Results for 'set theoretical paradox'

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  1.  73
    The Hidden Set-Theoretical Paradox of the Tractatus.Jing Li - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (1):159-164.
    We are familiar with various set-theoretical paradoxes such as Cantor's paradox, Burali-Forti's paradox, Russell's paradox, Russell-Myhill paradox and Kaplan's paradox. In fact, there is another new possible set-theoretical paradox hiding itself in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. From the Tractatus’s Picture theory of language we can strictly infer the two contradictory propositions simultaneously: the world and the language are equinumerous; the world and the language are not equinumerous. I call this antinomy the world-language paradox. (...)
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    (1 other version)Representationalism and Set-Theoretic Paradox.Douglas Patterson - 2008 - ProtoSociology 25:7-23.
    I defend the “settist” view that set theory can be done consistently without any form of distinction between sets and “classes” (by whatever name), if we think clearly about belief and the expression of belief—and this, furthermore, entirely within classical logic. Standard arguments against settism in classical logic are seen to fail because they assume, falsely, that expressing commitment to a set theory is something that must be done in a meaningful language, the semantics of which requires, on pain of (...)
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  3. Logical self reference, set theoretical paradoxes and the measurement problem in quantum mechanics.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara - 1977 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (1):331-347.
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    An Order-Theoretic Account of Some Set-Theoretic Paradoxes.Thomas Forster & Thierry Libert - 2011 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 52 (1):1-19.
    We present an order-theoretic analysis of set-theoretic paradoxes. This analysis will show that a large variety of purely set-theoretic paradoxes (including the various Russell paradoxes as well as all the familiar implementations of the paradoxes of Mirimanoff and Burali-Forti) are all instances of a single limitative phenomenon.
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    Bertrand Russell and the origins of the set-theoretic 'paradoxes'.Garciadiego Dantan & Alejandro Ricardo - 1992 - Boston: Birkhäuser Verlag.
  6. Alejandro R. Garciadiego, Bertrand Russell and the Origins of the Set-theoretic'Paradoxes'.N. Griffin - 1995 - Philosophia Mathematica 3 (3):304-304.
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    Russell's Paradox [review of Alejandro Garciadiego, Bertrand Russell and the Origins of the Set-Theoretic `Paradoxes' ].Volker Peckhaus - 1997 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 17 (2).
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    (1 other version)An Alternative Way of Avoiding the Set‐Theoretical Paradoxes.H. L. Skala - 1974 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 20 (13‐18):233-237.
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    8 Russell on the Origins of the Set-theoretical Paradoxes.David B. Haley - 1997 - In Rethinking Identity and Metaphysics: On the Foundations of Analytic Philosophy. Yale University Press. pp. 73-90.
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  10. Paradoxical partners: semantical brides and set-theoretical grooms.L. Goldstein - 2013 - Analysis 73 (1):33-37.
    Is there a key for ‘translating' some set-theoretical paradoxes into counterpart semantical paradoxes and vice-versa? There is, and this encourages the hope of a unified solution. The solution turns not on inventing new axioms that do not entail contradiction, but on imposing a completely intuitive restriction on the comprehension axiom of naive set theory in order to avoid illegitimate (circular) stipulation.
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  11. On Set Theoretic Possible Worlds.Christopher Menzel - 1986 - Analysis 46 (2):68 - 72.
    In his paper "Are There Set Theoretic Possible Worlds?", Selmer Bringsjord argued that the set theoretic definition of possible worlds proffered by, among others, Robert Adams and Alvin Plantinga is incoherent. It is the purpose of this note to evaluate that argument. The upshot: these set theoretic accounts can be preserved, but only by abandoning the power set axiom.
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  12. Decision-theoretic paradoxes as voting paradoxes.Rachael Briggs - 2010 - Philosophical Review 119 (1):1-30.
    It is a platitude among decision theorists that agents should choose their actions so as to maximize expected value. But exactly how to define expected value is contentious. Evidential decision theory (henceforth EDT), causal decision theory (henceforth CDT), and a theory proposed by Ralph Wedgwood that this essay will call benchmark theory (BT) all advise agents to maximize different types of expected value. Consequently, their verdicts sometimes conflict. In certain famous cases of conflict—medical Newcomb problems—CDT and BT seem to get (...)
