Law and Critique

ISSNs: 0957-8536, 1572-8617

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  1.  6
    Bram Fischer, or What Happens When the World Becomes Inhospitable.Stephen Clingman - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (3):571-586.
    Bram Fischer was born in 1908 into an eminent Afrikaner family in South Africa, and seemed destined for prominence in white South African life. His path, however, was an unexpected one. As a Rhodes Scholar he saw the rise of Nazism in Europe and travelled to the Soviet Union. Some time after his return to South Africa he joined the Communist Party, and from then on was involved in the iconic moments of the anti-apartheid struggle, working alongside figures such as (...)
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    Two Cheers for Transformative Constitutionalism.Dennis M. Davis & Karl Klare - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (3):487-533.
    We argued in earlier work that South Africa's democratic transition accomplished more than abolishing formal apartheid and replacing it with civil and political democracy. The transition also established a platform for “transformative constitutionalism,” an aspiration and generous constitutional framework for South Africa to embark on a postliberal path toward becoming an egalitarian social and economic democracy. Manifestly, the promised social and economic transformation remains largely unfulfilled. Many South Africans blame the constitutional settlement for this failure of delivery, seeing it as (...)
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    Reply to Stephen Clingman’s Bram Fischer Lecture: ‘What Happens When the World Becomes Inhospitable’.Tembeka Ngcukaitobi - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (3):587-595.
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    Review Essay: Judith Butler, Who’s Afraid of Gender? (London: Allen Lane, 2024) pp 308.Alex Sharpe - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (3):653-671.
    This article is a review essay of Judith Butler’s latest book, Who’s Afraid of Gender? The book considers the anti-gender ideology movement and rising right-wing authoritarianism with which it is associated. In review considers the following key themes that Butler disusses: recognition of a contemporary crisis; the creation of a moral panic around gender; the complicity of ‘gender critical’ feminism in enabling anti-feminist totalitarian politics; the disingenuous figuration of ‘censorship’ as a weapon deployed by the forces of ‘gender ideology’; and (...)
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    Decolonial Musings about Constitutionalism, the Constitution, and Democratic Future(s).Ntando Sindane - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (3):553-570.
    In “Two Cheers to Constitutionalism” Karl Klare and Dennis Davis take us through a longue durée analysis of South Africa’s constitutional democracy, its genesis, essence and implications for the future. Their reflections about the 25 years of South Africa’s constitution coincide with the 30-years milestone since the dawn of the so-called democratic breakthrough. In this article, I grapple with some of the epistemic and axiological specificities that define both the constitution of 1996 and the notion of a constitutional democracy in (...)
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  6.  19
    Lost in Transduction: From Law and Code’s Intra-actions to the Right to Explanation in the European Data Protection Regulations.Miriam Tedeschi & Mika Viljanen - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (3):635-652.
    Recent algorithmic technologies have challenged law’s anthropocentric assumptions. In this article, we develop a set of theoretical tools drawn from new materialisms and the philosophy of information to unravel the complex intra-actions between law and computer code. Accordingly, we first propose a framework for understanding the enmeshing of law and code based on a diffractive reading of Barad’s agential realism and Simondon’s theory of information. We argue that once law and code are understood as material entities that intra-act through in-formation, (...)
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    Democratic Constitutionalism Against the Paradoxes of Neoliberal, Populist, and Post-Socialist Entanglements.Christi van der Westhuizen - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (3):535-551.
    As South Africa’s governing party between 1994 and 2024, the African National Congress (ANC) was in poll position to use the powers of state to effect the imaginary of the 1996 Constitution. This imaginary provides for the overturning of colonial and apartheid legacies to actualise the human potential of those previously excluded on the basis of race, gender, class, and sexuality. Due to a failure of political imagination, merely the top echelons of economic relations of power were deracialised. Most of (...)
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    Introduction.Karin van Marle - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (3):485-486.
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    Models of Hospitality: A Response to Stephen Clingman.Karin van Marle - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (3):597-608.
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    The Perfect Storm: Artificial Intelligence, Financialisation, and Venture Legalism.Scott Veitch - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (3):609-633.
    This article analyses the limits of legal norms and institutions in holding to account the emerging power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning. It demonstrates how a symbiosis of capitalism and new forms of digital power is mutating to produce novel and dangerous styles of organised irresponsibility that go beyond the reach of conventional legal mechanisms. It draws on the work of Pashukanis, Baudrillard, and Alain Supiot to show how this transformation is taking place. Referring to the role of (...)
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  11.  15
    How the Welfare State Tries to Protect Itself Against the law: Luhmann and new Forms of Social Immune Mechanism.Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen & Paul Stenner - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (2):257-279.
    Sociologist Niklas Luhmann argued that the law functions as society’s immune system by regulating conflicts that threaten the certainty of expectation structures. In this article, we argue that law itself has become a target of new social immune mechanisms. Since the 1980s, welfare states have increasingly seen their own structures as a threat. Today, the ideal is a public sector consisting of organizations that constantly emerge anew by selecting the structures that fit each specific moment, case, and citizen. To protect (...)
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  12.  15
    Translating Dark into Bright: Diary of a Post-Critical Year.André Dao & Danish Sheikh - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (2):377-403.
