Results for 'organizational virtue'

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  1.  53
    Organisational Virtue, Moral Attentiveness, and the Perceived Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility in Business: The Case of UK HR Practitioners.David Dawson - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (4):765-781.
    Examination of the application of virtue ethics to business has only recently started to grapple with the measurement of virtue frameworks in a practical context. This paper furthers this agenda by measuring the impact of virtue at the level of the organisation and examining the extent to which organisational virtue impacts on moral attentiveness and the perceived role of ethics and social responsibility in creating organisational effectiveness. It is argued that people who operate in more virtuous (...)
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  2.  43
    Organizational Virtue and Stakeholder Interdependence: An Empirical Examination of Financial Intermediaries and IPO Firms.Michael S. McLeod, Curt B. Moore, G. Tyge Payne, Jennifer C. Sexton & Robert E. Evert - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (4):785-798.
    Organizational virtue orientation (OVO), an organizational-level construct, refers to the integrated set of beliefs and values that support ethical character traits and virtuous behaviors. To advance the study of organizational virtue, we examine OVO in firms making their initial public offerings (IPOs), with respect to key external stakeholders that serve as financial intermediaries (i.e., venture capital firms and underwriting banks). Drawing on stakeholder and resource dependence theories, we argue that mutual interdependencies occur between financial intermediaries (...)
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  3.  92
    Organizational Virtue Orientation and Family Firms.G. Tyge Payne, Keith H. Brigham, J. Christian Broberg, Todd W. Moss & Jeremy C. Short - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (2):257-285.
    ABSTRACT:This manuscript develops the concept of organizational virtue orientation (OVO) and examines differences between family and non-family firms on the six organizational virtue dimensions of Integrity, Empathy, Warmth, Courage, Conscientiousness, and Zeal. Using content analysis of shareholder letters fromS&P 500companies, our analyses find that there are significant differences between family and non-family firms in their espoused OVO, with family firms generally being higher. Specifically, family firms were significantly higher on the dimensions of Empathy, Warmth, and Zeal, (...)
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  4.  49
    Organizational Virtue and Performance: An Empirical Study of Customers and Employees.Rosa Chun - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (4):869-881.
    This paper offers the first large-scale empirical study of organizational virtue as perceived by both internal and external stakeholders and of the links between these virtues and organizational outcomes such as identification, satisfaction, and distinctiveness. It takes a strategic approach to virtue ethics, one that differs from a more traditional Aristotelian concept of virtue and from Alasdair MacIntyre’s manner of distinguishing between internal and external goods. The literature review compares three different perspectives on the empirical (...)
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    Loyalty as an organisational virtue.Richard C. Warren - 1992 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 1 (3):172–179.
    Loyalty, commitment and self‐interest explored in Japanese and Western companies. The author is Principal Lecturer in the Department of Business Studies at Manchester Polytechnic.
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  6.  17
    Organizational Virtues and Organizational Anthropomorphism.Felix Martin - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (1):1-17.
    Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human features to non-human subjects. Anthropomorphized organizations acquire in the minds of their members a unique identity, which becomes capable of guiding members’ motivations, with important managerial implications. Ashforth et al. offered a theoretical model of anthropomorphism in organizations, including “top-down” and “bottom-up” processes of organizational anthropomorphism as antecedents, and sensemaking and the sense of social connection of the organization as outcomes. Using SEM, this study operationalizes Ashforth et al.’s model using a two-trait scale (...)
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  7. Organizational Virtue Ethics and Moral Distress among Healthcare Workers.Jay Carlson - 2024 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 35 (3):169-179.
    Moral distress is traditionally defined as situations where one knows the right thing to do but external constraints make it nearly impossible to pursue the right course of action. Many interventions to mitigate moral distress focus on making healthcare workers more resilient or courageous in the face of adverse circumstances. While these “virtue cultivation” responses might be valuable traits for individuals, I want to argue that cultivating virtue is at best an incomplete strategy for dealing with moral distress (...)
