Results for ' Bergson, perception, virtual, Matter and memory, virtual image, virtual action'

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  1.  35
    Bergson on virtuality and perception.Marc Parmentier - 2017 - Methodos 17.
    L'article se propose d'étudier le rôle important que Bergson fait jouer à la notion de « virtuel » dans la théorie de la « perception pure » exposée dans le premier chapitre de Matière et mémoire. Cette théorie fait en effet intervenir successivement les concepts de « perception virtuelle », d'« action virtuelle », d' « image virtuelle ». Malgré les similarités qui apparaissent entre les mécanismes de la perception et de la mémoire qui s'ordonnent toutes deux autour de (...)
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    Perception as Act in Bergson.Seon-Hui Lee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 53:393-399.
    This paper is for the purpose of clarify that perception is a conscious act through Bergson’s theory of images and perception in Matter and Memory. And yet this ‘act’ is not a pure action of consciousness or of sprit, which is transcendental from the reality and composes or recomposes it. That is, our perception is not pure knowledge. A pure conception is unconscious one, which takes place infinitely within the system of matter that is an ‘aggregate of (...)
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    Bergson’s Arguments for Matter as Images in Matter and Memory .Tatsuya Murayama - 2024 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 106 (4):858-883.
    In Matter and Memory, Bergson identifies a problem with perception and resolves it by arguing that matter is an aggregate of images. However, it is unclear whether and how Bergson justifies this thesis, and interpreters differ considerably on this question. This paper formulates and analyzes Bergson’s arguments for this thesis in Chapter 1 of Matter and Memory. Bergson presents five arguments, some of which echo arguments in early modern philosophy. They jointly compose a substantive, well-structured defense of (...)
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    The Cinematic Bergson: From Virtual Image to Actual Gesture.John Ó Maoilearca - 2016 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 24 (2):203-220.
    Deleuze’s film-philosophy makes much of the notion of virtual images in Bergson’s Matter and Memory, but in doing so he transforms a psycho-meta-physical thesis into a unBergsonian ontological one. In this essay, we will offer a corrective by exploring Bergson’s own explanation of the image as an “attitude of the body”—something that projects an actual, corporeal, and postural approach, not only to cinema, but also to philosophy. Indeed, just as Renoir famously said that “a director makes only one (...)
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    Image, Pure Perception, Matter -On Bergson’s Theory of Pure Perception-. 주재형 - 2019 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 141:87-113.
    베르그손이 1896년의 두 번째 주저 『물질과 기억』 1장에서 제시한 순수 지각 및 이미지 이론은 이 책이 출간된 이래 다양한 해석과 논쟁의 대상이 되어 왔다. 그럼에도 이 이론의 명확한 의미에 대해서는 여전히 해명되지 않은 바가 많다. 베르그손 스스로가 이 책의 7판 서문에서 이미지 개념과 자신의 순수 지각 이론에 대해 추가적인 해명을 시도하고 있을 정도이다. 우리는 이미지 개념 및 순수 지각 개념과 관련한 다음의 세 가지 명제를 증명함으로써 보다 명확한 해석을 제시하고자 한다. 그 세 가지 명제들은 다음과 같다. 1) 순수 지각은 실재적이다. (...)
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    Virtual action: O'Regan & noë meet Bergson.Stephen E. Robbins - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (6):906-907.
    Bergson, writing in 1896, anticipated “sensorimotor contingencies” under the concept that perception is “virtual action.” But to explain the external image, he embedded this concept in a holographic framework where time-motion is an indivisible and the relation of subject/object is in terms of time. The target article's account of qualitative visual experience falls short for lack of this larger framework. [Objects] send back, then, to my body, as would a mirror, their eventual influence; they take rank in an (...)
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  7. The memory of another past: Bergson, Deleuze and a new theory of time.Alia Al-Saji - 2004 - Continental Philosophy Review 37 (2):203-239.
