Results for 'mendicant orders'

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  1.  18
    Early Mendicant Mission in the New World: Discourses, Experiments, Realities.Bert Roest - 2013 - Franciscan Studies 71:197-217.
    This contribution starts out with discussing some of the preconditions that set the stage for thinking about New World mission and the role of the mendicant orders in it, which was partially self-assigned and partially expected. Among other things, these preconditions include the impact of mendicant master narratives of conversion and mission to the infidel from the later medieval period, the experiences with reconquista, and the confrontations with Muslims and Jews in newly conquered territories in Spain and (...)
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    The Origin, Development, and Refinement of Medieval Religious Mendicancies.Donald Prudlo (ed.) - 2011 - Brill.
    The purpose and intention of this handbook is to offer an analysis of the term mendicancy and to present an up-to-date and comprehensive introduction to the phenomenon of religious mendicancy in the central and later middle ages. It provides a contextualized guide that will introduce the central issues in contemporary scholarship regarding the mendicant orders. This project approaches the controversies from a multitude of angles and unites in one volume the insights of different disciplines such as social and (...)
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    Inside and Outside Monastery Walls. The Relationship of Medieval Czech Mendicants‘ Cloisters and Chapter Houses to their Urban Environment.Martina Kudlíková - 2023 - Convivium 10 (2):46-63.
    Already in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, the Minorite and Dominican orders (or Poor Clares and Dominican women) played an important role in town building in terms of religion and social ties, as well as in architecture and urban development. In the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Franciscan Order became important in the same urban environment, contributing with other monasteries to shaping the changing religiosity. This article studies the relationship of Mendicants’ priories – both male and female – (...)
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    Preaching Precedes Theology: Roger Bacon on the Failure of Mendicant Education.Timothy J. Johnson - 2010 - Franciscan Studies 68:83-95.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:I am delighted to have the opportunity to speak on a topic that is of interest to all of us, inasmuch as it pertains to our summer endeavor, Franciscan education. I will do so, however, from the perspective of Roger Bacon – the Doctor Mirabilis – a friar who held his Order's education system in contempt. His scathing attacks included equally strong words for the Augustinians, Carmelites and Dominicans, (...)
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    Latin Lay Piety in an Islamic Context: The Development of the Third Order Community of St. Mary's of Mt. Sion in Mamluk Jerusalem.Jon Paul Heyne - 2023 - Franciscan Studies 81 (1):33-52.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Latin Lay Piety in an Islamic Context:The Development of the Third Order Community of St. Mary's of Mt. Sion in Mamluk Jerusalem1Jon Paul Heyne (bio)In the spring of 1353, roughly half a century after the Latin world's loss of Acre, the Florentine lady Sofia degli Arcangeli purchased lands in Mamluk Jerusalem for the establishment of a pilgrim hospital run by a group of select companions.2 Thus began the Latin (...)
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    ‘Skoolordes’ in stede van ‘bedelordes’: ’n Heroorweging van die toepaslikheid van die begrip mendīcāns in die (Afrikaanse) Middeleeuse vakregister.Johann Beukes - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):11.
    ‘Skoolordes’ instead of ‘bedelordes’: A reconsideration of the applicability of the term mendīcāns in the (Afrikaans) Medieval register. In this article the applicability of the Latin present participle mendīcāns in the (Afrikaans) Medieval register, with reference to the development of the four mendicant orders in the Medieval Latin West from the early 13th century onward, is reconsidered. The term mendīcāns is customarily translated as mendicant in English and as bedelend in Afrikaans (including the terminological transition to bedelordes (...)
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  7. The conflict between the seculars and the mendicants at the University of Paris in the thirteenth century.Decima L. Douie - 1954 - [London]: Blackfriars.
  8.  1
    Forgotten Friars. The Visual Culture of Giovanni Colombini and the Apostolic Clerics of Saint Jerome (the Jesuati).John Osborne - 2024 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 87:1-25.
    A little-known mendicant order, the Apostolic Clerics of St Jerome, better known as the ‘Jesuati’, was founded by Giovanni Colombini of Siena in the mid-fourteenth century, receiving formal recognition from Pope Urban V at Viterbo in 1367. The congregation flourished, particularly over the course of the fifteenth century when it established conventual houses in most major cities of central and northern Italy, but was eventually suppressed in 1668. Known for their piety, penance and service to the sick and dying, (...)
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    The Rise of Logical Skills and the Thirteenth-Century Origins of the “Logical Man”.Julie Brumberg-Chaumont - 2021 - In Julie Brumberg-Chaumont & Claude Rosental (eds.), Logical Skills: Social-Historical Perspectives. Springer Verlag. pp. 91-120.
