Results for 'reconciliation, theology, politics, Christian tradition, political praxis, memory'

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  1.  44
    Reconciliation: On the Border between Theological and Political Praxis.Joseph A. Favazza - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (3):52-64.
    Reconciliation is a theologically-charged word with politically-charged implications. The work of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) raised questions about reconciliation in a political context including the “parts” or “partners” of reconciliation: truth-telling, repentance, amnesty, reparations, and ultimately forgiveness and justice. This paper explores two questions. First, are theologians ready to give up an exclusive claim on reconciliation as a theological term or, at the very least, be agreeable to the fact that reconciliation might have political (...)
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    Political Affections: Civic Participation and Moral Theology by Joshua Hordern.Michael P. Jaycox - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (1):213-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Political Affections: Civic Participation and Moral Theology by Joshua HordernMichael P. JaycoxPolitical Affections: Civic Participation and Moral Theology By Joshua Hordern NEW YORK: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2013. 312 PP. $125.00Hordern asks his reader to consider that the decline of participatory democracy in Western societies may be ameliorated by a renewed appreciation of the role of emotions in politics. Creatively retrieving many elements of the Augustinian tradition, he (...)
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    Conflict, Culture, Change: Engaged Buddhism in a Globalizing World (review).Marwood Larson-Harris - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):166-168.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Conflict, Culture, Change: Engaged Buddhism in a Globalizing WorldMarwood Larson-HarrisConflict, Culture, Change: Engaged Buddhism in a Globalizing World. By Sulak Sivaraksa. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2005. 145 pp.Sulak Sivaraksa's Conflict, Culture, Change is a useful if uneven collection of essays that touch on many of the basic aspects of Engaged Buddhism. The book does not make an original contribution to the field, yet it serves as a good introduction (...)
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    Christology in Political and Liberation Theology.R. R. Reno - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (2):291-322.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CHRISTOLOGY IN POLITICAL AND LIBERATION THEOLOGY R. R. RENO Creighton University Omaha, Nebraska Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! He who sat upon it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war. His eyes are like a flame of fire, and on his head are many diadems ; and he has a name inscribed which no one knows but (...)
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    Practicing the politics of Jesus: the origin and significance of John Howard Yoder's social ethics.Earl Zimmerman - 2007 - Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press,: Cascadia Pub. House ;.
    Yoder rearranges the theological landscape -- North American Mennonite experience -- Amsterdam 1952 -- American church and society in the postwar era -- Mennonite mentors at Goshen College -- European experience and the debate about war -- A European assignment -- Relating to European Mennonite churches -- Confronting the moral question of war -- The world council of churches debate -- Doctoral studies with Barth and Cullman -- The theology of Karl Barth -- Oscar Cullmann and biblical studies -- Other (...)
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    Preaching Peace and War. Savonarola’s Political Theology in the Florentine Republic (1494-1498).Juan Manuel Forte Monge - 2024 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 31 (2):91-107.
    Between 1494 and 1498, Savonarola was involved in a wide range of actions and challenges: exposition of his theological doctrine, reformist activities, moral and political preaching and prophetic announcements. Initially, much of this activity was dominated by a rhetoric of peace, an idea closely linked to the Christian and scholastic tradition. Under the auspices of Savonarola, Florence promulgated the Legge della pace, a law designed to moderate executive power and ensure the reconciliation of citizens. However, the severe Florentine (...)
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  7.  22
    War, Peace, and Reconciliation: A Theological Inquiry by Theodore R. Weber.David H. Messner - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):214-216.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:War, Peace, and Reconciliation: A Theological Inquiry by Theodore R. WeberDavid H. MessnerWar, Peace, and Reconciliation: A Theological Inquiry Theodore R. Weber EUGENE, OR: WIPF & STOCK, 2015. 182 pp. $23.00Weber's book makes a helpful contribution to enlivening more theologically grounded strategies for peacemaking through reconciliation. It is a careful, systematic work that takes as its foundation a distinctively Christian view of [End Page 214] God's nature (...)
