Results for 'matching problem'

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  1. The Matching Problem for Evolutionary Psychiatry.Hane Htut Maung - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Evolutionary psychiatry suggests that mental disorders can be explained in evolutionary terms (a) as failures of psychological mechanisms to produce the adaptive effects for which they were naturally selected, (b) as mismatches between naturally selected psychological mechanisms and contemporary environmental pressures, or (c) as naturally selected psychological mechanisms whose effects continue to be adaptive. In this paper, I present a philosophical critique of evolutionary psychiatry that draws on Subrena Smith’s matching problem for evolutionary psychology. For evolutionary psychiatry hypotheses (...)
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    Window-accumulated subsequence matching problem is linear.Luc Boasson, Patrick Cegielski, Irène Guessarian & Yuri Matiyasevich - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 113 (1-3):59-80.
    Given two strings, text t of length n, and pattern p = p1…pk of length k, and given a natural number w, the subsequence matching problem consists in finding the number of size w windows of text t which contain pattern p as a subsequence, i.e. the letters p1,…,pk occur in the window, in the same order as in p, but not necessarily consecutively . Subsequence matching is used for finding frequent patterns and association rules in databases. (...)
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    Coalitional games induced by matching problems: Complexity and islands of tractability for the Shapley value.Gianluigi Greco, Francesco Lupia & Francesco Scarcello - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 278 (C):103180.
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    Transfers and exchange-stability in two-sided matching problems.Emiliya Lazarova, Peter Borm & Arantza Estévez-Fernández - 2016 - Theory and Decision 81 (1):53-71.
    In this paper we consider one-to-many matching problems where the preferences of the agents involved are represented by monetary reward functions. We characterize Pareto optimal matchings by means of contractual exchange stability and matchings of maximum total reward by means of compensational exchange stability. To conclude, we show that in going from an initial matching to a matching of maximum total reward, one can always provide a compensation schedule that will be ex-post stable in the sense that (...)
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    Stability and Efficiency of Partitions in Matching Problems.İpek Özkal-Sanver - 2005 - Theory and Decision 59 (3):193-205.
    We define two versions of stability and efficiency of partitions and analyze their relationships for some matching rules. The stability and efficiency of a partition depends on the matching rule φ. The results are stated under various membership property rights axioms. It is shown that in a world where agents can freely exit from and enter coalitions, whenever the matching rule is individually rational and Pareto optimal, the set of φ-stable and φ-efficient partitions coincide and it is (...)
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    Coalitional stability and efficiency of partitions in matching problems.Duygu Nizamogullari & İpek Özkal-Sanver - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (3):395-407.
    Özkal-Sanver (Theory Decis 59:193–205, 2005) studies stability and efficiency of partitions of agents in two-sided matching markets in which agents can form partitions by individual moves only, and a matching rule determines the matching in each coalition in a partition. In this study, we present the relationship between stability and efficiency of partitions that is analyzed for several matching rules and under various membership property rights codes, now allowing coalitional moves.
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    Constancy of the speed of light and the unit matching problem.Alon Drory - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 72:107-120.
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    Competition May Increase Social Utility in Bipartite Matching Problem.Yi-Xiu Kong, Guang-Hui Yuan, Lei Zhou, Rui-Jie Wu & Gui-Yuan Shi - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-7.
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    Rete: A fast algorithm for the many pattern/many object pattern match problem.Charles L. Forgy - 1982 - Artificial Intelligence 19 (1):17-37.
  10. Ethical Problems with Ethnic Matching in Gamete Donation.Hane Htut Maung - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (2):112-116.
    Assisted reproduction using donor gametes is a procedure that allows those who are unable to produce their own gametes to achieve gestational parenthood. Where conception is achieved using donor sperm, the child lacks a genetic link to the intended father. Where it is achieved using a donor egg, the child lacks a genetic link to the intended mother. To address this lack of genetic kinship, some fertility clinics engage in the practice of matching the ethnicity of the gamete donor (...)
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  11. The representation selection problem: Why we should favor the geometric-module framework of spatial reorientation over the view-matching framework.Alexandre Duval - 2019 - Cognition 192 (C):103985.
