Results for 'walking'

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  1. Perception of the smile and other emotions of the body and face at different distances.R. D. Walk & K. L. Walters - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):510-510.
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    Attention and the depth perception of kittens.Richard D. Walk, Jane D. Shepherd & David R. Miller - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (3):248-251.
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    Emotion and dance in dynamic light displays.Richard D. Walk & Carolyn P. Homan - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (5):437-440.
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    Differential Effects of Carbohydrates on Behavioral and Neuroelectric Indices of Selective Attention in Preadolescent Children.Anne M. Walk, Lauren B. Raine, Arthur F. Kramer, Neal J. Cohen, Naiman A. Khan & Charles H. Hillman - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Exploratory research with an adult visual cliff.Richard D. Walk & David R. Miller - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 16 (5):388-390.
  6.  35
    Cross-Domain Statistical–Sequential Dependencies Are Difficult to Learn.Anne M. Walk & Christopher M. Conway - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Sex differences in motion perception of Adler’s six great ideas and their opposites.Richard D. Walk & Jacqueline M. F. Samuel - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (3):232-235.
    A mime presented on videotape Adler’s six great ideas of truth, goodness, beauty, liberty, equality, and justice; their opposites; and the transitions from the positive or “good” concepts to their opposites. Using Johansson’s (1973) technique, the performer’s 12 joints were marked with points of light. Overall, the viewers had marginal success in identifying the concepts, but females were much more successful than males in identifying the “bad” ones of evil, slavery, falsehood, and ugliness, averaging 62% correct to the males’ 23%. (...)
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    Attentional factors in depth perception.Richard D. Walk - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (1):83-84.
  9.  23
    Birdsong learning and intersensory processing.Richard D. Walk & Michael L. Schwartz - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (2):101-104.
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    Ecological depth perception: Ducklings tested together and alone.Richard D. Walk & Kathy Walters - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (4):368-371.
    Ducklings were placed either singly or in pairs on a platform at two different heights. Both height and pairing influenced performance: More ducklings descended from the platform at low heights, and more single ducklings descended than paired ducklings. The social factor, pairing, made behavior more cautious and decreased the number of distress calls. A similar trend for pairing to influence performance was shown on the visual cliff. Without its peers, the duckling is a distressed animal. Previous careless behavior by ducklings (...)
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    Effect of discrimination reversal on human discrimination learning.Richard D. Walk - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 44 (6):410.
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    Effect of visual pattern on running an unpredictable maze.Richard D. Walk & Clarence P. Walters - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 18 (3):113-114.
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    Lattice embeddings and array noncomputable degrees.Stephen M. Walk - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (3):219.
    We focus on a particular class of computably enumerable degrees, the array noncomputable degrees defined by Downey, Jockusch, and Stob, to answer questions related to lattice embeddings and definability in the partial ordering of c. e. degrees under Turing reducibility. We demonstrate that the latticeM5 cannot be embedded into the c. e. degrees below every array noncomputable degree, or even below every nonlow array noncomputable degree. As Downey and Shore have proved that M5 can be embedded below every nonlow2 degree, (...)
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    Maximal contiguous degrees.Peter Cholak, Rod Downey & Stephen Walk - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (1):409-437.
    A computably enumerable (c.e.) degree is a maximal contiguous degree if it is contiguous and no c.e. degree strictly above it is contiguous. We show that there are infinitely many maximal contiguous degrees. Since the contiguous degrees are definable, the class of maximal contiguous degrees provides the first example of a definable infinite anti-chain in the c.e. degrees. In addition, we show that the class of maximal contiguous degrees forms an automorphism base for the c.e. degrees and therefore for the (...)
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  15. Perception of emotion from body posture.K. L. Walters & R. D. Walk - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):329-329.
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    Perception of emotion from moving body cues in photographs.Kathy L. Walters & Richard D. Walk - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (2):112-114.
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    Urban agriculture of the future: an overview of sustainability aspects of food production in and on buildings. [REVIEW]Kathrin Specht, Rosemarie Siebert, Ina Hartmann, Ulf B. Freisinger, Magdalena Sawicka, Armin Werner, Susanne Thomaier, Dietrich Henckel, Heike Walk & Axel Dierich - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (1):33-51.
