Results for 'modèle de formation'

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  1. Le modele de la formation de la théorie dans la pédagogie(Model tworzenia teorii w pedagogice).Maria Lewandowska - 1983 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 3.
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    Les nouveaux modèles de développement et le problème des valeurs.Vyatcheslav S. Stepin - 2009 - Diogène 222 (2):77-92.
    Cet article présente une synthèse des tentatives d'analyse des transformations sociales, menées (respectivement) du point de vue de la civilisation et de celui de la formation. On formule l'idée de l'existence de différents modèles de développement de la civilisation. On dégage les valeurs fondamentales qui distinguent les modèles traditionalistes de société des modèles axés sur la technique. On examine les crises contemporaines liées à la mondialisation. On montre que la sortie de ces crises nécessitera une transformation des valeurs fondamentales (...)
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    Le cabinet des antiques: les origines de la democratie contemporaine.Michel de Jaeghere - 2021 - Paris: Les Belles lettres.
    Telle est la sombre grandeur proposee desormais a l'historien contemporain : consacrer ses efforts a discrediter les auteurs anciens en montrant a quel point ils avaient ete tributaires de leurs aveuglements ; souligner les lacunes, la myopie, l'extravagance de leurs jugements ; debusquer prejuges de classe et stereotypes de genre ; dresser l'inventaire, la genealogie de leurs successives reinterpretations par chaque generation. Tenir en revanche leurs oeuvres pour un reservoir d'exemples, de modeles, de situations utiles pour guider notre reflexion, comme (...)
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    Une défense logique du modèle de Maher pour les délires polythématiques.Paul Franceschi - 2008 - Philosophiques 35 (2):451-475.
    Dans ce qui suit, je décrirai un modèle pour la formation et la maintenance des délires polythématiques rencontrés dans la schizophrénie, en adéquation avec le modèle pour les délires décrit par Brendan Maher. Les délires polythématiques y sont considérés comme les conclusions d’arguments déclenchés par l’apophénie et qui comportent des erreurs de raisonnement très communes, telles que le sophisme post hoc et le bais de confirmation. Je décris tout d’abord la structure du raisonnement qui conduit au délire (...)
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  5. IRonald de Sousa.Ronald De Sousa - 2002 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 76 (1):247-263.
    Taking literally the concept of emotional truth requires breaking the monopoly on truth of belief-like states. To this end, I look to perceptions for a model of non-propositional states that might be true or false, and to desires for a model of propositional attitudes the norm of which is other than the semantic satisfaction of their propositional object. Those models inspire a conception of generic truth, which can admit of degrees for analogue representations such as emotions; belief-like states, by contrast, (...)
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    (1 other version)Grandir entre deux siècles : mythes et réalité de la jeunesse féminine italienne de la fin du XIXe siècle à l'entre-deux-guerres.Michela de Giorgio - 1996 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:7-7.
    C'est au tournant du XIXe siècle que les représentations de la jeunesse féminine italienne commencent à se croiser autour de nouveaux concepts et de nouvelles disciplines.Cet article décrit l'émergence des multiples visages de la « nouvelle jeune fille » italienne à partir des codes d'appellation et d'une plus grande mobilité dans l'appartenance aux classes d'âge juvéniles. C'est la convergence de plusieurs éléments de transformation socio-culturelle qui, dans les années 1920, est à l'origine de la naissance de la « Jeunesse féminine (...)
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    A study of Babylonian planetary theory I. The outer planets.Teije de Jong - 2019 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 73 (1):1-37.
    In this study I attempt to provide an answer to the question how the Babylonian scholars arrived at their mathematical theory of planetary motion. Although no texts are preserved in which the Babylonians tell us how they did it, from the surviving Astronomical Diaries we have a fairly complete picture of the nature of the observational material on which the scholars must have based their theory and from which they must have derived the values of the defining parameters. Limiting the (...)
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  8. Emotional Truth.Ronald De Sousa & Adam Morton - 2002 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 76:247-275.
