Results for ' Benefit or Beneficence'

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  1.  98
    Beneficence, Interests, and Wellbeing in Medicine: What It Means to Provide Benefit to Patients.Johan Christiaan Bester - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (3):53-62.
    Beneficence is a foundational ethical principle in medicine. To provide benefit to a patient is to promote and protect the patient’s wellbeing, to promote the patient’s interests. But there are different conceptions of wellbeing, emphasizing different values. These conceptions of wellbeing are contrary to one another and give rise to dissimilar ideas of what it means to benefit a patient. This makes the concept of beneficence ambiguous: is a benefit related to the patient’s goals and (...)
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    (1 other version)Beneficent Intelligence: A Capability Approach to Modeling Benefit, Assistance, and Associated Moral Failures Through AI Systems.Alex John London & Hoda Heidari - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (4):1-37.
    The prevailing discourse around AI ethics lacks the language and formalism necessary to capture the diverse ethical concerns that emerge when AI systems interact with individuals. Drawing on Sen and Nussbaum’s capability approach, we present a framework formalizing a network of ethical concepts and entitlements necessary for AI systems to confer meaningful benefit or assistance to stakeholders. Such systems enhance stakeholders’ ability to advance their life plans and well-being while upholding their fundamental rights. We characterize two necessary conditions for (...)
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  3. Offensive Beneficence.Adam Cureton - 2016 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2 (1):74--90.
    Simple acts of kindness that are performed sincerely and with evident good will can also, paradoxically, be perceived as deeply insulting by the people we succeed in benefiting. When we are moved to help someone out of genuine concern for her, when we have no intention to humiliate or embarrass her and when we succeed at benefiting her, how can our generosity be disparaging or demeaning to her? Yet, when the tables are turned, we sometimes find ourselves brusquely refusing assistance (...)
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    Inclusive Ethics: Extending Beneficence and Egalitarian Justice.Ingmar Persson - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Inclusive Ethics brings together two ideas which are part of our everyday morality, namely that we have a moral reason to benefit or do good to other beings, and that justice requires these benefits to be distributed equally. Ingmar Persson explores the difficulties of accepting a morality which combines both of these principles.
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  5. The paradox of group beneficence.Michael Otsuka - 1991 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 20 (2):132-149.
    An argument against Parfit's view (in his chapter of Reasons and Persons on five mistakes in moral mathematics) that, rather than maximizing the difference one makes as an individual, one should join that group whose members together make the most positive difference in cases involving imperceptible benefits. It is shown how Parfit's defence of this view has the problematic implication either (1) that each outcome is less beneficial than itself or (2) that "less beneficial than" is not transitive.
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  6. Love, Beneficence, and the Hedonic Constraint.Noah Lemos - 2016 - American Philosophical Quarterly 53 (3):259-268.
    In this paper, I present briefly a view about intrinsic value, one connected to the concepts of ethically required attitudes of favor, disfavor, and preference. If lives can have both welfare value and intrinsic value, how are these values related? I defend the view that the welfare value of a life does not track the intrinsic value of that life. Some philosophers, however, deny that anything can have intrinsic value or absolute value. Some argue that to hold that something is (...)
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  7. Self torture and group beneficence.Frank Arntzenius & David McCarthy - 1997 - Erkenntnis 47 (1):129-144.
    Moral puzzles about actions which bring about very small or what are said to be imperceptible harms or benefits for each of a large number of people are well known. Less well known is an argument by Warren Quinn that standard theories of rationality can lead an agent to end up torturing himself or herself in a completely foreseeable way, and that this shows that standard theories of rationality need to be revised. We show where Quinn's argument goes wrong, and (...)
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  8. Gratitude.Tony Manela - 2015 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2015 (Spring).
