Results for 'science and metaphysics'

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  1. Cognitive Science and Metaphysics.Alvin I. Goldman - 1987 - Journal of Philosophy 84 (10):537-544.
    I want to explore the possible connections between cognitive science and metaphysics. Of course, on one philosophical taxonomy, metaphysics includes the philosophy of mind. So all contributions that cognitive science might make to philosophy of mind would equally be contributions to metaphysics. But I shall bracket that portion of metaphysics.
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  2. Science and metaphysics: variations on Kantian themes.Wilfrid Sellars - 1968 - New York,: Humanities P..
  3. Computer Science and Metaphysics: A Cross-Fertilization.Edward N. Zalta, Christoph Benzmüller & Daniel Kirchner - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):230-251.
    Computational philosophy is the use of mechanized computational techniques to unearth philosophical insights that are either difficult or impossible to find using traditional philosophical methods. Computational metaphysics is computational philosophy with a focus on metaphysics. In this paper, we (a) develop results in modal metaphysics whose discovery was computer assisted, and (b) conclude that these results work not only to the obvious benefit of philosophy but also, less obviously, to the benefit of computer science, since the (...)
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  4. Combining Science and Metaphysics: Contemporary Physics, Conceptual Revision and Common Sense.Matteo Morganti - 2013 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Science and philosophy both express, and attempt to quench, the distinctively human thirst for knowledge. Today, their mutual relationship has become one of conflict or indifference rather than cooperation. At the same time, scientists and philosophers alike have moved away from at least some of our ordinary beliefs. But what can scientific and philosophical theories tell us about the world, in isolation from each other? And to what extent does a sophisticated investigation into the nature of things force us (...)
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    Science and metaphysics in Victorian Britain.James Richard Moore (ed.) - 1981 - Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
    The metaphysics of evolution -- Scientists and the spiritual world.
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  6. Science and Metaphysics: Two Kinds of Knowledge.Evandro Agazzi - 1988 - Epistemologia 11:11.
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    Cognitive Science and Metaphysics.Jonathan Schaffer - 2016 - In Hilary Kornblith & Brian McLaughlin (eds.), Goldman and his Critics. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 337–368.
    This chapter makes the general case for metaphysics as a required partner to cognitive science in the debunking project, for providing an external standard to assess intuitions. It considers the specific case studies of color, temporal passage, and spatial unity. These illustrate the general role of metaphysics in debunking, while also shedding more light on the interplay between cognitive science and metaphysics. There is also a sense in which cognitive science might be thought to (...)
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    Science and Metaphysics: Variations on Kantian Themes.Leslie Stevenson - 1970 - Philosophical Quarterly 20 (78):86.
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    Science and metaphysics: Variations on Kantian themes.Eva Schaper - 1969 - Philosophical Books 10 (3):26-28.
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    Science and metaphysics.John Leonard Russell - 1958 - New York: Sheed & Ward.
  11. Mechanistic Science and Metaphysical Romance.Jacques Loeb - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24:570.
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    Science and Metaphysics: Variations on Kantian Themes.Wilfred Sellars - 1970 - Philosophy 45 (171):66-70.
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    Science and Metaphysics in Leibniz's 'Specimen Inventorum'.G. H. R. Parkinson - 1974 - Studia Leibnitiana 6 (1):1 - 27.
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    Science and Metaphysics of Schopenhauer. 김미영 - 2020 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 99:21-39.
    이 글은 쇼펜하우어의 과학철학에 대한 경험주의적 해석의 타당성을 살펴보고, 과학과 형이상학에 대한 쇼펜하우어의 관점을 제시하는 것이다. 쇼펜하우어의 과학철학은 비판적 합리주의나 실증주의로 해석된다. 이에 따르면 의지형이상학은 쇼펜하우어의 과학철학에서 어떤 의미도 갖지 않는다. 그러나 쇼펜하우어에서 자연과학은 형이상학과 동시에 성립하는 것이다. 그가 주장하는 선천성 개념은 존재론과 결부되어 있으며, 형이상학적 인식은 정신과 신체의 동일성을 표현한다. 쇼펜하우어에서 자연법칙은 사건들의 규칙적인 결합이 아니라 세계의 본성인 자연력이 표현되는 방식이므로 필연적이다. 쇼펜하우어는 과학적 연구가 존재를 언급하는 형이상학에서 완성된다고 본다. 자연사건은 자연에 있는 힘인 의지에서 일어나는 것이기 때문이다. 물리적인 것은 (...)
