Results for 'the power of the real'

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  1.  62
    On the decidability of the real field with a generic power function.Gareth Jones & Tamara Servi - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (4):1418-1428.
    We show that the theory of the real field with a generic real power function is decidable, relative to an oracle for the rational cut of the exponent of the power function. We also show the existence of generic computable real numbers, hence providing an example of a decidable o-minimal proper expansion of the real field by an analytic function.
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    The Power of Ideals: The Real Story of Moral Choice.William Damon & Anne Colby - 2015 - New York: Oup Usa. Edited by Anne Colby.
    The Power of Ideals examines the lives and work of six 20th century moral leaders who pursued moral causes ranging from world peace to social justice and human rights, and uses these six cases to show how people can make choices guided by their moral ideals rather than by base emotion or social pressures.
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    Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe by Dean Radin.Bryan J. Williams - 2019 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 33 (1).
    Given the wide range of mythical/occult lore, stage legerdemain, and popular fantasy-based fictional stereotypes that have long been associated with the term magic in human culture, it is quite possible that some academically-minded readers may initially be put off by the title of this book. But these are not the kinds of magic that Dean Radin is talking about. Rather, he is subtly alluding to a certain class of seemingly extraordinary human experiences and abilities for which the exact underlying physical (...)
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    Virtualization of the Real and Citizenship People, Power, Society, and Persons.Paolo Bellini - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    Virtualization of the Real and Citizenship People, Power, Society, and Persons.Gianfranco Pellegrino - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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    Expansions of the real field with power functions.Chris Miller - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 68 (1):79-94.
    We investigate expansions of the ordered field of real numbers equipped with a family of real power functions. We show in particular that the theory of the ordered field of real numbers augmented by all restricted analytic functions and all real power functions admits elimination of quantifiers and has a universal axiomatization. We derive that every function of one variable definable in this structure, not ultimately identically 0, is asymptotic at + ∞ to a (...)
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    At the Heart of the Real[REVIEW]Michael Ewbank - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (1):158-159.
    Particularly interesting among those concerning religion is Fernand Van Steenberghen's criticism of Etienne Gilson's occasional assertion that the existence of God may be the object of supernatural faith, since it is possible to believe and know in distinct ways. Van Steenberghen insists this is contradictory, since to believe God's existence on His testimony implies that one does not "know" this, and if one "knows" God's testimony one knows that God exists. Related to this issue is Georges Van Riet's clarification of (...)
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    The digital and the real world: computational foundations of mathematics, science, technology, and philosophy.Klaus Mainzer - 2018 - [Hackensack,] New Jersey: World Scientific.
    In the 21st century, digitalization is a global challenge of mankind. Even for the public, it is obvious that our world is increasingly dominated by powerful algorithms and big data. But, how computable is our world? Some people believe that successful problem solving in science, technology, and economies only depends on fast algorithms and data mining. Chances and risks are often not understood, because the foundations of algorithms and information systems are not studied rigorously. Actually, they are deeply rooted in (...)
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  9. Social Structures and the Power of the State.Michel Collinet & James H. Labadie - 1958 - Diogenes 6 (23):64-78.
    The simplest and no doubt the most persistent of the ideas held on the relationship between society and power, from Menenius Agrippa to Auguste Comte, is that of an analogy between the social body and the human body. Both these men deduced that power is nothing other than the supreme regulating function of all functional activities, as harmoniously integrated in society as they are in human physiology. Ethnographic study often strengthened this organicist conception through description of the various (...)
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    Harnessing the power of wisdom from data to wisdom.Andrew Targowski (ed.) - 2013 - Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publisher's.
    This book is the first of its kind which defines wisdom as information and the highest level of the cognition units set, composed of data, information, concept, knowledge and wisdom. The author has founded his theory of wisdom on the following assumptions: Any sane person can make wise decisions throughout their lifetime, from childhood to old age; Wise decisions need not be expert in nature; Wisdom ought to be defined in such terms as to be understood not only by experts (...)
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  11. Debating Powers: Where the Real Puzzle Lies.Samuel Kimpton-Nye - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Stephen Mumford and Alexander Bird disagree about which properties are powers and, correspondingly, about the extent of the philosophical work to which powers may be put. Unfortunately, there is an important respect in which these authors are talking past each other and so the reason for their disagreement remains obscured. I highlight what has gone wrong in their recent exchange, attempt to clear up the confusion and pinpoint the true source of their disagreement. My hope is to redirect the efforts (...)
