Results for 'spiritual journey'

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  1.  18
    The obstacles of the spiritual journey in Serat Jatimurti and the Exodus Homily of Origen.Robby I. Chandra, Veronika S. S. Nugraheni, A. C. Jonch & Budiman Widjaja - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):7.
    Many religions use figurative language to convey their teachings on the spiritual journey. Identifying their similarities and differences might deepen the recognition of each core faith and create mutual appreciation. This article compared Serat Jatimurti, a Javanese indigenous spirituality text with the Exodus Homily of Origen, a text from antiquity. This article is a qualitative study to compare their teachings on the stages of the spiritual journey and the obstacles. The finding showed that both Serat Jatimurti (...)
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    My Spiritual Journey.Charles Kelley - 2011 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 1 (1):13-15.
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  3. Spiritual journey in saiva-Siddhanta.S. Arulsamy - 1986 - Journal of Dharma 11 (1):37-61.
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    Masao Abe's Early Spiritual Journey and his Later Philosophy.Donald W. Mitchell - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:107-110.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Masao Abe’s Early Spiritual Journey and his Later PhilosophyDonald W. MitchellMasao Abe was born in 1915 in Osaka, Japan. He was the third of six children, and his father was a physician. His mother was the only person in the family who practiced religion, namely, Jōdo Shinshū or Shin Buddhism. As a university student, Abe attended what is now Osaka Municipal University, where he studied economics and (...)
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    Reflections on Developmental Spirituality: Journey Paradigms and Stages.Bruce Demarest - 2008 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 1 (2):149-167.
    One prominent image of the Christian life in Scripture is that of a journey homeward. Consistent with Scripture and the developmental sciences, Christian spiritual authorities through history have developed various journey paradigms with associated phases or stages and transitions. Constructive paradigms are not linear and rigid in form, but might be represented as upward trending spiral movements that permit digressions, reversions, stopping places and advances on the way. Such paradigms and stages serve valuable heuristic functions in assisting (...)
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    Coming Home: The Spiritual Journey of the Prodigal Son.Maria Leodevina C. Batugal - 2021 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 1 (4):31-33.
    In this article, I reviewed the passage of the Prodigal Son in the context of the Lukan perspective and the reader then, is referred to Luke 15: 11-31. This parable gives us an image of a loving and forgiving God whose mercy endures forever. This is the greatest love story which presents the depths of God’s love. Several biblical scholars disclose that this parable guides us to new hope by allowing God to love, forgive us and accept his saving love.
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    Two models of spiritual journey: Yoga and confucius.Frank Podcorski - 1985 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 12 (1):23-47.
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    Philosophers Who Believe: The Spiritual Journeys of Eleven Leading Thinkers.Curtis L. Hancock - 1995 - International Philosophical Quarterly 35 (2):233-235.
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  9. " Clinton's Spiritual Journey.Priscilla Painton - 1993 - In Jonathan Westphal & Carl Avren Levenson, Time. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub. Co.. pp. 5--49.
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    On the Edge: The Spiritual Journey of Roman Catholic Women in Alternative Religious Communities.Rosalie Riegle Troester - 1994 - Feminist Theology 2 (5):74-90.
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    Dreaming Me: An African American Woman's Spiritual Journey (review).Roger Corless - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):234-236.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 234-236 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Dreaming Me: An African American Woman's Spiritual Journey Dreaming Me: An African American Woman's Spiritual Journey. By Jan Willis. New York: Riverhead Books, 2001. 321 pp. This book invites comparison with Diana Eck's Encountering God: A Spiritual Journey from Bozeman to Banaras(Boston: Beacon Press, 1993). Both are by prominent women scholars, both (...)
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  12. To know as we are known: education as a spiritual journey.Parker J. Palmer - 1983 - [San Francisco]: HarperSanFrancisco.
    This primer on authentic education explores how mind and heart can work together in the learning process. Moving beyond the bankruptcy of our current model of education, Parker Palmer finds the soul of education through a lifelong cultivation of the wisdom each of us possesses and can share to benefit others.
