Results for 'near-equality'

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  1.  5
    Counterparts as Near-Equals.Bruno Dinis & Bruno Jacinto - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-23.
    This paper offers an account of the ship of Theseus paradox along the lines of the so-called nonstandard primitivism about vagueness. This account is inspired by a model of the ship of Theseus paradox offered by Dinis that considers near-equality, in the context of Nonstandard Analysis, as the proper way to model the `same as' relation. The output is a class of models which unifies the semantic account of vague gradable adjectives recently proposed by Dinis and Jacinto with (...)
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    Equality and Near-Equality in a Nonstandard World.Bruno Dinis - 2023 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 32 (1):105-118.
    In the context of nonstandard analysis, the somewhat vague equality relation of near-equality allows us to relate objects that are indistinguishable but not necessarily equal. This relation appears to enable us to better understand certain paradoxes, such as the paradox of Theseus’s ship, by identifying identity at a time with identity over a short period of time. With this view in mind, I propose and discuss two mathematical models for this paradox.
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    Near equality in quality for medication utilization among older adults with diabetes with universal medication insurance in Ontario, Canada.Baiju R. Shah, Gillian L. Booth, Lorraine L. Lipscombe, Denice S. Feig, Onil K. Bhattacharyya & Arlene S. Bierman - 2014 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 20 (2):176-183.
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    Separation, Equality, Nearness: Three Church-State Models. [REVIEW]Winfried Brugger - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (2):263-281.
    The author discusses several models of the relation of church and state with respect to their advantages and shortfalls to freedom of religion and equality of religions. The first model is the separation of church and state at a great distance, the second the model of equal religions and the third the rapprochement model of civil religion and constitutional ethics. None of these possible models is fully satisfying. Precisely because the minimum pre-requisites for legitimacy and liberality are preserved, or (...)
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  5. Equal Pay for All: An Idea Whose Time Has Not, and Will Not, Come.Thomas Mulligan - 2021 - In Anders Örtenblad, Debating Equal Pay for All: Economy, Practicability and Ethics. Palgrave macmillan. pp. 21-35.
    The proposal on offer is a radical form of egalitarianism. Under it, each citizen receives the same income, regardless of profession or indeed whether he or she works or not. This proposal is bad for two reasons. First, it is inefficient. It would eliminate nearly all incentive to work, thereby shrinking national income and leaving all citizens poorly off (albeit equally poorly off). I illustrate this inefficiency via an indifference curve analysis. Second, the proposal would be regarded as unjust by (...)
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    Rescuing Basic Equality.Tom Parr & Adam Slavny - 2019 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100 (3):837-857.
    In the debate on the basis of moral equality, one conclusion achieves near consensus: that we must reject all accounts that ground equality in the possession of some psychological capacity (Psychological Capacity Accounts). This widely held view crystallises around three objections. The first is the Arbitrariness Objection, which holds that the threshold at which the possession of the relevant capacities places an individual within the required range is arbitrary. The second is the Variations Objection, which holds that (...)
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  7.  52
    Contingency, arbitrariness, and the basis of moral equality.Giacomo Floris - 2023 - Ratio 36 (3):224-234.
    Hardly anyone denies that (nearly) all human beings have equal moral status and therefore should be considered and treated as equals. Yet, if humans possess the property that confers moral status upon them to an unequal degree, how come they should be considered and treated as equals? It has been argued that this is because the variations in the degree to which the status‐conferring property is held above a relevant threshold are contingencies that do not generate differences in degrees of (...)
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    Two Concepts of Basic Equality.Nikolas Kirby - 2018 - Res Publica 24 (3):297-318.
    It has become somewhat a commonplace in recent political philosophy to remark that all plausible political theories must share at least one fundamental premise, ‘that all humans are one another's equals’. One single concept of ‘basic equality’, therefore, is cast as the common touchstone of all contemporary political thought. This paper argues that this claim is false. Virtually all do indeed say that all humans are ‘equals’ in some basic sense. However, this is not the same sense. There are (...)