    [Ronald de Sousa] Taking literally the concept of emotional truth requires breaking the monopoly on truth of belief-like states. To this end, I look to perceptions for a model of non-propositional states that might be true or false, and to desires for a model of propositional attitudes the norm of which is other than the semantic satisfaction of their propositional object. Those models inspire a conception of generic truth, which can admit of degrees for analogue representations such as emotions; belief-like (...)
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    Discussion à Visée Philosophique (DVP), une ressource de la professionnalité enseignante? Quelle variabilité, quelle invariabilité de l’activité?Antonietta Specogna & Valérie Saint-Dizier de Almeida - 2018 - Revue Phronesis 7 (2):28-36.
    In the context of research 2LAPRE 2 we observed sessions of Philosophically Orientated Discussion (POD)provided by the permanent teachers of the ordinary elementary and secondary school classes. In a formation context we are interested in the itinerary of three elementary school’s teachers of three different levels (1st Cycle, 2nd Cycle and 3rd Cycle). By the observation of actual practices at three moments during the scholar year, what can we spot of the POD norm’s construction? The analysis of the linguistic (...)
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    Habermasian Deliberative Democracy and its Complement in the Democracy of Iris Young.Josimar Binace de Oliveira - 2024 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 15 (29):221-243.
    This article aims to understand the concept of deliberative democracy elaborated by Jürgen Habermas, as well as observe its potentialities and fault highlighted by democratic theory the philosopher Iris Young. Habermas proposes the model of deliberative democracy as an alternative to the liberal and republican models. For Habermas, liberals exceed themselves on normative bases with individualistic ethical purpose, disregarding social rights; while Republicans suppress individual freedoms due to a communitarian ideal. In this context, he proposes deliberation as a link between (...)
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    One Stage Is Not Enough.Andrew W. Young & Karel W. De Pauw - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (1):55-59.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 9.1 (2002) 55-59 [Access article in PDF] One Stage Is Not Enough Andrew W. Young and Karel W. de Pauw Keywords: delusions, Cotard delusion, Capgras delusion, cognitive neuropsychiatry. WE WELCOME THE OPPORTUNITY to offer our reflections on Philip Gerrans' interesting paper. Our opinion is that on fundamental issues we agree quite a bit—but there are clear differences when it comes to details.The most basic issue (...)
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    La formation des médiateurs.Valérie Lasserre - 2019 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 61 (1):117-127.
    On parle beaucoup aujourd’hui de la nécessité d’imposer une formation aux médiateurs. Cette obligation n’existe pas encore mais elle impliquerait de déterminer précisément selon quel modèle on désire professionaliser la fonction de médiateur.
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    The road to the Sustainable Development Goals: building global alliances and norms. Des Gasper - 2019 - Journal of Global Ethics 15 (2):118-137.
    Several insider accounts of the formation of the Sustainable Development Goals suggest that the process (the procedures used and the emergent organizational and governance system features) was as important as the resulting goal-set. The paper looks at both aspects, and relationships between them: the rising influence of Southern nations (seen in the roles played by Colombia, Brazil, some African countries and the G77); the partial transcendence of traditional inter-bloc negotiation, including through adoption of elements of deliberative decision-making; the major (...)
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    What predicts productivity? Theory meets individuals.Hendrik De Smet - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (2):251-278.
    Because they involve individual-level cognitive processes, psychological explanations of linguistic phenomena are in principle testable against individual behaviour. The present study draws on patterns of individual variation in corpus data to test explanations of productivity. Linguistic patterns are predicted to become more productive with higher type frequencies and lower token frequencies. This is because the formation of abstract mental representations is encouraged by varied types but counteracted by automation of high-frequency types. The predictions are tested for English -ly and (...)
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    Teoria, Crítica e Prática Educacional.Pedro Savi Neto & Mónica De la Fare - 2022 - Educação E Filosofia 36 (77):833-859.