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    The power of death: contemporary reflections on death in western society.Maria-José Blanco & Ricarda Vidal (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Berghahn.
    The social and cultural changes of the last century have transformed death from an everyday fact to something hidden from view. Shifting between the practical and the theoretical, the professional and the intimate, the real and the fictitious, this collection of essays explores the continued power of death over our lives. It examines the idea and experience of death from an interdisciplinary perspective, including studies of changing burial customs throughout Europe; an account of a"dying party" in the Netherlands; (...)
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  13.  20
    Quantifier Elimination for the Reals with a Predicate for the Powers of Two.Jeremy Avigad & Yimu Yin - unknown
    In 1985, van den Dries showed that the theory of the reals with a predicate for the integer powers of two admits quantifier elimination in an expanded language, and is hence decidable. He gave a model-theoretical argument, which provides no apparent bounds on the complexity of a decision procedure. We provide a syntactical argument that yields a procedure that is primitive recursive, although not elementary.
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  14.  22
    Handmaids' Tales of Washington Power: The Abject and the Real Kennedy White House.Christine Sylvester - 1998 - Body and Society 4 (3):39-66.
    A considerable amount of academic attention has been paid to John Kennedy and to his group of advisors during the Cuban missile crisis. Next to no attention has been accorded other bodies of the Kennedy White House that had daily access to a President's most private moments and possibly to his important deliberations. Drawing on Richard Reeves' account of President Kennedy: Profile of Power, I revisit the early 1960s looking for bodies of power that are culturally sexed female (...)
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    Bong Joon Ho's Parasite and post-2008 Revolts: From the Discourses of the Master to the Destituent Power of the Real.Joseba Gabilondo - 2020 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 14 (1).
    Bong Joon Ho's Parasite has been globally praised for presenting a new perspective on class conflict and for placing the precarious working class at its center. Prestigious awards such the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Festival or the unprecedented Oscar for the Best Film of the Year only corroborate this global consensus. But I think it's the opposite. Parasite is an overworked and convoluted narrative about the impossibility of overcoming, dismantling, or exiting neoliberal capitalism. Literally, the South Korean film is (...)
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  16.  52
    Translation,(Self-) Transformation, and the Power of the Middle.Angelica Nuzzo - 2013 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 3 (1):19-35.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Translation, (Self-)Transformation, and the Power of the MiddleAngelica NuzzoThe etymologies of the word translation—the real and the imaginary ones—are many and varied across languages and traditions. I want to frame my present remarks by appealing to the well-known derivation of the Latin traducere from trans-ducere, the verb that designates the movement of carrying across, of bringing over across and between heterogeneous and apparently incompatible terms—different languages, different (...)
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  17.  5
    Power, Love and Evil: Contribution to a Philosophy of the Damaged.Wayne Cristaudo - 2008 - Rodopi.
    Love and evil are real they are substances of force fields which contain us as constituent parts. Of all the powers of life they are the two most pregnant without meaning, hence the most generative of what is specifically human. Love and evil stand in the closest relationship to each other: evil is both what destroys love and what forces more love out of us; it is, as Augustine astutely grasped, privative (requiring something to negate) but it is also (...)
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  18. Leloup, G., Rings of monoids elementarily equivalent to polynomial rings Miller, C., Expansions of the real field with power functions Ozawa, M., Forcing in nonstandard analysis Rathjen, M., Proof theory of reflection. [REVIEW]L. D. Beklemishev, O. V. Belegradek, K. J. Davey & J. L. Krivine - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 68:343.
  19.  41
    The lipstick proviso: women, sex & power in the real world.Karen Lehrman - 1997 - New York: Doubleday.
    Many women today prepare for a big meeting by reading a stack of folders and applying lipstick. They order their male colleagues around, then wait for those same men to help them on with their coats. They have higher-status jobs than some of the men they date, yet they never call men socially or ask them out. What's going on? Why such seemingly contradictory behaviors? Have women completely failed feminism--or has feminism failed them? In The Lipstick Proviso , Karen Lehrman--hailed (...)
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  20.  68
    The Power of Mass Media and Feminism in the Evolution of Nursing’s Image: A Critical Review of the Literature and Implications for Nursing Practice.Jasmine Gill & Charley Baker - 2019 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (3):371-386.