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    Science and metaphysics in Berkeley.George S. Pappas - 1987 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 2 (1):105 – 114.
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    Science and Metaphysics: Variations on Kantian Themes.V. F. Lenzen - 1970 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 30 (3):464-465.
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    Science and metaphysics: a discussion on consciousness and genetics.Sangeetha Menon, Anindya Sinha & B. V. Sreekantan (eds.) - 2002 - Bangalore: National Institute of Advanced Studies.
    Contributed seminar papers organized by National Institute of Advanced Studies in June 2001.
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    Science and metaphysics.Rolf Gruner - 1975 - Philosophica 15 (1):67-77.
  19. Science and Metaphysics: Variations on Kantian Themes: "A Critical Review".Edward Mackinnon - 1969 - Philosophical Forum 1 (4):509.
    This is a long critical evaluation of W. Sellars's book.
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  20. Methods in Science and Metaphysics.Matt Farr & Milena Ivanova - 2020 - In Ricki Bliss & James Miller (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics. New York, NY: Routledge.
    While science is taken to differ from non-scientific activities in virtue of its methodology, metaphysics is usually defined in terms of its subject matter. However, many traditional questions of metaphysics are addressed in a variety of ways by science, making it difficult to demarcate metaphysics from science solely in terms of their subject matter. Are the methodologies of science and metaphysics sufficiently distinct to act as criteria of demarcation between the two? In (...)
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    Pragmatism, Science, and Metaphysics.David Gruender - 1982 - The Monist 65 (2):189-210.
    In 1934 Charles W. Morris, then a young philosopher at the University of Chicago, visited Rudolf Carnap in Prague, where the latter was teaching on the science faculty of Charles University. Morris, a philosopher familiar with Peirce’s work and himself following the traditions of pragmatism, was impressed with the positivist program. Two years later he played an important role in Carnap’s move to a professorship at the University of Chicago. In the following year, 1937, Hermann in Paris published a (...)
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    Science and Metaphysics: Variations on Kantian Themes.Richard Rorty - 1970 - Philosophy 45 (171):66-70.
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    (1 other version)Logic, Theory of Science and Metaphysics According to Stanislaw Lesniewski.Roberto Poli & Massimo Libardi - 1999 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 57 (1):183-219.
    Due to the current availability of the English translation of almost all of Lesniewski's works it is now possible to give a clear and detailed picture of his ideas. Lesniewski's system of the foundation of mathematics is discussed. In abrief ouüine of his three systems Mereology, Ontology and Protothetics his positions conceming the problems of the forms of expression, proper names, synonymity, analytic and synthetic propositions, existential propositions, the concept of logic, and his views of theory of science and (...)
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    Science and Metaphysics Confronting Nature.Evandro Agazzi - 1977 - Dialectics and Humanism 4 (3):127-136.
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    Science and Metaphysics. By John Russell, S.J. Pp. 35. 2s. 6d. Life and Its Origin. By Philip G. Fothergill. Pp. 70. 35. 6d. Whitehead's Philosophy of Physics. By Laurence Bright, O.P. Pp. 40. 2s. 6d. [REVIEW]H. G. Alexander - 1959 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 10 (39):257-258.
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    Science and Metaphysics: Variations on Kantian Themes. By Wilfred Sellars. [REVIEW]James Collins - 1969 - Modern Schoolman 46 (4):361-363.
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  27. Peirce on science and metaphysics: overview of a synoptic vision: Peirce sobre ciência e metafísica: visão geral de uma visão sinóptica.Cornelius Delaney - 2002 - Cognitio 3.