    Gratitude is the proper or called-for response in a beneficiary to benefits or beneficence from a benefactor. It is a topic of interest in normative ethics, moral psychology, and political philosophy, and may have implications for metaethics as well. Despite its commonness in everyday life, there is substantive disagreement among philosophers over the nature of gratitude and its connection to other philosophical concepts. The sections of this article address five areas of debate about what gratitude is, when it is (...)
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    Death as “benefit” in the context of non-voluntary euthanasia.Jonas-Sébastien Beaudry - 2022 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 43 (5):329-354.
    I offer a principled objection to arguments in favour of legalizing non-voluntary euthanasia on the basis of the principle of beneficence. The objection is that the status of death as a benefit to people who cannot formulate a desire to die is more problematic than pain management care. I ground this objection on epistemic and political arguments. Namely, I argue that death is relatively more unknowable, and the benefits it confers more subjectively debatable, than pain management. I am (...)
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    Fostering Medical Students’ Commitment to Beneficence in Ethics Education.Philip Reed & Joseph Caruana - 2024 - Voices in Bioethics 10.
    PHOTO ID 121339257© Designer491| ABSTRACT When physicians use their clinical knowledge and skills to advance the well-being of their patients, there may be apparent conflict between patient autonomy and physician beneficence. We are skeptical that today’s medical ethics education adequately fosters future physicians’ commitment to beneficence, which is both rationally defensible and fundamentally consistent with patient autonomy. We use an ethical dilemma that was presented to a group of third-year medical students to examine how ethics education might (...)
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    ”Natural birth” or ”Cesarean section on demand”– some reflections on self-determination in obstetrics.Gisela Bockenheimer-Lucius - 2002 - Ethik in der Medizin 14 (3):186-200.
    Definition of the problem. During the last few years obstetricians have become concerned over an increasing rate of cesarean sections, especially an increasing rate of ”section on demand” for non-medical, but personal reasons of pregnant women. For physicians this is a question of risks and benefits for both mother and child. On the other hand, there is the duty to respect women’s autonomy. Arguments. Pregnant women are healthy and the act of giving birth to a child is a physiological one. (...)
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  12.  36
    Is it ethical to provide IVF add-ons when there is no evidence of a benefit if the patient requests it?Mila Stefanova Zemyarska - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (5):346-350.
    In vitro fertilisation (IVF) ‘add-ons’ are therapeutic or diagnostic tools developed in an endeavour to improve the success rate of infertility treatment. However, there is no conclusive evidence that these interventions are a beneficial or effective adjunct of assisted reproductive technologies. Additionally, IVF add-ons are often implemented in clinical practice before their safety can be thoroughly ascertained. Yet, patients continue to request and pay large sums for such additional IVF tools. Hence, this essay set out to examine if it is (...)
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  13. Ethically justified, clinically applicable criteria for physician decision-making in psychopharmacological enhancement.Matthis Synofzik - 2009 - Neuroethics 2 (2):89-102.
    Advances in psychopharmacology raise the prospects of enhancing neurocognitive functions of humans by improving attention, memory, or mood. While general ethical reflections on psychopharmacological enhancement have been increasingly published in the last years, ethical criteria characterizing physicians’ role in neurocognitive enhancement and guiding their decision-making still remain highly unclear. Here it will be argued that also in the medical domain the use of cognition-enhancing drugs is not intrinsically unethical and that, in fact, physicians should assume an important role in gating (...)
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    Response to “Intrafamilial Organ Donation Is Often an Altruistic Act” by Aaron Spital and “Donor Benefit Is the Key to Justified Living Organ Donation,” by Aaron Spital : Motivation, Risk, and Benefit in Living Organ Donation: A Reply to Aaron Spital. [REVIEW]Walter Glannon & Lainie Friedman Ross - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (2):191-194.
    In a recent article in this journal, we argued that living organ donation from a parent to a child should be described as a beneficent rather than an altruistic act. Emotional relationships can generate an obligation of beneficence to help those with whom we have these relationships. This may involve an obligation for a parent to donate an organ to a child, even though it entails some risk to the parent. The parent's donation is not altruistic because altruistic acts (...)