    Nursing has evolved, yet media representation has arguably failed to keep up. This work explores why representation has been slow in accurately depicting nurses' responsibilities, impacts on public perceptions and professional identity. A critical realist review was employed as this method enables in-depth exploration into why something exists. A multidisciplinary approach was adopted, drawing from feminist, psychological and sociological theories to provide insightful understanding and recommendations. One main feminist lens has been implemented, using Laura Mulvey’s ‘Male-Gaze’ framework for content analysis (...)
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  21.  51
    The particularity of the universal: critical reflections on Bourdieu’s theory of symbolic power and the state.Stephen Quilley & Steven Loyal - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (5):429-462.
    A critical review of Bourdieu’s theory of the state is developed here against the backdrop of both his wider theoretical project and empirical studies. Elaborating the concepts of symbolic capital, symbolic violence, and symbolic domination, the centrality that Bourdieu accords to symbolic forms is compared to benchmark Weberian accounts that start with the state monopoly of violence. Reviewing also some of the burgeoning secondary literature discussing his theory of the state, Bourdieu’s writings, which encompass various antinomies, are shown to vacillate (...)
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  22.  46
    The status and power of the good in Plato’s Republic.Fiona Leigh - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 31 (6):1269-1278.
    What is it for a judgement, action, or character state to be itself a good thing, so genuinely worth pursuing? Readers of Plato's Republic discover that that it is by standing in the right relation to the Form of the Good that other things are, or become, good. In her recent monograph, Plato's Sun-Like Good, Sarah Broadie inverts the standard interpretive strategy by focusing primarily on the role of the Good in dialectic, and drawing conclusions about its metaphysical status on (...)
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  23. The emperor's real mind -- Review of Roger Penrose's The Emperor's new Mind: Concerning Computers Minds and the Laws of Physics.Aaron Sloman - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 56 (2-3):355-396.
    "The Emperor's New Mind" by Roger Penrose has received a great deal of both praise and criticism. This review discusses philosophical aspects of the book that form an attack on the "strong" AI thesis. Eight different versions of this thesis are distinguished, and sources of ambiguity diagnosed, including different requirements for relationships between program and behaviour. Excessively strong versions attacked by Penrose (and Searle) are not worth defending or attacking, whereas weaker versions remain problematic. Penrose (like Searle) regards the notion (...)
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  24.  42
    The Power of Ahimsic Communication.Brian C. Barnett - 2024 - Current Events in Public Philosophy Series (Apa Blog).
    In parts one and two of this three-part series, I developed a framework for ahimsic (nonviolent) communication (AC) as an alternative to the standard communicative norm of civility. The framework presented for AC offers various categories of resistance to violence, including nonviolent forms of negotiation, compromise, protest, verbal force, verbal distraction, argumentation, and communicative satyagraha (Gandhian nonviolence applied to communication). I also provided a range of real-life examples of successful AC resistance, including the stories of Derek Black, Daryl Davis, (...)
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    The field of reals with a predicate for the real algebraic numbers and a predicate for the integer powers of two.Mohsen Khani - 2015 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 54 (7):885-898.
    Given a theory T of a polynomially bounded o-minimal expansion R of $${\bar{\mathbb{R}} = \langle\mathbb{R}, +,., 0, 1, < \rangle}$$ with field of exponents $${\mathbb{Q}}$$, we introduce a theory $${\mathbb{T}}$$ whose models are expansions of dense pairs of models of T by a discrete multiplicative group. We prove that $${\mathbb{T}}$$ is complete and admits quantifier elimination when predicates are added for certain existential formulas. In particular, if T = RCF then $${\mathbb{T}}$$ axiomatises $${\langle\bar{\mathbb{R}}, \mathbb{R}_{alg}, 2^{\mathbb{Z}}\rangle}$$, where $${\mathbb{R}_{alg}}$$ denotes the (...) algebraic numbers. We describe types and definable sets in our models and prove that $${\mathbb{T}}$$ is dependent. (shrink)
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    The Power of (Re)Creation and Social Transformation of Binomial ‘Art-Technology’ in Times of Crisis: Musical Poetic Narrative in Rozalén’s ‘Lyric Video’ “Aves Enjauladas”.María del Mar Rivas-Carmona - 2020 - Cultura 17 (2):217-231.
