Results for 'transition to organics ‐ Hegel's idea of organic life in its philosophical and historical context'

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  1.  28
    The Transition to Organics: Hegel's Idea of Life.Cinzia Ferrini - 2011 - In Stephen Houlgate & Michael Baur, A Companion to Hegel. Malden, MA: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 203–224.
    This chapter contains sections titled: General Characteristics of the Concept of Natural Life The Path to the Individualization of Matter Chemistry and Individuality: The Appearance and Disappearance of Life Contradiction in Chemicals The Necessary Limits of the Inorganic The Path to the Free Individuality of Life Conclusion References Abbreviations Works Cited.
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  2. It is immoral to require consent for cadaver organ donation.H. E. Emson - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (3):125-127.
    No one has the right to say what should be done to their body after deathIn my opinion any concept of property in the human body either during life or after death is biologically inaccurate and morally wrong. The body should be regarded as on loan to the individual from the biomass, to which the cadaver will inevitably return. Development of immunosuppressive drugs has resulted in the cadaver becoming a unique and invaluable resource to those who will benefit from (...)
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    Hegel’s Philosophical Psychology.Susanne Herrmann-Sinai & Lucia Ziglioli (eds.) - 2016 - Abingdon / New York: Routledge.
    "Hegel’s Philosophical Psychology" draws attention to a largely overlooked piece of Hegel’s philosophy: his substantial and philosophically rich treatment of psychology at the end of the 'Philosophy of Subjective Spirit', which itself belongs to his main work, the "Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences". This volume makes the case that Hegel’s approach to philosophy of mind as developed within this text can make an important contribution to current discussions about mind and subjectivity, and can help clarify the notion of (...)
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    Leibniz's model for analyzing organic phenomena.François Duchesneau - 2003 - Perspectives on Science 11 (4):378-409.
    . G. W. Leibniz did not contribute directly to scientific discoveries in the life sciences, but he provided several relevant analyses on methods of investigation applicable to complex, and in particular organic, phenomena. Leibniz's theory of organic bodies and his methodological model had deep and broad implications for the development of physiology at the turn of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This paper focuses on a methodological issue which divided natural philosophers and physiologists during the early Enlightenment—about (...)
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    The One: East and West.Troy Wilson Organ - 1991 - Upa.
    Invites the reader to examine the concept of the One in several complex cultural and philosophical mileux. The uniqueness of the study is its collation of Eastern and Western sources and systems.
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  6. Interpreting Organizations.Deborah Perron Tollefsen - 2002 - Dissertation, The Ohio State University
    In everyday discourse we often attribute intentional states to groups. These attributions are found not only in colloquial speech but also in the context of legal, moral, and social scientific research. Contemporary accounts of group intentionality have attempted to analyze these ascriptions in terms of the intentional states of individuals in the group. Although these accounts acknowledge that group intentional ascriptions are something more than mere metaphors, they do not typically acknowledge groups as genuine intentional agents. I challenge these (...)
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  7. Organisms ≠ Machines.Daniel J. Nicholson - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (4):669-678.
    The machine conception of the organism (MCO) is one of the most pervasive notions in modern biology. However, it has not yet received much attention by philosophers of biology. The MCO has its origins in Cartesian natural philosophy, and it is based on the metaphorical redescription of the organism as a machine. In this paper I argue that although organisms and machines resemble each other in some basic respects, they are actually very different kinds of systems. I submit that the (...)
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    Does organic farming face distinctive livestock welfare issues? – A conceptual analysis.Hugo Fjelsted Alrøe, Mette Vaarst & Erik Steen Kristensen - 2001 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (3):275-299.
    The recent development and growth oforganic livestock farming and the relateddevelopment of national and internationalregulations has fueled discussions amongscientists and philosophers concerning theproper conceptualization of animal welfare.These discussions on livestock welfare inorganic farming draw on the conventionaldiscussions and disputes on animal welfare thatinvolve issues such as different definitions ofwelfare (clinical health, absence of suffering,sum of positive and negative experiences,etc.), the possibility for objective measuresof animal welfare, and the acceptable level ofwelfare. It seems clear that livestock welfareis a value-laden concept and (...)
