Results for 'slow writing'

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  1.  6
    Slow but rewarding collaborations with ChatGPT in trifecta of thinking–doing–writing.Chitnarong Sirisathitkul - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-2.
  2. Responding to longings for slow scholarship : writing ourselves into being.Alison L. Black - 2018 - In Alison L. Black & Susanne Garvis (eds.), Women activating agency in academia: metaphors, manifestos and memoir. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Holding slow time while scrolling fast: Young minds, handmade materialities, and imagination in the digital era.Tuva Beyer Broch - 2024 - Anthropology of Consciousness 35 (2):171-185.
    The digital era in which we live has led to countless online social movements, all driven by emotions. This paper builds on fieldwork that stretched over 2 years, starting March 2020 as Norway went into lockdown due to COVID‐19. Emotions as experienced online seem to differ from those that are materially embodied or physically present among the studies' 25 young adults. Through two young women, this paper explores reflections on slow writing, holding a letter in their hands, in (...)
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    Slowness as a Virtue.Nicholas C. Burbules - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (5):1443-1452.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    Slow Cures and Bad Philosophers: Essays on Wittgenstein, Medicine, and Bioethics.Carl Elliott (ed.) - 2001 - Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
    _Slow Cures and Bad Philosophers_ uses insights from the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein to rethink bioethics. Although Wittgenstein produced little formal writing on ethics, this volume shows that, in fact, ethical issues permeate the entirety of his work. The scholars whom Carl Elliott has assembled in this volume pay particular attention to Wittgenstein’s concern with the thick context of moral problems, his suspicion of theory, and his belief in description as the real aim of philosophy. Their aim is not (...)
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    Idea slow travel a rozwój reportażu podróżniczego. O intermedialnym projekcie Out of Eden Walk Paula Salopka.Edyta Żyrek-Horodyska - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 62 (3):117-134.
    This article is devoted to presenting the intermedia journalistic project called Out of Eden Walk and launched by American reporter Paul Salopek. Based on values such as journalistic reliability and the in-depth view of the reality, the project can be situated within the framework of the popular strands of slow journalism and slow travel. Salopek’s intention was to present Out of Eden Walk as an alternative to the rapidity of mass media communication and popular travel writing. The (...)
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    Distinct Slow-Wave Activity Patterns in Resting-State Electroencephalography and Their Relation to Language Functioning in Low-Grade Glioma and Meningioma Patients.Nienke Wolthuis, Ingeborg Bosma, Roelien Bastiaanse, Perumpillichira J. Cherian, Marion Smits, Wencke Veenstra, Michiel Wagemakers, Arnaud Vincent & Djaina Satoer - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    IntroductionBrain tumours frequently cause language impairments and are also likely to co-occur with localised abnormal slow-wave brain activity. However, it is unclear whether this applies specifically to low-grade brain tumours. We investigate slow-wave activity in resting-state electroencephalography in low-grade glioma and meningioma patients, and its relation to pre- and postoperative language functioning.MethodPatients with a glioma infiltrating the language-dominant hemisphere and patients with a meningioma with mass effect on this hemisphere underwent extensive language testing before and 1 year after (...)
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  8. A Slow Apprenticeship with the Real.John Whitmire - 2018 - In Steven M. Cahn, Alexandra Bradner & Andrew P. Mills (eds.), Philosophers in the Classroom: Essays on Teaching. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company. pp. 132-144.
    In a famous 1964 interview with _Le Monde_, Jean-Paul Sartre describes the evolution in his thought from the writing of _Nausea_ up to the publication of his autobiographical Les Mots. While not rejecting his earlier literary and philosophical work, he does recontextualize it in light of his own existential growth in the previous two decades, which he attributes to his confrontation with the reality of human suffering – specifically, that of a child dying of hunger. In this essay, I (...)
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  9.  25
    Systematicity in language and the fast and slow creation of writing systems: Understanding two types of non-arbitrary relations between orthographic characters and their canonical pronunciation.Hana Jee, Monica Tamariz & Richard Shillcock - 2022 - Cognition 226 (C):105197.
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    Daniel Sennert’s Slow Conversion from Hylemorphism to Atomism.Christoph Lüthy - 2005 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 26 (2):99-121.
    Daniel Sennert is one of the more neglected big figures of that seventeenth-century process that goes by the shorthand name of Scientific Revolution. Born in Breslau/wroclaw in 1572, he was professor of medicine at the University of Wittenberg from 1602 until his death in 1637. However, his fame and importance were not due to his classroom teaching but to his writings, which were reprinted throughout the century in Germany, France, England, Italy, and the Netherlands, and partially translated into English. His (...)
