Results for ' Cities and towns, Islamic'

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  1.  30
    Indian Muslims’ Support for Ottoman Pan-Islamism: The Case of Shibli Nu’mani.Arshad Islam - forthcoming - Intellectual Discourse:197-220.
    Following their violent suppression of the Indian Revolution of1857, the British founded and consolidated their secular empire in the IndianSubcontinent, which marginalized and bypassed religion as far as possible,particularly Islam, which had been the official religion of the Mughal ancienrégime. Contemporaneous Ottoman efforts to counter European imperialism ledto Sultan Abdul Hamid II’s policy of pan-Islamism, particularlythe call for Islamic unity against the Russian aggression against Turkey in1877. It was at this critical juncture that some Indian Muslim scholars gallantlyvolunteered to (...)
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    City Typology of Medieval Islamic Geographers: A Terminological View.Mesut Can - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1137-1163.
    The spread of Islam from the Arabian Peninsula to the North Africa and al-Andalus in the west, to the Chinese borders and the Indian Subcontinent in the east, helped Muslims to establish close contact with many different cultures. One of the consequences of this is that both the increase in scientific accumulation and the emergence of new needs in military, financial and similar aspects accelerated the studies on geography. Islamic geographers of the first period, not only did they describe (...)
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  3. From frontier town to Renaissance city: Kilkenny, 1500-1700.John Bradley - 2002 - In Bradley John, Provincial Towns in Early Modern England and Ireland: Change, Convergence and Divergence. pp. 29-51.
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    The theology of Islamic moderation education in Singkawang, Indonesia: The city of tolerance.Lailial Muhtifah, Zaenuddin Hudi Prasojo, Sukman Sappe & Elmansyah Elmansyah - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4).
    This article explores the trends in the implementation of Islamic moderation through aqidah and sharia in Singkawang, as it is considered the most tolerant city in Indonesia based on a research report published in 2019. Using grounded research analysis, the authors found three structured patterns: implementation strategies, implementation processes and implementation patterns. This study shows that these strategies and methods, implemented through a flexible, straightforward and easy-to-implement model are relevant to the fundamental values of Islamic education and offer (...)
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    Ancient Cities and Towns of Rajasthan. A Study of Culture and Civilization.John F. Mosteller & Kailash Chand Jain - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (3):384.
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    Prophetic niche in the virtuous city: the concept of Ḥikmah in early Islamic thought.Hikmet Yaman - 2011 - Boston: Brill.
    Analyzing the concept of ḥikmah in early Islamic texts, this book brings earliest scholarly materials to the service of modern readers and thus offers a comprehensive contextualization of this subtle and elusive notion in the collective usage of early Muslim authors, especially in the works of lexicographers, exegetes, philosophers, and Sufis.
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    Fairtrade Towns as Unconventional Networks of Ethical Activism.Ken Peattie & Anthony Samuel - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):265-282.
    The growing availability and consumption of Fairtrade products is recognised as one of the most widespread ethically inspired market developments, and as an example of activist-driven change within the wider marketing system. The Fairtrade Towns movement, now operating in over 1700 towns and cities globally, represents a comparatively recent extension of Fairtrade marketing driven by local activists seeking to promote positive change in production and consumption systems. This paper briefly explores the conventional framing of the role that ethically related (...)
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    City Structures.Xenia Adjoubei (ed.) - 2009 - Architecture Research Unit, London Metropolitan University.
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    “Eco Cities” Under Construction.Semih Eryildiz & Klodjan Xhexhi - 2012 - Gazi University Journal of Science 25 (1):257-261.
    Ecological and livable cities need an objective method to be jugged. This paper is in search of a method to determine the level of livability and ecology of the cities. Examples chosen for this methodology are: DongTang (Shanghai, China); Masdar (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirate); Arco Santi (Arizona, USA); Chang Chun (China); Globe Town (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia). The results show that livable city should be in the pursuit of the overall development and ecological progress. Ecological city needs to (...)
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  10. Prophetic Niche in the Virtuous City: The Concept of Ḥikma in Early Islamic Thought by Hikmet Yaman (review).Nuha al-Shaar - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (3):436-439.