    The epidemic outbreak of the coronavirus has meant a sudden, temporary ceasing of activities as we knew them. The health crisis has led to a social and economic crisis, and these circumstances have revealed solidarity on a global scale. In moments of separation, when culture has brought us closer together, the global phenomenon of charity songs has emerged, generating financial aid for scientific research and care for the most vulnerable people. This work focuses on a charity song turned into a (...)
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  27.  54
    Action, Norms and Critique: Paul Ricœur and the Powers of the Imaginary.Michaël Foessel - 2014 - Philosophy Today 58 (4):513-525.
    The unity of Paul Ricœur’s philosophy can be restated using the question of the imagination as a guideline. Ricœur’s goal was to envisage the imagination not as a psychological faculty but as a semantic power. Metaphor and narrative allow us to see the real in a different way, hence to imagine it. The image has less to do with perception and concepts. It is the instrument that allows them to be articulated. This shift of the imaginary to the (...)
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  28.  43
    (2 other versions)Philosophy: the power of ideas.Brooke Noel Moore - 2010 - New York: McGraw-Hill. Edited by Kenneth Bruder.
    This comprehensive introductory text with readings offers a historical overview of all major subdivisions of Western Philosophy perspectives--including both the analytic and Continental traditions--as well as Eastern philosophy, postcolonial philosophy, and feminist philosophy. Written in an engaging and captivating style, it makes philosophy accessible without oversimplifying the material, and shows that philosophy's powerful ideas affect the lives of real people.
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  29.  99
    The Rule of Law in the Real World.Paul Gowder - 2016 - New York, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    In The Rule of Law in the Real World, Paul Gowder defends a new conception of the rule of law as the coordinated control of power and demonstrates that the rule of law, thus understood, creates and preserves social equality in a state. In a highly engaging, interdisciplinary text that moves seamlessly from theory to reality, using examples ranging from Ancient Greece through the present, Gowder sheds light on how societies have achieved the rule of law, how they (...)
  30.  48
    Alethic Rights: Preliminaries of an Inquiry into the Power of Truth.Franca D’Agostini - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (5):515-532.
    The focus of this article is the notion of alethic rights, the rights related to truth. The concept of truth grounds many norms and customary and official rules, but there is no clear and shared idea about its power to generate specific rights. The juridical and political archetype called ‘the right to truth’ is still subject of controversies, and there are doubts about its being a real ‘right,’ to be protected by positive (new) norms. In the article the (...)
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  31.  96
    Counter-Majoritarian Democracy: Persistent Minorities, Federalism, and the Power of Numbers.Arash Abizadeh - 2021 - American Political Science Review 115 (3):742-756.
    The majoritarian conception of democracy implies that counter-majoritarian institutions such as federalism—and even representative institutions—are derogations from democracy. The majoritarian conception is mistaken for two reasons. First, it is incoherent: majoritarianism ultimately stands against one of democracy’s core normative commitments—namely, political equality. Second, majoritarianism is premised on a mistaken view of power, which fails to account for the power of numbers and thereby fails to explain the inequality faced by members of persistent minorities. Although strict majority rule serves (...)
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  32. Real Ethics: Reconsidering the Foundations of Morality.John M. Rist - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    John Rist surveys the history of ethics from Plato to the present and offers a vigorous defence of an ethical theory based on a revised version of Platonic realism. In a wide-ranging discussion he examines well-known alternatives to Platonism, in particular Epicurus, Hobbes, Hume and Kant as well as contemporary 'practical reasoners', and argues that most post-Enlightenment theories of morality depend on an abandoned Christian metaphysic and are unintelligible without such grounding. He also argues that contemporary choice-based theories, whether they (...)
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  33.  14
    The art of randomness: using randomized algorithms in the real world.Ronald T. Kneusel - 2024 - San Francisco: No Starch Press.
    The Art of Randomness teaches readers to harness the power of randomness (and Python code) to solve real-world problems in programming, science, and art through hands-on experiments-from simulating evolution to encrypting messages to making machine-learning algorithms. Each chapter describes how randomness plays into the given topic area, then proceeds to demonstrate its problem-solving role with hands-on experiments to work through using Python code.
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  34.  13
    Ex-centric Cinema: Machinic Vision in the Powers of Ten and Electronic Cartography.Janet Harbord - 2012 - Body and Society 18 (1):99-119.
