Results for ' Call of Duty: Modern Warfare ‐ impression of gamer, playing a role in big‐budget action blockbuster'

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  1.  25
    Videogames and Narrative.Grant Tavinor - 2009-09-21 - In Dominic McIver Lopes, The Art of Videogames. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 110–129.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Stories Games Tell Would You Kindly Put down That Wrench? Reconciling Games and Narratives.
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    Video Games and the Cerebral Subject: On Playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.Pasi Väliaho - 2014 - Body and Society 20 (3-4):113-139.
    This article engages with the fabrication of experiences in first-person shooter video games. On one hand, it explores the forms of affective and cognitive engagement this novel type of immersive imagery demands of the player. On the other hand, the article speculates on how video games images resonate and coincide with other key practices and imaginations defining the political reality of life today. What (at least according to some accounts) matters most in the politics of life today is a particular (...)
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    Supplices, the Satyr Play: Charles Mee's Big Love.Rush Rehm - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (1):111-118.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.1 (2002) 111-118 [Access article in PDF] Brief MentionSupplices, The Satyr Play: Charles Mee's Big Love Rush Rehm Berkeley Repertory Theater, long the most adventurous theater company in the San Francisco Bay area, opened its new Roda theater in style this spring with Aeschylus' Oresteia (trans. Fagles), followed (on the more intimate thrust stage) by Charles L. Mee's adaptation of Aeschylus' Danaid trilogy, entitled Big (...)
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  4. Investigating male gamers' behavioral intention to play PUBG: Insights from playful-consumption experiences.Umair Rehman, Muhammad Umair Shah, Amir Zaib Abbasi, Helmut Hlavacs & Rameen Iftikhar - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This research investigates the factors that affect male gamers' behavioral intention to play PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, which is one of the most widely played online games of today's era. We examine the factors through the lens of the hedonic consumption model and use the gratification theory to predict behavioral intention to play PUBG. Data from 248 male PUBG gamers were analyzed using PLS-SEM analyses. The study involved an initial stage where an estimation model was analyzed to assess the constructs' reliability and (...)
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    Doing Christian Ethics on the Ground Polycentrically: Cross-Cultural Moral Deliberation on Ethical and Social Issues.Ronald W. Duty - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):41-63.
    This article argues that congregations should be seen as grassroots public moral agents, on the ground working to bring what they discern as God's preferred future into being. Deliberations among congregations of all social backgrounds are a way of doing ethics "polycentrically," without a dominant center. Because cultural and social boundaries are permeable and people in various social groups can imaginatively enter the worlds of people unlike themselves, they can engage those perspectives morally on an equal footing. The essay addresses (...)
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    Gender and impression management: Playing the promotion game. [REVIEW]Val Singh, Savita Kumra & Susan Vinnicombe - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 37 (1):77 - 89.
    Little attention has been paid to the role which impression management (IM) of genuine and substantial talents and commitment plays in the careers of female and male managers seeking promotion. IM studies have largely investigated the supervisor/subordinate relationship, often with samples of business students in laboratory settings. In the Cranfield Centre for Developing Women Business Leaders, we have focused on the use of IM by practising managers. In this paper, we examine previous literature for indications that gender may (...)
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    We the gamers: how games teach ethics and civics.Karen Schrier - 2021 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The world is in crisis. We, the people of the world, are all connected. We rely on each other to make ethical decisions and to solve thorny civic problems, together. Ethics and civics have always mattered, but perhaps now more than ever, we are starting to realize how much they matter. Teaching ethics and civics is essential to our future. This book argues that games can encourage the practice of ethics and civics. They help us to connect, deliberate, and reflect. (...)
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  8. Collectives' Duties and Collectivization Duties.Stephanie Collins - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (2):231–248.
    Plausibly, only moral agents can bear action-demanding duties. Not all groups are moral agents. This places constraints on which groups can bear action-demanding duties. Moreover, if such duties imply ability then moral agents – of both the individual and group varieties – can only bear duties over actions they are able to perform. I tease out the implications of this for duties over group actions, and argue that groups in many instances cannot bear these duties. This is because (...)
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  9. Joint Moral Duties.Anne Schwenkenbecher - 2014 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 38 (1):58-74.