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    Liberty and Equality: How Politics Masquerades as Philosophy: R. M. HARE.R. M. Hare - 1984 - Social Philosophy and Policy 2 (1):1-11.
    It is my intention in this paper to highlight the dangers which arise when people appeal to moral intuitions to settle questions in political, and in general in applied, philosophy. But first I want to ask why all or nearly all of us are in favour both of liberty and of equality – why all our intuitions are on their side. In the case of liberty it is easy to understand why. Although philosophers have held diverse theories about the (...)
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    Mathematical Signs of Equality.Florian Cajori - 1923 - Isis 5:116-125.
    [First paragraph of article] Many modern readers may be inclined to agree with ROBERTRECORDE, when in his Whetstone of Witte (1557) he gives as his reason for taking (( a paire of paralleles, or Gemowe lines of one lengthe, thus: == )) to be his sign of equality - (( bicause noe. 2. thynges, can be moare equalle )). To some readers this choice of the equality symbol may seem so evidently a foreordination, that they cannot readily understand (...)
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  11. (1 other version)Militants of Truth, Communities of Equality: Badiou and the ignorant schoolmaster.Charles Andrew Barbour - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (2):251-263.
    Badiou's philosophy of the ‘event’ has itself become an event of sorts for contemporary social and political theory. It has broken radically with a set of propositions concerning the operation of power, the status of knowledge, and the possibility of action that were for some time considered nearly unquestionable, in many ways defining what Badiou might call ‘the state of the situation’. After briefly outlining the manner in which Badiou's reinvigoration of the concept of ‘truth’ constitutes a serious challenge for (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Near-Suicide Phenomenon: An Investigation into the Psychology of Patients with Serious Illnesses Withdrawing from Treatment.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Tam-Tri Le, Ruining Jin, Quy Van Khuc, Hong-Son Nguyen, Thu-Trang Vuong & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - 2023 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (6):5173.
    Patients with serious illnesses or injuries may decide to quit their medical treatment if they think paying the fees will put their families into destitution. Without treatment, it is likely that fatal outcomes will soon follow. We call this phenomenon “near-suicide”. This study attempted to explore this phenomenon by examining how the seriousness of the patient’s illness or injury and the subjective evaluation of the patient’s and family’s financial situation after paying treatment fees affect the final decision on the (...)
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    Ronald Dworkin’s Theory of Equality: Domestic and Global Perspectives.Alexander Brown - 2009 - Palgrave Macmillan.
    Ronald Dworkin's work on equality has shaped debates in the field of distributive justice for nearly three decades. In this book Alexander Brown attempts to provide a critique but also a defence of that work, and to extend equality of resources globally.
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    Binary Properties as the Basis of Equality.Nethanel Lipshitz - 2024 - American Philosophical Quarterly 61 (2):157-163.
    “Basic equality” is the thesis that all (or nearly all) human beings are equal in moral status. Widespread interpersonal differences among humans make the task of justifying basic equality notoriously difficult. One strategy for circumventing this difficulty is to identify some morally significant binary (“all-or-nothing”) property that all humans have. This strategy seems promising: if the basis of equality is binary, then those who have it have it equally. However, skeptics have argued against this strategy on the (...)
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    Law v Canada: New Directions for Equality Under the Canadian Charter?Emily Grabham - 2002 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 22 (4):641-661.
    The equality provision in section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 1982 was drafted with a vision of promoting substantive equality. Following challenges to this vision during the 1990s by a group of conservative Supreme Court judges, the recent judgment of Iacobucci J in Law v Canada (1999) has been welcomed for reasserting section 15's substantive ideal. But despite the effective manner in which the provision was drafted, and despite the recent guidelines set out in (...)
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    Does V. equal l?Penelope Maddy - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (1):15-41.