    : The explanatory priority of natural science is an hallmark of pragmatism in the Peircean tradition. In his case the pride of place accorded to natural science applied in the first instance to science conceived concretely as an empirically constrained hypothetico-deductive methodology but the privileging spilled over to actual scientific explanations conceived of as converging on a complete explanation in the limit. However, from his perspective this privileging of natural science did not exclude metaphysical explanation but (...)
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  28. Science and Metaphysics.John Russell, Philip G. Fothergill & Laurence Bright - 1959 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 10 (39):257-258.
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  29. Explanation and explanationism in science and metaphysics.Juha Saatsi - 2017 - In Matthew H. Slater & Zanja Yudell (eds.), Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Science: New Essays. New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter examines the status of inference to the best explanation in naturalistic metaphysics. The methodology of inference to the best explanation in metaphysics is studied from the perspective of contemporary views on scientific explanation and explanatory inferences in the history and philosophy of science. This reveals serious shortcomings in prevalent attempts to vindicate metaphysical "explanationism" by reference to similarities between science and naturalistic metaphysics. This critique is brought out by considering a common gambit of (...)
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    Wilfred Sellars. Science and metaphysics.Edwin B. Allaire - 1971 - Metaphilosophy 2 (4):352–358.
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  31. Philosophy of Science and Metaphysics.Craig Callender - 2011 - In Steven French & Juha Saatsi (eds.), Continuum Companion to the Philosophy of Science. Continuum. pp. 33--54.
    Philosophy of science appears caught in what Einstein (1933) called the ‘eternal antithesis between the two inseparable components of our knowledge – the empirical and the rational’ (p. 271). It wants to employ metaphysical speculation, but impressed with the methods of the subject it studies, it fears overreaching. Philosophy of science thus tries to walk a fine line between scientifically grounded metaphysics and its more speculative cousins. Here I try to draft some of the contour of this (...)
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    Reality, science, and metaphysics.C. J. Ducasse - 1949 - Synthese 8 (1):9 - 21.
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    Science and Metaphysics. By Wilfrid Sellars. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul; Don Mills: General Publishing. 1969. Pp. x, 246, $6.30. [REVIEW]John A. Bailey - 1971 - Dialogue 10 (4):793-796.
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    Harmony and tragedy, science and metaphysics: general interrelations.Karel Boullart - 1975 - Philosophica 16 (2):123-133.
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  35. Can We Distinguish between Science and Metaphysics?Alberto Cordero - 1988 - Epistemologia 11:65.
  36. Conference on Science and Metaphysics in the Philosophy of Leibniz.Douglas Butler - 1988 - Studia Leibnitiana 20 (1):90-96.
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    Whitehead's Philosophy of Science and Metaphysics, by Wolfe Mays.William S. Hamrick - 1980 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 11 (1):102-103.
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    Should we abolish the distinction between science and metaphysics?John T. Blackmore - 1983 - Philosophia 12 (3-4):393-400.
    The distinction between science and metaphysics tends to be invidious and is often used to set up a prejudice against foundation theory in general and indirect realism in particular. It should probably be replaced by distinctions between idealized and non-Idealized science on the one side and direct and indirect foundation theory on the other.
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    Philosophy’s Nature: Husserl’s Phenomenology, Natural Science, and Metaphysics.Emiliano Trizio - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    This book offers a systematic interpretation of the relation between natural science and metaphysics in Husserl's phenomenology. It shows that Husserl's account of scientific knowledge is a radical alternative to established methods and frameworks in contemporary philosophy of science. The author's interpretation of Husserl's philosophy offers a critical reconstruction of the historical context from which his phenomenological approach developed, as well as new interpretations of key Husserlian concepts such as metaphysics, idealization, life-world, objectivism, crisis of the (...)
  40. Teleology in Aristotelian Science and Metaphysics.Charlotte Witt - 1998 - In Jyl Gentzler (ed.), Method in ancient philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Evolution : Science and Metaphysics : A Commentary on Michel Delsol's Article.Mariano Artigas & Colin Price - 1994 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 50 (3):595-600.
