Results for 'multiple choice test item'

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  1.  28
    The difficulty of multiple choice test item alternatives.P. Horst - 1932 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 15 (4):469.
  2.  17
    Application of Asymmetric IRT Modeling to Discrete-Option Multiple-Choice Test Items.Daniel M. Bolt, Sora Lee, James Wollack, Carol Eckerly & John Sowles - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    A Two-Dimensional Multiple-Choice Model Accounting for Omissions.Rodrigo Schames Kreitchmann, Francisco José Abad & Vicente Ponsoda - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:407581.
    This paper presents a new two-dimensional Multiple-Choice Model accounting for Omissions (MCMO). Based on Thissen and Steinberg multiple-choice models, the MCMO defines omitted responses as the result of the respondent not knowing the correct answer and deciding to omit rather than to guess given a latent propensity to omit. Firstly, using a Monte Carlo simulation, the accuracy of the parameters estimated from data with different sample sizes (500, 1,000, and 2,000 subjects), test lengths (20, 40, (...)
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    Test Format and Local Dependence of Items Revisited: A Case of Two Vocabulary Levels Tests.Hung Tan Ha - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Local item dependence is one of the most critical assumption in the Rasch model when it comes to the validity of a test. As the field of vocabulary assessment is calling for more clarity and validity for vocabulary tests, such assumption becomes more important than ever. The article offers a Rasch-based investigation into the issue of LID with the focus on the two popular formats of Vocabulary Levels Tests : multiple-choice and matching. A Listening Vocabulary Levels (...)
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  5. Multiple-choice testing can improve the retention of non-tested related information.Jeri L. Little & Elizabeth Ligon Bjork - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Combining Text Mining of Long Constructed Responses and Item-Based Measures: A Hybrid Test Design to Screen for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).Qiwei He, Bernard P. Veldkamp, Cees A. W. Glas & Stéphanie M. van den Berg - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    This article introduces a new hybrid intake procedure developed for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) screening, which combines an automated textual assessment of respondents’ self-narratives and item-based measures that are administered consequently. Text mining technique and item response modeling were used to analyze long constructed response (i.e., self-narratives) and responses to standardized questionnaires (i.e., multiple choices), respectively. The whole procedure is combined in a Bayesian framework where the textual assessment functions as prior information for the estimation of the (...)
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    Scoring and keying multiple choice tests: A case study in irrationality. [REVIEW]Maya Bar-Hillel, David Budescu & Yigal Attali - 2005 - Mind and Society 4 (1):3-12.
    We offer a case-study in irrationality, showing that even in a high stakes context, intelligent and well trained professionals may adopt dominated practices. In multiple-choice tests one cannot distinguish lucky guesses from answers based on knowledge. Test-makers have dealt with this problem by lowering the incentive to guess, through penalizing errors (called formula scoring), and by eliminating various cues for outperforming random guessing (e.g., a preponderance of correct answers in middle positions), through key balancing. These policies, though (...)
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    Multiple-Choice Item Distractor Development Using Topic Modeling Approaches.Jinnie Shin, Qi Guo & Mark J. Gierl - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  9. The role of Rasch analysis when conducting science education research utilizing multiplechoice tests.William J. Boone & Kathryn Scantlebury - 2006 - Science Education 90 (2):253-269.
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  10.  25
    An experimental analysis of single stimulus tests and multiple-choice tests of recognition memory.Walter Kintsch - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (1p1):1.
  11.  48
    Critique of the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Test: The More You Know, the Lower Your Score.Kevin Possin - 2014 - Informal Logic 34 (4):393-416.
    The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal Test is one of the oldest, most frequently used, multiple-choice critical-thinking tests on the market in business, government, and legal settings for purposes of hiring and promotion. I demonstrate, however, that the test has serious construct-validity issues, stemming primarily from its ambiguous, unclear, misleading, and sometimes mysterious instructions, which have remained unaltered for decades. Erroneously scored items further diminish the test’s validity. As a result, having enhanced knowledge of formal and (...)
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    Imperfect models, imperfect conclusions: An exploratory study of multiple-choice tests and historical knowledge.Gabriel A. Reich - 2013 - Journal of Social Studies Research 37 (1):3-16.
