Results for 'ontology, development support system, information search'

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  1.  26
    Web コンテンツからのオントロジーの再構成方法の提案と試作: 情報提供サービスのためのオントロジー構築支援技術.Sato Shunya Takanashi Katsutoshi - 2005 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 20 (6):417-425.
    We propose an idea called ``ontology reuse'' to develop ontology (or taxonomy) for information search more easily by its development cost reduction. For its feasibility demonstration, we developed a prototype system that converts taxonomy information of web contents to RDF format, collects it into a server and visualizes taxonomy infomation as a 2D map for editing itself and searching information. And our goal is to realize ``ontology circulation'', which means that ontology information flows freely (...)
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  2. Ontological theory for ontological engineering: Biomedical systems information integration.James M. Fielding, Jonathan Simon, Werner Ceusters & Barry Smith - 2004 - In Fielding James M., Simon Jonathan, Ceusters Werner & Smith Barry, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR2004), Whistler, BC, 2-5 June 2004. pp. 114–120.
    Software application ontologies have the potential to become the keystone in state-of-the-art information management techniques. It is expected that these ontologies will support the sort of reasoning power required to navigate large and complex terminologies correctly and efficiently. Yet, there is one problem in particular that continues to stand in our way. As these terminological structures increase in size and complexity, and the drive to integrate them inevitably swells, it is clear that the level of consistency required for (...)
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  3. Against idiosyncrasy in ontology development.Barry Smith - 2001 - In Barry Smith & Christopher Welty, Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS). ACM Press. pp. 15-26.
    The world of ontology development is full of mysteries. Recently, ISO Standard 15926 (“Lifecycle Integration of Process Plant Data Including Oil and Gas Production Facilities”), a data model initially designed to support the integration and handover of large engineering artefacts, has been proposed by its principal custodian for general use as an upper level ontology. As we shall discover, ISO 15926 is, when examined in light of this proposal, marked by a series of quite astonishing defects, which may (...)
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    Development of knowledge oriented decision making support subsystem for intellectual information system.Klymenko M. S. - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence Scientific Journal 25 (1):51-56.
    It is proposed to expand the structure of the intelligent information system with an addition of knowledge-oriented decision support subsystem. The description of an intellectual workplace is given. Based on this, the main procedures of the subsystem are proposed: the creation of a knowledge base and the search for appropriate responses to a given action. The structure and stages of creating a knowledge base based on the analysis of rules set in natural language are described. The advantages (...)
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  5. IAO-Intel: An Ontology of Information Artifacts in the Intelligence Domain.Barry Smith, Tatiana Malyuta, Ron Rudnicki, William Mandrick, David Salmen, Peter Morosoff, Danielle K. Duff, James Schoening & Kesny Parent - 2013 - In Kathryn Blackmond Laskey, Ian Emmons & Paulo C. G. Costa, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Semantic Technologies for Intelligence, Defense, and Security (STIDS), CEUR, vol. 1097. pp. 33-40.
    We describe on-going work on IAO-Intel, an information artifact ontology developed as part of a suite of ontologies designed to support the needs of the US Army intelligence community within the framework of the Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS-A). IAO-Intel provides a controlled, structured vocabulary for the consistent formulation of metadata about documents, images, emails and other carriers of information. It will provide a resource for uniform explication of the terms used in multiple existing military dictionaries, thesauri (...)
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  6. Engineering a Development Platform for Ontology-Enhanced Knowledge Applications.Gary H. Merrill - 2006 - In Raj Sharman, Rajiv Kishore & Ram Ramesh, Ontologies: A Handbook of Principles, Concepts and Applications in Information Systems. Springer.
    Babylon Knowledge Explorer (BKE) is an integrated suite of tools and information sources developed in GlaxoSmithKline's Analysis, Applications, and Research Technologies Department to support the prototyping and implementation of ontology-driven information systems and ontology-enhanced knowledge applications. In this paper we describe the current state of BKE development and focus on some of its distinctive or novel approaches, highlighting -/- * How BKE makes use of multiple large pre-existing ontologies in support of text and data mining. (...)
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  7. Joint Doctrine Ontology: A Benchmark for Military Information Systems Interoperability.Peter Morosoff, Ron Rudnicki, Jason Bryant, Robert Farrell & Barry Smith - 2015 - In Peter Morosoff, Ron Rudnicki, Jason Bryant, Robert Farrell & Barry Smith, Joint Doctrine Ontology: A Benchmark for Military Information Systems Interoperability. CEUR vol. 1325. pp. 2-9.
