Results for 'sovereignty, State, Church, conciliarism, imperial roman law, political averroism, Marsilius of Padua, William of Ockham, Francisco de Vitoria'

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  1. La soberanía en Vitoria en el contexto del nacimiento del Esta do moderno: algunas consideraciones sobre el De potestate civili de Vitoria.Leopoldo José Prieto Lopez - 2017 - DOXA, Cuadernos de Filosofía Del Derecho 40:223-247.
    The article studies some of the most important political ideas present in the origins of the modern State, especially the notion of political sovereignty, which, borne and developed in the maiestas of the imperial roman law and in the averroistic interpretation of the aristotelian idea of the perfect community, is accepted and developed by Francisco de Vitoria in the De potestate civili. Vitoria characterizes sovereignty with the features of supremacy in the domestic activity (...)
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    Der Gelehrte bei Marsilius von Padua und Wilhelm von Ockham. Zur Abgrenzung von politischer und gelehrter Autorität in der Philosophie des 14. Jahrhunderts.Karl Ubl - 2012 - Das Mittelalter 17 (2):16-33.
    In ‘The Republic’, Plato famously reduced practical authority to theoretical authority, arguing that a just society must be governed by philosophers. This idea of the philosopher-king flourished in the medieval specula principum. The medieval papacy was grounded on a similar blend of practical and theoretical authority. The Pope was credited with the capacity to decide on the truth of beliefs because he was elected to office. In their fight against the omnicompetence of the Pope, Marsilius of Padua and (...) of Ockham were aware that in order to contain the power of the papal office, they had to find a way of legitimately distinguishing between theoretical and practical authority. Consequently, both of them severed the traditional link between political theory and virtue ethics, considering the virtue and the wisdom of the ruler as accidental to the legitimacy of government. In contrast to this demotion of theoretical authority in the state, both Marsilius and William argued that experts should play a bigger role in the church. The definition of true belief and heresy should not, according to them, lie in the hands of an elected official (i. e. the Pope), but rather in the hands of theological experts. This article aims to show that the critique of the papal monarchy gave rise to a new understanding of the distinction between theoretical and practical authority. (shrink)
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    The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law: Another Context of Political Thought in the Early Fourteenth Century.Takashi Shogimen - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (3):417-431.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law: Another Context of Political Thought in the Early Fourteenth CenturyTakashi ShogimenPolitical thought and ecclesiology in the early fourteenth century have often been assessed as a series of responses to the question of the relationship between church and state. The conflict between Pope Boniface VIII and Philippe IV at the turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries acutely demonstrated the conflict between (...)
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    Origins of the Imperial and Secular Power according Ockham’s Political Thought.José Antonio de C. de Souza - 2010 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 27:115-152.
    In this article, based on the most important William of Ockham’s O. Min. writings, we analyze his ideias concerning the origins of the imperial and secular power. Founded in the Paul’s doctrine omnis potestas a Deo, but enlarged, per homines, and also on the ideas of his Franciscan brothers which lived before, which articulated the concepts of proprietas and domininum, in order to explain the human origins of the both, on the one hand, Ockham refuses not only the (...)
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  5.  40
    Divine law divided: Francisco de Vitoria on civil and ecclesiastical powers.Nathaniel Mull - 2021 - Intellectual History Review 31 (2):201-223.
    Francisco de Vitoria (c. 1485-1546) is well-known for his philosophical contributions to natural rights and international law. However, his extensive work on the conflict between civil authority and the authority of the Catholic Church has been largely neglected by political theorists and intellectual historians. While scholars have recently recognized the significant role played by natural law in the history of political secularism, they have focused almost exclusively on the “modern” natural law theories of Hobbes, Pufendorf, and (...)
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  6.  17
    Scatter 2: Politics in Deconstruction.Geoffrey Bennington - 2021 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    This book deconstructs the whole lineage of political philosophy, showing the ways democracy abuts and regularly undermines the sovereignist tradition across a range of texts from the Iliad to contemporary philosophy. Politics is an object of perennial difficulty for philosophy—as recalcitrant to philosophical mastery as is philosophy’s traditional adversary, poetry. That difficulty makes it an attractive topic for any deconstructive approach to the tradition from which we inherit our language and our concepts. Scatter 2 pursues that deconstruction, often starting (...)
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  7.  60
    Roman Law and Human Liberty: Marsilius of Padua on Property Rights.Alexander Lee - 2009 - Journal of the History of Ideas 70 (1):23-44.