    This paper is dedicated to the first universities and mendicant schools, where thousands of students began to converge during the thirteenth century. Logic played an unpreceded role in basic and higher education. A “Parisian logical model” of education was shaped at the University of Paris, adopted by mendicant Orders in their schools of logic, diffused in all disciplines, and progressively spread in Southern Europe. Medieval education became heavily based upon logical, and even “logician” practices, with the “syllogization” (...)
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    Wycliffites, Franciscan Poverty, and the Apocalypse.Ian Christopher Levy - 2015 - Franciscan Studies 73:295-316.
    At first glance one might be tempted to count the Wycliffites among the bitterest opponents of the Franciscans, and thus part of the storied late medieval tradition of anti-fraternalism.1 There is much to support this conception, of course, given the bitter invective directed at the mendicants by John Wyclif himself and the Wycliffites who followed in his wake. Although the Wycliffites were certainly not the first to reckon the mendicant orders accomplices of antichrist, they leveled such charges throughout (...)
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    Before Science: The Invention of the Friars' Natural Philosophy (review).Irven Michael Resnick - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (4):623-625.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Before Science: The Invention of the Friars’ Natural Philosophy by Roger French, Andrew CunninghamIrven M. ResnickRoger French and Andrew Cunningham. Before Science: The Invention of the Friars’ Natural Philosophy. Hants, UK: Scolar Press, 1996. Pp. x + 298. Cloth, $68.95.This is a peculiar book that depicts thirteenth-century natural philosophy as wholly dependent on the theological interests of the mendicant orders. For the Friars, “Natural philosophy was (...)
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  12. The Poetry of Jeroen Mettes.Samuel Vriezen & Steve Pearce - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):22-28.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 22–28. Jeroen Mettes burst onto the Dutch poetry scene twice. First, in 2005, when he became a strong presence on the nascent Dutch poetry blogosphere overnight as he embarked on his critical project Dichtersalfabet (Poet’s Alphabet). And again in 2011, when to great critical acclaim (and some bafflement) his complete writings were published – almost five years after his far too early death. 2005 was the year in which Dutch poetry blogging exploded. That year saw the foundation (...)
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    Bonaventure (review).Jay M. Hammond - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:541-543.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:BonaventureJay M. HammondChristopher M. Cullen, Bonaventure, Great Medieval Thinkers Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. ISBN: 0-19-514925-4 (paperback); 0-19-514926-2 (hardback). Pages: xviii + 251.This volume makes a valuable contribution to the "great medieval thinkers" series from OUP by providing an accessible introduction to the philosophy and theology of the great Franciscan St. Bonaventure († 1274). The Preface presents the book's organizing principle: "to analyze Bonaventure's thought by following (...)
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    The Concept of Poverty in St. Thomas Aquinas’s Contra Impugnantes Dei Cultum et Religionem.John D. Jones - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (3):409-439.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE CONCEPT OF POVERTY IN ST. THOMAS AQUINAS'S CONTRA IMPUGNANTES DE/ CULTUM ET RELIGIONEM JOHN D. ]ONES Marquette University Milwaukee, Wisconsin MEDIEVAL CONCEPTIONS of poverty have been given ongoing and serious attention by scholars during this century. The extensive literature on the nature and practice of poverty among the Franciscans bears witness to this. Serious investigation of St. Thomas Aquinas's understanding of poverty, however, is virtually nonexistent. Except for (...)
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    Summa Contra Gentiles III, Chapters 131–135: A Rare Glimpse into the Heart as Well as the Mind of Aquinas.Lawrence B. Porter - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):245-263.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:SUMMA CONTRA GENTILES III, CHAPTERS 131-135: A RARE GLIMPSE INTO THE HEART AS WELL AS THE MIND OF AQUINAS LAWRENCE B. PORTER Setoii Hall University South Orange, New Jersey Introduction BERNARDO GUI, Saint Thomas's thirteenth-century biographer, relates in his Legenda S. Thomae the story of how once upon a time Saint Thomas was seated at the table of King Louis IX of France. Far removed from mere dinner conversation, (...)
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    Early Scotists at Paris: A Reconsideration.William Courtenay - 2011 - Franciscan Studies 69:175-229.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The early history of Scotism has been extensively explored in books and articles and is a topic frequently recounted in histories of medieval scholastic thought. Although Scotus read the Sentences at Oxford and possibly Cambridge before being appointed to read the Sentences at Paris, it was at Paris that Scotism is said to have developed out of the teaching of Scotus who, except for an interruption of almost a (...)