    Through the philosophies of Bergson and Deleuze, my paper explores a different theory of time. I reconstitute Deleuze’s paradoxes of the past in Difference and Repetition and Bergsonism to reveal a theory of time in which the relation between past and present is one of coexistence rather than succession. The theory of memory implied here is a non-representational one. To elaborate this theory, I ask: what is the role of the “virtual image” in Bergson’s Matter and Memory? Far (...)
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  8. A present folded back on the past (bergson).Rudolf Bernet - 2005 - Research in Phenomenology 35 (1):55-76.
    In Matter and Memory, Bergson examines the relationship between perception and memory, the status of consciousness in its relation to the brain, and more generally, a possible conjunction of matter and mind. Our reading focuses in particular on his understanding of the evanescent presence of the present and of its debt vis-à-vis the "unconscious" consciousness of a "virtual" past. We wish to show that the Bergsonian version of a critique of "the metaphysics of presence" is, for all (...)
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  9.  46
    Bergson's scientific metaphysics: matter and memory today.Yasushi Hirai & Henri Bergson (eds.) - 2023 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This volume brings Bergson's key ideas from Matter and Memory into dialogue with contemporary themes on memory and time in science, across analytic and continental philosophy. Focusing specifically on the application of Bergson's ideas to cognitive science, the circuit between perception and memory receives full explication in 15 different essays. By re-reading Bergson through a cognitive lens, the essays provide a series of alternative analytic interpretations to the standard continental approach to Bergson's oeuvre, without fully discounting either approach. The (...)
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    Reflections on Duchamp: Bergson Readymade.Federico Luisetti & David Sharp - 2008 - Diacritics 38 (4):77-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reflections on DuchampBergson ReadymadeFederico Luisetti (bio)Translated by David Sharp[I]nside the person we must distinctly perceive, as through a glass, a set-up mechanism.—Henri Bergson, Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic (1901)In spite of the enormous critical attention paid to Marcel Duchamp’s art and theoretical background, the dialogue with Bergsonism is mostly confined to scattered references and erudite observations.1 Paradoxically, the major obstacle to this encounter has been (...)
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    VOLUME-IMAGE: The Future as Memory in Thierry Kuntzel's Video Installation.Anaïs Nony - 2019 - Intermediality: History and Theory of the Arts, Literature and Technologies 33:1-22.
    Video-objects are often discussed in terms of their ability to reflect upon the speed of our narcissistic culture, but less acknowledged is video’s agency to perform electronic events outside of human experience. This article engages in scholarship interested in the space of video operations where lived and imagined, real and virtual phenomena are experienced at the threshold of perception. Bringing into this conversation a discussion of The Waves (2003), an interactive installation by video pioneer and media critic Thierry Kuntzel, (...)
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    A Study of the Fidelity and Variability of the Memory in Bergson’s Matter and Memory. 주재형 - 2018 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 77:51-92.
    플라톤과 아리스토텔레스 이래로, 기억은 한편으로는 과거의 충실한 보존이면서 다른 한편으로는 과거의 자유로운 변형이라는 이중적이고 모순적인 면모를 가진 것으로 정의되어 왔다. 그런데 기억을 외부로부터의 지각 인상이 우리의 마음에 남긴 흔적으로 이해하는 전통적인 밀랍 각인 모델에서는 기억의 이 양면성을 제대로 설명할 수 없다. 기억의 존재 방식에 대한 새로운 모델이 요구되는 까닭이 여기에 있다. 우리의 가설은, 베르그손의 『물질과 기억』 1장에 제시된 이미지 개념을 확장하여, 베르그손의 본의와 반대로 기억 또한 지각과 마찬가지로 이미지로 보고, 기억과 지각의 차이를 동일한 이미지들의 상이한 관계 체계들에서 찾는 데 있다. (...)
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  13. Bergson's Philosophy of Memory.Trevor Perri - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (12):837-847.
    Bergson identifies multiple forms of memory throughout his work. In Matter and Memory, Bergson considers memory from the perspectives of both psychology and metaphysics, and he describes what we might refer to as contraction memory, perception memory, habit memory, recollection memory, and pure memory. Further, in subsequent works, Bergson discusses at least two additional forms of memory – namely, a memory of the present and a non-intellectual memory of the will. However, it is often not clear how these different (...)