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    Relationship between organisational virtue and perceived role of ethics and perception of social responsibility in business: testing a mediation model.Noor Jehan, Summan Gull, Naseer Abbas Khan & Abrar Hussain - 2020 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 14 (2):166.
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    The Big Five and Organizational Virtue.Dennis J. Moberg - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (2):245-272.
    Abstract:Recent developments in personality research point to an alchemy of character composed of five elements: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. This paper surveys this research for its implications to the study of the virtues in organizational ethics. After subjecting each of these five character traits to several tests as to what constitutes a virtue, the empirical evidence supports an organizational virtue of agreeableness and an organizational virtue of conscientiousness. Although the empirical (...)
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    Executive cues of organizational virtue and market performance: Creating value during times of earnings uncertainty.Vivien E. Jancenelle - 2021 - Business and Society Review 126 (2):193-209.
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    Organisational integrity as an epistemic virtue.Marco Meyer - 2024 - In Muel Kaptein, Research Handbook on Organisation Integrity. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 377–392.
    Integrity is often conceived as a moral virtue that pertains to the coherence between one’s moral convictions and actions, as well as consistency in convictions over time. By contrast, I argue that integrity is primarily an epistemic virtue. To act with integrity, an individual or organisation must engage in responsible inquiry; that is, the collection, processing, sharing, and storage of information in ways that promote truth. Organisational structures such as division of labour and hierarchy present challenges to responsible (...)
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  12.  74
    (1 other version)A framework for organizational virtue: the interrelationship of mission, culture and leadership.J. Thomas Whetstone - 2005 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 14 (4):367-378.
  13.  49
    Top Management Team Characteristics and Organizational Virtue Orientation: An Empirical Examination of IPO Firms.Robert E. Evert, G. Tyge Payne, Curt B. Moore & Michael S. McLeod - 2018 - Business Ethics Quarterly 28 (4):427-461.
    ABSTRACT:Despite extensive research on organizational virtue, our understanding about factors that promote virtue within organizations remains unclear. Drawing on upper echelon theory, we examine the relationship between five top management team characteristics and organizational virtue orientation —the integrated set of values and beliefs that support ethical traits and virtuous behaviors of an organization. Specifically, we utilize prospectuses of initial public offering firms and 10-K post-IPO filings to explore how TMT composition with respect to member age, (...)
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  14.  46
    Relationship between Organizational Virtue and Perceived Role of Ethics and Perception of Social Responsibility in Business: Testing a Mediation Model.Noor Jehan, Summan Gull, Naseer Abbas Khan & Abrar Hussain - 2020 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 14 (3):1.
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  15.  59
    Conflicting stories of virtue in UK healthcare: bringing together organisational studies and ethics.David Dawson - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 18 (2):95-109.
    In recent years, organisational theorists have been interested in the tensions faced by healthcare organisations. In this paper, these tensions are examined using the virtue approach to ethics of Alasdair MacIntyre. It is argued that although MacIntyre's framework shares many concerns with organisational studies, it supplements the analysis with a focus on moral content and evaluation. By providing moral evaluation of the stories told in organisations, an ethical analysis compels action on a basis that organisational studies does not. Nevertheless, (...)
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  16. Malleable character: organizational behavior meets virtue ethics and situationism.Santiago Mejia & Joshua August Skorburg - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (12):3535-3563.
    This paper introduces a body of research on Organizational Behavior and Industrial/organizational Psychology that expands the range of empirical evidence relevant to the ongoing character-situation debate. This body of research, mostly neglected by moral philosophers, provides important insights to move the debate forward. First, the OB/io scholarship provides empirical evidence to show that social environments like organizations have significant power to shape the character traits of their members. This scholarship also describes some of the mechanisms through which this (...)
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  17.  36
    Organizational Ethical Virtues of Innovativeness.Elina Riivari & Anna-Maija Lämsä - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (1):223-240.
