Results for 'rational extension'

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  1.  96
    Rational Pavelka predicate logic is a conservative extension of łukasiewicz predicate logic.Petr Hajek, Jeff Paris & John Shepherdson - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):669-682.
    Rational Pavelka logic extends Lukasiewicz infinitely valued logic by adding truth constants r̄ for rationals in [0, 1]. We show that this is a conservative extension. We note that this shows that provability degree can be defined in Lukasiewicz logic. We also give a counterexample to a soundness theorem of Belluce and Chang published in 1963.
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    Rational choice: Extensions and revision.Julian Nida-Rümelin - 1994 - Ratio 7 (2):122-144.
    The rational choice paradigm has proved to be a fruitful means of analysis and explanation in various disciplines concerned with questions of practical rationality, but in various attempts to extend its fields of application the deficiencies of the original account of rational choice have become evident. This paper tries to give a systematic overview of ways in which the rational choice paradigm can be extended and modified.
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  3. A rational approach to animal rights: extensions in abolitionist theory.Corey Lee Wrenn - 2016 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Applying critical sociological theory, this book explores the shortcomings of popular tactics in animal liberation efforts. Building a case for a scientifically-grounded grassroots approach, it is argued that professionalized advocacy that works in the service of theistic, capitalist, patriarchal institutions will find difficulty achieving success.
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    Order extensions, budget correspondences, and rational choice.Susanne Fuchs-Seliger - 2012 - Theory and Decision 72 (4):431-444.
    This article is concerned with extensions of a continuous ordering R on a set X to a subset P of the power set of X. The underlying topology will be the Hausdorff metric topology. We will see that continuous extensions of R do not require that P contain every nonempty finite subset of X. Therefore, the analysis can be applied to consumer theory and inverse choice functions. In analogy to these functions budget correspondences are established which relate alternatives x with (...)
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  5. Life extension, human rights, and the rational refinement of repugnance.A. D. N. J. de Grey - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (11):659-663.
    On the ethics of extending human life: healthy people have a right to carry on livingHumanity has long demonstrated a paradoxical ambivalence concerning the extension of a healthy human lifespan. Modest health extension has been universally sought, whereas extreme health extension has been regarded as a snare and delusion—a dream beyond all others at first blush, but actually something we are better off without. The prevailing pace of biotechnological progress is bringing ever closer the day when humanity (...)
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    Rational beliefs in extensive games.Giacomo Bonanno - 1992 - Theory and Decision 33 (2):153-176.
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    Definability of the ring of integers in some infinite algebraic extensions of the rationals.Kenji Fukuzaki - 2012 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 58 (4-5):317-332.
    Let K be an infinite Galois extension of the rationals such that every finite subextension has odd degree over the rationals and its prime ideals dividing 2 are unramified. We show that its ring of integers is first-order definable in K. As an application we prove that equation image together with all its Galois subextensions are undecidable, where Δ is the set of all the prime integers which are congruent to −1 modulo 4.
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  8.  13
    A Rational Approach to Animal Rights: Extensions in Abolitionist Theory.Clifton P. Flynn - 2017 - Journal of Animal Ethics 7 (2):227-229.
  9.  96
    Common Knowledge of Rationality in Extensive Games.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2008 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 49 (3):261-280.
    We develop a logical system that captures two different interpretations of what extensive games model, and we apply this to a long-standing debate in game theory between those who defend the claim that common knowledge of rationality leads to backward induction or subgame perfect (Nash) equilibria and those who reject this claim. We show that a defense of the claim à la Aumann (1995) rests on a conception of extensive game playing as a one-shot event in combination with a principle (...)
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    On the standard and rational completeness of some axiomatic extensions of the monoidal t-Norm logic.Francesc Esteva, Joan Gispert, Lluís Godo & Franco Montagna - 2002 - Studia Logica 71 (2):199 - 226.
    The monoidal t-norm based logic MTL is obtained from Hájek''s Basic Fuzzy logic BL by dropping the divisibility condition for the strong (or monoidal) conjunction. Recently, Jenei and Montgana have shown MTL to be standard complete, i.e. complete with respect to the class of residuated lattices in the real unit interval [0,1] defined by left-continuous t-norms and their residua. Its corresponding algebraic semantics is given by pre-linear residuated lattices. In this paper we address the issue of standard and rational (...)
