Results for 'productive ambiguity'

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  1.  51
    Representation and productive ambiguity in mathematics and the sciences.Emily Grosholz - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Viewed this way, the texts yield striking examples of language and notation that are irreducibly ambiguous and productive because they are ambiguous.
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    The productive ambiguity of Venn’s three circles.Jens Lemanski & Amirouche Moktefi - 2020 - In Kristof Nyiri, András Benedek & Petra Aczel (eds.), How Images Behave: 9th Budapest Visual Learning Conference, Budapest, 26 November 2020. Hungarian Academy of Sciences. pp. 245-248.
    It is not rare to meet in scientific literature with a figure made of three circles, intersecting in such a way as to delineate all the combinations of the components that they stand for. This figure is commonly known as a ‘Venn diagram’ or ‘Venn’s three circles’. In this paper, we argue that many so-called Venn diagrams found in modern scientific literature do not truly depict intersections, and hence, are not true Venn diagrams.
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  3. Representation and Productive Ambiguity in Mathematics and the Sciences.Emily R. Grosholz - 2006 - Studia Leibnitiana 38 (2):244-246.
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    Productive Ambiguity in Leibniz’s Representation of Infinitesimals.Emily Grosholz - 2008 - In Douglas Jesseph & Ursula Goldenbaum (eds.), Infinitesimal Differences: Controversies Between Leibniz and His Contemporaries. Walter de Gruyter.
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    Emily R. Grosholz * Representation and Productive Ambiguity in Mathematics and the Sciences.Steven French - 2011 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62 (4):895-898.
  6.  48
    Emily R. Grosholz. Representation and Productive Ambiguity in Mathematics and the Sciences. xviii + 313 pp., figs., bibl., index. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. $63. [REVIEW]Sorin Bangu - 2009 - Isis 100 (1):137-139.
    Book review of Emily Grosholz's Representation and Productive Ambiguity in Mathematics and the Sciences (2007).
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  7. EMILY R. GROSHOLZ: Representation and Productive Ambiguity in Mathematics and the Sciences.Norma B. Goethe - 2006 - Studia Leibnitiana 38 (2).
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  8. The Productive Power of Ambiguity: Rethinking Homosexuality through the Virtual and Developmental Systems Theory.Ann Burlein - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (1):21-53.
    This paper juxtaposes Deleuze's notion of the virtual alongside Oyama's notion of a developmental system in order to explore the promises and perils of thinking bodily identity as indeterminate at a time when new technologies render bodily ambiguity increasingly productive of both economic profit and power relations.
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    Review of Emily R. Grosholz, Representation and Productive Ambiguity in Mathematics and the Sciences[REVIEW]Doug Jesseph - 2008 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2008 (5).
  10.  40
    EMILY R. GROSHOLZ. Representation and Productive Ambiguity in Mathematics and the Sciences. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. ISBN 978-0-19-929973-7. Pp. viii + 313. [REVIEW]B. P. Larvor - 2012 - Philosophia Mathematica 20 (2):245-252.
  11. On the Ambiguities of the Term Judgement. An Evaluation of Twardowski's Distinction between Action and Product.Maria van der Schaar - unknown
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    Is “Argument” subject to the product/process ambiguity?Geoff Goddu - 2011 - Informal Logic 31 (2):75-88.
    The product/process distinction with regards to “argument” has a longstanding history and foundational role in argumentation theory. I shall argue that, regardless of one’s chosen ontology of arguments, arguments are not the product of some process of arguing. Hence, appeal to the distinction is distorting the very organizational foundations of argumentation theory and should be abandoned.
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  13. The prosody of German pp-attachment ambiguities: Evidence from production and perception.Susann Lingel, Sandra Pappert & Thomas Pechmann - 2006 - Cognition 22 (3):714-735.
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    The ambiguity of value.Jarkko Erikshammar, Anders Björnfot & Viktor Gardelli - unknown
    'Value' is a central concept in all of the principles and methods applied in Lean Construction, but it is rather difficult to provide a precise definition of the term. The problem lies in the word value itself: its ambiguity and vagueness make theorization difficult. This paper investigates the philosophical concept of value from a Lean Construction perspective. Several elements that contribute to value are considered, including objective elements such as waste reduction, quality, price and functionality, and more subjective elements (...)
