Results for 'parallel computation'

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  1.  62
    Complexity, parallel computation and statistical physics.J. Machta - 2006 - Complexity 11 (5):46-64.
  2.  28
    Parallel Computing for Efficient and Intelligent Industrial Internet of Health Things: An Overview.Xin Yang, Shah Nazir, Habib Ullah Khan, Muhammad Shafiq & Neelam Mukhtar - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    Internet of Things is expanding and evolves into all aspects of the society. Research and developments in the field of IoT have shown the possibility of producing huge volume of data and computation among different devices of the IoT. The data collected from IoT devices are transferred to a central server which can further be retrieved and accessed by the service providers for analyzing, processing, and using. Industrial Internet of Health Things is the expansion of the Internet of Health (...)
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  3. Parallel computation and the mind-body problem.Paul Thagard - 1986 - Cognitive Science 10 (3):301-18.
    states are to be understood in terms of their functional relationships to other mental states, not in terms of their material instantiation in any particular kind of hardware. But the argument that material instantiation is irrelevant to functional..
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    A parallel computing tool for large-scale simulation of massive fluid injection in thermo-poro-mechanical systems.Ali Karrech, Christoph Schrank & Klaus Regenauer-Lieb - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (28-30):3078-3102.
  5. An Abstract Model For Parallel Computations: Gandy’s Thesis.Wilfried Sieg & John Byrnes - 1999 - The Monist 82 (1):150-164.
    Wilfried Sieg and John Byrnes. AnModel for Parallel Computation: Gandy's Thesis.
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    Reply to Krellenstein on Parallel Computation.Paul Thagard - 1987 - Cognitive Science 11 (2):159-161.
    I recently argued that the position in the philosophy of mind called functionalism is undermined by the importance of recent work on parallel computation (Thagard, 1986). In reply, Krellenstein (1987) contends that parallelism does not have the philosophical significance I claimed for it. Although his contentions are plausible if one focuses on what is in principle computationally possible, they fail if one looks at real problems.
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    A faithful embedding of parallel computations in star-finite models.E. J. Farkas - 1988 - Studia Logica 47 (3):203 - 212.
    The purpose of this paper is to show that there exist star-finite tree-structured sets in which the computations of parallel programs can be faithfully embedded, and that the theory of star-finite sets and relations therefore provides a new tool for the analysis of non-deterministic computations.
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    On the parallel computation thesis.Nachum Dershowitz & Evgenia Falkovich-Derzhavetz - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 24 (3):346-374.
  9. Arithmetic on a Parallel Computer: Perception Versus Logic.James A. Anderson - 2003 - Brain and Mind 4 (2):169-188.
    This article discusses the properties of a controllable, flexible, hybrid parallel computing architecture that potentially merges pattern recognition and arithmetic. Humans perform integer arithmetic in a fundamentally different way than logic-based computers. Even though the human approach to arithmetic is both slow and inaccurate it can have substantial advantages when useful approximations are more valuable than high precision. Such a computational strategy may be particularly useful when computers based on nanocomponents become feasible because it offers a way to make (...)
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    A reply to “parallel Computation and the Mind‐Body Problem”.Marc Krellenstein - 1987 - Cognitive Science 11 (2):155-157.
  11. An abstract model for parallel computations: Gandy’s thesis.Wilfried Sieg & John Byrnes - 1999 - The Monist 82 (1):150-164.
    In his classic paper On Computable Numbers Turing analyzed what can be done by a human computor in a routine, “mechanical” way. He argued that mechanical op-erations obey locality conditions and are carried out on configurations satisfying boundedness conditions. Processes meeting these restrictive conditions can be shown to be computable by a Turing machine. Turing viewed memory limitations of computors as the ultimate reason for the restrictive conditions. In contrast, Gandy analyzed in his paper Church’s Thesis and Principles for Mechanisms (...)
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  12. On the Relationship between Models of Parallel Computations.Vladimir V. Spanopulo & Vladimir A. Zakharov - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 237-248.