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  8.  16
    Survival: A Theological-Political Genealogy.Adam Y. Stern - 2021 - University of Pennsylvania Press.
    For a world mired in catastrophe, nothing could be more urgent than the question of survival. In this theoretically and methodologically groundbreaking book, Adam Y. Stern calls for a critical reevaluation of survival as a contemporary regime of representation. In Survival, Stern asks what texts, what institutions, and what traditions have made survival a recognizable element of our current political vocabulary. The book begins by suggesting that the interpretive key lies in the discursive prominence of "Jewish survival." Yet the (...)
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  9.  29
    Just Revolution: A Christian Ethic of Political Resistance and Social Transformation by Anna Floerke Scheid.Ramon Luzarraga - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):212-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Just Revolution: A Christian Ethic of Political Resistance and Social Transformation by Anna Floerke ScheidRamon LuzarragaJust Revolution: A Christian Ethic of Political Resistance and Social Transformation Anna Floerke Scheid lanham, md: lexington books, 2015. 208 pp. $84.00Anna Floerke Scheid argues that the Christian just war and just peacemaking ethical traditions lack a comprehensive ethic for revolutionary nonviolent activity and warfare. She proposes to (...)
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  10.  35
    A Political Theology of Climate Change by Michael S. Northcott, and: Restored to Earth: Christianity, Environmental Ethics, and Ecological Restoration by Gretel Van Wieren.Kevin J. O'Brien - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (2):198-201.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:A Political Theology of Climate Change by Michael S. Northcott, and: Restored to Earth: Christianity, Environmental Ethics, and Ecological Restoration by Gretel Van WierenKevin J. O’BrienA Political Theology of Climate Change Michael S. Northcott grand rapids, mi: eerdmans, 2013. 335 pp. $30.00Restored to Earth: Christianity, Environmental Ethics, and Ecological Restoration Gretel Van Wieren washington, dc: georgetown university press, 2013. 208 pp. $29.95These two excellent books, A (...)
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  11.  49
    Sensus Fidei: Theological Reflection Since Vatican II: I. 1965‐1984.John J. Burkhard - 1993 - Heythrop Journal 34 (1):41-59.
    Discovering Eve: Ancient Israelite Women in Context. By Carol Meyers.Wives, Harlots and Concubines. By Alice L. Laffey.Jonah. A Psycho‐Religious Approach to the Prophet. By Andre LaCocque and Pierre‐Emmanuel Lacocque.The Temptation and the Passion: The Markan Soteriology, Second Edition. By Ernest Best.Theios Aner and the Markan Miracle Traditions: A Critique of the ‘Theios Aner’Concept as an Interpretative Background of the Miracle Traditions used by Mark. By Barry Blackburn.The Shepherd Discourse of John 10 and its Context: Studies by Members of the Johannine (...)
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  12.  61
    How Small Christian Communities Promote Reconciliation, Justice and Peace in Eastern Africa.Joseph Healey - 2010 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 20 (2):43-60.
    Today there are over 90,000 Small Christian Communities in the eight AMECEA countries in Eastern Africa. Kenya alone has over 35,000 SCCs.Increasingly SCCs are promoting reconciliation, justice and peace, the three main themes of 2009 Second African Synod. This essay treats the following headings: “Tracking the Historical Shifts of SCCs,” “SCCs’ Increasing Involvement in Justice and Peace Issues,” “Case Study of SCC Involvement in the Kenya Lenten Campaigns 2009 and 2010,” “Involving Youth in Small Christian Communities,” “SCCs Using (...)
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  13.  2
    The Primacy of God: The Virtue of Religion in Catholic Theology by R. Jared Staudt (review).D. C. Schindler - 2024 - The Thomist 88 (4):685-688.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Primacy of God: The Virtue of Religion in Catholic Theology by R. Jared StaudtD. C. SchindlerThe Primacy of God: The Virtue of Religion in Catholic Theology. By R. Jared Staudt. Steubenville, Ohio: Emmaus Academic, 2022. Pp. xii + 409. $49.95 (hardcover). ISBN: 978-1-64585-167-7.Echoing and amplifying a theme from his predecessor, Benedict XVI was known for insisting that the deepest problem of our age, which has not only (...)
