Results for 'medical ethics codes'

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  1.  33
    Complication for a greener medical ethics code: assisted reproduction.Seppe Segers & Michiel De Proost - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (3):169-170.
    Paragraph 12 of the revised International Code of Medical Ethics (ICoME) states that ‘the physician should strive to practise medicine in ways that are environmentally sustainable with a view to minimising environmental health risks to current and future generations.’1 This emphasis on environmental sustainability is in line with popular discourse as well growing scholarly attention in medical ethics for healthcare’s contribution to climate change. Recent research analyses, for instance, the ‘greening’ of informed consent and related bioethical (...)
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    A Brief History of Medical Ethics Code in Poland.Jacek A. Piątkiewicz - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (4):361-362.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Brief History of Medical Ethics Code in PolandJacek A. Piątkiewicz (bio)On March 15, 1934 a Parliamentary Act authorized the General Medical Chambers, a body incorporating all Polish physicians, to establish general rules of medical ethics. These rules governed medical conduct in Poland until 1950, when the Communist government dissolved the General Medical Chambers.From 1950 to 1989 the only medical organization (...)
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    The promises and limitations of codes of medical ethics as instruments of policy change.Ana Komparic, Patrick Garon-Sayegh & Cécile M. Bensimon - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (4):406-415.
    Codes of medical ethics (codes) are part of a longstanding tradition in which physicians publicly state their core values and commitments to patients, peers, and the public. However, codes are not static. Using the historical evolution of the Canadian Medical Association's Code of Ethics as an illustrative case, we argue that codes are living, socio-historically situated documents that comprise a mix of prescriptive and aspirational content. Reflecting their socio-historical situation, we can expect (...)
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    Spheres of Morality: The Ethical Codes of the Medical Profession.Samuel Doernberg & Robert Truog - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (12):8-22.
    The medical profession contains five “spheres of morality”: clinical care, clinical research, scientific knowledge, population health, and the market. These distinct sets of normative commitments require physicians to act in different ways depending on the ends of the activity in question. For example, a physician-scientist emphasizes patients’ well-being in clinic, prioritizes the scientific method in lab, and seeks to maximize shareholder returns as a board member of a pharmaceutical firm. Physicians increasingly occupy multiple roles in healthcare and move between (...)
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    Self-Defeating Codes of Medical Ethics and How to Fix Them: Failures in COVID-19 Response and Beyond.Alex John London - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (1):4-13.
    Statements of the core ethical and professional responsibilities of medical professionals are incomplete in ways that threaten fundamental goals of medicine. First, in the absence of explicit guida...
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    The American medical ethics revolution: how the AMA's code of ethics has transformed physicians' relationships to patients, professionals, and society.Robert Baker (ed.) - 1999 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    The American Medical Association enacted its Code of Ethics in 1847, the first such national codification. In this volume, a distinguished group of experts from the fields of medicine, bioethics, and history of medicine reflect on the development of medical ethics in the United States, using historical analyses as a springboard for discussions of the problems of the present, including what the editors call "a sense of moral crisis precipitated by the shift from a system of (...)
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  7.  19
    The Ethical Code for Medical and Biological Engineers Should Preclude Their Role in Judicial Executions.Herbert Voigt & David M. Ehrmann - 2010 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 1 (1):43-52.
  8. An Ethical Code for Posthumous Medical Data Donation.Luciano Floridi, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Jenny Krutzinna - 2019 - In Peter Dabrock, Matthias Braun & Patrik Hummel (eds.), The Ethics of Medical Data Donation. Springer Verlag.
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    Nurses’ adherence to ethical codes.Marzieh Momennasab, Afifeh Rahmanin Koshkaki, Camellia Torabizadeh & Seyed Ziaeddin Tabei - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (7):794-803.
    Background: Ethical codes are guidelines that orient nurses and ensure that their decisions are in accordance with the values of the professional system. These codes show that there is a connection among values, patients’ rights, and nurses’ duties. Objectives: This study aimed to compare the viewpoints of patients, nurses, and nurse managers regarding the extent to which clinical ethical codes are observed. Research design: In this descriptive–comparative study, data were collected using three questionnaires based on Iranian nurses’ (...)