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  14.  64
    Perception: Mirror-Image or Action?Anna Storozhuk - 2007 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 38 (2):369-382.
    In the article two viewpoints on the mind’s influence on perception are considered. One of them was developed on the assumption that perception is a nonproblematic source of knowledge about the world, which is free from mind’s influence— perception as a mirror-image. Another viewpoint is perception as action, i.e. active search and gathering the relevant information, its processing and evaluation. First viewpoint has dominated in philosophy for a long time, the second one has been developing in psychology from the (...)
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  15.  62
    Bergson i virtuelnost memorije.Mark Lošonc - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (3):371-387.
    This paper deals with the notion of virtual memory in Bergson?s philosophy, with special regard to the question of the independence of memory and the complex intertwining of spiritual recollections with perception. Attention is devoted to the Bergsonian analysis of the actualization of virtual contents. The author also confronts the Bergsonian notion of unconscious with that of Freud?s. It seems that the notion of virtual memory is relevant not only from a psychological or an epistemological perspective, but (...)
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  16.  59
    Time matters! Implications from mentally imaged motor actions.Markus Raab & Marc Boschker - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (2):208-209.
    Pylyshyn provides sound arguments against the dominant picture theory of mental imagery. However, we claim that mental imagery is intrinsically dynamic and that the very nature of mental imagery will not be uncovered by studying static pictures. Understanding mental imagery of motor actions reveals that any theory of mental imagery should start off with the temporal nature of real-life experiences.
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  17. From Mind to Matter: How Bergson Anticipated Quantum Ideas.Joël Dolbeault - 2012 - Mind and Matter 10 (1):25-45.
    In his book Matter and Memory of 1896, Bergson anticipated the quantum conception of matter: the idea that particles have a holistic nature, that matter is not substantial, that the movement and the position of a body cannot be determined simultaneously, and that physical processes do not obey a strict necessity. Surprisingly, he drew these conclusions from a reflection about the relation between mind and matter, in particular from his idea that perception is a relative coincidence (...)
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  18.  64
    Charcoal Matter with Memory: Images of Movement, Time and Duration in the animated films of William Kentridge.David H. Fleming - 2013 - Film-Philosophy 17 (1):402-423.
    In his temporal philosophy based on the writing of Henri Bergson, Gilles Deleuze describes duration ( durée ) as a becoming that endures in time. Reifications of this complex philosophical concept become artistically expressed, I argue, in the form and content of South African artist William Kentridge's series of 'charcoal drawings for projection.' These exhibited art works provide intriguing and illuminating 'philosophical' examples of animated audio-visual media, which expressively plicate distinct images of movement and time. The composition of Kentridge's films (...)
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  19. From Perception to Subject: The Bergsonian Reversal.Messay Kebede - 2014 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 22 (1):102-123.
    Regardless of the metaphysics that inspires them, theories of perception invariably end up in the trap of subjectivism. Thus, idealism argues that the world can be nothing more than a representation of the mind. As to dualism and materialism, despite fundamental differences, they share the common assumption that perception is a subjective replica of external objects. Opposed to these theories is common sense with its tenacious belief that an external world exists and that things are perceived where they are and (...)
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  20.  49
    (2 other versions)Matter and Memory.Henri Bergson - 1894 - New York,: The Macmillan co.. Edited by Paul, Nancy Margaret, [From Old Catalog], Palmer & William Scott.
    One of the major works of an important modem philosopher, Matter and Memory investigates the autonomous yet interconnected planes formed by matter and perception on the one hand and memory and time on the other. Henry Bergson (1859-1941) was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1927. His works include Time and Free Will, An Introduction to Metaphysics, Creative Evolution, and The Creative Mind.
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  21.  36
    The Life of the Image.Randall E. Auxier - 2020 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (1):1-6.