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  11.  22
    Extensions: Essays on Interpretation, Rationality, and the Closure of Modernism.Stephen H. Watson - 1992 - State University of New York Press.
    In ten essays, originally published 1987-91 and in some cases revised for the collection, Watson (philosophy, U. of Notre Dame) constructs a conception of rationality that moves between the extremes of the absolute and the ephemeral.
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    The Role of Ideas in the Extension and Limitation of Rationality.Wilbert E. Moore, Helmut Staubmann & Victor Lidz - 2018 - In Helmut Staubmann & Victor Lidz (eds.), Rationality in the Social Sciences: The Schumpeter-Parsons Seminar 1939-40 and Current Perspectives. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 61-68.
    A comparison of different societies shows that the cultural patterns of rationality differ considerably. Basic ideas within cultures are relevant to the significance of norms of rationality within a society. Decisive is the basic mode of orientation towards the empirical world. Two contradicting views on the status of rationality in primitive societies are contested. One view holds that – due to scarce technological means in the struggle for survival – early cultures are a kind of prototype of the rational (...)
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  13. Rational Dynamics and Epistemic Logic in Games.Johan van Benthem - unknown
    Game-theoretic solution concepts describe sets of strategy profiles that are optimal for all players in some plausible sense. Such sets are often found by recursive algorithms like iterated removal of strictly dominated strategies in strategic games, or backward induction in extensive games. Standard logical analyses of solution sets use assumptions about players in fixed epistemic models for a given game, such as mutual knowledge of rationality. In this paper, we propose a different perspective, analyzing solution algorithms as processes of learning (...)
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  14.  21
    Rational Choice, Collective Decisions, and Social Welfare.Kotaro Suzumura - 1983 - Cambridge University Press.
    Left freely to themselves, a group of rational individuals often fail to cooperate even when the product of social cooperation is beneficial to all. Hence, the author argues, a rule of collective decision making is clearly needed that specifies how social cooperation should be organised among contributing individuals. Suzumura gives a systematic presentation of the Arrovian impossibility theorems of social choice theory, so as to describe and enumerate the various factors that are responsible for the stability of the voluntary (...)
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  15.  23
    Communicative Rationality and Its Preconditions.Andrzej Maciej Kaniowski - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (2):77-92.
    The idea of rational understanding lays very close to the heart of Professor Janusz Kuczyński, an advocate of universalism as well as dialogue between diverse philosophical schools and worldviews, and doctoral advisor to the present paper’s author. This idea’s theoretical conceptualisation—a conceptualisation that has proven to be convincing and adequate to the conditions of the modern world—was developed by Professor Jürgen Habermas, whose ideas and theories were also the subject of a doctoral thesis written by this paper’s author in (...)
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    Rational Norms for Degreed Intention (and the Discrepancy between Theoretical and Practical Reason).Jay Jian - 2023 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (2):360-374.
    Given the success of the formal approach, within contemporary epistemology, to understanding degreed belief, some philosophers have recently considered its extension to the challenge of understanding intention. According to them, (1) intentions can also admit of degrees, as beliefs do, and (2) these degreed states are all governed by the norms of the probability calculus, such that the rational norms for belief and for intention exhibit certain structural similarity. This paper, however, raises some worries about (2). It considers (...)
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  17.  21
    Does collective rationality entail efficiency?Paul Weirich - 2010 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (2):308-322.
    Collective rationality in its ordinary sense is rationality’s extension to groups. It does not entail efficiency by definition. Showing that it entails efficiency requires a normative argument. Game theorists treating cooperative games generally assume that collective rationality entails efficiency, but formulating the reasoning that leads individuals to efficiency, and verifying the rationality of its steps, presents challenging philosophical issues. This paper constructs a framework for addressing those issues and reaches some preliminary results about the prospects of rational agents (...)
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  18.  1
    The Logic of Rational Play in Extensive Games.Giacomo Bonanno - 1987 - Nuffield College.