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  10. Revisiting medical oaths: how student-driven ethical codes reflect changing values.Michael Stein, Shaun Evan Gruenbaum & Alan Jotkowitz - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    BackgroundMedical oaths and ethical codes play a crucial role in guiding physicians through their professional responsibilities. This study extends prior research on ethical codes created by students at the Medical School for International Health (MSIH) by analysing codes from the years 2007 to 2022.ObjectiveThe objective of this study is to evaluate changes in the ethical principles emphasised by MSIH students over time and to compare these with previous cohorts.MethodsEthical codes from MSIH classes (2007–2022) were analysed (...)
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    From an Exercise in Professional Etiquette to Society's Wish List? Review of American Medical Association, Code of Medical Ethics: Current Opinions with Annotations.Tom Meulenbergs - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (2):69-70.
    (2004). From an Exercise in Professional Etiquette to Society's Wish List? Review of American Medical Association, Code of Medical Ethics: Current Opinions with Annotations. The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 69-70. doi: 10.1162/152651604323097907.
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    The revised International Code of Medical Ethics: an exercise in international professional ethical self-regulation.Ramin W. Parsa-Parsi, Raanan Gillon & Urban Wiesing - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (3):163-168.
    The World Medical Association (WMA), the global representation of the medical profession, first adopted the International Code of Medical Ethics (ICoME) in 1949 to outline the professional duties of physicians to patients, other physicians and health professionals, themselves and society as a whole. The ICoME recently underwent a major 4-year revision process, culminating in its unanimous adoption by the WMA General Assembly in October 2022 in Berlin. This article describes and discusses the ICoME, its revision process, (...)
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  13.  25
    The Code of Medical Ethics.Physician S. Oath - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2.
  14.  41
    Codes of Medical Ethics and the Exportation of Less-Than-Standard Care.Phil Cox - 1999 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 13 (2):177-185.
    Recently a number of AIDS/AZT research studies, carried out by U.S. universities, have come under intense ethical scrutiny. In these studies, control groups of HIV-positive pregnant women were being given a placebo rather than AZT. Such research protocols would be illegal if practiced in the U.S. I examine a number of lamentable ethical lapses in the studies, and conclude that at least some of these ethical problems are traceable to a troubling contradiction between differing international codes of ethics. (...)
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  15. The code of American medical ethics.Samuel Clagett Busey - 1900 - Washington, D.C.,:
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  16.  39
    Are Military and Medical Ethics Necessarily Incompatible? A Canadian Case Study.Christiane Rochon & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (4):639-651.
    Military physicians are often perceived to be in a position of ‘dual loyalty’ because they have responsibilities towards their patients but also towards their employer, the military institution. Further, they have to ascribe to and are bound by two distinct codes of ethics, each with its own set of values and duties, that could at first glance be considered to be very different or even incompatible. How, then, can military physicians reconcile these two codes of ethics (...)
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    The first code of medical ethics in an independent nation.Ivan Segota - 1995 - HEC Forum 7 (6):381-386.
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    Medical error disclosure: from the therapeutic alliance to risk management: the vision of the new Italian code of medical ethics.Emanuela Turillazzi & Margherita Neri - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):57.
    The Italian code of medical deontology recently approved stipulates that physicians have the duty to inform the patient of each unwanted event and its causes, and to identify, report and evaluate adverse events and errors. Thus the obligation to supply information continues to widen, in some way extending beyond the doctor-patient relationship to become an essential tool for improving the quality of professional services.
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  19.  41
    Should medical ethics justify violence?M. H. Kottow - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (8):464-467.