    In his book Visions of Politics, Quentin Skinner argued that a scholar's primary concern is to situate texts and terms within their intellectual contexts in order to make sense of their authors' meaning. Skinner also stressed the history of the uses to which moral terms have been put, and their meanings for the agent performing them. While admitting the difficulties of such method with early Muslim writings, Hikmet Yaman is to be congratulated on his thorough analysis of ḥikma, commonly translated (...)
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    Satellite cities.Svea Josephy - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 141 (1):103-108.
    This photographic essay is about places that have the same names but are often worlds apart. Satellite Cities (2016) looks at the naming of settlements and suburbs primarily in Johannesburg and Cape Town, and their parallels in other parts of the world. It examines the possibility of relationships or connections between these disparate places, and their realities as sites of conflict and struggle, and of war, liberation, and reconciliation.
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    Ugly town.Sean Gorman - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 135 (1):99-114.
    In considering the historical treatment of Aboriginal Australians this paper will discuss the different spaces operating in Western Australia’s South West in the late 1920s and the government policies that fed into them. These are the Moore River Native Settlement that is located some 100 km north of Perth and White City, a carnival sideshow located at the bottom of William Street on the banks of the Swan River in Perth. The 1905 Aborigines Act and a provision within that act (...)
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  13.  37
    Gown and Town: The University and the City in Europe, 1200–2000. [REVIEW]Laurence Brockliss - 2000 - Minerva 38 (2):147-170.
    The paper explores town-gown relations in Europe across thecenturies from the point of view of the university. It arguesthat the history of their relationship can be largely dividedinto two distinctive periods: one, in the period 1200–1800, whenthe University was in the town, but not of it; the other,post-1800, when the two were much more closely connected. Italso briefly examines the influence of the American campus modelon the European university system.
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    City networks’ power in global agri-food systems.Lena Partzsch, Jule Lümmen & Anne-Cathrine Löhr - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4):1263-1275.
    Cities and local governments loom large on the sustainability agenda. Networks such as Fair Trade Towns International (FTT) and the Organic Cities Network aim to bring about global policy change from below. Given the new enthusiasm for local approaches, it seems relevant to ask to what extent local groups exercise power and in what form. City networks present their members as “ethical places” exercising _power with_, rather than _power over_ others. The article provides an empirical analysis of the (...)
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  15.  6
    The Quiet Hours: City Photographs.Mike Melman - 2003 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    In The Quiet Hours, Mike Melman records a vanishing era of Minnesota's towns and cities through a series of seventy black-and-white photographs taken from 1985 to 2002. Working in the half-light of predawn hours, Melman brings a new perspective to familiar places, one shaped by his training as an architect and his particular affinity for old buildings. Through his artistic and historic images, Melman exposes the speed at which American cities change and presents a gritty yet contemplative portrait (...)
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  16.  42
    Multispecies Cities: Solarpunk Urban Futures.Heather Alberro - 2022 - Utopian Studies 33 (1):162-167.
    How to conjure up a picture, for instance, of a town without pigeons, without any trees or gardens, where you never hear the beat of wings or the rustle of leaves—a thoroughly negative place in short?Though now home to the majority of the world's human population, cities—indeed the politics of life itself—have always been multispecies endeavors. The quote above is Albert Camus's description of Oran, the fictional town that is the site of a devastating plague outbreak in his seminal (...)
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  17. Location Discrimination in Circular City, Torus Town, and Beyond.Robin Hanson - unknown
    Salop’s “Circular City” model of spatial competition is generalized to higher dimensions, and to “transportation” costs which are a power of distance. Assuming free entry, mill pricing is compared to location-based price discrimination. For dimensions above one, there is some too little entry below some cutoff power, and too much entry above it. This cutoff cost-power rises with dimension, and is larger under price discrimination. Mill pricing induces more entry for powers of four or less, and less entry for powers (...)
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  18.  13
    A Town on Its Knees?AbdouMaliq Simone - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (7-8):130-154.