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    Theoretical paradox and practical dilemma.Alphonso Lingis - 2004 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 12 (1):21 – 28.
    Emmanuel Levinas sets up alterity as a fundamental ontological category, irreducible to being and nothingess. There are two difficulties in understanding this ontological alterity. On the one hand, Levinas formulates it with negative terms - infinition, abstraction, ab-solutenes, trace of a past that has never been present. On the other hand, Levinas invokes the notions of the superlative, the Good, and God. These notions are very difficult to separate from the notion of a redoubling of the positivity by which the (...)
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    Proof-theoretic semantics, paradoxes and the distinction between sense and denotation.Luca Tranchini - forthcoming - Journal of Logic and Computation 2014.
    In this paper we show how Dummett-Prawitz-style proof-theoretic semantics has to be modified in order to cope with paradoxical phenomena. It will turn out that one of its basic tenets has to be given up, namely the definition of the correctness of an inference as validity preservation. As a result, the notions of an argument being valid and of an argument being constituted by correct inference rules will no more coincide. The gap between the two notions is accounted for by (...)
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    Incompleteness Via Paradox and Completeness.Walter Dean - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (3):541-592.
    This paper explores the relationship borne by the traditional paradoxes of set theory and semantics to formal incompleteness phenomena. A central tool is the application of the Arithmetized Completeness Theorem to systems of second-order arithmetic and set theory in which various “paradoxical notions” for first-order languages can be formalized. I will first discuss the setting in which this result was originally presented by Hilbert & Bernays (1939) and also how it was later adapted by Kreisel (1950) and Wang (1955) in (...)
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  16. Logic of paradoxes in classical set theories.Boris Čulina - 2013 - Synthese 190 (3):525-547.
    According to Cantor (Mathematische Annalen 21:545–586, 1883 ; Cantor’s letter to Dedekind, 1899 ) a set is any multitude which can be thought of as one (“jedes Viele, welches sich als Eines denken läßt”) without contradiction—a consistent multitude. Other multitudes are inconsistent or paradoxical. Set theoretical paradoxes have common root—lack of understanding why some multitudes are not sets. Why some multitudes of objects of thought cannot themselves be objects of thought? Moreover, it is a logical truth that such multitudes (...)
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  17. Conceptions and paradoxes of sets.G. Aldo Antonelli - 1999 - Philosophia Mathematica 7 (2):136-163.
    This paper is concerned with the way different axiom systems for set theory can be justified by appeal to such intuitions as limitation of size, predicativity, stratification, etc. While none of the different conceptions historically resulting from the impetus to provide a solution to the paradoxes turns out to rest on an intuition providing an unshakeable foundation,'each supplies a picture of the set-theoretic universe that is both useful and internally well motivated. The same is true of more recently proposed axiom (...)
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    Reflexivity: From Paradox to Consciousness.Patrick Grim - 2012 - Heusenstamm, Germany: Ontos/Verlag.
    A close-knit family of conceptual structures underlies the range of philosophical phenomena from Descartes' Cogito through semantic and set-theoretical paradoxes to some of the major limitative results of twentieth-century logic. At issue are questions of indexicals, the nature of semantics, free will and determinism, and contemporary debates regarding the nature of consciousness. The conceptual structures that underlie all of these are variations on a single theme: the theme of reflexivity. OUr attempt here is to characterize reflexive conceptual structures more (...)
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    Paradoxes.Roy T. Cook - 2013 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Paradoxes are arguments that lead from apparently true premises, via apparently uncontroversial reasoning, to a false or even contradictory conclusion. Paradoxes threaten our basic understanding of central concepts such as space, time, motion, infinity, truth, knowledge, and belief. In this volume Roy T Cook provides a sophisticated, yet accessible and entertaining, introduction to the study of paradoxes, one that includes a detailed examination of a wide variety of paradoxes. The book is organized around four important types of paradox: the (...)
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  20. A Paradox about Sets of Properties.Nathan Salmón - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12777-12793.