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    On stopping at everything: A reply to W. M. hunt.Kenneth E. Goodpaster - 1980 - Environmental Ethics 2 (3):281-284.
    Contrary to W. Murray Hunt’s suggestion, living things deserve moral consideration and inanimate objects do not precisely because living things can intelligibly be said to have interests (and inanimate objects cannot intelligibly said to have interests). Interests are crucial because the concept of morality is noncontingently related to beneficence or nonmaleficence, notions which misfire completely in theabsence of entities capable of being benefited or harmed.
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    Research biopsies in phase I studies: views and perspectives of participants and investigators.R. D. Pentz, R. D. Harvey, M. White, Z. L. Farmer, O. Dashevskaya, Z. Chen, C. Lewis, T. K. Owonikoko & F. R. Khuri - 2012 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 34 (2):1-8.
    In many research studies, tumor biopsies are an unavoidable requirement for achieving key scientific aims. Yet some commentators view mandatory research biopsies as coercive and suggest they should be optional, or at least optional until further data are obtained regarding their scientific usefulness. Further complicating the ethical picture is the fact that some research biopsies offer a potential for clinical benefit to trial participants. We interviewed and surveyed a convenience sample of participants in phase I clinical trials at a (...)
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    Nudging for others’ sake: An ethical analysis of the legitimacy of nudging healthcare workers to accept influenza immunization.Mariette van den Hoven - 2020 - Bioethics 35 (2):143-150.
    A core idea underlying nudging is that it helps individuals to achieve their own goals, yet many nudges actually aim at collective goals or specifically target the benefit of others. An example is nudging healthcare workers to be vaccinated against influenza. I distinguish between self‐regarding nudges, which primarily benefit the nudgee, and other‐regarding nudges, which mainly benefit others, and argue that the default justificatory reason to legitimize self‐regarding nudges, namely the ‘as judged by themselves’ standard, does not (...)
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  18. Disclosing: Benefit or Burden?J. N. Hartz - 1997 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 6:95-96.
  19.  53
    Human Tissue Samples and Ethics: – Attitudes of the General Public in Sweden to Biobank Research.Tore Nilstun & Göran Hermerén - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (1):81-86.
    Purpose: To survey the attitudes of the general public in Sweden to biobank research and to discuss the findings in the light of some well-known ethical principles.Methods: A questionnaire was used to survey the opinions of the general public in Sweden, and an ethical analysis (using the principles of autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice) was performed to discuss the possible conditions of such research.Findings: Between 3 and 9% answered that they did not want their samples to be collected and (...)
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  20.  22
    Nudging for others’ sake: An ethical analysis of the legitimacy of nudging healthcare workers to accept influenza immunization.Mariette Hoven - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (2):143-150.
    A core idea underlying nudging is that it helps individuals to achieve their own goals, yet many nudges actually aim at collective goals or specifically target the benefit of others. An example is nudging healthcare workers to be vaccinated against influenza. I distinguish between self‐regarding nudges, which primarily benefit the nudgee, and other‐regarding nudges, which mainly benefit others, and argue that the default justificatory reason to legitimize self‐regarding nudges, namely the ‘as judged by themselves’ standard, does not (...)
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  21.  34
    Balance: Benefit or bromide?Emma Williams - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (4):535-546.
    There seem to be obvious virtues to keeping a sense of balance. In this paper, I consider some examples from ordinary life and education where the pursuit of balance would appear to be a benefit. Yet I also draw upon lines of thinking from John Stuart Mill and Adam Phillips to examine whether the apparent good sense of balance can be disturbed. I show how Mill's and Phillips’ ideas extend into a consideration of the aesthetics of balance and the (...)
