Günter Figal [116]Günter Figal [7]G. Figal [6]Gunther Figal [4]
Sara Figal [1]Guenter Figal [1]Gúntel Figal [1]
  1.  14
    Martin Heidegger: Phänomenologie der Freiheit.Günter Figal - 1991
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    Objectivity: The Hermeneutical and Philosophy.Günter Figal - 2010 - State University of New York Press.
    Figal has long been recognized as one of the most insightful interpreters working in the tradition of philosophical hermeneutics and its leading themes concerned with ancient Greek thought, art, language, and history. With this book, Figal presses this tradition of philosophical hermeneutics in new directions. In his effort to forge philosophical hermeneutics into a hermeneutical philosophy, Figal develops an original critique of the objectification of the world that emerges in modernity as the first stage in his systematic treatment of the (...)
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  3. Martin Heidegger. Phänomenologie der Freiheit.Günter Figal - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (2):256-256.
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    Unscheinbarkeit: der Raum der Phänomenologie.Günter Figal - 2015 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Nach der phänomenologischen Hermeneutik von Gegenständlichkeit (2006) und der phänomenologischen Ästhetik von Erscheinungsdinge (2010) legt Günter Figal mit Unscheinbarkeit ein Buch vor, in dem die Phänomenologie zusammen mit ihrer Sache, den Phänomenen, das Hauptthema ist. Phänomene, so der zentrale und in der phänomenologischen Philosophie neue Gedanke es Buches, sind als solche räumlich und also nur vom Raum her zu verstehen. Entsprechend muss die Phänomenologie eine Reflexion und Beschreibung des Raums sein. Der Raum ist das Unscheinbare, in dem etwas erscheinen und (...)
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  5. Gegenstandlichkeit (Jakub apek).Gunter Figal - 2008 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 61 (1):61.
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    Blank Spaces and Blank Spots.Günter Figal - 2020 - In Stefano Marino & Pietro Terzi (eds.), Kant’s ›Critique of Aesthetic Judgment‹ in the 20th Century: A Companion to its Main Interpretations. De Gruyter. pp. 61-74.
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    Heidegger zur Einführung.Günter Figal - 1992
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    The doing of the thing itself: Gadamer's hermeneutic ontology of language.Günter Figal - 2002 - In Robert J. Dostal (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Gadamer. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 102--125.
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    Phenomenological Realism. Programmatic Considerations.Gunter Figal - 2014 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy:15-20.
    Realism is a term that can be understood only by contrasting it with an opposite term, such as idealism or representationalism. But representationalism has indeed to presuppose something that is represented,in order for the representation to be possible at all. This does not mean,however, to fall prey to a naïve realism: our grasp on reality is always determined by our own way of accessing it. A realism which can take hold of this presupposition is to be called phenomenological realism. In (...)
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    Heidegger's Being and Time: Critical Essays.Jean Grondin, Karin de Boer, Graeme Nicholson, Charles Guignon, William McNeill, Günter Figal, Steven Crowell, Hubert L. Dreyfus, Daniel O. Dahlstrom, Jeffrey Andrew Bara, Theodore Kisiel & Dieter Thomä - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Heidegger's Being and Time: Critical Essays provides a variety of recent studies of Heidegger's most important work. Twelve prominent scholars, representing diverse nationalities, generations, and interpretive approaches deal with general methodological and ontological questions, particular issues in Heidegger's text, and the relation between Being and Time and Heidegger's later thought. All of the essays presented in this volume were never before available in an English-language anthology. Two of the essays have never before been published in any language ; three of (...)
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    (1 other version)Hermeneutics as Phenomenology.Günter Figal - 2009 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 40 (3):255-262.
  12. Spatial Thinking.Günter Figal - 2009 - Research in Phenomenology 39 (3):333-343.
    This paper is an attempt to solve a key problem of phenomenology. The problem is given with the double role of the revealing capacity for which phenomena are present. On the one hand, this capacity must be prior to all phenomena, because it allows phenomena to show themselves and thus to be what they essentially are. On the other hand, the revealing capacity must be situated in the midst of phenomena; it must belong to the phenomenal world in order to (...)
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    Philosophy as metaphysics: the Torino lectures.Günter Figal - 2019 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    What makes philosophy metaphysical? Understood as the search for truth, philosophy has led those seeking it to the question of Being, says Gunter Figal. He shows that because this devotion to truth and Being are the heart of metaphysics, it is what makes up philosophy's metaphysical character. Figal embraces this, and, leaving arguments for simple affirmation aside, offers instead a critical discussion of the positions adopted by metaphysical philosophy's founding fathers, Parmenides, Plato and Aristotle. Alongside a phenomenological transformation of the (...)
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    For a Philosophy of Freedom and Strife: Politics, Aesthetics, Metaphysics.Günter Figal - 1997 - State University of New York Press.
    This first book-length work of the prominent German philosopher Gunter Figal to appear in English offers a radical defense of metaphysical philosophy in the era of postmodern thought.
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    ¿Hay realmente algo fuera?Günter Figal & Bernardo Ávalos - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 122:279-294.
