Results for 'permanence of forms'

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  1. Permanence as a Principle of Practice.Iulian D. Toader - 2021 - Historia Mathematica 54:77-94.
    The paper discusses Peano's defense and application of permanence of forms as a principle of mathematical practice. (Dedicated to the memory of Mic Detlefsen.).
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  2. Ashrams as Permanent Forms of Asceticism.Arabinda Basu - 1978 - Journal of Dharma 3 (2):114-121.
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  3. Permanent Creation: A Study in the Thought of Thomas Aquinas.Montague Brown - 1986 - Dissertation, Boston College
    The intellectual climate in which Aquinas matured was one of conflict. On the one hand, he inherited a philosophical tradition from the Greeks which held that "nothing comes from nothing." On the other, a strong theological tradition held that, since the world was created from nothing, it tends toward nothing and will, in fact, finally return to nothing. ;Aquinas counters that both traditions are mistaken in considering all making as change. Besides the making that is of this particular thing, besides (...)
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    Permanent Revolution: A Schizoanalytic Philosophy of Therapeutic and Revolutionary Transformation.Raniel S. M. Reyes - 2020 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 21 (1):89-112.
    In this article, I present a critical exposition of and engagement with Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s schizoanalysis, and its therapeutic and revolutionary powers. Firstly, I discuss how the aftermath of the May 1968 phenomenon shapes the formulation of schizoanalysis, specifically, in relation to the French people’s desire for voluntary servitude to what they call as ‘State philosophy.’ More importantly, I discuss desire’s social investment, syntheses, and parallogisms. Secondly, I elucidate schizoanalysis’ goal of achieving freedom from all kinds of Oedipalizations (...)
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    Truth, permanence, and the regulation of belief: Loeb's cartesian argument.Alexander Miller - 1994 - Ratio 7 (2):111-121.
    In this paper I outline an argument which Louis Loeb attributes to Descartes, which attempts to ground the epistemic priority of reason over sense‐perception in the brute psychological irresistibility of the former. I claim that the position thus ascribed to Descartes collapses into a crude form of idealism, and attempt to pinpoint precisely the flaw in the argument which gives rise to this collapse. I finish by suggesting that the same flaw might be apparent in Philip Pettit's recent development of (...)
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    Species Counterpoint: Darwin and the Evolution of Forms.Randall Everett Allsup - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (2):159-174.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Species Counterpoint:Darwin and the Evolution of FormsRandall Everett AllsupMy intention is to tell of bodies changed to different forms; the gods, who made the changes, will help me—or so I hope—with a poem that runs from the World's beginning to our own days.1I.A recent article in a progressive monthly magazine asked by way of a thesis, "Whose music is the blues?" Under the title, the tag line read, (...)
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    Why Literature Matters: Permanence and the Politics of Reputation (review).Henry McDonald - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (2):373-376.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.2 (2001) 373-376 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Why Literature Matters: Permanence and the Politics of Reputation Why Literature Matters: Permanence and the Politics of Reputation, by Glenn C. Arbery; 255 pp. Wilmington, Delaware: ISI Books, 2001, $24.95. Over the last decade or so, there has appeared an increasing number of books critical of the profession of literary studies. Such criticism has typically (...)
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    Castoriadis and the Permanent Riddle of the World: Changing Configurations of Worldliness and World Alienation.Suzi Adams - 2007 - Thesis Eleven 90 (1):44-60.
    The problematic of world articulation is central to post-phenomenological approaches. With Castoriadis, it emerges as a significant if shadowy thematic. Its shifting contours in his thought are redolent of the ongoing dialogue between romantic and enlightenment currents. They are also indicative of the ambiguity inherent to cultural articulations of the world in modernity. Here, two world perspectives open up various — and conflicting — interpretative challenges to which a response is necessitated. In Castoriadis's case, these take on particular forms (...)
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    Marx's philosophy of revolution in permanence for our day: selected writings.Raya Dunayevskaya - 2019 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Franklin Dmitryev.
