Results for 'nature, history, colonialism, energy, commodity'

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  1.  40
    Le rendement et le butin. Regard écologique sur l'histoire du capitalisme.Pierre Charbonnier - 2013 - Actuel Marx 53 (1):92.
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    What Are Words Worth?: Translating, Transforming, and Trading Natural History and Scientific Commodities.Alette Fleischer - 2016 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 24 (3):337-345.
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    Patel, Raj and Stephen Moore: A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things: A Guide to Capitalism, Nature, and the Future of the Planet: University of California Press, Oakland, California, 2017, 24.95$ soft-cover edition.Joseph Eichenlaub - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (4):669-672.
    This work reviews and relates relevant information from the book. A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things: A Guide to Capitalism, Nature, and the Future of the Planet. In this book the authors trace how seven essential ‘things” were made cheap by capitalism, pushing the closer to environmental catastrophe. The seven ‘things’ investigated by Patel and Moore are nature, money, work, care, food, energy and lives. The authors examine the history of each ‘cheap’ thing and way capitalism has (...)
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    Salt: Fragments from the History of a Medium.Liam Cole Young - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (6):135-158.
    This essay explores histories of common salt, sodium chloride, using concepts and methods from media theory. It contributes to research on media and environment and the general ‘material turn’ taken across the Humanities. I conceive of salt as what Peters calls an ‘elemental’ medium so as to show, first, the imbrication of naturally-occurring substances in the operations and supply chains of digital culture. Second, the many lives salt has lived materially, in techniques of survival and exchange, and metaphorically, in cultural (...)
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    From Eden to savagery and civilization: British colonialism and humanity in the development of natural history, ca. 1600–1840.Sarah Irving-Stonebraker - 2019 - History of the Human Sciences 32 (4):63-79.
    This article is concerned with the relationship between British colonization and the intellectual underpinnings of natural history writing between the 17th and the early 19th centuries. During this period, I argue, a significant discursive shift reframed both natural history and the concept of humanity. In the early modern period, compiling natural histories was often conceived as an endeavour to understand God’s creation. Many of the natural historians involved in the early Royal Society of London were driven by a theological conviction (...)
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    Dominating nature and colonialism. Francis Bacon’s view of Europe and the New World.Mauro Scalercio - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (8):1076-1091.
    ABSTRACTFrancis Bacon’s works are pervaded by the firm belief that he was living in a new epoch. He thought of this epoch as based on knowledge and mechanical arts, which would permit dominion over nature. This dominion arises from mankind’s taking concrete action to improve the living conditions of humanity. Defining the nature of this action leads to individuate a plural historical subjectivity in Bacon’s thought. The different kinds of agency, and different kinds of technologies, define peoples in ethnological and (...)
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  7. Colonialism, Race, and the Concept of Energy.Pedro Brea - 2024 - Southwest Philosophy Review 40 (1):145-151.
    The following paper puts the history of race and colonialism in conversation with the history of the concept of energy. The objective is to understand what a critical decolonial perspective can teach us about the central role that energy plays in western culture, materially and epistemologically. I am interested in how this approach to political, epistemological, and ontological questions demands that we reconceptualize energy to account for the historical particularity of the concept and the phenomena of history and intersubjectivity, which (...)
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  8. Georg Forster and the Politics of Natural History: A Case Study for Students of Kant.Jennifer Mensch - 2024 - Lessing Yearbook 51:79-90.
    Anglophone attention to issues of race and racism, with particular attention to Kant and other members of the German Enlightenment, has long been hampered by a lack of critical editions in English. While this is no longer significantly true for Kant studies, it continues to be the case for many of the most relevant works by Georg Forster and Christoph Meiners. This is a problem for philosophers working exclusively in English, and it is one that is only exacerbated by the (...)
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    An (Un)Natural History: Tracing the Magical Rhinoceros Horn in Egypt.Taylor M. Moore - 2023 - Isis 114 (3):469-489.
    Can emancipatory, decolonial histories of science be extracted from objects collected from—or made visible to history by—the archives of colonialism? To answer this question, this essay presents the case study of a rhinoceros horn amulet (qarn al-khartit), an ethnographic object collected by the British anthropologist Winifred Blackman during her fieldwork in Egypt in the late 1920s. Markedly decentering the traditional colonial history of how the rhinoceros horn was collected and displayed as an object in European museums, the essay follows the (...)