    A paradox about sets of properties is presented. The paradox, which invokes an impredicatively defined property, is formalized in a free third-order logic with lambda-abstraction, through a classically proof-theoretically valid deduction of a contradiction from a single premise to the effect that every property has a unit set. Something like a model is offered to establish that the premise is, although classically inconsistent, nevertheless consistent, so that the paradox discredits the logic employed. A resolution through the ramified (...)
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    Beyond Sets: A Venture in Collection-Theoretic Revisionism.Patrick Grim - 2011 - Heusenstamm, Germany: Ontos Verlag.
    Our target is collectivities--all types of collectivities, beyond formal treatment in terms of sets alone. Collectivities are collections that can have members under all modalities: actual and potential members, definite and indefinite members, past and future members, members identifiable or unknown. The null collectivity aside, collectivities will indeed have members, but their membership need not be enumerable individual by individual or identifiable with precision. Collectivities are pluralities we generally access in terms of qualifying features and modalities rather than lists of (...)
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  22. Yablo's paradox and referring to infinite objects.O. Bueno & M. Colyvan - 2003 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (3):402 – 412.
    The blame for the semantic and set-theoretic paradoxes is often placed on self-reference and circularity. Some years ago, Yablo [1985; 1993] challenged this diagnosis, by producing a paradox that's liar-like but does not seem to involve circularity. But is Yablo's paradox really non-circular? In a recent paper, Beall [2001] has suggested that there are no means available to refer to Yablo's paradox without invoking descriptions, and since Priest [1997] has shown that any such description is circular, Beall (...)
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  23. The Simple Consistency of Naive Set Theory using Metavaluations.Ross T. Brady - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (2-3):261-281.
    The main aim is to extend the range of logics which solve the set-theoretic paradoxes, over and above what was achieved by earlier work in the area. In doing this, the paper also provides a link between metacomplete logics and those that solve the paradoxes, by finally establishing that all M1-metacomplete logics can be used as a basis for naive set theory. In doing so, we manage to reach logics that are very close in their axiomatization to that of the (...)
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  24. On the iterative explanation of the paradoxes.Christopher Menzel - 1986 - Philosophical Studies 49 (1):37 - 61.
    As the story goes, the source of the paradoxes of naive set theory lies in a conflation of two distinct conceptions of set: the so-called iterative, or mathematical, conception, and the Fregean, or logical, conception. While the latter conception is provably inconsistent, the former, as Godel notes, "has never led to any antinomy whatsoever". More important, the iterative conception explains the paradoxes by showing precisely where the Fregean conception goes wrong by enabling us to distinguish between sets and proper classes, (...)
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  25. Naïve set theory is innocent!A. Weir - 1998 - Mind 107 (428):763-798.
    Naive set theory, as found in Frege and Russell, is almost universally believed to have been shown to be false by the set-theoretic paradoxes. The standard response has been to rank sets into one or other hierarchy. However it is extremely difficult to characterise the nature of any such hierarchy without falling into antinomies as severe as the set-theoretic paradoxes themselves. Various attempts to surmount this problem are examined and criticised. It is argued that the rejection of naive set theory (...)
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  26. The potential hierarchy of sets.Øystein Linnebo - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (2):205-228.
    Some reasons to regard the cumulative hierarchy of sets as potential rather than actual are discussed. Motivated by this, a modal set theory is developed which encapsulates this potentialist conception. The resulting theory is equi-interpretable with Zermelo Fraenkel set theory but sheds new light on the set-theoretic paradoxes and the foundations of set theory.
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    The origins of zermelo's axiomatization of set theory.Gregory H. Moore - 1978 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 7 (1):307 - 329.
    What gave rise to Ernst Zermelo's axiomatization of set theory in 1908? According to the usual interpretation, Zermelo was motivated by the set-theoretic paradoxes. This paper argues that Zermelo was primarily motivated, not by the paradoxes, but by the controversy surrounding his 1904 proof that every set can be wellordered, and especially by a desire to preserve his Axiom of Choice from its numerous critics. Here Zermelo's concern for the foundations of mathematics diverged from Bertrand Russell's on the one hand (...)