    The philosophic moment of Marx : Marx's transformation of the Hegelian dialectic -- Preface to the Iranian edition of Marx's humanist essays -- The theory of alienation : Marx's debt to Hegel -- The todayness of Marx's humanism -- A 1981 view of Marx's 1841 dialectic -- The inseparability of Marx's economics, humanism, and dialectic -- Capitalist development and Marx's capital, 1863-1883 -- Today's epigones who try to truncate Marx's capital -- Letter to Herbert Marcuse on automation -- Marx's grundrisse (...)
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    Permanence and change.Kenneth Burke - 1935 - New York,: New Republic.
    Permanenceand Change was written and first published in the depths of the Great Depression. Attitudes Toward History followed it two years later. These were revolutionary texts in the theory of communication, and, as classics, they retain their surcharge of energy. Permanence and Change treats human communication in terms of ideal cooperation, whereas Attitudes Towards History characterizes tactics and patterns of conflict typical of actual human associations. It is in Permanence and Change that Burke establishes in path-breaking fashion that (...)
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  11. The loss of permanent realities: Demoralization of university faculty in the liberal arts.Steven James Bartlett - 1994 - Methodology and Science: Interdisciplinary Journal for the Empirical Study of the Foundations of Science and Their Methodology 27 (1):25-39.
    This paper examines a largely unrecognized mental disorder that is essentially a disability of values. It is their daily contact with this pathology that leads many university liberal arts faculty to demoralization. The deeply rooted disparity between the world of the traditional liberal arts scholar and today’s college students is not simply a gulf across which communication is difficult, but rather involves a pathological impairment in the majority of students that stems from an exclusionary focus on work, money, and the (...)
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    Interactive Bodies: The Semiosis of Architectural Forms.Maria Isabel Aldinhas Ferreira - 2012 - Biosemiotics 5 (2):269-289.
    In this paper architectural forms are presented as symbolic forms issued from the complex semiosis that characterises human cognition (Ferreira (2007, 2010)). Being semiotic objects, these symbolic forms are, consequently, context- dependent_they emerge and have meaning, i.e., they are assigned a functional and/or aesthetic value, in particular physical, social and cultural frameworks. As it happens with all semiotic objects, architectural forms, whatever their nature, are not static but highly interactive. In fact, they act as agents of (...)
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    A Search for Unity in Diversity : The "Permanent Hegelian Deposit" in the Philosophy of John Dewey.James Allan Good - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    This study demonstrates that Dewey did not reject Hegelianism during the 1890s, as scholars maintain, but developed a humanistic/historicist reading that was indebted to an American Hegelian tradition. Scholars have misunderstood the "permanent Hegelian deposit" in Dewey's thought because they have not fully appreciated this American Hegelian tradition and have assumed that his Hegelianism was based primarily on British neo-Hegelianism. ;The study examines the American reception of Hegel in the nineteenth-century by intellectuals as diverse as James Marsh and Frederic Henry (...)
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  14. A Policy of No Interest? The Permanent Zero Interest Rate, and the Evils of Capitalism.Alexander Douglas - manuscript
    In 1937 Joan Robinson proposed that “when capitalism is rightly understood, the rate of interest will be set at zero and the major evils of capitalism will disappear”. A permanent zero rate would abolish capitalist profit except in limited cases, leaving nearly all output to be claimed by labour as wages. It would allow capital to be allocated on the basis of prospective social benefit rather than short-term profitability and a collateral basis that favours the wealthy. It would remove some (...)
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    Permanent Liminality and Modernity: Analysing the Sacrificial Carnival Through Novels.Árpád Szakolczai - 2016 - Routledge.
    This book offers a comprehensive sociological study of the nature and dynamics of the modern world, through the use of a series of anthropological concepts, including the trickster, schismogenesis, imitation and liminality. Developing the view that with the theatre playing a central role, the modern world is conditioned as much by cultural processes as it is by economic, technological or scientific ones, the author contends the world is, to a considerable extent, theatrical - a phenomenon experienced as inauthenticity or a (...)
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  16. General Hari Seldon Private Commission Permanent Resolution Act: Parbatya Commonwealth Act for Independence of Autonomy Government, Formation of Legislative Assembly House and Parliament Building Construction.Hari Seldon - 2023 - Science Set Journal of Physics 2 (4):1-6.