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    Nineteenth-century American literature and the discourse of natural history.Juliana Chow - 2021 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    American cultural technologies of the early nineteenth century shaped Nature and the synonymous "native" in contradictory ways: celebrating the wilderness but then transforming it by cultivation, mourning lost "natives" (both people and species) while also naturalizing the succession of new Euro-American settlers. Settler colonial geopolitics understood its own territorial claims in association with the retreats, migrations, and expansions of select species populations: cattle replacing American bison or Euro-Americans replacing Indians on the western frontier. In this way, Euro-American descendants of settlers (...)
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    The Energy of Concepts: The Role of Concepts in Long-Term Intellectual History and Social Reality.Benjamin Straumann - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 14 (2):147-182.
    In this paper the centrality of concepts for intellectual history is stressed. Naturally, this focus on concepts requires an account of what concepts are. More contentiously, an account of how concepts are best approached by intellectual historians also requires taking a stand vis-à-vis some prevailing notions of concepts. In particular, I will direct attention to the weaknesses of the historicist theory of concepts derived from the later Wittgenstein. By contrast, I will put forward an account of conceptual innovation and change (...)
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    John Locke, natural law and colonialism.Barbara Arneil - 1992 - History of Political Thought 13 (4):587-603.
    In John Locke's Two Treatises of Government, the state of nature, and more particularly natural man, are created within the tradition of natural law. Several commentators, such as James Tully and Karl Olivecrona, have recognized this legacy in Locke's political thought.1 While providing an analysis of Locke's thought in relation to natural law, such studies, however, have not fully examined the global context within which both the Two Treatises and seventeenth-century natural law developed. Consequently the extent to which natural law (...)
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  13. Wind, energy, landscape: reconciling nature and technology.Gordon G. Brittan - 2001 - Philosophy and Geography 4 (2):169-184.
    Despite the fact that they are in most respects environmentally benign, electricity-generating wind turbines frequently encounter a great deal of resistance. Much of this resistance is aesthetic in character; wind turbines somehow do not "fit" in the landscape. On one view, landscapes are beautiful to the extent that they are "scenic," well-balanced compositions. But wind turbines introduce a discordant note, they are out of "scale." On another view, landscapes are beautiful if their various elements form a stable and integrated organic (...)
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  14.  85
    The ultimate "other": Post-colonialism and Alexander Von humboldt's ecological relationship with nature.Aaron Sachs - 2003 - History and Theory 42 (4):111–135.
    This article is a meditation on the overlaps between environmentalism, post-colonial theory, and the practice of history. It takes as a case study the writings of the explorer-scientist-abolitionist Alexander von Humboldt , the founder of a humane, socially conscious ecology. The post-colonial critique has provided a necessary corrective to the global environmental movement, by focusing it on enduring colonialist power dynamics, but at the same time it has crippled the field of environmental history, by dooming us to a model of (...)
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  15. A Revolutionary New Metaphysics, Based on Consciousness, and a Call to All Philosophers.Lorna Green - manuscript
    June 2022 A Revolutionary New Metaphysics, Based on Consciousness, and a Call to All Philosophers We are in a unique moment of our history unlike any previous moment ever. Virtually all human economies are based on the destruction of the Earth, and we are now at a place in our history where we can foresee if we continue on as we are, our own extinction. As I write, the planet is in deep trouble, heat, fires, great storms, and record flooding, (...)
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    Human nature and history.Donald E. Brown - 1999 - History and Theory 38 (4):138–157.
    What motivated British colonialism? What motivated renaissance Florentines to finance their state? Why did Brazilian men find mixed-race women so attractive? What promotes falsity in reports of human affairs? Why did historical-mindedness develop in ancient Greece and China, but not India? When homosexual communities developed, why did gay men pursue sexual strategies so different from those of lesbians? Why does a Heian-period Japanese description of fear of snakes sound so familiar to a Westerner? Why have rebels tended to be youngest (...)
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    Diderot, philosopher of energy: the development of his concept of physical energy, 1745-1769.B. Lynne Dixon - 1988 - Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
    The title of this work may seem to beg an important question, since it rests on the assumption that Diderot has a 'concept of physical energy'. Indeed the aim of the study is, in part, to assemble evidence in support of the acte de foi implicit in its title. I am using 'physical energy' in a loose sense, as a convenient term to denote 'what matter can do' as distinct from 'what matter is made of'. Hence it may be taken (...)