    At best, Fanon had an ambivalent attitude toward the potentialities of African cities. As largely colonial creations, they were never viewed as the ‘real’ locus for an elaboration of a critical national consciousness or political project. Yet now that Africa is an ‘urban continent’, with cities moving in disparate directions through various broken infrastructures and temporalities, urbanization conveys both a desire for collective capacities that would seem to exceed both the terms of colonial residues and Fanon’s revolutionary projections, (...)
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  19. Distinguishing the virtuous city of Alfarabi from that of Plato in light of his unique historical context.Ishraq Ali & Mingli Qin - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):9.
    There is a tendency among scholars to identify Alfarabi’s political philosophy in general and his theory of the state in particular with that of Plato’s The Republic. Undoubtedly Alfarabi was well versed in the philosophy of Plato and was greatly influenced by it. He borrows the Platonic concept of the philosopher king and uses it in his theory of the state. However, we argue that the identification of Alfarabi’s virtuous city with that of Plato’s The Republic is an inaccurate assessment (...)
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  20.  13
    Cities Created by Modernity: A Fengshui Perspective.Michael John Paton - 2015 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 42 (5):477-499.
    The 2011 tsunami had a devastating effect on the east coast of Japan. Particularly poignant were the century-old markers on hillsides warning against building anywhere below. Nevertheless, such wisdom from traditional knowledge was disregarded because of the perceived invulnerability of the modern. This paper attempts to garner such traditional empirical knowledge regarding the siting of towns and cities by considering the Chinese art/science of fengshui or dili, the original purpose of which was to site human habitation in the most (...)
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    Tempest in a teacup: pandemic resilience in a Canadian small town.Warren Thorngate - 2020 - Mind and Society 20 (2):171-174.
    The present essay describes how one small, rural, Canadian town relied on its community sprit to support locals affected by the current pandemic. Such spirit might increasingly attract people, now working from home in large cities, who seek a sense of community beyond what work offers. The attraction could bring new life to small towns.
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    The ‘good city’ or ‘post-colonial catch-basins of violent empire’? A contextual theological appraisal of South Africa’s Integrated Urban Development Framework.Stephan De Beer - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4).
    The Integrated Urban Development Framework was constructed as a ‘new deal’ for South African cities and towns. It outlines a vision with four overarching goals and eight priorities or policy levers meant to overcome the apartheid legacy through comprehensive spatial restructuring and strategic urban–rural linkages. This article is a contextual theological reflection ‘from below’, reading the IUDF through the lenses of five distinct contours. It asks whether the IUDF has the potential to mediate good cities in which the (...)
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  23. The Post-Communist Town: An Incomparable Testing-Ground for Social Geography.G. Burgel - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (194):79-82.
    The study of the post-Communist towns of East Europe and Russia does not only present the social sciences with the opening of a new field and the attraction of exoticism close at hand. They are a remarkable observatory of the complex relations which unite the material facets of urban life (extension of the built-up area, architectural forms, types of distribution of infrastructures and services) and the social structures (mode of government, nature of the economic initiative, expressions of sociability). In three-quarters (...)
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    Doing Justice in Our Cities: Lessons in Public Policy From America's Heartland.Warren R. Copeland - 2009 - Westminster John Knox Press.
    Copeland draws from his experience of more than two decades in both city politics and as a professor of religion, and addresses head-on the issue of Christian ...
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    The Renewable City: Dawn of an Urban Revolution.Peter Droege - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (2):141-150.
    A vexing modern conundrum is to be solved. The use of oil, gas, and coal is extremely short-lived as a historical phenomenon: a mere blink of an eye at a little more than 1% of total urban history of 10,000 years to-date. Yet current urban civilization is almost entirely based on it. And the fossil-fuel economy poses not only a massive security risk, it also lies at the root of the vast majority of urban sustainability problems. Fresh water depletion, air (...)
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  26.  5
    Sunday Afternoon on the Porch: Reflections of a Small Town in Iowa, 1939-1942.Everett W. Kuntz & Jim Heynen - 2007 - University of Iowa Press.
    In 1939, just before graduating from high school in the small town of Ridgeway in northeast Iowa, Everett Kuntz spent his entire savings of $12.50 on a 35mm Argus AF camera. He made a camera case from a worn-out boot, scraps from a tin can, and a clasp from his mother’s purse. For the next several years, especially during the summers when he worked on his parents’ dairy farm, he clicked the shutter of his trusty Argus all around the quiet (...)