    Alongwith the major organ of the doctrinal operations, the Permanent Resolution Act, this research presented a situation review article on the Doctrine of the Chittagong Peace Process in Bangladesh with few global strikeable issues. Unarmed surviving Parbatya Chittagong nation of Buddhists population in Bangladesh has not yet been able to form their government since 1997 to 2023, so it has been assumed that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina & Awami League Government of Bangladesh (ALGOB) cheated to weaponless freedom fighters Buddhists people (...)
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    The Hegemonic Form of Othering; Or, the Academic's Burden.Harold Fromm - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 13 (1):197-200.
    I knew I was in for trouble, that the going would be rough, when I removed the wrapper from the “Race,” Writing, and Difference issue of Critical Inquiry and observed the word “race” in quotation marks. Something deep was clearly brewing. And any doubts were quickly removed when I turned to the opening remarks of Henry Louis Gates, Jr. “Who,” he asked me, “has seen a black or a red person, a white yellow, or brown?” . There was a question (...)
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    The spectrum of subjectal forms: Towards an Integral Semiotics.Sebastián Mariano Giorgi - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (235):27-49.
    What is the relationship between consciousness and semiosis? This article attempts to provide some clues to answer this question. For doing it, we explore the application of the Integral model to semiotics; that is to say, the metatheory that integrates the inside, the outside, the individual, and the collective dimension, on one hand and, on the other hand, the levels of development, states and types of consciousness. Our principal hypothesis is that the semiosis depends on the “subjectal” form where the (...)
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  19. Form.Andreas Dorschel - 2011 - In Petra Kolmer, Armin G. Wildfeuer, Hermann Krings, Hans Michael Baumgartner & Christoph Wild (eds.), Neues Handbuch philosophischer Grundbegriffe. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber. pp. 771-786.
    ‘Form’ was a fundamental category of European philosophy from its beginnings in ancient Greece until the 19th century. As Aristotle’s examples show, it originated in craft. Making a pot out of clay is a paradigm case of giving form to matter. During its long career in philosophy, this concept of humble origin expanded into a category for everything: In the 18th century, vide Kant, cognition could have a form (and even had to have it), or ethical decisions, or the experience (...)
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    Theoretical - methodological basis on old people's education in the context of permanent education.Fidela Reyes Obediente & Evelio Machado Ramírez - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):291-305.
    El trabajo tiene como objetivo fundamentar teórica y metodológicamentela educación del adulto mayor en el contexto de la educación permanente. Para ello, se describe conceptualmente el carácter de la educación a lo largo de la vida, su integración a la existencia humana. Los métodos del nivel teórico empleados fueron el análisis y síntesis para la construcción del marco teórico-metodológico. Quedan argumentados tres modelos pedagógicos necesarios por su importancia en el estudio desarrollado. La educación del adulto mayor se inscribe en el (...)
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  21. Non‐Durable Solutions: The Harm of Permanently Temporary Refugee Habitation.Micah Trautmann - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy (4):612-629.
    The notion of ‘durability’ plays a central role in the discourse, policies, and practices surrounding forced displacement. Yet, for all the talk of ‘durable solutions’ to refugee situations, durability is in many ways the quality most conspicuously absent in refugees' everyday lives and living spaces. As the world has grown progressively more inured to the practice of using provisional spaces of transit as permanent sites of residence, displaced persons are increasingly finding themselves trapped in spaces marked by a kind of (...)
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  22. Between Form and Event: The Foundation of Political Freedom in Modernity.Miguel E. Vatter - 1998 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    This dissertation advances the thesis that modern political freedom has an aporetical relation to the possibility of its own foundation. In the first volume, I examine how Machiavelli establishes the internal relation between political freedom and historical contingency that gives rise to the non-foundational concept of political freedom in early modernity. Far from reducing politics to the activity of providing secure foundations for the state, Machiavelli elaborates a conception of politics torn by the antinomical tasks of giving political freedom its (...)