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    Stworzenie z niczego, czyli słów kilka o monografii Jacka Zielińskiego „Koncepcja creatio ex nihilo w myśli Apologetów greckich II wieku”.Wojciech Szczerba - 2021 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 16 (2):119-127.
    The monograph of Jacek Zieliński, The Concept of Creatio ex Nihilo in the Thought of the Greek Apologists of the 2nd century, published by Wroclaw’s Atut in 2013, discusses an important problem of the theory of creation from nothing. It also asks an important question, how far the elements of the concept, articulated in its final form only by Augustine of Hippo can be found in the writings of the Christian apologists of the 2nd century. It is an important question, (...)
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    Working towards accomodation: Rabbenu Yonah gerondi's slow acceptance of andalusian rabbinic traditions.Gidon Rothstein - 2003 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 12 (3):87-104.
    Rabbis of thirteenth-century Spain were often exposed to two traditions, that of Northern France-Germany and that of Moslem Spain. Until now, the dominant discussion of how they balanced the contrast has been Bernard Septimus' analysis of Nahmanides (Ramban), who managed to draw fruitfully on both. Rabbenu Yonah b. Abraham of Gerona, Ramban's only slightly less famous relative, presents a useful counterexample.Rabbenu Yonah's early works reflect an almost-total immersion in Northern French ways of thinking and writing. Only gradually does he (...)
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    The discreet wearing out of bodies and souls at work: Simone Weil on speed, humiliation and slow affliction.Sophie Bourgault - 2023 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 56 (2):235-252.
    The goals of this paper are twofold. First, the paper seeks to show the relevance of French philosopher Simone Weil’s writings on work for contemporary political and social theory. More specifically, by drawing on Weil’s “factory writings”—i.e. the diary she kept during the many months she spent working in factories, and the essays and letters that followed shortly after—the article shows that Weil’s analysis of speed, humiliation and affliction is highly pertinent for reflecting upon the consequences of the increasingly ubiquitous (...)
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    Kant’s Humorous Writings.E. Winters - 2023 - British Journal of Aesthetics 63 (2):289-293.
    Jokes and witticisms, built of spirit, evaporate under the glare of analysis. The lightning flash of wit might suffer slow death under painstaking scrutiny. Whe.
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    Praxis and the Possible: Thoughts on the Writings of Maxine Greene and Paulo Freire.Randall Everett Allsup - 2003 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 11 (2):157-169.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 11.2 (2003) 157-169 [Access article in PDF] Praxis and the PossibleThoughts on the Writings of Maxine Greene and Paulo Freire Randall Everett Allsup Columbia University Authors in a recent edition of the Philosophy of Music Education Review have assayed various understandings of praxis within the domain of music learning and teaching. 1 Leadened (perhaps) by history, this six-letter word sustains a multiplicity of meanings. (...)
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    Rhetoric, Heuristic and Defolklorization in Edouard Glissant’s Writings.Mohamed Lamine Rhimi - 2025 - Iris 45.
    With the aim of slowing down the processes of cultural folklorization which aggravate the situation in which his fellow islanders are stagnating, Edouard Glissant cultivates an archipelago rhetoric, prioritizes poetics of diversity and takes a heuristic approach which allows him to report on the true history of Caribbean people. This is how he urges them to recover their collective memory, exalts their own culture and takes charge of their future, far from fakelore and any form of depersonalization.
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    «Tutto è stato portato a termine». Sul quinto volume dell'epistolario di Nietzsche.Alberto Giovanni Biuso - 2012 - Giornale di Metafisica 1.
    A slow study of the letters written by Nietzsche in the last five years of his conscious life shows a suffering man who trans-values the sorrow of his body recognizing it as both a face and a mask. The subject fades within history, art, science, within the time that becomes eternal through the death and beyond it, through the speech that becomes the seal of the world. Despite every insufficient reading which underlines the pathological feature in Nietzsche’s last writings (...)
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  18.  38
    The Emergence of Dalton's Chemical Atomic Theory: 1801-08.Arnold W. Thackray - 1966 - British Journal for the History of Science 3 (1):1-23.
    The slow emergence of Dalton's chemical atomic theory has long been a considerable puzzle to historians of science The lengthy delay between Dalton's early work on mixed gases and particle weights and the eventual publication of the first part of his New System of Chemical Philosophy has called forth a variety of explanations. It is now more than half a century since A. N. Meldrum stressed“…the efforts Dalton had to make, in order to arouse attention to the importance of (...)