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  18. The Nature of Rights and the History of Empire.Duncan Ivison - 2006 - In David Armitage, British Political Thought in History, Literature, and Theory 1500-1800. Cambridge University Press. pp. 91-2011.
    My aim in this chapter is to take the complexity of our histories of rights as seriously as the nature of rights themselves. Let me say immediately that the point is not to satisfy our sense of moral superiority by smugly pointing out the prejudices found in arguments made over three hundred years ago. We have more than our own share of problems and prejudices to deal with. Rather, in coming to grips with this history, and especially how early-modern political (...)
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    Karen J. Warren: Her Work in The Making of Ecofeminism.Tricia Glazebrook - 2023 - Ethics and the Environment 28 (1):1-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Karen J. Warren:Her Work in The Making of EcofeminismTricia Glazebrook (bio)Karen J. Warren was born on Long Island, New York, on September 10, 1947. She received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Minnesota in 1970, and a Master's degree (1974) and Doctorate (1978) from the University of Massachusetts—Amherst. Her dissertation was one of the first on environmental ethics. In the early years of her career, she (...)
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    Breaking Earth.Alexis Rider & Paul A. Harris - 2023 - Substance 52 (3):3-8.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Breaking EarthAlexis Rider (bio) and Paul A. Harris (bio)“He takes all that, the strata and the magma and the people and the power, in his imaginary hands. Everything. He holds it. He is not alone. The earth is with him. Then he breaks it.”― N. K. Jemisin, The Fifth SeasonBreaking Earth, a collection of visual and written essays brought together for this special issue of SubStance, is a disruptive (...)
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    Community Energy: A Social Architecture for an Alternative Energy Future.Angela High-Pippert & Steven M. Hoffman - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (5):387-401.
    Community energy based on a mix of distributed technologies offers a serious alternative to the current energy system. The nature of community energy and the role that such initiatives might play in the general fabric of civic life is not, however, well understood. Community energy initiatives might involve only those citizens who prefer to be actively and continuously involved in intense, democratic debate. A more robust conceptualization of community energy might, on the other hand, be guided by Benjamin Barber’s notion (...)
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    Energy humanities: an anthology.Imre Szeman & Dominic Boyer (eds.) - 2017 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    Energy humanities is a field of scholarship that, like medical humanities and digital humanities before it, overcomes traditional boundaries between the disciplines and between academic and applied research. Like its predecessors, energy humanities highlights the essential contribution that the insights and methods of the human sciences can make to areas of study and analysis once thought best left to the natural sciences. This isn't a case of the humanities simply helping their cross-campus colleagues to learn the mechanics of communication so (...)
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    Enlightenment Anthropology: Defining Humanity in an Era of Colonialism.Evan F. Kuehn - forthcoming - The European Legacy:1-3.
    Carl Niekerk’s Enlightenment Anthropology: Defining Humanity in an Era of Colonialism charts the rise of the modern discipline of anthropology from its beginnings in early modern natural history to...
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  24. Energy security issues in contemporary Europe.Josef Abrhám, Igor Britchenko, Marija Jankovic & Kristina Garškaitė-Milvydienė - 2018 - Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues 7 (3):388-398.
    Throughout the history of mankind, energy security has been always seen as a means of protection from disruptions of essential energy systems. The idea of protection from disorders emerged from the process of securing political and military control over energy resources to set up policies and measures on managing risks that affect all elements of energy systems. The various systems placed in a place to achieve energy security are the driving force towards the energy innovations or emerging trends in the (...)
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    The Fundamental Wrong of Colonialism.Ritwik Agrawal & Allen Buchanan - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Affairs.
    We offer an account of the nature and structure of the immorality of colonialism. We distinguish between the fundamental wrong of colonialism and the other wrongs that the fundamental wrong facilitated. On our view, the fundamental wrong was that colonizers regarded the colonized as incapable of managing their own affairs, in effect relegating them to the status of minors or mentally incompetent adults. We call this the nonautonomy assumption. It could also be called the inferior status assumption, for reasons that (...)
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  26. Kant on Race and Barbarism: Towards a More Complex View on Racism and Anti-Colonialism in Kant.Oliver Eberl - 2019 - Kantian Review 24 (3):385-413.
