Results for 'sensual perception'

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  1.  15
    Bodily Contemplation: On the Question of the Truth of the Perception of Physical Objects in Chinese Landscape Painting.Yiqun Wang - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):298-310.
    This article analyzes the views of representatives of the scientific community on ancient Chinese landscape painting, emphasis is mainly placed on views that concern the spiritual qualities of landscape painting, as well as rethinking concepts that ignore the significance of sensual perception. Landscape painting is usually considered as a spiritual work of Taoism: landscape painting developed from Taoist thought, Taoist philosophy determined the identity of the artistic style and the inherent spirit of landscape painting. Moreover, some researchers even (...)
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    The transformation of sensuality in postanthropocentric art.М. Г Чистякова & Г. М Преображенский - 2022 - Philosophy Journal 15 (3):84-99.
    This article explores the changing parameters of sensibility in the context of a postan­thropocentric paradigm in art. In particular, we address the mechanism of the construc­tion of affects building on the idea of their external autonomy in art. The fundamental disconnectedness of the realm of sensuality is described in the context of object ontolo­gies, via the modes of connectedness and conditionality that exist beyond the limits of individual experience. A generalized description of the procedures of the postanthro­pocentric paradigm of distributed (...)
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  3. Confession, Voice and the Sensualization of Power: The Significance of Michel Foucault’s 1962 Encounter with Jean-Jacques Rousseau.Lauri Siisiäinen - 2012 - Foucault Studies 14:138-153.
    Michel Foucault is known for his critiques of the intertwinement of empirical knowledge, perception and experience, and power. Within this general framework, this article focuses on a fairly unnoticed text of Foucault’s: his 1962 Introduction to Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Dialogues . The article shows that Foucault’s Introduction is central for more than one reason: Firstly, it is apparently the first piece, in which Foucault focuses in detail on confession as an individualizing mode of power and truth-utterance. Secondly, in this text, (...)
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    (1 other version)Edith Stein’s phenomenology of sensual and emotional empathy.Fredrik Svenaeus - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-20.
    This paper presents and explicates the theory of empathy found in Edith Stein’s early philosophy, notably in the book On the Problem of Empathy, published in 1917, but also by proceeding from complementary thoughts on bodily intentionality and intersubjectivity found in Philosophy of Psychology and the Humanities published in 1922. In these works Stein puts forward an innovative and detailed theory of empathy, which is developed in the framework of a philosophical anthropology involving questions of psychophysical causality, social ontology and (...)
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  5. Abstract - Affective – Multimodal: Interaction between Medium and Perception of Moving Images from the Viewpoint of Cassirer's, Langer's and Krois' Embodiment Theories.Martina Sauer - 2022 - In Multimodality. The Sensually Organized Potential of Artistic Works, edited by Martina Sauer and Christiane Wagner, New York and São Paulo [Special Issue, Art Style 10, 01, 2022]. pp. 25-46.
    Everyday media consumption leaves no doubt that the perception of moving images from various media is characterized by experience and understanding. Corresponding research in this field has shown that the stimulus patterns flooding in on us are not only processed mentally, but also bodily. Building on this, the following study argues that incoming stimuli are processed not only visually, but multimodally, with all senses, and moreover affectively. The classical binding of a sensory organ to a medium, on whose delimitation (...)
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    Czarnocka’s Conception of Symbolic Truth.Michael H. Mitias - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (2):153-188.
    The proposition I elucidate and defend in this paper is that the explanatory power of Malgorzata Czarnocka’s conception of symbolic truth extends beyond our knowledge of empirical reality and includes our knowledge of human nature and human values. The paper is composed of two parts. In the first part I present a detailed analysis of the conception of symbolic truth. The focus in this analysis is on the nature of the correspondence relation which connects a true statement and the cognitive (...)
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    Ästhetische Geologie. Die Frage nach der Wahrheit bei Johann Georg Hamann.Knut Martin Stünkel - 2007 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 49 (2):156-182.