    Medical ethics needs to be on its guard against those in military or political power who would seek to subvert its most basic tenets in order to serve their own endsEmergencies and warlike situations often force medical personnel to follow orders and perform actions or duties pertaining to their field of expertise in flagrant violation of their professional code of ethics. Opposing such orders may be contextually impossible, or elicit unduly high personal costs. Medical (...), while lamenting these impositions, is often reduced to passive and silent disagreement. In recent years, however, biomedical ethics has become active in accepting and supporting these estrangements from accepted standards and values of the healthcare professions, coming up with justifications of torture; suggesting non-treatment of the wounded, depending on their combatant status; prompting collaboration in the development of biological weapons, and disregarding informed consent.Physicians’ participation in torture has been unanimously condemned and, although acknowledging that such conduct “is the result of the displacement of their medical vocation by the doctrine of ‘national security’”, such an “ideological substrate” has nevertheless been deemed untenable.1 Perpetrators were found to have committed their deeds in an ethical void2; this was recognised, but in no way did it serve to excuse physicians from the duty of opposing induced suffering and assuaging its effects to the best of their abilities.Torture in its “humane” form has been defended on utilitarian grounds,3 using weak arguments that are unable to justify physicians’ active participation in torture. For the most part, professional ethics has remained adamant in its undaunted disapproval of medical non-therapeutic involvement in violent scenarios such as war, terrorism, and even torture. Nobody would have thought, in earlier times, that medical ethics could take any other position than to unrelentingly reject physicians’ participation in torture, …. (shrink)
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  20.  24
    Czech Code of Medical Ethics.J. F. Haderka - 1993 - Global Bioethics 6 (3):193-195.
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    Revising the APA Ethics Code.Gerald Young - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This integrative volume proposes major revisions to the APA ethics code and works toward creating an ethics code applicable across psychology, psychiatry, and related mental health professions. Careful analysis identifies theoretical and structural deficits in the principles and standards comprising the existing APA code, corrects its ambiguities, and provides scientific and compare-contrast illustrations to address current and potential controversies arising from current gray areas. Proposed revisions are informed by the American Medical Association, Canadian Psychological Association, and international (...)
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  22. The new Italian code of medical ethics.V. Fineschi, E. Turillazzi & C. Cateni - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (4):239-244.
    In June 1995, the Italian code of medical ethics was revised in order that its principles should reflect the ever-changing relationship between the medical profession and society and between physicians and patients. The updated code is also a response to new ethical problems created by scientific progress; the discussion of such problems often shows up a need for better understanding on the part of the medical profession itself. Medical deontology is defined as the discipline for (...)
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  23.  25
    The trusted doctor: medical ethics and professionalism.Rosamond Rhodes - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Common morality has been the touchstone of medical ethics since the publication of Beauchamp and Childress's Principles of Biomedical Ethics in 1979. Rosamond Rhodes challenges this dominant view by presenting an original and novel account of the ethics of medicine, one deeply rooted in the actual experience of medical professionals. She argues that common morality accounts of medical ethics are unsuitable for the profession, and inadequate for responding to the particular issues that arise (...)
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  24.  39
    Can medical ethics truly be independent of law?Abeezar I. Sarela - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (3):177-178.
    Parsa-Parsi et al assert that the International Code of Medical Ethics (ICoME) provides a professional standard that overrides conflicting national legal norms.1 While this claim is made in the context of laws that require doctors to participate in ‘acts of torture, or other cruel, inhuman, or degrading practices and punishments’ (para10 of ICoME), the underlying premise that medical ethics supersedes law requires scrutiny. It is clear that medical ethics and law are linked inextricably, but (...)
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  25. Medical Ethics in Qiṣāṣ (Eye-for-an-Eye) Punishment: An Islamic View; an Examination of Acid Throwing.Hossein Dabbagh, Amir Alishahi Tabriz & Harold G. Koenig - 2016 - Journal of Religion and Health 55 (4):1426–1432.
    Physicians in Islamic countries might be requested to participate in the Islamic legal code of qiṣāṣ, in which the victim or family has the right to an eye-for-an-eye retaliation. Qiṣāṣ is only used as a punishment in the case of murder or intentional physical injury. In situations such as throwing acid, the national legal system of some Islamic countries asks for assistance from physicians, because the punishment should be identical to the crime. The perpetrator could not be punished without a (...)
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    Advance Statements about Medical Treatment.Derek British Medical Association & Morgan - 1995 - BMJ Books.
    This code of practice for health professionals was prepared by a multi-professional group and reflects good clinical practice in encouraging dialogue about individuals' wishes concerning their future treatment. It has a broad practical approach, considers a range of advance statements, advises of dangers and benefits of making treatment decisions in advance and combines annotated code of practice with a quick pull out guide for easy reference.