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  19.  6
    The Cinematic.David Campany (ed.) - 2007 - MIT Press.
    Key writings by artists and theorists chart the shifting relationship between film and photography and how the rise of cinema forced photography to make a virtue of its stillness. The cinematic has been a springboard for the work of many influential artists, including Victor Burgin, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Stan Douglas, Nan Goldin, Douglas Gordon, Cindy Sherman, and Jeff Wall, among others. Much recent cinema, meanwhile, is rich with references to contemporary photography. Video art has taken a photographic turn into pensive slowness; (...)
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    L’évolution d’une posture de recherche : le soutien par l’analyse en mode écriture.François Gremion - 2020 - Revue Phronesis 9 (3-4):84-96.
    This text relates the evolution of the author’s posture as a researcher during the realization of his doctoral thesis and its link with the choice of an analytical approach. Incidentally, this narrative has the dimensions of an autobiographical research. This text illustrates how, within the framework of a thesis, the author implemented a slow evolutionary process of his researcher posture thanks to an analytical approach in writing mode. A return to handwritten writing, considered here as an analyst’s (...)
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    ABC of impossibility.Simon Critchley - 2015 - Minneapolis, Minnesota: Univocal. Edited by Jason Wagner & Drew S. Burk.
    An experimental text of para-philosophical fragments working toward a poetic ontology. How does one write an experimental ABC: an impossible theory that would deal with a series of phenomena, concepts, places, sensations, persons, and moods? A para-philosophy? Returning to a once abandoned project of fragmented thoughts where the author's voice moves from the serious, to the pathetic, to the absurd, to the cynical, Simon Critchley's ABC of Impossibility finds new life in the form of this small encyclopedic and aphoristic text (...)
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    The corn wolf.Michael T. Taussig - 2015 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    The corn wolf : writing apotropaic texts -- Animism and the philosophy of everyday life -- The stories things tell and why they tell them -- Humming -- Excelente zona social -- I'm so angry I made a sign -- Weeks in Palestine : my first visit -- A go slow manifesto -- Iconoclasm dictionary -- The obscene in everyday life -- Syllable and sound -- Don Miguel.
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  23. El trompo en la uña. Creencias y descreencias textuales.Jorge Eliécer Ordóñez Muñoz - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 8:89-100.
    It is about a text that recovers the archaeology of reading and writing at the personal level as well as the role of the teacher as a mediator or obstacle in the slow process of making sense out of the verbal and non verbal signs. This journey is an excuse to reflect on the disciplines dealing with textual interpretation: linguistics, semiotics, aesthetics of the reception, literary criticism, and its relation with concrete works and the receptor of its multimeaningful (...)
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    (2 other versions)Ethics Briefing.Dominic Norcliffe-Brown, Sophie Brannan, Martin Davies, Veronica English, Rebecca Mussell & Julian C. Sheather - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (12):845-846.
    At the time of writing the COVID-19 pandemic was entering its ninth month, with nearly 800 000 recorded fatalities and 22 million infections in 188 countries and territories.1 In previous ethics briefings2 we raised concerns about the possibility that demand for life-sustaining treatment would overwhelm supply, with a consequent requirement for health professionals to make challenging triage decisions. Fortunately, to date, these have largely not been realised, although there is a possibility that countries in which containment measures have been (...)
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    Transformational Encounter: A Jewish-Catholic Dialogue.Erin M. Brigham & Jonathan D. Greenberg - 2023 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 20 (2):281-303.
    In his writings, Pope Francis describes a culture of interfaith and intercultural encounter as the foundation of lasting peace, friendship, and reconciliation among peoples. Far from superficial, a culture of encounter is built upon the slow work of honoring differences and forming social bonds across differences. In the first part of this paper, the authors investigate correspondences between the theology of encounter in the teaching and witness of Martin Buber and Pope Francis, in which the sacred, the ground of (...)
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    Evelyn Fox Keller. The Century of the Gene. ii + 186 pp., illus., figs., bibl., index.Cambridge, Mass./London: Harvard University Press, 2000. $22.95. [REVIEW]Nathaniel Comfort - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):162-163.