    O presente artigo trata da relação entre teoria e prática no pensamento de Theodor W. Adorno com o objetivo de analisar as possibilidades de emancipação do sujeito no âmbito da sociedade capitalista contemporânea, questionando sobre um suposto pessimismo do autor. Para tanto, serão contextualizadas as relações entre sujeito e objeto, natureza e razão, teoria e prática e formação e semiformação, com a finalidade de pensar a importância fundamental da teoria para a transformação do mundo a partir de uma análise crítica (...)
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    L’alternance en formation : le travail silencieux de l’activité de reliance des « alternants » dans le cadre d’un dispositif de formation mobilisateur.Patrick Lechaux - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 5 (1):38-49.
    The various academic works about the analysis of the actual functionning of alternation in professionnal training reveal a great descrepancy with the prescriptive model, qualified institutionnal or organisationnal model. In order to take some distance from this technical coordinative model of alternation in training, the hypothesis is made that the alternant is the one creating bonds.The results of an active resarch, based on the experimentation of a pro-training arrangement made to support this bonding work, are presented and put in perspective (...)
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    “Republicanism”: a grounding concept for the American Revolution?Peter de Bolla - 2023 - Intellectual History Review 33 (1):57-81.
    This essay revisits the long-standing debate concerning the sources for the underlying political beliefs and commitments held by the “founding generation,” those colonists who came to the conclusion that separation from the mother country was necessary and inevitable. It uses a mixed mode of enquiry and analysis, blending standard close reading of texts with computer-aided inspection of the archive at scale. It seeks to clarify the extent to which a set of political assumptions and theories widely assumed to be gathered (...)
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    Learned uncertainty: The free energy principle in anxiety.H. T. McGovern, Alexander De Foe, Hannah Biddell, Pantelis Leptourgos, Philip Corlett, Kavindu Bandara & Brendan T. Hutchinson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Generalized anxiety disorder is among the world’s most prevalent psychiatric disorders and often manifests as persistent and difficult to control apprehension. Despite its prevalence, there is no integrative, formal model of how anxiety and anxiety disorders arise. Here, we offer a perspective derived from the free energy principle; one that shares similarities with established constructs such as learned helplessness. Our account is simple: anxiety can be formalized as learned uncertainty. A biological system, having had persistent uncertainty in its past, will (...)
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    Le développement de l'agir éthique chez les professionnels en éducation: formations initiale et continue.Lise-Anne St Vincent (ed.) - 2015 - Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec.
    Faire preuve d'éthique professionnelle est une responsabilité qui incombe à tous les enseignants, ceux en devenir, les directeurs d'établissements scolaires et les professionnels de l'éducation. Or l'éthique professionnelle est une construction en mouvance faite d'expériences, de politiques, de pratiques... Dresser un plan linéaire des étapes à franchir pour la développer serait présomptueux, mais il est nécessaire d'en explorer les différentes facettes. Cet ouvrage met en lumière les éléments présents dans le processus de construction de l'agir éthique chez les professionnels de (...)
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    Global Constitutionalism and Democracy: the Case of Colombia.Chris Thornhill & Carina Rodrigues de Araújo Calabria - 2020 - Jus Cogens 2 (2):155-183.
    Focusing on the case of Colombia, this article sets out a sociological examination of constitutions marked by strong, activist judiciaries, by entrenched systems of human rights protection, and by emphatic implementation of global human rights law. Contra standard critiques of this constitutional model, it argues that such constitutions need to be seen as creating a new pattern of democracy, which is often distinctively adapted to structures in societies in which the typical patterns of legitimation and subject formation required for (...)
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    Migration and Race in Europe: The Trans-Atlantic Metastases of a Post-Colonial Cancer.Nicholas De Genova - 2010 - European Journal of Social Theory 13 (3):405-419.
