Results for 'rigorous analogy, individuation, conjunctive synthesis, neuronal plasticity, art and aesthetics of sound creation'

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  1. Philosophical Toys as Vectors for Diagrammatic Creation: The Case of The Fragmented Orchestra.Claudia Mongini - 2013 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 35 (2):289-313.
    The central topic of this essay consists into establishing a relation between two dimensions of formation: the conceptual process of creating philo- sophical toys - that is of reelaborating existing philosophical concepts, mainly deriving from the thought of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, in terms of their potential as ‘operative constructs' - and their parallel redeployment towards the specific problem of analyz- ing a recent transdisciplinary artwork. By means of this strategical shift, theory looses its character of explanation and illustration. (...)
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  2. Objects as Temporary Autonomous Zones.Tim Morton - 2011 - Continent 1 (3):149-155.
    continent. 1.3 (2011): 149-155. The world is teeming. Anything can happen. John Cage, “Silence” 1 Autonomy means that although something is part of something else, or related to it in some way, it has its own “law” or “tendency” (Greek, nomos ). In their book on life sciences, Medawar and Medawar state, “Organs and tissues…are composed of cells which…have a high measure of autonomy.”2 Autonomy also has ethical and political valences. De Grazia writes, “In Kant's enormously influential moral philosophy, autonomy (...)
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    European plastic art in anthropological dimension: From the classics to the postmodernism.R. M. Rusin & I. V. Liashenko - 2018 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 14:20-29.
    Purpose. The article is devoted to the analysis of corporality as an attribute of plastic art in the Ancient art, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the modernism and the postmodernism. Theoretical basis. The authors consider historical development of the art as a change of paradigms. Within each paradigm a special understanding of art is created, which is characterized both by the act of creativity itself and by the evaluation of its results. Particularly urgent is the task to identify the origins (...)
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    The Plastic Turn by Ghosh, Ranjan (review).Maria Margaroni - 2024 - Substance 53 (3):149-155.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Plastic Turn by Ghosh, RanjanMaria MargaroniGhosh, Ranjan. The Plastic Turn. Cornell University Press, 2022. 224pp.In Plasticity at the Dusk of Writing: Dialectic, Destruction, Deconstruction (2005; 2010), Catherine Malabou argues that “the concept of plasticity is becoming both the dominant formal motif of interpretation and the most productive exegetical and heuristic tool of our time,” supplanting older theoretical paradigms such as “writing” and “the trace” (57). Almost twenty (...)
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  5. Aesthetics in the 21st Century: Walter Derungs & Oliver Minder.Peter Burleigh - 2012 - Continent 2 (4):237-243.
    Located in Kleinbasel close to the Rhine, the Kaskadenkondensator is a place of mediation and experimental, research-and process-based art production with a focus on performance and performative expression. The gallery, founded in 1994, and located on the third floor of the former Sudhaus Warteck Brewery (hence cascade condenser), seeks to develop interactions between artists, theorists and audiences. Eight, maybe, nine or ten 40 litre bags of potting compost lie strewn about the floor of a high-ceilinged white washed hall. Dumped, split (...)
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  6. Time in the plastic arts.Etienne Souriau - 1949 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 7 (4):294-307.
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    Metaphoric expression in the plastic arts.Max Rieser - 1958 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 17 (2):194-200.
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  8. Motivating Aesthetics.Cynthia C. Rostankowski - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (3):104.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.3 (2003) 104-107 [Access article in PDF] Motivating Aesthetics Cynthia C. Rostankowski Humanities Department San Jose State University The territory of philosophical aesthetics remains a conceptual hinterland in the world of academic disciplines. It is not the only hinterland, but in comparison to other disciplines in arts and letters, few scholars engage in the subject professionally, and many people avoid the territory (...)
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  9. Worldmaking: Property rights in aesthetic creations.Peter H. Karlen - 1986 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 45 (2):183-192.