    “Evolvability,” writes Evelyn Fox Keller, “refers to the capacity to generate any kind of heritable phenotypic variation upon which selection can act” . Whether one considers genes or organisms, the potential to adapt and evolve, to respond flexibly to a changing environment, is now recognized by many biologists as itself a trait actively favored by natural selection. Keller correctly presents this idea as an antidote to an old notion of genetic stability. She seems not to appreciate how well it applies (...)
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    Unhastening Science: Temporal Demarcations in the `Social Triangle'.Dick Pels - 2003 - European Journal of Social Theory 6 (2):209-231.
    What is so special about science? Taking up the old epistemological challenge, this article seeks to rephrase the question of scientific autonomy beyond conventional essentialist criteria of demarcation between science and society. The specificity of science is primarily sought in its studied `lack of haste', its socially sanctioned withdrawal from the swift pace of everyday life and from `faster' cultures such a politics and business. This `unhastened' quality defines science's peculiar delaying tactics, which systematically slow down and objectify ordinary (...)
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    Women Philosophers in the Long Nineteenth Century: The German Tradition ed. by Kristin Gjesdal and Dalia Nassar (review).Alison Stone - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (2):336-337.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Women Philosophers in the Long Nineteenth Century: The German Tradition ed. by Kristin Gjesdal and Dalia NassarAlison StoneKristin Gjesdal and Dalia Nassar, editors. Women Philosophers in the Long Nineteenth Century: The German Tradition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021. Pp. 336. Hardback, $99.00."How plausible, [Dalia Nassar and I] kept asking, is it that women published philosophy in the early modern period and then simply ceased to think and publish (...)
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  29. Motion and Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet.Daryl W. Palmer - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):540-554.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Motion and Mercutio in Romeo and JulietDaryl W. PalmerThere is nothing permanent that is not true, what can be true that is uncertaine? How can that be certaine, that stands upon uncertain grounds? 1It is by now a commonplace in modern scholarship that drama, particularly Tudor drama, poses questions, rehearses familiar debates, and even speculates about mere possibilities. 2 In 1954, Madeleine Doran spelled out some of the ways (...)
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    Seneca, Ethics, and the Body: The Treatment of Cruelty in Medieval Thought.Daniel Baraz - 1998 - Journal of the History of Ideas 59 (2):195-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Seneca, Ethics, and the Body: The Treatment of Cruelty in Medieval ThoughtDaniel BarazIn an impassioned article written in 1941 Lucien Febvre urges the writing of a history of human sensibility and suggests in particular writing a history of cruelty. 1 The general direction indicated by Febvre has been followed, but as far as cruelty is concerned his plea is still as relevant today as it was five (...)
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  31.  19
    The Mind on Paper: Reading, Consciousness and Rationality.David R. Olson - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    Although the importance of literacy is widely acknowledged in society and remains at the top of the political agenda, writing has been slow to establish a place in the cognitive sciences. Olson argues that to understand the cognitive implications of literacy, it is necessary to see reading and writing as providing access to and consciousness of aspects of language, such as phonemes, words and sentences, that are implicit and unconscious in speech. Reading and writing create a (...)
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  32.  17
    Beginning again: people and nature in the new millennium.David Ehrenfeld (ed.) - 1993 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Early in this volume, David Ehrenfeld describes what prophecy really is. Referring to the biblical prophets, he says they were not the "holy fortunetellers that the word prophet has come to signify....The business of prophecy is not simply foretelling the future; rather it is describing the present with exceptional truthfulness and accuracy." Once this is done, then it can be seen that broad aspects of the future have suddenly become apparent. The twentieth century is drawing to a chaotic close amidst (...)
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    The idols of the theatre: The British Association and its early critics.A. D. Orange - 1975 - Annals of Science 32 (3):277-294.
    In its infancy the British Association for the Advancement of Science derived a good deal of its inspiration from the writings of Francis Bacon. But the pursuit of Baconian policies brought with it attendant dangers which critics from Charles Dickens to the Times were not slow to magnify. Although the situation was further complicated by the sensitiveness of institutional Christianity at the start of Victoria's reign, some of the hazards which the Association endured had to be accepted simply as (...)
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    “A Matter of Long Centuries and Not Years”: Du Bois on the Temporality of Social Change.Jennie C. Ikuta - 2024 - Political Theory 52 (2):289-316.
    In light of the summer 2020 protests and their subsequent backlash, questions about the prospective timeline for achieving a racially just society have taken on renewed significance. This article investigates Du Bois’s writings between 1920 and 1940 as a lens through which to examine the temporality of social change. I argue that Du Bois’s turn to the role of white unreason explains the dual temporality of his political vision and the dual strategies that ensue. According to Du Bois, white supremacy (...)