    This article examines dominant socio-political questions regarding migration, ‘multiculturalism’, and ‘integration’, as a politics of citizenship (and race) in contemporary (post-colonial) Europe. The argument unfolds through a critique of the nationalist complacencies and racial complicities in Jürgen Habermas’s remarks on ‘multiculturalism’ during the 1990s. With recourse to ‘underclass’ discourse, Habermas’s reflections were themselves a trans-Atlantic metastasis of a distinctly US ‘American’ hegemonic sociological commonsense with regard to, but actively disregarding, the fact of white supremacy. Habermas’s thoughts are critically situated alongside (...)
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    Negotiating becoming: a Nietzschean critique of large language models.Simon W. S. Fischer & Bas de Boer - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (3):1-12.
    Large language models (LLMs) structure the linguistic landscape by reflecting certain beliefs and assumptions. In this paper, we address the risk of people unthinkingly adopting and being determined by the values or worldviews embedded in LLMs. We provide a Nietzschean critique of LLMs and, based on the concept of will to power, consider LLMs as will-to-power organisations. This allows us to conceptualise the interaction between self and LLMs as power struggles, which we understand as negotiation. Currently, the invisibility and incomprehensibility (...)
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    Non-well-founded trees in categories.Benno van den Berg & Federico De Marchi - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 146 (1):40-59.
    Non-well-founded trees are used in mathematics and computer science, for modelling non-well-founded sets, as well as non-terminating processes or infinite data structures. Categorically, they arise as final coalgebras for polynomial endofunctors, which we call M-types. We derive existence results for M-types in locally cartesian closed pretoposes with a natural numbers object, using their internal logic. These are then used to prove stability of such categories with M-types under various topos-theoretic constructions; namely, slicing, formation of coalgebras , and sheaves for (...)
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    Vi/vi/sec/tion of industrial design. Gui Bonsiepe and the formulation of the interface concept. Intec Chile 1972. Document of the beginning of a paradigm shift in the interaction design disciplines. [REVIEW]David Maulén de los Reyes - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (3):1115-1129.
    In 1972, in Chile, the German designer Gui Bonsiepe was in charge of the Industrial Design Department of Technological Institute of the National Corporation for the Promotion of Production INTEC Corfo, during the government of socialist President Salvador Allende in Chile. In this article from the INTEC magazine n.2, published this time for the first time in English, Bonsiepe develops a theoretical formulation, applied to the field of design, through which he proposes a concept that will be fundamental in the (...)
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    Working With the Encounter: A Descriptive Account and Case Analysis of School-Based Collaborative Mental Health Care for Refugee Children in Leuven, Belgium.Caroline Spaas, Siel Verbiest, Sofie de Smet, Ruth Kevers, Lies Missotten & Lucia De Haene - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Scholars increasingly point toward schools as meaningful contexts in which to provide psychosocial care for refugee children. Collaborative mental health care in school forms a particular practice of school-based mental health care provision. Developed in Canada and inspired by systemic intervention approaches, collaborative mental health care in schools involves the formation of an interdisciplinary care network, in which mental health care providers and school partners collaborate with each other and the refugee family in a joint assessment of child development (...)
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  26. La situation professionnelle : moment critique dans l’action, Interface de la formation en alternance le cas particulier de la formation en soins infirmiers.Catherine Guillaumin - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):21-39.
    The professional situation is considered a major interface of practicum training, here conceived as a School of conjunction, a school where one learns to make links, a foundation for the engineering of professionalization. The notion of situation is here developed based on the study of a data corpus elaborated during an experience with a practicum training model centred on writing and the construction of the professional situation by a subject-actor-author of the situation, in interaction with others, in the context of (...)
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    How do Consumers Reconcile Positive and Negative CSR-Related Information to Form an Ethical Brand Perception? A Mixed Method Inquiry.Katja H. Brunk & Cara de Boer - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (2):443-458.
    This research investigates how consumers’ ethical brand perceptions are affected by differentially valenced information. Drawing on literature from person-perception formation and using a sequential, mixed method design comprising qualitative interviews and two experiments with a national representative population sample, our findings show that only when consumers perceive their judgment of a brand’s ethicality to be pertinent, do they process information holistically and in line with the configural model of impression formation. In this case, negative information functions as a (...)