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  9. An Integrational Ontology Toward the Organic Ecology.Daihyun Chung - 2011 - In Society of Ham Seokheon Research, Thought and Practice: A Humanistic Illumination of Ham Seokheon Thought. Hangilsa. pp. 21-49.
    For a while, life and environment have been regarded as two separate subjects, but recently life and environment are to be seen as different aspects of one single theme. There are able philosophers who maintain the connection of the two but Seokheon Ham is believed to present a more coherent case. To him, integration is not merely a property which is unifying various elements, but it has a deep ontological structure seen in his utterance “there is not a (...)
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    Directed organ donation: Discrimination or autonomy?Guido Pennings - 2007 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 24 (1):41–49.
    abstract Numerous measures have been proposed to change the collection procedure in order to increase the supply of organ donations. One such proposal is to give the candidate donors the right to direct their organs to groups of recipients characterised by specific features like sex, age, disease and geographic location. Four possible justifications for directed donation of organs are considered: the utilitarian benefit, the egalitarian principle of justice, the maximin principle of justice and the autonomy principle. It is concluded that (...)
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  11. What’s so special about model organisms?Rachel A. Ankeny & Sabina Leonelli - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (2):313-323.
    This paper aims to identify the key characteristics of model organisms that make them a specific type of model within the contemporary life sciences: in particular, we argue that the term “model organism” does not apply to all organisms used for the purposes of experimental research. We explore the differences between experimental and model organisms in terms of their material and epistemic features, and argue that it is essential to distinguish between their representational scope and representational target. We also (...)
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  12.  32
    How Organizations Lose Their Way.Tamas Sneider - 2023 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 42 (1):109-137.
    Unethical behavior in organizations has garnered more and more attention in the last decades but most of the scholarly work has used a static approach relying on methodological individualism and a mechanistic worldview when studying this topic. The process of moral disengagement and organizational culture have been linked to the prevalence of unethical behavior earlier, but this paper uses a complexity-informed systems perspective to explore the dynamic relationship of these concepts and aims to improve our understanding of the often unnoticeable, (...)
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  13.  46
    Organ donation after assisted death: Is it more or less ethically-problematic than donation after circulatory death?Jeffrey Kirby - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (4):629-635.
    A provocative question has emerged since the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision on assisted dying: Should Canadians who request, and are granted, an assisted death be considered a legitimate source of transplantable organs? A related question is addressed in this paper: is controlled organ donation after assisted death (cDAD) more or less ethically-problematic than standard, controlled organ donation after circulatory determination of death (cDCDD)? Controversial, ethics-related dimensions of cDCD that are of relevance to this research question are explored, and morally-relevant (...)
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    An Apology for Hegel’s Idealism Against its Realist Metaphysician Critics.Giacomo Rinaldi - 1987 - The Owl of Minerva 19 (1):53-62.
    It is almost unanimously acknowledged that the formation of Hegel’s philosophy was largely determined by the appropriation and further development of some fundamental achievements of Kant’s transcendental idealism - first of all his polemic against the “old metaphysics” or, as Hegel also said, the “empty metaphysics of the understanding”. The most decisive assumption of this metaphysics consisted, indeed, in the belief that the totality of our universe could be exhaustively resolved into a plurality of isolated entities, devoid of any “internal,” (...)
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  15. Opt-out organ donation without presumptions.Ben Saunders - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (2):69-72.
    This paper defends an ‘opt-out’ scheme for organ procurement, by distinguishing this system from ‘presumed consent’ (which the author regards as an erroneous justification of it). It, first, stresses the moral importance of increasing the supply of organs and argues that making donation easier need not conflict with altruism. It then goes on to explore one way that donation can be increased, namely by adopting an opt-out system, in which cadaveric organs are used unless the deceased (or their family) registered (...)
