Results for 'relational images'

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  1.  33
    (1 other version)The Image/Sign Relation in Husserl and Freud.Edward S. Casey - 1976 - Review of Metaphysics 30 (2):207 - 225.
    EVER SINCE Plato declared imagining to be mere pseudo- or shadow-knowing—a form of eikasia, the lowest species of mental activity—Western philosophers have striven to put imagination in its place: a strictly subordinate place. With the exception of isolated figures such as Vico, Collingwood, and Bachelard, philosophers have denounced imagining for its digressiveness and excoriated it for its evasiveness, though sometimes surreptitiously admiring it for these very qualities. At the same time, and as part of the same deprecatory tactic, invidious comparisons (...)
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    Relation Dynamique entre Image et Forme dans la Pensée de Platon.Makoto Sekimura - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 12:71-77.
    On sait que Platon fait grand cas des êtres intelligibles en instaurant la théorie des Idées. Mais il n’est pas approprié de le considérer comme penseur qui néglige le rôle de l’apparence sensible. Ce philosophe demeure très sensible à la modalité par laquelle les phénomènes apparaissent dans le champ de notreperception. En distinguant deux types d’apparence : image et simulacre, il donne à l’image le rôle d’intermédiaire actif entre le sensible et l’intelligible. L’examen des modalités des actions humaines qui reçoivent (...)
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    The empire of communication: body, image and relation.Hosu Ioan - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (31):198-205.
    Review of Aurel Codoban, Imperiul comunicării: corp, imagine și relaționare (The Empire of Communication: Body, Image and Relation), (Cluj-Napoca: Idea Design &Print, 2011).
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    Interdiscourse or supervenience relations: The primacy of the manifest image.Jaap van Brakel - 1996 - Synthese 106 (2):253-97.
    Amidst the progress being made in the various (sub-)disciplines of the behavioural and brain sciences a somewhat neglected subject is the problem of how everything fits into one world and, derivatively, how the relation between different levels of discourse should be understood and to what extent different levels, domains, approaches, or disciplines are autonomous or dependent. In this paper I critically review the most recent proposals to specify the nature of interdiscourse relations, focusing on the concept of supervenience. Ideally supervenience (...)
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    The Relation between Self Image and Brand Image: An Alternative Perspective.Jan Bosman - 1996 - Communications 21 (1):27-48.
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    Claustrophobia-Related Anxiety During MR Imaging Examinations.Casey Rentmeester - 2022 - Radiologic Technology 94 (1):53-57.
    Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has proven to be a highly effective medical imaging technique that produces detailed cross-sectional images of organs, tissues, and skeletal structures. Because of its versatility, MR imaging has been called “one of the most powerful diagnostic tools in contemporary clinical medicine.”1 MR imaging is advantageous because it does not rely on potentially harmful ionizing radiation used in other imaging techniques; however, the MR imaging scanner can cause considerable anxiety for individuals with claustrophobia, a fear of (...)
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    Self-images and related autobiographical memories in schizophrenia.Mehdi Bennouna-Greene, Fabrice Berna, Martin A. Conway, Clare J. Rathbone, Pierre Vidailhet & Jean-Marie Danion - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):247-257.
    Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness, which affects sense of identity. While the ability to have a coherent vision of the self relies partly on its reciprocal relationships with autobiographical memories, little is known about how memories ground “self-images” in schizophrenia. Twenty-five patients with schizophrenia and 25 controls were asked to give six autobiographical memories related to four self-statements they considered essential for defining their identity. Results showed that patients’ self-images were more passive than those of controls. Autobiographical (...)
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    Image and text relations in ISIS materials and the new relations established through recontextualisation in online media.Kevin Chai, Rebecca Lange, Sabine Tan, Kay L. O’Halloran & Peter Wignell - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (5):535-559.
    This study takes a systemic functional multimodal social semiotic approach to the analysis and discussion of image and text relations in two sets of data. First, patterns of contextualisation of images and text in the online magazines Dabiq and Rumiyah produced by the Islamic extremist organisation which refers to itself as Islamic State are examined. The second data set consists of a sample of texts from Western online news and blog sites which include recontextualisations of images found in (...)
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    Image, Art and Virtuality: Towards an Aesthetics of Relation.Roberto Diodato - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book investigates the ontological state of relations in a unique way. Starting with the notion of system, it shows that the system can be understood as a relational structure, and that relations can be assessed within themselves, with no need to transform relations in elements. “Relations” are understood in contrast to “relational property”: without a relation there is no identity, therefore no existence. What allows us to do that without hypostatizing the relation, and without immediately taking it (...)