    Whether Kant’s late legal theory and his theory of race are contradictory in their account of colonialism has been a much-debated question that is also of highest importance for the evaluation of the Enlightenment’s contribution to Europe’s colonial expansion and the dispossession and enslavement of native and black peoples. This article discusses the problem by introducing the discourse on barbarism. This neglected discourse is the original and traditional European colonial vocabulary and served the justification of colonialism from ancient Greece throughout (...)
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  27.  19
    Landscapes of power: politics of energy in the Navajo nation.Dana E. Powell - 2018 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    Introduction changing climates of colonialism -- Every Navajo has an anthro -- Extractive legacies: histories of Diné power -- The rise of energy activism -- Solar power in Klagetoh -- Sovereignty's interdependencies -- Contesting expertise: Public hearings on Desert Rock -- Artifacts of energy futures -- Off-grid in the Chuskas -- Conversions -- Vitalities.
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    From shipwreck to commodity exchange: Robinson Crusoe, Hegel and Marx.Michael Lazarus - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (9):1302-1328.
    Philosophy & Social Criticism, Volume 48, Issue 9, Page 1302-1328, November 2022. Robinson Crusoe is a mythic character who lives not only in the popular imaginary but through the history of political and social thought. Defoe’s protagonist lives marooned on his island, isolated and apart from society. The narrative is a perfect naturalisation of the ‘bourgeois’ world, dependent on an ontology of the self-sufficient individual. This article analyses this lineage in the social contract theory of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. Later, (...)
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  29. Caring for Nature: From Fact to Value, from Respect to Reverence.Holmes Rolston - 2004 - Zygon 39 (2):277-302.
    . Despite the classical prohibition of moving from fact to value, encounter with the biodiversity and plenitude of being in evolutionary natural history moves us to respect life, even to reverence it. Darwinian accounts are value-laden and necessary for understanding life at the same time that Darwinian theory fails to provide sufficient cause for the historically developing diversity and increasing complexity on Earth. Earth is a providing ground; matter and energy on Earth support life, but distinctive to life is information (...)
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    An apologist for English colonialism? The use of America in Hobbes’s writings.Jiangmei Liu - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (1):17-33.
    This paper challenges the colonial reading of Thomas Hobbes’s use of America. Firstly, by analysing all the references and allusions to America in Hobbes’s writings, I claim that Hobbes simply uses America to support his central theory of the state of nature, showing the fundamental significance of a large and lasting society to our being and well-being. Secondly, I argue that Hobbes’s use of America does not serve a second purpose that is similar to Locke’s justification of English land appropriation. (...)
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    Vitalist modernism: art, science, energy and creative evolution.Fae Brauer (ed.) - 2023 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book reveals how, when, where and why vitalism and its relationship to new scientific theories, philosophies and concepts of energy became seminal from the fin de siècle until the Second World War for such Modernists as Sophie Tauber-Arp, Hugo Ball, Juliette Bisson, Eva Carrière, Salvador Dalì, Robert Delaunay, Marcel Duchamp, Edvard Munch, Picasso, Yves Tanguy, Gino Severini and John Cage. For them Vitalism entailed the conception of life as a constant process of metamorphosis impelled by the free flow of (...)
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    Uprooting Narratives: Legacies of Colonialism in the Neoliberal University.Melanie Bowman & María Rebolleda-Gómez - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (1):18-40.
    Two intertwined stories evince the influence of colonialism on Western universities. The first story centers on a conflict about wild rice research between the Anishinaabe people and the University of Minnesota. Underlying this conflict is a genetic notion of biological identity that facilitates the commodification of wild rice. This notion of identity is inextricably linked to agricultural control and expansion. The second story addresses the foundation of Western universities on the goals of civilization and capitalist productivity. These norms persist even (...)
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  33. Energy Conservation in GTR.Carl Hoefer - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31 (2):187-199.
    The topics of gravitational field energy and energy-momentum conservation in General Relativity theory have been unjustly neglected by philosophers. If the gravitational field in space free of ordinary matter, as represented by the metric g ab itself, can be said to carry genuine energy and momentum, this is a powerful argument for adopting the substantivalist view of spacetime.This paper explores the standard textbook account of gravitational field energy and argues that (a) so-called stress-energy of the gravitational field is well-defined neither (...)
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    Energy and Uncertainty in General Relativity.F. I. Cooperstock & M. J. Dupre - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (4):387-394.