    Many species rely on the three-dimensional surface layout of an environment to find a desired goal following disorientation. They generally do so to the exclusion of other important spatial cues. Two influential frameworks for explaining that phenomenon are provided by geometric-module theories and view-matching theories of reorientation respectively. The former posit a module that operates only on representations of the global geo- metry of three-dimensional surfaces to guide behavior. The latter place snapshots, stored representations of the subject’s two-dimensional retinal (...)
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    Comparison of paradigms in problem solving: Matching to sample, responding to similarity, and oddity.Diana Z. Casella & Reesa M. Vaughter - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (1):63-64.
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    Problem solution by monkeys following bilateral removal of the prefrontal areas. II. Delayed reaction problems involving use of the matching-from-sample method. [REVIEW]T. Spaet & H. F. Harlow - 1943 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 32 (5):424.
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    Positive versus negative instances in concept identification problems matched for logical complexity of solution procedures.Michael Davidson - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (2p1):369.
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  15. On the Matching of Seen and Felt Shape by Newly Sighted Subjects.John Schwenkler - 2012 - I-Perception 3 (3):186-188.
    How do we recognize identities between seen shapes and felt ones? Is this due to associative learning, or to intrinsic connections these sensory modalities? We can address this question by testing the capacities of newly sighted subjects to match seen and felt shapes, but only if it is shown that the subjects can see the objects well enough to form adequate visual representations of their shapes. In light of this, a recent study by R. Held and colleagues fails to demonstrate (...)
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    Third order matching is decidable.Gilles Dowek - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 69 (2-3):135-155.
    The higher order matching problem is the problem of determining whether a term is an instance of another in the simply typed [lgr]-calculus, i.e. to solve the equation a = b where a and b are simply typed [lgr]-terms and b is ground. The decidability of this problem is still open. We prove the decidability of the particular case in which the variables occuring in the problem are at most third order.
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    Instability in Stable Marriage Problem: Matching Unequally Numbered Men and Women.Gui-Yuan Shi, Yi-Xiu Kong, Bo-Lun Chen, Guang-Hui Yuan & Rui-Jie Wu - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-5.
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    Mirror-image matching and mental rotation problem solving by baboons (< em> Papio papio): Unilateral input enhances performance.William D. Hopkins, Joël Fagot & Jacques Vauclair - 1993 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 122 (1):61.
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    Higher Order Matching is Undecidable.Ralph Loader - 2003 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 11 (1):51-68.
    We show that the solvability of matching problems in the simply typed λ-calculus, up to β equivalence, is not decidable. This decidability question was raised by Huet [4].Note that there are two variants of the question: that concerning β equivalence, and that concerning βη equivalence.The second of these is perhaps more interesting; unfortunately the work below sheds no light on it, except perhaps to illustrate the subtlety and difficulty of the problem.
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    Subgraph-Indexed Sequential Subdivision for Continuous Subgraph Matching on Dynamic Knowledge Graph.Yunhao Sun, Guanyu Li, Mengmeng Guan & Bo Ning - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-18.
    Continuous subgraph matching problem on dynamic graph has become a popular research topic in the field of graph analysis, which has a wide range of applications including information retrieval and community detection. Specifically, given a query graph q, an initial graph G 0, and a graph update stream △ G i, the problem of continuous subgraph matching is to sequentially conduct all possible isomorphic subgraphs covering △ G i of q on G i. Since knowledge graph (...)
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    Factors that degrade the match distribution in iris biometrics.Kevin W. Bowyer, Sarah E. Baker, Amanda Hentz, Karen Hollingsworth, Tanya Peters & Patrick J. Flynn - 2009 - Identity in the Information Society 2 (3):327-343.
    We consider three accepted truths about iris biometrics, involving pupil dilation, contact lenses and template aging. We also consider a relatively ignored issue that may arise in system interoperability. Experimental results from our laboratory demonstrate that the three accepted truths are not entirely true, and also that interoperability can involve subtle performance degradation. All four of these problems affect primarily the stability of the match, or authentic, distribution of template comparison scores rather than the non-match, or imposter, distribution of scores. (...)
