The purpose of this paper is to defend an understanding of social participation that spells out inclusion as a dispositional property. I assume that an agent must occupy at least one position within a social order so that he is leastways partially included. The fact that a social position is open to someone means that he has the opportunity to take it. However, disputed is how "having the opportunity" should be understood exactly. My thesis, which I will develop and defend in the context of this article, is: Since the appropriate application context decides whether the role characteristics of an agent actually become manifest, participation is a dispositional property. Therefore, a role is not open to someone only if he cannot claim a certain status for himself, even though he is in the relevant context. It is thus not a logical or metaphysical modality, but a normative modality that is relevant in terms of the openness of a role. Hence, social participation consists in a normative status that takes effect when certain conditions occure.