Results for 'moral situation'

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  1.  49
    The moral situation: A field theory of ethics.Robert S. Hartman - 1948 - Journal of Philosophy 45 (11):292-300.
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    Moral situations.N. Fotion - 1968 - Yellow Springs, Ohio,: Antioch Press.
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    Moral Situations.Raziel Abelson - 1971 - Philosophical Review 80 (1):122.
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    Moral Situations.Anne Lloyd Thomas - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (77):381-381.
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    How We Decide in Moral Situations.David Kaspar - 2015 - Philosophy 90 (1):59-81.
    The role normative ethics has in guiding action is unclear. Once moral theorists hoped that they could devise a decision procedure that would enable agents to solve difficult moral problems. Repeated attacks by anti-theorists seemingly dashed this hope. Although the dispute between moral theorists and anti-theorists rages no longer, no decisive victor has emerged. To determine how we ought to make moral decisions, I argue, we must first examine how we do decide in moral situations. (...)
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    The Moral Situation.N. H. G. Robinson - 1949 - Philosophy 24 (91):335 - 341.
    Modern ethics has been chiefly concerned with the analysis of the conditions and principles of morality; and, in particular, one of its most important achievements has been the further elucidation of the Kantian dictum that “I ought” implies that I can. On the face of it Kant's contention seems perfectly straightforward, but, on examination, it becomes apparent that the simple word “can” covers a somewhat complicated ambiguity. When it is said that I ought to do act A, it may rightly (...)
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    Morality & Situation Ethics by Dietrich Von Hildebrand.Francis E. Feingold - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 73 (3):637-639.
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    The Moral Situation in Modernity.Agnes Heller - 1988 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 55.
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    Managing ethical aspects of advance directives in emergency care services.Silvia Poveda-Moral, Dolors Rodríguez-Martín, Núria Codern-Bové, Pilar José-María, Pere Sánchez-Valero, Núria Pomares-Quintana, Mireia Vicente-García & Anna Falcó-Pegueroles - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):91-105.
    Background: In Hospital Emergency Department and Emergency Medical Services professionals experience situations in which they face difficulties or barriers to know patient’s advance directives and implement them. Objectives: To analyse the barriers, facilitators, and ethical conflicts perceived by health professionals derived from the management of advance directives in emergency services. Research design, participants, and context: This is a qualitative phenomenological study conducted with purposive sampling including a population of nursing and medical professionals linked to Hospital Emergency Department and Emergency Medical (...)
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    The Transformation of Higher Education After the COVID Disruption: Emerging Challenges in an Online Learning Scenario.Víctor J. García-Morales, Aurora Garrido-Moreno & Rodrigo Martín-Rojas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Crisis requires society to renew itself, albeit in a disruptive way. The current Covid-19 pandemic is transforming ways of working, living, and relating to each other on a global level, suddenly and dramatically. This paper focuses on the field of education to show how higher education institutions are undergoing radical transformations driven by the need to digitalize education and training processes in record time with academics who lack innate technological capabilities for online teaching. The university system must strive to overcome (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty: les liens de la liberté. A situation commune.Andrea Martínez Morales - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 49 (1):215-226.
    L'idée principale qui articule le présent article est la compréhension et la description du phénomène de la liberté à partir de la perspective phénoménologique merleau-pontyenne, donnée par l'explication et la défense du l_ien _comme _empiétement_. Cela nous fait nous situer dans une expérience ambiguë qui révélera une _liberté située_, conséquence de son projet et explication de _l'origine_ des sujets eux-mêmes, ce qui signifiera l'ipséité comme commencement ou nouveau commencement. Par conséquent, les libertés des sujets eux-mêmes, dans cette perspective, seront liées (...)
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    It is no easy job to situate a discus-sion of the will within anthropology, which is perhaps why the editors of this volume chose the title they did. It is a subject some of us might want to move toward, but there is no sense of arrival. Even the paths toward it are dauntingly elusive. One is either faced with too much relevant literature or too little. On the too little side, there has been scant explicit consideration of willing as a cultural phenomenon, in contrast to philosophy and psychology where ... [REVIEW]Moral Willing & As Narrative - 2010 - In Keith M. Murphy & C. Jason Throop (eds.), Toward an Anthropology of the Will. Stanford University Press. pp. 50.
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    Postmillennial cancer narratives: feminism and postfeminism in Eve Ensler’s In the Body of the World.Marta Fernández-Morales - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (2):235-252.