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    We Live Under the Permanent Conviviality of Norms and Chance--Understanding It Is Key to Building More Resilient Complex Systems.Petre Roman - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophy 10 (4):147.
    People have always tried to make predictions; they are necessary and useful, but very often they commit obvious errors, which have negative consequences on decision-making. Prediction errors are in some cases, not few, unavoidable, because the world itself is unpredictable, subject to chance (or randomness in mathematics). Chance is a property of nature. The causes of random events are physically determined, but so numerous and complex that they (the events) are unpredictable. Science is not about certainty. Human knowledge itself is (...)
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    Learning Platforms for Implementing Formative Interventions to Promote the Health and Safety of Workers in Brazil.Manoela Gomes Reis Lopes, Rodolfo Andrade de Gouveia Vilela, Amanda Aparecida Silva-Macaia, Vinícius Monteiro de Paula Guirado & Marco Antonio Pereira Querol - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Formative intervention methodologies, such as the Change Laboratory, are increasingly being used in work environments. However, the learning process entailed in the application of these methodologies has received insufficient attention and may be facilitated through the use of learning platforms. We examined the development of learning and training strategies for implementing formative interventions, drawing on the experiences of a research group focusing on workers’ health. Information obtained from individuals involved in CL formative activities was analyzed and interpreted using Cultural-Historical Activity (...)
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    Culture as permanent revolution: Lev Trotsky’s Literature and Revolution.Robert Bird - 2018 - Studies in East European Thought 70 (2-3):181-193.
    First published in 1923, Lev Trotsky’s Literature and Revolution was the first systematic treatment of art by a Communist Party leader. The international history of its publication and reception has gone hand-in-hand with the development of the Marxist theory of culture. This article highlights several specific concepts in Trotsky’s Literature and Revolution which exerted decisive formative influence on critical theory, including the relative autonomy of culture, a broadening of ideology to include cultural practices, and an innovative treatment of class. I (...)
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    Modernity as a rhetorical problem: Phronēsis , forms, and forums in norms of rhetorical culture.James Arnt Aune - 2008 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 41 (4):pp. 402-420.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Modernity as a Rhetorical Problem: Phronēsis, Forms, and Forums in Norms of Rhetorical CultureJames Arnt AuneThe true paradises are the paradises that we’ve lost.—Marcel Proust, The Past RegainedThomas B. Farrell’s Norms of Rhetorical Culture (1993, 6) remains both a masterly synthesis of previous constructive work in rhetorical theory and the essential starting point for anyone committed to reconciling the practical impulses of Aristotelian rhetoric, ethics, and politics with (...)
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    Nothing but Gold. Complexities in Terms of Non-difference and Identity. Part 3. Permanence, Properties Plexuses and Subtleties in Mutual Exclusion. [REVIEW]Alberto Anrò - 2022 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 50 (2):245-284.
    This paper investigates Vācaspati Miśra’s remarkably complex argumentative architecture in support of non-difference by means of a microsimulation model, the classical gold-crown case. A full range of positions, including instantaneism, transformative continuum, indeterminate common basis reference, difference and non-difference coordination, etc., is put under the scrutiny of the Vācaspati Miśra’s dialectic effort. The possibility of coexistence of multiple properties with a single referent is then formally explored. The analysis is carried out in compliance with the ‘Navya-Nyāya Formal Language’ extensional set-based (...)
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    The Permanent Self: How Many Attacks Can It Endure?Nirmalya Guha & Rajit Chakraborty - 2024 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 41 (3):353-367.
    In this paper, we test the philosophical endurance of the Nyāya theory of the permanent self. We present a debate between those, who believe in a permanent self, and their opponents in a dialogical form. In our imaginary debate, there are two participants; Gautama—somebody who has studied Udayana’s Ātmatattvaviveka (a text that claims that a self must be a permanent and irreducible entity) and finds its arguments convincing—and, Sugata, who does not believe in a permanent and irreducible self. Although Udayana (...)
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    Metaphysical permanencies and variations on Medieval and Renaissance minor beauty.Amalia Salvestrini - forthcoming - Diogenes:1-15.