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  16.  35
    Roche’s Clinical Trials with Organs from Prisoners: Does Profit Trump Morals?Judith Schrempf-Stirling - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 121 (2):315-328.
    This case study discusses the economic, legal, and ethical considerations for conducting clinical trials in a controversial context. In 2010, pharmaceutical giant Roche received a shame award by the Swiss non-governmental organization Berne Declaration and Greenpeace for conducting clinical trials with organs taken from executed prisoners in China. The company respected local regulations and industry ethical standards. However, medical associations condemned organs from executed prisoners on moral grounds. Human rights organizations demanded that Roche ended its clinical trials in China (...)
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  17.  65
    Collective Responsibility: Organizations as Organic Entities.Robert Albin - 2016 - Open Journal of Philosophy 6 (4):392-405.
    The question of who exactly is responsible for an organization’s actions cannot be too carefully considered, as a clear understanding of this point is crucial from ethical, moral, managerial, and public perspectives. This article discusses how to justify a non-participant member’s responsibility for the actions of other group members, establishing collective responsibility. The article develops a novel context-depended framework that solves this problem by supplying good grounds for perceiving organizations as organic entities, which is adequate for establishing collective (...)
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  18.  28
    Organic Problem Solving.Stefan Artmann - 2008 - American Journal of Semiotics 24 (1-3):95-105.
    Sign-theoretical concepts have been used in research into the nature of living systems, not only by biologists, semioticians, and philosophers, but also by scientists who analyze organisms from the perspective of Decision Theory. Decision Theory (DT) describes both the external behavior and the internal information-processing of any kind of agent in terms of problem solving. Such “problem solving” is considered a complex process of: (1) defining a goal in an environment, (2) selecting the means to reach the defined goal, and (...)
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  19.  9
    Compositionality: Its Historic Context.Theo M. V. Janssen - 2012 - In Markus Werning, Wolfram Hinzen & Edouard Machery, The Oxford Handbook of Compositionality. Oxford University Press. pp. 19-46.
    The ideas of contextuality and of compositionality were discussed at the beginnings of the nineteenth century in Germany, but the contextuality was the significant one. In 1880, Wundt published a work called Logik, comprising two volumes, which evolved to the German standard text on logic. Gottlob Frege, a German mathematician, logician, and philosopher, presented contextuality as his basic principle; his solution of the foundational problems is based upon it, he meant the principle literally, and would have rejected compositionality. He introduced (...)
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  20.  22
    Organic Codes: A Unifying Concept for Life.Gustavo Caponi, Francisco Prosdocimi & Savio Torres de Farias - 2021 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (4):769-782.
    Although the knowledge about biological systems has advanced exponentially in recent decades, it is surprising to realize that the very definition of Life keeps presenting theoretical challenges. Even if several lines of reasoning seek to identify the essence of life phenomenon, most of these thoughts contain fundamental problem in their basic conceptual structure. Most concepts fail to identify either necessary or sufficient features to define life. Here, we analyzed the main conceptual frameworks regarding theoretical aspects that have (...)
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  21.  96
    Barbieri’s Organic Codes Enable Error Correction of Genomes.Gérard Battail - 2014 - Biosemiotics 7 (2):259-277.
    Barbieri introduced and developed the concept of organic codes. The most basic of them is the genetic code, a set of correspondence rules between otherwise unrelated sequences: strings of nucleotides on the one hand, polypeptidic chains on the other hand. Barbieri noticed that it implies ‘coding by convention’ as arbitrary as the semantic relations a language establishes between words and outer objects. Moreover, the major transitions in life evolution originated in new organic codes similarly involving conventional rules. (...)
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  22.  44
    Procuring Organs from a Non-Heart-Beating Cadaver: A Case Report.Michael A. DeVita, Rade Vukmir, James V. Snyder & Cheryl Graziano - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (4):371-385.