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  13. Sayyid Muhammad husayn tabatab'I, kernel of the kernel: Concerning the wayfaring and spiritual journey of the people of intellect, a shi'I approach to sufism, compiled, edited and expanded by sayyid Muhammad husayn husayni tihrani, translated by Mohammad H. faghfoory, foreword by seyyed.Hossein Nasr - 2004 - Sophia 43 (2):146.
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    The Tao of happiness: stories from Chuang Tzu for your spiritual journey.Derek Lin - 2015 - New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher / Penguin.
    If you have not encountered Chuang Tzu before, prepare yourself for a treat. He was the sage who stood apart from all others in Chinese history. He was a unique presence, a great mind like no one before or since. Chuang Tzu quickly distinguished himself and became well known for his deep understanding and sense of humor. His mastery was such that he could explain the Tao with simple stories, and his humor was such that he could see the joy (...)
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  15. God's Enduring Presence: Strength for the Spiritual Journey [Book Review].Marie Farrell - 2010 - The Australasian Catholic Record 87 (2):249.
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    The second truth: a brief introduction to the intellectual and spiritual journey that is philosophy.James P. Danaher - 2014 - St. Paul, MN: Paragon House.
    "Contrasts the conceptual understanding we inherit from our culture and language community (first truth) with the more sophisticated understanding we gain through personal experience, searching, and philosophical questioning (second truth). Socrates and Jesus are described as persons who are exemplary in application of their second truths.
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    The Free Quakers Reaffirming the Legacy of Conscience and Liberty (The Spiritual Journey of a Solitary People).Morgan John H. - 2012 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 11 (32):288-305.
    The following exploration of the fundamentals of the Religious Society of Friends called Quakers will focus upon a lesser known tradition of the Quakers, namely that of the "Free Friends of Philadelphia" and their modern progeny, the Free Quakers of Indiana These Free Quakers, as they are called, are those who chose to exercise their free right to follow their conscience in all things, a tradition reaching back to the 18 th century in Philadelphia when a contingent of Friends chose (...)
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    A metáfora da noite escura no itinerário espiritual de São João da Cruz (The metaphor of the dark night in spiritual journey of São João da Cruz) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012v10n27p779. [REVIEW]Cleide Maria de Oliveira - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (27):779-803.
    A imagem da noite é uma constante em diversas tradições místicas, estando associada à necessidade, expressa pela mística apofática, de transcender às imagens, ao conhecimento e ao nome de Deus, bem como a um método ascético que conduziria a uma experiência que não sendo sensível ou inteligível, não é catalogável pelo nosso sistema de cognição. A noite será uma das imagens mais poderosas e de maior expressividade na poesia de São João da Cruz, representante da mística ibérica do séc. XVI. (...)
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  19.  28
    Journey to the Spirit Land:Journey to the Spiritual Lands.Geri-Ann Galanti - 2000 - Anthropology of Consciousness 11 (3-4):64-65.
    Journey to the Spiritual Lands. By Wallace W. Zane. 1999. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Paul Lachance, O.F.M., The Spiritual Journey of the Blessed Angela of Foligno according to the Memorial of Frater A. (Studia Antoniana, 29.) Rome: Franciscan Pontifical University, 1984. Paper. Pp. ix, 416. $12.50. May be ordered from the author, Les Franciscains, 5750 Rosemont Blvd., Montreal, Que., Canada, H1T 2H2. [REVIEW]Donald Christopher Nugent - 1987 - Speculum 62 (2):509-510.
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    Reformed spirituality and the spirit of reconciliation: A personal journey.Piet Meiring - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (4):1-7.
    The article represents auto-ethnographical reflections about the author's journey towards reconciling diversity with the advent of democracy in South Africa. The author recounts aspects of his participation in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It focuses on aspects of Reformed theology and spirituality as instruments for reconciling diversity. Local and international theologians opposed apartheid, calling it an unjust and indefensible political system, using their Reformed conviction, often applying the very same notions and principles. The article discusses the opposition to apartheid (...)
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    The Journey of Our Life: Dante as a Spiritual Theologian of Grace.Greg Peters - 2016 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 9 (1):98-117.