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    Rational Choice and Moral Agency.David Copp - 1999 - Philosophical Review 108 (2):297.
    The “ultimate objective” of this book, says David Schmidtz, “is to examine the degree to which being moral is co-extensive with being rational”. For Schmidtz, an “end” gives us a reason for action provided that its pursuit is not undercut by some other end. Morality has a two-part structure. A person’s goal is “moral” if “pursuing it helps [her] to develop in a reflectively rational way,” provided its pursuit does not violate “interpersonal moral constraints”. Interpersonal constraints are imposed (...)
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  20.  41
    Mencius’ extension of moral feelings: implications for cosmopolitan education.Charlene Tan - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (1):70-83.
    This article explores Mencius’ extension of moral feelings and its potential to address a key challenge in cosmopolitan education: how to motivate students to expand their existing affection and obligations towards their family and community to the rest of the world. Rather than strong universalism, a Mencian orientation is aligned with rooted cosmopolitanism that takes into account localised and cultural contexts that underpin, determine and give value to social practices. Mencius’ approach, as argued in this essay, highlights the spontaneous (...)
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  21.  11
    The Rationality of Changing Choice.Tapas Majumdar - 1980 - Analyse & Kritik 2 (2):172-178.
    Economists are used to associate the rationality of individual choice behaviour with simple and unchanging individual preference patterns, typically predicting unique behavioural outcomes in a choice situation − leaving little room for probing apparent inconsistencies (except in situations of game-theoretic stratagems used by the choosers), and no provision for analysing genuine dilemmas. The paper comments on the (in this respect) richer contents of two recent extensions of the concept of rational choice: the first involved in Sen’s theory of meta-ranking, (...)
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  22.  42
    Rational Public Opinion or its Manufacture? Reply to Page.George F. Bishop - 2008 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 20 (1-2):141-157.
    ABSTRACT Benjamin Page's thoughtful critique of my book, The Illusion of Public Opinion, strives to reassure readers that all is well—despite the book's extensive documentation of measurement‐error artifacts in numerous public opinion surveys. Page's own careful polling practices are not followed outside of elite academic survey centers. Moreover, even in such well‐run surveys, the respondents are often ignorant of the issues being probed. The fact that nonrandom reasons of some sort must be determining on‐the‐spot survey responses may allow us to (...)
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  23.  34
    The Rationality of Love.Hichem Naar - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
    The Rationality of Love addresses the question whether love belongs, paradoxically enough, to the realm of reason, whether love belongs to the class of responses, such as belief and action, that admit of norms of justification and rationality. Are there normative reasons to love someone? Can love be an appropriate or fitting response to an individual? Or is love, like perceptual experiences, sensations, and urges, the sort of thing we just have and for which we cannot be normatively criticizable? Ordinary (...)
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  24.  16
    (1 other version)Rational Decision and Causality.Ellery Eells - 1982 - Cambridge University Press.
    In past years, the traditional Bayesian theory of rational decision making, based on subjective calculations of expected utility, has faced powerful attack from philosophers such as David Lewis and Brian Skyrms, who advance an alternative causal decision theory. The test they present for the Bayesian is exemplified in the decision problem known as 'Newcomb's paradox' and in related decision problems and is held to support the prescriptions of the causal theory. As well as his conclusions, the concepts and methods (...)
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  25. Rationality, Relativism and Incommensurability.Howard Sankey - 1997 - Ashgate.
    This book concentrates on three topics: the problem of the semantic incommensurability of theories; the non-algorithmic character of rational scientific theory choice and naturalised accounts of the rationality of methodological change. The underlying aim is to show how the phenomenon of extensive conceptual and methodological variation in science need not give rise to a thorough-going epistemic or conceptual relativism.
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  26. Extensive and strategic forms: Games and models for games.Robert Stalnaker - 1999 - Research in Economics 53 (3):293 - 319.