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  14.  20
    After the Smoke Clears: The Just War Tradition and Post-War Justice.Anna Floerke Scheid - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (2):223-224.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:After the Smoke Clears: The Just War Tradition and Post-War JusticeAnna Floerke ScheidAfter the Smoke Clears: The Just War Tradition and Post-War Justice Mark J. Allman and Tobias L. Winright Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 2010. 220 pp. $20.00Beginning with Ezekiel’s imagery of a field filled with dry bones in the aftermath of war, Mark J. Allman and Tobias L. Winright approach the burgeoning question of how best to (...)
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  15.  73
    Memory, History, Forgetting.Michael R. Kelly - 2006 - Review of Metaphysics 59 (3):675-677.
    Ricoeur’s text divides into three parts corresponding to its title: the phenomenology of memory; the epistemology of history; and the hermeneutics of the human historical condition, its “emblem of vulnerability” being “forgetting”. That the words “memory” and “history” appear in the title proves unsurprising. But what of the title’s final word, “forgetting”? The putative “duty of memory” to “not forget” relegates forgetting to a via negativa, the “reverse side of memory”. Ricoeur, however, raises the prospect of (...)
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  16.  13
    U.S. moral theology from the margins.Charles E. Curran & Lisa Fullam (eds.) - 2020 - Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press.
    Memory, funerals, and the communion of the saints: growing old and practices of remembering / M. Therese Lysaught -- God bends over backward to accommodate humankind...while the Civil Rights Acts and the Americans with Disabilities Act require [only] minimum effort / Mary Jo Iozzio -- Radical solidarity: migration as challenge ofr contemporary Christian ethics / Kristin E. Heyer -- Catholic lesbian feminist theology / Mary E. Hunt -- Theology of whose body? Sexual conplementarity, intersex conditions, and La Virgen (...)
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  17.  46
    The eleven pictures of time: the physics, philosophy, and politics of time beliefs.C. K. Raju - 2003 - Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
    Visit the author's Web site at Time is a mystery that has perplexed humankind since time immemorial. Resolving this mystery is of significance not only to philosophers and physicists but is also a very practical concern. Our perception of time shapes our values and way of life; it also mediates the interaction between science and religion both of which rest fundamentally on assumptions about the nature of time. C K Raju begins with a critical exposition of various time-beliefs, ranging (...)
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  18.  7
    The Politics of God in the Christian Tradition.Rosemary Radford Ruether - 2009 - Feminist Theology 17 (3):329-338.
    This article traces the development of the idea of God from the ancient Near East thought into Patristic Christianity with its fusion with Greek philosophy. The article details five patterns that shape the way in which God language in Christianity influences social and political systems: androcentrism or male domination over women; anthropocentrism or human domination over nature; ethnocentrism or the domination of a `chosen' people over other people; militarism, and asceticism or the dualism and hierarchy of mind over body. (...)
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  19.  46
    The Powers of Dignity: The Black Political Philosophy of Frederick Douglass.Ronald R. Sundstrom - 2022 - Critical Philosophy of Race 10 (2):312-315.
    Frederick Douglass (1817?–1875) is a monumental American figure. As a runaway slave and leading black thinker, speaker, and writer in the abolitionist movement and during Reconstruction and its tragic collapse, his legacy in American history is singular. His ideals and scorching criticisms have marked American political thought about democracy, religion, race, racism, liberty, and equality. American political parties claim him, especially the Republican Party, with which he has an early connection and which has used his figure as cover (...)
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  20.  16
    Waiting for a Glacier to Move: Practicing Socail Witness by Jennifer R. Ayres. and: Domesticated Glory: How the Politics of American Has Tames Gos ny Heide, and: Being Faithful: Christian Commitment in Modern Society, Ecclesiological Investigations series by Judith A. Merkle. [REVIEW]Donna Yarri - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (1):207-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Waiting for a Glacier to Move: Practicing Social Witness by Jennifer R. Ayres, and: Domesticated Glory: How the Politics of America Has Tamed God by Gale Heide, and: Being Faithful: Christian Commitment in Modern Society, Ecclesiological Investigations series by Judith A. MerkleDonna YarriWaiting for a Glacier to Move: Practicing Social Witness Jennifer R. Ayres eugene, or: pickwick publications, 2011. 218 pp. $24.00.Domesticated Glory: How the Politics of (...)