    This essay is an examination of Dante Alighieri as a spiritual theologian of grace. Using Cantos 9 and 29–30 of the Purgatorio the essay shows that Dante constructs his other-worldly journey as one that is grace-filled and dependent on the grace bestowed through the church's sacraments, in concert with Thomas Aquinas’ theology of grace. Further, in light of the creation of the Feast of Corpus Christi in the thirteenth century, the essay offers a unique interpretation of the figure (...)
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  23. A journey towards higher consciousness: On retreat in pacha mama, a spiritual village in Costa rica.Guy Drori - unknown
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    It’s a journey … Emerging adult women’s experiences of spiritual identity development during postgraduate psychology studies in South Africa.Luzelle Naudé & Lara Fick - 2022 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 22 (1).
    The spiritual identity development of six South African, emerging adult, female, postgraduate psychology students (21 to 22 years old) was explored using reflective writing exercises and individual interviews. Interpretative phenomenological analysis revealed that spiritual identity exploration occurs continuously across the lifespan, with optimal opportunities for deepened development during emerging adulthood. Development happens in context and is enhanced by the postgraduate psychology training experience, as well as exposure to spiritual and religious diversity. Reflections on challenging events result in (...)
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    Spiritual psychology: the fourth intellectual journey in transcendent philosophy: volumes VIII and IX of the Asfar.Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī & Latimah-Parvin Peerwani - 2008 - London: ICAS. Edited by Latimah-Parvin Peerwani.
    The central issue in this work is self-knowledge. The human soul is created in the Image of God with a purpose.
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  26. Journey with Jesus: Discovering the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius.Larry Warner - 2010
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    Journey beyond caste, ashramas and reincarnation [spiritual life in India].George J. Seidel - 1986 - Journal of Dharma 11:76-82.
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  28. Spirituality and the Awakening Self: The Sacred Journey of Transformation.David Benner - 2012
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    Journey to a Spirituality: Making the Connections.Mary Grey - 2000 - Feminist Theology 8 (23):55-57.
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    Spiritual Warriorship: Śāntideva on the Inner Journey of Transforming Anger.Judith Simmer-Brown - 2021 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 41 (1):185-193.
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    On Gendered Journeys, Spiritual Transformations and Ethical Formations in Diaspora: Filipina Care Workers in Israel.Claudia Liebelt - 2011 - Feminist Review 97 (1):74-91.
    Research on migrant care and domestic workers has focused on their multiple dislocations and exclusions in the diaspora, analysing a highly gendered global economy of care and domestic work. This article investigates the role of ritual performance and spirituality in female care workers’ projects of migration and in the emergence of their feminized and racialized subjectivities. On the basis of anthropological research in Israel and the Philippines, it analyses Filipina care workers’ narratives of migration to Israel as a form of (...)
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    Exploring spirituality from a post-Jungian perspective: clinical and personal reflections.Ruth Williams - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Derived from Ruth Williams' more than 40-year immersion in spiritual practice, as well as her clinical experience as a Jungian analyst, this thought-provoking volume explores the nature of spiritual paths and trajectories in practical ways, incorporating personal anecdote and ground-breaking academic research and providing a window into how Jungian practitioners work with soul and spirit. Williams explores the nature of being a human using the Yiddish idea of a person being a 'mensch,' which means being a decent human (...)
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  33. Spiritual Experience and Psychopathology: Dichotomy or Interaction?Caroline Brett - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (4):373-380.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 9.4 (2002) 373-380 [Access article in PDF] Spiritual Experience and Psychopathology:Dichotomy or Interaction? Caroline Brett Keywords: mysticism, psychosis, values, phenomenology, spiritual emergence. THE PURPOSE OF Marzanski and Bratton's paper is to challenge Jackson and Fulford's (1997) treatment of the area of spiritual experience and psychosis, specifically the perspective of discriminating pathological from spiritual experiences on the basis of action enhancement in (...)