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  17.  25
    L’eredità agostiniana dalla tradizione monastica alle filosofie francescane.Francesca Pullano - 2018 - Doctor Virtualis 14.
    Il XII secolo rappresenta per il mondo monastico un periodo di grande splendore dal punto di vista culturale e filosofico, in particolare grazie a figure come Bernardo di Chiaravalle e Guglielmo di Saint-Thierry, la cui riflessione rappresenta da una parte la maturità della tradizione monastica altomedievale, dall’altra il coronamento e la chiusura di un periodo, più che l’apertura di uno nuovo.Paradossalmente il XII secolo segna anche un periodo di crisi profonda, in cui i monaci, che per secoli sono stati al (...)
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  18.  14
    Suffocation in the Polis.Jeffrey M. Perl - 2019 - Common Knowledge 25 (1-3):332-338.
    This introduction to the third and final part of the Common Knowledge symposium “Unsocial Thought, Uncommon Lives” is reprinted here in a special issue of representative pieces from the journal’s first twenty-five years. The title is taken from an article by Isaiah Berlin in CK. Perl’s essay argues against the Aristotelian presumption that “man is a social animal” and explains that the CK symposium on unsocial thought was meant to substantiate that “societies do as a rule smother instinctive behaviors, but (...)
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  19. The Rise of Ming T'ai-tsu (1368-98): Facts and Fictions in Early Ming Official Historiography.Hok-lam Chan - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (4):679-715.
    It was a common practice of the Chinese official historiographers to employ pseudo-historical, semi-fictional source materials alongside the factual, ascertainable data in their narratives for prescribed political or didactic purposes despite their commitment to the time-honored principles of truth and objectivity in the Confucian-oriented traditional historiography. The intrusion of these non-historical elements in the imperial historical records illustrates, therefore, the adaptability of the source materials representing the popular tradition of the masses for the uses of the great tradition, and the (...)
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  20.  19
    Evidence of Augustinian 'Ressourcement' in the Franciscan Summa Halensis : The Cases of Contra Faustum and De spiritu et littera.Michael S. Hahn - 2022 - Franciscan Studies 80 (1):59-77.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Evidence of Augustinian 'Ressourcement' in the Franciscan Summa Halensis:The Cases of Contra Faustum and De spiritu et litteraMichael S. HahnAmong the thornier issues surrounding the Parisian Franciscan collaborative compilation Summa Halensis1 is the matter of its sources, consideration of which most often involves discernment of its contributing authors and their engagement with near-contemporary texts and trends in twelfth- and thirteenth-century scholastic theology.2 Hiding in plain sight, and thus easily (...)
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  21. General response in a dialectical key.Oleg Mendic - 1971 - In Rocco Caporale & Antonio Grumelli (eds.), The culture of unbelief. Berkeley,: University of California Press. pp. 109--14.
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    The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis: Volume Ii: Books Iii & Iv.Orderic Vitalis - 1990 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis has been called `the greatest of all medieval chronicles'. Written in Normandy between 1114 and 1141, it is a detailed history of the Norman people and their conquests, full of vivid, often penetrating portraits of the lives and characters of kings and queens, lords and bishops, simple knights, and humble villagers. The chronicle gives a unique, authentic picture of feudal society during a period of rapid change in church and state which saw the emergence (...)
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    The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis: Volume Iii: Books V & Vi.Orderic Vitalis - 1983 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Betrifft die Handschrift Cod. 555 der Burgerbibliothek Bern.
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    The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis: Volume Iv: Books Vii & Viii.Orderic Vitalis - 1983 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Edited with a facing-page English translation from the Latin text by: Chibnall, Marjorie.
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  25. A note on universally free first order quantification theory ap Rao.Universally Free First Order Quantification - forthcoming - Logique Et Analyse.
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  26. Higher-orders of vagueness reinstated.Dominic Hyde - 2003 - Mind 112 (446):301-305.
  27.  21
    Well-Quasi Orders in Computation, Logic, Language and Reasoning: A Unifying Concept of Proof Theory, Automata Theory, Formal Languages and Descriptive Set Theory.Peter M. Schuster, Monika Seisenberger & Andreas Weiermann (eds.) - 2020 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This book bridges the gaps between logic, mathematics and computer science by delving into the theory of well-quasi orders, also known as wqos. This highly active branch of combinatorics is deeply rooted in and between many fields of mathematics and logic, including proof theory, commutative algebra, braid groups, graph theory, analytic combinatorics, theory of relations, reverse mathematics and subrecursive hierarchies. As a unifying concept for slick finiteness or termination proofs, wqos have been rediscovered in diverse contexts, and proven to (...)