    ZusammenfassungDie philosophische Frage 〉Was ist Wahrheit?〈 beantwortet Johann Georg Hamann mit einer Phänomenologie des philosophischen Begriffs. Philosophische Begriffsbestimmungen bleiben ihm unbefriedigend und abstrakt, denn der philosophische Begriff als sprachliche Handlung ist nicht definierbar, sondern vielmehr Anzeige eines Geschehens, in dem der Mensch sich etwas sagen lässt. Die Antwort auf die Frage nach der Wahrheit ist die Ankunft des den Einzelnen erschließenden Wortes. Ausgehend von dieser ontologisch-soziologischen Basis wendet sich Hamann gegen den Ideenhimmel der selbstgenügsamen reinen Vernunft im Philosophieren und beschreibt (...)
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    How Sense-phenomenal Theory of Personal Identity Might Legitimize Racism.Maduka Enyimba - 2021 - Dialogue and Universalism 31 (1):177-190.
    The major concern of the problem of personal identity gravitates around the question of whether a person’s identity is located in the mind or in the body. Scholars have developed different theories such as survivalist and physicalist criteria among others in response to this question. In this paper, I engage with the theory of sense-phenomenalism as an aspect of the physicalist criterion of personal identity to show how it might legitimize racism and colour-branding. Sense-phenomenalism is a body-only model of personal (...)
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    Was verlangt die Perspektivität vom Erkennen? Zum Umgang mit endlichen Horizonten.Lars Leeten - 2019 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 44 (3).
    This paper asks what it would mean for epistemic practices to take irreducible perspectivity into account. It starts with the premise that such perspectivity cannot be explained on the basis of conceptual logic alone, but only by virtue of the logic of sensual perception. Following Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of perception, four requirements are developed that irreducible perspectivity demands from epistemic practice: interminable movement, broadening horizons, bearing disharmonies and the presupposition of different horizons. As soon as truth-oriented practice is (...)
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    Husserl, representationalism, and the theory of phenomenal intentionality.Chang Liu - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):67-84.
    Representationalism is a philosophical position which reduces all phenomenal conscious states to intentional states. However, starting from the phenomenal consciousness, the phenomenal intentionality theory provides an explanation of all sorts of intentionality. Against Michael Shim's interpretation, I argue that, although Hussserl's phenomenology is certainly considered as an antipode of strong representationalism, Husserl does not stand in opposition the weak representationalists, because Husserl maintains an essential connection between the senses of noemata and the hyletic data. In addition, Husserl's phenomenology is also (...)
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  11.  20
    The Eye Stays in the Picture: Virtual Images in Early Modern and Modern Optics.Arianna Borrelli - 2024 - Perspectives on Science 32 (3):300-328.
    In optics, real images can be projected onto a screen, while virtual ones always remain behind mirrors. This apparently straightforward distinction is based on complex premises which emerged in the Early Modern period, and its development went hand in hand with a transformation of the notion of image, which became detached from sensual perception. In this article I will outline this historical process, and argue that the distinction between a real and virtual image still implies a reference to (...)
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  12.  10
    Poznanie zmysłowe w ujęciu Fryderyka Jacobiego.Józef Piórczyński - 2006 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 18:115-130.
    In relation to material reality only direct perception as sensual perception gives unbiased, reliable cognisance. Therefore, this cognisance is irremovably receptive. A subject does not add anything of himself to the object. Thinking does not play any role in such a cognisance, because object is before any thinking. According to Jacobi sensual cognisance consists of this what is given, a certain perceived content, and of a feeling assuring the existence of what is given, e.g. a belief. (...)
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  13.  22
    A Critical Overview of Plato’s Epistemology in Dialectic of Meno.Samitharathana Ven Wadigala - 2020 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 1 (1):4-9.
    Plato's epistemology precisely seems that a prospective analysis of human knowledge and virtue. The dialectic of Meno often has made up several attempts to arrive at rather intellectual and ambiguous complexes. It worked on the following critical issues over the dialogue. Mainly, the methodology of recollection and forms, immortality of the soul, concepts of real and reason have crucially discussed there. In particular, the above theoretical approaches have fundamentally based on virtue and knowledge. Otherwise, a few technical terminologies have been (...)
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  14.  29
    Aesthetic Turn: From Thinking as Noesis to Thinking as Listening to my Living Body.Hans Feger - 2017 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2017 (2):133-148.
    That which I always already am, without having to do it - the transcendental status of corporeality - is prefigured in Nietzsche’s theory, according to which every authentic philosophy is first of all to be thought “under the guidance of the body.” Nietzsche criticized philosophy’s forgetting of the living body long before a phenomenological difference was made between the living body and the dimensional body; he proposed that thinking be based on differences and not on oppositions. This turn toward the (...)