    This paper delves into the nature of intellectual property rights in aesthetic creations, particularly works of visual art and literary works. The discussion focuses on copyrights interests, but there are also implications for trademark and patent rights. The argument assumes a fairly conventional definition of "property," namely, the set of legal relations between the owner and all other persons relating to the use, enjoyment and disposition of a tangible thing. The problem with such a definition as applied to aesthetic creations (...)
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    The Cybernetic Approach to Aesthetics.G. H. R. Parkinson - 1961 - Philosophy 36 (136):49 - 61.
    The idea that cybernetics can throw light on problems connected with thinking and learning is now a familiar one. Psychologists who are concerned with these problems often make use of cybernetic analogies, and some cyberneticians claim that their science provides an answer to philosophical problems about the nature of thought. On this last topic a great deal has been written recently; but it is comparatively seldom that it is suggested that cybernetics can be applied to problems of aesthetics. On (...)
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  11. Virtual Simultaneity in Lessing's Aesthetics.Dragos Grusea - 2023 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 67 (2):386-400.
    This paper aims to show that Lessing develops in his aesthetics a pre-Kantian philosophy of consciousness. The concept of virtuality that the german writer puts forward in his essay Laocoon implies an interweaving of temporal dimensions similar to the threefold temporal synthesis described by Kant in the transcendental deduction of the Critique of Pure Reason. But whereas Kant thematizes an a priori of consciousness, Lessing is in search of an a priori of plastic art. It will be seen that (...)
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    Assistive Device Art: aiding audio spatial location through the Echolocation Headphones.Aisen C. Chacin, Hiroo Iwata & Victoria Vesna - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (4):583-597.
    Assistive Device Art derives from the integration of Assistive Technology and Art, involving the mediation of sensorimotor functions and perception from both, psychophysical methods and conceptual mechanics of sensory embodiment. This paper describes the concept of ADA and its origins by observing the phenomena that surround the aesthetics of prosthesis-related art. It also analyzes one case study, the Echolocation Headphones, relating its provenience and performance to this new conceptual and psychophysical approach of tool design. This ADA tool is designed (...)
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    Jacques Rancière: History, Politics, Aesthetics.Gabriel Rockhill & Philip Watts (eds.) - 2009 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    The French philosopher Jacques Rancière has influenced disciplines from history and philosophy to political theory, literature, art history, and film studies. His research into nineteenth-century workers’ archives, reflections on political equality, critique of the traditional division between intellectual and manual labor, and analysis of the place of literature, film, and art in modern society have all constituted major contributions to contemporary thought. In this collection, leading scholars in the fields of philosophy, literary theory, and cultural criticism engage Rancière’s work, illuminating (...)
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  14. Pragmatist Aesthetics: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art.Richard Shusterman - 1992 - Cambridge, USA: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This much acclaimed book has emerged as neo-pragmatism's most significant contribution to contemporary aesthetics. By articulating a deeply embodied notion of aesthetic experience and the art of living, and by providing a compellingly rigorous defense of popular art—crowned by a pioneer study of hip hop—Richard Shusterman reorients aesthetics towards a fresher, more relevant, and socially progressive agenda. The second edition contains an introduction where Shusterman responds to his critics, and it concludes with an added chapter that formulates (...)
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    Sculptural Plasticity.Rowan Bailey - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (4):1093-1109.
    This essay explores “sculptural plasticity” through neuronal matterings of the brainbody in philosophy, literature, and art. It focuses on Socrates’s cataleptic condition as evidenced in Plato’s Symposium, the plasticities at work in Jean-Paul Sartre’s Nausea, and morphogenetic acts of cell formation in the sculptural installation of Pierre Huyghe’s After ALife Ahead.
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    Modern architecture: A new technical- aesthetic synthesis.Carl W. Condit - 1947 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 6 (1):45-54.
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    Analogical relations in musical pattern.George Sherman Dickinson - 1958 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 17 (1):77-84.
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    (2 other versions)Aesthetics Lectures on Fine Art: Volume 1.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1975 - Oxford University Press UK.