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    Religious Moderation in an Eastern Javanese Town.Syaifudin Zuhri - 2023 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 17 (2):143-166.
    This article is a result of a massive survey conducted in Tulungagung, a south-eastern Javanese middle town in the early 2022. The survey involves 2569 data collectors that successfully, following a series of data cleansing, reported refined 7140 data survey. The article is a descriptive analytic which shows the views of respondents of the survey. They are leaders in many Javanese villages in the city which include religious leaders (RL), leaders of community (LC), and young leaders (YL). The survey addresses (...)
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  28. The Narrative Identity of European Cities in Contemporary Literature.Sonja Novak, Mustafa Zeki Çıraklı, Asma Mehan & Silvia Quinteiro - 2023 - Journal of Narrative and Language Studies 11 (22):IV-VIII.
    This volume aimed to highlight narrative identities of European cities or city neighbourhoods that have been overlooked, such as mid-sized cities. These cities are neither small towns nor metropolises, cities that are now unveiling their appeal or specificity. The present special issue thus covers a range of representations of cities. The articles investigate more systematically how different texts deal with various cities from different experiential and fictional perspectives. The issue covers the geographical scope across (...)
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  29.  30
    The Origin of Cities: Analysis of Words in the Meaning of Settlement in the Qur’ān.Ferruh Kahraman - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):391-413.
    In the Qur’ān the most significant words used to indicate settlement are diyār, qarya, madīna, miṣr and balad. Among these, qarya and madīna are the most important ones. While Qarya means, county, city, urban, land and settlement, madīna means town. Miṣr is used for a city as well as for a specific name of a country. Diyār indicates a geographic border and the places of a settlement, and balad infers a political unity of a number of settlements. Due to this (...)
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  30. A Theory of Good City Form.Kevin Lynch - 1981 - MIT Press (MA).
    Available in paperback under the title Good City Form With the publication of The Image of the City, Kevin Lynch embarked on the process of exploration of city form. A Theory of Good City Form, his most important book, is both a summation and an extension of his vision, a high point from which he views cities past and possible. The central section of the book develops a new normative theory of city form—an identification of the characteristics that good (...)
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  31. Oil Heritage in the Golden Triangle. Spindletop-Gladys City Boomtown.Zachary S. Casey & Asma Mehan - 2023 - In Joeri Januarius, TICCIH Bulletin No. 101. TICCIH (The International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage). pp. 38-40.
    In the heart of southeast Texas, an industrial powerhouse often referred to as the 'Golden Triangle', the oil refineries and petrochemical plants stand as stalwart testaments to the region's economic evolution. Interestingly, before the discovery of oil at Spindletop, the lumber and cattle industries powered this region's economy. A profound shift occurred when the Lucas Gusher, a fountain of oil spurting thousands of feet into the air, struck the lands of Spindletop Hill on January 10, 1901. This remarkable discovery of (...)
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    (1 other version)Constructing a City: The Cerdà Plan for the Extension of Barcelona.Wiebe E. Bijker & Eduardo Aibar - 1997 - Science, Technology and Human Values 22 (1):3-30.
    This article applies a constructivist perspective to the analysis of a town-planning innovation. The so-called Cerdà Plan for the extension of Barcelona was launched in the 1860s and gave this city one of its most characteristic present features. For different reasons it can be considered an extraordinary case in town-planing history, though almost unknown to international scholars. The authors analyze the intense controversy that developed around the extension plan and the three technological frames involved. Finally, the relationship between power and (...)
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  33.  41
    Ethnicity in the City: Tatar Urban Youth Culture in Kazan, Tatarstan.Andrea Friedli - 2016 - Diogenes 63 (3-4):72-79.
    In this article, the city and the urban space shall be understood as a political platform, where identities and powers are bargained, and as a screen on which they are projected. In this context, I will reflect on the strategies of identity management ‘from below’ employed by Tatar young people in Kazan and on their attempt to build a ‘Tatar urban youth culture’. These identity strategies are mainly oriented against the ‘Russian other’, a decadent consumerist West and an ignorant rural (...)