    When the U.S. conducts warfare, elements of a force are drawn from different services and work together as a single team to accomplish an assigned mission. To achieve such unified action, it is necessary that the doctrines governing the actions of members of specific services be both consistent with and subservient to joint Doctrine. Because warfighting today increasingly involves not only live forces but also automated systems, unified action requires that information technology that is used in joint warfare must (...)
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    Information and Integration in Plants: Towards a Quantitative Search for Plant Sentience.P. A. M. Mediano & A. Trewavas - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (1-2):80-105.
    Integrated information theory (IIT) is a candidate theory of consciousness that highlights the role of complex interactions between parts of a system as the basis of consciousness – and, due to its general information-theoretic formulation, is capable of making statements about consciousness in neural and non-neural systems alike. Here, we argue that a system radically different to a human brain, host to complex physiological and functional structures capable of integrating information, can be found in the meristems and (...)
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  9. OmniSearch: a semantic search system based on the Ontology for MIcroRNA Target Gene Interaction data.Huang Jingshan, Gutierrez Fernando, J. Strachan Harrison, Dou Dejing, Huang Weili, A. Blake Judith, Barry Smith, Eilbeck Karen, A. Natale Darren & Lin Yu - 2016 - Journal of Biomedical Semantics 7 (1):1.
    In recent years, sequencing technologies have enabled the identification of a wide range of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs). Unfortunately, annotation and integration of ncRNA data has lagged behind their identification. Given the large quantity of information being obtained in this area, there emerges an urgent need to integrate what is being discovered by a broad range of relevant communities. To this end, the Non-Coding RNA Ontology (NCRO) is being developed to provide a systematically structured and precisely defined controlled vocabulary for (...)
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  10. A legal case OWL ontology with an instantiation of Popov v. Hayashi.Adam Wyner & Rinke Hoekstra - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 20 (1):83-107.
    The paper provides an OWL ontology for legal cases with an instantiation of the legal case Popov v. Hayashi. The ontology makes explicit the conceptual knowledge of the legal case domain, supports reasoning about the domain, and can be used to annotate the text of cases, which in turn can be used to populate the ontology. A populated ontology is a case base which can be used for information retrieval, information extraction, and case based reasoning. The ontology contains (...)
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    Towards the Semantic Web: Ontology-driven Knowledge Management.John Davies, Dieter Fensel & Frank van Harmelen - 2003 - Wiley.
    With the current changes driven by the expansion of the World Wide Web, this book uses a different approach from other books on the market: it applies ontologies to electronically available information to improve the quality of knowledge management in large and distributed organizations. Ontologies are formal theories supporting knowledge sharing and reuse. They can be used to explicitly represent semantics of semi-structured information. These enable sophisticated automatic support for acquiring, maintaining and accessing information. Methodology and (...)
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    Commercializing Ontology; Lucrative Jobs for Philosophers.Barry Smith & John Beverley - 2024 - A.P.A. Substack Newsletter: Public Philosophy Digest.
    This month’s APA Blog Substack Newsletter extends a discussion with Barry Smith, who is a Distinguished Julian Park Professor of Philosophy and Professor of Biomedical Informatics, and Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo. He is also Director of the National Center for Ontological Research and a lead developer of Basic Formal Ontology (BFO), an international standard top-level ontology (ISO/IEC 21838-2) used by over 700 ontology development groups across the world. Barry’s work led to the formation in (...)
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  13. On the intrinsic value of information objects and the infosphere.Luciano Floridi - 2002 - Ethics and Information Technology 4 (4):287–304.
    What is the most general common set of attributes that characterises something as intrinsically valuable and hence as subject to some moral respect, and without which something would rightly be considered intrinsically worthless or even positively unworthy and therefore rightly to be disrespected in itself? This paper develops and supports the thesis that the minimal condition of possibility of an entity's least intrinsic value is to be identified with its ontological status as an information object. All entities, even when (...)
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  14. Ontology and geographic kinds.B. Smith & D. M. Mark - 1998 - In T. Poiker & N. Chrisman, Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, 308–320. International Geographic Union.