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  15. Explaining ambiguity in scientific language.Beckett Sterner - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-27.
    The idea that ambiguity can be productive in data science remains controversial. Efforts to make scientific publications and data intelligible to computers generally assume that accommodating multiple meanings for words, known as polysemy, undermines reasoning and communication. This assumption has nonetheless been contested by historians, philosophers, and social scientists, who have applied qualitative research methods to demonstrate the generative and strategic value of polysemy. Recent quantitative results from linguistics have also shown how polysemy can actually improve the efficiency (...)
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  16. Actions, Products, Demonstrations.Tadeusz Ciecierski - 2023 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 30 (1):102-126.
    As it is broadly accepted, typical uses of demonstratives are accompanied by demonstrations. The concept of demonstration, however, manifests the action–product ambiguity analogous to that visible in the opposition between jumping and the resulting jump, talking and the resulting talk or crying and the resulting cry. It is also a heterogeneous concept that enables demonstrations to vary significantly. The present paper discusses action–product ambiguity as applied to demonstrations as well as the heterogeneity of the latter. An account that (...)
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  17.  57
    On the Intrinsically Ambiguous Nature of Space-Time Diagrams.Elie During - 2012 - Spontaneous Generations 6 (1):160-171.
    When the German mathematician Hermann Minkowski first introduced the space-time diagrams that came to be associated with his name, the idea of picturing motion by geometric means, holding time as a fourth dimension of space, was hardly new. But the pictorial device invented by Minkowski was tailor-made for a peculiar variety of space-time: the one imposed by the kinematics of Einstein’s special theory of relativity, with its unified, non-Euclidean underlying geometric structure. By plo tting two or more reference frames in (...)
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    Ambiguous Musical Practice: Rethinking Social Analysis of Music Educational Practice.Kim Boeskov - 2022 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 30 (2):163-182.
    Abstract:Music education holds an ambiguous relationship to social justice and social change; it is both complicit in perpetuating relations of inequality and a potential force for positive change. There is a need to turn the ambiguity of music’s social function—the simultaneous production of transformative and reproductive social processes—into the foundational premise of social analysis of music educational practice. Based on a discussion of ideas derived from social theory, feminist philosophy, and critical musicology concerning the performative constitution of agency and (...)
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  19.  11
    The ambiguities of history: the problem of ethnocentrism in historical writing.Finn Fuglestad - 2005 - Oslo: Unipub.
    This book argues that history may, by definition, be an imperialist science or a quintessentially Western form of discourse. Finn Fuglestad thinks there is something profoundly ambiguous about the science or academic discipline we call history. It is the only science that is the product of its own object of study, the past, an object outside of which it cannot exist. It is also the only science that can study itself. The author argues that history has a relationship with one (...)
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    Essentially Ambiguous Concepts and the Fuller-Hart-Dworkin Debate.Wibren van der Burg - 2009 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 95 (3):305-326.
    Concepts such as law, religion or morality may refer both to a practice (or process) and to a doctrine (or product). My thesis is that we should not regard these as separate phenomena, but as two partly incompatible models of the same phenomenon. Law, religion and morality are therefore essentially ambiguous concepts (EAC). An EAC is a concept which refers to a dynamic phenomenon that may only be described and modeled in at least two different ways that are each essentially (...)
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  21. Putting Ambiguity to Work: Biodiversity and Rules of Engagement for Vagueness in Science.Charles H. Pence - 2024 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 11 (1):5-15.
    ‘Biodiversity’ is widely recognized as an extremely ambiguous concept in conservation science and ecology. It is defined in a number of different and incompatible ways in the scientific literature, and is also “exported” beyond the scientific community, where it may take on a host of other meanings for governments, policy-makers, non-governmental organizations, and the general public at large. One might respond to this ambiguity by either pushing for its clarification, and by extension the adoption of a single, univocal biodiversity (...)
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  22. Is 'Cause' Ambiguous?Phil Corkum - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179:2945-71.
    Causal pluralists hold that that there is not just one determinate kind of causation. Some causal pluralists hold that ‘cause’ is ambiguous among these different kinds. For example, Hall (2004) argues that ‘cause’ is ambiguous between two causal relations, which he labels dependence and production. The view that ‘cause’ is ambiguous, however, wrongly predicts zeugmatic conjunction reduction, and wrongly predicts the behaviour of ellipsis in causal discourse. So ‘cause’ is not ambiguous. If we are to disentangle causal pluralism from the (...)