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    (1 other version)Rational Decisions.Ken Binmore - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    It is widely held that Bayesian decision theory is the final word on how a rational person should make decisions. However, Leonard Savage--the inventor of Bayesian decision theory--argued that it would be ridiculous to use his theory outside the kind of small world in which it is always possible to "look before you leap." If taken seriously, this view makes Bayesian decision theory inappropriate for the large worlds of scientific discovery and macroeconomic enterprise. When is it correct to use (...)
  28.  7
    Extensions and Consequences.Christopher Peacocke - 2004 - In The realm of reason. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Traces out some of the ramifications the explanation of the character and source of perceptual entitlement has and indicates some applications beyond the case of perceptual entitlement. These extensions concern the relations between rationality and truth; the possibility of Gettier examples in the domain of perceptual knowledge; Moore's Proof; the relationship between entitlement and factive states; the individuation of concepts; moral thought; and the philosophy of action.
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    The rational choice approach to human studies: A reexamination. [REVIEW]Milan Zafirovski - 2003 - Human Studies 26 (1):41-66.
    This article reexamines the rational choice or economic approach to human studies. Its adherents claim that its extension beyond its original domain to all human behavior can finally lead to integration of the human studies, especially social theory, and thus their elevation from what they see as a chaotic state. Specifically, they propose grounding human studies on the premise that humans are rational egoists or self-interested utility maximizers. Although this premise has been the conceptual foundation of orthodox (...)
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  30. Rational Belief Change.Anthony S. Gillies - 2001 - Dissertation, The University of Arizona
    We must change our beliefs, and change them in particular ways, in response to new information. But not all changes are created equal: some are rational changes, some not. The Problem of Epistemic Change is the problem of specifying the rational constraints on how the epistemic state of an agent ought to change in the face of new information. This dissertation is about the philosophical and logical investigation of rational belief change. I start by arguing that the (...)
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  31.  83
    Aristotle on Rationality in Action.Fred D. Miller - 1984 - Review of Metaphysics 37 (3):499 - 520.
    WHEN Aristotle takes up the task of establishing the foundations of ethics in the Nicomachean Ethics, he understands this task in a quite different way from many modern moral philosophers. For one thing, he explicitly distinguishes inquiries such as ethics and politics from more precise disciplines such as mathematics, and emphasizes that their end is action rather than knowledge. Moreover, he differs from many modern ethicists in the importance which he assigns to knowledge of what to do in a concrete (...)
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  32.  20
    Rationalizing Science: A Comparative Study of Public, Industry, and Nonprofit Research Funders.Noomi Weinryb, Maria Blomgren & Linda Wedlin - 2018 - Minerva 56 (4):405-429.
    In the context of more and more project-based research funding, commercialization and economic growth have increasingly become rationalized concepts that are used to demonstrate the centrality of science for societal development and prosperity. Following the world society tradition of organizational institutionalism, this paper probes the potential limits of the spread of such rationalized concepts among different types of research funders. Our comparative approach is particularly designed to study the role and position of nonprofit research funders, a comparison that is relevant (...)
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  33. On the Rational Explanation of the Scientific Change.William H. Newton-Smith - 1981 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 12 (1):47-77.
    On a rational model of science (cf. Lakatos or Laudan), to decide on the appropriate type of explanation of a given scientific change requires a normative assessment made by reference to the model. Showing that a transition fits the model, displays it to be rational and thereby explains it. On the strong programme in the sociology of scientific knowledge (cf. Bloor and Barnes), normative assessment is irrelevant to explanation. All changes require the same type of explanation (the symmetry (...)
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    Vector-valued rational forms.D. E. Roberts - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (11):1521-1533.
    We define rational Hermite interpolants to vector-valued functions and show that, in the context of Clifford algebras, the numerator and denominator polynomials belong to a complex extension of the Lipschitz group. We also discuss the problem of constructing an algebraic representation for the generalized inverse of a vector, which is at the heart of the usual development of vector rational approximation.
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    Rationing home-based nursing care: professional ethical implications.Siri Tønnessen, Per Nortvedt & Reidun Førde - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (3):386-396.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate nurses’ decisions about priorities in home-based nursing care. Qualitative research interviews were conducted with 17 nurses in home-based care. The interviews were analyzed and interpreted according to a hermeneutic methodology. Nurses describe clinical priorities in home-based care as rationing care to mind the gap between an extensive workload and staff shortages. By organizing home-based care according to tight time schedules, the nurses’ are able to provide care for as many patients as possible. (...)