    Preview: Bergson noted that the cinematographic image does not really move. It is, then as now, a series of still photographs. The real motion in such images is produced by machinery, which imparts a kinesis, an energy of movement, to the succession of fixed images. Our perception then endows such images with their “life,” insofar as they can be said to possess life. It is an illusion, it is “virtual” both as space and time. The real duration, as generated (...)
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  22.  53
    Activite Perceptive Et Activite Hallucinatoire.Henri Ey - 1976 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 7 (1):70-77.
    Erwin Straus nourished his spirit on "Act psychology", "Gestalt psychology" and "Husserlian phenomenology" in Berlin and Göttingen, and has renewed his engagement with these problems in Lexington without renouncing his commitment to a tradition to which he has remained always faithful. It is in the realm of the psychology of perception that Erwin Straus - as did the analyses of Bergson, Gestalt psychology, and the phenomenology of Husserl - made his point of departure for his critique of sensationistic empiricism and (...)
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  23.  30
    Deleuze’s Cinema Books: Three Introductions to the Taxonomy of Images.David Deamer - 2016 - Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.
    Deleuze’s two Cinema books explore film through the creation of a series of philosophical concepts. Not only bewildering in number, Deleuze’s writing procedures mean his exegesis is both complex and elusive. -/- Three questions emerge: What are the underlying principles of the taxonomy? How many concepts are there, and what do they describe? How might each be used in engaging with a film? -/- This book is the first to fully respond to these three questions, unearthing the philosophies inspiring Deleuze’s (...)
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  24. Bergson’s panpsychism.Joël Dolbeault - 2018 - Continental Philosophy Review 51 (4):549-564.
    Physical processes manifest an objective order that science manages to discover. Commonly, it is considered that these processes obey the “laws of nature.” Bergson disputes this idea which ultimately constitutes a kind of Platonism. In contrast, he develops the idea that physical processes are a particular case of automatic behaviors. In this sense, they imply a motor memory immanent to matter, whose actions are triggered by some perceptions. This approach is obviously panpsychist. It gives matter a certain consciousness, (...)
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  25.  7
    What is the Present in Bergson’s Thought?Tatsuya Higaki - 2024 - Síntese Revista de Filosofia 51 (160):315.
    Bergson’s concept of the present is highly enigmatic one. On the one hand, he is a philosopher who follows common sense and pursues empiricism according to common sense. On the other hand, however, because he places em­phasis on flowing continuity of the duration, he only sees the present as a cross section of the flow. Ultimately, it can be said that the present is a non-existent concept in his philosophy. However, in the first chapter of Matter and Memory, he (...)
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    Deleuze avec Bergson : deux modélisations cinématographiques de la fabrique du réel.Alain Panéro - 2018 - Philosophiques 45 (1):143-157.
    In Cinema I, and II, Deleuze does an astonishing commentary of the first chapter of Matter and Memory. He perceives in Bergson an innovative theory of the intrinsic dynamism of images that could establish not only a philosophy of cinema but also a new ontology. It is as if Deleuze, in the wake of Bergson, had seen in the 7th art not the opportunity for an aesthetic reflection but rather the occasion of a renewed thought of the immanence. We (...)
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    Students' perception of the quality of virtual education in times of COVID-19 pandemic.Omar Flor, Veronica Toaza, Marlene Barragan & David Lopez - 2022 - Minerva 3 (7):37-41.
    This article presents a study on the perception of students pursuing technical careers, on aspects related to the quality of virtual education during times of covid-19 pandemic. The data analyzed were obtained from surveys of 75 students of various educational levels in aspects such as quality in teaching, accessibility to virtual resources, teacher training, continuity of the curriculum, equal conditions, and the influence of policy on the quality of education in general. It was concluded that the educational process (...)
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  28. The search for the experience at its source: matter, movement and perception in Bergson.Silene Torres Marques - 2013 - Trans/Form/Ação 36 (1):61-80.
    Nosso objetivo é destacar algumas questões concernentes ao problema da matéria e do movimento na filosofia de Bergson. Questões presentes em seu segundo livro, Matéria e memória, as quais indicam uma nova orientação de sua filosofia: a passagem da psicologia à metafísica; mais precisamente, a introdução do tema do movimento e da duração "fora de nós". O primeiro capítulo do livro, ao caracterizar o universo material como um conjunto de imagens, desempenha um papel fundamental nessa passagem, a qual efetivamente se (...)
