Results for ' Bio-objectification'

976 found
  1.  32
    Bringing in the controversy: re-politicizing the de-politicized strategy of ethics committees.Malin Ideland, Tora Holmberg & Lonneke Poort - 2013 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 9 (1):1-13.
    Human/animal relations are potentially controversial and biotechnologically produced animals and animal-like creatures – bio-objects such as transgenics, clones, cybrids and other hybrids – have often created lively political debate since they challenge established social and moral norms. Ethical issues regarding the human/animal relations in biotechnological developments have at times been widely debated in many European countries and beyond. However, the general trend is a move away from parliamentary and public debate towards institutionalized ethics and technified expert panels. We explore by (...)
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    Governing the research-care divide in clinical biobanking: Dutch perspectives.Conor M. W. Douglas & Martin Boeckhout - 2015 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 11 (1):1-16.
    Biobanking, the large-scale, systematic collection of data and tissue for open-ended research purposes, is on the rise, particularly in clinical research. The infrastructures for the systematic procurement, management and eventual use of human tissue and data are positioned between healthcare and research. However, the positioning of biobanking infrastructures and transfer of tissue and data between research and care is not an innocuous go-between. Instead, it involves changes in both domains and raises issues about how distinctions between research and care are (...)
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    Constructing populations in biobanking.Jose A. Cañada, Karoliina Snell & Aaro Tupasela - 2015 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 11 (1).
    This article poses the question of whether biobanking practices and standards are giving rise to the construction of populations from which various biobanking initiatives increasingly draw on for legitimacy? We argue that although recent biobanking policies encourage various forms of engagement with publics to ensure legitimacy, different biobanks conceptualize their engagement strategies very differently. We suggest that biobanks undertake a broad range of different strategies with regard to engagement. We argue that these different approaches to engagement strategies are contributing to (...)
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    Selfies, relfies and phallic tagging: posthuman part-icipations in teen digital sexuality assemblages.Emma Renold & Jessica Ringrose - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (11):1066-1079.
    Inspired by posthuman feminist theory, this paper explores young people’s entanglement with the bio-technological landscape of image creation and exchange in young networked peer cultures. We suggest that we are seeing new formations of sexual objectification when the more-than-human is foregrounded and the blurry ontological divide between human and machine are enlivened through queer and feminist Materialist analyses. Drawing upon multimodal qualitative data generated with teen boys and girls living in urban inner London and semi-rural Wales we map how (...)
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    From Metaphysical Representations to Aesthetic Life: Toward the Encounter with the Other in the Perspective of Daoism by Massimiliano Lacertosa (review).Renjie Li - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (4):1-4.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:From Metaphysical Representations to Aesthetic Life: Toward the Encounter with the Other in the Perspective of Daoism by Massimiliano LacertosaRenjie Li (bio)From Metaphysical Representations to Aesthetic Life: Toward the Encounter with the Other in the Perspective of Daoism. By Massimiliano Lacertosa. Albany: SUNY Press, 2023. Pp. 220, Paperback $34.95, isbn 978-1-4384-9364-0.The title of Massimiliano Lacertosa's From Metaphysical Representations to Aesthetic Life: Toward the Encounter with the Other in (...)
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  6. Commodification of Body Parts: By Medicine or by Media?Clive Seale, Debbie Cavers & Mary Dixon-Woods - 2006 - Body and Society 12 (1):25-42.
    Commentators frequently point to the involvement of biomedicine and bio-science in the objectification and commodification of human body parts, and the consequent potential for violation of personal, social and community meanings. Through a study of UK media coverage of controversies associated with the removal of body parts and human materials from children, we argue that an exclusive emphasis on the role of medicine and the bio-sciences in the commodification of human materials ignores the important role played by commercially motivated (...)
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  7.  23
    Chinese and Indian Ways of Thinking in Early Modern European Philosophy: The Reception and the Exclusion by Selusi Ambrogio (review).Catherine König-Pralong - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (1):203-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Chinese and Indian Ways of Thinking in Early Modern European Philosophy: The Reception and the Exclusion by Selusi AmbrogioCatherine König-Pralong (bio)Chinese and Indian Ways of Thinking in Early Modern European Philosophy: The Reception and the Exclusion. By Selusi Ambrogio. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. How Modern Historians of Philosophy Drew Their World MapsIn his latest book, Chinese and Indian Ways of Thinking in Early Modern European Philosophy: The Reception (...)