    An ontology of geographic kinds is designed to yield a better understanding of the structure of the geographic world, and to support the development of geographic information systems that are conceptually sound. This paper first demonstrates that geographical objects and kinds are not just larger versions of the everyday objects and kinds previously studied in cognitive science. Geographic objects are not merely located in space, as are the manipulable objects of table-top space. Rather, they are tied intrinsically (...)
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  15. (6 other versions)Ontology (science).Barry Smith - 2001 - In Barry Smith & Christopher Welty, Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS). ACM Press. pp. 21-35.
    Increasingly, in data-intensive areas of the life sciences, experimental results are being described in algorithmically useful ways with the help of ontologies. Such ontologies are authored and maintained by scientists to support the retrieval, integration and analysis of their data. The proposition to be defended here is that ontologies of this type – the Gene Ontology (GO) being the most conspicuous example – are a part of science. Initial evidence for the truth of this proposition (which some will find (...)
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    The informational stance: Philosophy and logic. Part II. From physics to society.Wu Kun & Joseph E. Brenner - 2014 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 23 (1):81-108.
    In Part I of our joint paper [WuB13], we outlined our respective theories, The Basic Theory of the Philosophy of Information and Logic in Reality and showed their synergy for the understanding of complex informational processes. In this part, we develop Wu’s fundamental philosophical insight of the origin of the values of information in the interactions of complex information processing. A key concept in our work is that of a logical isomorphism between human individual and social value (...)
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    The informational stance: Philosophy and logic. Part I. The basic theories.Wu Kun & Joseph E. Brenner - 2013 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 22 (4):453-493.
    To better understand what information is and to explain information-related issues has become an essential philosophical task. General concepts from science, ethics and sociology are insufficient. As noted by Floridi, a new philosophy, a Philosophy of Information (PI), is needed. In the 80’s, Wu Kun proposed a “The Basic Theory of the Philosophy of Information”, which became available in English only in 2010. Wu and Joseph Brenner then found that the latter’s non-standard “Logic in Reality” provided (...)
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  18. Ontology and Cognitive Outcomes.David Limbaugh, Jobst Landgrebe, David Kasmier, Ronald Rudnicki, James Llinas & Barry Smith - 2020 - Journal of Knowledge Structures and Systems 1 (1): 3-22.
    The term ‘intelligence’ as used in this paper refers to items of knowledge collected for the sake of assessing and maintaining national security. The intelligence community (IC) of the United States (US) is a community of organizations that collaborate in collecting and processing intelligence for the US. The IC relies on human-machine-based analytic strategies that 1) access and integrate vast amounts of information from disparate sources, 2) continuously process this information, so that, 3) a maximally comprehensive understanding of (...)
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  19. Beyond concepts: Ontology as reality representation.Barry Smith - 2001 - In Barry Smith & Christopher Welty, Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS). ACM Press. pp. 1-12.
    The present essay is devoted to the application of ontology in support of research in the natural sciences. It defends the thesis that ontologies developed for such purposes should be understood as having as their subject matter, not concepts, but rather the universals and particulars which exist in reality and are captured in scientific laws. We outline the benefits of a view along these lines by showing how it yields rigorous formal definitions of the foundational relations used in many (...)
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  20.  30
    A goal-oriented framework for ontology reuse.Cássio C. Reginato, Jordana S. Salamon, Gabriel G. Nogueira, Monalessa P. Barcellos, Vítor E. Silva Souza, Maxwell E. Monteiro & Renata Guizzardi - 2022 - Applied ontology 17 (3):365-399.
    Ontologies have been successfully used to assign semantics in the Semantic Web context, to support integration of data from different systems or different sources, and to enable reasoning. However, building ontologies is not a trivial task. Ontology reuse can help in this matter. The search and selection of ontologies to be reused should consider the alignment between their scope and the scope of the ontology being developed. In this paper, we discuss how goal modeling can be helpful in (...)