    Does V = L? Is the Axiom of Constructibility true? Most people with an opinion would answer no. But on what grounds? Despite the near unanimity with which V = L is declared false, the literature reveals no clear consensus on what counts as evidence against the hypothesis and no detailed analysis of why the facts of the sort cited constitute evidence one way or another. Unable to produce a well-developed argument one way or the other, some observers despair, (...)
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    Not all animals are equal differences in moral foundations for the dutch veterinary policy on livestock and animals in nature reservations.Katinka Waelbers, Frans Stafleu & Frans W. A. Brom - 2004 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 17 (6):497-515.
    The Netherlands is a small country with many people and much livestock. As a result, animals in nature reservations are often living near cattle farms. Therefore, people from the agricultural practices are afraid that wild animals will infect domestic livestock with diseases like Swine Fever and Foot and Mouth Disease. To protect agriculture (considered as an important economic practice), very strict regulations have been made for minimizing this risk. In this way, the practice of animal farming has been dominating (...)
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  18. The Epistemology of the Near Miss and Its Potential Contribution in the Prevention and Treatment of Problem-Gambling.Catalin Barboianu - 2019 - Journal of Gambling Studies 1:1-16.
    The near-miss has been considered an important factor of reinforcement in gambling behavior, and previous research has focused more on its industry-related causes and effects and less on the gaming phenomenon itself. The near-miss has usually been associated with the games of slots and scratch cards, due to the special characteristics of these games, which include the possibility of pre-manipulation of award symbols in order to increase the frequency of these “engineered” near-misses. In this paper, we argue (...)
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  19. A system of logic for partial functions under existence-dependent Kleene equality.H. Andréka, W. Craig & I. Németi - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (3):834-839.
    Ordinary equational logic is a connective-free fragment of first-order logic which is concerned with total functions under the relation of ordinary equality. In [AN] (see also [AN1]) and in [Cr] it has been extended in two equivalent ways into a near-equational system of logic for partial functions. The extension given in [Cr] deals with partial functions under two relationships: a relationship of existence-dependent existence and one of existence-dependent Kleene equality. For the language that involves both relationships a (...)
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  20.  51
    Problems with Responsibility: Why Luck Egalitarians should have Abandonned the Attempt to Reconcile Equality with Responsibility.Maureen Ramsay - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 4 (4):431-450.
    Conceptions of desert and responsibility have had a powerful influence in justifying economic inequality. Currently, they are being reaffirmed in policies advocated by the centre left in Britain. In contrast, luck egalitarianism, one of the dominant theoretical positions in contemporary political philosophy, puts equality at the top of the agenda and notoriously undermines traditional notions of desert and rejects the conception of personal responsibility on which traditional ideas rely. Although luck egalitarians are sceptical about desert and redefine responsibility to (...)
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    Problems with Responsibility: Why Luck Egalitarians should have Abandonned the Attempt to Reconcile Equality with Responsibility.Douglas Kellner - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 4 (4):431-450.
    Conceptions of desert and responsibility have had a powerful influence in justifying economic inequality. Currently, they are being reaffirmed in policies advocated by the centre left in Britain. In contrast, luck egalitarianism, one of the dominant theoretical positions in contemporary political philosophy, puts equality at the top of the agenda and notoriously undermines traditional notions of desert and rejects the conception of personal responsibility on which traditional ideas rely. Although luck egalitarians are sceptical about desert and redefine responsibility to (...)
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    Three (Potential) Pillars of Transnational Economic Justice: The Bretton Woods Institutions as Guarantors of Global Equal Treatment and Market Completion.Robert Hockett - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 36 (1-2):93-127.
    Abstract:This essay aims to bring two important lines of inquiry and criticism together. It first lays out an institutionally enriched account of what a just world economic order will look like. That account prescribes, via the requisites to that mechanism which most directly instantiates the account, “three realms of equal treatment and market completion”—the global products, services, and labor markets; the global investment/financial markets; and the global preparticipation opportunity allocation. The essay then suggests how, with minimal if any departure from (...)