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  8. Burqas in Back Alleys: Street Art, hijab, and the Reterritorialization of Public Space.John A. Sweeney - 2011 - Continent 1 (4):253-278.
    continent. 1.4 (2011): 253—278. A Sense of French Politics Politics itself is not the exercise of power or struggle for power. Politics is first of all the configuration of a space as political, the framing of a specific sphere of experience, the setting of objects posed as "common" and of subjects to whom the capacity is recognized to designate these objects and discuss about them.(1) On April 14, 2011, France implemented its controversial ban of the niqab and burqa , commonly (...)
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  9. Osvaldo Pino arriagada/walter illanes hidalgo método indirecto para la obtención de Una matriz insumo-producto: Aplicación para el Caso VIII región Del bío-bío.Viii Region Del Bio-Bio - 2003 - Theoria 12:75-86.
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  10. Jean-Yves Martin Paris.Et Économiques Les Objectifs Politiques & au Cameroun de L'éducation Permanente - 1983 - Paideia 10:57.
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  11. Bibliograficznych nadesłanych przez osoby związane Z akademickim środowiskiem filozoficznym.not bio - 2004 - Principia 40.
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  12.  74
    Remissão sintomática e qualidade de vida em pacientes com depressão maior tratados com antidepressivo: um estudo prospectivo.Danielle Soares Bio, Érika Leonardo de Souza & Ricardo Alberto Moreno - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 34:151-162.
    Este estudo teve como objetivo estimar a Qualidade de Vida (QV) em pacientes com transtorno depressivo maior antes e após tratamento antidepressivo eficaz. Participaram do estudo 26 indivíduos (18 a 65 anos) com episódio agudo de Transtorno Depressivo Maior, segundo critérios do DSM-IV. A duração do..
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    A. COLINET, Les alchimistes grecs. Tome X. L'Anonyme de Zuretti ou L'art sacré et divin de la chrysopée par un anonyme.Anna Maria Ieraci Bio - 2002 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (2):680-684.
    La Collection Les Alchimistes Grecs della CUF si arricchisce d'un altro volume con un'opera del tutto nuova rispetto ai due volumi già pubblicati, l'Anonyme de Zuretti: il testo, che prende il nome da C. O. Zuretti, il quale ne curò nel 1930 l'editio princeps nel VII volume del Catalogue des manuscrits alchimistes grecs, è «un traité pratique, complet et systematique, rédigé à l'époque médiévale par un Grec d'Italie du Sud. Celui-ci se base sur de nombreuses sources latines et arabo-latines, sans (...)
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    The CCP Was a Fighting Party, But its Theoretical Level was Low. Tschang-Bio - 1971 - Chinese Studies in History 4 (2):178-183.
    Rumors were afoot at the Sixth Comintern Congress that there were political differences between Bukharin and Stalin. Except for Ch'ü Ch'iu-pai's comments on the Comintern Theses, other Chinese delegates seem to have expressed no public disagreement with Bukharin. The following speech, made by one "Tschang-Bio" (Chang Kuo-t'ao?) at the fourteenth session, may serve to illustrate this tactful attitude.
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    Literatura: digressão/transgressão.Fábio Figueiredo Camargo, Fernanda Aquino Sylvestre, Ivan Marcos Ribeiro & Pedro Malard Monteiro (eds.) - 2016 - Uberlândia, MG: EDUFU.
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    Rumo à justiça.Fábio Konder Comparato - 2013 - São Paulo, SP: Editora Saraiva.
    A obra procura ter como inspiração central a ideia de Justiça. Considerando a Justiça como uma exigência comunitária de fazer o Bem e impedir o Mal, ela só se realiza plenamente quando organizada sob a forma de Poder, isto é, da força a serviço do Direito.
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  17. Postema on analogies in law.Fábio Perin Shecaira - 2020 - In Thomas da Rosa de Bustamante & Thiago Lopes Decat (eds.), Philosophy of law as an integral part of philosophy: essays on the jurisprudence of Gerald J. Postema. New York, NY: Hart Publishing, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
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  18. Teilhard de Chardin.Euzébio Martinazzo - 1968 - Petrópolis,: Ed. Vozes.
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  19. Free will and determinism.On Free Will, Bio-Cultural Evolution Hans Fink, Niels Henrik Gregersen & Problem Torben Bo Jansen - 1991 - Zygon 26 (3):447.