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  15.  32
    The hegemony of the practical in embodied cognitive science and the question of bodily vulnerability.Jens Bonnemann - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (3):521-536.
    When perception is made the subject of philosophy, it is primarily understood as pre-theoretical sensual knowledge, and the question of its truth content becomes the focus of attention. In contrast, approaches that fall within the philosophy of embodiment quite rightly point out that perception is bodily anchored and closely linked to interests in action. The primacy of knowledge is therefore substituted by a primacy of praxis. This article aims to point out the blind spots that such a (...)
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  16. From aesthetics to vitality semiotics - From l´art pour l´art to responsibility. Historical change of perspective exemplified on Josef Albers.Martina Sauer - 2020 - In Grabbe, Lars Christian ; Rupert-Kruse, Patrick ; Schmitz, Norbert M. (Hrsgg.): Bildgestalten : Topographien medialer Visualität. Marburg: Büchner. Büchner Verlag. pp. 194-213.
    The paper follows the thesis, that the perception of real or virtual media shares the anthropological state of "Ausdruckswahrnehmung" or perception of expression (Ernst Cassirer). This kind of perception does not represent a distant, neutral point of view, but one that is guided by feelings or "vitality affects" (Daniel N. Stern). The prerequisites, however, for triggering these feelings/"vitality affects" are not recognizable objects or motifs, but rather their sensually evaluable “abstract representations” or their formal logical structures. In (...)
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    Abstract Film – Discursive and Sensory Characteristics.Vanja Obad - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 40 (3):543-568.
    The paper elaborates specific perceptive purposes and structural procedures generated by the various experimental abstract films and shows the ways how abstract film engages spectator’s attention. By “liberating” our visual system from representational experience, the abstract film encourages us to cultivate different sensory and sensual sensibility, explore new associations and alternative paths for moods and emotions. Various streams of abstract film will be analysed, relying primarily on classical abstract films.
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  18. The Appeal to the Given: A Study in Epistemology.Jacob Joshua Ross - 1970 - London: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1970. This work evaluates the appeal to the sensually given which played an important role in epistemological discussions during the early 20 th Century. While many contemporary philosophers regarded this appeal as a mistake, there were still some who defended the notion of the given and even made it the foundation of their views regarding perception. The author here points to several different views concerning the nature of the sensually given and argues that the issue between (...)
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  19. Hermann Hesse : The journey for the self-understanding and enlightenment - Alexis karpouzos.Alexis Karpouzos - manuscript
    Hermann Hesse's works often explore deep philosophical themes and the human quest for self-understanding and enlightenment. His writing draws heavily from Eastern philosophy, Jungian psychology, and Western existentialism, creating a rich tapestry of ideas that challenge and inspire readers. Hermann Hesse's philosophical exploration in his works offers profound insights into the human condition, emphasizing the importance of personal experience, the integration of dualities, and the interconnectedness of all life. His writings encourage readers to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery, (...)
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    The Tacit Dimension.Thomas Fuchs - 2001 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 8 (4):323-326.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 8.4 (2001) 323-326 [Access article in PDF] The Tacit Dimension Thomas Fuchs Thirty years after its appearance, Blankenburg's "Psychopathology of common sense" has not lost its relevance. In my commentary I will try to illustrate the fruitfulness of his approach by pointing to some connections with the phenomenology of the body as well as with recent memory and infant research.As Blankenburg himself indicates, the notion (...)
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  21.  23
    Sensory studies, or when physics was psychophysics: Ernst Mach and physics between physiology and psychology, 1860–71.Richard Staley - 2021 - History of Science 59 (1):93-118.
    This paper highlights the significance of sensory studies and psychophysical investigations of the relations between psychic and physical phenomena for our understanding of the development of the physics discipline, by examining aspects of research on sense perception, physiology, esthetics, and psychology in the work of Gustav Theodor Fechner, Hermann von Helmholtz, Wilhelm Wundt, and Ernst Mach between 1860 and 1871. It complements previous approaches oriented around research on vision, Fechner’s psychophysics, or the founding of experimental psychology, by charting Mach’s (...)