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  29. Object-Oriented France: The Philosophy of Tristan Garcia.Graham Harman - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):6-21.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 6–21. The French philosopher and novelist Tristan Garcia was born in Toulouse in 1981. This makes him rather young to have written such an imaginative work of systematic philosophy as Forme et objet , 1 the latest entry in the MétaphysiqueS series at Presses universitaires de France. But this reference to Garcia’s youthfulness is not a form of condescension: by publishing a complete system of philosophy in the grand style, he has already done what none of us (...)
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  30. A Phenomenological (Husserlian) Defense of Bergson’s “Idealistic Concession”.Michael Kelly - 2010 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 14 (2):399-415.
    When summarizing the findings of his 1896 Matter and Memory, Bergson claims: “That every reality has... a relation with consciousness—this is what we concede to idealism.” Yet Bergson’s 1896 text presents the theory of “pure perception,” which, since it accounts for perception according to the brain’s mechanical transmissions, apparently leaves no room for subjective consciousness. Bergson’s theory of pure perception would appear to render his idealistic concession absurd. In this paper, I attempt to defend Bergson’s idealistic concession. I argue (...)
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  31.  90
    Bergson, perception and Gibson.Stephen E. Robbins - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (5):23-45.
    Bergson's 1896 theory of perception/memory assumed a framework anticipating the quantum revolution in physics, the still unrealized implications of this framework contributing to the large neglect of Bergson today. The basics of his model are explored, including the physical concepts he advanced before the crisis in classical physics, his concept of perception as ‘virtual action’ with its relativistic implications, and his unique explication of the subject/object relationship. All form the basis for his solution to the ‘hard’ problem. The (...)
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  32.  27
    Virtual identity crisis: The phenomenology of Lockean selfhood in the “Age of Disruption”.Michael F. Deckard & Stephen Williamson - 2020 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 20 (1):e1887573.
    From the end of the seventeenth century to now well into the 21st, John Locke’s theory of personal identity has been foundational in the field of philosophy and psychology. Here we suggest that there are two fundamental threads intertwined in Lockean identity, the flux of perception-thought-action (i.e. continuity of consciousness) and memory. Using Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Paul Ricoeur, and Bernard Steigler as guides we will see that these threads constitute a phenomenological self (l’ésprit), a lived experience of our identity that (...)
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    Uning legacies: White matters of memory in portraits of ‘our princess’.Ruby C. Tapia - 2001 - Cultural Values 5 (2):261-287.
    This article analyzes ‘commemorative’ images of Diana Spencer for how they invoke tropes of charity and sympathy to produce racialized mediations of history, memory, motherhood and US national identity. Drawing from cultural theory that establishes technologies of memory and forgetting as material forces, this discussion illumines how images of Diana appearing in such popular US magazines as People and Life incorporate visual scripts of race and sentiment that have historically demarcated the relative social value(s) of maternity and reproduction. Understanding visual (...)
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    How do Internet moms raise children? The reshaping of Chinese urban women’s parenting psychology by COVID-19 online practices.Ru Zhao & Gaofei Ju - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the acceleration of social transformation and “mediatization,” urban women’s parenting practices have become an important factor affecting the demographic structure and national development. The global COVID-19 pandemic has further contributed to the networking of social life and the creation of “Internet moms” who rely on the Internet for parenting interactions. Using a mixed-methods design, this paper conducted participant observation and in-depth interviews with 90 mothers from various industries born after 1980/1990 across multiple geographies in China to examine the impact (...)
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    Living in Time: The Philosophy of Henri Bergson.Barry Allen - 2023 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    Henri Bergson (1859-1941) was once the most famous philosopher in the world, but his reputation waned in the latter half of the 20th century. Barry Allen here makes the case for Bergson as a great philosopher, one whose thought has much to contribute to contemporary philosophical questions. Living in Time presents chapters on each of Bergson's four major works, explaining his theories of time, perception, memory, and panpsychic consciousness, his innovative concept of virtual existence, his objection to Darwin, his (...)