    There are countless circumstances under which random individuals COULD act together to prevent something morally bad from happening or to remedy a morally bad situation. But when OUGHT individuals to act together in order to bring about a morally important outcome? Building on Philip Pettit’s and David Schweikard’s account of joint action, I will put forward the notion of joint duties: duties to perform an action together that individuals in so-called random or unstructured groups can jointly hold. I (...)
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    Accounting for the Unaccountable: Biodiversity Reporting and Impression Management.Olivier Boiral - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (4):751-768.
    This paper explores the strategies organizations use to demonstrate their accountability for biodiversity and legitimize their impact in this area through the use of techniques of neutralization. Neutralization aims to manage stakeholder impressions on very socially sensitive issues. Based on the content analysis of 148 sustainability reports from mining organizations, the study sheds light on the successful use of rhetoric in reports on non-measurable and potentially unaccountable issues. Specifically, the study shows that mining organizations use four main techniques of neutralization (...)
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  11. Autonomous Weapon Systems, Asymmetrical Warfare, and Myth.Michal Klincewicz - 2018 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 23:179-195.
    Predictions about autonomous weapon systems are typically thought to channel fears that drove all the myths about intelligence embodied in matter. One of these is the idea that the technology can get out of control and ultimately lead to horrifi c consequences, as is the case in Mary Shelley’s classic Frankenstein. Given this, predictions about AWS are sometimes dismissed as science-fiction fear-mongering. This paper considers several analogies between AWS and other weapon systems and ultimately offers an argument that nuclear weapons (...)
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  12. Authority Without the Duty to Obey.Johann Frick & Daniel Viehoff - 2023 - Mind 132 (528):942-951.
    Authority is an important feature of military life. Political and military superiors claim the power to give binding orders to their subordinates. If they have the authority they claim (and that many citizens and soldiers take them to possess), then the subordinates are morally required to do as commanded. Tadros’ To Do, To Die, To Reason Why challenges the authority claims that political and military superiors make in giving orders: the kinds of considerations ordinarily thought to underpin their authority – (...)
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    Duty Now and for the Future: Communication, Ethics and Artificial Intelligence.David J. Gunkel - 2023 - Journal of Media Ethics 38 (4):198-210.
    This essay examines whether and to what extent the “other” in communicative interactions may be otherwise than another human subject and the moral opportunities and challenges this alteration would make available to us. Toward this end, the analysis proceeds in five steps or movements. The first reviews the way the discipline of communication has typically perceived and theorized the role and function of technology. The second and third parts investigate the critical challenges that emerging technology, such as artificial intelligence (...)
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    Nurses’ role model duties for health and COVID-19 pandemic precautions.Paul Neiman - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (2):210-221.
    Role modelling communicates a standard of behavior to another person. Silent role modelling occurs when this standard can be communicated without articulating reasons for the action; articulate role modelling occurs when it is necessary to articulate reasons in order to effectively role model the standard of behavior, and to avoid misinterpretation. Nurses are role models in virtue of the respect and admiration given to the nursing profession. As such, nurses have role model obligations. (...)
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    14-й Международный конгресс по логике,методологии и философии науки: заметки участника.Е.А Мамчур - 2011 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 30 (4):224-228.
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    Межі й можливості методу дослідження констеляцій.Віталій Терлецький - 2016 - Sententiae 34 (1):169-178.
    The study of Kant’s anthropology, proposed by Viktor Kozlovskyi in its original and thorough monograph, is an entirely new interpretation of Kant’s answer to the fundamental question “What is man?”. On the basis of the philosopher’s heritage and taking into account the large body of research lit-erature, Kozlovskyi reconstructs five conceptual “human models” in Kant’s anthropological discourse. However, this study contains a number of problematic statements and conclusions. I argue first, that there is some inconsistency between Kant’s understanding of the (...)
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  17. Вітґенштайнова трансцендентальна дедукція й кантів аргумент приват-ної мови.Леслі Стівенсон - 2016 - Sententiae 35 (2):142-158.
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    The Mortality and Morality of Nations: Jews, Afrikaners, and French-Canadians.Uriel Abulof - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Standing at the edge of life's abyss, we seek meaningful order. We commonly find this 'symbolic immortality' in religion, civilization, state and nation. What happens, however, when the nation itself appears mortal? The Mortality and Morality of Nations seeks to answer this question, theoretically and empirically. It argues that mortality makes morality, and right makes might; the nation's sense of a looming abyss informs its quest for a higher moral ground, which, if reached, can bolster its vitality. The book investigates (...)