    In the context of a new wave of women’s activism for equality, the body is once again at the centre of the discussion today, in the USA and globally. Analysing American discourses about health and illness at the turn of the twenty-first century, Tasha Dubriwny has argued that the current narratives are dominated by neoliberal and postfeminist philosophies that have thrived in a framework of biomedicalisation and self-surveillance. What happens, then, when a successful feminist artist is diagnosed with uterine cancer? (...)
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  14. Stress, Coping, and Resilience Before and After COVID-19: A Predictive Model Based on Artificial Intelligence in the University Environment.Francisco Manuel Morales-Rodríguez, Juan Pedro Martínez-Ramón, Inmaculada Méndez & Cecilia Ruiz-Esteban - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 global health emergency has greatly impacted the educational field. Faced with unprecedented stress situations, professors, students, and families have employed various coping and resilience strategies throughout the confinement period. High and persistent stress levels are associated with other pathologies; hence, their detection and prevention are needed. Consequently, this study aimed to design a predictive model of stress in the educational field based on artificial intelligence that included certain sociodemographic variables, coping strategies, and resilience capacity, and to study the (...)
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  15. A Phenomenological Analysis of the Structure of the Moral Situation.David Havens Newhall - 1948 - Dissertation, Princeton University
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    Alan Patten’s theory of equal recognition and its contribution to the debate over multiculturalism.Sergi Morales-Gálvez & Nenad Stojanović - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (1):1-7.
    © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. In this introduction, we first give a brief overview of the debate over multiculturalism in political theory. We then situate Alan Patten’s Equal Recognition in that context by highlighting his major normative thesis, according to which there are reasons of principle, in a liberal democracy, to grant special forms of public recognition and accommodation to cultural minorities. Finally, we present a succinct summary of the nine articles that follow this (...)
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  17. The standpoint of the universe, if it had one, is not that of our moral situation-Murphy, Arthur, Edward and his concept of ultimate reality and meaning.Wh Hay - 1993 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 16 (1-2):73-86.
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    Mead on the Self and Moral Situations.Jon S. Moran - 1973 - Tulane Studies in Philosophy 22:63-78.
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    Participants’ safety versus confidentiality: A case study of HIV research.Juan Manuel Leyva-Moral & Maria Feijoo-Cid - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (3):376-380.
    Background When conducting qualitative research, participants usually share lots of personal and private information with the researcher. As researchers, we must preserve participants’ identity and confidentiality of the data. Objective To critically analyze an ethical conflict encountered regarding confidentiality when doing qualitative research. Research design Case study. Findings and discussion one of the participants in a study aiming to explain the meaning of living with HIV verbalized his imminent intention to commit suicide because of stigma of other social problems arising (...)
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    Morality management and situation ethics: metatheory and practice.Jan Franciszek Jacko - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Morality is the individual or social conventions about moral norms and rules while morality management signifies the process and functions of planning, organising, motivating, and controlling morality. This book presents the philosophical assumptions of situation ethics to show the practice of morality management that follows from them. This research comprises theoretical and applied aspects: It is an investigation into metaethics that encompasses strategic and quality management problems. With the example of situation ethics, the book illustrates the role (...)
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    Situating the Self in the Kingdom of Ends: Heidegger, Arendt, and Kantian Moral Phenomenology.David Zoller - 2019 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 75 (1):159-190.
    In the eyes of many “classical” phenomenologists, Kantianism has seemed to invite individuals to leave the rich, complexly motivated environment of lived experience in favor of a shadowy, formal kingdom of abstract duties and rights. Yet there have been notable attempts within the phenomenological tradition to articulate a richer vision of Kantian moral consciousness and to exhibit, from a first-person perspective, the shape of mental life and the standing dispositions that befit membership in a Kantian kingdom of ends. Here (...)
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    Is there (or should there be) a right to basic income?Jurgen De Wispelaere & Leticia Morales - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (9):920-936.
    A basic income is typically defined as an individual’s entitlement to receive a regular payment as a right, independent of other sources of income, employment or willingness to work, or living situation. In this article, we examine what it means for the state to institute a right to basic income. The normative literature on basic income has developed numerous arguments in support of basic income as an inextricable component of a just social order, but there exists little analysis about (...)
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  23.  15
    Situating moral distress within relational ethics.Sadie Deschenes & Diane Kunyk - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):767-777.
    Nurses may, and often do, experience moral distress in their careers. This is related to the complicated work environment and the complex nature of ethical situations in everyday nursing practice. The outcomes of moral distress may include psychological and physical symptoms, reduced job satisfaction and even inadequate or inappropriate nursing care. Moral distress can also impact retention of nurses. Although research has grown considerably over the past few decades, there is still a great deal about this topic (...)