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  21. Promoting coherent minimum reporting guidelines for biological and biomedical investigations: the MIBBI project.Chris F. Taylor, Dawn Field, Susanna-Assunta Sansone, Jan Aerts, Rolf Apweiler, Michael Ashburner, Catherine A. Ball, Pierre-Alain Binz, Molly Bogue, Tim Booth, Alvis Brazma, Ryan R. Brinkman, Adam Michael Clark, Eric W. Deutsch, Oliver Fiehn, Jennifer Fostel, Peter Ghazal, Frank Gibson, Tanya Gray, Graeme Grimes, John M. Hancock, Nigel W. Hardy, Henning Hermjakob, Randall K. Julian, Matthew Kane, Carsten Kettner, Christopher Kinsinger, Eugene Kolker, Martin Kuiper, Nicolas Le Novere, Jim Leebens-Mack, Suzanna E. Lewis, Phillip Lord, Ann-Marie Mallon, Nishanth Marthandan, Hiroshi Masuya, Ruth McNally, Alexander Mehrle, Norman Morrison, Sandra Orchard, John Quackenbush, James M. Reecy, Donald G. Robertson, Philippe Rocca-Serra, Henry Rodriguez, Heiko Rosenfelder, Javier Santoyo-Lopez, Richard H. Scheuermann, Daniel Schober, Barry Smith & Jason Snape - 2008 - Nature Biotechnology 26 (8):889-896.
    Throughout the biological and biomedical sciences there is a growing need for, prescriptive ‘minimum information’ (MI) checklists specifying the key information to include when reporting experimental results are beginning to find favor with experimentalists, analysts, publishers and funders alike. Such checklists aim to ensure that methods, data, analyses and results are described to a level sufficient to support the unambiguous interpretation, sophisticated search, reanalysis and experimental corroboration and reuse of data sets, facilitating the extraction of maximum (...)
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    An ontology for maintenance procedure documentation.Caitlin Woods, Tim French, Melinda Hodkiewicz & Tyler Bikaun - 2023 - Applied ontology 18 (2):169-206.
    In mining, manufacturing and industrial process industries, maintenance procedures are used as an aid to guide technicians through complex manual tasks. These procedures are not machine-readable, and cannot support reasoning in digitally integrated manufacturing systems. Procedure documents contain unstructured text and are stored in a variety of formats. The aim of this work is to query information held in real industrial maintenance procedures. To achieve this, we develop an ontology for maintenance procedures using the OWL 2 description language. (...)
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  23.  27
    Extractivist Ontologies: Lithium Mining and Anthropocene Imaginaries in Chile's Atacama Desert.Mauricio F. Collao Quevedo - 2023 - Intertexts 27 (2):78-103.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Extractivist OntologiesLithium Mining and Anthropocene Imaginaries in Chile's Atacama DesertMauricio F. Collao Quevedo (bio)The term energy transition generally refers to efforts to switch from one energy system to another. In light of the current climate crisis, energy transition projects have sought to move societies away from their reliance on fossil fuels and toward a renewables-based energy system. Yet such projects have not been easy to undertake. As Marie Forget (...)
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    Hypermedia Support for Information Systems Development: A Cognitive Modelling Perspective.L. A. Gardner & R. D. Macredie - 1996 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 6 (1):95-113.
  25.  23
    An ontology for enterprise and information systems modelling.Andreas L. Opdahl, Giuseppe Berio, Mounira Harzallah & Raimundas Matulevičius - 2012 - Applied ontology 7 (1):49-92.
    The Unified Enterprise Modelling Language (UEML) aims to support precise semantic definition of a wide variety of enterprise- and IS-modelling languages. In the longer run, it is also intended as a...
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    The ontology explorer: A method to make visible data infrastructures for population management.Annalisa Pelizza & Wouter Van Rossem - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    This article introduces the methodology of the ‘Ontology Explorer’, a semantic method and JavaScript-based open-source tool to analyse data models underpinning information systems. The Ontology Explorer has been devised and developed by the authors, who recognized a need to compare data models collected in different formats and used by diverse systems. The Ontology Explorer is distinctive firstly because it supports analyses of information systems that are not immediately comparable and, secondly, because it systematically and quantitatively supports discursive analysis (...)
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  27. The Ontology of Intentional Agency in Light of Neurobiological Determinism: Philosophy Meets Folk Psychology.Dhar Sharmistha - 2017 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 34 (1):129-149.
    The moot point of the Western philosophical rhetoric about free will consists in examining whether the claim of authorship to intentional, deliberative actions fits into or is undermined by a one-way causal framework of determinism. Philosophers who think that reconciliation between the two is possible are known as metaphysical compatibilists. However, there are philosophers populating the other end of the spectrum, known as the metaphysical libertarians, who maintain that claim to intentional agency cannot be sustained unless it is assumed that (...)