    In his Aesthetics Hegel gives full expression to his seminal theory of art. He surveys the history of art from ancient India, Egypt, and Greece through to the Romantic movement of his own time, criticizes major works, and probes their meaning and significance; his rich array of examples gives broad scope for his judgement and makes vivid his exposition of his theory. The substantial Introduction is Hegel's best exposition of his general philosophy of art, and provides the ideal way (...)
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  19. Aesthetic creation.Nick Zangwill - 2007 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    What is the purpose of art? What drives us to make it? Why do we value it? Nick Zangwill argues that the function of art is to have certain aesthetic properties in virtue of its non-aesthetic properties, and this function arises because of the artist's insight into the nature of these dependence relations and her intention to bring them about.
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    New approaches to plastic language: Prolegomena to a computer-aided approach to pictorial semiotics.Everardo Reyes & Göran Sonesson - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (230):71-95.
    In this paper we summarize observations bridging the declared aspirations of pictorial semiotics and its real achievements. Pictorial semiotics is here understood as the general study of pictures as signs and it constituted a fundamental step beyond the art historical captivation with individual images. In the first part of our contribution we present a review of the most important methods that have been proposed as an answer to deal with several pictorial problems (multiple instances, segmentation, non-figurative meaning). In the second (...)
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  21. Fictional Creations.Maarten Steenhagen - 2021 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.
    Many people assume that fictional entities are encapsulated in the world of fiction. I show that this cannot be right. Some works of fiction tell us about pieces of poetry, music, or theatre written by fictional characters. Such creations are fictional creations, as I will call them. Their authors do not exist. But that does not take away that we can perform, recite, or otherwise generate actual instances of such works. This means we can bring such individuals actually into existence, (...)
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  22. On analogical action.Albert Wachtel - 1963 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 22 (2):153-159.
    A clear understanding of King Oedipus' guilt requires an understanding that though he murdered his father in ignorance, after he learned that Jocasta was his mother, Oedipus ran into the castle intent on murdering her. From that analogical horror (killing one or another parent) he was saved by her suicide.
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    Evaluating Art Morally.Elisabeth Schellekens - 2020 - Theoria 86 (6):843-858.
    What is the value of art? Standard responses draw on the different kinds of value that we tend to ascribe to individual artworks. In that context, none have been more significant than aesthetic value and moral value. To understand what makes an artwork valuable we then need to examine the interaction between these two kinds of value and how this contributes to the artwork's final value. The main aim of this article is to highlight two areas of concern for interaction (...)
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    The place for synthesis.Jaan Valsiner - 2015 - History of the Human Sciences 28 (2):93-102.
    Vygotsky was a brilliant literary scholar whose role in psychology borrows substantially from his interests in and fascination with literature and theatre. The central question for Vygotsky’s theory was aesthetic synthesis – the emergence of generalized feelings in human life-experiences. The critical empirical example for the emergence of affective synthesis for Vygotsky was the short story by Ivan Bunin, ‘Legkoe dykhanie’. My task in this article is to analyse Vygotsky’s way of conceptualizing dialectical synthesis as a general psychological process. I (...)
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    Aesthetic creation • by N. Zangwill.Mitchell Green - 2009 - Analysis 69 (2):399-401.
    Definitions of art tend to take the phenomenon at face value, with philosophers aspiring to accommodate their theories to the artistic facts no matter how bizarre. The result, as for instance in the work of Dickie, is a definition of art neutral on the questions whether any of it is any good, and why anyone would bother to produce it. Zangwill bucks this trend by insisting that the method of definition-and-counterexample that drives much of the field is out of date, (...)
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  26. 17 beta-estradiol synthesis modulates cerebellar dependent motor memory formation in adult male rats.Roberto Panichi Cristina V. Dieni, Jacqueline A. Sullivan, Mario Faralli, Samuele Contemori, Andrea Biscarini, Vito E. Pettorossi & Jacqueline Anne Sullivan - 2018 - Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 155:276-286.