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  24.  20
    Morality and situation ethics.Dietrich Von Hildebrand - 1966 - Chicago, Ill.: Franciscan Herald Press. Edited by Alice M. Von Hildebrand.
    Is morality relative? Does it depend on one's perspective or on external circumstances? It has become popular, even commonplace, to assert that what is moral is dependent on one's situation. Dietrich von Hildebrand saw this trend coming, and at the earliest outset he authored this book as a refutation of "situation ethics" and an affirmation of the unchanging and universal call of true morality. The book takes up the central challenge of situation ethics to argue, definitively, (...)
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    Why Do We Take Risks? Perception of the Situation and Risk Proneness Predict Domain-Specific Risk Taking.Carla de-Juan-Ripoll, Irene Alice Chicchi Giglioli, Jose Llanes-Jurado, Javier Marín-Morales & Mariano Alcañiz - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Risk taking is a component of the decision-making process in situations that involve uncertainty and in which the probability of each outcome – rewards and/or negative consequences – is already known. The influence of cognitive and emotional processes in decision making may affect how risky situations are addressed. First, inaccurate assessments of situations may constitute a perceptual bias in decision making, which might influence RT. Second, there seems to be consensus that a proneness bias exists, known as risk proneness, which (...)
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    Situational Traits of Character: Dispositional Foundations and Implications for Moral Psychology and Friendship.Candace L. Upton - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    Introduction -- Global traits of character -- Traits as dispositions -- Situational traits of character -- Situational traits and social psychology -- Situational traits and the friendly consequentialist.
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    La trilogía chipriota de Isócrates: diplomacia, monarquía y filosofía política.Tomás Morales Caturla - 2019 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 10 (2):13-44.
    In the Cypriot trilogy Isocrates does not intend to carry out only an oratorical exercise on his conception of the monarchic regime. These are speeches whose primary meaning was to carry out a diplomatic action whose intention was for Cyprus to support the Athenian hegemonic cause. They were written at the precise moment when Timotheus travelled through the Aegean Sea and the north of Greece in order to consolidate Athenian expansionism. In this way, he made a sequence of political speeches (...)
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  28. Low attention impairs optimal incorporation of prior knowledge in perceptual decisions.Jorge Morales, Guillermo Solovey, Brian Maniscalco, Dobromir Rahnev, Floris P. de Lange & Hakwan Lau - 2015 - Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics 77 (6):2021-2036.
    When visual attention is directed away from a stimulus, neural processing is weak and strength and precision of sensory data decreases. From a computational perspective, in such situations observers should give more weight to prior expectations in order to behave optimally during a discrimination task. Here we test a signal detection theoretic model that counter-intuitively predicts subjects will do just the opposite in a discrimination task with two stimuli, one attended and one unattended: when subjects are probed to discriminate the (...)
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    An explanation space to align user studies with the technical development of Explainable AI.Garrick Cabour, Andrés Morales-Forero, Élise Ledoux & Samuel Bassetto - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):869-887.
    Providing meaningful and actionable explanations for end-users is a situated problem requiring the intersection of multiple disciplines to address social, operational, and technical challenges. However, the explainable artificial intelligence community has not commonly adopted or created tangible design tools that allow interdisciplinary work to develop reliable AI-powered solutions. This paper proposes a formative architecture that defines the explanation space from a user-inspired perspective. The architecture comprises five intertwined components to outline explanation requirements for a task: (1) the end-users’ mental models, (...)
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    Moral distress situations in nursing care.Mozhgan Moshtagh & Mohaddeseh Mohsenpour - 2019 - Clinical Ethics 14 (3):141-145.
    IntroductionWhen professional nurses face an obstacle in their perfect purposes, they would experience moral distress which is a suffering situation. This study aims at exploring conditions which l...
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    (1 other version)Discours moral, discours éthique et situation pratique.Luc Langlois - 2001 - Symposium 5 (1):67-82.
    Dans cet article, je tente de montrer que le principe d’impartialité et de généralisation qui définit le point de vue moral s’accommode mal de la distinction entre discours moral et discours éthique proposée par Habermas. Alors que celuici relie le jugement moral à un processus de décontextualisation qui affranchit le discours de ses réferences symboliques immédiates, je suggère plutôt, à la suite d’A. Wellmer, d’y voir une règle d’impartialité immanente aux situations d’action. Dans cette foulée, je propose (...)
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    Moral inquiries on the situation of man and of brutes.Lewis Gompertz - 1824 - Lewiston: E. Mellen Press. Edited by Charles R. Magel.