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  21.  35
    Hegel and the Political Theology of Reconciliation.Mark Lilla - 2001 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (4):859 - 900.
    MAN IS ALIENATED AND IN NEED OF RECONCILIATION. This idea is as old as human thought and appears in countless forms in the myths and religions that have come down to us. In these we learn how the cosmos—whether by necessity or chance—lost its original self-identity, experienced a division within itself, and passed this division down into the natural and human worlds. Man is alienated because the cosmos is alienated, and he will not be made whole until the One is (...)
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  22.  58
    Political Reconciliation, Forgiveness and Grace.Geoffrey Scarre - 2011 - Studies in Christian Ethics 24 (2):171-182.
    This essay argues that the overuse of the idiom of forgiveness has distorted our understanding of the nature and requirements of political reconciliation, and proposes its supplementation by a notion of grace. This is a mode of response to wrongs that is less hedged around by conventions and conditions, and grace complements forgiveness in contexts in which the latter is inappropriate; it is also more serviceable for maintaining inter-community harmony in the long term. Following a detailed analysis of grace (...)
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  23.  33
    Political Theology Put to the Test of the Unexpected.Elettra Stimilli - 2024 - Philosophy Today 68 (1):41-53.
    This essay returns to Jacob Taubes’s messianism in order to short-circuit a contemporary political and conceptual impasse between left- and right-wing Schmittianisms. It first seeks to expose the limits of both Schmitt’s originary political theology and post-war Italian Marxist rehabilitations of Schmitt, which, it is argued, remain caught in the same political-ontological matrix. To answer the question of what (if anything) might come after political theology, the essay turns to Jacob Taubes’s “counter-political theology” in order (...)
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  24. Praxis and Promise: On the Ethics of Political Theology:A Theology of Liberation: History, Politics and Salvation. Gustavo Gutierrez, Caridad Inda, John Eagleson; Faith in History and Society: Toward a Practical Fundamental Theology. Johann Baptist Metz; Theology of the World. ; Christians and Marxists: The Mutual Challenge to Revolution. Jose Miguez Bonino; Doing Theology in a Revolutionary Situation. ; The Church in the Power of the Spirit: A Contribution to Messianic Ecclesiology. Jurgen Moltmann; The Crucified God: The Cross of Christ as the Foundation and Criticism of Christian Theology. ; Theology of Hope: On the Ground and the Implications of a Christian Eschatology. [REVIEW]Douglas Sturm - 1982 - Ethics 92 (4):733-.
  25.  10
    Remembering Esperanza a Cultural-Political Theology for North American Praxis.Mark Kline Taylor - 1990 - Orbis Books.
  26. Religious Ethics and Global Governance: Theological Perspectives on International Cooperation and Conflict Resolution.Genghua Zhu - 2025 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 17 (2):456-470.
    This study explores the ethical and religious dimensions of international cooperation and conflict resolution within the framework of global governance, emphasizing the role of moral philosophy and theological perspectives in shaping diplomatic strategies. By integrating religious ethics with global political discourse, the research examines how faith traditions, including Confucianism, Christianity, and Islamic thought, contribute to peacebuilding, multilateral engagement, and the pursuit of global justice. Focusing on China’s approach to international governance, this study highlights the influence of _Confucian moral philosophy_—particularly (...)
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  27.  8
    Political Theology on Edge.Clayton Crockett & Catherine Keller (eds.) - 2021 - Fordham University Press.
    In Political Theology on Edge, the discourse of political theology is seen as situated on an edge—that is, on the edge of a world that is grappling with global warming, a brutal form of neoliberal capitalism, protests against racism and police brutality, and the COVID-19 pandemic. This edge is also a form of eschatology that forces us to imagine new ways of being religious and political in our cohabitation of a fragile and shared planet. Each of the (...)