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    Induced abortion and gender (in)equality in Europe: A panel analysis.Paz Méndez-Rodríguez, Montserrat Díaz-Fernández, Mar Llorente-Marrón & Sandra Dema Moreno - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (3):250-266.
    Induced abortion is a worldwide practice and its legalisation is a persistent demand of the women’s movement. Although in the academic literature there are numerous studies that address the study of fertility, nowhere near as much attention has been given to the analysis of induced abortion and its determining factors, and even less to the consideration of gender equality as a variable through which to understand it. This article focuses on the influence of gender equality on the (...)
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    The Tyranny of Liberalism: Understanding and Overcoming Administered Freedom, Inquisitorial Tolerance, and Equality by Command.James Kalb - 2008 - Intercollegiate Studies Institute.
    When it comes to liberalism, the usual story in postwar America is one of decline, accompanied by the subplot of conservatism’s ascendance. But take a longer view—look beyond and below politics—and it is the unchallenged triumph of liberalism and its philosophical assumptions that ought to command our attention. The triumph of liberalism means the tyranny of liberalism, explains James Kalb in this illuminating book, for liberalism is the extension into the sociopolitical realm of modern scientific thought and technological rationality. These (...)
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  25.  60
    Derrida and the Limits of Sovereign Reason: Freedom, Equality, but not Fraternity.Peter Gratton - 2009 - Télos 2009 (148):141-159.
    “What must be thought,” Jacques Derrida writes in the closing pages of Rogues, “is this inconceivable and unknowable thing, a freedom that would no longer be the power of a subject, a freedom without autonomy, a heteronomy without servitude, in short, something like a passive decision.”1 To certain readers of Derrida, this passage, coming near the end of Rogues, written some two years before he passed away, would mark the fundamental failure of his thought. “What must be thought …”: (...)
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  26.  56
    Near-equational and equational systems of logic for partial functions. I.William Craig - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):795-827.
    Equational logic for total functions is a remarkable fragment of first-order logic. Rich enough to lend itself to many uses, it is also quite austere. The only predicate symbol is one for a notion of equality, and there are no logical connectives. Proof theory for equational logic therefore is different from proof theory for other logics and, in some respects, more transparent. The question therefore arises to what extent a logic with a similar proof theory can be constructed when (...)
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  27.  30
    Near the Knuckle.Robert King & Caoilfhionn O’Riordan - 2019 - Human Nature 30 (3):272-298.
    Irish Travellers constitute a pre-demographic-shift population living among a post-demographic-shift one. Their socio-medico profile identifies them as largely on fast life-history trajectories. In addition, they are strongly religious, highly sexually behaviorally dimorphic, with strong traditions of male-male competition and quasi-symbolic bride capture. Their male-male competitions thus allow for the comparative testing of a number of interesting theories pertaining to the nature and function of types of violence in society. As a pilot study, we used expert raters to analyze a number (...)
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  28.  63
    Why Harry Brighouse is nearly right about the privatisation of education.James Tooley - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 37 (3):427–447.
    Professor Harry Brighouse has written extensively against ‘educational choice’ reforms in England and Wales and in the USA, and has challenged the status quo of private school provision in England and Wales. This paper explores the extent to which his arguments are applicable to the more radical, but prima facie linked, concept of the ‘privatisation of education’, that is, where funding, provision or regulation of education are progressively moved away from the state to the private sector. The arguments address in (...)
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    In silico vs. Over the Clouds: On-the-Fly Mental State Estimation of Aircraft Pilots, Using a Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Based Passive-BCI.Thibault Gateau, Hasan Ayaz & Frédéric Dehais - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:319696.
    There is growing interest for implementing tools to monitor cognitive performance in naturalistic work and everyday life settings. The emerging field of research, known as neuroergonomics, promotes the use of wearable and portable brain monitoring sensors such as functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to investigate cortical activity in a variety of human tasks out of the laboratory. The objective of this study was to implement an on-line passive fNIRS-based brain computer interface to discriminate two levels of working memory load (...)
