Results for 'pornography as simulation'

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  1. Pornography as Simulation.Theodore Bach - 2010 - In Dave Monroe, Porn: Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley-Blackwell.
    This essay explains the prevalence of porn consumption by modeling it as a form of simulation. According to simulation theory (Gordon 1986, Goldman 2006) people predict and explain other’s behavior by using their own mind to model the mind of a target individual, much like an engineer might use a model aircraft to simulate the behavior of an actual aircraft. However, the cognitive mechanisms required for simulation have application outside of psychological interpretation. For example, it is plausible (...)
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    Pornography as Simulation.Theodore Bach - 2010 - In Dave Monroe, Porn: Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 52–65.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Tools of Folk Psychology The Modern Perversion of Mental Simulation Conclusions and Assessments Notes.
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    The Problem with the Problem with Pornography.David Rose - 2010 - In Dave Monroe, Porn: Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 178–189.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Problem with the Problem What is Pornography? The Wrongness of Pornography The Victims of Pornography A Different Tack Notes.
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  4. Pornography as Symptom.Jacob M. Held - 2013 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 20 (1):15-27.
    Anti-Porn activists have argued for decades that pom is discrimination, it hamis women as a class. The Pro-porn response has been to dismiss these concems, laud the First Amendment, or argue that pornography is a valuable contribution to society. The debate has progressed little beyond this stage. In this article, I argue that it is time to frame the pomography debate as a discussion on sexualized media in general. Recent research indicates that the negative results often attributed to hard-core (...)
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  5. Education as Simulation Game: A Critical Hermeneutic.James Palermo - 1979 - Journal of Thought 14 (3):220-27.
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    Pornography as a Biopolitical Phenomenon.Aura Elena Schussler - 2016 - Postmodern Openings 7 (2):25-41.
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    Pornography as Chimerizare and Misogyny : Ferrante Pallavicino’s La Retorica delle Puttane.Cha-Seop Kwak - 2019 - Cogito 87:349-380.
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    Pornography as incitement to sexual hatred.Susan Easton - 1995 - Feminist Legal Studies 3 (1):89-104.
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    Pornography as Representation: Aesthetic Considerations.Theodore A. Gracyk - 1987 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 21 (4):103-121.
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  10. Does Pornography Presuppose Rape Myths?Richard Kimberly Heck - 2024 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 105 (1):50-74.
    Rae Langton and Caroline West argue that pornography silences women by presupposing misogynistic attitudes, such as that women enjoy being raped. More precisely, they claim that a somewhat infamous pictorial, ‘Dirty Pool’, makes such presuppositions, and that it is typical in this respect. I argue for four claims. (1) There are empirical reasons to doubt that women are silenced in the way that Langton and West claim they are. (2) There is no evidence that very much pornography makes (...)
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  11. Imagination as simulation: Aesthetics meets cognitive science.Gregory Currie - 1995 - In Paul L. Harris, Mental Simulation. Cambridge: Blackwell.
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    “A New Kind of Death”: Rape, Sex, and Pornography as Violence in Andrea Dworkin’s Thought.Rose A. Owen - 2024 - Political Theory 52 (5):754-781.
    After #MeToo, academics have become increasingly focused on the liberal concept of consent. Either problematized as a means of distinguishing between sex and rape, or vaunted as a tool for having better sex, consent remains central to discussions of sexual violence. Returning to Andrea Dworkin’s thought, this article argues that contemporary feminists must move beyond consent and recenter the problem of violence to theorize rape. Dworkin, alongside Catharine MacKinnon and Carole Pateman, critiques consent for disguising the violence of rape, sex, (...)
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  13. Folk psychology as simulation.Robert M. Gordon - 1986 - Mind and Language 1 (2):158-71.
  14. Living and Praying as Simul Iustus et Peccator. A Chapter in Luther's Spiritual Teaching.Jared Wicks - 1989 - Gregorianum 70 (3):521-548.
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    Empathizing as Simulating.Susan L. Feagin - 2011 - In Amy Coplan & Peter Goldie, Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 149.
  16. Pornography and Freedom.Danny Frederick - 2011 - Kritike 5 (2):84-95.
    I defend pornography as an important aspect of freedom of expression, which is essential for autonomy, self-development, the growth of knowledge and human flourishing. I rebut the allegations that pornography depraves and corrupts, degrades women, is harmful to children, exposes third parties to risk of offence or assault, and violates women ’s civil rights and liberties. I contend that suppressing pornography would have a range of unintended evil consequences, including loss of beneficial technology, creeping censorship, black markets, (...)