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    Professional Medical Ethics: Grounds for Its Separateness and Position in Ethical Education of Physicians and Medical Students.Kazimierz Szewczyk - 2021 - Diametros 18 (69):33-70.
    In the article I prove the separateness of professional medical ethics in three ways: 1. By showing differences between the normative rank of responsibilities within general and professional ethics. 2. By justifying affiliation of professional medical ethics within the appropriation model which is a type of applied ethics characterized by its unique properties. 3. By justifying historical professionalism as the ethics that is proper for the medical profession; for this kind of ethical (...)
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  28.  20
    The first Code of Medical Ethics in an independent nation.Prof Dr Ivan Segota - 1995 - HEC Forum 7 (6):381-386.
  29.  12
    Is medical ethics in armed conflict identical to medical ethics in times of peace?Janet Kelly - 2013 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This book challenges the World Medical Associationâ (TM)s (WMA) International Code of Ethics statement in 2004, which declared that â ~medical ethics in armed conflict is identical to medical ethics in times of peaceâ (TM). This is achieved by examining the professional, ethical, and legal conflicts in British Military healthcare practice that occur in three distinct military environments. These are (i) the battlefield, (ii) the operational environment and (iii) the non-operational environment. As this conflict (...)
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    Medical ethics in an era of bioethics: Resetting the medical profession’s compass.Edmund D. Pellegrino - 2012 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 33 (1):21-24.
    What it means to be a medical professional has been defined by medical ethicists throughout history and remains a contemporary concern addressed by this paper. A medical professional is generally considered to be one who makes a public promise to fulfill the ethical obligations expressed in the Hippocratic Code. This presentation summarizes the history of medical professionalism and refocuses attention on the interpersonal relationship of doctor and patient. This keynote address was delivered at the Founders of (...)
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  31.  14
    (1 other version)Contemporary Medical Ethics: An Overview From Iran.Farzaneh Zahedi Bagher Larijani - 2008 - Developing World Bioethics 8 (3):192-196.
    The growing potential of biomedical technologies has increasingly been associated with discussions surrounding the ethical aspects of the new technologies in different societies. Advances in genetics, stem cell research and organ transplantation are some of the medical issues that have raised important ethical and social issues. Special attention has been paid towards moral ethics in Islam and medical and religious professions in Iran have voiced the requirement for an emphasis on ethics. In the last decade, great (...)
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    Human rights from the Nuremberg Doctors Trial to the Geneva Declaration. Persons and institutions in medical ethics and history.Andreas Frewer - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (3):259-268.
    The “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and the “Geneva Declaration” by the World Medical Association, both in 1948, were preceded by the foundation of the United Nations in New York (1945), the World Medical Association in London (1946) and the World Health Organization in Geneva (1948). After the end of World War II the community of nations strove to achieve and sustain their primary goals of peace and security, as well as their basic premise, namely the health of (...)
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  33. Machine Medical Ethics.Simon Peter van Rysewyk & Matthijs Pontier (eds.) - 2014 - Springer.
    In medical settings, machines are in close proximity with human beings: with patients who are in vulnerable states of health, who have disabilities of various kinds, with the very young or very old, and with medical professionals. Machines in these contexts are undertaking important medical tasks that require emotional sensitivity, knowledge of medical codes, human dignity, and privacy. -/- As machine technology advances, ethical concerns become more urgent: should medical machines be programmed to follow (...)
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  34.  42
    The revised International Code of Medical Ethics: responses to some important questions.Ramin W. Parsa-Parsi, Raanan Gillon & Urban Wiesing - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (3):179-180.
    We thank our commentators for their thoughtful responses to our paper1 covering among other issues the relationships of ethics law and professional codes, the tensions between ethical universalism and cultural relativism and the phenomenon of moral judgement required when ethical norms conflict, including the norms of patient care versus obligations to others both now and in the future. Although the comments deserve more extensive discussion, in what follows we respond briefly to specific aspects of each commentary and remind (...)
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    Ethics codes in medicine: foundations and achievements of codification since 1947.Ulrich Tröhler, Stella Reiter-Theil & Eckhard Herych (eds.) - 1998 - Brookfield, VT: Ashgate.