    This study participates in the discussion of the ethical culture of organizations by deepening the knowledge and understanding of the meaning of organizational ethical virtues in organizational innovativeness. The aim in this study was to explore how an organization’s ethical culture and, more specifically, organization’s ethical virtues support organizational innovativeness. The ethical culture of an organization is defined as the virtuousness of an organization. Organizational innovativeness is conceptualized as an organization’s behavioral propensity to produce innovative products (...)
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  18.  39
    Virtue and virtuousness in organizations: Guidelines for ascribing individual and organizational moral responsibility.Mihaela Constantinescu & Muel Kaptein - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (4):801-817.
    This article advances research on moral responsibility in organizations by drawing on both philosophical virtue ethics grounded in the Aristotelian tradition and Positive Organizational Scholarship research concerned with virtuousness. The article discusses the very conditions that make possible the realization of virtues and virtuousness, respectively. These conditions ground notions of moral responsibility and the resulting praise or blame on organizational contexts. Thus, we analyze the way individuals and organizations may be ascribed interconnected degrees of retrospective moral responsibility (...)
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  19.  39
    The Corporate Ethical Virtues Scale: Factorial Invariance Across Organizational Samples.Maiju Kangas, Taru Feldt, Mari Huhtala & Johanna Rantanen - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (1):161-171.
    This study investigated the factorial validity of the 58-item Corporate Ethical Virtues scale :923–947, 2008). The major aim was to test the invariance of the factor structure across different organizational samples. The CEV scale was designed to measure eight corporate virtues: clarity, congruency of supervisors, congruency of senior management, feasibility, supportability, transparency, discussability, and sanctionability. The data consisted of four organizational samples that are operated in the private and public sector. The results of confirmatory factor analyses supported the (...)
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  20.  23
    Towards An Acronym for Organisational Ethics: Using a Quasi-person Model to Locate Responsible Agents in Collective Groups.David Ardagh - 2017 - Philosophy of Management 16 (2):137-160.
    Organisational Ethics could be more effectively taught if organisational agency could be better distinguished from activity in other group entities, and defended against criticisms. Some criticisms come from the side of what is called “methodological individualism”. These critics argue that, strictly speaking, only individuals really exist and act, and organisations are not individuals, real things, or agents. Other criticisms come from fear of the possible use of alleged “corporate personhood” to argue for a possible radical expansion of corporate rights e.g. (...)
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  21.  51
    The conception of organizational integrity: A derivation from the individual level using a virtue‐based approach.Madeleine J. Fuerst & Christoph Luetge - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (S1):25-33.
    This paper extends previous attempts at understanding the nature of organizational integrity and its increasingly important role for companies which, after all, bear a moral and societal responsibility. Interpretations of organizational integrity in business ethics literature incorporate aspects ranging from the behavior of managers and employees to corporate structures and incentive systems. We argue that virtue ethics builds an indispensable framework for understanding the origin of the concept of integrity and transfer these findings to an organizational (...)
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  22.  31
    The Respective Effects of Virtues and Inter-organizational Management Control Systems on Relationship Quality and Performance: Virtues Win.Carole Donada, Caroline Mothe, Gwenaëlle Nogatchewsky & Gisele de Campos Ribeiro - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):211-228.
    In this study, we evaluate how individual virtues and inter-organizational management control systems influence buyer–supplier performance through relationship quality. Results from a sample of 232 firms confirm that virtues and IOMCS relate positively to relationship quality and performance, respectively. However, IOMCS lose their positive influence on relationship quality when considered along with virtues. That is, when both variables enter the regression model simultaneously, virtues win. This interesting finding has particular resonance at a time when research on ethics still needs (...)
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  23.  30
    Correction to: Organizational Ethical Virtues of Innovativeness.Elina Riivari & Anna-Maija Lämsä - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (1):241-241.