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  28.  24
    Theological Ethics, the Churches, and Global Politics.Lisasowle Cahill - 2007 - Journal of Religious Ethics 35 (3):377-399.
    Several discourses about theology, church, and politics are occurring among Christian theologians in the United States. One influential strand centers on the communitarian theology of Stanley Hauerwas, who calls on Christians to witness faithfully against liberalism in general and war in particular. Jeffrey Stout, in his widely discussed Democracy and Tradition (2004), responds that religious people ought precisely to endorse those democratic and liberal American traditions that join religious and secular counterparts to battle injustice. Hauerwas, Stout, and many of (...)
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  29.  41
    #FeesMustFall as social movement and emancipatory politics? Moving towards an apocalyptic theological praxis outside the limits of party politics.Felipe G. K. Buttelli & Clint Le Bruyns - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
    This article proposes three reflexive movements. The first one offers an introduction to Fees Must Fall, pointing to some aspects that allow us to understand it as a social movement and some of its basic features. The second movement is a theoretical one, constructing the notion of emancipatory politics. It is based on the distinctions suggested by Jacques Rancière between ‘police and politics’ and by Michael Neocosmos between ‘excessive and expressive’ politics. It will also present the Freirean notion of ‘conscientisation (...)
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  30.  68
    Theological Ethics, the Churches, and Global Politics.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2007 - Journal of Religious Ethics 35 (3):377 - 399.
    Several discourses about theology, church, and politics are occurring among Christian theologians in the United States. One influential strand centers on the communitarian theology of Stanley Hauerwas, who calls on Christians to witness faithfully against liberalism in general and war in particular. Jeffrey Stout, in his widely discussed "Democracy and Tradition" (2004), responds that religious people ought precisely to endorse those democratic and liberal American traditions that join religious and secular counterparts to battle injustice. Hauerwas, Stout, and many of (...)
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  31.  28
    Between Justice and Tradition: Oliver O’Donovan’s Political Theory and the Challenge of Multiculturalism.Andrew Ross Errington - 2014 - Studies in Christian Ethics 27 (4):417-430.
    This article brings the theological political theory of Oliver O’Donovan to bear on the issue of multiculturalism. O’Donovan’s work provides resources for understanding the dynamics involved in debates over multiculturalism more deeply, and this discussion in turn highlights the central features of O’Donovan’s political theory. O’Donovan’s understanding of government as involving a necessary tension between the requirements of justice and the possibilities afforded by a community’s tradition allows us to properly appreciate the challenge raised by the demand to (...)
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  32.  92
    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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  33.  9
    On the Abuses and Uses of Political Theology.Florian Grosser - 2021 - In Dominik Finkelde & Rebekka Klein, In Need of a Master: Politics, Theology, and Radical Democracy. De Gruyter. pp. 285-306.
    This paper offers a critical analysis of the role of political theology in contemporary political praxis and theory. In particular, it examines the idea that a retrieval of politico-theological thinking can counter what some theorists describe as the disorienting effects of ‘postmodern relativism’. With a focus on the United States, the paper first shows that the political landscape there attests to an excessive political theology that is ‘messianic’ in structure and that carries markedly Schmittian traits on (...)
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  34.  21
    Reconciliation or Reconstruction? Further Thoughts on Political Forgiveness.Jean Axelrad Cahan - 2013 - Polity 45 (2):174–197.
    Over the past decade a substantial literature has emerged on the concept of political forgiveness and the process of restorative justice. This article argues that importing an idea of forgiveness into political affairs is a mistake. It is not necessary for the promotion of peace and security, and it is has been construed in a way that leans heavily toward Christian conceptions of forgiveness, as is evident in the influence of Desmond Tutu. The article also examines the (...)
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    Theological Ethics as Political Ethics: A Conversation with Raymond Geuss.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2012 - Studies in Christian Ethics 25 (2):153-159.