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  28. Notes on Mead's presence in the work of Habermas.Luciana Aparecida de Araújo Penitente - 2013 - Trans/Form/Ação 36 (1):205-220.
    Habermas pensa a questão da individuação e da socialização a partir dos estudos de George Hebert Mead, que, na sua concepção, foi o primeiro a refletir substancialmente sobre um modelo de eu produzido socialmente. Mead oferece todo subsídio teórico para o desenvolvimento de uma teoria da evolução humana que envolve o processo de individuação e de socialização. Pelo paradigma de intercompreensão, ou seja, da relação intersubjetiva de indivíduos que se socializam por meio da comunicação e se reconhecem mutuamente, Mead permite (...)
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    Lyman continuum leakage in faint star-forming galaxies at redshift z=3-3.5 probed by gamma-ray bursts.J. -B. Vielfaure, S. D. Vergani, J. Japelj, J. P. U. Fynbo, M. Gronke, K. E. Heintz, D. B. Malesani, P. Petitjean, N. R. Tanvir, V. D. D'Elia, D. A. Kann, J. T. Palmerio, R. Salvaterra, K. Wiersema, M. Arabsalmani, S. Campana, S. Covino, M. De Pasquale, A. de Ugarte Postigo, F. Hammer, D. H. Hartmann, P. Jakobsson, C. Kouveliotou, T. Laskar, Andrew J. Levan & A. Rossi - forthcoming - Astronomy and Astrophysics.
    Context. The identification of the sources that reionized the Universe and their specific contribution to this process are key missing pieces of our knowledge of the early Universe. Faint star-forming galaxies may be the main contributors to the ionizing photon budget during the epoch of reionization, but their escaping photons cannot be detected directly due to inter-galactic medium opacity. Hence, it is essential to characterize the properties of faint galaxies with significant Lyman continuum photon leakage up to z 4 to (...)
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    A Phase-wise Development Approach to Business Excellence: Towards an Innovative, Stakeholder-oriented Assessment Tool for Organizational Excellence and CSR.Marcel Van Marrewijk, Iris Wuisman, Wim De Cleyn, Joanna Timmers, Virgilio Panapanaan & Lassi Linnanen - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 55 (2):83-98.
    The European Corporate Sustainability Framework (ECSF) is, among other concepts, based on a phase-wise development approach as described by Clare Graves' Levels of Existence Theory. As much as corporate sustainability has a sequence of adequate interpretations, aligned with each development level, also the notion of business excellence can be defined at multiple levels, as this paper demonstrates. Furthermore, the authors analyze the current EFQM Excellence Model for particular biases towards various development levels and suggest a new and innovative two-step approach (...)
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    Le bonheur d’enseigner est-il enseignable? Réflexions et propositions issues de la formation à l’enseignement en Suisse Romande.Nicolas Bressoud - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (2-3):114-129.
    Teacher training has the opportunity and availability to raise awarness on the happiness of teaching. The stakes are high: inclusive education contexts require teachers to fully support their pupils’ heterogeneity. The positive psychology PERMA model (Seligman, 2011) seems to be an interesting evidence-based guide to build teacher training in happiness teaching. The PERMA model (Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Achievement) provides an identification of the different factors needed for this happiness teaching training. It also highlights the importance of the teacher-pupil (...)
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    (1 other version)The Impact of the Parental Support on Risk Factors in the Process of Gender Affirmation of Transgender and Gender Diverse People.Bruna L. Seibel, Bruno de Brito Silva, Anna M. V. Fontanari, Ramiro F. Catelan, Ana M. Bercht, Juliana L. Stucky, Diogo A. DeSousa, Elder Cerqueira-Santos, Henrique C. Nardi, Silvia H. Koller & Angelo B. Costa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Research involving transgender and gender diverse people (TGD) increased in the last years, mostly concerning healthcare associated to this population. Few studies dedicated their analysis to the impact of parental support on transgender people, even though this is an important aspect in creating a safe environment on which these individuals can build their identity. In addition, the link between family support, TGD identity and homelessness is not completely established. Thus, due to the specificities of the family context of TGD individuals, (...)