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  22. Matching Bias in Conditional Reasoning: Do We Understand it After 25 Years?Jonathan StB. T. Evans - 1998 - Thinking and Reasoning 4 (1):45-110.
    The phenomenon known as matching bias consists of a tendency to see cases as relevant in logical reasoning tasks when the lexical content of a case matches that of a propositional rule, normally a conditional, which applies to that case. Matching is demonstrated by use of the negations paradigm that is by using conditionals in which the presence and absence of negative components is systematically varied. The phenomenon was first published in 1972 and the present paper reviews the (...)
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    Calculating and understanding the value of any type of match evidence when there are potential testing errors.Norman Fenton, Martin Neil & Anne Hsu - 2014 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 22 (1):1-28.
    It is well known that Bayes’ theorem (with likelihood ratios) can be used to calculate the impact of evidence, such as a ‘match’ of some feature of a person. Typically the feature of interest is the DNA profile, but the method applies in principle to any feature of a person or object, including not just DNA, fingerprints, or footprints, but also more basic features such as skin colour, height, hair colour or even name. Notwithstanding concerns about the extensiveness of databases (...)
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    The Match of ‘Ideals’: The Historical Necessity of the Interconnection between Mathematics and Physical Sciences.Siyaves Azeri - 2020 - Social Epistemology 35 (1):20-36.
    The problem of ‘applicability’ of mathematics to modern physical sciences has been labeled as an ‘unreasonably effective’ and unexplainable ‘miracle’ by prominent physicists such as Eugene Wigner a...
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    Evaluating a Modular Approach to Therapy for Children With Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, or Conduct Problems (MATCH) in School-Based Mental Health Care: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial.Sherelle L. Harmon, Maggi A. Price, Katherine A. Corteselli, Erica H. Lee, Kristina Metz, F. Tony Bonadio, Jacqueline Hersh, Lauren K. Marchette, Gabriela M. Rodríguez, Jacquelyn Raftery-Helmer, Kristel Thomassin, Sarah Kate Bearman, Amanda Jensen-Doss, Spencer C. Evans & John R. Weisz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Schools have become a primary setting for providing mental health care to youths in the U.S. School-based interventions have proliferated, but their effects on mental health and academic outcomes remain understudied. In this study we will implement and evaluate the effects of a flexible multidiagnostic treatment called Modular Approach to Therapy for Children with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, or Conduct Problems on students' mental health and academic outcomes.Methods and Analysis: This is an assessor-blind randomized controlled effectiveness trial conducted across five (...)
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    Scene Matching Method for Children’s Psychological Distress Based on Deep Learning Algorithm.Junli Su - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    In the process of children’s psychological development, various levels of psychological distress often occur, such as attention problems, emotional problems, adaptation problems, language problems, and motor coordination problems; these problems have seriously affected children’s healthy growth. Scene matching in the treatment of psychological distress can prompt children to change from a third-person perspective to a first-person perspective and shorten the distance between scene contents and child’s perceptual experience. As a part of machine learning, deep learning can perform mapping transformations (...)
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    Positive reinforcement, the matching law and morality.William A. McKim - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):587-588.
    Addictive behavior has never seemed rational because it persists in spite of drastic aversive consequences. This is a particular problem for models of addiction such as operant psychology which hold that behavior is controlled by its consequences. Inspite of claims to the contrary, Heymans target article illustrates how operant psychology resolves this contradiction. By using the matching law, Heyman suggests a mechanism that explains why delayed aversive events may not control behavior, and a conceptual framework in which we (...)
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    Is one narrative enough? Analytical tools should match the problems they address.Nathan Hodson & Susan Bewley - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (5):357-359.
    Jeff Nisker describes his personal experience of a diagnosis of advanced prostate cancer and the kindnesses he received from friendly doctors. He claims that this narrative account supports the promotion of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) screening for asymptomatic men and impugns statisticians, mistakenly thinking that their opposition to PSA screening derives from concerns about financial cost. The account inadvertently demonstrates the danger of over-reliance on a single ethical tool for critical analysis. In the first part of this response, we describe (...)