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    Images in Health-related Communications from Sri Lanka: Is there a Racial Bias?Saroj Jayasinghe, Thrangani Rupasinghe & Yumal Kuruppu - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 14 (2):207-212.
    Racial bias and language discrimination are recognized in the health sector in countries such as Sri Lanka. This may extend to images used in health communication and educational literature. We analyzed the racial and ethnic representation in a sample of newspapers and websites related to health obtained over a period. Most of the human figures in health-related messages in newspapers had an overrepresentation of Caucasians. This trend was absent in websites where 73% of the images of Sri Lankans. (...)
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    Imaging in Severe Disorders of Consciousness: Rethinking Consciousness, Identity, and Care in a Relational Key.Andrea Vicini - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (1):169-191.
    FUNCTIONAL MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING DETECTS DEGREES of consciousness in a few vegetative patients, despite the difficulty of establishing any form of communication with them at the bedside. What are the implications of our understanding of consciousness in defining one's identity? How do we care for these patients? To answer these questions, I propose relationality as an appropriate ethical resource. Relationality supports a renewed understanding of consciousness, identity, and care; it addresses the associated ethical issues; and it characterizes who we are, (...)
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  12.  37
    Imaging Bodies, Imagining Relations: Narratives of Queer Women and “Assisted Conception”.Jacquelyne Luce - 2004 - Journal of Medical Humanities 25 (1):47-56.
    This article is based on ethnographic research conducted between 1998 and 2000 in British Columbia, Canada. In this article Luce brings together the narratives of queer women she interviewed about their experiences of trying to become parents with her own stories about doing the research. Both sets of stories explore the ways in which relationships between people are reproduced and represented through images of sexuality, reproduction, queerness, parents, and families. Shifting between telling about the tensions she experienced while doing (...)
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  13.  29
    Entities and relations in medical imaging: An analysis of computed tomography reporting.Dirk Marwede & James Matthew Fielding - 2007 - Applied ontology 2 (1):67-79.
    Biomedical ontologies define entities and relations in order to represent knowledge in the biomedical domain. In addition, many ontologies further represent supplementary knowledge by linking terms from an external controlled vocabulary to the entities defined within the ontology itself. In this paper we concentrate on the domain of medical imaging, for which controlled vocabularies are emerging, but no ontology currently exists. We analyzed computed tomography reports in order to determine to which entities terms used in such reports refer and which (...)
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  14.  48
    Action and Relation: Toward a New Theory of the Image.Helen Petrovsky - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 81 (2):250-259.
    This article examines a changing global reality that manifests itself in new forms of social activism. The struggle of the multitude challenges political representation and contemporary art seems to corroborate this observation. Becoming a form of social intervention, it turns into an active force and leaves behind the need to double action with representation, representational practices being the hallmark of classical art. A new theory of the image would have to incorporate this dynamic: it would have to treat and develop (...)
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    Les stéréotypes dans les relations Nord-Sud : images du physique de l'Autre et qualifications mentales.Gilles Boëtsch & Christiane Villain-Gandossi - 2001 - Hermes 30:17.
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    Imaging When Acting: Picture but Not Word Cues Induce Action-Related Biases of Visual Attention.Agnieszka Wykowska, Bernhard Hommel & Anna Schubö - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
  17.  26
    Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging changes during relational retrieval in normal aging and amnestic mild cognitive impairment.K. Giovanello, F. De Brigard, J. Ford, D. Kaufer, J. Browndyke & K. Welsh-Bohmer - 2012 - Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 18:886-897.
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    The image in the text: methodological aspects of the analysis of illustrations and their relation to the text.Gabrielle Sed-Rajna - 1993 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 75 (3):25-32.
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    HAADF imaging of the omega phase in a gum metal-related alloy.R. P. Sankaran, C. Ophus, B. Ozdol, V. R. Radmilovic, A. M. Minor & J. W. Morris - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (25):2900-2912.
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    Anterior cingulate cortex-related connectivity in first-episode schizophrenia: a spectral dynamic causal modeling study with functional magnetic resonance imaging.Long-Biao Cui, Jian Liu, Liu-Xian Wang, Chen Li, Yi-Bin Xi, Fan Guo, Hua-Ning Wang, Lin-Chuan Zhang, Wen-Ming Liu, Hong He, Ping Tian, Hong Yin & Hongbing Lu - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
    Understanding the neural basis of schizophrenia (SZ) is important for shedding light on the neurobiological mechanisms underlying this mental disorder. Structural and functional alterations in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), hippocampus, and medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) have been implicated in the neurobiology of SZ. However, the effective connectivity among them in SZ remains unclear. The current study investigated how neuronal pathways involving these regions were affected in first-episode SZ using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Forty-nine patients (...)