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  28. Review of: Garciadiego, A., "Emergence of...paradoxes...set theory", Historia Mathematica (1985), in Mathematical Reviews 87j:01035.John Corcoran - 1987 - MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS 87 (J):01035.
    DEFINING OUR TERMS A “paradox" is an argumentation that appears to deduce a conclusion believed to be false from premises believed to be true. An “inconsistency proof for a theory" is an argumentation that actually deduces a negation of a theorem of the theory from premises that are all theorems of the theory. An “indirect proof of the negation of a hypothesis" is an argumentation that actually deduces a conclusion known to be false from the hypothesis alone or, more (...)
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  29. Librationist cum classical theories of sets.Frode Bjørdal - manuscript
    The focus in this essay will be upon the paradoxes, and foremostly in set theory. A central result is that the librationist set theory £ extension \Pfund $\mathscr{HR}(\mathbf{D})$ of \pounds \ accounts for \textbf{Neumann-Bernays-Gödel} set theory with the \textbf{Axiom of Choice} and \textbf{Tarski's Axiom}. Moreover, \Pfund \ succeeds with defining an impredicative manifestation set $\mathbf{W}$, \emph{die Welt}, so that \Pfund$\mathscr{H}(\mathbf{W})$ %is a model accounts for Quine's \textbf{New Foundations}. Nevertheless, the points of view developed support the view that the truth-paradoxes and (...)
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  30. Modality and Paradox.Gabriel Uzquiano - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (4):284-300.
    Philosophers often explain what could be the case in terms of what is, in fact, the case at one possible world or another. They may differ in what they take possible worlds to be or in their gloss of what is for something to be the case at a possible world. Still, they stand united by the threat of paradox. A family of paradoxes akin to the set-theoretic antinomies seem to allow one to derive a contradiction from apparently plausible (...)
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  31. Paradoxes of intensionality.Dustin Tucker & Richmond H. Thomason - 2011 - Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (3):394-411.
    We identify a class of paradoxes that is neither set-theoretical nor semantical, but that seems to depend on intensionality. In particular, these paradoxes arise out of plausible properties of propositional attitudes and their objects. We try to explain why logicians have neglected these paradoxes, and to show that, like the Russell Paradox and the direct discourse Liar Paradox, these intensional paradoxes are recalcitrant and challenge logical analysis. Indeed, when we take these paradoxes seriously, we may need to (...)
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    Does the paradox of choice exist in theory? A behavioral search model and pareto-improving choice set reduction algorithm.Shane Sanders - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    A growing body of empirical evidence suggests the existence of a Paradox of Choice, whereby a larger choice set leads to a lower expected payoff to the decisionmaker. These empirical findings contradict traditional choice-theoretic results in microeconomics and even social psychology, suggesting profound yet unexplained aspects of choice settings/behavior. The Paradox remains largely as a theoretically-rootless empirical phenomenon. We neither understand the mechanisms and conditions that generate it, nor whether the Paradox stems from choice behavior, choice setting, (...)
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  33. Quantifier Variance and Indefinite Extensibility.Jared Warren - 2017 - Philosophical Review 126 (1):81-122.
    This essay clarifies quantifier variance and uses it to provide a theory of indefinite extensibility that I call the variance theory of indefinite extensibility. The indefinite extensibility response to the set-theoretic paradoxes sees each argument for paradox as a demonstration that we have come to a different and more expansive understanding of ‘all sets’. But indefinite extensibility is philosophically puzzling: extant accounts are either metasemantically suspect in requiring mysterious mechanisms of domain expansion, or metaphysically suspect in requiring nonstandard assumptions (...)
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    Two Paradoxes of Satisfaction.Peter Eldridge-Smith - 2015 - Mind 124 (493):85-119.
    There are two paradoxes of satisfaction, and they are of different kinds. The classic satisfaction paradox is a version of Grelling’s: does ‘does not satisfy itself’ satisfy itself? The Unsatisfied paradox finds a predicate, P, such that Px if and only if x does not satisfy that predicate: paradox results for any x. The two are intuitively different as their predicates have different paradoxical extensions. Analysis reduces each paradoxical argument to differing rule sets, wherein their respective pathologies (...)