    The article Organizational Ethical Virtues of Innovativeness, written by Elina Riivari and Anna-Maija Lämsä, was originally published electronically on the publisher’s internet portal on 3 March 2017 without open access. With the author’ decision to opt for Open Choice the copyright of the article changed on 7 February 2019 to © The Author 2019 and the article is forthwith distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, duplication, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in (...)
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  24.  15
    The Respective Effects of Virtues and Inter-organizational Management Control Systems on Relationship Quality and Performance: Virtues Win.Gisele Campos Ribeiro, Gwenaëlle Nogatchewsky, Caroline Mothe & Carole Donada - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):211-228.
    In this study, we evaluate how individual virtues and inter-organizational management control systems influence buyer–supplier performance through relationship quality. Results from a sample of 232 firms confirm that virtues and IOMCS relate positively to relationship quality and performance, respectively. However, IOMCS lose their positive influence on relationship quality when considered along with virtues. That is, when both variables enter the regression model simultaneously, virtues win. This interesting finding has particular resonance at a time when research on ethics still needs (...)
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  25.  52
    Measuring Ethical Organizational Culture: Validation of the Spanish Version of the Shortened Corporate Ethical Virtues Model.Juliana Toro-Arias, Pablo Ruiz-Palomino & María del Pilar Rodríguez-Córdoba - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (3):551-574.
    A key issue in the business ethics field is the design of effective measures for assessing the ethical culture of organizations. The Corporate Ethical Virtues Model (CEV), developed by Kaptein in 2008, is an instrument for measuring ethical culture, and has been applied, adapted and validated in different contexts. In 2013, DeBode, Armenakis, Field and Walker developed the CEV–S, a shortened version of the original scale. Both the CEV and CEV–S assess eight dimensions based on corporate ethical virtues: clarity, congruency (...)
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  26.  71
    Organizational Good Epistemic Practices.Lisa Warenski - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (3):485-500.
    Epistemic practices are an important but underappreciated component of business ethics; good conduct requires making epistemically sound as well as morally principled judgments. Well-founded judgments are promoted by epistemic virtues, and for organizations, epistemic virtues are arguably achieved through organizational good epistemic practices. But how are such practices to be developed? This paper addresses this normative and practical challenge. The first half of the paper explains what organizational good epistemic practices are and outlines a means for their construction. (...)
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  27.  57
    How different is neo‐Aristotelian virtue from positive organizational virtuousness?Alejo José G. Sison & Ignacio Ferrero - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (S2):78-98.
    The purpose of this article is to explain the differences between neo-Aristotelian virtue and positive organizational virtuousness from the virtue ethics perspective. Most studies use virtues and virtuousness interchangeably. A few others try to explain their differences from the positive organizational science perspective. Although closely related, we believe that these two notions are not identical. If we understand neo-Aristotelian virtue correctly, then it cannot be judged exclusively on what is externally verifiable, as is the case (...)
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  28. Reconsidering Virtue: Differences of Perspective in Virtue Ethics and the Positive Social Sciences.David S. Bright, Bradley A. Winn & Jason Kanov - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (4):445-460.
    This paper describes differences in two perspectives on the idea of virtue as a theoretical foundation for positive organizational ethics (POE). The virtue ethics perspective is grounded in the philosophical tradition, has classical roots, and focuses attention on virtue as a property of character. The positive social science perspective is a recent movement (e.g., positive psychology and positive organizational scholarship) that has implications for POE. The positive social science movement operationalizes virtue through an empirical (...)
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  29.  99
    The question of organizational consciousness: Can organizations have values, virtues and visions? [REVIEW]Peter Pruzan - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 29 (3):271 - 284.
    It is common for organizational theorists as well as business practitioners to speak of an organization''s visions, strategies, goals and responsibilities. This implies that collectivities have competencies normally attributed to individuals, i.e. to reflect, evaluate, learn and make considered choices. The article provides a series of reflections on the concept of consciousness in an organizational context. It is argued that, under certain conditions, it is both meaningful and efficacious to ascribe the competency for conscious and intentional behavior to (...)