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    Mixture of Maximal Quasi Orders: a new Approach to Preference Modelling.Jacinto González-Pachón & Sixto Ríos-Insua - 1999 - Theory and Decision 47 (1):73-88.
    Normative theories suggest that inconsistencies be pointed out to the Decision Maker who is thus given the chance to modify his/her judgments. In this paper, we suggest that the inconsistencies problem be transferred from the Decision Maker to the Analyst. With the Mixture of Maximal Quasi Orders, rather than pointing out incoherences for the Decision Maker to change, these inconsistencies may be used as new source of information to model his/her preferences.
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    Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders and Suicide Attempts.Michael Brian Humble - 2014 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 14 (4):661-671.
    Elderly persons are living longer with debilitating illnesses and are at risk for suicide. They are also more likely to have a living will with a DNR order. With the medical culture’s emphasis on patient autonomy, an ethical approach that respects the dignity of these suffering human persons is needed. Suicide must be viewed as an act against the principle of life and the intrinsic good of the human being. Beneficence outweighs autonomy in such cases. Medical providers are at risk (...)
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  30. An interdisciplinary biosocial perspective.Birth Order, Sibling Investment, Urban Begging, Ethnic Nepotism In Russia & Low Birth Weight - 2000 - Human Nature: An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective 11:115.
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  31. David Bostock.On Motivating Higher-Order Logic - 2004 - In Thomas Baldwin & Timothy Smiley (eds.), Studies in the Philosophy of Logic and Knowledge. New York: Oup/British Academy.
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  32. Soul-Blindness, Police Orders and Black Lives Matter.Jonathan Havercroft & David Owen - 2016 - Political Theory 44 (6):739-763.
    What does it mean to see someone as human, as a member of humankind? What kind of call for justice is it to demand that a group be seen as human beings? This article explores a fundamental kind of injustice: one of perception and how we respond to our perceptions. Drawing on Cavell, Wittgenstein and Rancière, we elucidate “soul blindness” as a distinct and basic form of injustice. Rancière’s police orders and Cavell’s soul blindness are mutually constitutive; the undoing (...)
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  33.  79
    Domestic abuse, civil protection orders and the `new criminologies': is there any value in engaging with the law?Clare Connelly & Kate Cavanagh - 2007 - Feminist Legal Studies 15 (3):259-287.
    Changes in government policy over the last two decades have seen the traditional goals of criminal justice, namely prosecution and punishment, being replaced by an emphasis on prevention, fear reduction, security and harm reduction. During this time domestic abuse has gained a place on the political agenda, which has resulted in legislative initiatives in the form of civil protection orders across the U.K. which primarily focus on prevention but have also more recently begun to rely on the traditional criminal (...)
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  34. Index of volume 79, 2001.Stephen Buckle, Miracles Marvels, Mundane Order, Temporal Solipsism, Robert Kirk, Nonreductive Physicalism, Strict Implication, Donald Mertz Individuation, Instance Ontology & Dale E. Miller - 2001 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 79 (4):594-596.
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  35. Two Orders of Things: Wittgenstein on Reasons and Causes.Matthieu Queloz - 2017 - Philosophy 92 (3):369-97.
    This paper situates Wittgenstein in what is known as the causalism/anti-causalism debate in the philosophy of mind and action and reconstructs his arguments to the effect that reasons are not a species of causes. On the one hand, the paper aims to reinvigorate the question of what these arguments are by offering a historical sketch of the debate showing that Wittgenstein's arguments were overshadowed by those of the people he influenced, and that he came to be seen as an anti-causalist (...)
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    Religious Orders.M. Michèle Mulchahey & Timothy B. Noone - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 45–54.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Medieval monasticism and learning The Dominicans The Franciscans Conclusion.
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    Schopenhauer and the Two Orders of Purposiveness in the World.William Mattioli - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 12:e13.
    In this paper, I intend to argue that the emergence of the material conditions for the suppression and denial of the will in the human organism is not something like an “accident on the way” of will's manifestation in the world. It is rather, as it were, an intentional result of the whole process of objectivation of the will, a result that emerges from a teleological order. This teleological order is primary and more fundamental than the teleological order of nature (...)
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  38.  35
    World Orders Old and New.Alan Mattlage - 1995 - Radical Philosophy Review of Books 11 (11):110-114.
  39. Orders of Consciousness and Forms of Reflexivity in Descartes.Vili Lähteenmäki - 2007 - In Sara Heinämaa, Vili Lähteenmäki & Pauliina Remes (eds.), Consciousness: From Perception to Reflection in the History of Philosophy. Springer. pp. 177-201.