    Organ transplantation is an accepted therapy for major organ failure, but it depends on the availability of viable organs. Most organs transplanted in the U.S. come from either "brain-dead" or living related donors. Recently organ procurement from patients pronounced dead using cardiopulmonary criteria, so-called "non-heart-beating cadaver donors" (NHBCDs), has been reconsidered. In May 1992, the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) enacted a new, complicated policy for procuring organs from NHBCDs after the elective removal of life support. Seventeen months (...)
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  23.  18
    Kant's Maxim for Judging Organisms.Michael Barker - 2018 - Review of Metaphysics 72 (2):301-330.
    In §66 of the Critique of the Teleological Power of Judgment, Kant presents a maxim for judging organisms. The maxim is a hybrid of empirical and a priori elements: Kant claims that though it is derived from experience, it asserts universality and necessity. The author substantiates the maxim and account for its hybrid nature by reconstructing Kant’s view, anchoring it in the text of and philosophical positions from neighboring sections of the Analytic. The reconstruction exposes a proper role for (...)
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  24.  56
    Organs as inheritable property?Teck Chuan Voo & Soren Holm - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (1):57-61.
    It has been argued that organs should be treated as individual tradable property like other material possessions and assets, on the basis that this would promote individual freedom and increase efficiency in addressing the shortage of organs for transplantation. If organs are to be treated as property, should they be inheritable? This paper seeks to contribute to the idea of organs as inheritable property by providing a defence of a default of the family of a dead person as inheritors (...)
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  25. Can double‐effect reasoning justify lethal organ donation?Adam Omelianchuk - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (6):648-654.
    The dead donor rule (DDR) prohibits retrieval protocols that would be lethal to the donor. Some argue that compliance with it can be maintained by satisfying the requirements of double‐effect reasoning (DER). If successful, one could support organ donation without reference to the definition of death while being faithful to an ethic that prohibits intentionally killing innocent human life. On the contrary, I argue that DER cannot make lethal organ donation compatible with the DDR, because there are plausible ways (...)
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  26. Organic social change.James Abordo Ong - 2017 - Distinktion 18 (1):59-81.
    The distinctness of each person’s life and experience is an important consideration in dominant accounts of how democratic institutions should distribute basic rights and liberties. Drawing on recent social movements, philosophers like Iris Marion Young, Miranda Fricker, and Axel Honneth have nonetheless drawn attention to the distinctive claims and challenges that plurality and difference entrain in democratic societies by analysing how the dominant discourses on rights and justice tend to elide, obscure, or reify the lived experiences of individuals belonging (...)
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  27. Alternative Organizations as Systems Hijacking: The Commercial Trust as a Thought Experiment.Heather M. Hachigian - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (4):920-953.
    The COVID-19 crisis has renewed interest in alternative forms of organizing business and investment but our understanding of how these organizations can transform social systems is limited. The purpose of this article is to contribute to this understanding. In the context of one of the greatest transfers of wealth in global retail history that could see unprecedented numbers of businesses close or sold to distant, private interests, the article performs a thought experiment using the analogy of a commercial trust (...)
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    Philosophical conversations: a concise historical introduction.Norman Melchert - 2009 - New York: Oxford Uuniversity Press.
    This brief and engaging introductory text treats philosophy as a dramatic and continuous story--a conversation about humankind's deepest and most persistent concerns, in which students are encouraged to participate. Tracing the exchange of ideas between history's key philosophers, Philosophical Conversations: A Concise Historical Introduction demonstrates that while constructing an argument or making a claim, one philosopher almost always has others in mind. The book addresses the fundamental questions of human life: Who are we? What can we know? (...)
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    The Brain--A Mediating Organ.Thomas Fuchs - 2011 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 18 (7-8):7-8.