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  30.  8
    Can Good Information Prevent Misconduct? The Role of Organizational Epistemic Virtues for Ethical Behavior.Marco Meyer & Tong Li - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-16.
    This study explores epistemic virtue as a new lens to scrutinize organizational behavior. Organizational epistemic virtues are the qualities of organizations that support the creation, sharing, and retaining of knowledge. We study how well organizations handle information and if that can prevent organizational misconduct. We propose a theoretical framework to link epistemic virtue to the prevention of misconduct and test this model using data from 822 U.S. companies. These companies are scored on six epistemic virtues (...)
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  31.  47
    MacIntyrean Virtue Ethics in Business: A Cross-Cultural Comparison.Mario Fernando & Geoff Moore - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (1):185-202.
    This paper seeks to establish whether the categories of MacIntyrean virtue ethics as applied to business organizations are meaningful in a non-western business context. It does so by building on research reported in Moore : 363–387, 2012) in which the application of virtue ethics to business organizations was investigated empirically in the UK, based on a conceptual framework drawn from MacIntyre’s work. Comparing these results with an equivalent study in Sri Lanka, the paper finds that the categories are (...)
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  32. Ethical Character and Virtue of Organizations: An Empirical Assessment and Strategic Implications.Rosa Chun - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 57 (3):269-284.
    Virtue ethics has often been regarded as complementary or laissez-faire ethics in solving business problems. This paper seeks conceptual and methodological improvements by developing a virtue character scale that will enable assessment of the link between organizational level virtue and organizational performance, financial or non-financial. Based upon three theoretical assumptions, multiple studies were conducted; the content analysis of 158 Fortune Global 500 firms ethical values and a survey of 2548 customers and employees. Six dimensions of (...)
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  33.  41
    Resisting organizational power.Peggy DesAutels - 2009 - In Lisa Tessman, Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 223--236.
    Normative ethical theory should provide us with guidance for how to live moral lives in a world filled with inequity and abuse of power. In this essay, I address ways that features of resisting organizational power do and do not overlap with features of resisting oppression more generally. I examine the potential for moral damage to individuals who resist organizational power, and argue that the traits necessary for successful whistleblowing are similar to what Lisa Tessman refers to as (...)
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  34. Ethical Considerations in Organizational Politics: Expanding the Perspective.George N. Gotsis & Zoe Kortezi - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (4):497-517.
    The aim of this study is to contribute to a conceptualization of organizational politics that underscores the possibility of developing positive political behavior at the workplace. In this respect, we seek to provide a context of re-evaluating the normative foundations of organizational politics. Normative issues are critically discussed in the context of mainstream ethical theories that illuminate the interaction of ethics and political behavior. More specifically, it is argued that a deontological framework is of particular importance for the (...)
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  35.  78
    Organizational Narcissism and Virtuous Behavior.Dennis Duchon & Brian Drake - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (3):301-308.
    Extreme narcissistic organizations are unable to behave ethically because they lack a moral identity. While such organizations are not necessarily unethical intentionally, they become self-obsessed and use a sense of entitlement, self-aggrandizement, denial, and rationalizations to justify anything they do. Extreme narcissistic organizations might develop formal ethics programs, but such programs will have little effect on behavior.
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  36. Against Organizational Functions.Justin Garson - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (5):1093-1103.
    Over the last 20 years, several philosophers have developed a new approach to biological functions, the organizational approach. This is not a single theory but a family of theories based on the idea that a trait token can acquire a function by virtue of the way it contributes to a complex, organized system and thereby to its own continued persistence as a token. I argue that the organizational approach faces a serious liberality objection. I examine three different (...)
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  37. New Prospects for Organizational Democracy? How the Joint Pursuit of Social and Financial Goals Challenges Traditional Organizational Designs.Julie Battilana, Michael Fuerstein & Michael Y. Lee - 2018 - In Subramanian Rangan, Capitalism Beyond Mutuality?: Perspectives Integrating Philosophy and Social Science. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 256-288.