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  23. Do Ambiguities in International Humanitarian Law make Cyberattacks more Advantageous?Damian Williams - forthcoming - Forthcoming.
    Does it seem that with each reported state cyberattack, there comes an announcement of discovery, an attribution to one of a handful of usual suspects, some threatening language suggesting imminent retribution, and then nothing more? Increased incidence of cyberattack makes its occurrence seem simultaneously rampant in terms of publicity and minimal in terms of threat of war. If rampant, how can repeated deployment by the same actors carry no punitive consequences? How is such audaciousness tolerated? For some, a cyberattack by (...)
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    Self-illness ambiguity, affectivity, and affordances.Michelle Maiese - 2022 - Philosophical Explorations 25 (3):363-366.
    Self-illness ambiguity involves difficulty distinguishing between patterns of thought, feeling, and action that are the ‘products’ of one's illness and those that are genuinely one's own. Bortolan maintains that the values, cares, and preferences that define someone’s personal identity are rooted in intentional emotions and non-intentional affects (i.e., existential feelings and moods). The uncertainty that comprises self-illness ambiguity results from the experience of moods or existential feelings that are in tension with ones that the patient experienced prior to (...)
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    The Ambiguity of the Modern Conception of Autonomy and the Paradox of Culture.Dominique Bouchet - 2007 - Thesis Eleven 88 (1):31-54.
    Grounded in newer French socio-political philosophy, this text deals with the paradoxical situation in which the interpretation of society as well as the relation between the individual and the social remains ambiguous even though autonomy and interrogation of the social emerges: Autonomy remains trapped between transcendence and immanence. Modernity is when society claims to know that it has to produce its own myths. Traditional societies did not relate to their myths as if they were their own products. Nevertheless, as soon (...)
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    Ambiguity, Ambivalence, and Activism: Data Organizing Inside the Institution.Leah Horgan & Paul Dourish - 2018 - Krisis | Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 38 (1):72-84.
    Investigations of data-centered efforts in advocacy and activism are often cast in terms of a narrative of opposition between grassroots activists working through and with data, and corporations or institutions whose actions data might expose. The boundaries are, however, not so distinct in practice. Indeed, one outcome of successful advocacy efforts for opening big data to the public is that the activists may find themselves drawn into the institutions they critique or view as impediments in order to actualize those efforts (...)
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    Practical objectivity: The excise, state, and production in eighteenth century England.William J. Ashworth - 2004 - Social Epistemology 18 (2 & 3):181 – 197.
    During eighteenth century England the Excise Department was at the vanguard of negotiating the criteria and parameters of what I call "practical objectivity", namely, putting objectivity into administrative practice. This frequently required both the space of production and the actual product to be reconfigured to meet the criteria of the excise's form of measurement. As this essay shows this was a contested, mutable and ambiguous process. Within this context ultimate agreement over objectivity was administratively rather than philosophically driven.
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    Thin blue lines: product placement and the drama of pregnancy testing in British cinema and television.Jesse Olszynko-Gryn - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Science 50 (3):495-520.
    This article uses the case of pregnancy testing in Britain to investigate the process whereby new and often controversial reproductive technologies are made visible and normalized in mainstream entertainment media. It shows how in the 1980s and 1990s the then nascent product placement industry was instrumental in embedding pregnancy testing in British cinema and television's dramatic productions. In this period, the pregnancy-test close-up became a conventional trope and the thin blue lines associated with Unilever's Clearblue rose to prominence in mainstream (...)
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    Isolated Environmental Cues and Product Efficacy Penalties: The Color Green and Eco-labels.Ethan Pancer, Lindsay McShane & Theodore J. Noseworthy - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (1):159-177.
    The current work examines how cues traditionally used to signal environmental friendliness, specifically the color green and eco-labels, and influence product efficacy perceptions and subsequent purchase intentions. Across three experiments, we find that environmental cues used in isolation reduce perceptions of product efficacy. We argue that this efficacy discounting effect occurs because the isolated use of an environmental cue introduces category ambiguity by activating competing functionality and environmentally friendly schemas during evaluation. We discuss the implications of our findings for (...)