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    Newborn health benefits or financial risk protection? An ethical analysis of a real-life dilemma in a setting without universal health coverage.Kristine Husøy Onarheim, Ole Frithjof Norheim & Ingrid Miljeteig - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (8):524-530.
    IntroductionHigh healthcare costs make illness precarious for both patients and their families’ economic situation. Despite the recent focus on the interconnection between health and financial risk at the systemic level, the ethical conflict between concerns for potential health benefits and financial risk protection at the household level in a low-income setting is less understood.MethodsUsing a seven-step ethical analysis, we examine a real-life dilemma faced by families and health workers at the micro level in Ethiopia and analyse the acceptability of limiting (...)
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  23. A Conceptual Framework for Clearer Ethical Discussions About COVID-19 Response.Govind C. Persad - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):98-101.
    In this Commentary, I propose an ethical framework for ethical discussions around the allocation of scarce resources in COVID-19 response. The framework incorporates four principles: beneficence (benefiting people by saving lives or years of life), equality, remedying disadvantage, and recognizing past conduct. I then discuss how the framework interacts with ethical constraints against using people as a mere means and against causing death. The commentary closes by criticizing the equation of deontological ethics with random or first-come, first-served allocation and (...)
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    Duty and Boycotts: A Kantian Analysis.Richard Robinson - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (1):117-126.
    The societal benefits derived from competitive markets certainly depend upon participants conforming to generally accepted notions of moral duty. These notions include negative duties such as those against fraud, deception, and coercion and also positive duties such as those that favor beneficence but with limits. This investigation examines the extent that product, capital, and internal-labor markets are capable of imposing conformance to society’s expectations of duty through both formally and informally organized boycotts. A categorization of classic and recent boycotts (...)
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  25.  78
    Monitoring in clinical trials: benefit or bias?Cecilia Nardini - 2013 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 34 (4):259-274.
    Monitoring ongoing clinical trials for early signs of effectiveness is an option for improving cost-effectiveness of trials that is becoming increasingly common. Alongside the obvious advantages made possible by monitoring, however, there are some downsides. In particular, there is growing concern in the medical community that trials stopped early for benefit tend to overestimate treatment effect. In this paper, I examine this problem from the point of view of statistical methodology, starting from the observation that the overestimation is caused (...)
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  26. The Ethics of Information: Absolute Risk Reduction and Patient Understanding of Screening.Peter H. Schwartz & Eric M. Meslin - 2008 - Journal of General Internal Medicine 23 (6):867-870.
    Some experts have argued that patients should routinely be told the specific magnitude and absolute probability of potential risks and benefits of screening tests. This position is motivated by the idea that framing risk information in ways that are less precise violates the ethical principle of respect for autonomy and its application in informed consent or shared decisionmaking. In this Perspective, we consider a number of problems with this view that have not been adequately addressed. The most important challenges stem (...)
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  27. Do New Reproductive Technologies Benefit or Harm Children?Christine Overall - 2002 - In Donna Dickenson (ed.), Ethical Issues in Maternal-Fetal Medicine. Cambridge University Press.
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    Xenotransplantation Clinical Trials and Equitable Patient Selection.Christopher Bobier & Daniel Rodger - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (3):425-434.
    Xenotransplant patient selection recommendations restrict clinical trial participation to seriously ill patients for whom alternative therapies are unavailable or who will likely die while waiting for an allotransplant. Despite a scholarly consensus that this is advisable, we propose to examine this restriction. We offer three lines of criticism: (1) The risk–benefit calculation may well be unfavorable for seriously ill patients and society; (2) the guidelines conflict with criteria for equitable patient selection; and (3) the selection of seriously ill patients (...)
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  29.  60
    An analysis of common ethical justifications for compassionate use programs for experimental drugs.Kasper Raus - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):60.
    When a new intervention or drug is developed, this has to pass through various phases of clinical testing before it achieves market approval, which can take many years. This raises an issue for drugs which could benefit terminally ill patients. These patients might set their hopes on the experimental drug but are unable to wait since they are likely to pass away before the drug is available. As a means of nevertheless getting access to experimental drug, many seriously ill (...)