    Christian ethics is rooted in Christian worship, community, and identity, yet must cooperate across traditions to alleviate global injustices that violate love of God and neighbor. Although practical ethical commitment may be contingent on an experience of ultimacy that is ‘outside ethics’, this experience is not limited to confessing Christians.
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  36. The Significance of Politics in the Liberation Theology of Juan Luis Segundo and Gustavo Gutierrez.Raul Luis Cotto-Serrano - 1990 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst
    The objective of this study has been to establish the level of significance that Gustavo Gutierrez and Juan Luis Segundo attribute to politics in their contributions to liberation theology and to extract the relevant consequences for political theory. ;A systematic analysis of the theory of history in the works of these two authors indicates a higher level of integration between Christianity and politics that is usual in Christian political thought. Liberation is equated with salvation and political (...)
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  37.  51
    Hegel’s political theology: ‘True Infinity’, dialectical panentheism and social criticism.Jolyon Agar - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (10):1093-1111.
    This article proposes that the foundations of Hegel’s contribution to social criticism are compatible with, and enriched by, his meta-theology. His social critique is grounded in his belief that normative ideas – and especially the idea of freedom – are necessarily experiential and historical. Often regarded as a recipe for an authoritarian reconciliation with the status quo, Hegel’s philosophy has been dismissed by some unsympathetic commentators from the left as inimical to the task of social criticism. Much of the reason (...)
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    Liberation Theology and the Interpretation of Political Violence.Frederick Sontag - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (2):271-292.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:LIBERATION THEOLOGY AND THE INTERPRE.TATION OF POLITICAL VIOLENCE FREDERICK SONTAG Pomona OoUego Olaremont, Oalifornia " It is impossible to remain loyal to Marxism, to the Revolution, without treating insurrection as an art." Lenin, paraphrasing Karl Marx WHENEVER Liberation Theology ·and its contributions to theologicail discussion al'e ·concerned, no aspect has been more controversirul than its association with violence. There is no question that Marxism/Leninism depends on the use (...)
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    Cosmopolitan Political Theology in Cohen and Rosenzweig.Miguel Vatter - 2016 - Philosophy Today 60 (2):295-324.
    This article discusses the relation between Judaism and political theology in the work of Hermann Cohen and Franz Rosenzweig. Both Cohen and Rosenzweig give an interpretation of Judaism that prioritizes the messianic ideal while maintaining the priority of philosophy over religion. With respect to political theology, this article argues that Cohen and Rosenzweig criticize the priority assigned to the national state in modern politics in favour of a politics that is both cosmopolitan and republican, in so far as (...)
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    Karl Barth and Jürgen Habermas: Transcendental Aporias of Global Civil Society.Timothy Stanley - 2008 - Political Theology 9 (4):477-502.
    Currently, religion and globalization seem to be working towards opposite ends. As Mark Juergensmeyer has noted, while religiously invoked terrorism fragments society, the Internet, cell phones and the media industry foster the formation of an increasingly global social fabric. But religion is not a single faceted phenomenon. As much as there are prophets of violence such as Osama bin Laden, there are prophets of peace and reconciliation such as Bishop Desmond Tutu. How a civil society might be configured in relation (...)
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    The Tension Between 'Gesinnungsethik' and 'Verantwortungsethik'.Johan Verstraeten - 1995 - Ethical Perspectives 2 (4):180-187.
    A consensus exists in the Christian tradition concerning the idea that a faith conviction based on the gospel also has ethical and political implications. Much disunity remains, however, with respect to the interpretation of the relationship between the two. Throughout the history of theological thought we can find a variety of hypotheses on the question ranging from ideas of theocracy and ‘status confessionis’ declarations to manifold interpretations of the ‘two kingdom’ theory.In the political praxis of modern secularised (...)