    This article explores the extent to which multiple-choice history/social studies exams measure student knowledge of social studies content. This article presents descriptive statistics that quantify the findings from a qualitative study. Data for this study were collected from 13 tenth-grade world history students in an urban classroom in New York State. Each participant answered 15 multiple-choice questions that had appeared on previous versions of the Global History and Geography Regents exam, the high-stakes exam they would have (...)
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  13. An analysis of complex multiplechoice science–technology–society items: Methodological development and preliminary results.Ángel Vázquez‐Alonso, María‐Antonia Manassero‐Mas & José‐Antonio Acevedo‐Díaz - 2006 - Science Education 90 (4):681-706.
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  14.  28
    A test of a model for multiple-choice behavior.Marvin H. Detambel - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 49 (2):97.
  15. Beyond Information Recall: Sophisticated Multiple-Choice Questions in Philosophy.J. Robert Loftis - 2019 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 5:89-122.
    Multiple-choice questions have an undeserved reputation for only being able to test student recall of basic facts. In fact, well-crafted mechanically gradable questions can measure very sophisticated cognitive skills, including those engaged at the highest level of Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy of outcomes. In this article, I argue that multiple-choice questions should be a part of the diversified assessment portfolio for most philosophy courses. I present three arguments broadly related to fairness. First, multiple-choice questions (...)
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    Opportunities and challenges of a dynamic consent-based application: personalized options for personal health data sharing and utilization.Ah Ra Lee, Dongjun Koo, Il Kon Kim, Eunjoo Lee, Sooyoung Yoo & Ho-Young Lee - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-11.
    Background The principles of dynamic consent are based on the idea of safeguarding the autonomy of individuals by providing them with personalized options to choose from regarding the sharing and utilization of personal health data. To facilitate the widespread introduction of dynamic consent concepts in practice, individuals must perceive these procedures as useful and easy to use. This study examines the user experience of a dynamic consent-based application, in particular focusing on personalized options, and explores whether this approach may be (...)
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  17.  22
    A DBQ in a Multiple-Choice World: A Tale of two Assessments in a Unit on the Byzantine Empire.Colleen Fitzpatrick, Stephanie van Hover, Ariel Cornett & David Hicks - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (3):199-214.
    This case study explored how a teacher, Mr. Smith, and his students experienced a mandated performance assessment while simultaneously preparing for an end of the year high-stakes, multiple-choice assessment. We employed qualitative research methods to examine how the teacher enacted a mandated performance assessment during a unit on Byzantium and how students described their learning and classroom experiences from the unit. Drawing on Grant's idea of ambitious teaching and learning of history and Ball's work on policy realization, analysis (...)
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  18.  74
    Development of a research ethics knowledge and analytical skills assessment tool.Holly A. Taylor, Nancy E. Kass, Joseph Ali, Stephen Sisson, Amanda Bertram & Anant Bhan - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (4):236-242.
    Introduction The goal of this project was to develop and validate a new tool to evaluate learners' knowledge and skills related to research ethics. Methods A core set of 50 questions from existing computer-based online teaching modules were identified, refined and supplemented to create a set of 74 multiple-choice, true/false and short answer questions. The questions were pilot-tested and item discrimination was calculated for each question. Poorly performing items were eliminated or refined. Two comparable assessment tools were (...)
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  19.  46
    Using working memory theory to investigate the construct validity of multiple-choice reading comprehension tests such as the SAT.Meredyth Daneman & Brenda Hannon - 2001 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 130 (2):208.
  20.  99
    Made to measure: Ecological rationality in structured environments. [REVIEW]Seth Bullock & Peter M. Todd - 1999 - Minds and Machines 9 (4):497-541.
    A working assumption that processes of natural and cultural evolution have tailored the mind to fit the demands and structure of its environment begs the question: how are we to characterize the structure of cognitive environments? Decision problems faced by real organisms are not like simple multiple-choice examination papers. For example, some individual problems may occur much more frequently than others, whilst some may carry much more weight than others. Such considerations are not taken into account when (i) (...)
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  21.  18
    Completion time and performance on multiple-choice and essay tests.Paul W. Foos - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (2):179-180.