    Innovative forms of green urban architecture aim to combine food, production, and design to produce food on a larger scale in and on buildings in urban areas. It includes rooftop gardens, rooftop greenhouses, indoor farms, and other building-related forms. This study uses the framework of sustainability to understand the role of ZFarming in future urban food production and to review the major benefits and limitations. The results are based on an analysis of 96 documents published in accessible international resources. The (...)
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    Retinal Morphometric Markers of Crystallized and Fluid Intelligence Among Adults With Overweight and Obesity.Alicia R. Jones, Connor M. Robbs, Caitlyn G. Edwards, Anne M. Walk, Sharon V. Thompson, Ginger E. Reeser, Hannah D. Holscher & Naiman A. Khan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  19. Walking Together: A Paradigmatic Social Phenomenon.Margaret Gilbert - 1990 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 15 (1):1-14.
    The everyday concept of a social group is approached by examining the concept of going for a walk together, an example of doing something together, or "shared action". Two analyses requiring shared personal goals are rejected, since they fail to explain how people walking together have obligations and rights to appropriate behavior, and corresponding rights of rebuke. An alternative account is proposed: those who walk together must constitute the "plural subject" of a goal. The nature of plural subjecthood, the (...)
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    Walking Together in a Pandemic: Reflections on a Semester of Place, Decolonization, and Classroom Community.Ela Przybyło, Edcel Cintrón Gonzalez, Serenah Minasian, Shawna Sheperd, Natalie Jipson, Anna Ortiz, Charley Koenig & Faith Borland - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (4):915-939.
    In this co-authored reflection by seven graduate students and one instructor, we revisit the “Apocalyptic Feminisms” graduate class taught in Fall 2020, at the height of the pandemic, in which students were asked to engage with interdisciplinary writing on the Anthropocene and to hone their own feminist praxes through going on and documenting their walks. We reflect on the “Walk and Movement Reading Instagram Engagements” assignment, exploring what walking can offer to deepen theoretical, methodological, and praxis-based approaches to environmental (...)
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    Walking-Derived Metaphysics in Nietzsche’s “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”.Marcin Fabjański - 2024 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 29 (1):29-41.
    Friedrich Nietzsche’s Zarathustra, the protagonist of his most famous book, can be regarded as a philosopher who works towards becoming a sage—something that, towards the end of the narrative, ultimately seems to happen. Over the course of the account, he travels between his lonely cave and human society several times, walking up and down a mountain. In this article, I focus on how Nietzsche describes those walks using language that breaks with Cartesian dualism through its employment of such expressions (...)
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    Using Walking Interviews to Enhance Research Relations with People with Dementia: Methodological Insights From an Empirical Study Conducted in England.Tula Brannelly & Ruth Bartlett - 2020 - Ethics and Social Welfare 14 (4):432-442.
    Ethical research practice requires inclusionary approaches that enable people to contribute as fully as possible. Not enough is yet known about the impacts of dementia on daily life, however, people with dementia may find inclusion in research challenging, as the ‘cognitive load’ required may be overwhelming. When responding is difficult, others may contribute and the voice of people with dementia may be diminished. In this paper, the method of walking interviews is reflected on following a study that examined the (...)
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  23. Perp Walks as Punishment.Bill Wringe - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (3):615-629.
    When Dominique Strauss-Kahn, then head of the IMF, was arrested on charges of sexual assault arising from events that were alleged to have occurred during his stay in an up-market hotel in New York, a sizeable portion of French public opinion was outraged - not by the possibility that a well-connected and widely-admired politician had assaulted an immigrant hotel worker, but by the way in which the accused had been treated by the American authorities. I shall argue that in one (...)
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    Walking in the British Countryside: Reflexivity, Embodied Practices and Ways to Escape.Tim Edensor - 2000 - Body and Society 6 (3-4):81-106.
    This article looks at the discursive and practical construction of walking in a British context. It examines the ways in which notions and practices generated by conventions around the meaning of walking in the countryside apparently contradict prevailing ideas that walking is an escape from the restrictions of everyday urban life. Identifying particular, competing forms of walking and the techniques and identities that they espouse, it is suggested that such activities are suffused with disciplinary norms. Yet (...)
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  25. A Walk With My Sister.James Heinegg - 1989 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 10 (2).
    My sister Sarah and I are just waking up one morning when Mom comes into our room and opens the window. "Get your clothes on, you two," she says. "It is a beautiful day, and we're going on a walk." I'm too tired to go for a walk. I look over at Sarah, and I can tell she does not want to go either. "But mom," Sarah pleads, "every day is a beautiful day... and, besides, it's going to be just (...)