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  28.  75
    A Case for Conservative Ontology Development in Scientific Metaphysics.Sahana Rajan - 2022 - Philosophical Inquiries 1 (10):9-24.
    Over the past decade, in contrast to the traditional analytic version of metaphysics, a brand of metaphysics that prioritizes collaboration and corroboration with sciences has emerged in the form of scientific metaphysics. While there has been a shift from the methodological dependence of analytic metaphysis on intuition, and conceptual analysis to the methodological preference for empirically-motivated metaphysical insights in scientific metaphysics, such a shift has not penetrated the foundational aims. Scientific metaphysics continues to probe the nature and structure of reality, (...)
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  29.  17
    Content extraction of historical Malay manuscripts based on Event Ontology Framework.M. N. Zahila, A. Noorhidawati & M. K. Yanti Idaya Aspura - 2021 - Applied ontology 16 (3):249-275.
    This article aims to explore representation of the content knowledge of historical Malay manuscripts by extracting the event features using an event ontology framework. The manuscript used during the testing is Sulalatus Salatin (Sejarah Melayu ) by Abdul Ahmad Samad and it was published at University of Malaya Digital Library database. In aligning to a domain-specific ontology, the Simple Event Model (SEM) model is adopted and an event-based ontology for historical Malay manuscripts is designed. Information extraction approach is done (...)
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    新聞記事コーパスでの単語出現特徴を利用した観光イベント情報の検索支援.内山 将夫 小作 浩美 - 2004 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 19:225-233.
    We have been developed a support system to interactively search certain articles of users' interest on the World Wide Web without their hesitating over query choices. Especially we have been implementing an effective application system to enable tourists to easily find special event information of their interest and to enjoy their own tours. This system also enables developers of each system to provide them with the means of easily constructing an initial database and automatically updating it. As (...)
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  31. LinkSuite™: Software Tools for Formally Robust Ontology-Based Data and Information Integration.Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith & James Matthew Fielding - 2004 - In Werner Ceusters, Barry Smith & James Matthew Fielding, Proceedings of DILS 2004 (Data Integration in the Life Sciences), (Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics, 2994). Springer. pp. 1-16.
    The integration of information resources in the life sciences is one of the most challenging problems facing bioinformatics today. We describe how Language and Computing nv, originally a developer of ontology-based natural language understanding systems for the healthcare domain, is developing a framework for the integration of structured data with unstructured information contained in natural language texts. L&C’s LinkSuite™ combines the flexibility of a modular software architecture with an ontology based on rigorous philosophical and logical principles that is (...)
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  32. Boosting D3FEND: Ontological analysis and recommendations.Ítalo Oliveira, Gal Engelberg, Pedro Paulo F. Barcelos, Tiago Prince Sales, Mattia Fumagalli, Riccardo Baratella, Dan Klein & Giancarlo Guizzardi - 1998 - In Nicola Guarino, Formal Ontology in Information Systems. IOS Press.
    Formal Ontology is a discipline whose business is to develop formal theories about general aspects of reality such as identity, dependence, parthood, truth-making, causality, etc. A foundational ontology is a specific consistent set of these ontological theories that support activities such as domain analysis, conceptual clarification, and meaning negotiation. A (well-founded) core ontology specifies, under a foundational ontology, the central concepts and relations of a given domain. Foundational and core ontologies can be seen as ontology engineering frameworks to systematically (...)
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  33. Interoperability of disparate engineering domain ontologies using Basic Formal Ontology.Thomas J. Hagedorn, Barry Smith, Sundar Krishnamurty & Ian R. Grosse - 2019 - Journal of Engineering Design 31.
    As engineering applications require management of ever larger volumes of data, ontologies offer the potential to capture, manage, and augment data with the capability for automated reasoning and semantic querying. Unfortunately, considerable barriers hinder wider deployment of ontologies in engineering. Key among these is lack of a shared top-level ontology to unify and organise disparate aspects of the field and coordinate co-development of orthogonal ontologies. As a result, many engineering ontologies are limited to their scope, and functionally difficult to (...)
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    A moral analysis of intelligent decision-support systems in diagnostics through the lens of Luciano Floridi’s information ethics.Dmytro Mykhailov - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (2):149-164.