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  36.  32
    Rationing health and social goods during pandemics: Guidance for Ghanaian decision makers.Amos Laar, Debra DeBruin, Richard Ofori-Asenso, Matilda Essandoh Laar, Barbara Redman & Arthur Caplan - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (3):165-170.
    Healthcare rationing during pandemics has been widely discussed in global bioethics literature. However, existing scenarios and analyses have focused on high income countries, except for very few disease areas such as HIV treatment where some analyses related to African countries exist. We argue that the lack of scholastic discourse, and by extension, professional and democratic engagement on the subject constitute an unacceptable ethical omission. Not only have African governments failed to develop robust ethical plans for pandemics, ethicists in this (...)
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  37.  50
    Rationalization and Natural Law.Ludger Honnefelder - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (2):275-294.
    The backdrop for this thesis is provided by Troeltsch's far more detailed and extensive studies of the social doctrines of various Christian churches and groups. According to Troeltsch's interpretation, the reception of the Stoic concept of natural law is as crucial to Christian ethics as the reception of the concept of logos is to Christian dogmatics. Just as the concept of logos mediates between the truth of revelation and the truth of reason, so the concept of natural law mediates between (...)
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  38. From rational self-interest to liberalism: a hole in Cofnas’s debunking explanation of moral progress.Marcus Arvan - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):3067-3086.
    Michael Huemer argues that cross-cultural convergence toward liberal moral values is evidence of objective moral progress, and by extension, evidence for moral realism. Nathan Cofnas claims to debunk Huemer’s argument by contending that convergence toward liberal moral values can be better explained by ‘two related non-truth-tracking processes’: self-interest and its long-term tendency to result in social conditions conducive to greater empathy. This article argues that although Cofnas successfully debunks Huemer’s convergence argument for one influential form of moral realism – (...)
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  39.  10
    Rational catering of irrational emotions: Investor sentiment and executive tone.Jing Qiu & Ni Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In China, investors generally make decisions depending on the intonation of executive announcements. A total of 20,328 observations are sampled from the Chinese equity market between 2005 and 2019. We perform principal component analysis to produce monthly sentiment indices and calculate the weighted average of the value over the fiscal year to measure the degree of investor sentiment. The results of the empirical analysis reveal that: there is a significant positive correlation between market-level investor sentiment and executive tone, stock price (...)
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  40. Rational belief change, Popper functions and counterfactuals.William L. Harper - 1975 - Synthese 30 (1-2):221 - 262.
    This paper uses Popper's treatment of probability and an epistemic constraint on probability assignments to conditionals to extend the Bayesian representation of rational belief so that revision of previously accepted evidence is allowed for. Results of this extension include an epistemic semantics for Lewis' theory of counterfactual conditionals and a representation for one kind of conceptual change.
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  41. (1 other version)Rationality and emotions (the perspectives of logical-cognitive analysis).Olga Korpalo - 1999 - Theoria 14 (34):109-127.
    This article is an extension of the author’s previous work on this subject. Primarily it outlines the main directions of this mode of analysis and possible fields to which it could be applied. The first chapter demonstrates a specific method of understanding emotions. The second chapter examines the concept of emotions as a source of the specific modes of “internal” rationality of an agent. The third chapter isdevoted to a comparison between various emotions and the two basic intentional states (...)
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    Rational belief, epistemic possibility, and the a priori.Claire Https://Orcidorg Field - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1-9.
    In this paper, I discuss Whiting’s (2021) account of rational belief and discuss some unresolved issues arising from its reliance on epistemic possibility and, by extension, perspective-relative aprioricity.
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    Choices, consequences, and rationality.Walter Bossert - 2001 - Synthese 129 (3):343 - 369.