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  13. In computation, parallel is nothing, physical everything.Selmer Bringsjord - 2001 - Minds and Machines 11 (1):95-99.
    Andrew Boucher (1997) argues that ``parallel computation is fundamentally different from sequential computation'' (p. 543), and that this fact provides reason to be skeptical about whether AI can produce a genuinely intelligent machine. But parallelism, as I prove herein, is irrelevant. What Boucher has inadvertently glimpsed is one small part of a mathematical tapestry portraying the simple but undeniable fact that physical computation can be fundamentally different from ordinary, ``textbook'' computation (whether parallel or sequential). (...)
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    Parallel architectures and mental computation.Andrew Wells - 1993 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 44 (3):531-542.
    In a recent paper, Lyngzeidetson [1990] has claimed that a type of parallel computer called the ‘Connection Machine’ instantiates architectural principles which will ‘revolutionize which "functions" of the human mind can and cannot be modelled by (non-human) computational automata.’ In particular, he claims that the Connection Machine architecture shows the anti-mechanist argument from Gödel's theorem to be false for at least one kind of parallel computer. In the first part of this paper, I argue that Lyngzeidetson's claims are (...)
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    The Parallel versus Branching Recurrences in Computability Logic.Wenyan Xu & Sanyang Liu - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (1):61-78.
    This paper shows that the basic logic induced by the parallel recurrence $\hspace {-2pt}\mbox {\raisebox {-0.01pt}{\@setfontsize \small {7}{8}$\wedge$}\hspace {-3.55pt}\raisebox {4.5pt}{\tiny $\mid$}\hspace {2pt}}$ of computability logic (i.e., the one in the signature $\{\neg,$\wedge$,\vee,\hspace {-2pt}\mbox {\raisebox {-0.01pt}{\@setfontsize \small {7}{8}$\wedge$}\hspace {-3.55pt}\raisebox {4.5pt}{\tiny $\mid$}\hspace {2pt}},\hspace {-2pt}\mbox {\raisebox {0.12cm}{\@setfontsize \small {7}{8}$\vee$}\hspace {-3.6pt}\raisebox {0.02cm}{\tiny $\mid$}\hspace {2pt}}\}$ ) is a proper superset of the basic logic induced by the branching recurrence $\mbox {\raisebox {-0.05cm}{$\circ$}\hspace {-0.11cm}\raisebox {3.1pt}{\tiny $\mid$}\hspace {2pt}}$ (i.e., the one in the signature $\{\neg,$\wedge$,\vee,\mbox {\raisebox {-0.05cm}{$\circ$}\hspace (...)
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  16.  19
    Logic, Automata, and Computational Complexity: The Works Of Stephen A. Cook. Edited by Bruce M. Kapron, ACM Books, vol. 43. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, xxvi + 398 pp.—therein: - Michelle Waitzman. Stephen Cook: Complexity’s Humble Hero, pp. 3–28. - Bruce M. Kapron and Stephen A. Cook, ACM Interview of Stephen A. Cook by Bruce M. Kapron, pp. 29–44. - Stephen A. Cook, Overview of Computational Complexity, pp. 47–70. - Christos H. Papadimitriou, Cook’s NP-Completeness Paper and the Dawn of the New Theory, pp. 73–82. - Jan Krajíček, The Cook–Reckhow Definition, pp. 83–94. - Sam Buss, Polynomially Verifiable Arithmetic, pp. 95–106. - Paul Beame and Pierre McKenzie, Towards a Complexity Theory of Parallel Computation, pp. 107–126. - Nicholas Pippenger, Computation with Limited Space, pp. 127–140. - Stephen A. Cook, The Complexity of Theorem-Proving Procedures, pp. 143–152. - Stephen A. Cook, _Characterizations of Pushdown Machines in Terms of Time-Bound. [REVIEW]Pavel Pudlák - 2023 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 29 (4):657-660.
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  17. Parallel Monte Carlo Algorithms for Diverse Applications in a Distributed Setting-Comparison of the Computational Cost of a Monte Carlo and Deterministic Algorithm for Computing Bilinear Forms of.Christian Weihrauch, Ivan Dimov, Simon Branford & Vassil Alexandrov - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 640-647.