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  22.  25
    Somaesthetics and the Cross-Cultural Dressing of Desire.Marzenna Jakubczak - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (4):123-128.
    Preview: /Commentary: Richard Shusterman, Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love, 436 pages./ Somaesthetics, the field cultivated by Richard Shusterman since 1997, bore another juicy fruit for our enjoyment. This time, his interdisciplinary research – integrating the theoretical, empirical, and practical disciplines related to bodily perception, presentation, and performance – resulted in an excellent cross-cultural study of the classical arts of love developed over centuries in such traditions as the Greco-Roman, Chinese, Indian, Muslim, Medieval and (...)
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  23. Somaesthetics and Racism: Toward an Embodied Pedagogy of Difference.David A. Granger - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (3):69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Somaesthetics and Racism:Toward an Embodied Pedagogy of DifferenceDavid A. Granger (bio)IntroductionThe philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein once remarked that "The human body is the best picture of the human soul."1 There is a basic truth in this assertion that we recognize (I want to say) intuitively: the notion that human beings are parts both mental and physical, that these facets are ultimately interdependent, and that they are in some measure correlated (...)
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  24.  20
    El concepto de la intuición categorial en Husserl.Dieter Lohmar - 2004 - Anuario Filosófico 37 (78):33-64.
    Dieter Lohmar: Husserls concept of categorial intuition Husserl’s theory of categorial intuition is presented in the Logical Investigation. It starts with the question: what fulfills the specific categorial elements of thinking and language? Husserl’s analysis of the structure of categorial intuition opens up with a confrontation of simple acts of perception in contrast with complex, founded acts of categorial intuition. This is illustrated by the difference between simple synthesis of identification in continuous perception in contrast to the (...)
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  25.  32
    The Name of God and the Linguistic Theory of the Kabbala.Gershom Scholem & Simon Pleasance - 1972 - Diogenes 20 (79):59-80.
    “Thy word (or: essence) is true from the beginning”; thus reads the Psalmist's passage, oft quoted in kabbalistic literature (Psalm 119: 160). According to the originally conceived Judaistic meaning, truth was the word of God which was audible both acoustically and linguistically. Under the system of the synagogue, revelation is an acoustic process, not a visual one; or revelation at least ensues from an area which is metaphysically associated with the acoustic and the perceptible (in a sensual context). This (...)
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  26.  8
    Die Verkörperung der Sinnlichkeit.Babu Thaliath - 2017 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Der tranzendentale Status der Sinnlichkeit -- Die Analogizität der Sinnlichkeit -- Die Ausdehnung der Sinnlichkeit -- Vom Subjekt zum Objekt.
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    In search of the computer-aided craftsman.Peter Brödner - 1989 - AI and Society 3 (1):39-46.
    Profound changes in world markets are resulting in conflict between traditional structures of production and new market requirements. The right answers to this challenge are heavily disputed. One option is to replace human work still further by artificially intelligent technology without changing basic structures of production. In contrast to this strategy, alternative production concepts seek to combine the unique human capabilities of perception, evaluation and decision making in unstructured situations with appropriately designed computer systems. Empirical evidence from the use (...)
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  28.  16
    On Intuition and Organic Unity in Art: N.O. Lossky and S.T. Coleridge.Александр Сергеевич Клюев & Дойл Л Перкинс - 2023 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 66 (2):90-105.
    The article presents a comparative analysis of the philosophical and aesthetic perspectives of English poet and philosopher Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Russian philosopher Nikolai Onufrievich Lossky on the issues of the theory of art and cognition. The study highlights the synergies and differences in their conceptions of art, music, imagination, and the interconnectedness of phenomena in the world, demonstrating how the philosophy of art serves as a key component in achieving a holistic understanding of human nature. The article explores Coleridge’s (...)
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  29.  15
    Clothing and the Discovery of Science.Ian Gilligan - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (3):645-674.