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  42.  9
    The Classical and Christian Origins of American Politics: Political Theology, Natural Law, and the American Founding.Kody W. Cooper & Justin Buckley Dyer - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    There has been a considerable amount of literature in the last 70 years claiming that the American founders were steeped in modern thought. This study runs counter to that tradition, arguing that the founders of America were deeply indebted to the classical Christian natural-law tradition for their fundamental theological, moral, and political outlook. Evidence for this thesis is found in case studies of such leading American founders as Thomas Jefferson and James Wilson, the pamphlet debates, the founders' invocation (...)
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  43.  37
    The Mighty and the Almighty: An Essay in Political Theology.Nicholas Wolterstorff - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    For a century or more political theology has been in decline. Recent years, however, have seen increasing interest not only in how church and state should be related, but in the relation between divine authority and political authority, and in what religion has to say about the limits of state authority and the grounds of political obedience. In this book, Nicholas Wolterstorff addresses this whole complex of issues. He takes account of traditional answers to these questions, but (...)
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  44.  28
    ‘No Polycarps among Us’? Questions for Reformed Political Theology Today.Dirk J. Smit - 2015 - Studies in Christian Ethics 28 (2):187-200.
    Offering an overview of challenges and questions, the essay situates contemporary directions and developments in Reformed thought about political ethics by considering whether four well-known slogans from the tradition of Reformed political thought are still meaningful and credible under changed conditions today. The four slogans, integrally related to one another, are the lordship of Christ, the prophetic role of the church, the love for justice, and the importance of calling. The essay draws primarily on recent South African experiences, (...)
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  45. God’s Commandments and their Political Presence: Notes of a Tradition on the ‘Ground’ of Ethics.Hans G. Ulrich - 2010 - Studies in Christian Ethics 23 (1):42-58.
    The paper describes the biblical understanding of God’s commanded law in its indispensable political form, i.e. the law of God’s people. This is distinct from a confinement of God’s commandments to a moral code independent from that political context as it is present as the ‘political worship’ of God’s people.This worship has to be seen as the ground for ethics. From here follow consequences for human laws and legislation concerning human life forms. That disposition of theological ethics (...)
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    Theology, Praxis, and Ethics in the Thought of Juan Luis Segundo, S.J.Joel Zimbelman - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (2):233-267.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THEOLOGY, PRAXIS, AND ETHICS IN THE THOUGHT OF JUAN LUIS SEGUNDO, S.J. JOEL ZIMBELMAN California State University, Chico Chico, California I. Introduction JESUS OF NAZARETH Yesterday and Today is Juan Luis Segundo's most recent contribution in an on-going effort to forge a distinctive post-conciliar catholic theology.1· This five-volume work establishes Segundo as one of the most prolific, methodologically sophisticated, and constructive Catholic theologians of this century. In these volumes (...)
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    Christian Nationalism and the Project of Christian Political Theory: A Review Essay of The Case for Christian Nationalism by Stephen Wolfe.Michael J. DeMoor - 2023 - Philosophia Reformata 88 (2):105-126.
    This review essay examines Stephen Wolfe’s The Case for Christian Nationalism, focusing on his presentation of his book as a work of Christian political theory. His claims regarding national will and agency are analyzed, and problems with them are traced to his political theology and his methodological assumptions about Christian political theory. In place of those assumptions, Kuyper’s idea of architectonic critique is recommended as a more fruitful approach to Christian political theory (...)
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    Tradition and Transfiguration: Understanding the Orthodox Theological Foundations of the Role of the Church in the Public Sphere.Demetrios Harper - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (2):328-341.
    This article critiques the theological and moral foundations that undergird the approach of the document For the Life of the World: Toward a Social Ethos of the Orthodox Church to the question of the Church's role in the public sphere. The article's focus is essentially two-fold. First, it strives to clarify For the Life of the World's hermeneutical method through a consideration of its frequent appeals to the authority of the Orthodox tradition. Second, the article seeks to understand the document's (...)
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    An Ethic of Political Reconciliation.Daniel Philpott - 2009 - Ethics and International Affairs 23 (4):389-407.