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    The relation of perceptive and revived mental material as shown by the subjective control of visual after-images.Thomas H. Haines & John C. Williams - 1905 - Psychological Review 12 (1):18-40.
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  22. To Do Well by Doing Good: Improving Corporate Image Through Cause-Related Marketing.Joëlle Vanhamme, Adam Lindgreen, Jon Reast & Nathalie Popering - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (3):259-274.
    As part of their corporate social responsibility, many organizations practice cause-related marketing, in which organizations donate to a chosen cause with every consumer purchase. The extant literature has identified the importance of the fit between the organization and the nature of the cause in influencing corporate image, as well as the influence of a connection between the cause and consumer preferences on brand attitudes and brand choice. However, prior research has not addressed which cause composition most appeals to consumers or (...)
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    Mutual Images: Essays in American-Japanese Relations.Stephen E. Pelz & Akira Irye - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (3):444.
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    Spatial relation learning for explainable image classification and annotation in critical applications.Régis Pierrard, Jean-Philippe Poli & Céline Hudelot - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 292 (C):103434.
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    Beyond the Image of Foreign Direct Investment in China: Where ethics meets public relations.Jeremy B. Fox, Joan M. Donohue & Jinpei Wu - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 56 (4):317-324.
    While there had still been an increasing flow of foreign direct investment (FDI) into China during the 2002 downturn in FDI globally, such investments have historically been only sporadically successful. Much writing has detailed and discussed problems associated with China FDI but several costs remain dangerously overlooked. One such cost is that of micro-monitoring plants for work conditions and employee treatment in violation of local Chinese laws and possible home country ethics. Further, a more personal cost is presented – the (...)
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  26.  2
    Enactive Theory of Radiology Imaging: Images and Language as Diagnostic Tools.Mindaugas Briedis - 2018 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:63-91.
    The article is based on research conducted at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital, Radiology Department (Memphis, Tennessee, USA). It examines embodied cognition embedded in radiological diagnostics relating image perception with normative judgment constitution. The research follows the causal thesis in that it is possible to grasp categories and causality via visual experience (causal impressions) and language (causal verbs), which in turn heavily depends on strategies of the enaction of imaging technology and intersubjective corroboration. In this way, the pre-reflective and intersubjective constitution (...)
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    Multimodal magnetic resonance imaging of youth sport-related concussion reveals acute changes in the cerebellum, basal ganglia, and corpus callosum that resolve with recovery.Najratun Nayem Pinky, Chantel T. Debert, Sean P. Dukelow, Brian W. Benson, Ashley D. Harris, Keith O. Yeates, Carolyn A. Emery & Bradley G. Goodyear - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:976013.
    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can provide a number of measurements relevant to sport-related concussion (SRC) symptoms; however, most studies to date have used a single MRI modality and whole-brain exploratory analyses in attempts to localize concussion injury. This has resulted in highly variable findings across studies due to wide ranging symptomology, severity and nature of injury within studies. A multimodal MRI, symptom-guided region-of-interest (ROI) approach is likely to yield more consistent results. The functions of the cerebellum and basal ganglia transcend (...)
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    To Do Well by Doing Good: Improving Corporate Image Through Cause-Related Marketing.Joëlle Vanhamme, Adam Lindgreen, Jon Reast & Nathalie van Popering - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (3):259-274.
    As part of their corporate social responsibility, many organizations practice cause-related marketing, in which organizations donate to a chosen cause with every consumer purchase. The extant literature has identified the importance of the fit between the organization and the nature of the cause in influencing corporate image, as well as the influence of a connection between the cause and consumer preferences on brand attitudes and brand choice. However, prior research has not addressed which cause composition most appeals to consumers or (...)
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  29. Just What is the Relation between the Manifest and the Scientific Images?Willem deVries - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 24 (1):112-128.
    Robert B. Brandom’s From Empiricism to Expressivism ranges widely over fundamental issues in metaphysics, with occasional forays into epistemology as well. The centerpiece is what Brandom calls ‘the Kant-Sellars thesis about modality’. This is ‘[t]he claim that in being able to use ordinary empirical descriptive vocabulary, one already knows how to do everything that one needs to know how to do, in principle, to use alethic modal vocabulary – in particular subjunctive conditionals’. Despite claiming descent from Sellars, Brandom defends here (...)
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    Student teachers' discipline strategies: relations with self-images, anticipated student responses and control orientation.Romi de Jong, Jan van Tartwijk, Theo Wubbels, Ietje Veldman & Nico Verloop - 2013 - Educational Studies 39 (5):582-597.
