Results for 'thirdness'

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  1.  3
    Moralisterna. En filosofisk rapsodi bestående av en redogörelse för vissa samtal om naturfilosofiska och moraliska frågor.Anthony Third Earl of Shaftesbury & Karl Axelsson - 2022 - Stockholm: Thales.
    Den tredje earlen av Shaftesbury (1671–1713) var en av 1700-talets mest inflytelserika filosofer. Dialogen Moralisterna är Shaftesburys viktigaste verk, i vilket han undersöker den godhet, kärlek och skönhet som utmärker naturen och samhället. Med sin säregna blandning av moralfilosofi, estetisk teori och poesi intar Moralisterna en unik plats inom den europeiska upplysningen. -/- Karl Axelsson är lektor i estetik vid Södertörns högskola. Utöver själva översättningen bidrar han med en omfattande inledning om Shaftesburys filosofi, förklarande noter och hänvisningar till Shaftesburys övriga (...)
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    Luminous heart: essential writings of Rangjung Dorje, the third Karmapa.The Third Karmapa & Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye - 2021 - Boulder, Colorado: Snow Lion. Edited by Rang-Byung-Rdo-Rje, Kong-Sprul Blo-Gros-Mthaʼ-Yas & Karl Brunnhölzl.
    This superb collection of writings on buddha nature by the Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339) focuses on the transition from ordinary deluded consciousness to enlightened wisdom, the characteristics of buddhahood, and a buddha's enlightened activity. Most of these materials have never been translated comprehensively. The Third Karmapa's unique and well-balanced view synthesizes Yogacara Madhyamaka and the classical teachings on buddha nature. Rangjung Dorje not only shows that these teachings do not contradict each other but also that they supplement each other (...)
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  3. Jla west 145.Joel Thomas Tif-rno, A. Third, Nick Trakakis, William Desmond, Peter Gan Chong Beng & Phillip H. Wiebe - 2006 - Sophia 45 (2).
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    Larry Alexander.Third-Party Defense - 2012 - In Andrei Marmor, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Law. New York , NY: Routledge. pp. 222.
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  5. Biological Diversity and Conservation Policy.I. Third - 2004 - In Markku Oksanen & Juhani Pietarinen, Philosophy and Biodiversity. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 199.
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    More Fragments of Language.Ian Pratt-Hartmann & Allan Third - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (2):151-177.
    By a fragment of a natural language, we understand a collection of sentences forming a naturally delineated subset of that language and equipped with a semantics commanding the general assent of its native speakers. By the semantic complexity of such a fragment, we understand the computational complexity of deciding whether any given set of sentences in that fragment represents a logically possible situation. In earlier papers by the first author, the semantic complexity of various fragments of English involving at most (...)
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  7. Introduction to the special issue on the nature and scope of information.Elizabeth Black, Luciano Floridi & Allan Third - 2010 - Synthese 175 (1):1–3.
    Information and its cognate concepts are frequently used in increasingly varied areas of scientific and scholarly investigations, from computing and engineering to philosophy and the social sciences. As a consequence, a great deal of interesting and exciting research is taking place in a wide range of fields, which do not always communicate with each other. So the second workshop1 of the IEG (the interdepartmental research group in philosophy of information at the University of Oxford2), took the shape of a series (...)
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    From Representation to Thirdness and Representamen to Medium: Evolution of Peircean Key Terms and Topics.Winfried Nöth - 2011 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 47 (4):445-481.
    The nature of representation has been a central but controversial issue of cognitive philosophy. After 2,500 years of reflection (cf. Rolf 2006), opinions are still divided. On the one hand, there are those who are convinced that we have reached a crisis of representation in the arts, the media, and cultural theory; on the other hand, representation has remained right at the top of the agenda of cognitive science and Artificial Intelligence research (cf. Nöth & Ljungberg, eds. 2003; Nöth 1997). (...)