    Neurosteroid 17 beta-estradiol (E2) is a steroid synthesized de novo in the nervous system that might influence neuronal activity and behavior. Nevertheless, the impact of E2 on the functioning of those neural systems in which it is slightly synthesized is less questioned. The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) adaptation, may provide an ideal arena for investigating this issue. Indeed, E2 modulates cerebellar parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synaptic plasticity that underlies encoding of VOR adaptation. Moreover, aromatase expression in the cerebellum of adult rodents (...)
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  27. Aesthetic Habits.Alessandro Bertinetto & Mariagrazia Portera (eds.) - 2024 - Milan: Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell'estetico - Mimesis Edizioni.
    In recent years, the concept of habits has emerged as a focal point within international philosophical discourse, particularly through historical, theoretical, and empirical lenses encompassing and integrating, among others, philosophical, psychological, neuroscientific and sociological perspectives. Habits, understood as dispositions that facilitate individual and social activities, influence everything from mundane daily practices to highly specialized skills. They shape the interaction between organism and en- vironment, playing a pivotal role in personal and collective identity formation, cultural education, social coordination, organization and change, (...)
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    The aesthetic experience.Laurence Buermeyer - 1924 - Merion, Pa.,: The Barnes Foundation.
    Excerpt from The Aesthetic Experience The enjoyment Of art is ordinarily looked upon as some thing detached from the serious business of life, as an episode in an existence otherwise fundamentally non-aesthetic. Art is conceived as shut up in books, concert-halls, and museums; as, perhaps, a legitimate preoccupation on a trip to Europe; but under ordinary circumstances a relaxation, and if more than that, a distraction or even a dissipation. For a few individuals, writers, musicians, or painters, it is more (...)
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    Individual style.James D. Carney - 1991 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 49 (1):15-22.
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  30. Creation as aesthetic analogy.Michael Hanby - 2011 - In Thomas Joseph White, The Analogy of being: invention of the Antichrist or the wisdom of God? Cambridge, U.K.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
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    Aesthetics as Cross-Disciplinary Discipline.Julia Jansen, Francis Halsall & Tony O’Connor - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 1:113-120.
    One of the important aspects of recent aesthetics is its focus on cross-disciplinary approaches. This implies that, although claims to generality and objectivity continue to be made, no single practice, science, or approach is able to provide absolute evidential support for arguments and claims. Aesthetics as a critical enterprise, therefore, is open to a plurality of explanations. As a result, art becomes more than another object of scientific or philosophical inquiry. It becomes a model for philosophical practice that (...)
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    Philosophical-aesthetic Grounds for Overcoming Human Alienation in Georg Lukacs’ Art.Liliya Masgutova - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 46:185-192.
    A well-known Hungarian philosopher, politician, literary and art theorist Georg Lukacs was a notable figure of philosophical thought in XX century. Although he was interested in many problems philosophical-aesthetical matter is the main one in all his works. The problem of human alienation from social forms is outlined in his numerous literary, philosophical, aesthetical works of pre- and post- Marxian periods. The concept of philosophical-aesthetical grounds for overcoming human alienation has been developed in his art from romantic feeling of existential (...)
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  33. Body Aesthetics.Sherri Irvin (ed.) - 2016 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    The body is a rich object for aesthetic inquiry. We aesthetically assess both our own bodies and those of others, and our felt bodily experiences have aesthetic qualities. The body features centrally in aesthetic experiences of visual art, theatre, dance and sports. It is also deeply intertwined with one's identity and sense of self. Artistic and media representations shape how we see and engage with bodies, with consequences both personal and political. This volume contains sixteen original essays by contributors in (...)
  34. Toward Eco-Friendly Aesthetics.Sheila Lintott - 2006 - Environmental Ethics 28 (1):57-76.
    Environmentalists can make individuals more eco-friendly by dispelling many of the myths and misconceptions about the natural world. By learning what in nature is and is not dangerous, and in what contexts the danger is real, individuals can come to aesthetically appreciate seemingly unappreciable nature. Since aesthetic attraction can be an extremely valuable tool for environmentalists, with potentialbeyond that of scientific education, the quest for an eco-friendly is neither unnecessary nor redundant. Rather, an eco-friendly aesthetic ought to be pursued in (...)