    Teacher discipline strategies are well documented when it comes to its effects on students and the working climate in the classroom. Although it is commonly acknowledged that for student teachers classroom management is a major concern, student teachers? use of discipline strategies is largely unknown. In this paper, we examine student teachers? beliefs in relation to their discipline strategies. Three clusters of discipline strategies are distinguished: sensitive, directive and aggressive discipline strategies. Beliefs that were taken into account are self-images (...)
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    Images of Aristocrates and Common People in the Tragedies of Benjamin Johnson.Р Підпалий - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:93-101.
    The article describes the interpersonal relationships of various states of society of the «post-Shakespearean» era in the artistic work of the outstanding English playwright and actor Benjamin Johnson. Relying on sources and scientific literature, the author of the article tries to recreate the layer of everyday life in London at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, to reveal the problem of the «survival» of actors in the first stationary theater «Globus», their attempts to communicate with aristocrats, the attitude (...)
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    Images and power: rock art and ethics.Polly Schaafsma - 2013 - New York, NY: Springer.
    Images and Power: Rock Art and Ethics addresses the distinctive ways in which ethical considerations pertain to rock art research within the larger context of the archaeological ethical debate. Marks on stone, with their social and religious implications, give rise to distinctive ethical concerns within the scholarly enterprise as different perceptions between scholars and Native Americans are encountered in regard to worldviews, concepts of space, time, and in the interpretation of the imagery itself. This discourse addresses issues such as (...)
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  33.  39
    Low-Level Contrast Statistics of Natural Images Can Modulate the Frequency of Event-Related Potentials (ERP) in Humans.Masoud Ghodrati, Mahrad Ghodousi & Ali Yoonessi - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:218371.
    Humans are fast and accurate in categorizing complex natural images. It is, however, unclear what features of visual information are exploited by brain to perceive the images with such speed and accuracy. It has been shown that low-level contrast statistics of natural scenes can explain the variance of amplitude of event-related potentials (ERP) in response to rapidly presented images. In this study, we investigated the effect of these statistics on frequency content of ERPs. We recorded ERPs from (...)
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    Ontologies of rock art: images, relational approaches and indigenous knowledges.Óscar Moro Abadía & Martin Porr (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    Ontologies of Rock Art is the first publication exploring a wide range of ontological approaches to rock art interpretation, constituting the basis for ground-breaking studies on Indigenous knowledges, relational metaphysics, and rock imageries. The book contributes to the growing body of research on the ontology of images by focusing on five main topics: ontology as a theoretical framework; the development of new concepts and methods for an ontological approach to rock art; the examination of the relationships between ontology, (...)
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    Evaluating Abstract Art: Relation between Term Usage, Subjective Ratings, Image Properties and Personality Traits.Nathalie Lyssenko, Christoph Redies & Gregor U. Hayn-Leichsenring - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Bataille: Image and Victim.John Lechte - forthcoming - Theory, Culture and Society:026327642098661.
    This article aims to reveal aspects of the relation between the image and the victim in Georges Bataille’s writing, certainly as this applies to writings on art, but more particularly as it applies to Bataille’s relation to the victim of torture in the photographs of Chinese lingchi punishment, which entails physical dismemberment. It will be shown that Bataille does not have a ‘media specific’ approach to the image but reflects Sartre’s notion of the image. Critiques of Bataille’s relation to the (...)
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  37. Interdiscourse or supervenience relations: The primacy of the manifest image.J. Brakel - 1996 - Synthese 106 (2):253 - 297.
    Amidst the progress being made in the various (sub-)disciplines of the behavioural and brain sciences a somewhat neglected subject is the problem of how everything fits into one world and, derivatively, how the relation between different levels of discourse should be understood and to what extent different levels, domains, approaches, or disciplines are autonomous or dependent. In this paper I critically review the most recent proposals to specify the nature of interdiscourse relations, focusing on the concept of supervenience. Ideally supervenience (...)
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    On some properties and relations of images.J. R. Smythies - 1958 - Philosophical Review 67 (July):389-394.
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    Les mots et les images de la relation entre l’un et l’autre.Tanella Boni - 2021 - Diogène n° 267-267 (3-4):140-159.
    Comment penser aujourd’hui la place des Africaines dans leurs sociétés dites postcoloniales? Ce texte propose de situer la complexité de la relation entre l’un et l’autre à la croisée des langues et des cultures. La domination d’une langue – le français – est l’un des critères mobilisés en vue de penser les représentations et les imaginaires liées au corps des femmes. Il s’agit d’aller au-delà de la race, de la classe, du genre et d’autres approches proposées par les perspectives intersectionnelles. (...)