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    Expectation-Maximization Algorithm of Gaussian Mixture Model for Vehicle-Commodity Matching in Logistics Supply Chain.Qi Sun, Liwen Jiang & Haitao Xu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    A vehicle-commodity matching problem is presented for service providers to reduce the cost of the logistics system. The vehicle classification model is built as a Gaussian mixture model, and the expectation-maximization algorithm is designed to solve the parameter estimation of GMM. A nonlinear mixed-integer programming model is constructed to minimize the total cost of VCMP. The matching process between vehicle and commodity is realized by GMM-EM, as a preprocessing of the solution. The design of the vehicle-commodity (...) platform for VCMP is designed to reduce and eliminate the information asymmetry between supply and demand so that the order allocation can work at the right time and the right place and use the optimal solution of vehicle-commodity matching. Furthermore, the numerical experiment of an e-commerce supply chain proves that a hybrid evolutionary algorithm is superior to the traditional method, which provides a decision-making reference for e-commerce VCMP. (shrink)
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    Two Problems for Non-Inferentialist Views of the Meta-Problem.Graham Peebles - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (5-6):156-165.
    The meta-problem of consciousness is to explain why we think that there is a hard problem of consciousness. On Chalmers' view of the meta-problem, our judgments about the hard problem of consciousness arise non-inferentially as a result of introspection. I raise two problems for such a non-inferentialist view of the metaproblem. It does not seem to match the psychological facts about how we come to the realization of the hard problem, and it is unclear how (...)
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  31. `Sex-Equal' Stable Matchings.Antonio Romero-Medina - 2001 - Theory and Decision 50 (3):197-212.
    The paper defines a measure on the set of stable matchings in the marriage problem. This measure is based on the minimization of the envy difference between the sets of men and women, while preserving stability and selects stable matchings with the least conflict of interest between both groups of agents. The solution concept proposed is called Sex-equal Matching (SEM) and the paper also provides an algorithm to compute the set of SEM.
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    The matching of parts of things.Charles J. Jardine & Nicholas Jardine - 1971 - Studia Logica 27 (1):123 - 132.
    An axiomatic treatment of the relation part of is shown to lead naturally to an account of the ways in which parts of things are matched. The determination of matchings by the properties of parts and by the relations between parts is discussed and shown to be relevant to certain classificatory problems in science. The connexions between matchings and symmetries of parts are explored, and a general account is given of the ways in which ambiguities in the matching of (...)
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  33. (1 other version)A match not made in heaven: on the applicability of mathematics in physics.Arezoo Islami - 2016 - Synthese:1-23.
    In his seminal 1960 paper, the physicist Eugene Wigner formulated the question of the applicability of mathematics in physics in a way nobody had before. This formulation has been entirely overlooked due to an exclusive concern with solving Wigner’s problem and explaining the effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences, in one way or another. Many have attempted to attribute Wigner’s unjustified conclusion—that mathematics is unreasonably effective in the natural sciences—to his formalist views on mathematics. My goal is to (...)
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    Introduction: Epistemologies of the Match.Hansun Hsiung & Elena Serrano - 2021 - Isis 112 (4):760-765.
    Algorithmically driven online dating platforms today promise the ability to sort through relevant data and identify one’s ideal amorous matches effectively. Yet the appeal of technological and scientific solutions to the messy problem of finding partners is hardly new. This introduction to the Focus section “It’s a Match!” argues that the history of amorous matching has long been part and parcel of the history of science, in particular the social sciences. Taking matching as an “applied science of (...)
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    Towards a Behavioral-Matching Based Compilation of Synthetic Biology Functions.Adrien Basso-Blandin & Franck Delaplace - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 63 (3):325-339.
    The field of synthetic biology is looking forward engineering framework for safely designing reliable de-novo biological functions. In this undertaking, Computer-Aided-Design environments should play a central role for facilitating the design. Although, CAD environment is widely used to engineer artificial systems the application in synthetic biology is still in its infancy. In this article we address the problem of the design of a high level language which at the core of CAD environment. More specifically the Gubs language is a (...)