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    Reliable computation in parallel networks.Keith Oatley - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (2):299-299.
  19.  11
    Evolutionary Computation: Centralized, Parallel or Collaborative.Heinz Mühlenbein - 2009 - In L. Magnani (ed.), computational intelligence. pp. 561--595.
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    Exploring feature agreement in French with parallel pregroup computations.Joachim Lambek - 2010 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 19 (1):75-88.
    One way of coping with agreement of features in French is to perform two parallel computations, one in the free pregroup of syntactic types, the other in that of feature types. Technically speaking, this amounts to working in the direct product of two free pregroups.
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    Quantum mechanics and computation.Bart D’Hooghe & Jaroslaw Pykacz - 2004 - Foundations of Science 9 (4):387-404.
    In quantum computation non classical features such as superposition states and entanglement are used to solve problems in new ways, impossible on classical digital computers.We illustrate by Deutsch algorithm how a quantum computer can use superposition states to outperform any classical computer. We comment on the view of a quantum computer as a massive parallel computer and recall Amdahls law for a classical parallel computer. We argue that the view on quantum computation as a massive (...) computation disregards the presence of entanglement in a general quantum computation and the non classical way in which parallel results are combined to obtain the final output. (shrink)
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    Cortical connections and parallel processing: Structure and function.Dana H. Ballard - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (1):67-90.
    The cerebral cortex is a rich and diverse structure that is the basis of intelligent behavior. One of the deepest mysteries of the function of cortex is that neural processing times are only about one hundred times as fast as the fastest response times for complex behavior. At the very least, this would seem to indicate that the cortex does massive amounts of parallel computation.This paper explores the hypothesis that an important part of the cortex can be modeled (...)
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  23.  11
    Research on parallel data processing of data mining platform in the background of cloud computing.Lijun Wu, Haiyan Xing, Hui Zhang & Lingrui Bu - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):479-486.
    The efficient processing of large-scale data has very important practical value. In this study, a data mining platform based on Hadoop distributed file system was designed, and then K-means algorithm was improved with the idea of max-min distance. On Hadoop distributed file system platform, the parallelization was realized by MapReduce. Finally, the data processing effect of the algorithm was analyzed with Iris data set. The results showed that the parallel algorithm divided more correct samples than the traditional algorithm; in (...)
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  24.  21
    Tracking the Continuity of Language Comprehension: Computer Mouse Trajectories Suggest Parallel Syntactic Processing.Thomas A. Farmer, Sarah A. Cargill, Nicholas C. Hindy, Rick Dale & Michael J. Spivey - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (5):889-909.
    Although several theories of online syntactic processing assume the parallel activation of multiple syntactic representations, evidence supporting simultaneous activation has been inconclusive. Here, the continuous and non‐ballistic properties of computer mouse movements are exploited, by recording their streaming x, y coordinates to procure evidence regarding parallel versus serial processing. Participants heard structurally ambiguous sentences while viewing scenes with properties either supporting or not supporting the difficult modifier interpretation. The curvatures of the elicited trajectories revealed both an effect of (...)
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  25.  53
    Distributed Systems, Parallel Processing, and the Intelligent Computer.D. Frank Hsu - 1986 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 61 (4):401-411.
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    Physical Computation: A Mechanistic Account.Gualtiero Piccinini - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Gualtiero Piccinini articulates and defends a mechanistic account of concrete, or physical, computation. A physical system is a computing system just in case it is a mechanism one of whose functions is to manipulate vehicles based solely on differences between different portions of the vehicles according to a rule defined over the vehicles. Physical Computation discusses previous accounts of computation and argues that the mechanistic account is better. Many kinds of computation are explicated, such as digital (...)
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  27. Extending Ourselves: Computational Science, Empiricism, and Scientific Method.Paul Humphreys - 2004 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    Computational methods such as computer simulations, Monte Carlo methods, and agent-based modeling have become the dominant techniques in many areas of science. Extending Ourselves contains the first systematic philosophical account of these new methods, and how they require a different approach to scientific method. Paul Humphreys draws a parallel between the ways in which such computational methods have enhanced our abilities to mathematically model the world, and the more familiar ways in which scientific instruments have expanded our access to (...)