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    Germline development in amniotes: A paradigm shift in primordial germ cell specification.Federica Bertocchini & Susana M. Chuva de Sousa Lopes - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (8):791-800.
    In the field of germline development in amniote vertebrates, primordial germ cell (PGC) specification in birds and reptiles remains controversial. Avians are believed to adopt a predetermination or maternal specification mode of PGC formation, contrary to an inductive mode employed by mammals and, supposedly, reptiles. Here, we revisit and review some key aspects of PGC development that channelled the current subdivision, and challenge the position of birds and reptiles as well as the ‘binary’ evolutionary model of PGC development in (...)
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    Een eenvoudig model van de vorming van Belgische federale regeringscoalities.Peter Willemé - 1996 - Res Publica 38 (1):95-111.
    In this article a simpte model of Belgian government coalition formation is proposed. lts main advantages over the traditional game theoretical approach are, first, its dynamic nature and, second, the fact that only one coalition is predicted per 'game '. As a result of the latter characteristic, the integration of this coalition formation submodel in a larger politico-economic model should be far less complicated. Moreover, statistical tests indicate that the proposed model works at least as good as the (...)
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    Modélisation statistique de la rivalité suffixale en russe : les formations adjectivales en -sk- et -n-.Natalia Bobkova - 2022 - Corpus 23.
    Cet article présente une approche quantitative appliquée à la concurrence suffixale dans la formation des adjectifs dénominaux en russe. Le but est, dans un premier temps, d’étudier les adjectifs de haute et basse fréquence et d’établir les propriétés phonologiques, morphologiques et sémantiques des noms de base qui déterminent le choix entre les suffixes -n- et -sk- dans les deux ensembles de données grâce à des méthodes statistiques. Dans un second temps, l’objectif est de mesurer à quel point la connaissance (...)
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    Designing the model European—Liberal and republican concepts of citizenship in Europe in the 1860s: The Association Internationale pour le Progrès des Sciences Sociales.Christian Müller - 2011 - History of European Ideas 37 (2):223-231.
    The formation of citizenship as a concept to define the rights of participation in the formation processes of modern territorial states is well known. But the transnational dimensions of defining citizenship and how to combine national legislations with enlightened universal and natural law rules in the mid-19th century is not very well known. The article aims to explore the transnational discourses on the political, economic and moral rights and duties of the citizen in the pan—European liberal Association Internationale (...)
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  37. Le problème de la transcendance des significations dans l'idéalisme phénoménologique transcendantal.Alain Gallerand - 2011 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique (3):1-27.
    Sur le modèle des représentations et des propositions en soi de Bolzano, Husserl a envisagé les significations comme des unités idéales-objectives qui sont accessibles à plusieurs consciences et qui perdurent au-delà des actes psychiques passagers dans lesquels elles se réalisent. Indépen­dantes des opérations subjectives, les unités sémantiques seraient donc transcendantes, c’est-à-dire extérieures à la conscience. Cependant, en posant la subjectivité transcendantale comme un absolu par rapport auquel tout objet, réel ou idéal, se définit, la phénoménologie transcendantale-constitutive est finalement incapable (...)
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    La formation du radicalisme philosophique by Elie Halévy.Monique Canto-Sperber Editor & Philippe Mongin Editors Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Pierre Bouretz (eds.) - 1995 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    Élie HALÉVY (1870-1937), philosophe et historien des idées, fut professeur à l'École libre des sciences politiques, l'ancêtre de l'actuel Sciences Po. Comme son autre grand ouvrage, l'Histoire du peuple anglais au XIXe siècle, paru en six tomes de 1913 à 1932, les trois tomes de La formation du radicalisme philosophique, parus en 1901 pour les deux premiers et en 1904 pour le troisième, reflètent pour partie ses enseignements de l'Ecole libre consacrés à l'histoire britannique. Le premier tome, La jeunesse (...)