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  35. Set Theory and its Philosophy: A Critical Introduction.Michael D. Potter - 2004 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Michael Potter presents a comprehensive new philosophical introduction to set theory. Anyone wishing to work on the logical foundations of mathematics must understand set theory, which lies at its heart. Potter offers a thorough account of cardinal and ordinal arithmetic, and the various axiom candidates. He discusses in detail the project of set-theoretic reduction, which aims to interpret the rest of mathematics in terms of set theory. The key question here is how to deal with the paradoxes that bedevil set (...)
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  36. Logical Consequence and the Paradoxes.Edwin Mares & Francesco Paoli - 2014 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 43 (2-3):439-469.
    We group the existing variants of the familiar set-theoretical and truth-theoretical paradoxes into two classes: connective paradoxes, which can in principle be ascribed to the presence of a contracting connective of some sort, and structural paradoxes, where at most the faulty use of a structural inference rule can possibly be blamed. We impute the former to an equivocation over the meaning of logical constants, and the latter to an equivocation over the notion of consequence. Both equivocation sources are (...)
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    God, Hypostasis, and the Threat of Paradox: Exploring Kantian And Non-Kantian Reasons for Circumspection.Damián Bravo Zamora - 2018 - Kant Yearbook 10 (1):171-198.
    In this paper, I present an interpretation of Kant’s view that reason’s hypostasis of the idea of a sum-total of reality is dogmatic and illegitimate. In the section on the ‘Transcendental Ideal’, the second section of the Ideal of Pure Reason chapter in the Critique of Pure Reason, Kant starts by describing reason’s procedure from the affirmation of the principle of thoroughgoing determination to the hypostasis in question. According to the interpretation I defend, the argument for hypostasis deployed in this (...)
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    Yablo's paradox and forcing.Shimon Garti - 2021 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 10 (1):28-32.
    Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Beppo Levi’s Analysis of the Paradoxes.Riccardo Bruni - 2013 - Logica Universalis 7 (2):211-231.
    This paper presents and comments the content of a note by Beppo Levi on logical paradoxes. Though the existence of this contribution is known, very little analysis of it is available in the literature. I put the emphasis on Levi’s usage of “elementation procedures” for solving the set-theoretical paradoxes, which is the most original part of Levi’s approach to the topic.
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  40. Definability and the Structure of Logical Paradoxes.Haixia Zhong - 2012 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 90 (4):779 - 788.
    Graham Priest 2002 argues that all logical paradoxes that include set-theoretic paradoxes and semantic paradoxes share a common structure, the Inclosure Schema, so they should be treated as one family. Through a discussion of Berry's Paradox and the semantic notion ?definable?, I argue that (i) the Inclosure Schema is not fine-grained enough to capture the essential features of semantic paradoxes, and (ii) the traditional separation of the two groups of logical paradoxes should be retained.
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  41. Fibonacci, Yablo, and the cassationist approach to paradox.Laurence Goldstein - 2006 - Mind 115 (460):867-890.
    A syntactically correct number-specification may fail to specify any number due to underspecification. For similar reasons, although each sentence in the Yablo sequence is syntactically perfect, none yields a statement with any truth-value. As is true of all members of the Liar family, the sentences in the Yablo sequence are so constructed that the specification of their truth-conditions is vacuous; the Yablo sentences fail to yield statements. The ‘revenge’ problem is easily defused. The solution to the semantical paradoxes offered here (...)
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    Maximal Non-trivial Sets of Instances of Your Least Favorite Logical Principle.Lucas Rosenblatt - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy 117 (1):30-54.
    The paper generalizes Van McGee's well-known result that there are many maximal consistent sets of instances of Tarski's schema to a number of non-classical theories of truth. It is shown that if a non-classical theory rejects some classically valid principle in order to avoid the truth-theoretic paradoxes, then there will be many maximal non-trivial sets of instances of that principle that the non-classical theorist could in principle endorse. On the basis of this it is argued that the idea of classical (...)
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    Sets, Aggregates, and Numbers.Palle Yourgrau - 1985 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 15 (4):581 - 592.