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    Walking backwards into the future: Indigenous wisdom within design education.Nan O’Sullivan - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (4):424-433.
    This research parallels Tongan academic Hūfanga ‘Okusitino Māhina’s assertions in the 1994 Contemporary Pacific article Our Sea of Islands, that ‘People are thought to walk forward into the past and walk backward into the future, both taking place in the present, where the past and the future are constantly mediated in the ever-transforming present’ alongside those of Professor Terry Irwin and fellow Transition Designers in which they discuss the use of Indigenous Wisdom to enable designing for the Long Now as (...)
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    Walking two roads: accord and separation in Chinese and Western thought.J. F. H. van Rappard - 2009 - Amsterdam, The Netherlands: VU University Press.
    This book compares Chinese thought to that of the West. With recent Western interest in Chinese Buddhism (also known as Zen) and Daoism an understanding of their underlying ways of thinking is crucial for approaching them properly. The topics treated include worldview, world -- man relation, and mind and consciousness. A unique feature of the book is the comparison between Daoism and Chinese Buddhism on the one hand, and the Greek schools of Epicureanism and Stoicism on the other. A remarkable (...)
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    Walking the Line: The White Working Class and the Economic Consequences of Morality.Kieran Bezila, Steve G. Hoffman & Monica Prasad - 2016 - Politics and Society 44 (2):281-304.
    Over one-third of the white working class in America vote for Republicans. Some scholars argue that these voters support Republican economic policies, while others argue that these voters’ preferences on cultural and moral issues override their economic preferences. We draw on in-depth interviews with 120 white working-class voters to defend a broadly “economic” interpretation: for this segment of voters, moral and cultural appeals have an economic dimension, because these voters believe certain moral behaviors will help them prosper economically. Even the (...)
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    Walking atomic vegas: ritual, memorial, and toxic landscapes.Liska Chan & Elizabeth Stapleton - 2018 - Journal for Cultural Research 22 (4):386-395.
    ABSTRACTThis article proposes the use of ritualized walking to mark and remember invisible threats and the ‘slow violence’ of contaminated landscapes undergoing gradual change. To exemplify the ide...
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  30. Quantum Walks in Brain Microtubules—A Biomolecular Basis for Quantum Cognition?Stuart Hameroff - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (1):91-97.
    Cognitive decisions are best described by quantum mathematics. Do quantum information devices operate in the brain? What would they look like? Fuss and Navarro () describe quantum lattice registers in which quantum superpositioned pathways interact (compute/integrate) as ‘quantum walks’ akin to Feynman's path integral in a lattice (e.g. the ‘Feynman quantum chessboard’). Simultaneous alternate pathways eventually reduce (collapse), selecting one particular pathway in a cognitive decision, or choice. This paper describes how quantum walks in a Feynman chessboard are conceptually identical (...)
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    Walking as Spiritual Practice: The Pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.Sean Slavin - 2003 - Body and Society 9 (3):1-18.
    This article examines the experiences of pilgrims walking to the shrine of St James in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. It argues that walking is a social practice operating at the nexus between body and self. Pilgrims do not generally regard walking as a spiritual practice at the journey's outset. They do, however, develop a deep awareness of the multiple effects of walking as they progress along the route. Pilgrims report a variety of techniques in relation to (...)
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    Walking in the city: A case study of the streets in Brno.Jana Kočková - 2016 - Human Affairs 26 (4):422-439.
    This paper is an ethnographic study of everyday walking practice in the city. The research was conducted in 2014-2015 in selected streets of Brno city and was based on a hybrid method of shared walking (go-along) coupled with observations and semi-structured interviews. As urban walking is recognized as a significant mode of travel, this paper aims to expand existing knowledge by contributing qualitative data. The key influence is the work of Michel de Certeau (1984) who understands (...) as a practice of everyday life. Everyday walking helps shape physical spaces and this subsequently affects human behavior. In this article I will discuss how people relate to walking, how they act in urban space and what importance they attach to their behavior. Another aim is to ascertain how pedestrians behave while performing their everyday routine and how they interact with drivers and cyclists. (shrink)
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    External walking environment differentially affects muscle synergies in children with cerebral palsy and typical development.Yushin Kim, Thomas C. Bulea & Diane L. Damiano - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:976100.