    In addition to natural curiosity, science is characterized by a number of psychological processes and perceptions. Among the psychological features, scientific enquiry relates to uncovering—or discovering—aspects of a world perceived as hidden from humans. A speculative theoretical model is presented, suggesting the evolution of science reflects psychological repercussions of wearing clothes. Specifically, the natural world is perceived as hidden due to the presence of clothing. Three components of scientific enquiry may arise from clothing: detachment from sensual experience, a (...) that the world is veiled in mystery, and an intellectual desire to uncover the hidden structure of nature. Rather than beginning with the emergence of Homo sapiens, the proposed connection with clothing implies that psychological foundations for science began to develop during the last ice age, with the invention of complex clothes that fully covered the human body. After the end of the last ice age, elements of scientific thinking began to emerge in societies where clothing was worn routinely for psychosocial reasons, including modesty. Notably, a scientific attitude was essentially absent in hunter-gatherer communities where nakedness remained the norm. This novel perspective aims to advance the history and philosophy of science, revealing the emergence of science as a situated phenomenon contingent on humans being covered. (shrink)
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  30.  11
    The revival of beauty: aesthetics, experience and philosophy.Catherine Wesselinoff - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book provides original descriptive accounts of two schools of thought in the philosophy of beauty: the 20th-century "Anti-Aesethetic" movement and the 21st-century "Beauty Revival" movement. It also includes a positive defence of beauty as a lived experience extrapolated from Beauty-Revival position. Beauty was traditionally understood in the broadest sense as a notion that engages our sense perception and embraces everything evoked by that perception, including mental products and affective states. This book constructs and places in parallel with (...)
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    Literarische Erkenntnis?Christoph Demmerling - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 64 (1):27-40.
    Anhand der Frage, ob fiktionale Texte Wissen enthalten können, erörtert der Beitrag das Verhältnis von Kunst und Erkenntnis bzw. Ästhetik und Erkenntnistheorie. Der erste Teil erinnert an die traditionelle Bestimmung der Ästhetik durch Baumgarten. Als Theorie der unteren Erkenntnisvermögen und als Theorie der schönen Künste werden der Ästhetik zwei Aufgaben zugemutet: eine Beschreibung der unteren Erkenntnisvermögen und deren Ausbildung und Verbesserung. Durch die Auseinandersetzung mit ästhetischen Objekten im weitesten Sinne können wir etwas lernen, indem die sinnlichen Vermögen auf besondere Weise (...)
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  32. Aesthetics in the 21st Century: Walter Derungs & Oliver Minder.Peter Burleigh - 2012 - Continent 2 (4):237-243.
    Located in Kleinbasel close to the Rhine, the Kaskadenkondensator is a place of mediation and experimental, research-and process-based art production with a focus on performance and performative expression. The gallery, founded in 1994, and located on the third floor of the former Sudhaus Warteck Brewery (hence cascade condenser), seeks to develop interactions between artists, theorists and audiences. Eight, maybe, nine or ten 40 litre bags of potting compost lie strewn about the floor of a high-ceilinged white washed hall. Dumped, split (...)
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  33. Hume et le procès de la métaphysique.François Chirpaz - 2011 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 56.
    This article deals with the main themes I discussed in a book under the same title. The leading thread of the work is to present the issue that Hume, from A Treatise of Human Nature to Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion , continually discusses and examines. Th e point aim is to put metaphysics and its claims to a most ruthless test that would ultimately disqualify it. Such disqualification, which brings metaphysics down to an incoherent daydreaming, is the other side and (...)
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    Роль скептичної очевидності в першій і другій «медитаціях» стаття перша. Сумнів за декартом і секстом емпіриком.Анна Ільїна - 2016 - Sententiae 35 (2):6-22.
    The first article of the cycle “The role of skeptical evidence in the First and Second ‘Meditations’” compares the Cartesian and Sextus Empiricus’ concepts of doubt in, respectively, “Metaphysical meditations” and “Outlines of Pyrrhonism”. The article starts with the current state of the problem “Descartes and skepticism” and admits the existence of consensus about Cartesian perception of skeptical tradition: Cartesius was influenced by all skeptical movements, known in his time, and created a generalized notion that contains elements of both (...)
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    Proust – Philosophie als ästhetische Praxis.Katrin Wille - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (2):328-349.
    The philosophical reading of Proust’s Recherche presented here suggests Proust’s aesthetic method as a model for philosophy. The term “aesthetic” refers to the constitutive role of sensation, perception, and sensuality for the practice of philosophising. In Proust’s peculiar descriptions a specific form of “sentient thinking” takes shape. This thinking is characterised by the entanglement of the particular as detailed description and the general as theoretical reflection. With reference to Proust, the philosophical practice of describing is developed into a central (...)