    Frege's definition of the natural number n in terms of the set of n-membered sets has been treated rudely by history. It has suffered not one but two crippling blows. The discovery of Russell's Paradox revealed a fatal flaw in the ‘naive’ conception of set. In spite of its intuitive appeal, Frege's Basic Law V turned out to be impermissible, leaving us only with the etiolated concept of set that survives in the axiomatic treatments initiated by Zermelo. The independence (...)
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  44. Past, present and future of set theory.Jaakko Hintikka - unknown
    What one can say about the past, present and future of set theory depends on what one expects or at least hopes set theory will accomplish. In order to gauge the early expectations, I begin with a quote from the inaugural lecture in 1903 of my mathematical grandfather, the internationally known Finnish mathematician Ernst Lindelöf. The subject of his lecture was – guess what – Cantor’s set theory. In his conclusion, Lindelöf says of Cantor’s results: For mathematics they have lent (...)
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    Badiou on Set Theory, Ontology and Truth.Christopher Norris - 2009 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):51-72.
    Alain Badiou is a highly original, indeed decidedly iconoclastic thinker whose work has ranged widely over areas of equal concern to philosophers in the ‘continental’ and mainstream analytic traditions. These areas include ontology, epistemology, ethics, politics, and – above all – philosophy of mathematics. It is unfortunate, and symptomatic of prevailing attitudes, that his work has so far receivedminimal attention from commentators in the analytic line of descent. Here I try to help the process of reception along by describing Badiou’s (...)
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  46. On the Philosophical Roots of the Naïve and Axiomatic Set Theories: Determinatio est Negatio.Birgül Osman - 2024 - Felsefe Arkivi 61:73-83.
    The principle _determinatio est negatio_—that determination is achieved through negation—has philosophical roots extending back to Plato and Aristotle, and it later influenced early modern thinkers such as Francisco Suárez and Spinoza. This paper has two aims. The first demonstrates how the principle of negation functions as a tool for conceptual determination across various philosophical frameworks, and the second demonstrates that the principle plays a key role in the analysis and resolution of the Burali-Forti paradox within the context of the (...)
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    The paradox of historical constructionism.Michael E. Hobart - 1989 - History and Theory 28 (1):43-58.
    There is a paradox, or self-defeating supposition in the core of constructionism, for it would appear that any attempt to resolve a dispute in historical interpretation within a convention of self-contained criteria of confirmation by appealing to justificatory criteria outside the convention -to wit, the theory of constructionism -is self-defeating. Through the theoretical consideration of historians isolated in a vat, following Hilary Putnam's metaphor, it becomes clear that the vat language of the historians does not have the possibility (...)
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    Sets, lies, and analogy: a new methodological take.Giulia Terzian - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (9):2759-2784.
    The starting point of this paper is a claim defended most famously by Graham Priest: that given certain observed similarities between the set-theoretic and the semantic paradoxes, we should be looking for a ‘uniform solution’ to the members of both families. Despite its indisputable surface attractiveness, I argue that this claim hinges on a problematic reasoning move. This is seen most clearly, I suggest, when the claim and its underlying assumptions are examined by the lights of a novel, quite general (...)
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  49. Set theory and physics.K. Svozil - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (11):1541-1560.
    Inasmuch as physical theories are formalizable, set theory provides a framework for theoretical physics. Four speculations about the relevance of set theoretical modeling for physics are presented: the role of transcendental set theory (i) in chaos theory, (ii) for paradoxical decompositions of solid three-dimensional objects, (iii) in the theory of effective computability (Church-Turing thesis) related to the possible “solution of supertasks,” and (iv) for weak solutions. Several approaches to set theory and their advantages and disadvatages for physical applications (...)
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  50. Lesniewski and Russell's paradox: Some problems.Rafal Urbaniak - 2008 - History and Philosophy of Logic 29 (2):115-146.
    Sobocinski in his paper on Leśniewski's solution to Russell's paradox (1949b) argued that Leśniewski has succeeded in explaining it away. The general strategy of this alleged explanation is presented. The key element of this attempt is the distinction between the collective (mereological) and the distributive (set-theoretic) understanding of the set. The mereological part of the solution, although correct, is likely to fall short of providing foundations of mathematics. I argue that the remaining part of the solution which suggests a (...)
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