    A generalized theory of revealed preference is formulated for choice situations where the consequences of choices from given menus are uncertain. In a nonprobabilistic framework, rational choice behavior can be defined by requiring the existence of a preference relation on the set of possible consequences and an extension rule for this relation to the power set of the set of consequences such that the chosen sets of possible outcomes are the best elements in the feasible set according to (...)
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  44. Extensions of the prisoner's dilemma paradigm: The altruist's dilemma and group solidarity.Douglas D. Heckathorn - 1991 - Sociological Theory 9 (1):34-52.
    Many recent studies of norm emergence employ the "prisoner's dilemma" (PD) paradigm, which focuses on the free-rider problem that can block the cooperation required for the emergence of social norms. This paper proposes an expansion of the PD paradigm to include a closely related game termed the "altruist's dilemma" (AD). Whereas egoistic behavior in the PD leads to collectively irrational outcomes, the opposite is the case in the AD: altruistic behavior (e.g., following the Golden Rule) leads to collectively irrational outcomes, (...)
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    The Dynamics of Rational Deliberation.Brian Skyrms - 1990 - Harvard University Press.
    Brian Skyrms constructs a theory of "dynamic deliberation" and uses it to investigate rational decision-making in cases of strategic interaction. This illuminating book will be of great interest to all those in many disciplines who use decision theory and game theory to study human behavior and thought. Skyrms begins by discussing the Bayesian theory of individual rational decision and the classical theory of games, which at first glance seem antithetical in the criteria used for determining action. In his (...)
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    Secularism and Rationality in Odera Oruka’s Sage Philosophy Project.Gail M. Presbey - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 28:121-128.
    Prof. H. Odera Oruka started the sage philosophy project, in which he interviewed wise elders in Kenyan rural areas to show that Africans could philosophize. He intended to create a “national culture” by drawing upon sages from different ethnic groups and he downplayed religious differences, as did Kwame Nkrumah, who had a similar goal of building “national culture” in Ghana. Both projects were secular insofar as they preferred to emphasize rationality and downplay religious belief or “superstition” as backward and needing (...)
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  47. Rationalizations and Promises in Games.Johan van Benthem - unknown
    Understanding human behaviour involves "why"'s as well as "how"'s. Rational people have good reasons for acting, but it can be hard to find out what these were and how they worked. In this Note, we discuss a few ways in which actions, preferences, and expectations are intermingled. This mixture is especially clear with the well-known solution procedure for extensive games called 'Backward Induction'. In particular, we discuss three scenarios for analyzing behaviour in a game. One can rationalize given moves (...)
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    Coherent extension of partial automorphisms, free amalgamation and automorphism groups.Daoud Siniora & Sławomir Solecki - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (1):199-223.
    We give strengthened versions of the Herwig–Lascar and Hodkinson–Otto extension theorems for partial automorphisms of finite structures. Such strengthenings yield several combinatorial and group-theoretic consequences for homogeneous structures. For instance, we establish a coherent form of the extension property for partial automorphisms for certain Fraïssé classes. We deduce from these results that the isometry group of the rational Urysohn space, the automorphism group of the Fraïssé limit of any Fraïssé class that is the class of all ${\cal (...)
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  49. Social Norms, Rational Choice and Belief Change.Horacio Arlo-Costa & Arthur Paul Pedersen - unknown
    This article elaborates on foundational issues in the social sciences and their impact on the contemporary theory of belief revision. Recent work in the foundations of economics has focused on the role external social norms play in choice. Amartya Sen has argued in [Sen93] that the traditional rationalizability approach used in the theory of rational choice has serious problems accommodating the role of social norms. Sen's more recent work [Sen96, Sen97] proposes how one might represent social norms in the (...)
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    Truth in advertising: Rationalizing ads and knowing consumers in the early twentieth-century United States.Daniel Navon - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (2):143-176.
    This article examines the way advertising was rationalized in the early twentieth-century United States. Drawing on a targeted archival comparison with the United Kingdom, I show how the extensive mobilization undertaken to legitimate and rationalize advertising, rather than changes in the techniques employed in the content of ads themselves, were seen by actors in the mid-1920s to explain most of the extraordinary advances made by American advertising. Building on that comparison, I show how American advertising was transformed, particularly around World (...)
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