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  35. Epistemic normativity in Kant's “Second Analogy”.James Hutton - 2019 - European Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):593-609.
    In the “Second Analogy,” Kant argues that, unless mental contents involve the concept of causation, they cannot represent an objective temporal sequence. According to Kant, deploying the concept of causation renders a certain temporal ordering of representations necessary, thus enabling objective representational purport. One exegetical question that remains controversial is this: how, and in what sense, does deploying the concept of cause render a certain ordering of representations necessary? I argue that this necessitation is a matter of epistemic normativity: with (...)
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  36. The aesthetic field.Arnold Berleant - 1970 - Springfield, Ill.,: Thomas.
    The Aesthetic Field develops an account of aesthetic experience that distinguishes four mutually interacting factors: the creative factor represented primarily by the artist; the appreciative one by the viewer, listener, or reader; the objective factor by the art object, which is the focus of the experience; and the performative by the activator of the aesthetic occurrence. Each of these factors both affects all the others and is in turn influenced by them, so none can be adequately considered apart from them. (...)
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  37. Resources for Research on Analogy: A Multi-disciplinary Guide.Marcello Guarini, Amy Butchart, Paul Simard Smith & Andrei Moldovan - 2009 - Informal Logic 29 (2):84-197.
    Work on analogy has been done from a number of disciplinary perspectives throughout the history of Western thought. This work is a multidisciplinary guide to theorizing about analogy. It contains 1,406 references, primarily to journal articles and monographs, and primarily to English language material. classical through to contemporary sources are included. The work is classified into eight different sections (with a number of subsections). A brief introduction to each section is provided. Keywords and key expressions of importance to research on (...)
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    A Theoretical Framework for How We Learn Aesthetic Values.Hassan Aleem, Ivan Correa-Herran & Norberto M. Grzywacz - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:565629.
    How do we come to like the things that we do? Each one of us starts from a relatively similar state at birth, yet we end up with vastly different sets of aesthetic preferences. These preferences go on to define us both as individuals and as members of our cultures. Therefore, it is important to understand how aesthetic preferences form over our lifetimes. This poses a challenging problem: to understand this process, one must account for the many factors at play (...)
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  39. On aesthetically appreciating human environments.Allen Carlson - 2001 - Philosophy and Geography 4 (1):9 – 24.
    In this essay I attempt to move the aesthetics of human environments away from what I call the designer landscape approach. This approach to appreciating human environments involves a cluster of ideas and assumptions such as: that human environments are usefully construed as being in general ''deliberately designed'' and worthy of aesthetic consideration only in so far as they are so designed, that human environments are in this way importantly similar to works of art, and that the aesthetics (...)
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  40. The Aesthetic Animal.Henrik Hogh-Olesen - 2018 - Oup Usa.
    The Aesthetic Animal answers the ultimate questions of why we adorn ourselves, embellish our things and surroundings, and produce art, music, song, dance and fiction. It is written in a lively and entertaining tone, with beautiful color illustrations. This must-read presents an original and comprehensive synthesis of the empirical field, synthesizing data from archeology, cave art, anthropology, biology, evolutionary psychology and neuro-aesthetics.
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  41. Aesthetic incunabula.Ellen Dissanayake - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (2):335-346.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.2 (2001) 335-346 [Access article in PDF] Aesthetic Incunabula Ellen Dissanayake Incunabula n. pl. (f. L swaddling clothes, cradle): Early stages of development of a thing.Over the past thirty years, developmental psychologists have discovered remarkable cognitive abilities in young infants. Before these investigations, common pediatric wisdom accepted that apart from a few innate "reflexes"--for crying, suckling, clinging, startling--babies were pretty much tabulae rasae for their elders (...)
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    Evaluating art: Morally significant imagining versus moral soundness.Amy Mullin - 2002 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 60 (2):137–149.