    Cognitive neuroscience has been driven by the idea that by reductionist analysis of mechanisms within a solitary brain one can best understand how the human mind is constituted and what its nature is. The brain thus came to appear as the creator of the mind and the experienced world. In contrast, the paper argues for an ecological view of mind and brain as both being embedded in the relation of the living organism and its environment. This approach is crucially (...)
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  30.  13
    Could the organ shortage ever be met?Mairi Levitt - 2015 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 11 (1).
    The organ shortage is commonly presented as having a clear solution, increase the number of organs donated and the problem will be solved. In the light of the Northern Ireland Assembly’s consultation on moving to an opt-out organ donor register this article focusses on the social factors and complexities which impact strongly on both the supply of, and demand for, transplantable organs. Judging by the experience of other countries presumed consent systems may or may not increase donations but have not (...)
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  31. Gavagai Goulash: Growing Organs for Food.Benjamin Hale - 2007 - Think 5 (15):61-70.
    Recent advancements in stem-cell research have given scientists hope that new technologies will soon enable them to grow a variety of organs for transplantation into humans. Though such developments are still in their early stages, romantic prognosticators are hopeful that scientists will be capable of growing fully functioning and complex organs, such as hearts, kidneys, muscles, and livers. This raises the question of whether such profound medical developments might have other potentially fruitful applications. In the spirit of innovation, this paper (...)
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  32.  14
    The Philosophic Consultant: Revolutionizing Organizations with Ideas.Peter Koestenbaum - 2002 - Pfeiffer.
    In The Philosophic Consultant, acclaimed business consultant, philosopher, and author Peter Koestenbaum links deep insights of philosophy with practical business issues. Throughout this one-of-a-kind resource, Koestenbaum shows consultants and human resource practitioners how they can foster philosophical leadership within their organizations to positively affect the business environment. The book promises tangible results-- credibility, trust, and thoughtful attention-- and demonstrates how to apply philosophy, share knowledge with others, and use this newfound thoughtfulness to achieve bottom-line results.
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  33.  39
    Is the “Histone Code” an Organic Code?Stefan Kühn & Jan-Hendrik S. Hofmeyr - 2014 - Biosemiotics 7 (2):203-222.
    Post-translational histone modifications and their biological effects have been described as a ‘histone code’. Independently, Barbieri used the term ‘organic code’ to describe biological codes in addition to the genetic code. He also provided the defining criteria for an organic code, but to date the histone code has not been tested against these criteria. This paper therefore investigates whether the histone code is a bona fide organic code. After introducing the use of the term ‘code’ in biology, (...)
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  34. Aristotle on the sense-organs.Todd Ganson - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (1):89-92.
    Aristotle’s philosophy of mind is often understood as anticipating present-day functionalist approaches to the mental. In Aristotle on the Sense-Organs Johansen argues at length that such interpretations of what Aristotle has to say about the senses are untenable. First, Aristotle does not allow that the matter of a sense-organ can be identified without reference to the form or function of the organ, so sense-organs are not compositionally plastic. Second, Aristotle’s conception of sense-perception is radically different from anything a philosopher today, (...)
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    Biological organisms or Darwinian individuals?José Tomás Alvarado - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 27:1-18.
    Traditionally, it has been supposed that the central object of Biology are ‘organisms’. The expression “organism” is relatively recent in the use that it has nowadays –it was introduced by the authors of the German Idealism– but corresponds to a very traditional notion. An ‘organism’ is a substance composed by a plurality of materials organized by the same substance that acts upon itself to persist in time, in order to a finality that is the organism itself. To make intelligible an (...)
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    Addressing organ shortage: An automatic organ procurement model as a proposal.Marina Morla-González, Clara Moya-Guillem, David Rodríguez-Arias, Íñigo de Miguel Beriain, Alberto Molina-Pérez & Iván Ortega-Deballon - 2021 - Clinical Ethics 16 (4):278-290.