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    The Near West: Medieval North Africa, Latin Europe and the Mediterranean in the Second Axial Age By Allen James Fromherz.David Abulafia - 2018 - Journal of Islamic Studies 29 (1):110-112.
    © The Author. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.comAllen Fromherz has already written a very useful book on the Almohads, and he now attempts to set his work on their remarkable empire within a much wider setting, from the seventh century, when Islam reached the Maghreb, all the way to the fifteenth century, and in the entire western Mediterranean. His thesis is that we should (...)
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    The Script and text of Ibn Quzmān’s Dīwān: some giveaway secrets.J. A. Abu-Haidar - 1998 - Al-Qantara 19 (2):273-314.
    Basado enteramente en pruebas internas, este estudio se propone mostrar que el manuscrito único del Dīwān de Ibn Quzmān, publicado en edición facsímil por David de Gunzburg en 1896, es una copia dictada. Se indica también que el copista, a quien con frecuencia se ha culpado de introducir en el texto popular andaluz correcciones o clasicismos, no estaba bien equipado para desempeñar tal papel. Si bien era un calígrafo de primera categoría, se aducen pruebas de que su conocimiento del árabe (...)
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    Religiousness and Cognition: The Relationships Between Intrinsic Religious Motivation, Critical Thinking, and Dichotomous Thinking.Meryem ŞAHİN, Büşra KILIÇ AHMEDİ & Mücahit GÜLTEKİN - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (1):281-296.
    The principles offered by beliefs affect the thinking styles of individuals. Although it has been argued in recent studies that believers and non-believers have different thinking styles, there are few studies examining the relationship between belief and cognitive styles in Muslim groups. In this study, the relationships between intrinsic religious motivation and "critical thinking", which is one of the most desired thinking skills today, and " dichotomous thinking", which can be expressed as black-and-white thinking and primarily associated with negative structures, (...)
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  22. A History of Judaism.[author unknown] - 2018
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  23.  31
    From ‘Man is the Measure of all Things’ to Money is the Measure of All Things: A Dialogue between Protagoras and African Philosophy.Martin Odei Ajei & M. B. Ramose - 2008 - Phronimon 9 (1):22-40.
    Protagoras’ declaration that “man is the measure of all things” is conventionally discussed in the context of epistemology. There was, however, a communal or social dimension to this even in ancient Greece. In the unfolding process of time, this latter dimension assumed greater intensity and expanded systematically into all aspects of human relations. The centrality of money in these relations speaks to the transition from “man is the measure of all things” to money is the measure of all things. It (...)
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  24.  10
    Momus.Leon Battista Alberti - 1942 - Bologna,: N. Zanichelli. Edited by Giuseppe Martini.
    Momus is the most ambitious literary creation of Leon Battista Alberti, the humanist-scientist-artist and "universal man" of the Italian Renaissance. In this dark comedy, written around 1450, Alberti charts the fortunes of his anti-hero Momus, god of criticism. This edition offers a new Latin text and the first full translation into English.
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    Does the ADA Provide Protection Against Discrimination on the Basis of Genotype?Joseph S. Alper - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (2):167-172.
    As a consequence of the problems caused by genetic discrimination, federal and state law makers are being pressured to pass a legislative remedy. A primary question is whether the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 applies to individuals with a potentially disabling genetic disorder who are pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic and may never become ill and to healthy individuals who are carriers of genetic conditions. At present, this question has relevance principally for individuals with the genotype for single gene disorders, like (...)
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    Moral courage, burnout, professional competence, and compassion fatigue among nurses.Mohammed Hamdan Alshammari & Mohammad Alboliteeh - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (7-8):1068-1082.
    Background Moral courage is the ability to defend and practice ethical and moral action when faced with a challenge, even if it means rejecting pressure to act otherwise. However, moral courage remains an unexplored concept among middle eastern nurses. Aim This study investigated the mediating role of moral courage in the relationship between burnout, professional competence, and compassion fatigue among Saudi Arabian nurses. Research design Correlational, cross-sectional design following the STROBE guidelines. Participants and research context Convenience sampling was (...)