    Contemporary medical diagnostics has a dynamic moral landscape, which includes a variety of agents, factors, and components. A significant part of this landscape is composed of information technologies that play a vital role in doctors’ decision-making. This paper focuses on the so-called Intelligent Decision-Support System that is widely implemented in the domain of contemporary medical diagnosis. The purpose of this article is twofold. First, I will show that the IDSS may be considered a moral agent in the practice (...)
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    From Smart City to Smart Society: A quality-of-life ontological model for problem detection from user-generated content.Carlos Periñán-Pascual - 2023 - Applied ontology 18 (3):263-306.
    Social-media platforms have become a global phenomenon of communication, where users publish content in text, images, video, audio or a combination of them to convey opinions, report facts that are happening or show current situations of interest. Smart-city applications can benefit from social media and digital participatory platforms when citizens become active social sensors of the problems that occur in their communities. Indeed, systems that analyse and interpret user-generated content can extract actionable information from the digital world to improve (...)
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    Re-examination of Fundamental Concepts of Heat, Work, Energy, Entropy, and Information Based on NGST.Pan Lingli & Cui Weicheng - 2022 - Philosophy Study 12 (1):1-17.
    In order to use the framework of general system theory (GST) to unify the three mechanics subjects of classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and relativistic mechanics, a new general system theory (NGST) is developed based on a new ontology of ether and minds as the fundamental existences in the world. Based on this new ontology, many fundamental concepts have been detected to be ambiguously defined nowadays and particularly lack of ontological support. In our previous work, some of the fundamental concepts (...)
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  37. Plato’s Metaphysical Development before Middle Period Dialogues.Mohammad Bagher Ghomi - manuscript
    Regarding the relation of Plato’s early and middle period dialogues, scholars have been divided to two opposing groups: unitarists and developmentalists. While developmentalists try to prove that there are some noticeable and even fundamental differences between Plato’s early and middle period dialogues, the unitarists assert that there is no essential difference in there. The main goal of this article is to suggest that some of Plato’s ontological as well as epistemological principles change, both radically and fundamentally, between the early and (...)
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  38. Ontology and Information Systems (2004).Barry Smith - manuscript
    In a development that has still been hardly noticed by philosophers, a conception of ontology has been advanced in recent years in a series of extra-philosophical disciplines as researchers in linguistics, psychology, geography and anthropology have sought to elicit the ontological commitments (‘ontologies’, in the plural) of different cultures or disciplines. Exploiting the terminology of Quine, researchers in psychology and anthropology have sought to establish what individual human subjects, or entire human cultures, are committed to, ontologically, in their everyday (...)
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    ”, Formal Ontology in Information Systems. Proceedings of the Third International Conference.Achille C. Varzi & Laure Vieu (eds.) - 2004 - IOS Press.
    Just as ontology developed over the centuries as part of philosophy, so in recent years ontology has become intertwined with the development of the information sciences. Researchers in various fields have come to realize that a solid foundation for their projects calls for an explicit theorization of the types of entities and relations that make up their respective domains of inquiry, and as the need for integrating such projects arises, so does the need to identify common ontological principles (...)
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    THE INSTITUTIONAL and PERSONAL NEED for PHILOSOPHY.Ulrich De Balbian - 2017 - Oxford: Academic Publishers.
    She has always existed and is more than a citizen of multiverses,‭ ‬most likely the ground of all.‭ ‬In the West she was introduced around C.570‭ ‬and since then many individuals have searched for her,‭ ‬tried to become familiar with her and created all sorts of,‭ ‬frequently ridiculous,‭ ‬things in her name. Once someone has a passion for her it cannot be extinguished but increases.‭ ‬Objectively this need for her is referred to as‭ ‘‬love of wisdom‭’‬,‭ ‬the need for wisdom,‭ (...)
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    The Journey of Woman Image with Faith From Past to Present:Freud, Jung and Fromm’s Projections Regarding Woman.Gülüşan Göcen - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1121-1141.
    The aim of this article is to reveal with an overall approach, how the psycho-social background, starting from woman image in first periods and reach modern day, is embraced by outstanding theorists of modern psychology, and also how these collected works are reflected in their definitions of woman. If it is considered that woman has been discussed with reflections against and not from primary sources throughout history, it can be seen that the most essential roots of woman narrations can be (...)