    Organ shortage constitutes an unsolved problem for every country that offers transplantation as a therapeutic option. Besides the largely implemented donation model and the eventually implemented market model, a theorized automatic organ procurement model has raised a rich debate in the legal, medical and bioethical community, since it could show a higher potential to solve organ shortage. In this paper, we study the main arguments for and against this model. We show how, in the light of empirical data extracted from (...)
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  37.  18
    Organ distribution systems for transplantation – an economic perspective.Wolfgang Greiner - 1998 - Ethik in der Medizin 10 (2):64-73.
    Definition of the problem: Even after the new German legislation about organ donors and transplantation (“information solution”), the question of criteria for distributing the organs is still not solved. The various alternatives to solve this problem face different social acceptance and economic efficiency.Arguments: Medical criteria (e.g. HLA compatibility) and non-medical criteria (e.g. willingness to pay of the patients) are valued on the basis of generally accepted objectives (e.g. equal access to health services or low costs). As an innovative form of (...)
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  38. Organ procurement: dead interests, living needs.John Harris - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (3):130-134.
    Cadaver organs should be automatically availableThe shortage of donor organs and tissue for transplantation constitutes an acute emergency which demands radical rethinking of our policies and radical measures. While estimates vary and are difficult to arrive at there is no doubt that the donor organ shortage costs literally hundreds of thousands of lives every year. “In the world as a whole there are an estimated 700 000 patients on dialysis . . .. In India alone 100 000 new patients present (...)
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    Closing the Organ Gap: A Reciprocity-Based Social Contract Approach.Gil Siegal & Richard J. Bonnie - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (2):415-423.
    Organ transplantation remains one of modern medicine's remarkable achievements. It saves lives, improves quality of life, diminishes healthcare expenditures in end-stage renal patients, and enjoys high success rates. Yet the promise of transplantation is substantially compromised by the scarcity of organs. The gap between the number of patients on waiting lists and the number of available organs continues to grow. As of January 2006, the combined waiting list for all organs in the United States was 90,284. Unfortunately, thousands of (...)
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    Human organs from prisoners: kidneys for life.L. D. de Castro - 2003 - Journal of Medical Ethics 29 (3):171-175.
    A proposal to allow prisoners to save their lives or to be eligible for commutation of sentence by donating kidneys for transplantation has been a subject of controversy in the Philippines. Notwithstanding the vulnerabilities associated with imprisonment, there are good reasons for allowing organ donations by prisoners. Under certain conditions, such donations can be very beneficial not only to the recipients but to the prisoners themselves. While protection needs to be given to avoid coercion and exploitation, overprotection has to be (...)
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    Organ Donation: The Hong Kong Context.Ho Mun Chan & T.-Fai Yeung - 2023 - In Ruiping Fan, Incentives and Disincentives in Organ Donation: A Multicultural Study among Beijing, Chicago, Tehran and Hong Kong. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 173-193.
    This chapter gives an outline of the development of the human organ transplant system in Hong Kong, whose key features are a soft opt-in system and strict prohibitions on commercial dealings in human organs for transplant. It is argued that under such a system, there is a lack of incentives for either cadaveric or living organ donations and for family members to endorse deceased donation. This argument is followed by an investigation of the shortage of organ donations in Hong Kong, (...)
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  42. Lethal Organ Donation: Would the Doctor Intend the Donor’s Death?Ben Bronner - 2019 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 44 (4):442-458.
    Lethal organ donation is a hypothetical procedure in which vital organs are removed from living donors, resulting in their death. An important objection to lethal organ donation is that it would infringe the prohibition on doctors intentionally causing the death of patients. I present a series of arguments intended to undermine this objection. In a case of lethal organ donation, the donor’s death is merely foreseen, and not intended.
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    Directed Altruistic Living Organ Donation: Partial but not Unfair.Medard T. Hilhorst - 2005 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 8 (1-2):197-215.