    Descartes affords several notions of consciousness as he explains the characteristics of the diverse features of human thought from infancy to adulthood and from dreaming to attentive wakefulness. The paper argues that Descartes has a rich and coherent view of conscious mentality from rudimentary consciousness through reflexive consciousness to consciousness achieved by deliberate, attentive reflection.
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    Are Rank Orders Mentally Represented by Spatial Arrays?Ulrich von Hecker & Karl Christoph Klauer - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present contribution argues that transitive reasoning, as exemplified in paradigms of linear order construction in mental space, is associated with spatial effects. Starting from robust findings from the early 70s, research so far has widely discussed the symbolic distance effect. This effect shows that after studying pairs of relations, e.g., “A > B,” “B > C,” and “D > E,” participants are more correct, and faster in correct responding, the wider the “distance” between two elements within the chain A (...)
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  41. Knowledge Logics.Frank Wolter First Order Common - forthcoming - Studia Logica.
  42. Nikil Mukerji.Christoph Schumacher, Economics Order Ethics & Game Theory - 2016 - In Christoph Luetge & Nikil Mukerji (eds.), Order Ethics: An Ethical Framework for the Social Market Economy. Cham: Springer.
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    Linear orders realized by C.e. Equivalence relations.Ekaterina Fokina, Bakhadyr Khoussainov, Pavel Semukhin & Daniel Turetsky - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (2):463-482.
    LetEbe a computably enumerable equivalence relation on the setωof natural numbers. We say that the quotient set$\omega /E$realizesa linearly ordered set${\cal L}$if there exists a c.e. relation ⊴ respectingEsuch that the induced structure is isomorphic to${\cal L}$. Thus, one can consider the class of all linearly ordered sets that are realized by$\omega /E$; formally,${\cal K}\left = \left\{ {{\cal L}\,|\,{\rm{the}}\,{\rm{order}}\, - \,{\rm{type}}\,{\cal L}\,{\rm{is}}\,{\rm{realized}}\,{\rm{by}}\,E} \right\}$. In this paper we study the relationship between computability-theoretic properties ofEand algebraic properties of linearly ordered sets realized (...)
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    Orders for the presentation of pairs in the method of paired comparisons.R. J. Wherry - 1938 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 23 (6):651.
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    Orders and procedures: Comments on Boltanski and Thévenot.Adam Morton - 2000 - Philosophical Explorations 3 (3):239 – 243.
    I give a simplified model of Boltanski & Thévenot's account of justice, which no doubt omits some important aspects of what they say. Using this model I explain how some properties of their account can be accounted for, and suggest that it is not clear that some others really are features of justice as described by them. My negative claims should not be taken as criticisms of their account, but rather as challenges to specify the features that are ignored by (...)
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    Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders for the Incompetent Patient in the Absence of Family Consent.Troyen A. Brennan - 1986 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 14 (1):13-19.
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    Well-orders in the transfinite Japaridze algebra.D. Fernandez-Duque & J. J. Joosten - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (6):933-963.
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    Pediatric do-not-attempt-resuscitation orders and public schools: A national assessment of policies and laws.Michael B. Kimberly, Amanda L. Forte, Jean M. Carroll & Chris Feudtner - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (1):59 – 65.
    Some children living with life-shortening medical conditions may wish to attend school without the threat of having resuscitation attempted in the event of cardiopulmonary arrest on the school premises. Despite recent attention to in-school do-not-attempt-resuscitation (DNAR) orders, no assessment of state laws or school policies has yet been made. We therefore sought to survey a national sample of prominent school districts and situate their policies in the context of relevant state laws. Most (80%) school districts sampled did not have (...)
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    Two results on borel orders.Alain Louveau - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):865-874.
    We prove two results about the embeddability relation between Borel linear orders: For $\eta$ a countable ordinal, let $2^\eta$ (resp. $2^{<\eta}$) be the set of sequences of zeros and ones of length $\eta$ (resp. $<\eta$), equipped with the lexicographic ordering. Given a Borel linear order $X$ and a countable ordinal $\xi$, we prove the following two facts. (a) Either $X$ can be embedded (in a $\triangle^1_1(X,\xi)$ way) in $2^{\omega\xi}$, or $2^{\omega\xi + 1}$ continuously embeds in $X$. (b) Either $X$ (...)
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  50. Practice mind-ed orders.Theodore R. Schatzki - 2000 - In Karin Knorr Cetina, Theodore R. Schatzki & Eike von Savigny (eds.), The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 42--55.
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