  22.  28
    Modeling Multiple Item Context Effects With Generalized Linear Mixed Models.Norman Rose, Gabriel Nagy, Benjamin Nagengast, Andreas Frey & Michael Becker - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:289796.
    Item context effects refer to the impact of features of a test on an examinee’s item responses. These effects cannot be explained by the abilities measured by the test. Investigations typically focus on only a single type of item context effects, such as item position effects, or mode effects, thereby ignoring the fact that different item context effects might operate simultaneously. In this study, two different types of context effects were modeled simultaneously drawing (...)
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    Multiple Exposures Enhance Both Item Memory and Contextual Memory Over Time.Haoyu Chen & Jiongjiong Yang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Repetition learning is an efficient way to enhance memory performance in our daily lives and educational practice. However, it is unclear to what extent repetition or multiple exposures modulate different types of memory over time. The inconsistent findings on it may be associated with encoding strategy. In this study, participants were presented with pairs of pictures once or three times and were asked to make a same/similar/different judgment. By this, an elaborative encoding is more required for the “same” and (...)
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  24.  20
    Assessing Actual Strategic Behavior to Construct a Measure of Strategic Ability.Ennio Bilancini, Leonardo Boncinelli & Alan Mattiassi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:422425.
    Strategic interactions have been studied extensively in the area of judgment and decision-making. However, so far no specific measure of a decision-maker's ability to be successful in strategic interactions has been proposed and tested. Our contribution is the development of a measure of strategic ability that borrows from both game theory and psychology. Such measure is aimed at providing an estimation of the likelihood of success in many social activities that involve strategic interaction among multiple decision-makers. To construct a (...)
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  25.  15
    Two Sides of the Same Coin: Environmental and Health Concern Pathways Toward Meat Consumption.Amanda Elizabeth Lai, Francesca Ausilia Tirotto, Stefano Pagliaro & Ferdinando Fornara - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The dramatic increase of meat production in the last decades has proven to be one of the most impacting causes of negative environmental outcomes (e.g., increase of greenhouse emissions, pollution of land and water, and biodiversity loss). In two studies, we aimed to verify the role of key socio-psychological dimensions on meat intake. Study 1 (N= 198) tested the predictive power of an extended version of the Value-Belief-Norm (VBN) model on individual food choices in an online supermarket simulation. In an (...)
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  26.  96
    An Optimal Choice of Cognitive Diagnostic Model for Second Language Listening Comprehension Test.Yanyun Dong, Xiaomei Ma, Chuang Wang & Xuliang Gao - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Cognitive diagnostic models show great promise in language assessment for providing rich diagnostic information. The lack of a full understanding of second language listening subskills made model selection difficult. In search of optimal CDM that could provide a better understanding of L2 listening subskills and facilitate accurate classification, this study carried a two-layer model selection. At the test level, A-CDM, LLM, and R-RUM had an acceptable and comparable model fit, suggesting mixed inter-attribute relationships of L2 listening subskills. At the (...)
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    Determinants of Major Choice and Academic Expectations: Testing a Prediction Model Across Gender.Sonia Alfonso, António M. Diniz, Angeles Conde & Mar García-Señorán - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With this study, we aim to test the predictive relationships between determinants of major choice and academic expectations and to analyze gender differences, using six items of the Determinants of Major Choice Scale and the Academic Perceptions Questionnaire to assess AEs. A convenience sample of Portuguese and Spanish first-year students, mostly composed of women, was selected from two public universities. The invariance of the multivariate regression model with latent variables of the effect of DMC on AEs, with (...)
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  28. Assessing concept possession as an explicit and social practice.Alessia Marabini & Luca Moretti - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 (4):801-816.
    We focus on issues of learning assessment from the point of view of an investigation of philosophical elements in teaching. We contend that assessment of concept possession at school based on ordinary multiple-choice tests might be ineffective because it overlooks aspects of human rationality illuminated by Robert Brandom’s inferentialism––the view that conceptual content largely coincides with the inferential role of linguistic expressions used in public discourse. More particularly, we argue that multiple-choice tests at schools might fail (...)
