Results for 'Demetrios Harper'

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  1.  16
    Tradition and Transfiguration: Understanding the Orthodox Theological Foundations of the Role of the Church in the Public Sphere.Demetrios Harper - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (2):328-341.
    This article critiques the theological and moral foundations that undergird the approach of the document For the Life of the World: Toward a Social Ethos of the Orthodox Church to the question of the Church's role in the public sphere. The article's focus is essentially two-fold. First, it strives to clarify For the Life of the World's hermeneutical method through a consideration of its frequent appeals to the authority of the Orthodox tradition. Second, the article seeks to understand the document's (...)
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    Introduzione.Demetrio Paparoni - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica:3-4.
    Un autore che esprime la propria visione del mondo attraverso immagini può essere considerato un filosofo? La filosofia è un dialogo tra quanti si confrontano entro gli orizzonti che il pensiero ha sedimentato nel tempo. Chi si esprime attraverso l’esclusivo esercizio delle arti visive o della musica non può essere considerato filosofo, questo nonostante l’artista esprima la propria visione del mondo al pari del filosofo. Ciò non impedisce a un autore che crei immagini o azioni o suoni di esp...
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  3. La historia de la religión en Hegel.José Demetrio Jiménez - 1997 - Revista Agustiniana 38 (117):989-1037.
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    Hermann Weyl motivations philosophiques d'un choixMaverik.Demetrio Ria - 2005 - Revue de Synthèse 126 (2):463-479.
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  5. The Moslem conquests of the near east as revealed in the Greek sources of the seventh and eighth centuries.Demetrios J. Constantelos - 1972 - Byzantion 42 (2):325-57.
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  6. Ontologie der Komik.Demetrios Joannou - 1959 - Freiburg im Breisgau,: F. Wagner.
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  7. La Iglesia de América Latina ante la Conferencia de Aparecida: Ver-juzgar-actuar.Demétrio Valentini - 2007 - Critica 57 (947):11-14.
  8. B. Spinoza (1632-1677): la religión en el «Tractatus theologico-politicus»(1670).J. Demetrio Jimenez - 1993 - Estudios Filosóficos 42 (121):503-527.
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  9. Pedagogia e politica: tempo privato e tempo pubblico.Duccio Demetrio - 2002 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 12:173-178.
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  10. Die Idee einer mathematischen Physik Platons.Demetrios D. Moukanos - 1987 - Philosophia Naturalis 24 (1):78-82.
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    Bioetica e società italiana: appunti per un bilancio.Demetrio Neri - 1997 - Rivista di Filosofia 88 (3):361-386.
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    Παλαιοχριστιανικά θωράκια μετά ρόμβου.Demetrios I. Pallas - 1950 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 74 (1):233-249.
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  13. Functional Neuroanatomy in the Pre-Hippocratic Era: Observations from the Iliad of Homer.M. D. Demetrios Sahlas - forthcoming - Convivium: revista de filosofía.
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  14. La pobreza y su conceptualización.Demetrio Casado Pérez - 1995 - Diálogo Filosófico 32:179-186.
    La pobreza tiene una base material, la penuria de recursos. Pero su naturaleza es moral, consiste en el reconocimiento de que ciertas situaciones son acreedoras de acciones preventivas o remediadoras. Las sociedades vienen colocando tradicionalmente el umbral de pobreza en el punto por debajo del cual esta en peligro la subsistencia. Pero la conciencia reformista del mundo occidental ha llegado a servirse de la idea de pobreza para señalar los fallos de su compromiso de igualdad social. No se trata tanto (...)
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    Una riflessione storico-epistemologica sul concetto di "invarianza" nel pensiero di H. Weyl.Demetrio Ria - 2002 - Idee 49:91-103.
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    The structure underlying core affect and perceived affective qualities of human vocal bursts.Demetrio Grollero, Valentina Petrolini, Marco Viola, Rosalba Morese, Giada Lettieri & Luca Cecchetti - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (1):1-17.
    Vocal bursts are non-linguistic affectively-laden sounds with a crucial function in human communication, yet their affective structure is still debated. Studies showed that ratings of valence and arousal follow a V-shaped relationship in several kinds of stimuli: high arousal ratings are more likely to go on a par with very negative or very positive valence. Across two studies, we asked participants to listen to 1,008 vocal bursts and judge both how they felt when listening to the sound (i.e. core affect (...)
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  17.  20
    Arthur Danto e la questione formale.Demetrio Paparoni - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 35:311-314.
    Arthur Danto è figura di spicco della critica d’arte contemporanea nordamericana. I suoi saggi, le opinioni espresse su The Nation (è dal 1984 che occupa le stesse colonne una volta affidate a Clement Greenberg) o su Artforum hanno una forte presa sulla scena artistica. Danto è una figura anomala nell’ambito della critica d’arte in quanto, pur essendo un filosofo, frequenta gli studi degli artisti e le gallerie, comprese quelle più radical. La filosofia e la critica d’arte utilizzano linguagg...