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    Torture and Trolleys: Accepting the Nearly Absolute Wrongness of Philanthropic Torture of a Perpetrator.David Jensen - 2024 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 11 (1):141-167.
    One potentially morally justified use of torture is found in philanthropic torture of a perpetrator (PTP): scenarios in which a perpetrator has instigated significant pending suffering against innocents and in which the suffering can be prevented by means of the perpetrator’s cooperation. These situations involve a clash of two intuitions: that torture is in some strong and obvious sense absolutely morally wrong, and that torture or harm of an immoral perpetrator may be permissible to prevent equally abhorrent, if not greater, (...)
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    (1 other version)Automated remote sensing with near infrared reflectance spectra: Carbonate recognition.Clark Glymour - manuscript
    Reflectance spectroscopy is a standard tool for studying the mineral composition of rock and soil samples and for remote sensing of terrestrial and extraterrestrial surfaces. We describe research on automated methods of mineral identification from reflectance spectra and give evidence that a simple algorithm, adapted from a well-known search procedure for Bayes nets, identifies the most frequently occurring classes of carbonates with reliability equal to or greater than that of human experts. We compare the reliability of the procedure to the (...)
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    The sportization of esports and its implications in the near future of sport.Pere Molina, Fernando Gómez-Gonzalvo & Javier Valenciano-Valcárcel - 2025 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 19 (1):20-34.
    Esports have transformed playing video games into a competitive activity that bears similarities to sports and the processes of sportization. Taking as a starting point the concept of sports as competitive games, the objective of this work is to analyse the sportization of esports, as well as the impact of esports on the concept of sports and their implications on sports in the immediate future. Sports and esports are two different realities that interact with each other. This is a conceptual (...)
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    The sportization of esports and its implications in the near future of sport.Pere Molina, Fernando Gómez-Gonzalvo & Javier Valenciano-Valcárcel - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 19 (1):20-34.
    Esports have transformed playing video games into a competitive activity that bears similarities to sports and the processes of sportization. Taking as a starting point the concept of sports as competitive games, the objective of this work is to analyse the sportization of esports, as well as the impact of esports on the concept of sports and their implications on sports in the immediate future. Sports and esports are two different realities that interact with each other. This is a conceptual (...)
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    Qu'est-ce qu'une grande theorie biologique?Michel Delsol & Janine Flatin - 1991 - Acta Biotheoretica 39 (3-4):363-373.
    La parution récente en français du livre de M. Denton : “Evolution. Une théorie en crise” , qui traite des theories explicatives actuelles de l'évolution, nous amine à rappeler les caracteres généraux des grandes theories biologiques et à présenter une critique sommaire du livre en question.La science West pas une simple accumulation de connaissances. Le scientifique ne doit pas se contenter de decrire et de mesurer des faits. Son but eat d'essayer de les relier et de construire des théories qui (...)
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  35. Whatever of what?Richard Arneson - unknown
    In 1980, Amartya Sen’s essay ‘Equality of What?’ stimulated a still ongoing discussion on the question: ‘Insofar as one holds that social justice demands rendering people’s condition more nearly equal, what aspects of people’s condition should be equalized?’ (Sen, 1982). In what respects should people be rendered more nearly the same? Prominent responses include resources, fundamental liberties, capabilities, advantages, welfare, and opportunities for welfare.1 There is a more general question in this neighbourhood that should be of interest. We might (...)
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  36. A plea for pity.Robert H. Kimball - 2004 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 37 (4):301-316.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Plea for PityRobert H. KimballIntroductionDoes the ability to feel pity toward the unfortunate represent one of humanity's better instincts, on par with the capacity for love, compassion, and forgiveness? Or is pity actually one of our morally baser emotions, like jealousy, envy, or hatred, because pity can include contempt for its object and an attitude of morally reprehensible superiority on the part of the pitier? Surprisingly, there is (...)
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    Perceived emotional and informational support for cancer: Patients’ perspectives on interpersonal versus media sources.Julia C. M. Van Weert, Camella J. Rising & Nadine Bol - 2022 - Communications 47 (2):171-194.