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    The 12–Minute Journey.Heather A. Carlson - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (3):192-193.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The 12–Minute JourneyHeather A. CarlsonI met Jack for the first time when he was in the intensive care unit as he was just waking up from his emergent tracheostomy surgery. As I walked into his room he opened his eyes in panic and he struggled to take in a deep breath, fighting the ventilator that was trying to deliver slow steady breaths for him. His face was flooded (...)
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    Socrates' Charitable Treatment of Poetry.Nickolas Pappas - 1989 - Philosophy and Literature 13 (2):248-261.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Nicholas Pappas SOCRATES' CHARITABLE TREATMENT OF POETRY Of course this title seems wrong. If anything is certain about Socrates' treatment ofpoetry in Plato's dialogues, it is that he never gives a poem a chance to explain itself. He dismisses poems altogether on the basis of their suspect moral content {Republic II and III), or their representational form {Republic X), or their dramatic structure {Laws 719); he calls poets ignorant (...)
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  37.  53
    The epistemology of causality from the point of view of evolutionary biology.H. J. Barr - 1964 - Philosophy of Science 31 (3):286-288.
    In 1958 I set down some thoughts that arose from an attempt to consider epistemological problems on the assumptions that The biology of the human nervous system is relevant to epistemology and The human nervous system, like every other object of biological investigation, is a product of evolution by natural selection. These thoughts lay more or less neglected until they were brought stunningly to mind by Professor George Gaylord Simpson's [1] recent paper on “Biology and the Nature of Science”. In (...)
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    Bioethics and Socio-Economic Conditions of Ragpickers’ in Tiruppur City, Tamil Nadu, India.A. Sebastian Mahimairaji & Darryl Macer - 2017 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 27 (1):1-18.
    Ragpickers are people who salvage usable items from other person’s rubbish, and they are spread over different localities all around the world. This raises numerous issues related to the dignity of human life, and the right to education. In addition to discussion of these issues, this paper includes an interview study on bioethics of 150 ragpickers engaged in collection of papers, bottles, waste plastic materials, scrap iron materials and so on in Tiruppur city, Tamil Nadu, India. Ragpickers are mostly children (...)
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    Sex Ratio Theory, Ancient and Modern: An Eighteenth-Century Debate about Intelligent Design and the Development of Models in Evolutionary Biology.Elliott Sober - 2007 - In Jessica Riskin (ed.), Genesis redux: essays in the history and philosophy of artificial life. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 131--62.
    The design argument for the existence of God took a probabilistic turn in the 17 th and 18 th centuries. Earlier versions, such as Thomas Aquinas' 5 th way, usually embraced the premise that goal-directed systems (things that "act for an end" or have a function) must have been created by an intelligent designer. This idea – which we might express by the slogan "no design without a designer" – survived into the 17 th and 18 th centuries, 1 and (...)
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    The Economic Thought of Classical Islam.Louis Baeck - 1991 - Diogenes 39 (154):99-115.
    Most textbooks on the history of economic theory scarcely mention the Islamic contribution. The writings of Grice-Hutchinson, Lowry, and Essid are notable exceptions, in that they offer a broad summary of the Islamic literature that enriched the Mediterranean tradition. Yet, Islamic civilization simply deepened the flow of ideas inherited from Antiquity before, and passed them on. From the twelfth century, its brilliance started a slow transfer of Islamic knowledge to a West which was ready to receive it.
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  41. Love and Resistance: Moral Solidarity in the Face of Perceptual Failure.Barrett Emerick - 2016 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 2 (2):1-21.
    In this paper I explore how we ought to respond to the problematic inner lives of those that we love. I argue for an understanding of love that is radical and challenging—a powerful form of resistance within the confines of everyday relationships. I argue that love, far from the platitudinous and saccharine view, does not call for our acceptance of others’ failings. Instead, loving another means believing in their potential to grow and holding them to account when they fail. I (...)
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    Frightening the ‘Landed Fogies’: Parliamentary Politics and The Coal Question*: Michael V. White.Michael V. White - 1991 - Utilitas 3 (2):289-302.
    In early 1864, disappointed by the response to his previous work, the young Manchester academic W. Stanley Jevons announced that he was undertaking a study of the so-called coal question: ‘A good publication on the subject would draw a good deal of attention … it is necessary for the present at any rate to write on popular subjects’. When Jevons's The Coal Question was published in April 1865, however, it received comparatively little attention and sales were slow. Jevons and (...)