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    Psyche and the sacred: spirituality beyond religion.Lionel Corbett - 2019 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book presents an approach to spirituality based on direct personal experience of the sacred. Using the language and insights of depth psychology, Corbett outlines the intimate relationship between spiritual experience and the psychology of the individual, unveiling the seamless continuity between the personal and transpersonal dimensions of the psyche. His discussion runs the gamut of spiritual concerns, from the problem of evil to the riddle of pain and suffering. Drawing upon his psychotherapeutic practice as well as on (...)
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  35. Spiritual Psychology: The Fourth Intellectual Journey in Transcendent Philosophy – Volumes VIII & IX of The Asfar by Mulla Sadra Shirazi, trans. Latimah-Parvin Peerwani. [REVIEW]David Burrell - 2009 - Journal of Shi‘a Islamic Studies 2:457-460.
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    Sharing the Journey: Spiritual Assessment and Pastoral Response to Persons with Incurable Illnesses.R. Prebendary & P. Speck - 1999 - Journal of Medical Ethics 25 (3):286-286.
  37.  25
    Using The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola as a Basis for a Buddhist-Christian Retreat.Len Tischler & Andre Delbecq - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:213-217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Using The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola as a Basis for a Buddhist-Christian RetreatLen Tischler and Andre Delbecqorigin of the retreatJesuit (Catholic) universities have struggled to preserve their religious worldview and pass it on to their students, faculty, and staff. Given that most faculty and administrators at these universities are laypeople and many are not Catholic, the universities depend largely on their campus mission/ministry offices for this (...)
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    Schleiermacherian transcendental spirituality and the book of job.David J. Turnbloom - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (5):767-772.
    The Book of Job is certainly one of the most enigmatic and attractive books in all of the Hebrew Scriptures. As a masterfully written poem, Job utilizes imagery and metaphor in such a way as to leave even the secular reader in awe. It tells the story of a pious man who, through many sufferings, is tested by the Divine and sent on a spiritual journey which culminates in a face to face meeting with God. As a poem (...)
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    A Spirituality of Exile: Responding to God's Absence.Lee Beach - 2017 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 10 (1):33-50.
    In the journey of faith almost everyone experiences times of spiritual desolation when our sense of God's presence is stripped away and our certainty about his faithfulness is deeply eroded. Times like this are intensely disorienting as they leave us grasping for answers, but even more importantly searching for a way forward. The literature of the Bible provides us with both experiential companionship and language to guide our journey through the desolate places of spiritual experience. The (...)
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    Women and Spirituality.Carol Ochs - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Written by an acclaimed scholar to enrich and complete the vision offered by traditional Western spirituality, Women and Spirituality demonstrates that women, as women, have a valuable contribution to make to religion. This new edition is revised and updated in light of thirteen years of feminism, including new biblical role models and a new chapter on women's special relationship to time. Prodding readers to pay attention to their own experiences, Ochs challenges traditional religious concepts such as solitary struggle, otherworldliness, and (...)
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    Black theology versus black spirituality and black faith: The centrality of spirituality and faith in black theology of liberation in the South African context.Olehile A. Buffel - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (3).
    Black theology, which is linked to black power in the context of the United States of America and black consciousness in the context of South Africa is often regarded as having nothing to do with spirituality, faith and salvation. It is often regarded by critics as radical, militant and political. In some circles its theological character is questioned. Advocates of liberation theology, past and present are accused of mixing religion with politics. The article traces the history of black theology, as (...)
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  42.  6
    American Camino: Walking as Spiritual Practice on the Appalachian Trail.Kip Redick - 2023 - Lexington Books.
    This book explores the relationship between long-distance hiking—in this case, hiking the Appalachian Trail—and spiritual pilgrimage. Kip Redick interprets the Appalachian Trail as a site of spiritual journey and those who hike the wilderness trail as unique contemporary pilgrims.
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    The Decoding of the Human Spirit: A Synergy of Spirituality and Character Strengths Toward Wholeness.Ryan M. Niemiec, Pninit Russo-Netzer & Kenneth I. Pargament - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:552737.
    Little attention has been given to the integral relationship between character strengths and spirituality (the search for or communing with the sacred to derive meaning and purpose). The science of character strengths has surged in recent years with hundreds of studies, yet with minimal attention to spirituality or the literature thereof. At the same time, the science of spirituality has steadily unfolded over the last few decades and has offered only occasional attention to select strengths of character (e.g., humility, love, (...)