    This article aims to explore a theme of the metaphysica paupera from the reflections of the Friar Minor Luca Pacioli, highlighting their roots in the Neo-Platonic and Augustinian tradition, but also in some aspects of the Franciscan one. I will show, firstly, how in the early Franciscan environment the idea of minor beauty was progressively developed in relation to the form of life that places poverty at its centre. Secondly, I will outline how, in Bonaventure’s reflections, this idea, initially associated (...)
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    Black Board Usage Cases Of Religious Culture And Moral Knowledge Teachers.Tuncay Ceylan & Eyüp Şi̇mşek - 2023 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 11 (18):7-26.
    The aim of this study is to determine the use of the blackboard by teachers of Islamic Culture and Ethics. For this purpose, the views and practices of the teachers regarding the use of the blackboard were examined. The study is important as it was conducted through a combination of interviews and observations and contributes to the literature on the subject. A case study design, which is one of the qualitative methods, was used in the study. The study was conducted (...)
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  31. Energy in the Universe and its Syntropic Forms of Existence According to the BSM - Superg ravitation Unified Theory.Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev - 2013 - Syntropy 2013 (2).
    According to the BSM- Supergravitation Unified Theory (BSM-SG), the energy is indispensable feature of matter, while the matter possesses hierarchical levels of organization from a simple to complex forms, with appearance of fields at some levels. Therefore, the energy also follows these levels. At the fundamental level, where the primary energy source exists, the matter is in its primordial form, where two super-dense fundamental particles (FP) exist in a classical pure empty space (not a physical vacuum). They are associated (...)
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  32. The Importance of Forgetting.Rima Basu - 2022 - Episteme 19 (4):471-490.
    Morality bears on what we should forget. Some aspects of our identity are meant to be forgotten and there is a distinctive harm that accompanies the permanence of some content about us, content that prompts a duty to forget. To make the case that forgetting is an integral part of our moral duties to others, the paper proceeds as follows. In §1, I make the case that forgetting is morally evaluable and I survey three kinds of forgetting: no-trace forgetting, (...)
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  33. From Periodic Decline to Permanent Rebirth: Alexander Raven Thomson on Civilization, Pathology, and Violence.Rory Lawrence Phillips - 2022 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 6 (2):37-52.
    Alexander Raven Thomson was a British fascist philosopher, active from 1932 to 1955. I outline Thomson’s Spenglerian views on civilization and decline. I argue that Thomson in his first book is an orthodox Spenglerian who accepts that decline is inevitable and thinks that it is morally required to destroy civilization in its final stages. I argue that this suffers from conceptual issues which may have caused Thomson’s change to a revised form of Spenglerianism, which is more authentically fascist. This authentically (...)
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    Excavating the Relation Between Non-Being and Permanence in the Vedas, Upanishads, Bergson, Deleuze and Vaddera Chandidas.A. Raghuramaraju - 2018 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 12 (1):66-83.
    In the context of discussing Deleuze's account of Bergson's idea of non-being, this paper brings into discussion different versions of non-being as available in Indian philosophy. These versions are drawn both from classical Indian philosophy including Vedas and Upanishads and modern Indian philosophy such as Vaddera Chandidas. The paper discusses Deleuze's analysis of Bergson on the relation between non-being and negation. While Bergson rightly traces the roots of non-being to negation, he, however, rendered it to intuition. Extending Bergson's diagnosis of (...)
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    Dimensions and antinomies of modernization in the globalized world.Yuriy Savelyev - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 158 (1):81-95.
    Existing theoretical interpretations contend that modernization is a global but diverse and multidimensional process. Yet, a systematic analysis of multiple forms of modernity and modernization ‘is the major challenge to current social and political theory’ (Wagner). The paper aims at revealing limitations of current theoretical interpretations of modernization and demonstrating systematically essential features of modernity. I describe the crucial criteria of modernization and suggest an integrated approach within which the most influential theories are simultaneously applied as coherent explanations. Such (...)
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    “The Catastrophe of My Existence”: facing death in roger de la fresnaye's self-portraiture.Tom Slevin - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (1):181 - 198.