    This article, drawing on Marsilius of Padua's Defensor Pacis, discusses Marsilius's theory of dominium, situating that theory within the context of the debate with Pope John XXII and William of Ockham. The author also reintroduces the long unsettled question of the extent of Marsilius's legal knowledge and training. The article closes by calling for a more sustained investigation of Marsilius's knowledge of Roman law, and of his relation to the poverty controversy and especially Ockham.
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  8.  24
    Francisco de Vitoria’s Moral Cosmopolitanism and Contemporary Catholic Social Teaching.Grégoire Catta - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (2):63-78.
    Francisco de Vitoria offers a stimulating vision of moral cosmopolitanism that foreshadows the cosmopolitanism implicit in contemporary Catholic social teaching. After drawing a distinction between moral cosmopolitanism and political cosmopolitanism, this essay retrieves Vitoria’s cosmopolitan vision in his efforts to defend “the rights of the Indians” through concepts such as subjective rights, ius gentium, the right to travel, and the inherent human dignity of all people. Nonetheless, he opposes all claims of universal sovereignty. Vitoria thus (...)
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  9.  88
    Vitoria, Cajetan, and the Conciliarists.Katherine Elliot van Liere - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (4):597.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Vitoria, Cajetan, and the ConciliaristsKatherine Elliot van LiereFrancisco de Vitoria, professor of theology at the University of Salamanca from 1526 until his death in 1546, is widely recognized as the leader of the sixteenth-century scholastic revival and one of the foremost Catholic political thinkers of his day. His surviving relectiones (the lectures given in Salamanca at the end of each university term) cover a wide range (...)
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  10.  63
    Tradizioni morali. Greci, ebrei, cristiani, islamici.Sergio Cremaschi - 2015 - Roma, Italy: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
    Ex interiore ipso exeas. Preface. This book reconstructs the history of a still open dialectics between several ethoi, that is, shared codes of unwritten rules, moral traditions, or self-aware attempts at reforming such codes, and ethical theories discussing the nature and justification of such codes and doctrines. Its main claim is that this history neither amounts to a triumphal march of reason dispelling the mist of myth and bigotry nor to some other one-way process heading to some pre-established goal, but (...)
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    El pensamiento de Francisco de Vitoria: filosofía política e indio americano.Francisco Castilla Urbano - 1992 - Iztapalapa, México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa.
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  12. Marsilio de Padua y las teorías emergentes de gobierno.Mario Di Giacomo - 2012 - Apuntes Filosóficos 21 (40).
    Este trabajo explora la concepción de Marsilio de Padua sobre el poder dentro de una teoría ascendente de gobierno. Siguiendo la línea de la crítica medieval a la plenitudopotestatis , él propone, desde una orientación populista de su doctrina, una organización sociopolítica cuyo fundamento es la voluntas populi y la ley que de allí emana. Es así como en su obra El defensor de la paz puede encontrarse una sorprendente visión republicana de la política, donde la esfera religiosa queda absorbida (...)
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    Marsilius of Padua.Marsilius & Alan Gewirth - 1979 - New York: Arno Press. Edited by Alan Gewirth.
    Gewirth, A. Marsilius of Padua and medieval political philosophy. Marsilius, of Padua. Defensor pacis.
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  14. O poder papal no De consideratione.José Antonio Souza - 2004 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 60 (3):601-620.
    The aim of this article is to analyze Book III of Bernard of Clairvaux 's treatise De consideratione dedicated to his former disciple, the Pope Eugenius IIL In this particular Book, Bernard considers, on the one hand, the principal duties of the Roman Pontíff concerning spiritual affairs and, on the other reflects about the main problems that at the time were prejudicial of the good order as well as of the religious and moral life and peace expected in the (...)
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  15.  16
    Marsilius of Padua at the Intersection of Ancient and Medieval Traditions of Political Thought.Vasileios Syros - 2012 - Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press.
    This book focuses on the reception of classical political ideas in the political thought of the fourteenth-century Italian writer Marsilius of Padua. Vasileios Syros provides a novel cross-cultural perspective on Marsilius’s theory and breaks fresh ground by exploring linkages between his ideas and the medieval Muslim, Jewish, and Byzantine traditions. Syros investigates Marsilius’s application of medical metaphors in his discussion of the causes of civil strife and the desirable political organization. He also demonstrates how (...)
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  16. Martin Luther et Francisco de Vitoria.Gaëlle Demelemestre - 2013 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 69 (2):239.