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    Vico’s “Scienza Nuova”: Sematology and Thirdness in the Law.Paolo Heritier - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (4):1125-1142.
    Is it the task of legal semiotics or the legal philosophers to define legal semiotics? For the philosopher of law, the question recalls the distinction between philosophers’ philosophy of law and legal scholars’ philosophy of law. The thesis that the paper argues is that a semiotic legal perspective can also be sought from the analysis of anthropological knowledge on the origin of the social bond and society, implying a social and institutional theory of the mind. In the first paragraph, the (...)
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    Peirce’s Argument for Thirdness.John J. Fitzgerald - 1971 - New Scholasticism 45 (3):409-426.
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    Charles Hartshorne and thirdness.William Lad Sessions - 1974 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 12 (2):239-252.
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  12. Third World Citizens and the Information Technology Revolution.Nicolas Adam - 2012 - Journal of Critical Realism 11 (4):515-522.
    Third World Citizens and the Information Technology Revolution Content Type Journal Article Category Review Pages 515-522 DOI 10.1558/jcr.v11i4.515 Authors Nicolas Adam, Centre d’études sur l’intégration et la mondialisation, Université du Québec à Montréal, 400, rue Sainte-Catherine Est, Pavillon Hubert-Aquin, 1er étage, bureau A-1560, Montréal H2L 2C5 Canada Journal Journal of Critical Realism Online ISSN 1572-5138 Print ISSN 1476-7430 Journal Volume Volume 11 Journal Issue Volume 11, Number 4 / 2012.
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  13. Reclaiming Third World Feminism: Or Why Transnational Feminism Needs Third World Feminism.Ranjoo Seodu Herr - 2014 - Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 12 (1).
    Third World and transnational feminisms have emerged in opposition to white second-wave feminists’ single-pronged analyses of gender oppression that elided Third World women’s multiple and complex oppressions in their various social locations. Consequently, these feminisms share two “Third World feminist” mandates: First, feminist analyses of Third World women’s oppression and resistance should be historically situated; and second, Third World women’s agency and voices should be respected. Despite these shared mandates, they have diverged in their proper domains of investigation, with transnational (...)
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    Play Until the Whistle Blows: Sportsmanship as the Outcome of Thirdness.Tamba Nlandu - 2008 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 35 (1):73-89.
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    Promoting Third Graders’ Executive Functions and Literacy: A Pilot Study Examining the Benefits of Mindfulness vs. Relaxation Training.Carolina Cordeiro, Sofia Magalhães, Renata Rocha, Ana Mesquita, Thierry Olive, São Luís Castro & Teresa Limpo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:643794.
    Research suggested that developing mindfulness skills in children improves proximal outcomes, such as attention and executive functions, as well as distal outcomes, such as academic achievement. Despite empirical evidence supporting this claim, research on the benefits of mindfulness training in child populations is scarce, with some mixed findings in the field. Here, we aimed to fill in this gap, by examining the effects of a mindfulness training on third graders’ proximal and distal outcomes, namely, attention and executive functions (viz., inhibitory (...)
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    Connections: A Defense of Peirce's Category of Thirdness.Jerrold L. Aronson - 1969 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 5 (3):158 - 172.
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    Vico's Firstness, Secondness, and Thirdness: The Common Essence of Nations as a Sign.Anna Makolkin - 1995 - In Marcel Danesi, Giambattista Vico and Anglo-American science: philosophy and writing. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 119--121.
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  18. Graduate studies in pragmatism: C.S. Peirce, thirdness, and aesthetic realism.Arthur Franklin Stewart, Heather Raquel Odom & Lara Wilkinson Stewart (eds.) - 2015 - Beaumont, Texas: Center for Philosophical Studies at Lamar University.
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    The Third Culture.Oskar Gruenwald - 2005 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 17 (1-2):139-160.