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    What can cognitive linguistics tell us about language-image relations? A multidimensional approach to intersemiotic convergence in multimodal texts.Javier Marmol Queralto & Christopher Hart - 2021 - Cognitive Linguistics 32 (4):529-562.
    In contrast to symbol-manipulation approaches, Cognitive Linguistics offers a modal rather than an amodal account of meaning in language. From this perspective, the meanings attached to linguistic expressions, in the form of conceptualisations, have various properties in common with visual forms of representation. This makes Cognitive Linguistics a potentially useful framework for identifying and analysing language-image relations in multimodal texts. In this paper, we investigate language-image relations with a specific focus on intersemiotic convergence. Analogous with research on gesture, we extend (...)
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    (1 other version)Images et représentations de la femme dans les contes marocains du Nord-Ouest.Leila Messaoudi - 1999 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:12-12.
    Cet article traite des images de la femme dans quelques contes marocains. Il s'agit de saisir les représentations sociales véhiculées par la littérature orale et les attitudes sous-jacentes exprimées par les relations de rôles des personnages féminins dans le cadre d'une démarche de type sociolinguistique.
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    The Adventure of the Image Through the Conflict of Interpretations.Ramona Nicoleta Arieșan - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:171-178.
    The Adventure of the Image Through the Conflict of Interpretations. Starting from the self-image, through the image adventure landscape seen as an ensemble of conflict of interpretation, not only from a single glance or direction, whether it is evasive or complex, we follow our decipherment and transformation, be it process or state. Through multiple hypostases, whether isolated or open, I will focus on certain details that will be addressed as a dimension by means of text or material reproduction, or through (...)
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  43. Image Content.Mohan Matthen - 2014 - In Berit Brogaard, Does Perception Have Content? New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 265-290.
    The senses present their content in the form of images, three-dimensional arrays of located sense features. Peacocke’s “scenario content” is one attempt to capture image content; here, a richer notion is presented, sensory images include located objects and features predicated of them. It is argued that our grasp of the meaning of these images implies that they have propositional content. Two problems concerning image content are explored. The first is that even on an enriched conception, image content (...)
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    Image and Concept. Studies on the Relations between Art and Science. [REVIEW]Rudolf Schottlaender - 1977 - Philosophy and History 10 (1):27-31.
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    An Event-Related Potential Study of the Neural Response to Inferred Motion in Visual Images of Varying Coherence.Lei Jia, Yufan Xu, John A. Sweeney, Cheng Wang, Billy Sung & Jun Wang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Turing degrees of certain isomorphic images of computable relations.Valentina S. Harizanov - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 93 (1-3):103-113.
    A model is computable if its domain is a computable set and its relations and functions are uniformly computable. Let be a computable model and let R be an extra relation on the domain of . That is, R is not named in the language of . We define to be the set of Turing degrees of the images f under all isomorphisms f from to computable models. We investigate conditions on and R which are sufficient and necessary for (...)
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    Picture This: A Review of Research Relating to Narrative Processing by Moving Image Versus Language.Elspeth Jajdelska, Miranda Anderson, Christopher Butler, Nigel Fabb, Elizabeth Finnigan, Ian Garwood, Stephen Kelly, Wendy Kirk, Karin Kukkonen, Sinead Mullally & Stephan Schwan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Reading fiction for pleasurable is robustly correlated with improved cognitive attainment and other benefits. It is also in decline among young people in developed nations, in part because of competition from moving image fiction. We review existing research on the differences between reading/hearing verbal fiction and watching moving image fiction, as well as looking more broadly at research on image/text interactions and visual versus verbal processing. We conclude that verbal narrative generates more diverse responses than moving image narrative., We note (...)
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    Diagrams - images in the form of texts.Migliore Tiziana - 2021 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 9 (1):143-180.
    The present contribution intends to outline diagrams in the process of their becoming and as the result of live-action gestures between people. It aims to demonstrate that diagrams are images produced in form of “texts”, that is in form of any interweaving of relations. After a re- reading of the notions of “image” and “text”, our article highlights the continuities of Peirce's views on the diagram, as a not only verbal function, into Deleuze and Guattari's theory, and provides a (...)
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    Women's Boxing and Related Activities: Introducing Images and Meanings.Jennifer Hargreaves - 1997 - Body and Society 3 (4):33-49.
  50.  19
    Diffusion Tensor Imaging Revealing the Relation of Age-Related Differences in the Corpus Callosum With Cognitive Style.Shulan Hsieh, Zai-Fu Yao, Meng-Heng Yang, Cheng-Ta Yang & Chun-Hao Wang - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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