  20.  15
    Crer ou não crer: uma conversa sem rodeios entre um historiador ateu e um padre católico.Fábio de Melo - 2017 - São Paulo, SP: Planeta. Edited by Leandro Karnal.
    O que pode dizer um homem que fez o voto de se dedicar a Deus a outro que está plenamente convencido de Deus não existe? O que pode ouvir um crente de um ateu? O que um ateu pode aprender? São questões assim que guiaram o encontro entre o padre Fábio de Melo e o historiador Leandro Karnal e resultaram neste livro. Um debate rico e respeitoso entre um cético e um católico que oferece uma referência importante aos brasileiros crentes (...)
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  21.  4
    Legal Scholarship as a Source of Law.Fábio P. Shecaira - 2013 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book is about the use of legal scholarship by judges. It discusses the possibility that legal scholarship may function as a genuine source of law in modern municipal legal systems. The book advances a number of claims, some conceptual, some empirical, some normative. The major conceptual claims are found in Chapters 2 and 3, where a general account of the notion of a source of law is provided. Roughly, sources of law are documents or practices (e.g. statutes, judicial decisions, (...)
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  22.  68
    Psicanálise e racismo: interpretações a partir de Quarto de despejo.Fábio Belo (ed.) - 2018 - Belo Horizonte, MG: Relicário.
    Carolina Maria de Jesus, a partir de seu "Quarto de Despejo", inspira o diálogo transdisciplinar entre a psicanálise, o direito e a literatura, nos artigos reunidos neste livro. Como a obra de Carolina e o diálogo acadêmico inspirado por ela pode nos auxiliar a pensar sobre e a lutar contra o racismo? Fazendo circular e acreditando na força que a palavra tem de desconstruir as ficções psíquicas e políticas que organizam nosso pacto social. Essa é a aposta que anima a (...)
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  23. Change and continuity among the Batombu since 1900.Emmanuel Oladipo Ojo & Sabi Joshua Bio - 2018 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 57 (1):1-16.
    Like elsewhere in Nigeria and Africa, the imposition of colonial rule on Batombuland and the incursion of western ideas produced profound socio-cultural, economic and political changes in the Batombu society. However, unlike several Nigerian and African peoples whose histories have received extensive scholarly attention, the history of the Batombu has attracted very little scholarly attention. Thus virtually neglected, the Batombu occupies a mere footnote position in the extant historiography of Nigeria. This is the gap this article seeks to fill. It (...)
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    Objectification and Domination.Aleksy Tarasenko-Struc - 2021 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 8:406-440.
    I resolve a tension between two prominent strands of feminist social critique. On the first, the domination of women consists largely in their objectification, and the objectifying character of such domination primarily explains why it is wrong. On the second, some salient forms of domination have a distinctively intersubjective dimension that makes them crucially unlike our standard modes of relating to objects. Yet in that case, how could characterizing these acts as objectifying capture why they are wrong? Focusing on (...)
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  25. Epistemic Objectification as the Primary Harm of Testimonial Injustice.Aidan McGlynn - 2019 - Episteme 18 (2):160-176.
    This paper criticises Miranda Fricker's account of the primary harm of testimonial injustice as a kind of epistemic objectification, where the latter is understood on the model provided by Martha Nussbaum's influential analysis of sexual objectification and where it is taken to involve the denial of someone's epistemic agency. I examine the existing objections to Fricker's account of the primary harm, criticising some while accepting the force of others, and I argue that one of Fricker's own central examples (...)
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  26.  13
    Bio-Objects: Life in the 21st Century.Niki Vermeulen & Sakari Tamminen - 2012 - Routledge.
    Examining a variety of bio-objects in contexts beyond the laboratory, Bio-Objects: Life in the 21st Century explores new ways of thinking about how novel bio-objects enter contemporary life, analysing the manner in which the boundaries between human and animal, organic and non-organic, and being 'alive' and the suspension of living, are questioned, destabilised and in some cases re-established.
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  27. Sexual Objectification.Timo Jütten - 2016 - Ethics 127 (1):27-49.
    According to Martha Nussbaum, objectification is essentially a form of instrumentalization or use. I argue that this instrumentalization account fails to capture the distinctive harms and wrongs of sexual objectification, because it does not explain the relationship between instrumentalization and the processes of social stereotyping that make it possible. I develop an imposition account of sexual objectification that provides such an explanation and, therefore, should be preferred over the instrumentalization account. It draws on a contrast between imposition (...)