    Gaëlle Demelemestre | Résumé : On attribue à la Réforme la paternité de notre intelligence libérale du pouvoir et de la société civile. La tradition théologique classique, maintenant la possibilité d’une médiation entre l’homme et Dieu, ne serait pas parvenue à dégager la sphère des activités proprement humaines à partir de laquelle la modernité a pris son essor. Nous nous proposons ici d’évaluer cette thèse en comparant la pensée de Luther à celle d’un de ses contemporains prenant explicitement le contre-pied (...)
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  17.  40
    Marsilio de Padua y Maquiavelo: una lectura comparada.Bernardo Bayona Aznar - 2007 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 7:11-34.
    Marsilius of Padua’s thinking represents an unprecedented attempt to base power on rational grounds. Two centuries earlier than Machiavelli, Marsilius had developed a political theory that was very different from traditional medieval thought and had offered for the first time an autonomous explanation of power, without referring to a higher order or law to justify its existence. These two Italian writers were passionate about politics and, touched by the political instability in their motherland, sought to maintain (...)
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  18.  21
    Marsilius of Padua or the origins of western political liberalism.Mauricio Chapsal Escudero - 2016 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 35:99-115.
    Este trabajo tiene por objeto investigar desde un punto vista histórico filosófico las consecuencias políticas de la separación entre la razón y la fe en el pensamiento de Marsilio de Padua. En él se explora la crisis que produce la aceptación irrestricta de la metafísica de Aristóteles, autor a partir del cual Marsilio realiza su análisis de la civitas, y algunas de sus consecuencias inmediatas en la filosofía política y el orden jurídico social de su tiempo: el uso de la (...)
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  19. Vorlesungen.Francisco de Vitoria, Ulrich Horst, Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven & Joachim Stüben - 1995
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  20.  35
    Modernity and conquest. The awakening of fundamental rights and international law in Francisco de Vitoria.Juan Ignacio Arias Krause - 2019 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 8 (15):15-40.
    In the international sphere, sovereignty and fundamental rights are often at odds, giving these rights little space for action and, in general, only after crisis has led to tragedy, and tragedy to disgrace. International Law, on the other hand, consistently succumbs to forms of domination and power, and its scope of action is often limited to certain codifications which are frequently suspended by political exception. Sixteenth century Dominican theologian, Francisco de Vitoria, established the principles for a Law (...)
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  21.  6
    Dialogus.William - 2019 - Oxford: Published for the British Academy by Oxford University Press. Edited by Semih Heinen & Karl Ubl.
    William of Ockham was a medieval English philosopher and theologian (he was born about 1285, perhaps as late as 1288, and died in 1347 or 1348). In 1328 Ockham turned away from 'pure' philosophy and theology to polemic. From that year until the end of his life he worked to overthrow what he saw as the tyranny of Pope John XXII (1316-1334) and of his successors Popes Benedict XII (1334-1342) and Clement VI (1342-1352). This campaign led him into questions (...)
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  22.  3
    Sovereignty: European and global histories, 1400-1800.Cornel Zwierlein & Daniel Lee (eds.) - 2024 - Boston: Brill.
    Was the emperor as sovereign allowed to seize the property of his subjects? Was this handled differently in late medieval Roman law and in the practice and theory of zabt in Mughal India? How is political sovereignty relating to the church's powers and to trade? How about maritime sovereignty after Grotius? How was the East India Company as a 'corporation' interacting with an Indian Nawab? How was the Shogunate and the emperor negotiating 'sovereignty' in early modern Japan? The (...)
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    Breve storia dell'etica.Sergio Cremaschi - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Carocci.
    The book reconstructs the history of Western ethics. The approach chosen focuses the endless dialectic of moral codes, or different kinds of ethos, moral doctrines that are preached in order to bring about a reform of existing ethos, and ethical theories that have taken shape in the context of controversies about the ethos and moral doctrines as means of justifying or reforming moral doctrines. Such dialectic is what is meant here by the phrase ‘moral traditions’, taken as a name for (...)
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  24. Modern States' Sovereignty and the Human Rights Fulfilling Challenge [Spanish].Francisco Cortés - 2012 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 17:92-113.
    This article is focused on the consideration and critique of some of the ideas exposed by the contemporary reflection on the normative models for a new international order. First, it discuses Rawls argumentative strategies, in which it is exposed the cosmopolitan idea of the transformation of the world order, beginning from the global economic justice requirement. Second, it demonstrates that the approach of Pogge’s global justice is insufficient because although he formulates a global redistributive proposal, it does not touch the (...)