    This essay explores a new conceptual paradigm for bridging the gulf separating what C. P. Snow called The Two Cultures--science and the humanities. Central to this rainbow paradigm is a more unified, holistic, and integral understanding of human life in society. A fruitful science-theology dialogue presupposes a much broader context of a revitalized Third Culture which weaves together insights from all the arts and sciences, social sciences and humanities. The essay thus invokes the incarnational dimension of man as God's creation (...)
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    The Third Culture: The Impact of AI on Knowledge, Society and Consciousness in the 21st Century.Stefan Brunnhuber - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    We are currently witnessing the emergence of a ‘third culture’, driven by unprecedented developments that are changing the playing field. These include advances in AI, big data analysis and robotics. The traditional ‘two cultures’ view (S. P. Snow) distinguishes between the sciences and the humanities. The wisdoms these two cultures offer are separated from each other, with little to no interaction or mutual comprehension. However, over the past two decades, and for the first time in human history, a new, third (...)
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    A third realm ontology? Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī and the nafs al-amr.Agnieszka Erdt - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-25.
    The standard interpretation of Avicenna's correspondence theory of truth posits that propositions either correspond to what exists extramentally or otherwise their truthmaker is mental existence. An influential post-Avicennian philosopher, Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī (d. 1274) points to the insufficiency of the above division of propositions and their respective truthmakers. He mentions the possibility of conceiving false propositions, such as ‘One is not half of two’ and postulates the necessity of the existence of another truthmaking domain for their true counterparts which he (...)
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    Third Parties.Gregory E. Kaebnick - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (6):2-2.
    The lead article in the Hastings Center Report's November‐December 2020 issue reconsiders the rationale for requiring that patients have a prescription from a physician to obtain a drug. Madison Kilbride, Steve Joffe, and Holly Fernandez Lynch conclude that growing respect for patient autonomy should lead to a new default for drug access: drugs should be available over the counter unless there are special concerns about harms to third parties or about patients' ability to make decisions for themselves. This conclusion would (...)
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    Third and Last: Epigraphic Notes on the Ugaritic Tablet KTU 1.19.Jonathan Yogev & Shamir Yona - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (4):819.
    One of the most famous stories in Ugaritic literature is the legend of Aqht that was found at Ras Shamra, Syria, during the early 1930s. Written in Ugaritic script and spread over three worn and broken tablets, this text has been thoroughly studied for the past eighty years. More than a few studies have dealt with the following questions: Is the end of the known text in the third tablet really the end of the story? Or is there perhaps a (...)
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  24. Third factor explanations and disagreement in metaethics.Michael Klenk - 2020 - Synthese 197 (1):427-446.
    Several moral objectivists try to explain the reliability of moral beliefs by appealing to a third factor, a substantive moral claim that explains, first, why we have the moral beliefs that we have and, second, why these beliefs are true. Folke Tersman has recently suggested that moral disagreement constrains the epistemic legitimacy of third-factor explanations. Apart from constraining third-factor explanations, Tersman’s challenge could support the view that the epistemic significance of debunking explanations depends on the epistemic significance of disagreement. This (...)
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  25.  21
    The Third Person.Roberto Esposito - 2012 - Polity.
    All discourses aimed at asserting the value of human life as suchÑwhether philosophical, ethical, or politicalÑassume the notion of personhood as their indispensable point of departure. This is all the more true today. In bioethics, for example, Catholic and secular thinkers may disagree on what constitutes a person and its genesis, but they certainly agree on its decisive importance: human life is considered to be untouchable only when based on personhood. In the legal sphere as well the enjoyment of subjective (...)
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    Supersizing Third-Person, Downsizing First-Person Approaches?S. Vörös - 2017 - Constructivist Foundations 12 (2):210-212.
    Open peer commentary on the article “A First-Person Analysis Using Third Person-Data as a Generative Method: A Case Study of Surprise in Depression” by Natalie Depraz, Maria Gyemant & Thomas Desmidt. Upshot: In my commentary, I try to examine whether, and how, the approach presented by Depraz, Gyemant & Desmidt lines up with Varela’s neurophenomenology. I focus on the neural and phenomenological dimensions, respectively, arguing that the end result is somewhat of a mixed bag: if it paves the way for (...)