    This book contains the results of two European/American preparatory workshops for the First World Conference on Ethics Codes in Medicine and Biotechnology (October 1997, Freiburg, Germany) supported by the leading national institutions in the field. It aims to stimulate research about codes, the effects of codification and other forms of implementing ethics. It breaks new ground with interdisciplinary and international discourse on the subject, emphasising the need for a complete collection of codes for systematic research (...)
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  36.  32
    Medical Ethics in a Time of De-Communization.Robert Baker - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (4):363-370.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Medical Ethics in a Time of De-CommunizationRobert Baker (bio)Ethics is often treated as a matter of ethereal principles abstracted from the particulars of time and place. A natural correlate of this approach is the attempt to measure actual codes of ethics in terms of basic principles. Such an exercise can be illuminating, but it can also obscure the circumstances that make a particular codification (...)
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    An ethical code for collecting, using and transferring sensitive health data: outcomes of a modified Policy Delphi process in Singapore.Bernadette Richards, Hui Jin Toh, James Scheibner, Hui Yun Chan & Tamra Lysaght - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-14.
    One of the core goals of Digital Health Technologies (DHT) is to transform healthcare services and delivery by shifting primary care from hospitals into the community. However, achieving this goal will rely on the collection, use and storage of large datasets. Some of these datasets will be linked to multiple sources, and may include highly sensitive health information that needs to be transferred across institutional and jurisdictional boundaries. The growth of DHT has outpaced the establishment of clear legal pathways to (...)
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  38. Three Things Digital Ethics Can Learn From Medical Ethics.Carissa Véliz - 2019 - Nature Electronics 2:316-318.
    Ethical codes, ethics committees, and respect for autonomy have been key to the development of medical ethics —elements that digital ethics would do well to emulate.
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    (1 other version)Reflections on a medical ethics for the future.Andre Vries - 1982 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 3 (1):115-120.
    Recently, the attitude and performance of the physician have been questioned and new codes of medical ethics have been introduced. Any ethics proposed for the future is a scenario reflecting the composer''s selectivity. Envisaged ethics of truthful, non-paternalistic, responsible physician-patient interaction will have far-reaching implications for autopsy, euthanasia, abortion, suicide, genetic engineering, transplantation, clinical trials, status of the psychiatric patient, physician immunity and liability. Conflicts between personal and societal medical ethics may continue to (...)
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    A Comparative Study of the Foundations of Medical Ethics in Secular and Islamic Thought.Mohsen Rezaei Aderyani & Mehrzad Kiani - 2015 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14 (40):27-46.
    The principles of medical ethics, common as they are in the world at the present time, have been formed in the context of Western secular communities; consequently, secular principles and values are inevitably manifested in all corners of medical ethics. Medical ethics is at its infancy in Iran. In order to incorporate medical ethics into the country's health system, either the same thoughts, principles, rules, and codes of Western communities should be (...)
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    The new military medical ethics: Legacies of the gulf wars and the war on terror.Steven H. Miles - 2011 - Bioethics 27 (3):117-123.
    United States military medical ethics evolved during its involvement in two recent wars, Gulf War I (1990–1991) and the War on Terror (2001–). Norms of conduct for military clinicians with regard to the treatment of prisoners of war and the administration of non-therapeutic bioactive agents to soldiers were set aside because of the sense of being in a ‘new kind of war’. Concurrently, the use of radioactive metal in weaponry and the ability to measure the health consequences of (...)
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    Ethics Codes in Medicine--Foundations and Achievements of Codifications since 1947: Edited by Ulrich Trohler and Stella Reiter-Theil, Aldershot, Ashgate, 1998, 357 pages, pound39.95. [REVIEW]Søren Holm - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (3):206-a-207.
    This book is a collection of essays which originate from two, mainly European, workshops in 1996 on ethics codes before, and especially after, the appearance of the Nuremberg code in 1947. The book has previously been published in German, and a number of contributions have been translated from the original German and French manuscripts. The majority of the 26 papers cover the development of ethics codes from the Hippocratic oath to the present time, but some papers (...)
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    Knowledge, attitude and practice of medical ethics among medical intern students in a Medical College in Kathmandu.Ramesh P. Aacharya & Yagya L. Shakya - 2016 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 6 (3):1-9.