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    Dominium, poder civil y su problemática en el Nuevo Mundo según Francisco de Vitoria / Dominium, Civil Power and its Problems in the New World, According to Francisco de Vitoria.Manuel Méndez Alonzo - 2011 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 18:165.
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze some of the philosophical problems that derived of the Spanish conquest of America in the perspective of the Spanish Dominican Francisco de Vitoria. Specifically this paper will try to prove that Vitoria considered the Indian commonwealths in the New World, or least some of them, as genuine political entities with the same rights to exercise dominium of their lands and goods as their Europeans counterparts. To justify this, it (...)
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  26.  10
    Die Begründung der globalpolitischen Philosophie: Francisco de Vitorias Vorlesung über die Entdeckung Amerikas im ideengeschichtlichen Kontext.Johannes Thumfart - 2012 - Berlin: Kulturverlag Kadmos.
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    Francisco de Vitoria on the Right to Free Trade and Justice.Alejo José G. Sison & Dulce M. Redín - 2021 - Business Ethics Quarterly 31 (4):623-639.
    In 1538–39 Francisco de Vitoria delivered two relections:De IndisandDe iure belli.This article distills from these writings the topic of free trade as a “human right” in accordance withius gentiumor the “law of peoples.” The right to free trade is rooted in a more fundamental right to communication and association. The rights to travel, to dwell, and to migrate precede the right to trade, which is also closely connected to the rights to preach, to protect converts, and to constitute (...)
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  28.  38
    Authority, Legitimacy and Sovereignty: Religion and Politics in the Roman Empire before Constantine.Robin W. Lovin - 2016 - Studies in Christian Ethics 29 (2):177-189.
    This essay traces Christian thinking about sacred and secular authority during the early centuries of the Roman Empire. Christian martyrdom, interpreted by apologists such as Tertullian, established a place for Christianity in Roman society and gave it authority against imperial power. From this confrontation there emerged a differentiation of religious and civil authority that provided a starting point for later constitutional ideas of separate and balanced powers and distinctions between state and civil society. A comparative perspective reminds (...)
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  29.  85
    Creating Justice in an Emerging World The Natural Law Basis of Francisco de Vitoria’s Political and International Thought.Luis Valenzuela Vermehren - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (163):39-64.
    This article outlines Francisco de Vitoria’s conception of natural law and natural right in an effort to amend a number of interpretations in the academic literature on his political and international thought that misapprehend Vitoria’s iusnaturalism. In this view, his use of the Thomist doctrine of natural law and justice lays the founda­tion for his works on politics, society and international relations since the doctrine itself espouses equality and justice both within the domestic realm and between (...)
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  30.  37
    Actualidad y proyección de la tradición escolástica: filosofía, justicia y economía.Francisco Javier Gómez Díez, José Luis Cendejas Bueno & Leopoldo J. Prieto López - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (1):181-192.
    The article presents a set of articles on the present and projection of the scholastic tradition. The starting point is the anthropological turn that, within scholasticism and at the beginning of the fourteenth century, privileged the study of ethics, law and politics and, consequently, the forced development of a moral theology concerned with the human coexistence. The second scholasticism, prolonging this tradition throughout the 16th and 17th centuries, could not remain oblivious to the implications of the profound changes that were (...)
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    Reconsidering the Relationship Between Vitoria and Grotius’s Contributions to the International Law and Natural Law Traditions.John E. Carter - 2021 - Journal of Religious Ethics 49 (1):159-187.
    In light of recent reevaluations of the work of Hugo Grotius, this essay analyzes the respective roles of Francisco de Vitoria and Grotius in the construction of the “Grotian tradition” of international law and human rights. In contrast to conventional accounts which understand the two within a progression, this essay argues that Vitoria and Grotius can alternatively be understood as representing two distinct strains of international law and ethics, forms of which persist to this day. The first (...)
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    William Durant the Younger and Conciliar Theory.Constantin Fasolt - 1997 - Journal of the History of Ideas 58 (3):385-402.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:William Durant the Younger and Conciliar TheoryConstantin FasoltWilliam Durant the Younger (c. 1266–1330) had a sharp mind, deep familiarity with the law of his times, and the practical experience necessary to understand exactly what was wrong with what he, like others, called “the state of the church.”1 He also had the ability to argue from principles to conclusions and the courage to state his conclusions in public—at least (...)
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  33.  12
    Francisco de Vitoria: Lecons Sur Le Pouvoir Politique.Francisco De Vitoria - 1980 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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  34. Francisco de Vitoria "condiciones" de su doctrina indiana.Ramón Hernández Martín - 2010 - Ciencia Tomista 137 (441):15-32.