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  28. Objectification and vision: how images shape our early visual processes.Alice Roberts - 2021 - Synthese 32 (1-2).
    Objectification involves treating someone as a thing. The role of images in perpetuating objectification has been discussed by feminist philosophers. However, the precise effect that images have on an individual's visual system is seldom explored. Kathleen Stock’s work is an exception—she describes certain images of women as causing viewers to develop an objectifying ‘gestalt’ which is then projected onto real-life women. However, she doesn’t specify the level of visual processing at which objectification occurs. In this paper, I (...)
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  29.  90
    Bíos y zoé: una discusión en torno a las prácticas de dominación ya la política.Hernán Borisonik & Fernando Beresñak - 2012 - Astrolabio 13:82-90.
    La biopolítica ha devenido, sin duda, una de las categorías centrales para la reflexión política contemporánea. Dada su importancia, resulta imperioso avanzar sobre algunas operaciones teóricas que no logran dar cuenta de su especificidad, en tanto que administración de la vida como forma de dominación. Al respecto, y con la intención de rehabilitar la conceptualización de la política, nos interesa demostrar cómo la aparente dicotomía entre zoé y bíos que pretende discutir Agamben no encuentra respaldo en los textos que él (...)
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  30.  36
    Wild Objectification: Social Work as Object.Morten Nissen - 2004 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 6 (1):73-89.
    The paper is about objectification in and of social work. Drawing on a decade-long cooperation with a Copenhagen social workers network focused in the organization Wild Learning, and starting from an Internet essay this organization has provided, the problems with objectifying social work are discussed. Viewed as basically a wholistic subjectification, social work cannot easily be endowed with objectivity in the form of scientific standards, and the objects representing it are often like novels, uniqueness mass-produced; they can be said (...)
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  31.  58
    Are bio-ontologies metaphysical theories?Oliver M. Lean - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):11587-11608.
    Bio-ontologies are digital frameworks for handling biological and biomedical data. They consist of theoretical entities and relations with explicitly defined logical structures and precise definitions, whose purpose is to provide a shared language for representing information to be distributed and integrated across diverse scientific contexts. It is tempting to view bio-ontologies as clear and formal expressions of a scientific community’s ontological commitments about their domain of inquiry, and to view their integration as tantamount to the metaphysical unification of science that (...)
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  32. Objectification’ and Obfuscation.Danny Frederick - 2016 - Kritike 10 (2):173-90.
    Martha Nussbaum attempts to improve the clarity of the obscure talk of feminists and conservatives about objectification in connection with sexual matters. Her discussion is a substantial improvement. However, it is inconsistent and opaque, and she continues to apply the pejorative term ‘objectification’ to activities which she herself admits are morally unproblematic and which may even be a joyous part of life. I explain the deficiencies in Nussbaum’s discussion, including the fact that she does not notice the one (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Bio-Agency and the Possibility of Artificial Agents.Anne Sophie Meincke - 2018 - In David Hommen Alexander Christian & Alexander Christian (eds.), Philosophy of Science - Between the Natural Sciences, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities. Selected Papers from the 2016 conference of the German Society of Philosophy of Science. pp. 65-93.
    Within the philosophy of biology, recently promising steps have been made towards a biologically grounded concept of agency. Agency is described as bio-agency: the intrinsically normative adaptive behaviour of human and non-human organisms, arising from their biological autonomy. My paper assesses the bio-agency approach by examining criticism recently directed by its proponents against the project of embodied robotics. Defenders of the bio-agency approach have claimed that embodied robots do not, and for fundamental reasons cannot, qualify as artificial agents because they (...)
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    The Bio-semiotic Roots of Metapsychology.Anna Aragno - 2010 - Biosemiotics 3 (1):57-77.
    This paper provides an overview of the origins, vicissitudes, and abandonment of ‘metapsychology’, the psycho-biological scientific core of the Freudian opus, and introduces the authors’ key revisions. Although couched in the language of metaphor and analogy from 19th century physics, the conceptual foundations of Freud’s theories contained the seeds of a bio-semiotic theory of mind and of human nature in the natural world. Its updated, modernized, version opens the door to an inter-penetrative epistemology leading to universal principles of logical form, (...)