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    Bearing witness beyond colonial epistemologies: Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui’s critical phenomenology of deep silence.Martina Ferrari - 2021 - Chiasmi International 23:239-260.
    This paper is one in a series of attempts on my part to think through one of the central challenges left to us by Merleau-Ponty’s sudden death in 1961: if we understand the turn, in his later writings, toward an ontology of the flesh as “a radical rethinking of the experience of belonging from within, [as] a phenomenology of being-of-the-world”, how are we to bear witness to such an experience? What modalities are called forth to do justice to this belonging? (...)
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    Foreign Bodies.Alphonso Lingis - 1994 - Routledge.
    Foreign Bodies analyzes how our culture elaborates for us the bodies we have by natural evolution. Calling on the new means contemporary thinkers have used to understand the body, Alphonso Lingis explores forms of power, pleasure and pain, and libidinal identity. The book contrasts the findings of theory with the practice of the body as formulated in quite different kinds of language--the language of plastic art (the artwork body builders make of themselves), biography, anthropology and literature. Lingis explains how we (...)
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    “Like a Virgin”: Levinas’s Anti-Platonic Understanding of Love and Desire.Brigitta Keintzel, Benjamin McQuade & Sophie Uitz - 2016 - Levinas Studies 11 (1):21-39.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“Like a Virgin”Levinas’s Anti-Platonic Understanding of Love and DesireBrigitta Keintzel (bio)Translated by Brigitta Keintzel, Benjamin McQuade, and Sophie UitzMy article is divided into three parts. First, I outline transformations in the understanding of love through philosophical tradition from Plato to Levinas, exploring Levinas’s anti-Platonic understanding of love via the relationship between knowledge and love. This relationship is asymmetrical: knowledge functions in the name of love, but love does not (...)
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    A Discerning Smell: Olfaction among the Senses in St. Bonaventure's Long Life of St. Francis.Ann W. Astell - 2009 - Franciscan Studies 67:91-131.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The fifth chapter of Saint Bonaventure's Long Life of Saint Francis, the Legenda maior , is a veritable blazon of the body of Francis and its senses, physical and spiritual. The first chapter in the so-called "Inner Life" – the sequence of eight chapters on the virtues of St. Francis – Chapter Five is notable for its insistent focus on sensory experience, due both to Francis's physical mortifications and (...)
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    An interactive windscape.Tania Tsiridou, Iannis Zannos & Mariana Strapatsakis - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 9 (2-3):153-162.
    The main object of this project is how it can become possible to sense an invisible element such as the air. An installation will be created that will aim to provide a sensorial way of dealing with the air and the wind – that is air in motion – with the help of a computer-assisted environment. The objective is to engage the spectator in the navigation of semantic and sensual space that has its own quasi-mythical structure. The attention is (...)
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    Material hermeneutics as cultural learning: from relations to processes of relations.Cathrine Hasse - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (5):2037-2044.
    What is the relation between material hermeneutics, bodies, perception and materials? In this article, I shall argue cultural learning processes tie them together. Three aspects of learning can be identified in cultural learning processes. First, all learning is tied to cultural practices. Second, all learning in cultural practice entangle humans’ ability to recognize a material world conceptually, and finally the boundaries of objects, the object we perceive, are set by shifting material-conceptual entanglements. All these aspects are important for material (...)
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    Flesh in Public: Eros and Political Transformation.Bethany Henning - 2024 - The Pluralist 19 (3):51-59.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Flesh in Public:Eros and Political TransformationBethany HenningAmerican Sexual CrisisWe live in a time of erotic dysfunction: In 2020, and again in 2023, there was a brief media frenzy in the wake of studies published by UCLA that concluded that Gen Z is having statistically less sex than millennials did in their formative years. The generational angle made for good headlines, but the same surveys indicated that people of all (...)
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  43. The Shadow of God in the Garden of the Philosopher. The Parc de La Villette in Paris in the context of philosophy of chôra. Part III.Cezary Wąs - 2019 - Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego 2 (52):89-119.
    Tschumi believes that the quality of architecture depends on the theoretical factor it contains. Such a view led to the creation of architecture that would achieve visibility and comprehensibility only after its interpretation. On his way to creating such an architecture he took on a purely philosophical reflection on the basic building block of architecture, which is space. In 1975, he wrote an essay entitled Questions of Space, in which he included several dozen questions about the nature of space. The (...)