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  17. Deepfakes, Pornography and Consent.Claire Benn - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    Political deepfakes have prompted outcry about the diminishing trustworthiness of visual depictions, and the epistemic and political threat this poses. Yet this new technique is being used overwhelmingly to create pornography, raising the question of what, if anything, is wrong with the creation of deepfake pornography. Traditional objections focusing on the sexual abuse of those depicted fail to apply to deepfakes. Other objections—that the use and consumption of pornography harms the viewer or other (non-depicted) individuals—fail to explain (...)
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    On Literary Works as Simulations that Run on Minds.Rainer Reisenzein - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (1):35-36.
    This commentary discusses Oatley's proposal that literary works considered as simulations that run on minds can fulfill similar epistemic functions as computer simulations of mental processes. Whereas in computer simulation, both the input data and the computations to be performed on these data are explicit, only the input is explicitly known in the case of mental simulation. For this reason, literary simulations cannot play exactly the same epistemic role as computer simulations. Still, literary simulations can provide knowledge (e.g., (...)
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  19. Debating Pornography.Andrew Altman & Lori Watson - 2018 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Pornography is everywhere, and it raises a host of difficult questions. What counts as pornography, first of all? When does material cross the line from being erotic to being objectionable? Where does a person's entitlement to sexual freedom end and another person's right not to feel objectified begin? How should rights be weighed against consequences in deciding what laws and policies ought to be adopted? Philosophers Andrew Altman and Lori Watson explore these and other issues in this succinct (...)
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  20. Conscious thought as simulation of behavior and perception.Germund Hesslow - 2002 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 6 (6):242-247.
  21. Pornography, ethics, and video games.Stephanie Patridge - 2013 - Ethics and Information Technology 15 (1):25-34.
    In a recent and provocative essay, Christopher Bartel attempts to resolve the gamer’s dilemma. The dilemma, formulated by Morgan Luck, goes as follows: there is no principled distinction between virtual murder and virtual pedophilia. So, we’ll have to give up either our intuition that virtual murder is morally permissible—seemingly leaving us over-moralizing our gameplay—or our intuition that acts of virtual pedophilia are morally troubling—seemingly leaving us under-moralizing our game play. Bartel’s attempted resolution relies on establishing the following three theses: (1) (...)
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  22. Why Pornography Can't Be Art.Christy Mag Uidhir - 2009 - Philosophy and Literature 33 (1):193-203.
    Claims that pornography cannot be art typically depend on controversial claims about essential value differences (moral, aesthetic) between pornography and art. In this paper, I offer a value-neutral exclusionary claim, showing pornography to be descriptively at odds with art. I then show how my view is an improvement on similar claims made by Jerrold Levinson. Finally I draw parallels between art and pornography and art and advertising as well as show that my view is consistent with (...)
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  23. Pornography and Dehumanization: The Essentialist Dimension.Eleonore Neufeld - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (4):703-717.
    The objective of this paper is to show that pornography dehumanizes women through essentialization. First, I argue that certain acts of subject-essentialization are acts of subject-dehumanization. Second, I demonstrate, by reviewing evidence about the linguistic material that we find in and around pornography, that pornography systematically deploys content that essentializes women in the ways identified as problematic. It follows that pornography dehumanizes women.
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    Continuous culture techniques as simulators for standard cells: Jacques Monod’s, Aron Novick’s and Leo Szilard’s quantitative approach to microbiology.Gabriele Gramelsberger - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (1):23.
    Continuous culture techniques were developed in the early twentieth century to replace cumbersome studies of cell growth in batch cultures. In contrast to batch cultures, they constituted an open concept, as cells are forced to proliferate by adding new medium while cell suspension is constantly removed. During the 1940s and 1950s new devices have been designed—called “automatic syringe mechanism,” “turbidostat,” “chemostat,” “bactogen,” and “microbial auxanometer”—which allowed increasingly accurate quantitative measurements of bacterial growth. With these devices cell growth came under the (...)
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    Model Organisms as Simulators: The Context of Cross-Species Research and Emergence.Sim-Hui Tee - 2019 - Axiomathes 29 (4):363-382.