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  27. The third: Levinas' theoretical move from an-archical ethics to the realm of justice and politics.William Paul Simmons - 1999 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 25 (6):83-104.
    Emmanuel Levinas' radical heteronomous ethics has received a great deal of scholarly attention. However, his political thought remains relatively neglected. This essay shows how Levinas moves from the an-archical, ethical relationship with the Other to the totalizing realm of politics with his phenomenology of the third person, the Third. With the appearance of the Third, the ego must respond to more than one Other. It must decide whom to respond to first. This decision leads the ego from the an-archical, ethical (...)
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  28. Third-party punishment as a costly signal of trustworthiness.Jillian Jordan, Moshe Hoffman, Paul Bloom & David Rand - 2016 - Nature 530 (7591):473–6.
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  29. A Third Conception of Epistemic Injustice.A. C. Nikolaidis - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (4):381-398.
    Scholars of epistemology have identified two conceptions of epistemic injustice: discriminatory epistemic injustice and distributive epistemic injustice. The former refers to wrongs to one’s capacity as a knower that are the result of identity prejudice. The latter refers to violations of one’s right to know what one is entitled to know. This essay advances a third conception, formative epistemic injustice, which refers to wrongs to one’s capacity as a knower that are the result of or result in malformation—the undue restriction (...)
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    A third concept of liberty: judgment and freedom in Kant and Adam Smith.Samuel Fleischacker - 1999 - Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
    Taking the title of his book from Isaiah Berlin's famous essay distinguishing a negative concept of liberty connoting lack of interference by others from a positive concept involving participation in the political realm, Samuel Fleischacker explores a third definition of liberty that lies between the first two. In Fleischacker's view, Kant and Adam Smith think of liberty as a matter of acting on our capacity for judgment, thereby differing both from those who tie it to the satisfaction of our desires (...)
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  31. Third‐person knowledge ascriptions: A crucial experiment for contextualism.Jumbly Grindrod, James Andow & Nat Hansen - 2017 - Mind and Language (2):1-25.
    In the past few years there has been a turn towards evaluating the empirical foundation of epistemic contextualism using formal (rather than armchair) experimental methods. By-and-large, the results of these experiments have not supported the original motivation for epistemic contextualism. That is partly because experiments have only uncovered effects of changing context on knowledge ascriptions in limited experimental circumstances (when contrast is present, for example), and partly because existing experiments have not been designed to distinguish between contextualism and one of (...)
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  32. Third‐personal evidence for perceptual confidence.John Morrison - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (1):106-135.
    Perceptual Confidence is the view that our conscious perceptual experiences assign confidence. In previous papers, I motivated it using first-personal evidence (Morrison, 2016), and Jessie Munton motivated it using normative evidence (Munton, 2016). In this paper, I will consider the extent to which it is motivated by third-personal evidence. I will argue that the current evidence is supportive but not decisive. I will then describe experiments that might provide stronger evidence. I hope to thereby provide a roadmap for future research.
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    Epitaph For The Third Man.Debra Nails - 1978 - Auslegung 6:6-23.
    The "third man" argument presented in plato's "parmenides" is valid against any articulated version of the theory of forms. Plato recognized this fact, yet continued to hold the theory because the most fundamental description of what is (the "unwritten theory") cannot be articulated and does not fall victim to the third man.
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  34. Third Path Theorists: Between Positivism and Natural Law, Fuller and Dworkin.Christopher J. Roederer - unknown
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  35. Third Award of the Cardinal Spellman-Aquinas Medal To Gerard Smith.Elizabeth G. Salmon - 1955 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 29:13.