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    Towards an ethics of enjoyment in (geriatric) care.Megan Arndt & Lisanne Teuchert - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (3):247-262.
    Definition of the problem Enjoyment has not yet played a significant role in ethical approaches to (geriatric) care. Rather, the focus of ethical considerations is often on questions of self-reliance and autonomy. Relevant topics are skills loss issues and how to deal with them. Although it is very important to allow grief in the context of the need for care and of aging, the question remains: in how far could an ethics of enjoyment help to set a further focus on (...)
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  45. Cinematic Presence in Viewers’ Experience.Ekaterina Bronnikova - 2024 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 13 (2):510-541.
    The proposed article is aimed at conceptualizing the phenomenon of cinematic presence, as well as the search for possible components for its formation in the viewing experience. Presence, considered in the context of intersubjective interaction, will be viewed as a characteristic of the specific bodily relationships between the cinema and the viewers, as well as an essential aspect of the cinema itself. After analyzing both the fundamental texts theorizing this concept and the theoretical work of modern researchers in the field (...)
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    The empiricism of Michel Serres a theory of the senses between philosophy of science, phenomenology and ethics.Petra Gehring - 2021 - Filozofija I Društvo 32 (2):229-245.
    The paper presents the philosophy of the French philosopher Michel Serres, with an accent on his working method and unusual methodology. Starting from the thesis that the empiricist trait of Serres? philosophy remains underexposed if one simply receives his work as that of a structuralist epistemologist, Serres? monograph The Five Senses is then discussed in more detail. Here we see both a radical empiricism all his own and a closeness to phenomenology. Nevertheless, perception and language are not opposed to (...)
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  47. The neglected programme of aesthetics.Steffen W. Gross - 2002 - British Journal of Aesthetics 42 (4):403-414.
    Aesthetics is today widely seen as the philosophy of art and/or beauty, limited to artworks and their perception. In this paper, I will argue that today's aesthetics and the original programme developed by the German Enlightenment thinker Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten in the first half of the eighteenth century have only the name in common. Baumgarten did not primarily develop his aesthetics as a philosophy of art. The making and understanding of artworks had served in his original programme only as (...)
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  48. The Battle of the Endeavors: Dynamics of the Mind and Deliberation in New Essays on Human Understanding, book II, xx-xxi.Markku Roinila - 2016 - In Wenchao Li (ed.), “Für unser Glück oder das Glück anderer”. Vorträge des X. Internationalen Leibniz-Kongresses, Hannover, 18. – 23. Juli 2016. Hildesheim: G. Olms. pp. Band V, 73-87.
    In New Essays on Human Understanding, book II, chapter xxi Leibniz presents an interesting picture of the human mind as not only populated by perceptions, volitions and appetitions, but also by endeavours. The endeavours in question can be divided to entelechy and effort; Leibniz calls entelechy as primitive active forces and efforts as derivative forces. The entelechy, understood as primitive active force is to be equated with a substantial form, as Leibniz says: “When an entelechy – i.e. a primary or (...)
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  49. The Listening Eye: Jean-Francois Lyotard and the Rehabilitation of Listening.Malgorzata Szyszkowska - 2016 - International Journal of Aesthetics and Philosophy of Culture 1 (1):39-58.
    The author points out to the rehabilitation of listening which occurs in Lyotard's philosophy in the field of his aesthetic analysis. The philosophical grasping of time and especially the instant is being explained in Lyotard through the listening mode and in invoking the aural experiences and the experiences of sound. The author suggests that the category of listening is often used in place of the category of aesthetic and as metaphor of the aesthetic perception. In contrast to seeing, listening (...)
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    Ecology and Indian Culture.Abha Singh - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 23:139-145.
    Since time immemorial Indian culture has been upholding a symbiotic relationship between man and environment. It has led to the all round evolution of Indian culture as an integral whole. This assimilation has been possible due to the spiritual vision of Indian seers. Every Culture is based upon certain values. In India values are usually discussed in the context of the principal ends of human life (chatuspurusartha): dharma (moral value), artha (political and economic values), kama (sensual value) and moksha (...)
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