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    Managing the ambiguous and conflicting identities of `upline' and `downline' in a network marketing firm.Kenneth C. C. Kong - 2002 - Discourse Studies 4 (1):49-74.
    This is a study of how ambiguous identities are interactionally managed in network marketing discourse. Network marketing, as an enterprise `using' friendship to promote products, has been notorious for its exploitative use of interpersonal meaning. In this study, the interactions between supervisors and subordinates in network marketing firms have been studied and their relationship was found to be ambiguous and conflicting. On the one hand, they are `friends' because of the strong emphasis on rapport and harmony in the philosophy of (...)
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    Epistemological or Political? Unpacking Ambiguities in the Field of Interdisciplinarity Studies.Dorte Madsen - 2018 - Minerva 56 (4):453-477.
    This paper unpacks ambiguities in the field of interdisciplinarity studies, explores where they come from and how they inhibit consolidation of the field. The paper takes its point of departure in two central fault lines in the literature: the relationship between interdisciplinarity and disciplinarity and the question of whether integration is a necessary prerequisite for interdisciplinarity. Opposite positions on the fault lines are drawn out to identify sources of ambiguities, and to examine whether the positions are irreconcilable - or disagreements (...)
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  32. The Fallacy of Self-Referencing Images: The Use of Ambiguous Characters in Moving Images through the Form of Painting.Yu Yang - 2021 - Riact-Revista de Investigação Artística, Criação e Tecnologia 3:13-35.
    Connecting research and production, art research represents a breaking of the barrier between creation and academia. However, there is also a contradiction contained in this kind of research deriving from its methods, since the process of art-based practice must, by its very nature, involve the subjectivity of the artist. I use my own studies as the research object to discuss this issue, and this article presents the problems I encountered during my artistic practice and research of ambiguous roles. This paper (...)
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  33. “The Lost Foundation”: Kristeva's Semiotic Chora and Its Ambiguous Legacy.Maria Margaroni - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (1):78-98.
    The aim of this essay is to reclaim Kristeva's concept of the semiotic chora by re-inscribing it as an intervention in the context of two important postmodern debates. The first debate relates to the philosophical problem of “the beginning before the Beginning.” The second concerns the necessity and possibility of mediation between incommensurable entities: the “demonic” and the social, desire and the Law, material production and representation. I contend: that the introduction of the chora in RPL is part of Kristeva's (...)
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    The Fundamental Ambiguity of Kant’s Teleology of Reason.Courtney D. Fugate - 2019 - In Paula Órdenes & Anna Pickhan (eds.), Teleologische Reflexion in Kants Philosophie. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 11-37.
    In a previous study, I argued that Kant was guided throughout his intellectual career by a few fundamental insights regarding what, broadly, has been called “teleology.” In particular, I argued that Kant’s Critical and utterly original conception of the structure and unity of reason as teleological evolved out of his pre-Critical attempts to perfect the theocentric teleology typical of – to take just two relevant examples – Christian Wolff and Alexander Pope. In this process, Kant came to the general view (...)
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  35.  13
    Irony, misogyny and interpretation: ambiguous authority in Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard and Nietzsche.Tom Grimwood - 2012 - Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    "What is it to claim that misogyny might be ironic? Why is it that, in the works of Nietzsche, Kierkegaard and Schopenhauer, the possibility of irony constantly interferes with a conclusive ethical judgment over the meaning of their misogyny? How do we hold our interpretations of such ambiguous texts ethically accountable? This book brings together the driving concerns of hermeneutics, feminist philosophy and the history of philosophy in dealing with the problem of irony. It develops a thematic account of the (...)
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  36.  71
    Can visual cognitive neuroscience learn anything from the philosophy of language? Ambiguity and the topology of neural network models of multistable perception.Philipp Koralus - 2016 - Synthese 193 (5):1409-1432.
    The Necker cube and the productive class of related stimuli involving multiple depth interpretations driven by corner-like line junctions are often taken to be ambiguous. This idea is normally taken to be as little in need of defense as the claim that the Necker cube gives rise to multiple distinct percepts. In the philosophy of language, it is taken to be a substantive question whether a stimulus that affords multiple interpretations is a case of ambiguity. If we take (...)
