Oswaldo Market - 1981 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 7:119-131.
  17. F. Galiano, Manuel: "el Descubrimiento Del Amor En Grecia".Oswaldo Market & Staff - 1961 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 20 (76):93.
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  18. Fichte. Wendepunkt im Kriticismus.Oswaldo Market - 1995 - In Juan A. Nicolás & Juan Arana Cañedo-Argüelles, Saber y conciencia: homenaje a Otto Saame =. Granada: Comares.
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    La Revolución Francesa y el Pensamiento alemán de la época.Oswaldo Market - 1989 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 29:9-34.
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    Aproximación al morfema: Romanticismo alemán.Oswaldo Market - 1986 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 6:155-175.
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    Dinámica del saber.Oswaldo Market - 1960 - Madrid,: Ediciones Rialp.
  22. Mary Jane sheffet.Market Share Liability - 1989 - In A. Pablo Iannone, Contemporary moral controversies in business. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Freud pensador.Oswaldo Market - 1997 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 14:15-42.
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    La exigencia ontológica radical en Fichte y su necesaria ruptura con el criticismo.Oswaldo Market - 1994 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 11:155-170.
    El autor intenta hacer comprensible cómo el punto de partida de Fichte, siendo de originaria y sincera filiación kantiana, ocultaba in nuce una ruptura -ni intencional ni deseada, peroinevitable- con el criticismo. Primero, se recuerda la temprana desviación fichteana de importantes tesis kantianas, queeran incompatibles con su atención al Yo (no al Yo pienso), y que ya le planteaban el problema del acceso a su ser. Posteriormente, se emprende una deducción transcendental ontológica del acceso al Yo, que puede esclarecer exposiciones (...)
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    An Urgent Plea from Croatia.Bioethics Common Market - 1992 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4:401-402.
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  26. Brunner, Augusto: "conocer Y Creer".Oswaldo Market & Staff - 1955 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 14 (55):595.
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    (1 other version)Membership Application.Phone Fax & Principal Market Area - 2004 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 7 (366):51-51.
  28. The Very Idea of Theory in Business History.Alan Roberts & Isma Centre for Education and Research in Securities Markets - 1998 - University of Reading, Department of Economics, and Isma Centre for Education and Research in Securities Markets.
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    CERN 281 Citizenship 15, 50, 56, 60–61: education 96; links between literacy and 60–61; science for 199, 202; training for 150. [REVIEW]Marketing Ofthe Boeing - 2006 - In John R. Dakers, Defining Technological Literacy: Towards an Epistemological Framework. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 329.
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  30. Searching for the tomb of Maya.Celts In Europe, Soviet Steppe, Hero Or Heretic, Roman London & Coin Market - 1991 - Minerva 2.
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    Diversity in feminist economics research methods: trends from the Global South.U. T. Salt Lake City, Annandale-On-Hudson USAb Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, C. O. Fort Collins, Markets Including Care Work, History of Economic Thought Public Policy, Labor Economics Currently Development, Macroeconomic Implications of Social Reproduction Her Research Focuses on the Micro-, Finance She is A. Labor Associate Editor for the African Review of Economics, Research Interests Related to the Division Feminist Economist, Definition of Both Paid Quality, How Households Unpaid Work, Formed Around These Types of Work Families Are Structured, Households How the State Interacts, Development The Editor of Feminist Economics She Was Recently Senior Economist at the United Nations Conference on Trade, Including the International Labour Organization Has Done Consulting Work for A. Number of International Development Institutions, the United Nations Research Institute on Social Development the World Bank & Macroeconomic Asp U. N. Women Her Work Focuses on the International - forthcoming - Journal of Economic Methodology:1-25.
    Using data on submitted and published manuscripts in Feminist Economics from 1995 to 2019, we examine differences in method and scope used by authors residing in the Global North and Global South. We specifically focus on research methods, intersectional analyses, region of analysis, and co-authorship status. Further, using logistic regression models, we examine the relationship between authors’ location and use of research methods. We find authors in the Global South are more likely to engage in empirical and mixed-methods papers compared (...)
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    Prediction Markets as an Alternative to One More Spy.Dan Weijers - 2016 - In Jai Galliott & Warren Reed, Ethics and the Future of Spying: Technology, National Security and Intelligence Collection. Routledge. pp. 80-92.
    Real-world policy decisions involve trade-offs. Sometimes the trade-offs involve both the efficacy and morality of potential policies. In this chapter, the morality and likely efficacy of hiring one more spy to help anti-terrorist intelligence gathering efforts is compared to the morality and likely efficacy of implementing a prediction market on terrorism. Prediction markets on terrorism allow registered traders to buy and sell shares in predictions about terrorism-related real-world events. The comparison at the heart of this chapter is based on the (...)