    Arguments against directed altruistic living organ donation are too weak to justify a ban. Potential donors who want to specify the non-related person or group of persons to receive their donated kidney should be accepted. The arguments against, based on considerations of motivation, fairness and (non-)anonymity (e.g. those recently cited by an advisory report of the Dutch Health Council), are presented and discussed, as well as the Dutch Governments response. Whereas the Government argues that individuals have authority with regard to (...)
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  44. Would it be ethical to use motivational interviewing to increase family consent to deceased solid organ donation?Isra Black & Lisa Forsberg - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (1):63-68.
    We explore the ethics of using motivational interviewing, an evidence-based, client-centred and directional counselling method, in conversations with next of kin about deceased solid organ donation. After briefly introducing MI and providing some context around organ transplantation and next of kin consent, we describe how MI might be implemented in this setting, with the hypothesis that MI has the potential to bring about a modest yet significant increase in next of kin consent rates. We subsequently consider the objection that (...)
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    “It's hard to change what we want to change”: Rape crisis centers as organizations.Amy Fried - 1994 - Gender and Society 8 (4):562-583.
    Like other groups associated with social movements, rape crisis centers have been judged co-optive by some and progressive by others. This article argues that organizational theory yields fuller explanations of their dynamics and character. In a case study, two subcultures—dubbed the politicized and service perspectives—developed and epitomized fundamentally different approaches to sexual violence. These subcultures emerged for a number of reasons, including the organization's goals, the character of the fiminist movement, and organizational features such as permeability, a broad constituency, a (...)
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    Incentives for Providing Organs.Pat Milmoe McCarrick & Martina Darragh - 2003 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 13 (1):53-64.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 13.1 (2003) 53-64 [Access article in PDF] Incentives for Providing Organs Patricia Milmoe McCarrick and Martina Darragh After a contentious debate at its 2002 annual meeting, the American Medical Association's House of Delegates voted to endorse the opinion of its Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs that the impact of financial incentives on organ donation should be studied (Josefson 2002). The shortage of organs (...)
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  47. Aristotle on the Sense-Organs.T. K. Johansen - 1997 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers an important study of Aristotle's theory of the sense-organs. It aims to answer two questions central to Aristotle's psychology and biology: why does Aristotle think we have sense-organs, and why does he describe the sense-organs in the way he does? The author looks at all the Aristotelian evidence for the five senses and shows how pervasively Aristotle's accounts of the sense-organs are motivated by his interest in form and function. The book also engages with the celebrated problem (...)
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  48.  63
    Capital as Organic Unity. [REVIEW]J. Murray Murdoch - 2006 - The Owl of Minerva 37 (2):196-199.
    In Capital as Organic Unity, Mark E. Meaney argues “that the doctrinal content of Marx’s Grundrisse is indebted for its logical form to Hegel’s exposition of logical categories as found in the Wissenschaft der Logik”. Meaney builds upon an important work by Hiroshi Uchida which had already explored Marx’s debt in the Grundrisse to Hegel’s Logic. But beyond Uchida’s claims, Meaney maps the entire structure of the Grundrisse onto the parallel movements of Hegel’s larger Science of Logic. Meany’s text (...)
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    Criticism: Its Philosophical Structure.David Collingridge - 1987 - Upa.
    In this work, Collingridge offers a general philosophy of criticism. Many philosophers influenced by the ideas of Karl Popper have hoped to see an expansion from his view of the operation of criticism within science to a more general account of criticism, and, until now, moves in this direction have had only limited success. This book extends Popper's account of the role of criticism in science to many other areas of inquiry.
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    Intrafamilial Organ Donation Is Often an Altruistic Act.Aaron Spital - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12 (1):116-118.
    In their recent article, Glannon and Ross remind us that family members have obligations to help each other that strangers do not have. They argue, I believe correctly, that what creates moral obligations within families is not genetic relationship but rather a sharing of intimacy. For no one are these obligations stronger than they are for parents of young children. This observation leads the authors to the logical conclusion that organ donation by a parent to her child is not optional (...)
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