    After a century of cinema, accounts of this cultural form see it as divided between documentation and animation (the real and the magical). Yet the challenge that cinema presented in terms of a relocation of perception from the eye to the machine has become occluded. The shock of cinema in its earliest manifestations resided in the body of the spectator, no longer the site of primary perception, but dependent on an other (the camera, the projector) lacking in human qualities. (...)
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  35.  28
    Social Power and the Fetishization of Jews: American Labor Antisemitism During the Second World War.A. R. L. Gurland - 2008 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2008 (144):149-171.
    A considerable number of workers interviewed have stated their belief that Jews have too much power. The notion of power in this context has a wide range. It covers the most diversified phenomena—from holding minor positions in administration or business to dominating everything and wielding unchecked power over the world. The idea of Jewish power as it fascinates our interviewees is vague and hazy. To establish its real contents, it seems advisable to discuss these statements (...)
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  36.  27
    Expanding the Reals by Continuous Functions Adds No Computational Power.Uri Andrews, Julia F. Knight, Rutger Kuyper, Joseph S. Miller & Mariya I. Soskova - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (3):1083-1102.
    We study the relative computational power of structures related to the ordered field of reals, specifically using the notion of generic Muchnik reducibility. We show that any expansion of the reals by a continuous function has no more computing power than the reals, answering a question of Igusa, Knight, and Schweber [7]. On the other hand, we show that there is a certain Borel expansion of the reals that is strictly more powerful than the reals and such that (...)
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    Making Radical Change Real: Danish Sustainability, Adaptability, and the Reimagination of Architectural Utopias.Alex Ramiller & Patrick Schmidt - 2019 - Utopian Studies 30 (2):279-299.
    With an eye on the power of literary utopias that forever remain on the printed page, architects have struggled with the question of whether architecture in practice—real buildings—can be utopian. Many architectural utopias have been imagined—unbuilt and even unbuildable—but does the act of rendering one into physical form eliminate its utopian potential? Recent scholarship, breaking with a generation of postmodern cynicism, has suggested that it does not and has pointed architectural utopias in new directions. But the incongruity between (...)
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  38. On the True and the Real.Michael P. Lynch - 1995 - Dissertation, Syracuse University
    I argue for the consistency of the following views. First, there can be irreconcilable but equally true ways to categorize or "carve up" the world into objects; second, truth is an objective concept. In short, I claim that one can be a metaphysical pluralist, but an absolutist about truth. ;The first part of the work is taken up with explaining metaphysical pluralism. This is said to be the thesis that all propositions and all facts are relative to conceptual schemes. Thus, (...)
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  39.  23
    The Real History of Protestantism: Thomas Carlyle and the Spirit of Reformation.John Morrow - 2014 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 90 (1):305-322.
    Carlyle regarded the Reformation as a seminal event in the history of modern Europe, the starting point of an ongoing stage in human development. Reformation Protestantism gave birth to a more general and pervasive spirit of ‘reformation’ that Carlyle identified with the moral destiny of all individuals and communities. These qualities were epitomized by heroic figures such as Luther and Cromwell but they were also embedded in cultures that responded productively to the ongoing challenge of reformation. Having traced the history (...)
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    Laws and Powers in the Frame of Nature.Stathis Psillos - unknown
    The aim of this paper is to revisit the major arguments of the seventeenth century debate concerning laws and powers. Its primary points are two. First, though the dominant conception of nature was such that there was no room for power in bodies, the very idea that laws govern the behaviour of matter in motion brought with it the following issue, which came under sharp focus in the work of Leibniz: how possibly can passive matter, devoid of power, (...)
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    The Classic Age of the Distinction between God's Absolute and Ordered Power: In, Around, and After the Pontificate of John XXII.Massimiliano Traversino Di Cristo - 2018 - Franciscan Studies 76 (1):207-266.
    In more general terms, many mediaeval authors—and not only theologians—used the distinction between God's ordered and absolute power to emphasize how, on the one hand, in an 'orderly' way, the realm of nature reflects God's freedom of choice, leading to the existence of a radically contingent order of creation; but also how, on the other hand, in terms of divine absoluteness and in the economy of salvation, God is never bound in his action, which is truly inscrutable and lies (...)
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    Omnipotence: The Real Power Behind Descartes’ Proofs for God’s Existence.Jack Davidson - 2004 - Modern Schoolman 81 (4):275-294.