    Despite external environmental changes in walking, such as manipulating gait speed, previous studies have shown that the underlying muscle synergy structures (synergy weights or vectors) rarely vary. The purpose of this study is to examine if external environmental changes to the walking task influence muscle synergies in children with cerebral palsy (CP) and/or typical development (TD). To identify muscle synergies, we extracted muscle synergies from eight children with CP and eight age-matched TD in three treadmill walking conditions, (...)
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  34. The Walk and the Talk.Daniela Dover - 2019 - Philosophical Review 128 (4):387-422.
    It is widely believed that we ought not to criticize others for wrongs that we ourselves have committed. The author draws out and challenges some of the background assumptions about the practice of criticism that underlie our attraction to this claim, such as the tendency to think of criticism either as a social sanction or as a didactic intervention. The author goes on to offer a taxonomy of cases in which the moral legitimacy of criticism is challenged on the grounds (...)
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    The Walking Dead as Philosophy: Rick Grimes and Community Building in an Apocalypse.Clint Jones - 2022 - In David Kyle Johnson (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 2103-2118.
    To treat The Walking Dead as if it were only a zombie apocalypse story is to miss the deep and fundamental questions about society that the story raises. By looking past the immediacy of the zombie threat that drives the main narrative of the story – survival – it is possible to tease out important questions about community, social organization, leadership, utopian and dystopian world building, and, most importantly, morality. By focusing on the communities that come together in The (...)
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    Walking the Tightrope of Reason: The Precarious Life of a Rational Animal.Robert J. Fogelin - 2003 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Human beings are both supremely rational and deeply superstitious, capable of believing just about anything and of questioning just about everything. Indeed, just as our reason demands that we know the truth, our skepticism leads to doubts we can ever really do so. In Walking the Tightrope of Reason, Robert J. Fogelin guides readers through a contradiction that lies at the very heart of philosophical inquiry. Fogelin argues that our rational faculties insist on a purely rational account of the (...)
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    To walk or not to walk.D. A. Coady & S. Chopra - 2009 - Res Publica (Parkville, Vic.) 18 (1):20-23.
    To walk or not to walk: Should a batsman acknowledge his own dismissal by leaving the wicket without even waiting for the umpire's decision? David Coady and Samir Chopra examine this flashpoint ethical debate in cricket.
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    Stair walking effects on feelings of energy and fatigue: Is 4-min enough for benefits?Kaitlyn E. Carmichael, Patrick J. O’Connor & Jennifer L. Gay - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    PurposeEven low intensity exercise bouts of at least 15 min can improve feelings of energy and reduce systolic blood pressure. However, little is known about the psychological outcomes of briefer exercise bouts, particularly for modes of exercise that are more intense than level walking, and readily available to many working adults. This study assessed the effects of a 4-min bout of stair walking on FOE and feelings of fatigue.MethodsThirty-six young adult participants were randomized to either stair walking (...)
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    Walking through Architectural Spaces: The Impact of Interior Forms on Human Brain Dynamics.Maryam Banaei, Javad Hatami, Abbas Yazdanfar & Klaus Gramann - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:289961.
    Neuroarchitecture uses neuroscientific tools to better understand architectural design and its impact on human perception and subjective experience. The form or shape of the built environment is fundamental to architectural design, but not many studies have shown the impact of different forms on the inhabitants’ emotions. This study investigated the neurophysiological correlates of different interior forms on the perceivers’ affective state and the accompanying brain activity. To understand the impact of naturalistic three-dimensional (3D) architectural forms, it is essential to perceive (...)
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    Walking with Odysseus: The Portico Frame of the Odyssey Landscapes.Timothy M. O'Sullivan - 2007 - American Journal of Philology 128 (4):497-532.
    This article examines the cultural and artistic context of one of the most famous Roman frescoes, the Odyssey Landscapes. It argues that the painting's fictive portico frame would have evoked in the Roman viewer the experience of the ambulatio, the act of walking for leisure and contemplation that came to be an essential element of a properly Hellenized otium. The painted portico thus puts the viewers in the proper frame of mind to appreciate the intellectual associations of the painting (...)
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    Philosophers' Walks.Bruce Baugh - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This engaging book takes us on philosophical tour, following in the footsteps and thoughts of some great philosophers and thinkers. A fresh and imaginative reading of great philosophers, offering a new way of understanding some of their major works and ideas.
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    My Walks With Aristotle.Enrico Berti - 2016 - Peitho 7 (1):55-68.