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  33. Marketing ethics.George G. Brenkert - 2008 - Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    Marketing Ethics addresses head-on the ethical questions, misunderstandings and challenges that marketing raises while defining marketing as a moral activity. A substantial introduction to the ethics of marketing, exploring the integral relations of marketing and morality Identifies and discusses a series of ethical tools and the marketing framework they constitute that are required for moral marketing Considers broader meanings and background assumptions of marketing infrequently included in other marketing literature Adds direction (...)
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  34. Efficient Markets and Alienation.Barry Maguire - 2022 - Philosophers' Imprint 14.
    Efficient markets are alienating if they inhibit us from recognizably caring about one another in our productive activities. I argue that efficient market behaviour is both exclusionary and fetishistic. As exclusionary, the efficient marketeer cannot manifest care alongside their market behaviour. As fetishistic, the efficient marketeer cannot manifest care in their market behaviour. The conjunction entails that efficient market behavior inhibits care. It doesn’t follow that efficient market behavior is vicious: individuals might justifiably commit to efficiency because doing so serves (...)
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  35. Between Market Failures and Justice Failures: Trade-Offs Between Efficiency and Equality in Business Ethics.Charlie Blunden - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (3):647–660.
    The Market Failures Approach (MFA) is one of the leading theories in contemporary business ethics. It generates a list of ethical obligations for the managers of private firms that states that they should not create or exploit market failures because doing so reduces the efficiency of the economy. Recently the MFA has been criticised by Abraham Singer on the basis that it unjustifiably does not assign private managers obligations based on egalitarian values. Singer proposes an extension to the MFA, the (...)
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    Market transactions and the limits of moral evaluation of cross-border interactions.Matthew Lister - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    In her important book Promoting Justice Across Borders, Lucia Rafanelli offers a detailed account of ‘reform interventions’, seen as ‘any deliberate attempt to promote justice in a foreign society’. Such interventions, she argues, can and should be subject to ethical evaluation, including standards relating to toleration, legitimacy, and collective self-determination. While I am sympathetic to many of Rafanelli's arguments, in this essay I will argue that, for a large number of cases this complex moral machinery is not needed, because the (...)
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    De-marketing Tobacco Through Price Changes and Consumer Attempts Quit Smoking.Michelle Inness, Julian Barling, Keith Rogers & Nick Turner - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 77 (4):405-416.
    Using panel data from three Canadian provinces, this article examines the relationship between the de-marketing of tobacco products through provincial-level price increases and consumers’ attempts to quit smoking as measured by the uptake of tobacco replacement therapies. We ground our hypotheses in the rational addiction model and the theory of planned behavior. Our analyses suggest a positive, one-month lagged effect of a price increase of tobacco products on the uptake of tobacco replacement therapies. This effect dissipates 3 months later, (...)
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  38. China: Market Socialist or Capitalist?David Schweickart - 2007 - In Jerry Harris, Alternative Globalizations Conference Documents. pp. 162-178.
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    Against market constitutionalism: a needs-based approach to rights and the case for a socialist constitutionalism.Dimitrios Kivotidis - forthcoming - Jurisprudence:1-21.
    In this paper I explore the hypothesis that a conception of right(s) that draws from the notion of needs is crucial for a critique of market constitutionalism. To this end, I review different theories of need, revisit the ‘needs versus rights’ debate and set it in the context of the Marxist critique of rights. Market rationality pits ‘needs’ against ‘rights’ (in the legal field) and favours a narrow conception of ‘need’ (in the field of normative theory). In contrast to this, (...)
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    Markets Without Limits: Moral Virtues and Commercial Interests.Jason Brennan & Peter Jaworski - 2015 - London: Routledge.
    May you sell your vote? May you sell your kidney? May gay men pay surrogates to bear them children? May spouses pay each other to watch the kids, do the dishes, or have sex? Should we allow the rich to genetically engineer gifted, beautiful children? Should we allow betting markets on terrorist attacks and natural disasters? Most people shudder at the thought. To put some goods and services for sale offends human dignity. If everything is commodified , then nothing is (...)
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  41. Markets.Lisa Herzog - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2013.
    This article presents the most important strands of the philosophical debate about markets. It offers some distinctions between the concept of markets and related concepts, as well as a brief outline of historical positions vis-à-vis markets. The main focus is on presenting the most common arguments for and against markets, and on analyzing the ways in which markets are related to other social institutions. In the concluding section questions about markets are connected to two related themes, methodological questions in economics (...)