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  34. Experimenting with Islam: Nietzschean reflections on Bowles's araplaina.Ian Almond - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (2):309-323.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Experimenting with Islam:Nietzschean Reflections on Bowles’s AraplainaIan AlmondIn a letter to his friend Köselitz dated March 13 1881, Nietzsche wrote: "Ask my old comrade Gersdorff whether he'd like to go with me to Tunisia for one or two years.... I want to live for a while amongst Muslims, in the places moreover where their faith is at its most devout; this way my eye and judgement for all things (...)
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    Towns And Cities In Which Researches On Turkey Turkish Dialects Have Not Been Carried Out.Serdar Bulut - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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    Book Review: Downtown Revitalisation and Delta Blues in Clarksdale Mississippi: Lessons for Small Cities and Towns. [REVIEW]Melissa Kennedy - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 163 (1):145-148.
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    Monasteries in the City of Samarra.Dr Zakia Hassan Ibrahim - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1054-1065.
    The city of Samarra is one of the major cities of Iraq that Yaqout al-Hamwi described in the dictionary of countries by saying (it became the greatest country of God) and Al-Qazwini told about it in the monuments of the country (a great city located on the outskirts of the east of the Tigris between Baghdad and Tikrit) built by the Abbasid Caliph Al -Mu'tasim in God in 221 AH/ 835 M, and it is originally a monastery for the (...)
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    Transforming preman to radical Islamic Laskar in Solo, Central Java.Yudi Setianto, Sanggar Kanto, Darsono Wisadirana, Anif Chawa Fatma & M. Chairul Basrun Umanailo - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–7.
    The development of radical Islamic understanding amongst abangan society is a paradox because there is a dichotomy between santri and abangan. This study aims to describe and analyse the transformation of preman or thugs into members of the radical Islamic army in Solo, Central Java. This research reveals why Solo is the base of a radical Islamic Laskar, how premans are predisposed to become members of the Islamic Laskar, and the types of radical Islam of this (...)
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    Political culture in the Greek city after the classical age.Onno van Nijf & Richard Alston (eds.) - 2011 - Leuven: Peeters.
    Papers from a workshop held in 2003, Groningen.
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    The Matter of Murder of Daughters in Jahiliyyah Arab Community: Evaluation from The Perspective of Islamic History.Ahmet Acarlioğlu - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):441-460.
    Parents in Arab society did not take any responsibility for their children in the pre-Islamic era. The husband, as the head of the family, used to treat family members as his servants and forced them in the direction of his interests. No matter the rationale behind it, the burial of daughters in the pre-Islamic era is an outrageous and ill-treated tradition. In this study, it is possible to see which tribes in the Arab society started this repellent custom (...)
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  41. OTHER DESTINATIONS: Translating the Mid-sized European City.Michael G. Kelly, Jorge Mejía Hernández, Sonja Novak & Giuseppe Resta (eds.) - 2023 - Osijek: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek.
    The present collection of translations arises from our work within Writing Urban Places, a network of researchers interested in the different ways citizens appropriate meaningful built environments through stories, and in doing so are also better able to integrate with others. A key locus in this respect is what our network has termed the ‘mid-sized’ [or ‘intermediate’] European city. Often afforded only cursory attention in the discussion of both culture and society, overlooked in favour of more usual suspects, such urban (...)
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  42. Urban Branding Politics in Post-Fordist Cities: The Case of Turin, Italy.Asma Mehan - 2017 - In THE FOURTH VALLETTA 2018 ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE. Valletta: The Valletta 2018 Foundation.
    Nowadays, cities have became the laboratory of new forms of political mobilization based on urban branding policies which improves marketing of the city image in various ways by converting the visual image of the city into a brand image. In the early twenty-first century, the city of Turin as the Italian prototypical one-company town started investing heavily in urban branding strategies, in order to modify its former image of an industrial city. The core of the paper is a theoretical (...)
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    Understanding Social Order in the Religion of Islam: A Comparative Analysis.Wilson Muoha Maina - 2015 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 14 (40):170-185.