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    Bio-Power: A Critique of "Legitimate Violence".Roxana-Alice Stoenescu - 2018 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:93-114.
    The present research examines what forms violence has taken along rationalisation processes. To be able to work out this core, it is necessary to deal with the bio-power first. By analysing the development process of bio-power the Implemantation of its disciplinary and regulatory technologies becomes apparent. On the basis of this, the Altered forms of violence become clear within modern society. The impact this has had on modern society and the reason it became possible will be examined in detail in (...)
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    Bio-Social Race as a Socially Salient Conception of Race.Yosef Washington - 2025 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 55 (2):127-145.
    In this paper I argue that a Bio-Social conception of “race” is a socially salient conception within the United States. This conception is “socially salient” in the sense that is demonstrative of public understanding and public use of the race concept within context of the United States and its member institutions. This conception is “Bio-Social” in the sense that a set of biological and social properties form the necessary conditions for “race” and “racial group membership.” I explain that these biological (...)
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  37. Sexual Objectification.K. Stock - 2015 - Analysis 75 (2):191-195.
    Sexual objectification, in the broadest terms, involves treating people as things. Philosophers have offered different accounts of what, more precisely, this involves. According to the conjoint view of Catherine Mackinnon and Sally Haslanger, sexual objectification is necessarily morally objectionable. According to Martha Nussbaum, it is not: there can be benign instances of it, in the course of a healthy sexual relationship, for instance. This is taken to be a serious disagreement, both by Nussbaum and by recent commentators such (...)
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  38.  53
    Objectification and self-knowledge: A critical examination.Patricia Sanborn - 1967 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 28 (1):39-47.
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    Overcoming Objectification: A Carnal Ethics.Ann J. Cahill - 2011 - Routledge.
    Objectification is a foundational concept in feminist theory, used to analyze such disparate social phenomena as sex work, representation of women's bodies, and sexual harassment. However, there has been an increasing trend among scholars of rejecting and re-evaluating the philosophical assumptions which underpin it. In this work, Cahill suggests an abandonment of the notion of objectification, on the basis of its dependence on a Kantian ideal of personhood. Such an ideal fails to recognize sufficiently the role the body (...)
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    (1 other version)Epidemiology and the bio-statistical theory of disease: a challenging perspective.Élodie Giroux - 2015 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 36 (3):175-195.
    Christopher Boorse’s bio-statistical theory of health and disease argues that the central discipline on which theoretical medicine relies is physiology. His theory has been much discussed but little has been said about its focus on physiology or, conversely, about the role that other biomedical disciplines may play in establishing a theoretical concept of health. Since at least the 1950s, epidemiology has gained in strength and legitimacy as an independent medical science that contributes to our knowledge of health and disease. Indeed, (...)
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    A Bio-Psycho-Social Co-created Intervention for Young Adults With Multiple Sclerosis (ESPRIMO): Rationale and Study Protocol for a Feasibility Study.Valeria Donisi, Alberto Gajofatto, Maria Angela Mazzi, Francesca Gobbin, Isolde Martina Busch, Annamaria Ghellere, Alina Klonova, Doriana Rudi, Francesca Vitali, Federico Schena, Lidia Del Piccolo & Michela Rimondini - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundMultiple sclerosis, the most common neurological disease that causes disability in youth, does not only affect physical functions but is also associated with cognitive impairment, fatigue, depression, and anxiety and can significantly impact health-related quality of life. Since MS is generally diagnosed at a young age—a period of great significance for personal, relational, and professional development—adaptation can become highly challenging. Therefore, enhancing the competence of young people to adaptively cope with these potential challenges is of utmost importance in order to (...)
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    Bio matter in creative practises for fashion and design.Galina Mihaleva - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (4):1361-1365.
    Through an examination of the bacteria that produce the cellulose, an investigation of the growing process and properties, and a discussion of an artistic exploration, one can fully grasp bio cellulose’s potential in becoming a synergist for sustainable fashion. This new creative and radical approach re-imagines the future materials for fashion and other fields requiring textile applications that are grown and renewable. Questions how textile can be created to be sustainable, biodegradable and infinitely reusable and mainly what the paradigms for (...)