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    (1 other version)Key writings.Henri Bergson - 2002 - New York: Continuum. Edited by Keith Ansell-Pearson & John Mullarkey.
    This volume brings together generous selections from his major texts: Time and Free Will, Matter and Memory, Creative Evolution, Mind-Energy, The Creative Mind, The Two Sources of Morality and Religion and Laughter. In addition it features material from the Melanges never before translated in English, such as the correspondence between Bergson and William James. The volume will be an excellent textbook for pedagogic purposes and a helpful source book for philosophers working across the analytic/continental divide.
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  37. The Poetry of Alessandro De Francesco.Belle Cushing - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):286-310.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 286—310. This mad play of writing —Stéphane Mallarmé Somewhere in between mathematics and theory, light and dark, physicality and projection, oscillates the poetry of Alessandro De Francesco. The texts hold no periods or commas, not even a capital letter for reference. Each piece stands as an individual construction, and yet the poetry flows in and out of the frame. Images resurface from one poem to the next, haunting the reader with reincarnations of an object lost in the (...)
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  38. Consciousness Emerging: The Dynamics of Perception, Imagination, Action, Memory, Thought, and Language.Renate Bartsch - 2002 - Philadelphia, Pa.: John Benjamins.
    This study of the workings of neural networks in perception and understanding of situations and simple sentences shows that, and how, distributed conceptual constituents are bound together in episodes within an interactive/dynamic architecture of sensorial and pre-motor maps, and maps of conceptual indicators (semantic memory) and individuating indicators (historical, episodic memory). Activation circuits between these maps make sensorial and pre-motor fields in the brain function as episodic maps creating representations, which are expressions in consciousness. It is argued that all consciousness (...)
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  39. Bergson’s Philosophy of Self-Overcoming: Thinking without Negativity or Time as Striving.Messay Kebede - 2019 - Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book proposes a new reading of Bergsonism based on the admission that time, conceived as duration, stretches instead of passes. This swelling time is full and so excludes the negative. Yet, swelling requires some resistance, but such that it is more of a stimulant than a contrariety. The notion of élan vital fulfills this requirement: it states the immanence of life to matter, thereby deriving the swelling from an internal effort and allowing its conceptualization as self-overcoming. With self-overcoming (...)
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    The Disarticulation of Time: the Zeitbewußtsein in Phenomenology of Perception.Keith Whitmoyer - 2015 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 46 (3):213-232.
    In an effort to reassess the status of Phenomenology of Perception and its relation to The Visible and the Invisible, this essay argues that Merleau-Ponty's engagement with Husserl's text and his discussion of the “field of presence” in La temporalité are intended to think through the field in which time makes its appearance as one of passage. Time does not show itself as presence or in the present but manifests itself as Ablauf, as lapse or flow, an écoulement that is (...)
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    The life and the crystal. Paths into the virtual in Bergson, Simondon and Deleuze.Giulio Piatti - 2016 - la Deleuziana 3:51-58.
    In his analysis of memory, Henri Bergson introduces the key concept of ‘virtuality’, understood as a non- actual reality, an unpredictable and pre-human élan vital. Several years later, the virtual will play a key role in the way that Gilles Deleuze tries to conceive the notion of a ‘plane of immanence’, that is, a whole that guides an inexhaustible process of actualisation. Deleuze, however, refers not only to Bergson but to Gilbert Simondon and to his concept of ‘preindividual field’, (...)
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  42.  42
    Why do doctored images distort memory?Robert A. Nash, Kimberley A. Wade & Rebecca J. Brewer - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):773-780.
    Doctored images can cause people to believe in and remember experiences that never occurred, yet the underlying mechanism responsible are not well understood. How does compelling false evidence distort autobiographical memory? Subjects were filmed observing and copying a Research Assistant performing simple actions, then they returned 2 days later for a memory test. Before taking the test, subjects viewed video-clips of simple actions, including actions that they neither observed nor performed earlier. We varied the format of the video-clips between-subjects to (...)