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    A Developmental Perspective on Young Children’s Understandings of Paired Graphics Conventions From an Analogy Task.Jean-Michel Boucheix, Richard K. Lowe & Jean-Pierre Thibaut - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The present study investigated children’s understanding development of multiple graphics, here paired conventions commonly used in primary school textbooks. Paired graphics depicting everyday objects familiar to the children were used as the basis for an analogy task that tested their comprehension of five graphics conventions. This task required participants to compare pictures in a base pair in order to complete a target pair by choosing the correct picture from five alternative possibilities. Four groups of children aged 5, 6, 8 (...)
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  30.  9
    Investigating a bias account of emotional false memories using a criterion warning and force choice restrictions at retrieval.Lauren M. Cooper, Datin Shah, Imane Moucharik & Zainab Munshi - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Here, we add to the debate as to whether false recognition of emotional stimuli is more memory-based or more bias-based. Emotional false memory findings using the DRM paradigm have been marked by higher false alarms to negatively arousing compared to neutral critical lure items. Explanation for these findings has mainly focused on false memory-based accounts. However, here we address the question of whether a response bias for emotional stimuli can, at least in part, explain this phenomenon. In Experiment 1, we (...)
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    Kin Preference and Partner Choice.David A. Nolin - 2011 - Human Nature 22 (1-2):156-176.
    This paper presents a comparison of social kinship (patrilineage) and biological kinship (genetic relatedness) in predicting cooperative relationships in two different economic contexts in the fishing and whaling village of Lamalera, Indonesia. A previous analysis (Alvard, Human Nature 14:129–163, 2003) of boat crew affiliation data collected in the village in 1999 found that social kinship (patrilineage) was a better predictor of crew affiliation than was genetic kinship. A replication of this analysis using similar data collected in 2006 finds the same (...)
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  32.  12
    How choice proliferation affects revealed preferences.Benoît Tarroux, Marianne Lumeau & Fabrice Le Lec - 2021 - Theory and Decision 93 (2):331-358.
    Whereas the literature on choice overload has shown that people tend to defer their choice or experience less satisfaction under choice proliferation, this paper aims to test how the profusion of choice directly affects individuals’ revealed preferences over options. To do so, we run an experiment where subjects have to compare familiar and unfamiliar options under different choice contexts. We hypothesize that, as the choice set expands, the decisions become harder and more costly (...)
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    LASSO-Based Pattern Recognition for Replenished Items With Graded Responses in Multidimensional Computerized Adaptive Testing.Jianan Sun, Ziwen Ye, Lu Ren & Jingwen Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As a branch of statistical latent variable modeling, multidimensional item response theory plays an important role in psychometrics. Multidimensional graded response model is a key model for the development of multidimensional computerized adaptive testing with graded-response data and multiple traits. This paper explores how to automatically identify the item-trait patterns of replenished items based on the MGRM in MCAT. The problem is solved by developing an exploratory pattern recognition method for graded-response items based on the least absolute (...)
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  34.  28
    Developing a scale: Adolescents’ health choices related rights, duties and responsibilities.Tanja Moilanen, Anna-Maija Pietilä, Margaret Coffey & Mari Kangasniemi - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2511-2522.
    Background: Adolescents’ health choices have been widely researched, but the ethical basis of these choices, namely their rights, duties, and responsibilities, have been disregarded and scale is required to measure these. Objective: To describe the development of a scale that measures adolescents’ rights, duties, and responsibilities in relation to health choices and document the preliminary scale testing. Research design: A multi-phase development method was used to construct the Health Rights Duties and Responsibilities ( HealthRDR) scale. The concepts and content were (...)
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    Love Your Patient as Yourself: On Reviving the Broken Heart of American Medical Ethics.Tyler Tate & Joseph Clair - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (2):12-25.
    This article presents a radical claim: American medical ethics is broken, and it needs love to be healed. Due to a unique set of cultural and economic pressures, American medical ethics has adopted a mechanistic mode of ethical reasoning epitomized by the doctrine of principlism. This mode of reasoning divorces clinicians from both their patients and themselves. This results in clinicians who can ace ethics questions on multiplechoice tests but who fail either to recognize a patient's humanity or (...)