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  27. Introduction: The Concept of the State in German Idealism.Karl Ameriks & Jürgen Stolzenberg - 2003 - In Karl Ameriks & Jürgen Stolzenberg, Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus / International Yearbook of German Idealism : Der Begriff des Staates / the Concept of the State. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 9-16.
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  28. Reformation in Science Teacher Education.Hans O. Andersen - forthcoming - Science Education.
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    Risks to Relationships in Kidney Transplant Research with Living Donors and Recipients.Emily E. Anderson, Sanjeev Akkina & Philip Ghobrial - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (4):110-112.
    In order to consider how best to address relationship concerns with potential research participants arising in this study, we will first describe unique features...
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    States and Intergenerational Bonds.Tiziana Andina & Jacopo Domenicucci - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 68:123-130.
    Institutions are naturally seen as the stable and relatively fixed backbone of the social world. While the structural role of institutions is usually discussed in social ontology, the temporal implications of this regulation are often overlooked. It is indeed tempting to take a present-centred approach to institutions. The latter clearly are instrumental in stabilizing and structuring the social coordination between a number of actors. But it is all too easy to focus only on their role in syn...
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    Smith, Murray. 2017. Film, Art, and the Third Culture: A Naturalized Aesthetics of Film. [REVIEW]David Andrews - 2018 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 2 (1):133-136.
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    Self y creatividad en el pragmatismo de C.S. Peirce: "la incidencia del instante presente en la conducta".Fernando Andacht - 2008 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 13 (40):39-65.
    The article discusses the theoretical and analytical relevance of spontaneity, the basis of creativity, considered as a central aspect of the semiotic model of C. S. Peirce, through the study of its incidence on human identity, on the self. To do so, I work with a series of technical concepts ..
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    The Spacialization Revisited: Extensive Type’s Characterization and Contradictions in Theodor W. Adorno.João Paulo Andrade - 2023 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 68:45-61.
    As Adorno’s posthumous writings were released, a notable turn in his phi- losophy of music became noteworthy: by revealing an ambitious project on Beethoven, a quasi-axiomatic theory of musical time emerged, which seems to guide Adornian thought at very significant works and texts, as Philosophy of New Music. Sketched in three configuration types of musical time, this theory surprises with the so-called “ex- tensive type”. Adorno would then admit kinds of formal consistency (Stimmigkeit) that are not restricted to the ideal (...)
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    De Platon à Foucault: la philosophie au cœur du pouvoir.Yann Appere - 2005 - Combrit [France]: Frambar Editions.
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    No espelho de despalavrares.Rodrigo da Costa Araujo - 2021 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 7.
    Despalavrares (2021), de Wilbett Oliveira, é como o próprio título paratextual e no plural encaminha uma lição de poesia. É também jogo, pergunta que se justifica como espelho e de onde o poeta tira suas lições. O título é sugestivo porque direciona e está diretamente relacionado com um projeto estético de Wilbett, uma vez que expõe, de maneira criativa, um roteiro de possibilidades para o leitor compreender a própria palavra e suas manifestações do belo. Esse roteiro confirma, como nas palavras (...)
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    Pelos ardis e traços da arte de ilustrar.Rodrigo Costa Araujo - 2021 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 7.
    A arte da ilustração e o livro ilustrado são, sem sombra de dúvida, presentes aos olhos, delicadezas e mistérios que encantam a qualquer leitor, de qualquer idade. O Traço e a prosa: entrevistas com ilustradores de livros infantojuvenis (2012) é uma coletânea sobre artistas ilustradores organizada por Odilon Moraes, Rona Hanning e Maurício Paraguassu, da editora Cosac Naify e que trata desse assunto, especificamente.O livro é composto de doze entrevistas com autores/ilustradores brasileiros experientes na área, e inova em acervos e (...)
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  37. Validity as a thick concept.Sophia Arbeiter - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (10):2937-2953.
    This paper presents a novel position in the philosophy of logic: I argue that _validity_ is a thick concept. Hence, I propose to consider _validity_ in analogy to other thick concepts, such as _honesty_, _selfishness_ or _justice_. This proposal is motivated by the debate on the normativity of logic: while logic textbooks seem simply descriptive in their presentation of logical truths, many have argued that logic has consequences for how we ought to reason, for what we ought to believe, or (...)
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  38. The Erosion of Childhood, Child Oppression in Britain 1860-1918. [REVIEW]David Archard - 1992 - Radical Philosophy 62.