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    Money talks – A qualitative analysis of the organizational change connected with the corporation formation of a voluntary sport club / Money talks – Eine qualitative Analyse des organisationalen Wandels und der Korporationsbildung in einem freiwilligen Sportverein.Ludvig Vestin, Cecilia Stenling & Josef Fahlén - 2008 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 5 (2):153-177.
    Summary The purpose of this study was to illustrate and analyze the organizational change the Swedish voluntary sports club IF Björklöven went through in connection with the corporation formation of its representative team. The study was made with institutional theory as a theoretical frame of reference. Particularly important for the shaping of the study was a theoretical model by Greenwood and Hinings. The data was collected using semi-structured interviews with seven respondents representing different parts of the organization. The results (...)
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  40. Rôle modérateur du format de présentation de dilemmes de confidentialité sur la relation entre l’utilitarisme et la propension à la levée de la confidentialité.Guillaume Chailler, Michael Cantinotti & Bastien Trémolière - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (3-4):69-88.
    Although the study of moral judgment has gained in popularity in the field of psychology in recent years, little research has focused on confidentiality dilemmas in the context of moral judgment. Yet clinicians regularly face such dilemmas, which often arise in emotionally charged contexts. This study assesses the role of emotions in responses to these confidentiality dilemmas. A total of 186 participants studying psychology at different universities in Quebec were randomly assigned to one of three groups in an experimental design (...)
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    Le rôle de la philosophie de l'éducation dans la formation des maîtres.Christiane Gohier - 1990 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 4 (1):9-13.
    We cannot talk about the role of philosophy of education in teachers' training programs without examining the relationship between philosophy and educational theories. Even when theoreticians like Kieran Egan, for example, claim that education is a normative discourse that cannot be inferred from "local" empirical psychological research, the role of philosophy seems of utmost importance because philosophy has essentially to do with norms and values. Another way of looking at the "sciences" of education that renews our comprehension of their relationship (...)
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    Quel tarif pour la formation universitaire ?Philippe Verreault-Julien - 2010 - Revue Phares 10:91-102.
    La problématique sous-jacente au débat concernant la tarifcation de la formation universitaire3, souvent pas suffsamment explicite, n’est pas de savoir quel est le coût de la formation universitaire, mais plutôt par qui et comment le coût doit être assumé. Cette communication se proposera de répondre à cette question en faisant appel à deux principes normatifs principaux, soit l’effcacité et l’équité. Nous donnerons une défnition de l’effcacité et verrons en quoi celle-ci commande une intervention publique. Nous présenterons ensuite deux (...)
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    Augustin disciple de Paul.Isabelle Bochet - 2006 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 3 (3):357-380.
    Nombreux sont les commentateurs des lettres de Paul, en monde latin, à la fin du IVe et au début du Ve siècle, ce qui s’explique sans doute par les controverses doctrinales sur la personne du Christ, mais aussi par le souci de proposer un idéal de vie chrétienne : Paul est alors présenté comme un modèle de conversion et un maître spirituel. C’est dans ce contexte qu’il faut situer l’intérêt d’Augustin pour Paul, lequel est effectivement pour Augustin un maître. (...)
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    (1 other version)Understanding Theories: Formats Matter.Marion Vorms - unknown
    In this paper, I construe scientific understanding not only as understanding the phenomena by means of some theoretical material (theory, law or model), but more fundamentally as understanding the theoretical material itself that is supposed to explain the phenomena. De Regt and Dieks (2005) emphasise the contextual aspects of the intelligibility of theories, showing that it depends on their "virtues", on the historical standards of intelligibility, and on the particular "skills" of their users. My paper aims at continuing this proposal, (...)