    Some interesting exceptions notwithstanding, the traditional logic of economic efficiency has long favored hierarchical forms of organization and disfavored democracy in business. What does the balance of arguments look like, however, when values besides efficient revenue production are brought into the picture? The question is not hypothetical: In recent years, an ever increasing number of corporations have developed and adopted socially responsible behaviors, thereby hybridizing aspects of corporate businesses and social organizations. We argue that the joint pursuit of financial and (...)
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  38.  41
    The Virtues Project: An Approach to Developing Good Leaders.Toby Newstead, Sarah Dawkins, Rob Macklin & Angela Martin - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (4):605-622.
    Virtue words, such as justice, fairness, care, and integrity, frequently feature in organizational codes of conduct and theories of ethical leadership. And yet our modern organizations remain blemished by examples lacking virtue. The philosophy of virtue ethics and numerous extant theories of leadership cite virtues as essential to good leadership. But we seem to lack understanding of how to develop or embed these virtues and notions of good leadership in practice. In 2012, virtue ethicist Julia (...)
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  39.  28
    Virtue at Work: Ethics for Individuals, Managers, and Organizations.Geoff Moore - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    This book provides an integrated and philosophically-grounded framework which enables a coherent approach to organizations and organizational ethics from the perspective of practitioners in the workplace, from the perspective of managers in organizations, as well as from the perspective of organizations themselves.
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  40.  63
    Team Virtues and Performance: An Examination of Transparency, Behavioral Integrity, and Trust. [REVIEW]Michael E. Palanski, Surinder S. Kahai & Francis J. Yammarino - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (2):201 - 216.
    Virtue-based research in business ethics has increased over the last two decades, but most of the research has focused on the actions of an individual person. In this article, we examine the associations among team-level virtues using data from two studies. Specifically, we investigate whether transparency (usually thought to be an organizational-or collective-level construct), behavioral integrity (usually thought to be an individuallevel construct), and trust (usually thought to be an individual-level construct) can be conceptualized and operate at the (...)
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  41.  52
    Confucian Virtue Ethics and Ethical Leadership in Modern China.Li Yuan, Robert Chia & Jonathan Gosling - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (1):119-133.
    Research on ethical leadership in organizations has been largely based on Western philosophical traditions and has tended to focus on Western corporate experiences. Insights gained from such studies may however not be universally applicable in other cultural contexts. This paper examines the normative grounds for an alternative Confucian virtue-based ethics of leadership in China. As with Western corporations, organizational practices in China are profoundly shaped by their own cultural history and philosophical outlook. The ethical norms guiding both the (...)
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  42.  48
    The virtues of COVID‐19 pandemic: How working from home can make us the best (or the worst) version of ourselves.Marta Rocchi & Caleb Bernacchio - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (3):685-700.
    The combined effect of technological innovations in the workplace and the lockdowns imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly increased the prominence of remote working, with an undeniable impact on both business and society. In light of this organizational and sociological change, this article analyzes how this renewed work environment can be the place where workers can develop several relevant virtues, specifically moderation, integrity, and mercy. This new environment may also present the opportunity to develop a number of opposing (...)
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    Virtue Beyond Contract: A MacIntyrean Approach to Employee Rights.Caleb Bernacchio - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (2):227-240.
    Rights claims are ubiquitous in modernity. Often expressed when relatively weaker agents assert claims against more powerful actors, especially against states and corporations, the prominence of rights claims in organizational contexts creates a challenge for virtue-based approaches to business ethics, especially perspectives employing MacIntyre’s practices–institutions schema since MacIntyre has long been a vocal critic of the notion of human rights. In this article, I argue that employee rights can be understood at a basic level as rights conferred by (...)
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    Ethical Managerial Behaviour as an Antecedent of Organizational Social Capital.David Pastoriza, Miguel A. Ariño & Joan E. Ricart - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (3):329-341.