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  30.  36
    There are no in‐principle ethical objections to controlled voluntary SARS‐CoV‐2 infection.Dustin Crummett - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (3):237-245.
    In response to the COVID‐19 pandemic, some authors have advocated a program of controlled voluntary infection (CVI) with SARS‐CoV‐2. Under CVI, during periods where the medical system is under capacity, volunteers from low‐risk groups would be intentionally infected after giving informed consent, and then quarantined until they have developed immunity. Proponents claim that this could have benefits for society, such as building herd immunity and ensuring that critical workers won’t be incapacitated during the peak of the infection. They also claim (...)
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    Carrying the same pregnancy: A bioethical overview on Reciprocal effortless IVF and similar techniques.Emanuele Mangione - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (2):271-279.
    Nowadays, novel techniques such as Reciprocal effortless in vitro fertilization (ReIVF) enable two individuals to “carry the same pregnancy,” that is to “carry” the same embryo in both their bodies. However, even though these techniques are likely to be increasingly requested, little is known about their safety and efficacy, and much less about their bioethical legitimacy and issues. Considering their uniqueness, this study assesses the compatibility of ReIVF as well as of another similar technique with the classical principles of medical (...)
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  32.  30
    Is mandatory research ethics reviewing ethical?Murray Dyck & Gary Allen - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (8):517-520.
    Review boards responsible for vetting the ethical conduct of research have been criticised for their costliness, unreliability and inappropriate standards when evaluating some non-medical research, but the basic value of mandatory ethical review has not been questioned. When the standards that review boards use to evaluate research proposals are applied to review board practices, it is clear that review boards do not respect researchers or each other, lack merit and integrity, are not just and are not beneficent. The few benefits (...)
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  33.  42
    Should post-trial provision of beneficial experimental interventions be mandatory in developing countries?Z. Zong - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (3):188-192.
    The need for continuing provision of beneficial experimental interventions after research is concluded remains a controversial topic in bioethics for research. Based on the principle of beneficence, justice as reciprocity, concerns about exploitation and fair benefits, participants should be able to have continuing access to benefits beyond the research period. However, there is no consensus about whether or not post-trial provision of beneficial interventions should be mandatory for participants from developing countries. This paper summarises recommendations from international and national (...)
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  34.  64
    Reciprocity and Ethical Tuberculosis Treatment and Control.Diego S. Silva, Angus Dawson & Ross E. G. Upshur - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (1):75-86.
    This paper explores the notion of reciprocity in the context of active pulmonary and laryngeal tuberculosis treatment and related control policies and practices. We seek to do three things: First, we sketch the background to contemporary global TB care and suggest that poverty is a key feature when considering the treatment of TB patients. We use two examples from TB care to explore the role of reciprocity: isolation and the use of novel TB drugs. Second, we explore alternative means of (...)
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  35.  53
    Pharmaceutical Industry Financial Support for Medical Education: Benefit, or Undue Influence?Howard Brody - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (3):451-460.
    As early as the 1960s and 1970s, astute commentators began to call into question the degree of influence that the pharmaceutical industry was exercising over all aspects of medical research, education, and practice in the U.S. More recently, a spate of books and articles demonstrates that the issue has only become more serious in the last decade or two.My focus in this paper will be on the industry’s influence on medical education. The influence that the industry exerts on undergraduate and (...)
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    The Purpose of Creation and Value Analysis of Divine Actions in Mu’tazila.Hüseyin Maraz - 2020 - Kader 18 (1):87-114.
    This article descriptively discusses the divine purpose in the creation of the world and especially the human being, and the value analysis of the concepts, expressing this purpose in the light of the views of Qāḍī ʿAbd al-Jabbār (d. 415/1024), who was from the Basra School, and systemized the five doctrinal principles of the Mu'tazila. Accordingly, it answers the question why God created the human on the basis of the purpose/aim in divine actions and examines the qualitative value of the (...)