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    The Visiocracy of the Social Security Mobile App in Australia.Lyndal Sleep & Kieran Tranter - 2017 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 30 (3):495-514.
    This paper examines the forms of life established through the visual governance of the Australian social security mobile app —the Express Plus Centrelink app. It is argued that the app exceeds established accounts of juridical and administrative power. The app involves a seeing that is not public, a responding that is not writing and a de-materialisation of an institution and its disciplinary apparatus. It is argued that the app creates proto-literate subjects that are required to respond to a (...)-time sequence of images in a highly structured and circumscribed manner to become complicit in the digitalisation of their life. (shrink)
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    Lost in Translation: The power of language.Sandy Farquhar & Peter Fitzsimons - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (6):652-662.
    The paper examines some philosophical aspects of translation as a metaphor for education—a metaphor that avoids the closure of final definitions, in favour of an ongoing and tentative process of interpretation and revision. Translation, it is argued, is a complex process involving language, within and among cultures, and in the exercise of power. Drawing on Foucault's analysis of power, Nietzschean contingency, and the inversion of meaning that characterises the work of Heidegger and Derrida, the paper points towards Ricoeur's (...)
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    Properties, Powers and Structures: Issues in the Metaphysics of Realism.Alexander Bird, Brian David Ellis & Howard Sankey (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Routledge.
    While the phrase "metaphysics of science" has been used from time to time, it has only recently begun to denote a specific research area where metaphysics meets philosophy of science—and the sciences themselves. The essays in this volume demonstrate that metaphysics of science is an innovative field of research in its own right. The principle areas covered are: The modal metaphysics of properties: What is the essential nature of natural properties? Are all properties essentially categorical? Are they all essentially dispositions, (...)
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  46. The real problem of pure reason.T. A. Pendlebury - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (1):45-63.
    The problem of Kant's first Critique is the problem of pure reason: how are synthetic judgments possible a priori? Many of his readers have believed that the problem depends upon a delimitation within the class of a priori truths of a class of irreducibly synthetic truths—a delimitation whose possibility is doubtful—because absent this it is not excluded that all a priori truths are analytic. I argue, on the contrary, that the problem depends on nothing more than the human knower's everyday (...)
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    James of Viterbo and the Late Thirteenth-Century Debate Concerning the Reality of the Possibles.Mark D. Gossiaux - 2007 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 74 (2):483-522.
    This paper reconstructs the teaching of James of Viterbo on the ontological status of the possibles, and compares his position with those of Henry of Ghent and Godfrey of Fontaines. James holds that possibles are real only in a qualified sense, as objects of God’s power and knowledge. While James appears to have been influenced by Henry in his explanation of divine knowledge of creatures, in his analysis of the possibles he makes no use of Henry’s theory of (...)
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    The Ontology of Things, Properties and Powers.Steve Fleetwood - 2009 - Journal of Critical Realism 8 (3):343-366.
    Whilst the concept of causal powers is central to much post-positivist social science in general, and to critical realism in particular, it has not been significantly developed by critical realists since the initial work of Harré and Madden and Bhaskar in the mid-1970s. To deepen our understanding of powers we need to start with a ‘package’ of related terms. In §1 of the paper I introduce this package, clear up some terminological ambiguity and inconsistency, and focus the discussion upon things, (...)
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    Humanist Posthumanism, Becoming-Woman and the Powers of the ‘Faux’.Claire Colebrook - 2022 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 16 (3):379-401.
    Feminist and post-colonial theorists have embraced Deleuze and Guattari’s terminology of becoming-woman and nomadism, and have done so despite criticisms that these terms appropriate the struggles of real women and stateless persons. The force of the real has become especially acute in the twenty-first century in the wake of neoliberal mobilisations of feminism as yet one more marketing tool. Rather than repeat the criticism that identity politics deflects attention from real political struggles, we can see terms such (...)
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  50.  17
    Intimacy: Understanding the Subtle Power of Human Connection.Ziyad Marar - 2012 - Routledge.
    The hope for intimacy lies deep within us all. That moment of feeling uniquely understood, the antidote to isolation, is what gives us value, validation and self-belief. But as Ziyad Marar shows in this fascinating and engaging study, intimacy is a tricky business. The prevalence of social media, for example, is a sign of our desire for human connection, yet is a symptom of how little we truly achieve it. Often confused with love, intimacy is in many ways more important. (...)
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