    This article considers the relationship between subjectivity and representational form. More specifically, it discusses the transformation in self-representation between life and death by the artist Roger de la Fresnaye, reflecting his modernist articulations of life to pre-modern, classicist figurations of death. For the artist, modernity could not bear the demands that dying made upon representation, as unable to fully accord death a sign. Modernity's dissolution of the subject annihilated the very permanence of identity and presence that death guaranteed, but (...)
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    Sacramental Character and the Pattern of Theological Life: Medieval Context and Early Modern Reception.O. P. Reginald M. Lynch - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1337-1370.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Sacramental Character and the Pattern of Theological Life:Medieval Context and Early Modern ReceptionReginald M. Lynch O.P.In question 63 of the tertia pars, Thomas Aquinas defines the so-called character that is conferred by certain sacraments (namely baptism, confirmation, and holy orders), as a secondary effect caused by the sacraments, with grace itself identified as the primary effect. As separated instruments of the humanity of Christ, in his mature work in (...)
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    An Evolutionary Paradigm For International Law: Philosophical Method, David Hume And The Essence Of Sovereignty.John Martin Gillroy - 2013 - New York, NY, USA: Palgrave MacMillan.
    Preface The status of sovereignty as a highly ambiguous concept is well established. Pointing out or deploring, the ambiguity of the idea has itself become a recurring motif in the literature on sovereignty. As the legal theorist and international lawyer Alf Ross put it, “there is hardly any domain in which the obscurity and confusion is as great as here.” 1 The concept of sovereignty is often seen as a downright obstacle to fruitful conceptual analysis, carried over from its proper (...)
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  39. ‘Revolution in Permanence’: Popper on Theory-Change in Science.John Worrall - 1995 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 39:75-102.
    Science, and in particular the process of theory-change in science, formed the major inspiration for Karl Popper's whole philosophy. Popper learned about the success of Einstein's revolutionary new theory in 1919, and Einstein ‘became a dominant influence on my thinking—in the long run perhaps the most important influence of all.’ Popper explained why:In May, 1919, Einstein's eclipse predictions were successfully tested by two British expeditions. With these tests a new theory of gravitation and a new cosmology suddenly appeared, not just (...)
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    Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture (review).I. I. Dallas G. Denery - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (1):103-104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European CultureDallas G. Denery IIStuart Clark. Vanities of the Eye: Vision in Early Modern European Culture. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. Pp. xi + 415. Cloth, $75.00.A popular and pervasive historical narrative links the Renaissance development of linear perspective with Europe’s transition from a pre-modern to an early modern society. Erwin Panofsky gave this narrative its definitive form early (...)
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    Introduction: the issue of duplicates.Ina Heumann, Anne Greenwood MacKinney & Rainer Buschmann - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Science 55 (3):257-278.
    The permanent preservation of objects in global custodianship is a captivating ideal that informs countless museums’ corporate identities and governs collection guidelines as well as politics. Recent research has challenged the alleged perpetuity of collections and collected items, revealing their coherence as fragile and dependent on historically, politically and culturally specific conditions. Duplicates offer an instructive point of entry to explore the idea of collection permanence, museum politics, and the mobility of museum objects. The history of duplicates, moreover, comprises (...)
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    Virtual Reality from the Standpoint of Complexity Science.Helena Knyazeva - 2021 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 30 (3):244-260.
    An extended approach to the comprehension of virtual reality is developed in the article. Virtual reality is understood not only as a logically possible or cybernetically constructed reality but also as continuous turbulence of potencies of the complex natural and social world we live in, the wandering of complex systems and organizations over a field of possibilities, such a realization of forms and structures in which many formations remain in latent, potential forms, and are in the permanent process (...)
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    The Scandal of Truth. [REVIEW]Richard T. De George - 1964 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 13:322-323.
    This is a series of connected essays by an eminent French Jesuit theologian. The English translation is very readable; but in style and feeling the book remains thoroughly French. Daniélou confronts the attitude of despair of many contemporary French thinkers with faith in the worthwhileness of human existence and in the truth of Christianity. The essays are often suggestive and illuminating; sometimes ‘tantamount to dogmatism’. Daniélou traces the crisis of truth to an over-wrought confidence in science, to the largely justified (...)