    Model organisms are a living form of scientific models. Despite the widespread use of model organisms in scientific research, the actual representational relationship between model organisms and their target species is often poorly characterized in the context of cross-species research. Many model organisms do not represent the target species adequately, let alone accurately. This is partly due to the complex and emergent life phenomena in the organism, and partly due to the fact that a model organism is always taken to (...)
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  26. Pornography.Lori Watson - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (7):535-550.
    This article provides an overview of the key philosophical themes and debates in discussions of pornography. In particular, I consider the major positions on how pornography ought to be defined, when (and if ) it should be regulated, whether it is best understood as speech (or action), whether there is evidence that is it harmful. I argue in favor of what is known as the civil rights approach to pornography, as reflected in the work of Catharine MacKinnon.
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    Pornography and Profanation in the Political Philosophy of Giorgio Agamben.Sergei Prozorov - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (4):71-95.
    The article addresses the critical strategy of profanation in the philosophy of Giorgio Agamben, focusing on the example of pornography. Agamben’s references to pornography as a site of radical political transformation have recently been criticized as abstruse, vacuous or absurd. Moreover, his own work on the concentration camps in the Homo Sacer series has been disparagingly referred to as ‘pornography of horror’. This article ventures to refute these accusations by interpreting Agamben’s paradigmatic use of pornography in (...)
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  28. On Pornography: MacKinnon, Speech Acts, and “False” Construction.Mary Kate Mcgowan - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (3):22-49.
    Although others have focused on Catharine MacKinnon's claim that pornography subordinates and silences women, I here focus on her claim that pornography constructs women's nature and that this construction is, in some sense, false. Since it is unclear how pornography, as speech, can construct facts and how constructed facts can nevertheless be false, MacKinnon's claim requires elucidation. Appealing to speech act theory, I introduce an analysis of the erroneous verdictive and use it to make sense of MacKinnon's (...)
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    Consuming Schooling: Education as Simulation.Trevor Norris - 2007 - Philosophy of Education 63:162-171.
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  30. Part Six : Epistemology and Feminist Perspectives. Rape Culture and Epistemology / Bianca Crewe and Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa ; Feminist Pornography as Feminist Propaganda, and Ideological Catch-22s.Aidan McGlynn - 2021 - In Jennifer Lackey, Applied Epistemology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  31. Indexicals, speech acts and pornography.Claudia Bianchi - 2008 - Analysis 68 (4):310-316.
    In the last twenty years, recorded messages and written notes have become a significant test and an intriguing puzzle for the semantics of indexical expressions (see Smith 1989, Predelli 1996, 1998a,1998b, 2002, Corazza et al. 2002, Romdenh-Romluc 2002). In particular, the intention-based approach proposed by Stefano Predelli has proven to bear interesting relations to several major questions in philosophy of language. In a recent paper (Saul 2006), Jennifer Saul draws on the literature on indexicals and recorded messages in order to (...)
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  32. Anti-pornography.Bence Nanay - 2012 - In Hans Maes & Jerrold Levinson, Art and Pornography: Philosophical Essays. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    One striking feature of pornographic images is that they emphasize what is depicted and underplay the way it is depicted: the experience of pornography rarely involves awareness of the picture’s composition or of visual rhyme. There are various ways of making this distinction between what is depicted in a picture and the way the depicted object is depicted in it. Following Richard Wollheim, I call these two aspects, the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of pictorial representation ‘recognitional’ and ‘configurational’, respectively. Some (...)
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    Pornography addiction: The fabrication of a transient sexual disease.Kris Taylor - 2019 - History of the Human Sciences 32 (5):56-83.
    While pornography addiction currently circulates as a comprehensible, diagnosable, and describable way to make sense of some people’s ostensibly problematic relationship with pornography, such a comprehensive description of this relationship has only recently been made possible. The current analysis makes visible pornography addiction as situated within a varied history of concerns about pornography, masturbation, fantasy, and technology in an effort to bring to bear a conceptual critique of the modern concept of pornography addiction. Such a (...)
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  34. Pornographic Subordination: How Pornography Silences Women.Lynne Tirrell - 1999 - In Claudia Card, Feminist Ethics and Politics. University Press of Kansas.
    Making sense of MacKinnon’s claim that pornography silences women requires attention to the discursive and interpretive frameworks that pornography establishes and promotes. Treating pornography as a form of hate speech is promising, but also limited. A close examination of a legal case, in which pornographic images were used to sexually harass, focuses on the hate speech analogy while illustrating the broad and lasting impact of such depictions when targeted at an individual. Applying the distinction between Absolutist and (...)