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    Sexual Objectification: From Complicity to Solidarity.Rosie Worsdale - unknown - Dissertation, 2017
    This thesis defends the diagnostic accuracy and political usefulness of the claim that women are complicit in their sexual objectification. Feminists have long struggled to demarcate the appropriate limits of feminist critiques of sexual objectification, particularly when it comes to objectifying practices which women both consent to and experience as empowering. These struggles, I argue, are the result of a fundamental misdiagnosis of what happens when women are sexually objectified, whereby the abstract notion of 'treating as an object' (...)
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    Bio-electronic aggregates on Neon-Paleolitikos strata.André Sier - 2019 - Technoetic Arts 17 (3):215-228.
    Electronic machinic phenomena yield fascinating links with biological processes. Either in the macro-micro-structure of binary encoded information ‐ bytes on media ‐ to the processual flow programs execute on hardware while operating it. Observing micro-electronic worlds akin to living entities: electronic voltages running throughout electronic architectures pipelining data to memory registers; operating systems executing programs on electronic substrates; data flows taking place in machines and in communications protocols within networks. Static art-sci constructs explore and visualize these observations as 2D drawings (...)
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  45. Understanding Objectification: Is There Special Wrongness Involved in Treating Human Beings Instrumentally?Evangelia Papadaki - 2012 - Prolegomena 11 (1):5-24.
    This article centres around objectification. It offers an analysis of the notions that are involved in this phenomenon, their moral wrongness, as well as the connections that exist between them. Martha Nussbaum has suggested that seven notions are involved in objectification: instrumentality, denial of autonomy, inertness, fungibility, violability, ownership, and denial of subjectivity. She espouses the view that the instrumentalisation of human beings is especially problematic as compared to the other ways in which we can treat human beings (...)
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    The Bio-Artist’s Body: from Fiction to Reality.Catherine Voison - 2023 - Iris 43.
    Today, new artistic practices incorporate scientific techniques linked to medical research that modify the body’s biological performance in vivo, transforming it into a singular laboratory object. In this way, some artists are making works of their bodies by subjecting them to various biotechnological procedures, often invasive. Augmented, the biological body of these performance artists becomes a site for experimentation. DIY (Do It Yourself) enthusiasts or accompanied by biologists and doctors, are these ‘bio-artists’ evidence of the changes brought about by a (...)
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  47. Bio-power and bio-policy: Anthropological and socio-political dimensions of techno-humanitarian balance.V. Cheshko & O. Kuss - 2016 - Hyleya 107 (4):267-272.
    The sociobiological and socio-political aspects of human existence have been the subject of techno-rationalistic control and manipulation. The investigation of the mutual complementarity of anthropological and ontological paradigms under these circumstances is the main purpose of present publication. The comparative conceptual analysis of the bio-power and bio-politics in the mentality of the modern technological civilization is a main method of the research. The methodological and philosophical analogy of biological and social engineering allows combining them in the nature and social implications (...)
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    Bio-Informed Emerging Technologies and Their Relation to the Sustainability Aims of Biomimicry.Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (5):551-571.
    Synthetic biology, materials chemistry and soft robotics are fast becoming leading disciplines within the field of practices which look to nature for inspiration and opportunities. In this article I discuss how these molecular-scale practices fit within the existing trends of bio-informed design defined at the macro level, that is, bionics, biomimetics and more specifically biomimicry. Based on the metaphysical views underlying bio-informed design practices, I argue that none of them currently fit the biomimicry model, as they are not consistently concerned (...)
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  49. Moral Bio-enhancement, Freedom, Value and the Parity Principle.Jonathan Pugh - 2019 - Topoi 38 (1):73-86.
    A prominent objection to non-cognitive moral bio-enhancements is that they would compromise the recipient’s ‘freedom to fall’. I begin by discussing some ambiguities in this objection, before outlining an Aristotelian reading of it. I suggest that this reading may help to forestall Persson and Savulescu’s ‘God-Machine’ criticism; however, I suggest that the objection still faces the problem of explaining why the value of moral conformity is insufficient to outweigh the value of the freedom to fall itself. I also question whether (...)
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    Bíos: Biopolitics and Philosophy.Timothy Campbell (ed.) - 2008 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Roberto Esposito is one of the most prolific and important exponents of contemporary Italian political theory. Bíos -his first book to be translated into English-builds on two decades of highly regarded thought, including his thesis that the modern individual-with all of its civil and political rights as well as its moral powers-is an attempt to attain immunity from the contagion of the extraindividual, namely, the community. In Bíos, Esposito applies such a paradigm of immunization to the analysis of the radical (...)
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