    Despite the fact that many of us live in secular societies, religions are also a factor in our daily lives. New information technologies and highly efficient modes of transportation have made it possible for people from various continents to encounter each other. People of different religions and ethnicities have become neighbors in our cities. Religious dialogue is more necessary in our contemporary world than it has ever been in history. This essay analyzes how the Islamic faith shapes the (...)
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    Seven Gravestones at the Muslim Tana Baru Cemetery in Cape Town: A Descriptive Note.Alessandro Gori - 2017 - In Mauro Nobili & Andrea Brigaglia, The Arts and Crafts of Literacy: Islamic Manuscript Cultures in Sub-Saharan Africa. De Gruyter. pp. 313-330.
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  45. (1 other version)Dvostruko Sretan grad Frane Petrića: Twice Happy Town of Frane Petrić.Persida Lazarevic Di Giacomo - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (3):385-394.
    Promotreno iz etimološke perspektive, Petrićev Sretan grad, objavljen između Utopije T. Morea i La città del Sole T. Campanelle, crpi svoje polazište i ključno značenje upravo iz etimologije nazivka ‘sretan’. Taj nazivak sadržava dvojnost, koja je poslužila Petrićevoj zamisli: kao što se čovjek sastoji od duše i tijela, tako se dvojnost uočava i ponavlja u raznim strukturama grada-države. S jedne strane felice znači ‘produktivan’ i ‘uspješan’, a s druge strane pak ‘sretan’ te kod Petrića i ‘blažen’. Stupnjevanje u razumijevanju sreće (...)
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  46. Al-fārābi on the democratic city.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2003 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 11 (3):379 – 394.
    This essay will explore some of al-Farabi’s paradoxical remarks on the nature and status of the democratic city (al-madinah al-jama'iyyah). In describing this type of non-virtuous city, Farabi departs significantly from Plato, according the democratic city a superior standing and casting it in a more positive light. Even though at one point Farabi follows Plato in considering the timocratic city to be the best of the imperfect cities, at another point he implies that the democratic city occupies this position. (...)
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    Mapping the Imagined Future: The Roles of Visual Representation in the 1945 City of Manchester Plan.Chris Perkins & Martin Dodge - 2012 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 89 (1):247-276.
    Visual representations have often played a crucial role in imagining future urban forms. In the aftermath of the Second World War, a noteworthy new genre of urban plan was published in Britain, most deploying seductively optimistic illustrations of ways forward not only for the reconstruction of bomb-damaged towns and cities but also for places left largely undamaged. Visual representations have often played a crucial role in imagining future urban forms. In the aftermath of the Second World War, a noteworthy (...)
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    " Dar-Al-Nodveh": The First Experience of Collective Wisdom in Managing Mecca City.Asghar Montazerol Ghaem, Bahman Zeinali & Seyed Asghar Mahmoud Abadi - 2013 - Asian Culture and History 5 (1):p18.
    The history of Hejaz especially in one century before Islam was affected by Quraysh tribe. All political, social and economical changes were under the control of Quraysh leaders. Qsy Ibn Kalab was the most influential leader of this tribe during history. His unique courageous deeds have change Quraysh from some dispersed tribes to a unified effective tribe. Among such acts of this leader was foundation of "Dar-Al-Nodveh" which was very significant. Dar-Al-Nodveh guaranteed the success of all acts performed in Quraysh (...)
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    Poor Paris!: Kierkegaard's critique of the spectacular city.George Pattison - 1999 - New York: W. de Gruyter.
    Chapter One Kierkegaard Enters the Spectacular City The aim of this study is to explore the representation of the city in Kierkegaard's writings and its ...
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    ‘Gays who cannot properly be gay’: Queer Muslims in the neoliberal European city.Fatima El-Tayeb - 2012 - European Journal of Women's Studies 19 (1):79-95.
    The article traces the framing of Muslim Europeans as the continent’s Other by focusing on the silencing of queer Muslims within public debates around ‘Islam and homosexuality’. Ignoring class as a factor in the violence produced by the gentrification of urban spaces, the pitting of the gay community against the Muslim community posits the latter as a threat to the continent’s foundations that needs to be contained through forms of spatial governance in line with the neoliberal restructuring of the city. (...)
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