    This is an account of a reading project that began in February 2020. Australia was burning, a pandemic was simmering, the two of us were early in our PhD journeys at the Melbourne Law School. Already, we felt exhausted by critical theory which seemed to amplify the affects we felt all too intensely. Our reading project began as an attempt to find and inhabit texts that might move beyond critique, that might allow us to find wonder and vitality in legal (...)
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  13.  40
    Habermas, Popular Sovereignty, and the Legitimacy of Law.George Duke - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (2):237-256.
    Habermas’ theory of popular sovereignty has received comparatively little sustained critical attention in the Anglo-American literature since initial responses to Between Facts and Norms. In light of subsequent work on group agency, this paper argues that Habermas’ reconstruction of popular sovereignty—in its denial of the normative force of collective citizen action—is best understood as a renunciation of the doctrine. The paper is structured in three sections. Section 1 examines Habermas’ treatment of popular sovereignty prior to Between Facts and Norms as (...)
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  14.  9
    From Paratexts to Print Machinery.Benjamin Goh - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (2):313-335.
    This article seeks to decentre the proprietary author in copyright law by attending to some peripheral matters of Immanuel Kant’s periodical essay, ‘On the Wrongfulness of Reprinting’ (1785), as indices of its medial-material conditions of possibility. We consider not only the epitextual background of the German Enlightenment in which the Berlinische Monatsschrift was produced, but also the peritextual specimens of catchwords, signature marks, and various front matter of Kant’s essay. This medial reading suggests the periodical to be deeply involved in (...)
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    Patents as Capitalist Aesthetic Forms.Hyo Yoon Kang - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (2):281-311.
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    Regulating Communicative Risk: Online Harms and Subjective Rights.Bernard Keenan - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (2):213-236.
    States are in the process of creating controversial legislation aimed at subjecting ‘harmful’ online communication on social media and search engines to new regulatory regimes. Critics argue that these measures are serious threats to the right to freedom of expression and freedom from surveillance. This article first draws on elements of systems theory to reframe the right to freedom of expression in democracy as a means of protecting the value of generalised second-order observation. Taking the UK’s Online Safety bill as (...)
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  17.  29
    Kierkegaardian Ethics and the Rule of Law.Joshua Neoh - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (2):357-375.
    We approach law with deep ambivalence. On the one hand, we take immense pride in living under the rule of law. On the other hand, we often catch ourselves lamenting the existence of law. When we lament the existence of law, we are not just saying that there is too much of it. We are not just complaining about the amount of law. Rather, our complaint goes to the very nature of law itself. We complain that its rules are constraining, (...)
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  18.  25
    The Boundaries of Legal Personhood: Disability, Gender and the Cyborg.Flora Renz - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (2):425-444.
    By considering the death of the disability activist Engracia Figueroa as the consequence of her wheelchair being damaged by an airline, this article asks whether law could accommodate a definition of legal personhood that encompasses the possibility of bodies augmented by prosthetics, technology, and mobility aids. The use of mobility aids by disabled people and the role of prosthetic penises in so-called ‘gender fraud’ cases offer two useful provocations to consider the ways in which legal personhood, if defined as largely (...)
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  19.  14
    Nachleben der Antike, Time, and Restitution: Notes for a Nocturnal Jurisprudence of the Image.Igor Stramignoni - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (2):445-482.
    Justice is usually represented as a feminine figure holding a pair of scales and a sword. The history of that image is relatively recent and has attracted a great deal of attention. However, a different appreciation of it may come from a “nocturnal” jurisprudence seeking to foreground its presence and effects in the transmission of modern culture and so also of law. In this essay, I take my cue from Aby Warburg and the Pathosformeln that, he suggested, can be glimpsed (...)
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  20.  35
    A Call for Rethinking International Arbitration: A TWAIL Perspective on Transnationality and Epistemic Community.Mansour Vesali Mahmoud & Hosna Sheikhattar - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (2):405-424.
    Despite the increasingly diversified discourses in international commercial arbitration, this device of socio-legal regulation remains a relatively under-theorized subject. In particular, far too little attention has been paid to analyzing international commercial arbitration through critical approaches such as Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL). TWAIL is broadly understood as a methodological reorientation in international law by highlighting the historical links between the foundations of this field of law and the history of capitalism and imperialism as well as the colonial (...)
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    Negri’s Journey: A Roadmap.Emilios Christodoulidis - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (1):7-17.
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    Negri’s “Minor Jurisprudence”.Costas Douzinas - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (1):1-5.
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    A Reply to Xifaras.Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (1):63-71.
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    The Role of the Law in Critical Theory: An Engagement with Hardt and Negri’s Commonwealth.Mikhaïl Xifaras - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (1):19-62.
    This paper discusses the role of Law and Legal Thinking in Critical Theory with specific reference to the arguments that Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri offer in their book Commonwealth. The core idea is that Critical Theory is no less radical, but much more concrete, when it is performing not only an external, but also an internal critique of the Law. It shows that the role of the law in critical theory emerges as a problem when the latter claims that (...)
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  25.  34
    No Such Thing as Free Speech? Performativity, Free Speech, and Academic Freedom in the UK.Jana Bacevic - 2024 - Law and Critique.
    The relationship between academic freedom and freedom of speech features prominently in public and political discussions concerning the role of universities in Western liberal democracies. Recently, these debates have attracted increased attention, owing in part to media framing of a ‘free speech crisis’, especially in UK and US universities. One type of response is to regulate academic expression through legislation, such as the UK’s 2023 Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act. This article offers a critical analysis of the assumptions concerning (...)
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