    Inventor, feminist, humanitarian and founder of the RSPCA, Gompertz argued for a rational morality in our treatment of both humans and animals. He has been compared with Leonardo and Pythagoras in the range of his abilities and thinking. Inventor of the expanding chuck and of 37 other recorded devices, many designed to reduce animal suffering, he renounced flesh, eggs, milk, leather and silk, condemned vivisection and would not ride in a horse-drawn coach. Convinced of the similitude between man and other (...)
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    Moral Intensity, Issue Importance, and Ethical Reasoning in Operations Situations.Sean Valentine & David Hollingworth - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 108 (4):509 - 523.
    Previous work suggests that moral intensity and the perceived importance of an ethical issue can influence individual ethical decision making. However, prior research has not explored how the various dimensions of moral intensity might differentially affect PIE, or how moral intensity might function together with (or in the presence of) PIE to influence ethical decision making. In addition, prior work has also not adequately investigated how the operational context of an organization, which may embody conditions or practices (...)
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  34. Rhetorics of Resilience and Extended Crises: Reasoning in the Moral Situation of Our Post-Pandemic World.Samantha M. Copeland & Jose Carlos Cañizares-Gaztelu (eds.) - 2022 - Springer Nature.
    This chapter looks closely at the use of resilience as a value in pandemic discourses, and particularly at how it reflects the moral complexity of the situation the pandemic presents: an extended crisis where shocks and stressors interact and have an uncertain end. We review key aspects of how resilience has been conceptualised, generally speaking, focusing on its normative implications. Insofar as resilience is suggested as a goal, or used to evaluate individuals, groups and systems, the rhetorical use (...)
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    Moral Intensity, Issue Characteristics, and Ethical Issue Recognition in Sales Situations.Evelyne Rousselet, Bérangère Brial, Romain Cadario & Amina Béji-Bécheur - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (2):347-363.
    Researchers have considered individual and organizational factors of ethical decision making. However, they have little interest in situational factors :101–125, 2013) which is surprising given the many situations sales persons face. We address this issue using two pilot qualitative studies successively and a 2 by 2 within-subject experiment with sales scenarios. Qualitative and quantitative data are obtained from front-line employees of the main French retail banks that serve low-income customers. We show that the recognition of an ethical issue differs depending (...)
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    Education for Moral Judgment: Situational Creativity and Dewey's Aesthetics.Davin Carr-Chellman - 2024 - Education and Culture 39 (1):35-59.
    This paper argues that moral judgment is suffering at the hands of instrumental rationality and identity thinking, concepts from the tradition of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory that help explain degradations in human relations. These concepts are not new, but they are realized in novel ways, and the implications continue to be significant, contributing to human suffering and prominent anti-intellectual sentiment. Working through the shared intellectual ground of Adorno, Edmundson, Stivers, and Ellul, the paper takes a critical look (...)
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  37. Scripting Situations in Moral Education.Deborah S. Mower - 2010 - Teaching Ethics 11 (1):93-106.
    Situationist research highlights the fact that situational features often influence our behavior in unexpected ways. Virtue ethicists tend to think they can explain away such results, and prescribe cultivating virtue to ward against such moral failings. Situationists argue that studies like these uncover deep flaws within the moral psychology presumed by virtue ethicists, and hold that virtues may be an inadequate grounding for moral behavior and moral education. Using the concept of cognitive scripts from psychology, I (...)
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    Care situations demanding moral courage: Content analysis of nurses’ experiences.Emmi Kleemola, Helena Leino-Kilpi & Olivia Numminen - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):714-725.
    Background: Nurses encounter complex ethical dilemmas in everyday nursing care. It is important for nurses to have moral courage to act in these situations which threaten patients’ safety or their good care. However, there is lack of research of moral courage. Purpose: This study describes nurses’ experiences of care situations demanding moral courage and their actions in these situations. Method: A qualitative descriptive research design was applied. The data were collected with an open-ended question in the questionnaire (...)
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  39.  22
    Coping Behaviors and Psychological Disturbances in Youth Affected by the COVID-19 Health Crisis.Mireia Orgilés, Alexandra Morales, Elisa Delvecchio, Rita Francisco, Claudia Mazzeschi, Marta Pedro & José Pedro Espada - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic and the quarantine undergone by children in many countries is a stressful situation about which little is known to date. Children and adolescents' behaviors to cope with home confinement may be associated with their emotional welfare. The objectives of this study were: to examine the coping strategies used out by children and adolescents during the COVID-19 health crisis, to analyze the differences in these behaviors in three countries, and to examine the relationship between different coping modalities (...)