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    A platonic parallel in the.Rosamond Kent Sprague - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (2):160-161.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:160 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY A PLATONIC PARALLEL IN THE DISSOI LOGOI The Dissoi Logoi or Two-/old Arguments (Diels-Kranz, II, 405-416) is an anonymous sophistic treatise written in literary Doric at some time subsequent to the end of the Peloponnesian War in 404-403.1 As early as 1911, A. E. Taylor wrote that the treatise "must be seriously reckoned with in any attempt to reconstruct the history of Greek thought in (...)
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  44. The literary modernist assault on philosophy.Michael Lackey - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (1):50-60.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Literary Modernist Assault on PhilosophyMichael LackeyIn a recent essay, Richard Rorty makes an insightful distinction between two views of the concept in order to distinguish analytic from conversational philosophy. Rorty defines traditional and analytic philosophy's orientation toward knowledge in terms of "an overarching ahistorical framework of human existence that philosophers should try to describe with greater and greater accuracy."1 Implicit in this view is the belief that there (...)
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    No Fixed Abode: Ethnofiction.Chris Turner (ed.) - 2013 - Seagull Books.
    In recent years, social workers have raised a new concern about the appearance of a new category among the working poor. Even employed, there are people so overburdened by the cost of living and so under compensated that they cannot afford a place to sleep. Contrary to popular opinion, according to the website for the Coalition for the Homeless, forty-four percent of the homeless in first world countries actually have jobs. In _No Fixed Abode_, Marc Augé’s pathbreaking ethnofiction—a fictional ethnography—a (...)
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  46. The Official Catalog of Potential Literature Selections.Ben Segal - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):136-140.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 136-140. In early 2011, Cow Heavy Books published The Official Catalog of the Library of Potential Literature , a compendium of catalog 'blurbs' for non-existent desired or ideal texts. Along with Erinrose Mager, I edited the project, in a process that was more like curation as it mainly entailed asking a range of contemporary writers, theorists, and text-makers to send us an entry. What resulted was a creative/critical hybrid anthology, a small book in which each page opens (...)
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  47. On Representing Jazz: An Art Form in Need of Understanding.Garry Hagberg - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (1):188-198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.1 (2002) 188-198 [Access article in PDF] Symposium: On Ken Burns's "Jazz" On Representing Jazz: An Art Form in Need of Understanding Garry L. Hagberg ALTHOUGH IT WENT ON in smaller numbers in earlier decades, the fact that there were legions of expatriate jazz musicians fleeing to a far more appreciative Europe in the 1960s and 1970s shows how important a cultural event Ken Burns's documentary (...)
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  48.  18
    Callimachus' Book of Iambi (review).Frederick T. Griffiths - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (3):440-444.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 122.3 (2001) 440-444 [Access article in PDF] Arnd Kerkhecker. Callimachus' Book of Iambi. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1999. xxiv + 334 pp. 5 plates. Cloth, $85.00. The Iambi have been slow to profit from Callimachus' recent popularity, even though our much changed sense of the archaic iambicists, especially Archilochus, makes the collection due for a major reassessment. In Hellenistica Groningana 1 (1993), the Iambi claim (...)
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  49. Belief: An Essay.Jamie Iredell - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):279-285.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 279—285. Concerning its Transitive Nature, the Conversion of Native Americans of Spanish Colonial California, Indoctrinated Catholicism, & the Creation There’s no direct archaeological evidence that Jesus ever existed. 1 I memorized the Act of Contrition. I don’t remember it now, except the beginning: Forgive me Father for I have sinned . . . This was in preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Reconciliation, where in a confessional I confessed my sins to Father Scott, who looked like Jesus, (...)
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    Separated at Birth: The Interlinked Origins of Darwin’s Unconscious Selection Concept and the Application of Sexual Selection to Race.Stephen G. Alter - 2007 - Journal of the History of Biology 40 (2):231-258.
    This essay traces the interlinked origins of two concepts found in Charles Darwin's writings: "unconscious selection," and sexual selection as applied to humanity's anatomical race distinctions. Unconscious selection constituted a significant elaboration of Darwin's artificial selection analogy. As originally conceived in his theoretical notebooks, that analogy had focused exclusively on what Darwin later would call "methodical selection," the calculated production of desired changes in domestic breeds. By contrast, unconscious selection produced its results unintentionally and at a much slower pace. Inspiration (...)
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