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    Commentary: The Application of Medical Ethics in Biomedical Research.Michael E. Frisina - 2006 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 15 (4):439-441.
    The question of how to prevent the malevolent use of biomedical research is not new. It has its genesis in how to prevent any new technology, invention, or scientific discovery created for the benefit and advancement of human welfare being used for the expressed purpose of harming the human community. There is the ethical component, the social responsibility component, and the intent to preserve the beneficent characteristic of biomedical research at stake in this issue.
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  38. Toward ethical norms and institutions for climate engineering research.David R. Morrow, Robert E. Kopp & Michael Oppenheimer - 2009 - Environmental Research Letters 4.
    Climate engineering (CE), the intentional modification of the climate in order to reduce the effects of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, is sometimes touted as a potential response to climate change. Increasing interest in the topic has led to proposals for empirical tests of hypothesized CE techniques, which raise serious ethical concerns. We propose three ethical guidelines for CE researchers, derived from the ethics literature on research with human and animal subjects, applicable in the event that CE research progresses beyond computer (...)
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    Identifying the Presence of Ethics Concepts in Chronic Pain Research: A Scoping Review of Neuroscience Journals.Rajita Sharma, Samuel A. Dale, Sapna Wadhawan, Melanie Anderson & Daniel Z. Buchman - 2022 - Neuroethics 15 (2):1-17.
    Background Chronic pain is a pervasive and invisible condition which affects people in a myriad of ways including but not limited to their quality of life, autonomy, mental and physical health, social mobility, and productivity. There are many ethical implications of neuroscience research on chronic pain, given its potential to reduce suffering and improve the lived experience of people in pain. While a growing body of research studies the etiology, neurophysiology, and management of chronic pain, it is unknown to what (...)
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  40. The morality of embryo use.Louis M. Guenin - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Is it permissible to use a human embryo in stem cell research, or in general as a means for benefit of others? Acknowledging each embryo as an object of moral concern, Louis M.Guenin argues that it is morally permissible to decline intrauterine transfer of an embryo formed outside the body, and that from this permission and the duty of beneficence, there follows a consensus justification for using donated embryos in service of humanitarian ends. He then proceeds to show (...)
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    Environmental and social performance.Vincent diNorcia - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (7):773-784.
    If an organization cares for nature, this paper contends, it will act so as not to harm the ecosystems it affects, or when it cannot so act at the moment it will commit itself to such action over time. For an organization's commitment to ecologically beneficent performance to be credible, one requires an action plan with specified targets determining the best ecologically beneficent pollution abatement and ecosystem improvement approaches in a situation. To this end the 4 Direct Environmental Performance Measures (...)
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    The Ethics of Medical Data Donation.Peter Dabrock, Matthias Braun & Patrik Hummel (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access book presents an ethical approach to utilizing personal medical data. It features essays that combine academic argument with practical application of ethical principles. The contributors are experts in ethics and law. They address the challenges in the re-use of medical data of the deceased on a voluntary basis. This pioneering study looks at the many factors involved when individuals and organizations wish to share information for research, policy-making, and humanitarian purposes. Today, it is easy to donate blood (...)
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    Clinician gate-keeping in clinical research is not ethically defensible: an analysis.K. Sharkey, J. Savulescu & S. Aranda - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (6):363-366.
    Clinician gate-keeping is the process whereby healthcare providers prevent access to eligible patients for research recruitment. This paper contends that clinician gate-keeping violates three principles that underpin international ethical guidelines: respect for persons or autonomy; beneficence or a favourable balance of risks and potential benefits; and justice or a fair distribution of the benefits and burdens of research. In order to stimulate further research and debate, three possible strategies are also presented to eliminate gate-keeping: partnership with professional researchers; collaborative (...)