    The issue of energy and its potential localizability in general relativity has challenged physicists for more than a century. Many non-invariant measures were proposed over the years but an invariant measure was never found. We discovered the invariant localized energy measure by expanding the domain of investigation from space to spacetime. We note from relativity that the finiteness of the velocity of propagation of interactions necessarily induces indefiniteness in measurements. This is because the elements of actual physical systems being measured (...)
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    La théologie des energies divines... humaines et cosmiques: une enquête biblique et philosophique.Bertrand Souchard - 2017 - Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf.
    "Catholiques et orthodoxes se revendiquent ensemble du concile Constantinople III qui affirme "une énergie divine et une énergie humaine" pour le Christ, refusant le monoénergisme théandrique. Pourtant, des catholiques (thomasiens) défendent une simplicité divine, une grâce créée et une vision de Dieu alors que des orthodoxes (palamites) soutiennent une distinction réelle entre essence et énergie en Dieu, une énergie incréée et un Dieu inconnaissable. L'examen des divergences ne permet-il de voir des convergences? Dans l'Écriture, si l'énergie se rapporte souvent à (...)
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    History 4° Celsius: Search for a Method in the Age of the Anthropocene.Ian Baucom - 2020 - Duke University Press.
    In _History 4° Celsius_ Ian Baucom continues his inquiries into the place of the Black Atlantic in the making of the modern and postmodern world. Putting black studies into conversation with climate change, Baucom outlines how the ongoing concerns of critical race, diaspora, and postcolonial studies are crucial to understanding the Anthropocene. He draws on materialist and postmaterialist thought, Sartre, and the science of climate change to trace the ways in which evolving political, cultural, and natural history converge to shape (...)
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    Just a Matter of Habituation? The Contentious Perception of (Post)energy Landscapes in Germany, 1945–2016.Ute Hasenöhrl - 2018 - Environment, Space, Place 10 (1):63-88.
    Abstract:The paper traces continuities and changes in the aesthetic perception and symbolic charge of energy landscapes in Germany in the post-war period. At the center of analysis are four resources—hydropower, lignite, nuclear power, and wind energy—which have deeply inscribed themselves into the landscape with their infrastructures and were often controversial at the time. A comparison will demonstrate how contentious energy landscapes sometimes developed into accepted cultural landscapes and even hallmarks of regional identity. Over time, the strange new energy landscapes became (...)
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    (1 other version)Energy and semiotics: The second law and the origin of life.Stanley Salthe - 2005 - Cosmos and History 1 (1):128-145.
    After deconstructing the thermodynamic concepts of work and waste, I take up Howard Odum’s idea of energy quality, which tallies the overall amount of energy needed to be dissipated in order to accomplish some work of interest. This was developed from economic considerations that give obvious meaning to the work accomplished. But the energy quality idea can be used to import meaning more generally into Nature. It could be viewed as projecting meaning back from any marked work into preceding energy (...)
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    History, what and why?: ancient, modern, and postmodern perspectives.Beverley C. Southgate - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    History: what & Why? is a highly accessible introductory survey of historians' views about the nature and purpose of their subject. It offers a historical perspective and clear guide to contemporary debates about the nature and purpose of history and a discussion of the traditional model of history as an account of the past "as it was". It assesses the challenges to orthodox views and examines the impact of Marxism, feminism and post-colonialism on the study of history.
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    A Heideggerian Analysis of Renewable Energy and The Electric Grid.Rudy Kahsar - 2020 - Environmental Philosophy 17 (2):291-315.
    Renewable energy technology is often seen as a positive expression of technology, meeting energy needs with minimal environmental impact. But, by integrating nature with the ordering of the electric grid, renewables silently convert that nature into what Martin Heidegger referred to as standing reserve—resources of the technological commodity chain to be ordered, controlled, converted, and consumed on demand. However, it may be possible to mitigate the downsides of this process through a transition to more decentralized, local sources of renewable (...)
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  41. Global justice and regional metaphysics: On the critical history of the law of nature and nations.Ian Hunter - manuscript
    Early modern natural law and the law of nations has been criticised for the Eurocentric character of its conception of law and justice, which has been in turn linked to its role in providing an ideological justification for European imperialism and colonialism. In questioning this account, the present chapter begins by noting that this historical critique presumes that a non-Eurocentric conception of law and justice was in principle available to the early moderns, which they culpably ignored for ideological reasons. If (...)
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    A New Chart for British Natural Philosophy: The Development of Energy Physics in the Nineteenth Century.Crosbie Smith - 1978 - History of Science 16 (4):231-279.