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  40. Identification, situational constraint, and social cognition : Studies in the attribution of moral responsibility.Robert L. Woolfolk, John M. Doris & & John M. Darley - 2008 - In Joshua Knobe & Shaun Nichols (eds.), Experimental Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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    Moral Values: Situationally Defined Individual Differences.Elizabeth D. Scott - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (2):497-520.
    Abstract:This article suggests that there are individual differences in how people define important moral values, and that these differences are made manifest in differences in the situations. It identifies five dimensions along which individuals can differ in their understandings of values: 1)value category(where the value lies in the hierarchy), 2)agent(how voluntary the action is and whether it is morally required of the agent), 3)object(how close the self is to the object of the action; whether the action offends God) 4)effect(whether (...)
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  42.  26
    The Moral Order: An Introduction to the Human Situation.Raoul Naroll & Frada Naroll - 1983 - SAGE Publications.
    A distinguished cross-cultural researcher presents a brave, heartfelt and exciting challenge to the social sciences: the creation of an international, moral order. He advocates the use of cross-cultural research to uncover a common core of values and morality. This research would then be used to ameliorate problems and guide policy in the light of those values. He shows his procedures at work in the study of ten major social and personal ills, such as mental illness, divorce, sex roles, and (...)
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  43. Morality and the Human Situation.Eileen M. Loudfoot - 1975 - Ratio (Misc.) 17 (1):112.
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  44. Sytuacja spoleczno-moralna rodziny u zarania III Rzeczpospolitej (The Socio-moral Situation of the Family at the Dawn of the 3rd Republic).F. Adamski - 1994 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 27:1989-2002.
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  45. Situating morality.Jonathan Friedman - 2018 - In Bruce Kapferer & Marina Gold (eds.), Moral anthropology: a critique. New York: Berghahn.
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  46. Situating Moral Justification: Rethinking the Mission of Moral Epistemology.Alison Jaggar & Theresa Weynand Tobin - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (4):383-408.
    This is the first of two companion articles drawn from a larger project, provisionally entitled Undisciplining Moral Epistemology. The overall goal is to understand how moral claims may be rationally justified in a world characterized by cultural diversity and social inequality. To show why a new approach to moral justification is needed, it is argued that several currently influential philosophical accounts of moral justification lend themselves to rationalizing the moral claims of those with more social (...)
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    Impact of Postgraduate Course Prevention of Burnout in the self-care of the personnel of infirmary.Moraima Wilson Donet, Maité Llanes Rizo, Alfredo Emilio Morales López & José Eduardo Vera Rodríguez - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):115-130.
    RESUMEN Introducción: El proceso de cuidar es el resultado de una construcción propia de cada situación, se origina con la identificación de los problemas de salud y las necesidades reales o potenciales de las personas, familia y comunidad que demandan cuidado. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto del Diplomado Prevención del Síndrome de Burnout, en el autocuidado del personal de enfermería de la Atención Secundaria de Salud de la provincia Camagüey. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo observacional, en el Hospital Amalia Simoni (...)
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    Consequences of clinical situations that cause critical care nurses to experience moral distress.Debra L. Wiegand & Marjorie Funk - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (4):479-487.
    Little is known about the consequences of moral distress. The purpose of this study was to identify clinical situations that caused nurses to experience moral distress, to understand the consequences of those situations, and to determine whether nurses would change their practice based on their experiences. The investigation used a descriptive approach. Open-ended surveys were distributed to a convenience sample of 204 critical care nurses employed at a university medical center. The analysis of participants’ responses used an inductive (...)
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  49. Harm and Its Moral Significance.Seana Shiffrin - 2012 - Legal Theory 18 (3):357-398.
    Standard, familiar models portray harms and benefits as symmetrical. Usually, harm is portrayed as involving a worsening of one's situation, and benefits as involving an improvement. Yet morally, the aversion, prevention, and relief of harms seem, at least presumptively, to matter more than the provision, protection, and maintenance of comparable and often greater benefits. Standard models of harms and benefits have difficulty acknowledging this priority, much less explaining it. They also fail to identify harm accurately and reliably. In this (...)
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    Multilevel dynamics of moral identity conflict: professional and personal values in ethically-charged situations.YingFei Gao Héliot & Lara Carminati - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (1):37-54.
    ABSTRACT Through an interdisciplinary literature review, this propositional paper explores the emergence and unfolding of professionals’ moral identity conflicts involving important but contrasting values. Building on the exemplary case of physicians’ professional-religious dilemmas in End-of-Life circumstances, we develop a multilevel model of professional-personal identity conflict dynamics in ethically-charged situations in which we integrate individual-level mechanisms with organizational-level boundary conditions, namely peer social support and ethical climate, in relation to psychological well-being. Our conceptual model contributes to the ethics, identity and (...)
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