  43. A New Aesthetic Argument for Theism.Noah McKay - 2023 - Faith and Philosophy 40 (2):221-244.
    I outline and defend a version of the aesthetic argument for the existence of God, according to which theism explains our capacity for subjective aesthetic experience better than its major competitor, naturalism. I argue that naturalism fails to adequately explain the nature and range of our aesthetic experiences, since these are amenable neither to standard Darwinian explanation nor to explanation in terms of more complex sociobiological mechanisms such as sexual selection or between-group selection. I concede that aesthetic experience may be (...)
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    Virtue Aesthetics & Sustainability.N. Hall - 2024 - Contemporary Aesthetics 11.
    This paper is a case study of Olafur Eliasson’s Paris installation of Ice Watch (2014-2018) that coincided with the Climate Change COP-21 conference at the United Nations in 2015, and whose message was poignantly felt as a reminder of global warming, the melting polar regions, and the current environmental crisis. In particular, I explore how and what might we learn from this installation, to consider and rethink the relationship between aesthetic value, ethical value, and the concept of sustainability. Considering that (...)
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    «Lay it into the open wounds». Art at war in Maria Kulikovska’s performative sculpture.Alice Iacobone - 2024 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 16 (2):55-66.
    The paper addresses the work of Ukrainian artist Maria Kulikovska, who resorts to military equipment as artistic materials and to destruction as an artistic method. In the first section, I contextualize Kulikovska’s performative sculpture within art history, claiming that it can be regarded as Destruction Art. In the second section, I turn to Catherine Malabou’s concept of “destructive plasticity” as a philosophical tool of an aesthetics of war, which offers a sound theoretical framework to further understand the implications (...)
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  46. Evolution and Aesthetics.Evental Aesthetics - 2015 - Evental Aesthetics 4 (2):1-170.
    Is aesthetics a product of evolution? Are human aesthetic behaviors in fact evolutionary adaptations? The creation of artistic objects and experiences is an important aesthetic behavior. But so is the perception of aesthetic phenomena qua aesthetic. The question of evolutionary aesthetics is whether humans have evolved the capacity not only to make beautiful things but also to appreciate the aesthetic qualities in things. Are our near-universal love of music and cute baby animals essential to our species’ evolutionary (...)
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    The "Global Art Project" in Empirical Aesthetics.Забнева Э.И Попов Е.А. - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 8:45-57.
    The article reveals the interdisciplinary potential of empirical aesthetics, including from the perspective of the formation of the concept of a "global art project". The main emphasis in the material is on the conceptualization of empirical aesthetics in comparison with other levels of aesthetic scientific reflection, such as philosophical aesthetics, analytical, receptive and others. It is shown that it is precisely in the aspect of the development of empirical aesthetics that relevant research practices have been developed (...)
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    A Gynecentric Aesthetic.Renée Cox - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (2):43 - 62.
    In the proposed gynecentric aesthetic, which follows the work of Heide Göttner-Abendroth and Alan Lomax, aesthetic activity would function to integrate the individual and society. Intellect, emotion and action would combine to achieve a synthesis of body and spirit. Song and dance would involve the equal expressions of all participants, and aesthetic structures would reflect this egalitarianism. The erotic would be expressed as a vital, positive force, divorced from repression and pornography. The emphasis would be off aesthetic objects to be (...)
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  49. Aesthetic Teaching.Mark A. Pike - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (2):20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.2 (2004) 20-37 [Access article in PDF] Aesthetic Teaching Mark A. Pike I think aesthetic teaching is the highest of all teaching because it deals with life in its highest complexity. But if it ceases to be purely aesthetic — if it lapses anywhere from the picture to the diagram — it becomes the most offensive of all teaching.1George Eliot asserts that "the highest (...)
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    Zoo-aesthetics: A natural step after Darwin.Katya Mandoki - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (198):61-91.
    As a category, poiesis can be extended beyond the standard anthropocentric use and applied across three radically different scales: auto-poiesis in everyday self-organization of every living creature, phylo-poiesis in the shaping of a species by sexual selection across various generations and onto-poiesis as an individual's development of formal skills and creative modification of its environment. In this paper, I apply these distinctions and argue, following Darwin and Sebeok, for the possibility of considering poietic and aesthetic manifestations among various animal species (...)
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