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    Introduction to IDTC Special Issue: Joule's Bicentenary History of Science, Foundations and Nature of Science.Raffaele Pisano, Paulo Mauricio & Philippe Vincent - 2020 - Foundations of Science 2 (25):1-21.
    James Prescott Joule’s (1818–1889) bicentenary took place in 2018 and commemorated by the IDTC with a Symposium—‘James Joule’s Bicentenary: Scientific and Pedagogical Issues Concerning Energy Conservation’—at the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS & BSHS), 14th–17th September, 2018, in London. This symposium had three main objectives: It aimed specifically to celebrate James Joule’s achievements considering the most recent historiographical works with a particular focus on the principle of conservation of energy; It served the purpose of discussing the scientific (...)
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    Kant and Colonialism ed. by Katrin Flikschuh and Lea Ypi.Howard Williams - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (2):340-341.
    Kant’s thinking went through a consistent process of evolution. Even when he returned to the same topic he never precisely covers the same ground in the identical way. Most of what he published is original in this sense. We see his mind at work rather than a mind that is already made up. This leads to a variety of understandings of his oeuvre. The present collection provides evidence of the complexity, diversity and evolving nature of Kant’s thinking. He tackles the (...)
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    The statue debate: Ancestors and ‘mnemonic energy’ in Paul and now.Zorodzai Dube - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3):5.
    Why do people in South Africa fight over statues – even to the extent of tying themselves to a mere bust? Using insights, especially from Jan Assmann, the study develops the argument that material culture (such as images and statues) provides the social energy that drives the manner in which history is told, that is, historiography; they provide the ‘silent objects’ with the power to control the public discourse and collective identity. Statues encapsulate all we need to know, inversely, concerning (...)
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    The Divine Energies and the “End of Human Life”.Rico Vitz & Marissa Espinoza - 2017 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 91 (3):473-489.
    In this paper, we elucidate an alternative conception of the “end of human life” that Germain Grisez considers but never develops. We then defend this conception against two key objections. We conclude by explaining a few ways that this alternative conception of the “end of human life” is particularly important both theologically (e.g., for interfaith discourse) and philosophically (e.g., for understanding the traditional Christian conception of human nature and, hence, of natural law).
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  47. La théologie de la nature et la science à l'ère de l'information.Philippe Gagnon - 2002 - Paris: Éditions du Cerf.
    The history of the relationship between Christian theology and the natural sciences has been conditioned by the initial decision of the masters of the "first scientific revolution" to disregard any necessary explanatory premiss to account for the constituting organization and the framing of naturally occurring entities. Not paying any attention to hierarchical control, they ended-up disseminating a vision and understanding in which it was no longer possible for a theology of nature to send questions in the direction of the experimental (...)
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    Personal Equations: Reflections on the History of Fieldwork, with Special Reference to Sociocultural Anthropology.Henrika Kuklick - 2011 - Isis 102 (1):1-33.
    In the latter part of the nineteenth century, diverse sciences grounded in natural history made a virtue of field research that somehow tested scientists' endurance; disciplinary change derived from the premise that witnesses were made reliable by character-molding trials. The turn to the field was a function of structural transformations in various quarters, including (but hardly limited to) global politics, communications systems, and scientific institutions, and it conduced to biogeographical explanations, taxonomic schemes that admitted of heterogeneity, and affective research styles. (...)
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  49.  21
    Coin Reconsidered: The Political Alchemy of Commodity Money.Christine Desan - 2010 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 11 (1):361-409.
    Medieval coin plays an essential role in the imagined history of money: it figures as the primal "commodity money" — a natural medium, spontaneously adopted by parties in exchange who converge upon a metal like silver to represent the value of other goods. As a natural medium with a price objectively established through trade, commodity money appears to offer an independent means of measure in the market. But as the history offered here reveals, medieval money was nothing like (...)
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    Spin Glasses: Criticality and Energy Landscapes.Marco Baity Jesi - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This thesis addresses the surprising features of zero-temperature statics and dynamics of several spin glass models, including correlations between soft spins that arise spontaneously during avalanches, and the discovery of localized states that involve the presence of two-level systems. It also presents the only detailed historiographical research on the spin glass theory. Despite the extreme simplicity of their definition, spin glasses display a wide variety of non-trivial behaviors that are not yet fully understood. In this thesis the author sheds light (...)
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