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    The Third City: The Post Secular Space of the Dardenne Brothers' Seraing.Catherine Wheatley - 2019 - Film-Philosophy 23 (3):264-281.
    Set principally in or around Seraing, an industrial region in decline just outside of Liège, in Belgium, the films of Jean-Luc and Pierre Dardenne marry geographical and historical-social realism with a series of ethical inquiries into such topics as immigration, unemployment, black market trading and petty crime. To date, critical commentary on the films has tended mainly to read the work of the Dardennes along two lines. The dominant approach uses the work of Emmanuel Levinas as a philosophical touchpoint in (...)
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  37. A Third World Feminist Defense of Multiculturalism.Ranjoo Seodu Herr - 2004 - Social Theory and Practice 30 (1):73-103.
    Many influential Western feminists of diverse backgrounds have expressed concerns that multiculturalism, while strengthening the power of racial ethnic minorities vis-à-vis the majority, worsens the position of its most vulnerable members, women. Despite their good intentions, these feminists have been consistently dismissive of the voices of racial ethnic women, many of whom argue for the importance of sustaining their own “illiberal” cultures within the Western context. I offer a Third World feminist defense of multiculturalism by paying attention to these women (...)
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  38. A Third Method of Ethics?Roger Crisp - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90 (2):257-273.
    In recent decades, the idea has become common that so-called virtue ethics constitutes a third option in ethics in addition to consequentialism and deontology. This paper argues that, if we understand ethical theories as accounts of right and wrong action, this is not so. Virtue ethics turns out to be a form of deontology . The paper then moves to consider the Aristotelian distinction between right or virtuous action on the one hand, and acting rightly or virtuously on the other. (...)
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    Third person: politics of life and philosophy of the impersonal.Roberto Esposito - 2007 - Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.
    Roberto Esposito is one of leading figures in a new generation of Italian philosophers. This book criticizes the notion of the person and develops an original account of the concept of the impersonal - what he calls the third person.
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    Routine third party disclosure of hiv results to identifiable sexual partners in sub-Saharan Africa.Francis Masiye & Robert Ssekubugu - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (5):341-348.
    The challenges of dealing with disclosure of HIV status cause frustration to health care providers and counselors. This frustration follows from the already known high risk to the third party on one hand and our ethical obligation to “respect persons” in terms of privacy and confidentiality on the other side. Given the stubbornly low rates of voluntary disclosure (partner notification) among couples, however, it is quite tempting to suggest a paradigm of routine third party disclosure to identifiable sexual partners by (...)
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    Third World non-governmental organizations and US academics: Dilemmas and challenges of collaboration.David Faust & Richa Nagar - 2003 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 6:73-78.
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    The Third Mind: American Artists Contemplate Asia, 1860–1989 ed. by Alexandra Munroe.Laura Specker Sullivan - 2014 - Philosophy East and West 64 (3):820-821.
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    The Third Movement of the Earth.ChasH Chase - 1908 - The Monist 18 (4):625-629.
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    Third Book.Francis William Newman - 2009 - The Works of Francis William Newman on Religion 4:133-199.
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  45. The Third International Significal Summer Conference, Significs and "Synthese".C. W. Mönnich - 1947 - Synthese 6 (3/4):113.
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    Third Cartesian Meditation: Ontology after Kant.Lilian Alweiss - 2023 - In Daniele De Santis, Edmund Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations: Commentary, Interpretations, Discussions. Verlag Karl Alber. pp. 91-112.
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    Sixty-third Critical Bibliography of the History and Philosophy of Science and of the History of Civilization.George Sarton & Frances Siegel - 1943 - Isis 34 (3):238-286.
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    Third Preface to Volume XXXIII: Brave Busbecq.George Sarton - 1942 - Isis 33 (5):557-575.
  49. Achilles' third father.Harry C. Avery - 1998 - Hermes 126 (4):389-397.
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  50. Third Thoughts on Contracting Out.Bruce Benson - 1994 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 11 (1):44-78.
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