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  36. Can indexes be voluntarily assigned in multiple object tracking?Zenon Pylyshyn - manuscript
    In Multiple Object Tracking (MOT), an observer is able to track 4 – 5 objects in a group of otherwise indistinguishable objects that move independently and unpredictably about a display. According to the Visual Indexing Theory (Pylyshyn, 1989), successful tracking requires that target objects be indexed while they are distinct -- before tracking begins. In the typical MOT task, the target objects are briefly flashed resulting in the automatic assignment of indexes. The question arises whether indexes are only assigned (...)
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  37.  12
    An Adaptable, Open-Access Test Battery to Study the Fractionation of Executive-Functions in Diverse Populations.Gislaine A. V. Zanini, Monica C. Miranda, Hugo Cogo-Moreira, Ali Nouri, Alberto L. Fernández & Sabine Pompéia - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The umbrella-term ‘executive functions’ includes various domain-general, goal-directed cognitive abilities responsible for behavioral self-regulation. The influential unity and diversity model of EF posits the existence of three correlated yet separable executive domains: inhibition, shifting and updating. These domains may be influenced by factors such as socioeconomic status and culture, possibly due to the way EF tasks are devised and to biased choice of stimuli, focusing on first-world testees. Here, we propose a FREE test battery that includes two open-access (...)
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    Teacher–Practitioner Multiple-Role Issues in Sport Psychology.Jack C. Watson Ii - 2006 - Ethics and Behavior 16 (1):41-59.
    The potential for the occurrence of multiple-role relationships is increased when professors also consult with athletic teams on their campuses. Such multiple-role relationships have potential ethical implications that are unclear and largely unexplored, and consultants may find multiple-role relationships both difficult to deal with and unavoidable. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the nature of teacher–practitioner multiple-role relationships. Participants (N = 35) were recruited from Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology (AAASP) (...)
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    Teacher-practitioner multiple-role issues in sport psychology.I. I. Watson, Damien Clement, Brandonn Harris, Thad R. Leffingwell & Jennifer Hurst - 2006 - Ethics and Behavior 16 (1):41 – 59.
    The potential for the occurrence of multiple-role relationships is increased when professors also consult with athletic teams on their campuses. Such multiple-role relationships have potential ethical implications that are unclear and largely unexplored, and consultants may find multiple-role relationships both difficult to deal with and unavoidable. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the nature of teacher-practitioner multiple-role relationships. Participants (N = 35) were recruited from Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology (AAASP) (...)
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  40.  15
    Profiling for the good: Patient profile tests and informed, autonomous decision making.Chrisoula Andreou - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (5):429-437.
    It is commonly held that, given multiple medically permissible ways of proceeding, each with a different impact on the patient’s future, it is extremely important, and part of respecting patient autonomy, that patients not be under substantial pressure to defer to their physicians’ presumed authority. Some, however, worry that the focus on patient autonomy can be detrimental and that, at least in cases where it is hard to grasp what it is really like to live with certain outcomes without (...)
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  41. The ethical limitations of online grading systems.Joseph S. Fulda - 2005 - British Journal of Educational Technology 36 (3):559-561.
    Discusses how the radio button and its technological cousins, graying out and "incompletely filled out" check-box forms "not accepted," and the like, compromise ethics in the context of professional autonomy of faculty in the matter of grading. Three case studies are given, based on my personal experience as a professor and instructor. -/- The point generalizes to all contexts, however, and can be read to object to all such radio-button forms, from multiple-choice tests for students, to surveys, etc.
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    Many Mansions?: Multiple Religious Belonging and Christian Identity (review).James L. Fredericks - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):167-170.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Many Mansions? Multiple Religious Belonging and Christian IdentityJames L. FredericksMany Mansions? Multiple Religious Belonging and Christian Identity. Edited by Catherine Cornille. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2002. 152 pp."A heightened and widespread awareness of religious pluralism," according to Catherine Cornille, "has presently left the religious person with the choice not only of which religion, but also how many religions she or he might belong to" (p. (...)
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    Talking green and acting green are two different things: An experimental investigation of the relationship between implicit and explicit attitudes and low carbon consumer choice.Laura McGuire & Geoffrey Beattie - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (227):99-125.