    There is a need of further research to understand how social capital in the organization can be fostered. Existing literature focuses on the design of reciprocity norms, procedures and stability employment practices as the main levers of social capital in the workplace. Complementary to these mechanisms, this paper explores the impact of ethical managerial behaviour on the development of social capital. We argue that a managerial behaviour based on the true concern for the well-being of employees, as well as their (...)
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    Junzi virtues: a Confucian foundation for harmony within organizations.Robin Stanley Snell, Crystal Xinru Wu & Hong Weng Lei - 2022 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 11 (1):183-226.
    The classical literature on Confucianism exhorted leaders to practice five core virtues as the basis for becoming a noble person and for sustaining harmonious communities built on trust and good example. We present a theory about how the senior management in modern corporations, by enacting the five Junzi virtues through virtuous environmental, social, and governance policies and practices, might inspire virtue-based relationships between superiors and subordinates and between employees. We argue that if middle managers and employees observe and experience (...)
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    Peace of Mind and Organizational Citizenship Behavior.Vanchai Ariyabuddhiphongs & Atiwat Pratchawittayagorn - 2014 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 36 (2):233-252.
    A Thai company organizes a weekly sermon and meditation session for its clients and members. We hypothesized that vipassana meditation's positive effects in work would be manifested in peace of mind, loving kindness, and organizational citizenship behavior, that peace of mind would predict OCB, and that loving kindness would mediate the relationship of peace of mind to OCB. Peace of mind is operationally defined as the experience of inner peace and harmony; loving kindness as the thoughts, words, and acts (...)
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    Introduction‐virtue and virtuousness: when will the twain ever meet?Ron Beadle, Alejo José G. Sison & Joan Fontrodona - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (S2):67-77.
    This paper introduces ‘Virtue and Virtuousness: When will the twain ever meet?’ a special edition of Business Ethics: A European Review. The Call for Papers invited contributions that could inform the relationship between organisational virtuousness, as conceptualised by positive organisation studies, and the classical conception of virtues pertaining to individual women and men. While the resources of particular virtue traditions – Aristotelian, Catholic, Confucian, and the like – could inform their own debates as to whether virtue extends (...)
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  48.  96
    Organizational Leadership, Ethics and the Challenges of Marketing Fair and Ethical Trade.Will Low & Eileen Davenport - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (S1):97 - 108.
    This article critically evaluates current developments in marketing fair trade labelled products and "no sweat" manufactured goods, and argues that both the fair trade and ethical trade movements increasingly rely on strategies for bottom-up change, converting consumers "one cup at a time". This individualistic approach, which we call "shopping for a better world", must, we argue, be augmented by more collectivist approaches to affect transformative change. Specifically, we look at the concept of mission-driven organizations pursuing leadership roles in developing affinity (...)
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    Latent Classes of Principals’ Transformational Leadership and the Organizational Climate of Kindergartens.Pingping Wang, Xinrui Deng, Xiaowei Li, Yuan Dong & Runkai Jiao - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Background: Organizational climate refers to an individual's perception and experience of the climate of the work environment, and it is the most important environmental variable that affects individuals’ work performance. This study aims to classify characteristics of transformational leadership among kindergarten principals and examine their relationship to organizational climate. Methods: Convenience sampling yielded 498 kindergarten principals who completed the “Questionnaire on the Principal’s Transformational Leadership Behavior” and “Questionnaire on Organizational Climate.” Ethics approval was obtained from the Academic (...)
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    Professional virtue of civility and the responsibilities of medical educators and academic leaders.Laurence B. McCullough, John Coverdale & Frank A. Chervenak - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (10):674-678.
    Incivility among physicians, between physicians and learners, and between physicians and nurses or other healthcare professionals has become commonplace. If allowed to continue unchecked by academic leaders and medical educators, incivility can cause personal psychological injury and seriously damage organisational culture. As such, incivility is a potent threat to professionalism. This paper uniquely draws on the history of professional ethics in medicine to provide a historically based, philosophical account of the professional virtue of civility. We use a two-step method (...)
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