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    Should Artificial Intelligence be used to support clinical ethical decision-making? A systematic review of reasons.Sabine Salloch, Tim Kacprowski, Wolf-Tilo Balke, Frank Ursin & Lasse Benzinger - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundHealthcare providers have to make ethically complex clinical decisions which may be a source of stress. Researchers have recently introduced Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based applications to assist in clinical ethical decision-making. However, the use of such tools is controversial. This review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the reasons given in the academic literature for and against their use.MethodsPubMed, Web of Science, and Google Scholar were searched for all relevant publications. The resulting set of publications was title and abstract (...)
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    Internal Perception: The Role of Bodily Information in Concepts and Word Mastery.Luigi Pastore & Sara Dellantonio - 2017 - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Edited by Luigi Pastore.
    Chapter 1 First Person Access to Mental States. Mind Science and Subjective Qualities -/- Abstract. The philosophy of mind as we know it today starts with Ryle. What defines and at the same time differentiates it from the previous tradition of study on mind is the persuasion that any rigorous approach to mental phenomena must conform to the criteria of scientificity applied by the natural sciences, i.e. its investigations and results must be intersubjectively and publicly controllable. In Ryle’s view, philosophy (...)
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  44. Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS).Barry Smith & Christopher Welty (eds.) - 2001 - ACM Press.
    Researchers in areas such as artificial intelligence, formal and computational linguistics, biomedical informatics, conceptual modeling, knowledge engineering and information retrieval have come to realise that a solid foundation for their research calls for serious work in ontology, understood as a general theory of the types of entities and relations that make up their respective domains of inquiry. In all these areas, attention is now being focused on the content of information rather than on just the formats and languages (...)
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    A Dialectic Perspective on the Evolution of Thesauri and Ontologies.Maziar Amirhosseini - 2022 - Knowledge Organization 48 (6):403-429.
    The purpose of this article is to identify the most important factors and features in the evolution of thesauri and ontologies through a dialectic model. This model relies on a dialectic process or idea which could be discovered via a dialectic method. This method has focused on identifying the logical relationship between a beginning proposition, or an idea called a thesis, a negation of that idea called the antithesis, and the result of the conflict between the two ideas, called a (...)
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    Formal Ontology in Information Systems: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference.Pawel Garbacz & Oliver Kutz (eds.) - 2014 - IOS Press.
    Formal Ontology in Information Systems is the flagship conference of the International Association for Ontology and its Applications. Its interdisciplinary research focus lies at the intersection of philosophical ontology, linguistics, logic, cognitive science, and computer science, as well as in the applications of ontological analysis to conceptual modeling, knowledge engineering, knowledge management, information-systems development, library and information science, scientific research, and semantic technologies in general.As in previous years, FOIS 2014 was a nexus of interdisciplinary research and (...)
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  47. Development of a Manufacturing Ontology for Functionally Graded Materials.Francesco Furini, Rahul Rai, Barry Smith, Georgio Colombo & Venkat Krovi - 2016 - In Francesco Furini, Rahul Rai, Barry Smith, Georgio Colombo & Venkat Krovi, Proceedings of International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE).
    The development of manufacturing technologies for new materials involves the generation of a large and continually evolving volume of information. The analysis, integration and management of such large volumes of data, typically stored in multiple independently developed databases, creates significant challenges for practitioners. There is a critical need especially for open-sharing of data pertaining to engineering design which together with effective decision support tools can enable innovation. We believe that ontology applied to engineering (OE) represents a viable (...)
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    The development of medium and technology neutral international treaties in support of post-convention information technology systems: The example of the 2007 Hague convention and protocol.Andrea Bonomi & Paul Volken - 2009 - In Andrea Bonomi & Paul Volken, Yearbook of Private International Law: Volume X. Sellier de Gruyter.
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    A perdurant ontology for interoperating information systems based on interlocking institutional worlds.Robert M. Colomb & Mohammad Nazir Ahmad - 2010 - Applied ontology 5 (1):47-77.
    In this work we have developed a formal ontology for perdurants suitable for representing interlocking institutional worlds in the general area of interoperating information systems. The formal ont...
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    Ontological aspects of information modeling.Robert L. Ashenhurst - 1996 - Minds and Machines 6 (3):287-394.
    Information modeling (also known as conceptual modeling or semantic data modeling) may be characterized as the formulation of a model in which information aspects of objective and subjective reality are presented (the application), independent of datasets and processes by which they may be realized (the system).A methodology for information modeling should incorporate a number of concepts which have appeared in the literature, but should also be formulated in terms of constructs which are understandable to and expressible by (...)
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