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    Pornography and imagining about oneself.Kathleen Stock - 2012 - In Hans Maes & Jerrold Levinson, Art and Pornography: Philosophical Essays. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 116-136.
    It has seemed to some compelling that construing imagining in relation to fictional events as imagining being aware of those events provides a good explanation of our emotional responses to them. Call this ‘the argument from affective response’. Versions of this argument have been advanced by Kendall Walton and Jerrold Levinson. A more localised version of it, with respect to pornography, is that construing imagining in relation to events represented in pornography as imagining being aware of them provides (...)
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    Pornography and Art: The Case of "Jenny".Robin Sheets - 1988 - Critical Inquiry 14 (2):315-334.
    In contrast to [Susan] Sontag, who used the tools of literary criticism to evaluate sexually explicit fiction, I will use the conventions of pornography to interpret a dramatic monologue in which an expected sexual encounter fails to take place. In analyzing Rossetti’s “Jenny,” I will employ an interpretive model based on the work of [Steven] Marcus, [Susan] Griffin, and [Andrea] Dworkin. Despite different assumptions about sexuality—Marcus is a Freudian, Griffin believes in a mystical eros residing in the psyche and (...)
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  37. What is pornography?Michael C. Rea - 2001 - Noûs 35 (1):118–145.
    This paper aims to provide a "real", as opposed to "merely stipulative", definition of "pornography". The paper first argues that no extant definition of "pornography" comes close to being a real definition, and then goes on to defend a novel definition by showing how it avoids objections that plague its rivals.
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  38. The Fictional Character of Pornography.Shen-yi Liao & Sara Protasi - 2013 - In Hans Maes, Pornographic Art and the Aesthetics of Pornography. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 100-118.
    We refine a line of feminist criticism of pornography that focuses on pornographic works' pernicious effects. A.W. Eaton argues that inegalitarian pornography should be criticized because it is responsible for its consumers’ adoption of inegalitarian attitudes toward sex in the same way that other fictions are responsible for changes in their consumers’ attitudes. We argue that her argument can be improved with the recognition that different fictions can have different modes of persuasion. This is true of film and (...)
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  39. Robust simulations.Ryan Muldoon - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (5):873-883.
    As scientists begin to study increasingly complex questions, many have turned to computer simulation to assist in their inquiry. This methodology has been challenged by both analytic modelers and experimentalists. A primary objection of analytic modelers is that simulations are simply too complicated to perform model verification. From the experimentalist perspective it is that there is no means to demonstrate the reality of simulation. The aim of this paper is to consider objections from both of these perspectives, and (...)
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    The performativity of pain: affective excess and Asian women’s sexuality in cyberspace.L. Ayu Saraswati - 2016 - Diogenes 63 (1-2):102-118.
    This article employs a thumbs and thumbnails analysis to analyze the 85 most viewed Asian online porn thumbnails, videos, and their audiences’ comments to argue that cyberspace functions as a space of “affective simulation,” rather than simply as a space of representation. For these online viewers, the performativity of pain by Asian women porn stars functions as an entry point to access and externalize their affective excess.
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  41. Pornography Embodied: From Speech to Sexual Practice.Joan Mason-Grant - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    What does it mean to re-conceptualize pornography as a material practice rather than as speech? Sidestepping the legal debates over their civil ordinance, and drawing on phenomenology of the lived body, Mason-Grant returns to the innovative core of the Dworkin-MacKinnon critique of mainstream pornography. She develops a "practice paradigm" that captures and extends their insights, showing how the use of mass-market heterosexual pornography contributes to the cultivation of troubling forms of sexual know-how.
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    An explorative study of experiences of healthcare providers posing as simulated care receivers in a 'care-ethical' lab.Linus Vanlaere, Madeleine Timmermann, Marleen Stevens & Chris Gastmans - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (1):68-79.
    In recent approaches to ethics, the personal involvement of health care providers and their empathy are perceived as important elements of an overall ethical ability. Experiential working methods are used in ethics education to foster, inter alia, empathy. In 2008, the care-ethics lab ‘sTimul’ was founded in Flanders, Belgium, to provide training that focuses on improving care providers' ethical abilities through experiential working simulations. The curriculum of sTimul focuses on empathy sessions, aimed at care providers' empathic skills. The present study (...)