    One major assumption in the climate change debate is that because respondents report positive attitudes to the environment and to low carbon lifestyles they will subsequently engage in environmentally friendly/low carbon behaviors when given the right guidance or information. Many governmental agencies have based their climate change strategy on this basic assumption, despite some anxiety about the value-action gap in psychology more generally. Here we test this assumption. We investigated the relationship between explicit and implicit attitudes to carbon footprint, (...)
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    Moral Reasoning and Its Connections With Machiavellianism and Authoritarianism: The Critical Roles of Index Choice and Utilization.E. Sharon Mason & Peter E. Mudrack - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (4):779-812.
    Moral reasoning typically relates unexpectedly weakly with both Machiavellianism and authoritarianism. Although researchers often explain this by pointing to apparent shortcomings in both the construct and the measure of moral reasoning, such explanations are questionable given the many instances of support for hypotheses involving moral reasoning using the same construct and measure. As these latter cannot only sometimes be flawed, we explored the possible influence of moral reasoning index choice on observed results by using multiple indices available in (...)
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    Pragmatic Competence and Willingness to Communicate Among L2 Learners of Chinese.Xiaoxuan Lv, Wei Ren & Lin Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research in second language pragmatics has paid increasing attention to learners’ individual differences, but few studies have examined the relationship between learners’ willingness to communicate in L2 and their pragmatic competence. To this end, this study investigates the association between WTC and pragmatic awareness and comprehension of Chinese as a second language learners. A total of 80 CSL learners studying abroad in three universities in China participated in this study. Data were collected through a WTC questionnaire, a self-perceived communication competence (...)
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    Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT): is routinization problematic?Aviad Raz, Daniëlle R. M. Timmermans & Christoph Rehmann-Sutter - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundThe introduction and wide application of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) has triggered further evolution of routines in the practice of prenatal diagnosis. ‘Routinization’ of prenatal diagnosis however has been associated with hampered informed choice and eugenic attitudes or outcomes. It is viewed, at least in some countries, with great suspicion in both bioethics and public discourse. However, it is a heterogeneous phenomenon that needs to be scrutinized in the wider context of social practices of reproductive genetics. In different countries (...)
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    Dynamic inconsistency and choice.Isabelle Brocas - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (3):343-364.
    In this paper, we analyze an intra-personal game where a decision-maker is summarized by a succession of selves. Selves may (or may not) have conflicting interests, and earlier selves may have imperfect knowledge of the preferences of future selves. At date 1, self-1 chooses a menu, at date 2, the preferences of self-2 realize and self-2 chooses an item from the menu. We show that equilibrium choice is consistent with either a preference for flexibility, a preference for betweenness (...)
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    Reproductive choice and the ideals of parenting.Elisabeth Gedge - 2011 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 4 (2):32.
    In “Where Is the Sin in Synecdoche?” (2005) Adrienne Asch and David Wasserman criticize the choice to use prenatal testing (PNT) to determine disability. Notwithstanding the multiple meanings, motives, and circumstances behind people’s reproductive choices, Asch and Wasserman argue that individual choices to reject impaired potential offspring should be the subject of moral scrutiny, since they are likely to be the result of synecdoche—“the uncritical reliance on a stigma-driven inference from a single feature to a whole future life” (...)
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    Social Identity Complexity, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Brand Love of Multiple Leagues in Professional Sport.Chanwook Do, Natasha T. Brison, Juho Park & Hyun-Woo Lee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    How can corporate social responsibility initiatives influence brand love? Based on the theory of social identity complexity, we examined whether greater complexity of a sport fan’s multiple identifications with sport leagues led to higher multicultural tolerance and more positive perceptions of leagues’ corporate social responsibility activities. Further, brand authenticity was tested as a variable intervening between perceived corporate social responsibility and brand love. We analyzed this serial mediation effect impacting sport fans’ brand love for their multiple, favored and (...)
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    Two Test Assembly Methods With Two Statistical Targets.Zheng Huijing, Li Junjie, Zeng Pingfei & Kang Chunhua - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In educational measurement, exploring the method of generating multiple high-quality parallel tests has become a research hotspot. One purpose of this research is to construct parallel forms item by item according to a seed test, using two proposed item selection heuristic methods [minimum parameters–information–distance method and minimum information–parameters–distance method ]. Moreover, previous research addressing test assembly issues has been limited mainly to situations in which the information curve of the item pool or seed (...)
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