    The core proposition of this article is that reconciliation, both as a process and an end state, is a concept of justice. Its animating virtue is mercy and its goal is peace. These concepts are expressed most deeply in religious traditions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
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    Shadows of Being: Encounters with Heidegger in Political Theory and Historical Reflection by Jeffery Andrew Barash.Rylie Johnson - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (3):541-543.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Shadows of Being: Encounters with Heidegger in Political Theory and Historical Reflection by Jeffery Andrew BarashRylie JohnsonBARASH, Jeffery Andrew. Shadows of Being: Encounters with Heidegger in Political Theory and Historical Reflection. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, 2022. 260 pp. Paper, $42.00ELIZABETH C. SHAW AND STAFF*Composed of a series of unique yet thematically connected chapters, Jeffrey Andrew Barash's latest book carefully addresses the relationship between Martin Heidegger's thought and (...) theory and how these are connected through the thematization of historical narrative. In light of the publication of the controversial Black Notebooks, Barash's book serves as a significant contribution to debates regarding Heidegger's political engagement with National Socialism. However, rather than simply rehash this engagement, Barash takes a critical approach, arguing that Heidegger's historical narrative, that is, the history of Being, buttressed a "political mythology" and "fatalism" that absolved human beings of historical, ethical, and political responsibility. Thus, through a confrontation with Heidegger, Barash demonstrates the danger of denying human agency in the future course of history, since "fatalism only makes more probable the outcome it claims to foresee."While invested in explicating the political and ethical implications of Heidegger's thought, Barash is critically oriented around demonstrating a presupposition within the Seinsfrage, or the question of being that motivated Heidegger's philosophy. Heidegger presupposed that reraising the question of being was the fundamental task of philosophy, one that rendered "subordinate" other forms of historical reflection. Consequently, Barash argues that Heidegger established a "strategy of interpretation" that privileged his own standpoint in the history of Western thought and allowed him to set aside contrary ethical, political, and historical interpretations. Ultimately, this resulted in the formulation of the myth of the history of Being that placed Heidegger himself at the culminating point of Western history. The essays that compose Barash's book address the various implications of Heidegger's presupposition.The book is separated into two parts. The first consists of direct interpretations of Heidegger's thought and is composed of six chapters. The second addresses the critical reception of that thought, reflected in such figures as Hannah Arendt and Emanuel Levinas, and is composed of chapters seven through ten. [End Page 541]Chapter 1 focuses on Heidegger's broad legacy today, which according to Barash is threefold: the prevalence of historical deconstruction, his complicity with "Germanic ideology," and his criticisms of Western scientific rationality, all of which Heidegger rendered into an effect of metaphysics and the forgetting of the Seinsfrage. Chapter 2 discusses Heidegger's metaphysics of memory, showing that his inversion of the traditional eternal view of memory in favor of one grounded in mortality obscured other forms of "collective remembrance." Through a reading of St. Paul and Spinoza, chapter 3 investigates Heidegger's presupposition by revealing that the radical separation of the ontological from the ontic matters of theology, politics, and ethics is in fact an ontic decision of the "ethical order." Chapter 4 extensively discusses Heidegger's understanding of race and its relationship to Nazi orthodoxy. Highlighting that Heidegger was certainly critical of biological racism, Barash nevertheless shows that Heidegger articulated a "metaphysical" racism at the level of the history of Being. Chapter 5 reflects on Heidegger's Being-historical interpretation of World War II. Barash shows Heidegger's fatalism whereby the war was not a matter of human choices but was "attributed to an abandonment of Being." Chapter 7 closes part 1 by discussing the status of mythology in Heidegger's thought. Criticizing mythology as a form of historical production, Heidegger nonetheless creates his own myth: the history of Being. This mythological dimension is perhaps the most problematic aspect of Heidegger's thought.In the second part, Barash changes the trajectory of his arguments, addressing the critical reception of Heidegger's legacy by other philosophers. In chapter 7, Barash discusses the influence of Heidegger on Hannah Arendt's view of the public world, a world that theoretically rests on Heidegger's Dasein. But while Heidegger failed to adequately grapple with the public, Arendt radicalized it, showing that political reflection served as the basis for the philosophical problem of truth. Chapter 8 reflects upon the influence that the... (shrink)
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