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  37.  68
    " Violence Is Not an Evil": Ambiguity and Violence in Simone de Beauvoir's Early Philosophical Writings.Ann V. Murphy - 2011 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 1 (1):29-44.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“Violence Is Not an Evil”Ambiguity and Violence in Simone de Beauvoir’s Early Philosophical WritingsAnn V. MurphyThe recent translation and compilation of several of Simone de Beauvoir’s philosophical essays from the 1940s shed new light on Beauvoir’s understanding of the relationship between ethics and violence. While these essays predate the publication of The Second Sex (1949) and do not concern themselves with the subject of feminism per se, Beauvoir’s (...)
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    Gift exchange or quid pro quo? Temporality, ambiguity, and stigma in interactions between pedestrians and service-providing panhandlers.Mary Patrick - 2018 - Theory and Society 47 (4):487-509.
    Based on ethnographic fieldwork with panhandlers who provide services while asking for money, informal interviews with pedestrians who have interacted with them, and formal interviews with twenty people who regularly interact with panhandlers, this article unpacks the relationship between temporality and ambiguity of meaning in exchange. In line with previous research, I find that providing a service while asking for money allows panhandlers to manage stigma by recasting their relationship with pedestrians who give as a market exchange. More surprisingly, (...)
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  39.  23
    Pragmatic interpretation and the production of ideographic codes.Leda Berio, Berke Can, Katharina Helming, Giulia Palazzolo & Richard Moore - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e236.
    We argue that the problem of ideographic codes stems from neither learnability nor standardization, but from a general issue of pragmatic interpretation. As ideographic codes increase in expressive power, in order to reduce ambiguity, they must become more detailed – such that production becomes more cumbersome, and requires greater artistry on the part of users, limiting their capacity for growth.
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    Education, learning and understanding: The process and the product.David Carr - 1992 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 26 (2):215–225.
    ABSTRACT Recent educational theorising about the nature of teaching, learning and assessment has made much of a distinction between processes and products and of so-called process models of education und curriculum. Following on from reflections on the historical provenance and subsequent evolution of process talk in psychology and the philosophy of mind it is argued in this article that such talk can only import serious conceptual confusion and ambiguity into our attempts to understand clearly and adequately the business of (...)
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  41. Improving the market for livestock production households to alleviate food insecurity in the Philippines.Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Adrino Mazenda, Tam-Tri Le, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Food security is one of the major concerns in the Philippines. Although livestock and poultry production accounts for a significant proportion of the country’s agricultural output, smallholder households are still vulnerable to food insecurity. The current study aims to examine how livestock production and selling difficulties affect smallholder households’ food-insecure conditions. For this objective, Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF) analytics was employed on a dataset of the Food and Agriculture Organization’s Data in Emergencies Monitoring (DIEM) system. We found that production and (...)
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  42. “Facts of nature or products of reason? - Edgar Zilsel caught between ontological and epistemic conceptions of natural laws”.Donata Romizi - 2022 - In Donata Romizi, Monika Wulz & Elisabeth Nemeth (eds.), Edgar Zilsel: Philosopher, Historian, Sociologist. (Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook, vol. 27). Cham: Springer Nature.
    In this paper, I reconstruct the development and the complex character of Zilsel’s conception of scientific laws. This concept functions as a fil rouge for understanding Zilsel’s philosophy throughout different times (here, the focus is on his Viennese writings and how they pave the way to the more renown American ones) and across his many fields of work (from physics to politics). A good decade before Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle was going to mark the outbreak of indeterminism in quantum physics, Edgar (...)
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    How normal meat becomes stranger as cultured meat becomes more normal; Ambivalence and ambiguity below the surface of behaviour.Cor Weele & C. P. G. Driessen - 2019 - Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 2019.
    Although most people still behave like happy meat eaters, there are good reasons to think that many are in fact ambivalent about meat. Following up on earlier findings, in this paper we describe how, in focus groups, cultured meat triggered much discussion about meat, especially among older people. While young people wondered whether they would eat cultured meat products, older people thought about diet changes in a historical perspective and wondered if and how cultured meat might become a societal success. (...)
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    The value of information under ambiguity: a theoretical and experimental study on pest management in agriculture.Pascal Toquebeuf, Sabrina Teyssier, Stéphane Lemarié & Stéphane Couture - 2023 - Theory and Decision 96 (1):19-47.