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  28. Computer Modeling in Climate Science: Experiment, Explanation, Pluralism.Wendy S. Parker - 2003 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    Computer simulation modeling is an important part of contemporary scientific practice but has not yet received much attention from philosophers. The present project helps to fill this lacuna in the philosophical literature by addressing three questions that arise in the context of computer simulation of Earth's climate. Computer simulation experimentation commonly is viewed as a suspect methodology, in contrast to the trusted mainstay of material experimentation. Are the results of computer simulation experiments somehow deeply problematic in ways that the results (...)
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    ‪A Tight Ω (Loglog n)-Bound on the Time for Parallel Ram’s to Compute Nondegenerated Boolean Functions‬.H. U. Simon - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag.
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    A Parallel Attribute Reduction Method Based on Classification.Deguang Li & Zhanyou Cui - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    Parallel processing as a method to improve computer performance has become a development trend. Based on rough set theory and divide-and-conquer idea of knowledge reduction, this paper proposes a classification method that supports parallel attribute reduction processing, the method makes the relative positive domain which needs to be calculated repeatedly independent, and the independent relative positive domain calculation could be processed in parallel; thus, attribute reduction could be handled in parallel based on this classification method. Finally, (...)
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    The printing press and the networked computer: Parallels that may illuminate the future.James A. Dewar - 1998 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 9 (4):187-194.
  32. Parallel machines.Andrew Boucher - 1997 - Minds and Machines 7 (4):543-551.
    Because it is time-dependent, parallel computation is fundamentally different from sequential computation. Parallel programs are non-deterministic and are not effective procedures. Given the brain operates in parallel, this casts doubt on AI's attempt to make sequential computers intelligent.
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    On parallel hierarchies and Rki.Stephen Bloch - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 89 (2-3):231-273.
    This paper defines natural hierarchies of function and relation classes □i,kc and Δi,kc, constructed from parallel complexity classes in a manner analogous to the polynomial-time hierarchy. It is easily shown that □i−1,kp □c,kc □i,kp and similarly for the Δ classes. The class □i,3c coincides with the single-valued functions in Buss et al.'s class , and analogously for other growth rates. Furthermore, the class □i,kc comprises exactly the functions Σi,kb-definable in Ski−1, and if Tki−1 is Σi,kb-conservative over Ski−1, then □i,kp (...)
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    Parallel Governing.Theodore Scaltsas - 1990 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 7 (2):153-158.
    ABSTRACT Parallel processing systems can carry out computational tasks which would be impossible to be carried out by sequential systems. Cognitive psychologists are discovering that brains do not operate on a sequential ordering of tasks, but along parallel processing models. Sequential ordering is abandoned in the new generation computers, which are being designed on evolving parallel processing models. My proposal consists in applying the parallel processing principles to the state, creating a ‘parallel governing’model for the (...)
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  35. Computers.Gualtiero Piccinini - 2008 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 89 (1):32–73.
    I offer an explication of the notion of computer, grounded in the practices of computability theorists and computer scientists. I begin by explaining what distinguishes computers from calculators. Then, I offer a systematic taxonomy of kinds of computer, including hard-wired versus programmable, general-purpose versus special-purpose, analog versus digital, and serial versus parallel, giving explicit criteria for each kind. My account is mechanistic: which class a system belongs in, and which functions are computable by which system, depends on the system's (...)
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  36. Computer Models On Mind: Computational Approaches In Theoretical Psychology.Margaret A. Boden - 1988 - Cambridge University Press.
    What is the mind? How does it work? How does it influence behavior? Some psychologists hope to answer such questions in terms of concepts drawn from computer science and artificial intelligence. They test their theories by modeling mental processes in computers. This book shows how computer models are used to study many psychological phenomena--including vision, language, reasoning, and learning. It also shows that computer modeling involves differing theoretical approaches. Computational psychologists disagree about some basic questions. For instance, should the mind (...)