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  43. Pornography.Susan Dwyer - 2008 - In Paisley Livingston & Carl R. Plantinga, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film. New York: Routledge.
    Pornography has attracted a good deal of academic and political attention, primarily from feminists of various persuasions, moral philosophers, and legal scholars. Surprisingly less work has been forthcoming from film theorists, given how much pornography has been produced on video and DVD and is now available through live streaming video over the Internet. Indeed, it is not until 1989, with the publication of Linda Williams’ groundbreaking Hard Core, that pornography is distinguished, in terms of its content, intent, (...)
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  44. Pornography and Public Reason.Lori Watson - 2007 - Social Theory and Practice 33 (3):467-488.
    This paper has two major goals: First, I argue that Catharine MacKinnon’s and Andrea Dworkin’s anti-pornography activism was an act of public reason and their arguments public reasons arguments. Thus, MacKinnon’s argument that pornography is best understood as a practice of sex discrimination is a public reason argument—and so can be defended as grounded in liberal political principles. Political liberalism, as I defend it, can support MacKinnon’s approach to pornography as embodied in a civil rights ordinance. By (...)
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    War as Pornography.Samuel Hazo - 2021 - Renascence 73 (4):259-265.
    Pornography has been defined as sex separated from personality. In other words, life’s deepest need to express desire and affection and perpetuate the species is reduced to appetite and the satisfaction of appetite. War in many ways does the same. It depersonalizes killing by pitting stranger against stranger—uniformed or otherwise. Fatalities are reduced to numbers. Such killings are dignified by slogans (“Vietnamizing the Vietnamese” or “Operation Iraqi Freedom”),. Preparing troops for the killings in war is everything from oratory to (...)
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    The Pornography of Power. [REVIEW]O. H. S. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (2):354-354.
    Rubinoff is a moralist standing firmly in the tradition of Paul Goodman, Jules Henry, Edgar Friedenberg, et al., and as such he measures up well. The signal point of difference between Rubinoff and these others is that they speak with a sociological voice, Rubinoff with a philosophical one; but the messages are similar: we are floundering in a world decaying because it is filled with people who are floundering, stupid, and/or evil. As philosopher, Rubinoff draws upon his philosophical resources to (...)
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  47. The Simulation Hypothesis, Social Knowledge, and a Meaningful Life.Grace Helton - 2024 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind 4:447-60.
    In Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy, David Chalmers argues, among other things, that: if we are living in a full-scale simulation, we would still enjoy broad swathes of knowledge about non-psychological entities, such as atoms and shrubs; and, our lives might still be deeply meaningful. Chalmers views these claims as at least weakly connected: The former claim helps forestall a concern that if objects in the simulation are not genuine (and so not knowable), then life (...)
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  48. Testimonial Injustice, Pornography, and Silencing.Aidan McGlynn - 2019 - Analytic Philosophy 60 (4):405-417.
    In this paper, I develop two criticisms of Miranda Fricker’s attempt to offer an interpretation of MacKinnon’s claim that pornography silences women that conceives of the silencing in question as an extreme form of testimonial injustice. The intended contrast is with the speech act theoretical model of silencing familiar from Rae Langton and Jennifer Hornsby, who appeal to MacKinnon’s claim to argue against the standard liberal line on pornography, which takes a permissive stance to be demanded by a (...)
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  49. (1 other version)On pornography: Mackinnon, speech acts, and "false" construction.Mary Kathryn McGowan - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (3):22-49.
    : Although others have focused on Catharine MacKinnon's claim that pornography subordinates and silences women, I here focus on her claim that pornography constructs women's nature and that this construction is, in some sense, false. Since it is unclear how pornography, as speech, can construct facts and how constructed facts can nevertheless be false, MacKinnon's claim requires elucidation. Appealing to speech act theory, I introduce an analysis of the erroneous verdictive and use it to make sense of (...)
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    Breaking the epistemic pornography habit.Andrew D. Spear - 2019 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 18 (1):83-104.
    Purpose This paper aims to analyze some of the epistemically pernicious effects of the use of the internet and social media. In light of this analysis, it introduces the concept of epistemic pornography and argues that epistemic agents both can and should avoid consuming and sharing epistemic pornography. Design/methodology/approach The paper draws on research on epistemic virtue, cognitive biases, social media use and its epistemic consequences, fake news, paternalistic nudging, pornography, moral philosophy, moral elevation and moral exemplar (...)
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