  42. Heidegger-Modern mathematical natura science and metaphysics.V. Lesko - 2006 - Filozofia 61 (5):347-358.
    In Heidegger’ philosophical science writings the problematic of science occupies an important place. There are several periods in Heidegger’ articulating this problem. Among the most important are the 1930s, especially his lecture Modern Mathematical Science, which is seen by the author as one of the most considerable Heidegger’s works. Divided into two main parts it examines the relationship between the mathematical and metaphysics and Descartes’ relationship to metaphysics. In this lecture Heidegger showed himself as an (...)
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    Athletic Performance Monitoring, Pseudo Science and Metaphysics Meet Ethics.Leslie A. Saxon - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (1):61-62.
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  44. The complementarity of science and metaphysics.Cláudia Ribeiro - 2015 - Philosophica 90 (1).
    A renewed interest in the old problem of the relationship between science and metaphysics has been fuelled by the ongoing debate between naturalistic metaphysicians and non-naturalistic metaphysicians. However, I maintain that this debate is missing the mark because it is focused on the problem of the credibility of a metaphysics that is not ‘scientific’, instead of focusing on the presence of metaphysics in science. In order to show that metaphysics pervades all stages of scientific (...)
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    Science in Metaphysics : Exploring the Metaphysics of Properties and Laws.Livanios Vassilis - 2017 - Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book explores the dispositional and categorical debates on the metaphysics of properties. It defends the view that all fundamental properties and relations are contingently categorical, while also examining alternative accounts of the nature of properties. Drawing upon both established research and the author's own investigation into the broader discipline of the metaphysics of science, this book provides a comprehensive study of the many views and opinions regarding a most debatable topic in contemporary metaphysics.
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    Reflection on natural kinds. Introduction to the special issue on natural kinds: language, science, and metaphysics.Luis Fernández Moreno - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 12):2853-2862.
    This article is an introduction to the Synthese Special Issue, Natural Kinds: Language, Science, and Metaphysics. The issue includes new contributions to some of the main questions involved in the present philosophical debates on natural kinds and on natural kind terms. Those debates are relevant to philosophy of language, philosophy of science, and metaphysics. In philosophy of language it is highly debated what the meaning of natural kind terms is, how their reference is determined, as well (...)
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    Popper’s Demarcation Criterion Between Science and Metaphysics: A Critical Analysis.Siddhartha Shankar Joarder - forthcoming - Philosophy and Progress:33-48.
    Karl Raimund Popper, (1902-1994) a leading apostle of antiinductivism, holds that the main problem of philosophy of science is the problem of demarcation. Accordingly, the demarcation principle distinguishes science from non-science. To Popper, logic, metaphysics and psychoanalysis are likely to fall into the non-science group. Principle of induction has been accepted even though resentfully as the chief tool of scientific investigation by the positivists as well as the scientists in general. Popper rejects the positivistic approach (...)
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    Whitehead's philosophy of science and metaphysics: an introduction to his thought.Wolfe Mays - 1977 - The Hague: M. Nijhoff.
    In this book I have attempted to give an account of some of the most im­ portant of Whitehead's philosophical writings - his writings on the philoso­ phy of science as well as his metaphysics. I have tried to show that although there are novelties in Whitehead's later philosophy there are also continuities with his earlier work in the philosophy of science. For a more detailed account of Whitehead's metaphysics, I would refer the reader to my (...)
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    Images of Science and Metaphysics of Physicalism and Biologism.N. S. Yulina - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 3:310-314.
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    Whitehead's Philosophy of Science and Metaphysics[REVIEW]W. S. D. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (4):886-887.
    This volume follows by eighteen years Mays's earlier study, which was titled simply The Philosophy of Whitehead. The strongly stated, controversial working hypothesis behind that work was that even though Whitehead introduces a fiercely complicated vocabulary in his later books, especially in Process and Reality, "the ideas contained in his later work are much simpler than is usually assumed, since he is working out some of his earlier ideas on a larger philosophical canvas". In short, the 1959 book by Mays (...)
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