    Las copias de los manuscritos de las Relecciones de Francisco de Vitoria se multiplicaron, y enseguida atravesaron el océano, para llegar muy pronto a manos de universitarios y misioneros. En España llegaron a la corte imperial, provocando una rápida censura, y al humanista J. Ginés de Sepúlveda, que asume el texto como favorable a su imperialismo. En ultramar el catedrático agustino Alonso de Veracruz aprueba y enriquece sus argumentos, y el dominico Bartolomé de Las Casas se queda (...)
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    “O estremecer de uma súbita esperança”: os camponeses da Cotinguiba e a negociação pela terra no tempo de Dom Luciano Duarte.Magno Francisco de Jesus Santos - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (48):1480-1503.
    The late 60s of the twentieth century, in Sergipe, was marked by the outbreak of a series of conflicts over land tenure and lack of work. In a period in which social movements were seen as subversive demonstrations, the struggle of the peasants of the region Cotinguiba was treated as a police matter, through repression and arrest of leaders. This article seeks to analyze the process of negotiation between the peasants of Sergipe Cotinguiba and the political and agrarian elites (...)
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  36. Heresy and toleration in the early fourteenth century : Marsilius of Padua and William of Ockham reconsidered.Takashi Shogimen - 2023 - In Chris Jones & Takashi Shogimen, Rethinking medieval and Renaissance political thought: historiographical problems, fresh interpretations, new debates. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Toward a non-humanist humanism: theory after 9/11.William V. Spanos - 2017 - Albany: SUNY PRESS, State University of New York Press.
    Assesses the limits and possibilities of humanism for engaging with issues of pressing political and cultural concern. In his book The End of Education: Toward Posthumanism, William V. Spanos critiqued the traditional Western concept of humanism, arguing that its origins are to be found not in ancient Greece’s love of truth and wisdom, but in the Roman imperial era, when those Greek values were adapted in the service of imperialism on a deeply rooted, metaphysical level. Returning (...)
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    Natural Rights and Roman Law in Hugo Grotius's Theses LVI, De iure praedae and Defensio capitis quinti maris liberi.Benjamin Straumann - 2007 - Grotiana 26 (1):341-365.
    Roman property law and Roman contract law as well as the property centered Roman ethics put forth by Cicero in several of his works were the traditions Grotius drew upon in developing his natural rights system. While both the medieval just war tradition and Grotius's immediate political context deserve scholarly attention and constitute important influences on Grotius's natural law tenets, it is a Roman tradition of subjective legal remedies and of just war which lays claim (...)
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    Popular Sovereignty in Early Modern Constitutional Thought.Daniel Lee - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Popular sovereignty - the doctrine that the public powers of state originate in a concessive grant of power from 'the people' - is perhaps the cardinal doctrine of modern constitutional theory, placing full constitutional authority in the people at large, rather than in the hands of judges, kings, or a political elite. Although its classic formulation is to be found in the major theoretical treatments of the modern state, such as in the treatises of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau, this (...)
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  40. Francisco De Vitoria and Humanitarian Intervention.James Muldoon - 2006 - Journal of Military Ethics 5 (2):128-143.
    Humanitarian intervention is a staple of current discussions about relations among states. Should powerful states interfere in the internal affairs of weaker ones, particularly those identified as failed states, in order to bring peace and stability when it is clear that the existing government can not do so? The concept is an old one, not a new one. European nations that engaged in overseas expansion generally justified their conquests on the grounds that they would seek to civilise and Christianise the (...)
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    Conflict as a Vocation.William Rasch - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (6):1-32.
    Carl Schmitt's critique of liberal pluralism (of individuals and associations) was conducted in the name of a different pluralism, a truer pluralism, according to him, namely, the pluralism of equal and sovereign nation-states. His friend/enemy distinction dictates that conflict is the only legitimate model for politics, at least on the international level. By translating Schmitt's theory of politics as conflict into terms derived from the work of Lyotard and Luhmann, this article asks whether Schmitt's concept of the political has (...)
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  42.  21
    Saving the innocent, then and now: Vitoria, Dominion and world order.William Bain - 2013 - History of Political Thought 34 (4):588-613.
    Francisco de Vitoria is regularly included in the genealogy of humanitarian intervention. He is invoked as both historical precedent and legitimizing authority, which raises the question of his trans-historical relevance in contemporary debates on humanitarian intervention. This article argues that Vitoria's thinking about defending the innocent cannot be abstracted from his theology and remain coherent. Specifically, it argues that the illocutionary force of his position is entirely lost once it is separated from the belief that man is (...)