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    Computational Evidence for the Subitizing Phenomenon as an Emergent Property of the Human Cognitive Architecture.Scott A. Peterson & Tony J. Simon - 2000 - Cognitive Science 24 (1):93-122.
    A computational modeling approach was used to test one possible explanation for the limited capacity of the subitizing phenomenon. Most existing models of this phenomenon associate the subitizing span with an assumed structural limitation of the human information processing system. In contrast, we show how this limit might emerge as the combinatorics of the space of enumeration problems interacts with the human cognitive architecture in the context of an enumeration task. Subitizing‐like behavior was generated in two different models of enumeration, (...)
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  38. Multilevel Proof System for Concurrent Object-Oriented Systems 2de France-Japan workshop on Object Based Parallel and distributed Computing October 1997.J. P. Bahsoun, P. Fares & C. Servières - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    Proof Systems for Reasoning about Computation Errors.Arnon Avron & Beata Konikowska - 2009 - Studia Logica 91 (2):273-293.
    In the paper we examine the use of non-classical truth values for dealing with computation errors in program specification and validation. In that context, 3-valued McCarthy logic is suitable for handling lazy sequential computation, while 3-valued Kleene logic can be used for reasoning about parallel computation. If we want to be able to deal with both strategies without distinguishing between them, we combine Kleene and McCarthy logics into a logic based on a non-deterministic, 3-valued matrix, incorporating (...)
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    Parallel reasoning in structured connectionist networks: Signatures versus temporal synchrony.Trent E. Lange & Michael G. Dyer - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):328-331.
    Shastri & Ajjanagadde argue convincingly that both structured connectionist networks and parallel dynamic inferencing are necessary for reflexive reasoning - a kind of inferencing and reasoning that occurs rapidly, spontaneously, and without conscious effort, and which seems necessary for everyday tasks such as natural language understanding. As S&A describe, reflexive reasoning requires a solution to thedynamic binding problem, that is, how to encode systematic and abstract knowledge and instantiate it in specific situations to draw appropriate inferences. Although symbolic artificial (...)
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  41. Open Parallel Cooperative and Competitive Decision Processes: A Potential Provenance for Quantum Probability Decision Models.Ian G. Fuss & Daniel J. Navarro - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (4):818-843.
    In recent years quantum probability models have been used to explain many aspects of human decision making, and as such quantum models have been considered a viable alternative to Bayesian models based on classical probability. One criticism that is often leveled at both kinds of models is that they lack a clear interpretation in terms of psychological mechanisms. In this paper we discuss the mechanistic underpinnings of a quantum walk model of human decision making and response time. The quantum walk (...)
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    Modeling Parallelization and Flexibility Improvements in Skill Acquisition: From Dual Tasks to Complex Dynamic Skills.Niels Taatgen - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (3):421-455.
    Emerging parallel processing and increased flexibility during the acquisition of cognitive skills form a combination that is hard to reconcile with rule‐based models that often produce brittle behavior. Rule‐based models can exhibit these properties by adhering to 2 principles: that the model gradually learns task‐specific rules from instructions and experience, and that bottom‐up processing is used whenever possible. In a model of learning perfect time‐sharing in dual tasks (Schumacher et al., 2001), speedup learning and bottom‐up activation of instructions can (...)
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  43.  26
    A Computational-Hermeneutic Approach for Conceptual Explicitation.Christoph Benzmüller & David Fuenmayor - 2019 - In Matthieu Fontaine, Cristina Barés-Gómez, Francisco Salguero-Lamillar, Lorenzo Magnani & Ángel Nepomuceno-Fernández (eds.), Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology: Inferential Models for Logic, Language, Cognition and Computation. Springer Verlag.
    We present a computer-supported approach for the logical analysis and conceptual explicitation of argumentative discourse. Computational hermeneutics harnesses recent progresses in automated reasoning for higher-order logics and aims at formalizing natural-language argumentative discourse using flexible combinations of expressive non-classical logics. In doing so, it allows us to render explicit the tacit conceptualizations implicit in argumentative discursive practices. Our approach operates on networks of structured arguments and is iterative and two-layered. At one layer we search for logically correct formalizations for each (...)