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    The problem of being a paradigm: the emergence of neural stem cells as example for “Kuhnian” revolution in biology or misconception of the scientific community?Jens Benninghoff, Hans-Jürgen Möller, Harald Hampel & Angelo Luigi Vescovi - 2008 - Poiesis and Praxis 6 (1-2):3-11.
    In a thought experiment we want to test how the emergence of adult neural stem cells could constitute an example for a scientific revolution in the sense of Thomas Kuhn. In his major work, The structure of scientific revolutions, 3rd edn, University of Chicago Press, Chicago (Kuhn 1996), the philosopher of science, Thomas Kuhn, states that scientific progress is not a cumulative process, but new theories appear by a rather revolutionary sequence of events. Kuhn built his theory on landmark events (...)
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    OMP-ELM: Orthogonal Matching Pursuit-Based Extreme Learning Machine for Regression.Melih C. Ince, Jiang Qian, Abdulkadir Sengur & Omer F. Alcin - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (1):135-143.
    Extreme learning machine is a recent scheme for single hidden layer feed forward networks. It has attracted much interest in the machine intelligence and pattern recognition fields with numerous real-world applications. The ELM structure has several advantages, such as its adaptability to various problems with a rapid learning rate and low computational cost. However, it has shortcomings in the following aspects. First, it suffers from the irrelevant variables in the input data set. Second, choosing the optimal number of neurons in (...)
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    A Criteria Transformation Approach to Pattern Matching based on Non-Linear Parameter Optimization.Reinhard Möller, Bernard Beitz, Thomas Lepich, Dietmar Tutsch & Christian John - 2015 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 24 (2):249-263.
    This paper presents a concept for pattern matching based on a parameter optimization system for approximative numerical calculation of some parameter combination under soft and hard constraints. The concept uses a non-linear parameter optimization method with an iterative variation of parameters. The paper focuses on the information modeling process to migrate problem-domain specific criteria into optimization-compatible objects suitable for a standardized parameter optimization procedure. A step-by-step transformation process is presented and implemented in object-oriented programming: classes and interfaces. The (...)
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    Problem Solvers Adjust Cognitive Offloading Based on Performance Goals.Patrick P. Weis & Eva Wiese - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (12):e12802.
    When incorporating the environment into mental processing (cf., cognitive offloading), one creates novel cognitive strategies that have the potential to improve task performance. Improved performance can, for example, mean faster problem solving, more accurate solutions, or even higher grades at university.1 Although cognitive offloading has frequently been associated with improved performance, it is yet unclear how flexible problem solvers are at matching their offloading habits with their current performance goals (can people improve goal‐related instead of generic performance, (...)
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    Matching in Mind the Sea Beast’s Complexion. On the Pragmatics of Plutarch′s Hypomnemata and Scientific Innovation: The Case of Q. N. 19. [REVIEW]Michiel Meeusen - 2012 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 156 (2):234-259.
    This article is devoted to Plutarch’s natural-philosophical interests and aspirations, as expressed more precisely in his collection of Quaestiones Naturales, which has been generally underestimated by scholars. In order to speculate about the actual position of this collection in the Corpus Plutarcheum, I present a case study of one particular problem, viz. Q.N. 19. In the first part of the article, the scope is primarily confined to the traditional sources on which Plutarch relies, but I also take into account (...)
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    The Problem of Soul–Body Causal Interaction.Stewart Goetz & Charles Taliaferro - 2011 - In Stewart Goetz & Charles Taliaferro (eds.), A Brief History of the Soul. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 131–151.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Causation and Dualism Why Not Locate Souls in Space? Property/Event Dualism or Dual Aspect Theory.
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  42. The Problem of Nomological Harmony.Brian Cutter & Bradford Saad - 2024 - Noûs.
    Our universe features a harmonious match between laws and states: applying its laws to its states generates other states. This is a striking fact. Matters might have been otherwise. The universe might have been stillborn in a state unengaged by its laws. The problem of nomological harmony is that of explaining the noted striking fact. After introducing and developing this problem, we canvass candidate solutions and identify some of their virtues and vices. Candidate solutions invoke the likes of (...)