    This baseline study was conducted to find out the knowledge, attitudes and practices of medical ethics among the undergraduate medical interns who did not have structured ethics curriculum in their course. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out using a self-administered structured questionnaire among the medical undergraduate interns of Maharajgunj Medical Campus, the pioneer medical college of Nepal which enrols 60 students in a year. A total of 46 interns participated in the study. (...)
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    Developing medical ethics in china's reform era.Po-Keung Ip - 2005 - Developing World Bioethics 5 (2):176-187.
    ABSTRACTThe paper gives an analytical synopsis of the problem of developing medical ethics in the early half of the 1990s in China, as perceived by Chinese scholars and medical professionals interested in medical ethics. The views captured and analyzed here were expressed in one of the two major journals on medical ethics in China: Chinese Medical Ethics. The economic reform unleashed profound changes in Chinese society, including in the medical field, (...)
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  45. Dual loyalty in military medical ethics: a moral dilemma or a test of integrity?Peter Olsthoorn - 2019 - Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps 165 (4):282-283.
    When militaries mention loyalty as a value they mean loyalty to colleagues and the organisation. Loyalty to principle, the type of loyalty that has a wider scope, plays hardly a role in the ethics of most armed forces. Where military codes, oaths and values are about the organisation and colleagues, medical ethics is about providing patient care impartially. Being subject to two diverging professional ethics can leave military medical personnel torn between the wish to (...)
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    Before Bioethics: A History of American Medical Ethics from the Colonial Period to the Bioethics Revolution by Robert Baker (review).James C. Mohr - 2014 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 24 (3):1-6.
    The history of American medical ethics is a notoriously unwieldy field that encompasses an enormous amount of complex material. No single book can realistically analyze all of its dimensions in a genuinely scholarly fashion. But Robert Baker, one of the nation’s most distinguished professors in that field, has now provided the rest of us with an immensely helpful survey of one of its most important aspects: the evolution of what he terms “the formalized statements of medical morality” (...)
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    Robert B. Baker;, Arthur L. Caplan;, Linda L. Emanuel;, Stephen R. Latham . The American Medical Ethics Revolution: How the AMA’s Code of Ethics Has Transformed Physicians’ Relationships to Patients, Professionals, and Society. xl + 396 pp., table, apps., bibls., index. Baltimore/London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. $59.95. [REVIEW]Jon Harkness - 2002 - Isis 93 (4):732-733.
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    Reviews in Medical Ethics: The Ethics and Regulation of Research with Human Subjects, Carl Coleman, Jerry Menikoff, Jesse Goldner, and Nancy Dubler, eds., (LexisNexis) 2005.David B. Resnik - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (2):465-466.
    The Ethics and Regulation of Research with Human Subjects, edited by Professors Carl Coleman of Seton Hall, Jerry Menikoff of the University of Kansas, Jesse Goldner of Saint Louis University, and Nancy Dubler of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, is an up-to-date and authoritative collection of readings on ethical, legal, and policy issues in research with human subjects. The authors have modeled their text on the casebook style commonly used in law schools. At 746 pages, plus front matter (...)
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    Harm in the absence of care: Towards a medical ethics that cares.Elin Martinsen - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (2):174-183.
    The aim of this article is to investigate the concept of care in contemporary medical practice and medical ethics. Although care has been hailed throughout the centuries as a crucial ideal in medical practice and as an honourable virtue to be observed in codes of medical ethics, I argue that contemporary medicine and medical ethics suffer from the lack of a theoretically sustainable concept of care and then discuss possible reasons that (...)
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    Ethics in Medicine: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Concerns.Stanley Joel Reiser, Mary B. Saltonstall Professor of Population Ethics Arthur J. Dyck, Arthur J. Dyck & William J. Curran - 1977 - Cambridge: Mass. : MIT Press.
    This book is a comprehensive and unique text and reference in medical ethics. By far the most inclusive set of primary documents and articles in the field ever published, it contains over 100 selections. Virtually all pieces appear in their entirety, and a significant number would be difficult to obtain elsewhere. The volume draws upon the literature of history, medicine, philosophical and religious ethics, economics, and sociology. A wide range of topics and issues are covered, such as (...)
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