  39. Morality as What One Really Desires.Arnold Zuboff - 1995 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 20 (1):142-164.
    If I desire to drink some stuff thinking it is hot chocolate when actually it is hot mud, my desire is not a real one - it’s mistaken or only apparent. This example illustrates how a desire must always depend on a belief about its object, a belief about what it is and what it’s like. But beliefs are correctable, so desires are correctable. This leads us directly to a very sweeping principle - that I only really desire what I (...)
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  40. Madhyamaka buddhism.Dan Arnold - 2005 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Multiplicity, Complexity, and the Necessity of Limits.Ronald C. Arnett - 2011 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 26 (2):176 - 178.
    Journal of Mass Media Ethics, Volume 26, Issue 2, Page 176-178, April-June.
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    Marx's Comments on Women in the 1844 Manuscripts.Richard J. Arneson - 1980 - Philosophy Research Archives 6:25-54.
    This paper contrasts the morally suspect elements in Marx's comments on relations between men and women in the 1844 Manuscripts with the more sensible and liberal tone of Marx's remarks on the same topic in post-1844 writings. The contrast is used to illustrate the claim that an important moral shift occurs in Marx's thought around 1844, a shift away from the early concern to overcome bourgeois egoism and with it the antagonism between state and civil society, and toward the mature (...)
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  43. Marx, Central Planning, and Utopian Socialism.N. Scott Arnold - 1989 - Social Philosophy and Policy 6 (2):160.
    Marx believed that what most clearly distinguished him and Engels from the nineteenth-century French socialists was that their version of socialism was “scientific” while the latters' was Utopian. What he intended by this contrast is roughly the following: French socialists such as Proudhon and Fourier constructed elaborate visions of a future socialist society without an adequate understanding of existing capitalist society. For Marx, on the other hand, socialism was not an idea or an ideal to be realized, but a natural (...)
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    Mills' Doubts about Freedom under Socialism.Richard J. Arneson - 1979 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 5:231-249.
    John Stuart Mill is one of the very few philosophical representatives of the liberal political tradition to have given a detailed and sympathetic examination of the socialist critique of private property. While endorsing many of the extreme criticisms of the existing property system that serve as premises in arguments for socialism, Mill is definitely opposed to recommending socialism as an expedient for the present and inclined to be skeptical of the idea that at some future time socialism will be the (...)
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    El valor como medida de la trascendencia: Un punto de coincidencia entre Francisco Romero y Augusto Salazar Bondy.Adriana María Arpini - 2012 - Cuyo 29 (2):161-174.
    Francisco Romero y Augusto Salazar Bondy se interesaron por los temas antropológicos y axiológicos, por la actualización y difusión de la producción filosófica en general y, en especial la de lengua española y manifestaron particular inquietud por los desarrollos de la filosofía en América Latina. Aunque la evolución posterior del pensamiento de Salazar Bondy siguió rumbos teóricos diferentes a los de Romero, es posible señalar algunos puntos de contacto entre sus ideas acerca del valor, sobre todo con aquellas que el (...)
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    Artificial lntelligence in psychology: Interdisciplinary essays.Xabier Arrazola - 1994 - Theoria 9 (2):231-232.
  47. On the incompatibility of God's knowledge of particulars and the doctrine of divine immutability.Ebrahim Azadegan - 2022 - Religious Studies 58 (2):327-344.
    Affirming that divine knowledge of occurrent changes among particulars is incompatible with the doctrine of divine immutability, this article seeks to resolve this tension by denying the latter. Reviewing this long-running debate, I first formalize the exchange between al-Ghazālı̄and Avicenna on this topic, and then set out the ways in which contemporary Sadrāean philosophers have tried to resolve the incompatibility. I argue that none of the cited Sadrāean attempts to resolve the incompatibility between divine omniscience and immutability is successful. Then, (...)
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    On Czechoslovakism in Slovak Thinking.Vladimir Bakos - 1996 - Human Affairs 6 (2):154-171.
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  49. ElØments de gØomØtrie mØcanique.P. Balbiani, V. Dugat, L. Fari nas del Cerro & A. Lopez - forthcoming - Hermes.
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  50. (2 other versions)ental Development in the Child and the Race. [REVIEW]James Mark Baldwin - 1894 - Ancient Philosophy (Misc) 5:633.
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