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    Re-centering labour in local food: local washing and the growing reliance on permanently temporary migrant farmworkers in Nova Scotia.Elizabeth Fitting, Catherine Bryan, Karen Foster & Jason W. M. Ellsworth - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (3):973-988.
    This article explores the labour behind local food in the Canadian Atlantic province of Nova Scotia. Based on surveys and interviews with farmers, migrant farmworkers, and farmers’ market consumers in the province, we suggest that the celebration of local food by government and industry is a form of “local washing.” Local washing hides key aspects of the social relations of production: in this case, it hides insufficient financial and policy supports for Nova Scotian farms and the increased reliance on migrant (...)
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    Overcoming the underdetermination of specimens.Caitlin Donahue Wylie - 2019 - Biology and Philosophy 34 (2):24.
    Philosophers of science are well aware that theories are underdetermined by data. But what about the data? Scientific data are selected and processed representations or pieces of nature. What is useless context and what is valuable specimen, as well as how specimens are processed for study, are not obvious or predetermined givens. Instead, they are decisions made by scientists and other research workers, such as technicians, that produce different outcomes for the data. Vertebrate fossils provide a revealing case of this (...)
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  46. No Permanent Home": The Five Skandhas and Philip Whalen's "The Slop Barrel. [REVIEW]Todd Giles - 2013 - Philosophy and Literature 37 (2):405-420.
    “Skhandas my ass! Even that” Alan Watts, in his oft-quoted 1958 Chicago Review essay “Beat Zen, Square Zen, and Zen,”3 fails to mention Philip Whalen—whose “Sourdough Mountain Lookout” appeared in truncated form in the same issue—even though he takes Gary Snyder, Jack Kerouac, and Allen Ginsberg to task. In fact, toward the beginning of his essay, Watts even makes a statement about Confucianism and Taoism that sounds similar to the dynamics one finds at play in Whalen’s poetry. The ancient Chinese (...)
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    Talking Past Each Other: Mach and Husserl on Thought Economy.Iulian D. Toader - 2019 - In Friedrich Stadler (ed.), Ernst Mach – Life, Work, Influence. Springer Verlag. pp. 213-221.
    This paper argues that whereas Mach understood thought economy as a principle of practical rationality, Husserl rejected it as a principle of theoretical rationality. The distinction is further supported by their correspondingly different readings of the principle of permanence.
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    Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition, Volume 8: 1890–1892.Peirce Edition Project (ed.) - 2009 - Indiana University Press.
    Volume 8 of this landmark edition follows Peirce from May 1890 through July 1892—a period of turmoil as his career unraveled at the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey. The loss of his principal source of income meant the beginning of permanent penury and a lifelong struggle to find gainful employment. His key achievement during these years is his celebrated Monist metaphysical project, which consists of five classic articles on evolutionary cosmology. Also included are reviews and essays from The Nation in (...)
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    Thucydides 1.22.1: Content and Form in the Speeches.Thomas F. Garrity - 1998 - American Journal of Philology 119 (3):361-384.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thucydides 1.22.1: Content and Form in the SpeechesThomas F. GarrityThe interpretive problem posed by the speeches of Thucydides is one of the oldest chestnuts in classical scholarship. It has long been debated whether the historian claimed and/or attempted to present verbatim accounts of the arguments put forward by the speakers on each occasion as best he could, or whether he felt free to modify or to invent particular arguments (...)
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    William of Ockham on the Instant of Change.Magali Roques - 2017 - Vivarium 55 (1-3):130-151.
    Ockham’s approach to the problem of the instant of change as it is found in the Summa logicae i, chapter 5, and ii, chapter 19, is usually described as “purely logical,” narrowing the treatment of “begins” and “ceases” to simplistic cases. The aim of this paper is to complement our knowledge of Ockham’s position on the problem of the instant of change by analysing the treatment of the problem he gives in his questions on the Physics 98-101. In these passages, (...)
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