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  42. Market Freedom as Antipower.Robert S. Taylor - 2013 - American Political Science Review 107 (3):593-602.
    Historically, republicans were of different minds about markets: some, such as Rousseau, reviled them, while others, like Adam Smith, praised them. The recent republican resurgence has revived this issue. Classical liberals such as Gerald Gaus contend that neo-republicanism is inherently hostile to markets, while neo-republicans like Richard Dagger and Philip Pettit reject this characterization—though with less enthusiasm than one might expect. I argue here that the right republican attitude toward competitive markets is celebratory rather than acquiescent and that republicanism demands (...)
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  43. Marketing ethics: an international perspective.Bodo B. Schlegelmilch - 1998 - Boston: International Thomson Business Press.
    pt. I. Fundamentals of marketing ethics -- pt. II. Ethics in international marketing practice : cases -- pt. III. Readings in international marketing ethics -- pt. IV. Business ethics resources.
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    Ethics, Market, and the Federal Order. The Political Philosophy of Wilhelm Röpke.Carlo Lottieri - 2014 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 20 (1):19-41.
    The moral and political philosophy of Wilhelm Röpke is among the finest instances of European classical liberalism in the twentieth century, and in many occasions he stated that only a society which understands the importance of markets can be reconciled with human dignity. Röpke elaborated a political theory that focused on the harmony between moral principles and economic law. In this sense, his liberalism is unique not only because it defends private property and competition as pillars of a thriving economy, (...)
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    A market-based approach to internet intermediary strict products liability.Ioan Motoarca - 2020 - International Review of Law, Computers and Techonology.
    This essay proposes a way of dealing with the strict liability of Internet sellers of other manufacturers’ products, such as Amazon under its ‘Fulfillment by Amazon’ program. I discuss and reject two approaches to the problem that have been proposed by the courts, and advance a view according to which the relevant inquiry is whether Internet intermediaries such as Amazon could have prevented a defective product from reaching the US market. This view accounts in a satisfactory manner for the notion (...)
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    Market Structure and Competition Policy: Game-Theoretic Approaches.George Norman & Jacques-François Thisse (eds.) - 2000 - Cambridge University Press.
    This 2000 text applies modern advances in game theory to the analysis of competition policy and develops some of the theoretical and policy concerns associated with the pioneering work of Louis Phlips. Containing contributions by leading scholars from Europe and North America, this book observes a common theme in the relationship between the regulatory regime and market structure. Since the inception of the new industrial organization, economists have developed a better understanding of how real-world markets operate. These results have particular (...)
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  47. Biological Markets, Cooperation, and the Evolution of Morality.Joeri Witteveen - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (2):401-430.
    Biological market theory has in recent years become an important part of the social evolutionist’s toolkit. This article discusses the explanatory potential and pitfalls of biological market theory in the context of big picture accounts of the evolution of human cooperation and morality. I begin by assessing an influential account that presents biological market dynamics as a key driver of the evolution of fairness norms in humans. I argue that this account is problematic for theoretical, empirical, and conceptual reasons. After (...)
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    Market Reforms in Swedish Health Care: Normative Reorientation and Welfare State Sustainability.A. Bergmark - 2008 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 33 (3):241-261.
    Although the impact of market reforms in Swedish health care stands out as not very far-reaching in an international comparison, it represents a route away from the features and basic values normally associated with the Swedish or Scandinavian model. Summarizing the development over the last decades, we may identify signs of sustainability as well as change. Popular support for public provision and a robust institutional structure make far-reaching alterations of existing structures less feasible, although most visible changes this far—incremental though (...)
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    Free Market Fairness.John Tomasi (ed.) - 2012 - Princeton University Press.
    John Tomasi's Free Market Fairness treats both traditions with depth, nuance, and unremitting fair-mindedness, and then points us toward a synthesis. Social democrats and libertarians equally need to read this book.
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    Internal Marketing As A Key To Strategic Human Resources Management In The Education Industry In The Context Of The COVID-19 Pandemic.Ana Serafim, Cláudia Miranda Veloso, Etelvina Vaz Miranda & Bruno Sousa - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:157-168.
    Several studies prove the relevance of internal marketing in promoting job satisfaction and life satisfaction among professionals. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, educational institutions were faced with a set of challenges that forced the redefinition of strategies appropriate to the context experienced, with internal marketing being a key factor in redefining these same strategies. This study aims to evaluate whether internal marketing is a catalyst for professional satisfaction and life satisfaction among professionals in the Education industry active in (...)
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