    In connection with the ongoing celebration of Aristotle’s Year that has been announced by UNESCO, the Poznan Archaeological Reserve – Genius Loci organized a series of lectures “Walks with Aristotle” that refer to the famous name of the Peripatos school. This invitation has been accepted by one of the greatest scholars of Aristotle, Professor Enrico Berti from the University of Padua, who has been publishing for more than 50 years various studies on the philosophy of the Stagirite as well as (...)
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    Walking, Wilderness, and Exposure: Learning from Thoreau’s Episode on Katahdin.Christopher Kirby - 2022 - In Douglas A. Vakoch & Sam Mickey (eds.), Eco-Anxiety and Pandemic Distress: Psychological Perspectives on Resilience and Interconnectedness. Oxford University Press. pp. 54-64.
    This chapter examines Thoreau’s experiences on Mt. Katahdin, vis-à-vis exposure science and wilderness therapy. A close reading of Thoreau’s account suggests the experience had a profound effect on him, emotionally and philosophically, an effect that is relevant to environmental exposure and eco-vulnerability in the contexts of the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. Thoreau’s experience on that mountain presented to him an aspect of wilderness antithetical to the romantic, transcendentalist notions he previously held and ultimately led to more nuanced, therapeutic depictions (...)
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    Simichidas' Walk and the Locality of Bourina in Theocritus, Id. 7.G. Zanker - 1980 - Classical Quarterly 30 (02):373-.
    The aim of this article is to offer what I consider to be necessary substantiati for the view that the description of the walk which acts as a frame for the singing contest in Id. 7 is based on a precise knowledge of the geography of t island of Cos and that the poem thus displays a topographical realism unique Greek pastoral.
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    A philosophy of walking.Frédéric Gros - 2014 - London: Verso.
    Explores the role and influence of walking in the lives of such thinkers as Kant, Rousseau, Nietzsche, Robert Louis Stevenson, Gandhi, and Jack Kerouac.
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    Fire‐Walking and Cold Baths.Martin Cohen - 2010 - In Mind Games: 31 Days to Rediscover Your Brain. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 33–34.
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    A Walk with Goodstein.David Fernández-Duque & Andreas Weiermann - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (1):1-19.
    Goodstein’s principle is arguably the first purely number-theoretic statement known to be independent of Peano arithmetic. It involves sequences of natural numbers which at first appear to diverge, but eventually decrease to zero. These sequences are defined relative to a notation system based on exponentiation for the natural numbers. In this article, we provide a self-contained and modern analysis of Goodstein’s principle, obtaining some variations and improvements. We explore notions of optimality for notation systems and apply them to the classical (...)
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    (1 other version)A Critical Phenomenology of Walking: Footpaths and Flightways.Perry Zurn - 2021 - Puncta 4 (1):1-18.
    It is hardly difficult to imagine writing about critical phenomenology and walking. One might pause over the method of critical phenomenology as a meta-odos, a thinking of the path. Or consider the steps critical phenomenology takes and the unique pitch of its gait as it traverses the borderlands between phenomenology and critical theory. One might query how these two have the capacity to walk so well side by side, so much so that they can become as one, barely distinguishable (...)
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  49. Walking the Line: Kuhn Between Realism and Relativism.Michela Massimi - 2015 - In William J. Devlin & Alisa Bokulich (eds.), Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions - 50 Years On. Cham: Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, vol. 311. Springer. pp. 135–152.
    In this chapter, I evaluate the thorny issue as to whether Thomas Kuhn’s view supports a form of realism or relativism. I consider two prominent realist readings of Kuhn, offered respectively by Hoyningen-Huene and Giere, and some of the challenges each of them faces. I offer then a reading of Kuhn’s contentious claim about “working in a new world” in terms of what I call naturalized Kantian kinds. I show how this reading can escape some of the challenges and deliver (...)
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    Walking as Intelligent Enactment: A New Realist Approach.Adam Lovasz - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):49-58.
    Walking is an activity that always unfolds within a certain landscape. Tim Ingold has used the notion of “taskscape” to denote pragmatic uses of terrain. Whilst walking, we come to intersect with a variety of taskscapes. As Julia Tanney has highlighted, formal language can only get us so far when thinking about spontaneous, non-theoretical and non-representational activities. Borrowing Gilbert Ryle’s distinction between “knowing that” and knowing how”, I argue for a concept of walking that does not privilege (...)
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