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    Simulation of Tennis Match Scene Classification Algorithm Based on Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model Parameter Estimation.Yuwei Wang & Mofei Wen - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    This paper presents an in-depth analysis of tennis match scene classification using an adaptive Gaussian mixture model parameter estimation simulation algorithm. We divided the main components of semantic analysis into type of motion, distance of motion, speed of motion, and landing area of the tennis ball. Firstly, for the problem that both people and tennis balls in the video frames of tennis matches from the surveillance viewpoint are very small, we propose an adaptive Gaussian mixture model parameter estimation algorithm, (...)
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    Towards a Behavioral-Matching Based Compilation of Synthetic Biology Functions.Angélique Stéphanou & Nicolas Glade - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 63 (3):325-339.
    The field of synthetic biology is looking forward engineering framework for safely designing reliable de-novo biological functions. In this undertaking, Computer-Aided-Design environments should play a central role for facilitating the design. Although, CAD environment is widely used to engineer artificial systems the application in synthetic biology is still in its infancy. In this article we address the problem of the design of a high level language which at the core of CAD environment. More specifically the Gubs language is a (...)
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    Temporal Sequences Quantify the Contributions of Individual Fixations in Complex Perceptual Matching Tasks.Thomas Busey, Chen Yu, Dean Wyatte & John Vanderkolk - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (4):731-756.
    Perceptual tasks such as object matching, mammogram interpretation, mental rotation, and satellite imagery change detection often require the assignment of correspondences to fuse information across views. We apply techniques developed for machine translation to the gaze data recorded from a complex perceptual matching task modeled after fingerprint examinations. The gaze data provide temporal sequences that the machine translation algorithm uses to estimate the subjects' assumptions of corresponding regions. Our results show that experts and novices have similar surface behavior, (...)
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    The Influence of Linguistic Form on Reasoning: The Case of Matching Bias.Jonathan Evans - 1999 - Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 52 (1):185-216.
    A well-established phenomenon in reasoning research is matching bias : a tendency to select information that matches the lexical content of propositional statements, regardless of the logically critical presence of negations. Previous research suggested, however, that the effect might be restricted to reasoning with conditional statements. This paper reports two experiments in which participants were required to construct or identify true and false cases of propositional rules of several kinds, including universal statements, disjunctions, and negated conjunctions. Matching bias (...)
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    The problem of “god” in psychology of religion: Lonergan's “common sense” versus “theory”.Daniel A. Helminiak - 2017 - Zygon 52 (2):380-418.
    The emphasis on God in American psychology of religion generates the problem of explaining divine-versus-natural causality in “spiritual experiences.” Especially “theistic psychology” champions divine involvement. However, its argument exposes a methodological error: to pit popular religious opinions against technical scientific conclusions. Countering such homogenizing “postmodern agnosticism,” Bernard Lonergan explained these two as different modes of thinking: “common sense” and “theory”—which resolves the problem: When theoretical science is matched with theoretical theology, “the God-hypothesis” explains the existence of things whereas (...)
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    The problem of coincidences.Lajos Takács - 1980 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 21 (3):229-244.
    This paper deals with the origin, history and various appearances of the problem of coincidences (matches, rencontres) in the theory of probability.
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    Measuring Judicial Independence Reconsidered: Survival Analysis, Matching, and Average Treatment Effects.Kentaro Fukumoto & Mikitaka Masuyama - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (1):33-51.
    This article reconsiders how to judge judicial independence by using the Japanese judicature, one of the allegedly-most dependent judiciary branches. In their influential work, Ramseyer and Rasmusen argue that judges who once belonged to a leftist group take longer to reach a under the long-term conservative rule of Japan. Their method does not, however, deal appropriately with the possibility of judges not reaching this position because the judge dies, retires early, or is still at the early stage of her career. (...)
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    The “book problem” and its neural correlates.Phil Turner - 2014 - AI and Society 29 (4):497-505.
    Presence research can tell us why we feel present in the real world and can experience presence while using virtual reality technology (and movies and games) but has strikingly less to say on why we feel present in the scenes described in a book. Just how is it that the wonderful tangible detail of the real world or the complexity of digital technology can be matched and even surpassed by a story in a paperback book? This paper identifies a range (...)
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