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    Ernest Renan: savoirs de la nature et pensée de l'histoire.Azélie Fayolle - 2023 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
    « Les sciences naturelles constituent un point aveugle et pourtant central de l'œuvre d'Ernest Renan. Alors qu'il affirme, dans ses Souvenirs d'enfance et de jeunesse, qu'il serait "arrivé à plusieurs des résultats de Darwin" s'il s'était consacré à ces sciences, rien n'en transparaît dans ses vastes sommes historiennes : il faut remonter à sa formation. Figure fondatrice de la classification des sciences entre "sciences de l'humanité" et "sciences de la nature", Renan est un savant attentif au dialogue entre les (...)
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    Le jugement de recognition fregéen et la supposition de determination complète.Elisabeth Schwartz - 1992 - Dialectica 46 (1):91-114.
    RésuméL'héritage kantien dans la philosophie fregéenne de la connaissance est aujourd'hui largement reconnu. La présente analyse porte sur la point, déjà réputé central par J. Vuillemin , du jugement de recognition. On tente de montrer: °) le style transcendantal du traitement fregéen du problème des objets logiques, dont la nécessité s'introduit a partir des Grundlagen avec celle des extensions de concept, absentes de la première idéographie; style dont on tente d'expliquer les changements qu'il opére dans le modèle de la (...)
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    L'éducation à l'épreuve des activités juvéniles : de nouveaux défis professionnels.Anne Barrère - 2013 - Revue Phronesis 2 (2):4-13.
    Résumé. : L’article s’interroge sur la manière dont l’institution scolaire est aujourd’hui mise en question dans son projet de formation par les activités juvéniles, dans une sphère extrascolaire où ils jouissent d’une grande autonomie. Ces activités électives (numériques, musicales, sportives…) réalisent une éducation informelle où les adolescents forgent leur caractère, alors même que l’école n’a plus de modèle lisible de projet éducatif. À partir d’une enquête qualitative réalisée auprès d’une centaine d’adolescents français, on dégagera différentes épreuves qui forment (...)
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    L’articulation du général et du particulier : une approche méthodologique dans le champ des sciences sociales.Roberto Miguelez - 1984 - Philosophiques 11 (2):251-276.
    La question de l'articulation du général et du particulier n'a pas qu'une dimension épistémologique, elle commande aussi la résolution du problème du rapport entre théorie et pratique éclairée, et ceci dans la mesure où la pratique s'exerce toujours sur des processus ou des phénomènes individués. Après avoir réalisé un examen critique de trois tentatives de réponse à cette question — l'approche positiviste traditionnelle, celle fondée sur la notion de « modèle » et celle, weberienne, qui fait appel aux « (...)
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    La méthode cartésienne et l'interprétation de P. A. Schouls.François Duchesneau - 1975 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 4 (4):603 - 609.
    Monsieur Schouls a établi un certain nombre de points, avec lesquels je me declarerai d'accord. Je crois qu'il a raison d'affirmrr que pour Locke, le fondement de toute connaissance au niveau initial de l'expérience est un divers de la sensation ou de la réflexion formé par des combinations d'idées unies ensemble. D'autre part, la description de la maniere dont l'esprit acquiert la connaissance générale par un processus d'abstraction et done d'analyse me semble conforme à l'épistémologie de Locke.Mais je crois que (...)
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    (1 other version)La recherche sur le cerveau prématuré comme modèle pluridisciplinaire entre 1942-1962 à la clinique Baudelocque de Paris. [REVIEW]Bernard Andrieu - 2001 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 23 (2):259 - 277.
    L'étude du cerveau prématuré est née en France à la clinique Baudelocque de Paris. Sa constitution aura été l'occasion d'une invention épistémologique et clinique: celle du modèle pluridisciplinaire. La nécessité de sauver et de prévenir les prématurés conduisit le fondateur de cette recherche, Alexandre Minkowski à réunir au sein d'un même laboratoire la biochimie, l'anatomo-pathologie, l'électrophysiologie et les sciences du développement. Cette pluridisciplinarité s'est traduite dans l'organisation et dans l'évolution institutionnelle du laboratoire: équipes de recherche, processus de formation (...)
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