    This study examined cancer patients’ perceived emotional and informational support from a variety of interpersonal and media sources. We recruited patients from cancer patient association websites and online cancer forums and asked them to report to what extent they received support from interpersonal and media sources. Patients rated professional sources and personal sources as nearly equal sources of emotional support; however, professional sources were rated as significantly greater sources of informational support. Although family and oncologists were the most mentioned interpersonal (...)
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  38. The functions of shame in Nietzsche.Mark Alfano - 2023 - In Raffaele Rodogno & Alessandra Fussi, The Moral Psychology of Shame. Moral Psychology of the Emotions.
    Nietzsche talks about shame [scham*, schmach*, schand*] in all of his published and authorized works, from The Birth of Tragedy to Ecce Homo. He refers to shame in over one hundred passages – at least five times as often as he refers to resentment/ressentiment. Yet the scholarly literature on Nietzsche and shame includes just a handful of publications, while the literature on Nietzsche and resentment includes over a thousand. Arguably, this disproportionate engagement has been driven by the fact that English (...)
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    An ecological approach to biosystem thermodynamics.Lionel Johnson - 1992 - Biology and Philosophy 7 (1):35-60.
    The general attributes of ecosystems are examined and a naturally occurring reference ecosystem is established, comparable with the isolated system of classical thermodynamics. Such an autonomous system with a stable, periodic input of energy is shown to assume certain structural characteristics that have an identifiable thermodynamic basis. Individual species tend to assume a state of least dissipation; this is most clearly evident in the dominant species (the species with the best integration of energy acquisition and conservation). It is concluded that (...)
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  40. Epiphenomenal Minds and Philosophers’ Zombies: Where do mental properties originate?George Aulisio - 2022 - National Taiwan University Philosophical Review 64 (Special Issue on Self and Other):267-312.
    Property dualism [PD], when adopted by physicalists, is the view that mental properties are irreducible and joined to the physical. Many property dualists who subscribe to physicalism hold epiphenomenalism—the view that the mind does not have a causal role in affecting physical events (e.g., bodily movements).1 In this paper, I examine two possible origins of mental properties and the entailments of those origins if one is committed to physicalism. First, mental properties have a generative origin (e.g., emergence, neurophysiological, etc.). Second, (...)
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    Rudiments of Virtue Ethics.Michael Slote - 1992 - In From morality to virtue. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Virtue ethics treats aretaic, as opposed to deontic, concepts as fundamental and focuses in the first instance on character traits or motives rather than actions. Virtue ethics also contrasts with utilitarianism because although both these approaches are self‐other symmetric, they embrace different forms of symmetry. Utilitarianism holds that one's concern for oneself should be no different, fundamentally, from the concern one has for each and every other individual. But such ”in sensu diviso” symmetry differs from an ”in sensu composito” symmetry (...)
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  42. Art as Part of Daily Life - A Cross-Cultural Dialogue between Art and People.Masako Iwano - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (4):114.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.4 (2003) 114-121 [Access article in PDF] Art as Part of Daily Life - A Cross-cultural Dialogue between Art and People If encounters with art and artists become part of daily life in a small rural community, and if aesthetic experiences are perceived by its local residents as part of their daily lives, what kinds of humanistic, cultural, and social change take place in (...)
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    Victoria, Lady Welby's Papers at York University, Toronto.I. Grattan-Guinness - 2002 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 22 (1):57-58.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ources VICTORIA, LADY WELBY’S PAPERS AT YORK UNIVERSITY, TORONTO I. G-G Mathematics / Middlesex U.  St. Leonard’s Road, Bengeo, Herts.  ,  .-@.. ne of the fringe figures in British philosophical life during Russell’s early Ocareer was Victoria, Lady Welby (–). Coming in middle age to academic concerns, she was the most receptive person in Britain to the semiotics of C. S. Peirce (–), giving his work (...)