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  18. Dos Barojas en Ortega.Demetrios Basdekis - 1992 - In Ciriaco Morón Arroyo, Ortega y Gasset: un humanista para nuestro tiempo. Erie, Pa.: ALDEEU.
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  19. Mal y pecado. Una lectura del Ensayo sobre el mal, de Jean Nabert.J. Demetrio Jimenez - 1999 - Revista Agustiniana 40 (122):577-592.
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    Los senderos olvidados de la filosofía: una aproximación al pensamiento de María Zambrano.S. Josâe Demetrio Jimâenez - 1991 - Madrid: Religión y Cultura.
  21.  52
    The race toward 'ethically universally acceptable' human pluripotent (embryonic-like) stem cells: Only a problem of sources?Demetrio Neri - 2009 - Bioethics 25 (5):260-266.
    Over the past few years, several proposals aimed at procuring human pluripotent (embryonic-like) stem cells without involving the destruction of a human embryo have been proposed and widely discussed. This article focuses on a basic aspect of the debate, namely the plausibility of one or more of these new proposals being able to meet the ethical requirements that those who regard the human embryo as sacred have tried to impose on stem cells research in the last ten years. The thesis (...)
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  22.  9
    Arte e poststoria: conversazioni sulla fine dell'estetica e altro.Demetrio Paparoni & Arthur C. Danto (eds.) - 2020 - Vicenza: Neri Pozza editore.
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    Mimmo Paladino, la croce e il labirinto.Demetrio Paparoni - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica:119-122.
    While walking within the installation, even though moving among its elements, the image cannot really be grasped in its entirety. Hence, Paladino deals with three distincdy contrasting concepts: the part refers to the whole; the part has totality in itself; the part refers only to itself (being unable to take in the totality of the image, the part can only be related to as an autonomous fragment). And the different positions are incompatible because many believe they can experience the whole (...)
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  24.  10
    L'esperienza educativa come problema epistemologico: per una rilettura del pensiero di J. Dewey.Demetrio Ria - 2014 - Roma: Anicia.
  25.  5
    Conhecimento e indeterminação em Bergson.Demétrio Rocha Pereira & Gabriel Cunha Hickmann - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):79-90.
    This article reviews Bergson’s proposed solution to the classical mind-body problem, confronting his system with previous alternatives, but mainly Kant's. To this end, it offers an analysis of Matter and memory’s main argument, aimed at discerning its consequences for a competing definition of knowledge.
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    Quentin Skinner y el giro contextual.Castro Demetrio - 2009 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 9:149-163.
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    Public Health Emergency Legal Preparedness: Legal Practitioner Perspectives.Demetrios L. Kouzoukas - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (s1):18-22.
    This paper provides an overview of recent US Department of Health and Human Services initiatives and efforts — under the leadership of the General Counsel, the Secretary, and the President — regarding legal preparedness for public health emergencies. In addressing this topic, the paper focuses on four core elements comprising public health legal preparedness:effective legal authorities to support necessary public health activities;competencies of public health professionals to know and then to apply those laws;coordination of the application of laws across jurisdictions (...)
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    Crítica a la retribución como fin de la pena.Eduardo Demetrio Crespo - forthcoming - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez.
    El trabajo tiene por objeto reflexionar críticamente sobre el retribucionismo como fin de la pena en el Estado constitucional de Derecho. Tomando como punto de partida el idealismo alemán, se analizan las reformulaciones más recientes de esta corriente de pensamiento aparentemente superada. Se propone una distinción metodológica entre los términos retribución, reprobación y venganza, en orden a la defensa de una teoría de la pena secularizada.
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    Foliage: vagabondare in autunno.Duccio Demetrio - 2018 - Milano: Raffaello Cortina editore.
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    Treis logoi gia ton Aristotelē.Dēmētrios D. Lypourlēs - 2014 - Thessalonikē: Epikentro.
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    Leo Strauss, los straussianos y los antistraussianos.Demetrio Castro - 2007 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 7:137-150.
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  32. Los servicios sociales en una España empobrecida.Demetrio Casado - 2011 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 61 (975):76-80.
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  33. Gegenwartsprobleme des Internationalen Rechtes Und der Rechtsphilosophie Festschrift Für Rudolf Laun Zu Seinem 70. Geburtstag.Demetrios S. Konstantopoulos, Rudolf Laun & Hans Wehberg - 1953 - Girardet.
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    He ennoia tou phōtos eis ten aisthētikēn tou Plōtinou.Dēmētrios N. Koutras - 1968
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    Hē praktikē philosophia tou Aristotelous.Dēmētrios N. Koutras - 2002 - Athēnai: [S.N.].
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    Legal Preparedness for Obesity Prevention and Control: The Structural Framework and the Role of Government.Demetrios L. Kouzoukas - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (s1):24-27.
    This paper discusses the relationship between obesity, law, and public health preparedness as well as the relevant roles of public health practitioners, policymakers, and lawyers. Each group believes they have a unique role in this relationship although there can be overlap and/or lack of clarity as to what that role may be.The role of the lawyer in the public policy process is to identify relevant legal issues, to analyze them and give advice on the risks of taking a given action, (...)