    This article addresses the value of information that affects the ambiguity faced by a decision maker. Our analysis is applied to the case of a farmer whose production can be damaged by a pest attack with unknown probability, this damage being reduced if the farmer decides to use a pesticide. Early warning systems have precisely been implemented in many countries to help farmers avoid inappropriate decisions in terms of pesticide use. We investigate, both theoretically and experimentally, how farmers value (...)
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    Inside the snow globe: Pragmatisms, belief and the ambiguous objectivity of the imaginary.Emma Whittaker - 2015 - Technoetic Arts 13 (3):275-284.
    Relations between perceiving and knowing are well-worn problems that become visceral encounters with doubt and ambiguity in ‘mixed-reality’ environments. Locative narrative situates participants within stories where existent places function as the setting. Experiential confusion, between what is talked of as real and as imagined, is an often-reported phenomenon. Classical pragmatisms, and more broadly the writings of William James, understand the functioning of the body to be for the production of action, from which flows a naturalistic epistemology. for James, a (...)
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    Does Corporate Social Responsibility Always Result in More Ethical Decision-Making? Evidence from Product Recall Remediation.Alfred Z. Liu, Angela Xia Liu, Sangkil Moon & Donald Siegel - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-21.
    Recent research suggests that committing to corporate social responsibility (CSR) can induce moral licensing among employees, resulting in unethical behaviors. We extend this line of research and develop a theoretical framework to study how CSR influences managerial decision-making in crisis management. We test this theory in the context of product recall remediation. We examine under what circumstances CSR induces morally consistent or morally dubious recall remedial decisions and factors moderating this effect. We focus on two product recall remedial decisions that (...)
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    “We do this because the market demands it”: alternative meat production and the speciesist logic.Markus Lundström - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (1):127-136.
    The past decades’ substantial growth in globalized meat consumption continues to shape the international political economy of food and agriculture. This political economy of meat composes a site of contention; in Brazil, where livestock production is particularly thriving, large agri-food corporations are being challenged by alternative food networks. This article analyzes experiential and experimental accounts of such an actor—a collectivized pork cooperative tied to Brazil’s Landless Movement—which seeks to navigate the political economy of meat. The ethnographic case study documents these (...)
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  48. Uncanny Errors, Productive Contresens. Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenological Appropriation of Ferdinand de Saussure’s General Linguistics.Beata Stawarska - 2013 - Chiasmi International 15:151-165.
    Stawarska considers the ambiguities surrounding the antagonism between the phenomenological and the structuralist traditions by pointing out that the supposed foundation of structuralism, the Course in General Linguistics, was ghostwritten posthumously by two editors who projected a dogmatic doctrine onto Saussure’s lectures, while the authentic materials related to Saussure’s linguistics are teeming with phenomenological references. She then narrows the focus to Merleau-Ponty’s engagement with Saussure’s linguistics and argues that it offers an unusual, if not an uncanny, reading of the Course, (...)
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    Queering Gendering: Trans Epistemologies and the Disruption and Production of Gender Accomplishment Practices.Sonny Nordmarken - 2019 - Feminist Studies 45 (1):36-66.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:36 Feminist Studies 45, no. 1. © 2019 by Feminist Studies, Inc. Sonny Nordmarken Queering Gendering: Trans Epistemologies and the Disruption and Production of Gender Accomplishment Practices Those who are deemed “unreal” nevertheless lay hold of the real, a laying hold that happens in concert, and a vital instability is produced by that performative surprise. —Judith Butler, Gender Trouble Beginning in the 1960s, scholars began to theorize gender as (...)
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    The Grundlogik of German Idealism: The Ambiguity of the Hegel-Schelling Relationship in Žižek.Joseph Carew - 2011 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 5 (1):1.
    Following a series of textual gestures which suggest that Schelling is the culmination of the German Idealist tradition, this essay is an attempt to articulate the ambiguity of the Hegel-Schelling relationship in Slavoj Žižek's work and its productive potential. Characterizing his own dialectical materialism again and again as Hegelian, but never a Schellingian project, Žižek often belies the central role played by late Schelling of the Freiheitsschrift and the Weltalter in the self-unfolding logic of the tradition. But why (...)
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