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  44. Interpersonal comparisons of utility in bargaining: evidence from a transcontinental ultimatum game.Romina Boarini, Jean-François Laslier & Stéphane Robin - 2009 - Theory and Decision 67 (4):341-373.
    This paper presents the experimental results of a “Transcontinental Ultimatum Game” implemented between India and France. We use a standard ultimatum game, but in one treatment Indian subjects made offers to French subjects (ItoF treatment) and, in another treatment, French subjects made offers to Indian subjects (FtoI treatment). We observed that FtoI treatment bargaining mostly ended up with unequal splits of money in favor of French, while nearly equal splits were the most frequent outcome in ItoF treatment interactions. The experimental (...)
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    Are There Counterexamples to Standard Views about Institutional Legitimacy, Obligation, and What Institutions We Should Aim For?Mark Budolfson - 2014 - Philosophy and Law 14 (1).
    A standard view in legal and political theory is that, to a first approximation, (1) we should aim to bring about the most legitimate institutions possible to solve the problems that should be solved at the level of politics, and (2) individual people are required to follow the directives of legitimate institutions, at least insofar as those institutions have the authority to issue those directives, and insofar as other considerations are nearly equal.1 On this standard view, the philosophical analysis of (...)
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    Dépôts de déchets métropolitains et justice environnementale.Marie-Noëlle Carré - 2016 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 11 (1):101-122.
    Marie-Noëlle Carré | : Les dépôts contrôlés de déchets posent un défi à la gestion durable des métropoles, comprises comme des « traductions spatiales du global ». En effet, même s’ils génèrent de réels problèmes sanitaires et environnementaux, ils sont aussi des points d’appui du développement métropolitain. Cet article demande donc si le cadre de la justice environnementale est suffisant pour penser les problèmes de leur gouvernance métropolitaine, à la fois locale et mondiale. La démonstration suggère d’abord que la construction (...)
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  47. Why Swedish Men Take So Much Paternity Leave.S. H. - 2014 - The Economist 171:1.
    Sweden features near the top of most gender-equality rankings. The World Economic Forum rates it as having one of the narrowest gender gaps in the world. But Sweden is not only a good place to be a woman: it also appears to be an idyll for new dads. Close to 90% of Swedish fathers take paternity leave. In 2013, some 340,000 dads took a total of 12 million days’ leave, equivalent to about seven weeks each. Women take even (...)
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    "where Is The Glory Of Troy?" "kleos" In Euripides' "helen".Gary S. Meltzer - 1994 - Classical Antiquity 13 (2):234-255.
    Near the end of Euripides' "Helen", Helen reportedly exhorts the Greek troops to rescue her Egyptian foes: "Where is the glory of Troy ? Show it to these barbarians" . Helen's rallying cry serves as a point of departure for investigating the nature and status of kleos in a play which invites reframing her question: Where, indeed, is the glory of Troy if the report of Helen's abduction by Paris is untrue? The drama deconstructs the notion of a unitary, (...)
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    British Imperialism in Fiji: A Model for the Semiotics of Cultural Identity. [REVIEW]Elliot Gaines - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (2):167-175.
    The history and effects of British imperialism in Fiji created a model for analyzing the semiotics of cultural identity. Following the acquisition of land in Fiji, the British recruited impoverished people from India and relocated them as indentured servants to do work on sugar cane plantations that natives refused to do. When Fiji became independent nearly 100 years later, the island nation had nearly equal populations of native Fijians and people of Indian decent. Fiji experienced three military coupes between 1987 (...)
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  50. An immigration-pressure model of global distributive justice.Eric Cavallero - 2006 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 5 (1):97-127.
    International borders concentrate opportunities in some societies while limiting them in others. Borders also prevent those in the less favored societies from gaining access to opportunities available in the more favored ones. Both distributive effects of borders are treated here within a comprehensive framework. I argue that each state should have broad discretion under international law to grant or deny entry to immigration seekers; but more favored countries that find themselves under immigration pressure should be legally obligated to fund development (...)
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