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  43. Modern sovereignty in question: Theology, democracy and capitalism.Adrian Pabst - 2010 - Modern Theology 26 (4):570-602.
    This essay argues that modern sovereignty is not simply a legal or political concept that is coterminous with the modern nation-state. Rather, at the theoretical level modern sovereign power is inscribed into a wider theological dialectic between “the one” and “the many”. Modernity fuses juridical-constitutional models of supreme state authority with a new, “biopolitical” account of power whereby natural life and the living body of the individual are the object of politics and are subject to state control (section 1). (...)
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    Postnational democracies without postnational states? Some skeptical reflections.William E. Scheuerman - 2009 - Ethics and Global Politics 2 (1).
    Prominent critical theorists (including Jürgen Habermas) have embraced a radical democratic version of the popular notion of ‘global governance without government’, according to which postnational democratization can be achieved without establishing robust firms of postnational statehood. The sources of the argument in Hauke Brunkhorst’s recent theorizing are critically interrogated. Brunkhorst’s interpretation of the European Union as an emerging case of postnational democracy, his critique of traditional ideas of state sovereignty, and Kelsenian notions about the primacy of global law are criticized. (...)
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    Revisitando I Dialogus V, capítulos 14-22 / Revisiting Dialogus V, Chapters 14-22.José Antônio de C. R. De Souza - 2016 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 23:31.
    This paper, which gives continuity to another article, analyzes the content of I Dialogus V, 14-22 and, in an appendix, presents our Portuguese translation of this excerpt. In these chapters, the Inceptor Venerabilis discusses whether St. Peter and the Roman Church possess primacy over all other apostles and churches; andwhether this primacy is granted by God himself. Ockham first presents, not ad litteram, the opinion of those who refute the thesis that Christ did not give primacy to Peter and (...)
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    Controversy over the Power Between the Papacy and the Empire in the light of Marsilius’ of Padua Defensor pacis.Anna Białas - 2010 - Peitho 1 (1):145-159.
    The most famous medieval controversy over the power and the temporal dominion took place between the papacy and the empire. One of the greatest advocates of the imperial domination was Marsilius of Padua, the author of an original work that demonstrated the advantage of acknowledging the emperor’s superiority over the Pope’s. The Defensor pacis, written between 1319 and 1324, was devoted to the dispute on such sovereignty issues as proving that the Pope should be subordinate to the Emperor, (...)
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    Conquest and English Legal Identity in Renaissance Ireland.Brian Lockey - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (4):543-558.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Conquest and English Legal Identity in Renaissance IrelandBrian LockeyLike the Spanish administrators of the American territories, English administrators of Ireland attempted to impose their own native legal system on the Irish inhabitants. Nonetheless, important differences existed between the two kingdoms' legal approaches to their respective colonial contexts. Because Spanish jurisprudence was allied with universalist Catholic doctrine and was officially based on Justinian's Corpus Iuris Civilis (the ancient Roman (...)
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    Raíces escolásticas de la teoría de la propiedad de John Locke.José Luis Cendejas Bueno - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (2):499-512.
    This work deals with the long trajectory that goes from Roman legal thought to Locke's explanation of the origin of property, money and, ultimately, political power. Vitoria, Suárez and Locke start from considering a primordial prepolitical state of equal freedom for all and common property, in which humanity could have been before the establishment of the characteristic institutions of the civil state. Despite the presence of elements of continuity with respect to Vitoria and Suárez, by replacing (...)
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    La antropofagia en Francisco de Vitoria.Felipe Castañeda - 2004 - Ideas Y Valores 53 (126):3-18.
    At the end of the first half of the XVI century, Vitoria worked on the problem of the legitimacy of the conquest of America, developing a series of statements about fair war. An important number of his investigations were focused on the possible justification of a war enterprise, motivated by th..
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    Le jeu des échelles. Le pouvoir et son inscription spatiale dans les cartographies et les descriptions du Saint-Empire et de ses territoires au XVIe siècle.Axelle Chassagnette - 2012 - Astérion 10 (10).
    In the 16th century, the Holy Roman Empire had a complex political structure. The main features of this structure were the several levels of the political representation and the multiplicity of States under the imperial authority. The study of the maps and of the geographical descriptions of the German era shows that different interpretations of the sovereignty coexisted in the Empire and its territories. Contrary to the territorial power, the imperial power was not represented as (...)
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