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  44.  27
    A spiritual assessment of the Indian banking industry.Akshay Kumar & Sunita Singh Sengupta - forthcoming - Asian Journal of Business Ethics:1-32.
    In organizational scholarship, the infusion of spirituality into corporate culture has emerged as a transformative force that significantly influences employee well-being, work engagement, and operational efficiency, ushering in a new era of workplace harmony. However, amidst this evolution, the Indian banking industry remains relatively unchartered. This study embarks on a pioneering journey, exploring the intricate interplay between workplace spirituality and spiritual fulfillment within this dynamic sector and discerning differences between public and private sector employees. The workplace Spirituality and (...)
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    (1 other version)Spirituality of Nourishing life in the Book of Mengzi.Yao Xinzhong - 2014 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 41 (S1):740-751.
    As a moral system open to spiritual values, Confucianism demonstrates a strong commitment to the cultivation of life and believes that this cultivation can lead to the spiritual ultimate. In this sense the interconnection between religiousness and morality underlies all Confucian discourses on human qualities and is the foundation on which their moral universe is established. This article is an attempt to examine how Mengzi explores the multiple meaning of “nourishing or nurturing” and makes it essentially instrumental for (...)
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    Audre Lorde’s Hopelessness and Hopefulness: Cultivating a Womanist Nondualism for Psycho-Spiritual Wholeness.Pamela Ayo Yetunde - 2019 - Feminist Theology 27 (2):176-194.
    The late black American feminist lesbian poet Audre Lorde was known in feminist communities in the United States, Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, and elsewhere for her poetry and prose about how to survive various forms of oppression. Though Lorde authored many political and spiritual poems and essays in her adulthood, little has been written about Lorde’s early psycho-spiritual spiritual journey from Catholicism to I Ching, which informed her adult integrated African spirituality, which in turn informed her (...)
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    Mussar yoga: blending an ancient Jewish spiritual practice with yoga to transform body and soul.Edith R. Brotman - 2014 - Woodstock, Vermont: Jewish Lights Publishing.
    Mussar Yoga is a spiritual practice that engages the whole self in the process of spiritual transformation. It bridges the Jewish spiritual practice of self-study, and the cultivation and discipline of ethical behavior known as Mussar ("instruction" in Hebrew) with the Eight Limbs of Yoga, the ancient Indian eight-fold path for creating union between mind, body and spirit. Mussar provides the structure and focus of the journey of self-inquiry, while yoga offers a means for embodying it. (...)
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    Adolescent spirituality with the support of adults.Anastasia Apostolides - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (4):1-6.
    Adolescence can be a trying time for adolescents and those with whom they share their journey, directly or indirectly. In a fast-paced world where adolescents want to conform to their youth or popular culture, the adolescent may become inundated and confused with all that is continuously taking place in their social context. This article argues that with the support of adults, adolescents may be guided to explore, experience and live out their spiritual identities through their popular or youth (...)
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    Spirituality and beliefs of Colombian internal conflict survivors.Diana L. Villegas - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-9.
    Remarkable stories of resilience and forgiveness have been reported in the wake of the internationally recognised peace process in Colombia. From the perspective of Christian spirituality, this study seeks to understand the individual and communal values, beliefs and practices that made the reconciliation and restoration of a community possible after severe dislocation and violence, some of it of neighbour against neighbour. Interviews conducted in the field and transcribed by the author were used as texts. Transcripts were studied taking into account (...)
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    The Spiritual Tasks of Aging towards Death.Dawn DeVries - 2021 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 75 (3):227-235.
    This article presents experiential reflections on the spiritual tasks for the last stage of human life. These tasks—experiencing escalating losses, accepting growing dependence on others, reframing the meaning of one’s life, and finding purpose even as one slowly lets go of life—are challenging, at least in part because they are counter-cultural for twenty-first century Americans. Exploring the spiritual tasks of aging towards death is necessary and important work for both aging elders and those who accompany them on the (...)
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