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  44. Les perceptions et représentations de l'espace: Un lieu théologique disputé des temps médiévaux.P. Lecrivain - 1999 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 87 (4):519-549.
    Selon un lieu commun, la géographie médiévale se réduirait à une vaste parenthèse ouverte entre la fin du siècle d'or de l'Empire romain et la renaissance des grandes découvertes du XV° siècle. Mais quelle réalité s'agit-il de représenter ? Car toute représentation est tributaire, non seulement de conceptions particulières, mais aussi de moyens techniques qui ont présidé à son élaboration. Dans cet article, le lien entre la réalité et ses images, qui organise habituellement l'histoire de la cartographie, sera relâché au (...)
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  45. Human Participants in Engineering Research: Notes from a Fledgling Ethics Committee.David Koepsell, Willem-Paul Brinkman & Sylvia Pont - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (4):1033-1048.
    For the past half-century, issues relating to the ethical conduct of human research have focused largely on the domain of medical, and more recently social–psychological research. The modern regime of applied ethics, emerging as it has from the Nuremberg trials and certain other historical antecedents, applies the key principles of: autonomy, respect for persons, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice to human beings who enter trials of experimental drugs and devices :168–175, 2001). Institutions such as Institutional Review Boards and Ethics Committees (...)
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    Determining proxy consent.Richard O'Neil - 1983 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 8 (4):389-403.
    The paper clarifies the relative merits and proper roles of standards of review in the determination of proxy consent for those unable to make decisions concerning their own medical treatment. The "substituted judgment" standard asks which treatment the incompetent person would choose if competent, while the "best interests" test asks which treatment would benefit the patient. The tests are discussed in relation to the moral principles of autonomy and beneficence which provide their justification. I distinguish six types of (...)
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    Saving Lives.Garrett Cullity - 2004 - In The Moral Demands of Affluence. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press on Demand.
    Much of the work of aid agencies aims to prevent threats to life, rather than to save lives. And even when an aid agency’s activity does save life, it might be doubted whether my contribution to an agency’s pool of funds will itself benefit anyone significantly. However, whether or not that is true, an argument from the life-saving analogy will still support a collective requirement of beneficence on us as a group; and fairness will require me to contribute (...)
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  48. Introduction for the Special Issue on Fiduciary Ethics.Robert Paul Churchillstiv Fleishmanjoe Frank Jones Iii - 2003 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 10 (1):5-10.
    At a minimum, a fiduciary is one who is entrusted to act for the benefit of others. But as the essays in this volume indicate, fiduciary relationships can be conceived or argued to be thicker and/or more robust. In addition to a relation of trust and action on behalf of another, fiduciary relationships are often thought to include some or all of the following additions: asymmetries of power, knowledge, skill or ability; discretion or reasonable judgment on the part of (...)
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    Communities need to be equal partners in determining whether research is acceptable.Bridget G. Haire & John M. Kaldor - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (3):159-160.
    In many countries around the world, people who inject drugs remain at high risk of HIV acquisition not because effective forms of prevention are unknown, nor because they find effective prevention undesirable, but because those in charge, mainly politicians but also bureaucrats, find evidence-based practice politically unacceptable. The evidence for preventive efficacy of harm reduction strategies, most prominently needle and syringe programmes but also treatment programmes such as opiate substitution, is irrefutable.1 However, political responses to drug use issues are varied (...)
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    The Ethics of Writing Services for Graduate Students.Becky De Oliveira - 2019 - Teaching Ethics 19 (2):245-254.
    One area of ethical concern in higher education is writing services for graduate students, which can range from simple proofreading to rewriting content for flow, coherence, and structure to extensive content creation akin to ghostwriting. There are various ways to look at the use of writing services: 1) as a clear violations of ethics, presenting the student as a more capable writer than he or she is; 2) as a “necessary evil” resulting from greater numbers of individuals with inadequate writing (...)
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