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  37.  17
    Are we wired for spirituality? An investigation into the claims of neurotheology.Demetrios Kyriacou - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (3).
    This article is an investigation into the field of neurotheology, a controversial field which has attracted criticism from both the scientific and religious community and which is often quite divided among its own practitioners. Regretfully, but not too unexpectedly, science has gotten entangled with ideology, as we shall see, with proponents on all sides of the spectrum using findings from the laboratory in support of their own philosophical positions. We will begin by exploring some definitions of the field and then (...)
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  38. Ignatios the Deacon, The Life of the Patriarch Tarasios by Ignatios the Deacon (BHG 1698), ed. and trans. Stephanos Efthymiadis.(Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Monographs, 4.) Aldershot, Eng., and Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate/Variorum, 1998. Pp. xix, 309 plus 3 black-and-white figures; 1 diagram. $76.95. [REVIEW]Demetrios J. Constantelos - 2001 - Speculum 76 (1):177-179.
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    Laicità e diritti: studi offerti a Demetrio Neri.Francesco Aqueci, Lia Formigari & Demetrio Neri (eds.) - 2018 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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  40. Eleonora Kountoura-Galake, Byzantine Clergy and Society in the Dark Centuries. In Greek. (Monographs, 3.) Athens: Institute for Byzantine Research, National Hellenic Research Foundation, 1996. Paper. Pp. 247. Distributed by HESTIA, Solonos 60, 106 72 Athens. [REVIEW]Demetrios J. Constantelos - 1998 - Speculum 73 (2):551-553.
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    John Travis, In Defense of the Faith: The Theology of Patriarch Nikephoros of Constantinople. Brookline, Mass.: Hellenic College Press, 1984. Pp. xviii, 182. $19.95 (cloth); $12.95 (paper). [REVIEW]Demetrios J. Constantelos - 1986 - Speculum 61 (4):1037-1038.
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  42. Le metamorfosi dell'anima E gli stadi Della via spirituale: Considerazioni intorno a al-sayr wa-l-sulûk ilâ maliki-1-mulûk dello shaykh qâsim Ibn salâh al-dîn al-khânî di aleppo (1619-1697). [REVIEW]Demetrio Giordani - 2007 - Divus Thomas 110 (3):117-134.
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    Pensadores norteños.Demetrio Ramos Rau - 2004 - Trujillo, Perú: [S.N.].
    Vida y obra de cuatro ilustres pensadores norteños: Hildebrando Castro Pozo, Mariano Iberico Rodríguez, Antenor Orrego Espinoza y Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre. Con énfasis en el pensamiento filosófico, sociológico y político de cada uno.
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  44. La historia de la religión en Hegel.José Demetrio Jiménez Sánchez-Mariscal - 1997 - Revista Agustiniana 38 (117):989-1037.
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  45. Mal y pecado: una lectura del "Ensayo sobre el mal" de Jean Nabert.José Demetrio Jiménez Sánchez-Mariscal - 1999 - Revista Agustiniana 40 (122):577-592.
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    The philosophy of Gemistos Plethon: Platonism in late Byzantium, between Hellenism and orthodoxy. [REVIEW]Demetrios Dedes - 2017 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25 (1):203-205.
  47.  14
    Non-invasive Brain Stimulation, a Tool to Revert Maladaptive Plasticity in Neuropathic Pain.Antonino Naro, Demetrio Milardi, Margherita Russo, Carmen Terranova, Vincenzo Rizzo, Alberto Cacciola, Silvia Marino, Rocco S. Calabro & Angelo Quartarone - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:198481.
    Neuromodulatory effects of non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) have been extensively studied in chronic pain. A hypothetic mechanism of action would be to prevent or revert the ongoing maladaptive plasticity within the pain matrix. In this review, the authors discuss the mechanisms underlying the development of an abnormal plasticity in patients with chronic pain and the putative mechanisms of NIBS in modulating synaptic plasticity in neuropathic pain conditions.
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  48.  13
    Art and Posthistory: Conversations on the End of Aesthetics.Arthur C. Danto & Demetrio Paparoni - 2022 - Columbia University Press.
    From the 1990s until just before his death, the legendary art critic and philosopher Arthur C. Danto carried out extended conversations about contemporary art with the prominent Italian critic Demetrio Paparoni. Their discussions ranged widely over a vast range of topics, from American pop art and minimalism to abstraction and appropriationism. Yet they continually returned to the concepts at the core of Danto’s thinking—posthistory and the end of aesthetics—provocative notions that to this day shape questions about the meaning and future (...)
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  49. La duración supra-oposicional.Villanueva Mejía & Demetrio[From Old Catalog] - 1956 - Lima,:
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    El Tratado Teológico de la Creación: de ayer a hoy.Demetrio Sánchez Ramiro - 2011 - Salmanticensis 58 (2):257-275.
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