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    New Philosophy for New Media.Mark B. N. Hansen - 2004 - MIT Press.
    In New Philosophy for New Media, Mark Hansen defines the image in digital art in terms that go beyond the merely visual. Arguing that the "digital image" encompasses the entire process by which information is made perceivable, he places the body in a privileged position -- as the agent that filters information in order to create images. By doing so, he counters prevailing notions of technological transcendence and argues for the indispensability of the human in the digital era.Hansen examines new (...)
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    Images, memory, and perception.Alastair Hannay - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):552-553.
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    Entre o lembrar e o esquecer: reflexões sobre a memória e o esquecimento a partir de Nietzsche e Bergson.Ludymylla Lucena - 2022 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 22 (1):85-94.
    This work aims to highlight the continuous game and the paradoxical relationship established between memory and forgetfulness based on the contributions of Friedrich Nietzsche and Henri Bergson. We will follow the hypothesis that the origin of memory and consciousness in Nietzsche is very close to that made by Bergson in Matter and Memory. I will try to expose how memory in Bergson arises in the interval between action and reaction, at the moment when man hesitates, organizes and selects (...)
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    The Facial Expressive Action Stimulus Test. A test battery for the assessment of face memory, face and object perception, configuration processing, and facial expression recognition.Beatrice de Gelder, Elisabeth M. J. Huis in ‘T. Veld & Jan Van den Stock - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:162648.
    There are many ways to assess face perception skills. In this study, we describe a novel task battery FEAST (Facial Expression Action Stimulus Test) developed to test recognition of identity and expressions of human faces as well as stimulus control categories. The FEAST consists of a neutral and emotional face memory task, a face and object identity matching task, a face and house part-to-whole matching task, and a human and animal facial expression matching task. The identity and part-to-whole matching (...)
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    Being There or Non-being There: Memory of Experience in Virtual Space.Zeliha Bayrakçı - 2023 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 15 (2):185-197.
    When we are present in a space we have been to before, we remember our experiences or events, people, and things related to that space. However, we can remember a space we have not been to and experiences that do not belong to us. We can have memories of them through transferential spaces created by mediums such as images, films, television, or virtual reality. These virtual spaces enable the transfer of experiences and memories. This study focuses on the (...)
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  48. Image Content.Mohan Matthen - 2014 - In Berit Brogaard, Does Perception Have Content? New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 265-290.
    The senses present their content in the form of images, three-dimensional arrays of located sense features. Peacocke’s “scenario content” is one attempt to capture image content; here, a richer notion is presented, sensory images include located objects and features predicated of them. It is argued that our grasp of the meaning of these images implies that they have propositional content. Two problems concerning image content are explored. The first is that even on an enriched conception, image content has certain expressive (...)
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  49. Action-based Theories of Perception.Robert Briscoe & Rick Grush - 2015 - In Robert Briscoe & Rick Grush, Action-based Theories of Perception. pp. 1-66.
    Action is a means of acquiring perceptual information about the environment. Turning around, for example, alters your spatial relations to surrounding objects and, hence, which of their properties you visually perceive. Moving your hand over an object’s surface enables you to feel its shape, temperature, and texture. Sniffing and walking around a room enables you to track down the source of an unpleasant smell. Active or passive movements of the body can also generate useful sources of perceptual information (Gibson (...)
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  50. Is Iconic Memory Iconic?Jake Quilty-Dunn - 2019 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 101 (3):660-682.
    Short‐term memory in vision is typically thought to divide into at least two memory stores: a short, fragile, high‐capacity store known as iconic memory, and a longer, durable, capacity‐limited store known as visual working memory (VWM). This paper argues that iconic memory stores icons, i.e., image‐like perceptual representations. The iconicity of iconic memory has significant consequences for understanding consciousness, nonconceptual content, and the perception–cognition border. Steven Gross and Jonathan Flombaum have recently challenged the division between iconic memory and VWM by (...)
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