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  44. Quantum computation in brain microtubules.Stuart R. Hameroff - 2002 - Physical Review E 65 (6):1869--1896.
    Proposals for quantum computation rely on superposed states implementing multiple computations simultaneously, in parallel, according to quantum linear superposition (e.g., Benioff, 1982; Feynman, 1986; Deutsch, 1985, Deutsch and Josza, 1992). In principle, quantum computation is capable of specific applications beyond the reach of classical computing (e.g., Shor, 1994). A number of technological systems aimed at realizing these proposals have been suggested and are being evaluated as possible substrates for quantum computers (e.g. trapped ions, electron spins, quantum dots, (...)
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  45. How can computer simulations produce new knowledge?Claus Beisbart - 2012 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 2 (3):395-434.
    It is often claimed that scientists can obtain new knowledge about nature by running computer simulations. How is this possible? I answer this question by arguing that computer simulations are arguments. This view parallels Norton’s argument view about thought experiments. I show that computer simulations can be reconstructed as arguments that fully capture the epistemic power of the simulations. Assuming the extended mind hypothesis, I furthermore argue that running the computer simulation is to execute the reconstructing argument. I discuss some (...)
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  46. Info-computational Constructivism and Cognition.G. Dodig-Crnkovic - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (2):223-231.
    Context: At present, we lack a common understanding of both the process of cognition in living organisms and the construction of knowledge in embodied, embedded cognizing agents in general, including future artifactual cognitive agents under development, such as cognitive robots and softbots. Purpose: This paper aims to show how the info-computational approach (IC) can reinforce constructivist ideas about the nature of cognition and knowledge and, conversely, how constructivist insights (such as that the process of cognition is the process of life) (...)
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    Compositionality in a Parallel Architecture for Language Processing.Giosuè Baggio - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (5):e12949.
    Compositionality has been a central concept in linguistics and philosophy for decades, and it is increasingly prominent in many other areas of cognitive science. Its status, however, remains contentious. Here, I reassess the nature and scope of the principle of compositionality (Partee, 1995) from the perspective of psycholinguistics and cognitive neuroscience. First, I review classic arguments for compositionality and conclude that they fail to establish compositionality as a property of human language. Next, I state a new competence argument, acknowledging the (...)
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    Church Without Dogma: Axioms for Computability.Wilfried Sieg - unknown
    Church's and Turing's theses dogmatically assert that an informal notion of effective calculability is adequately captured by a particular mathematical concept of computability. I present an analysis of calculability that is embedded in a rich historical and philosophical context, leads to precise concepts, but dispenses with theses. To investigate effective calculability is to analyze symbolic processes that can in principle be carried out by calculators. This is a philosophical lesson we owe to Turing. Drawing on that lesson and recasting work (...)
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    Intellectual computer mathematics system inparsolver.Khimich A. N., Chistyakova T. V., Sydoruk V. A. & Yershov P. S. - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence Scientific Journal 25 (4):60-71.
    The paper considers the intellectual computer mathematics system InparSolver, which is designed to automatically explore and solve basic classes of computational mathematics problems on multi-core computers with graphics accelerators. The problems of results reliability of solving problems with approximate input data are outlined. The features of the use of existing computer mathematics systems are analyzed, their weaknesses are found. The functionality of InparSolver, some innovative approaches to the implementation of effective solutions to problems in a hybrid architecture are described. Examples (...)
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  50. A quantum computer only needs one universe.A. M. Steane - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 34 (3):469-478.
    The nature of quantum computation is discussed. It is argued that, in terms of the amount of information manipulated in a given time, quantum and classical computation are equally efficient. Quantum superposition does not permit quantum computers to ''perform many computations simultaneously'' except in a highly qualified and to some extent misleading sense. Quantum computation is therefore not well described by interpretations of quantum mechanics which invoke the concept of vast numbers of parallel universes. Rather, entanglement (...)
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