    El presente artículo pretende trazar las líneas generales de una fenomenología realista que gira alrededor del espacio entendido como aquello que posibilita la fenomenalidad de los fenómenos. Tomando como punto de partida la crítica del realismo especulativo (Meillassoux) al correlacionismo fenomenológico, intentaremos mostrar, por el contrario, que la realidad se comprende mejor si se tiene en cuenta la correlación entre el aparecer y lo que aparece. Sin embargo, para hacer justicia a la realidad, no se puede seguir sin más la (...)
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  16. Introduction.Günter Figal - 2009 - In Günter Figal & Jerome Veith (eds.), The Heidegger Reader. Indiana University Press.
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    (1 other version)Hans-Georg Gadamer, Wahrheit und Methode.Günter Figal (ed.) - 2007 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
    In seinem 1960 erschienenen Hauptwerk "Wahrheit und Methode" nimmt Gadamer die bis in die Antike zuruckreichende hermeneutische Tradition auf, um vor allem im Anschluss an Hegel und Heidegger eine philosophische Hermeneutik zu begrunden.
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    Teorie a praxe. O možnosti klasického určení jejich vztahu.Günter Figal - 2024 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 2023 (65):149-156.
    Czech translation of Günter Figal’s lecture Theorie und Praxis: Über die Möglichkeit ihrer klassischen Verhältnisbestimmung.
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  19. Theodor W. Adorno. Das Naturschöne als spekulative Gedankenfigur.Günter Figal - 1980 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 170 (2):253-253.
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    Tautophasis.Günter Figal - 2014 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 36:45-58.
    Deux questions sont ici liées l’une à l’autre. D’un côté, il s’agit de suivre pas à pas les réflexions des dernières années de Heidegger sur la phénoménologie, telles qu’elles se donnent à lire avant tout dans le séminaire de Freiburg-Zähringen en 1973 et dans les notes posthumes. De l’autre côté, l’interprétation tardive de Parménide est ici discutée, et il est montré que Heidegger lie sa conception révisée de la phénoménologie avec une compréhension « tautologique » de la pensée de l’être (...)
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    Gadamer als Phänomenologe.Günter Figal - 2007 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2007:95-107.
    Gadamer’s hermeneutics is no discipline or simply a foundation of the Humanities, but addresses the fundamental problem of phenomenology: how things show themselves and can be attained. It does so, however, not in Husserl’s terminology but in its “ontological turn”. In elaborating on the ontology of language, Gadamer equates the accessibility of things and their Being, a move eminent in the “speculative character of language” discussed in the third part of Truth and Method. For Gadamer as well as for Heidegger, (...)
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  22. Language Between Voice and Writing.Günter Figal - 2005 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (2):335-344.
    This paper is concerned with the relationship between philosophy and rhetoric. It argues that philosophical claims are bound to language, and yet philosophy’sclaim to objective clarity is meaningless if language is radically perspectival. The paper attempts to show the limitations and possibilities that Platonic dialectics and Derridean deconstruction share in their respective approaches to the analysis of language and the relationship between speech and writing. The paper concludes that language is ambiguous, neither reducible to the relativism of sophistry nor to (...)
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    Wohnbilder.Günter Figal - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2021 (1):76-89.
    In this essay, I wish to elucidate the specific function architectural photography has for the experience of buildings. With photographs, the image character of buildings can be discovered and represented, and thereby the nature of habitation can be revealed as well. Taking or contemplating pictures of habitable rooms one could learn that habitation is primarily perceptional—a character mostly concealed by the dominance of everyday practice. In order to give an impression of the manifold possibilities architectural photography holds, I discuss the (...)
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    Lifeworld art: on Husserl’s Crisis book and beyond.Günter Figal - 2022 - Continental Philosophy Review 55 (4):417-430.
    In the article I discuss Husserl’s conception of the Lifeworld as developed in his Crisis Book, in order to find out whether art can be especially illuminative in order to understand the Lifeworld and one’s own living in it. I draw a parallel between the sciences as discussed by Husserl as abstractions from the Lifeworld that offer a special view of what in the Lifeworld as such remains disclosed. However, scientific and artistic abstraction differs in character. Whereas the sciences establish (...)
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    Heideggers „Schwarze Hefte“ im Kontext.David Espinet, Günter Figal, Tobias Keiling & Nikola Mirković - 2018 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Heideggers »Schwarze Hefte« enthalten antisemitische Ressentiments von einer bisher nicht bekannten Schärfe. Sie erlauben, Heideggers politische Position genauer zu bestimmen als bisher, und geben darüber hinaus Aufschluss über dessen Geschichts-, Philosophie- und Selbstbild. Die Beiträge dieses Bandes bieten eine fundierte philosophische Kontextualisierung und Bewertung.
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  26. Image and Word.Günter Figal - 2003 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 7 (2):251-259.
    The Symposium is one of Plato’s most literary and poetic dialogues. How might one reconcile this evidence of Plato’s predilection for poetry in light of his severe critique of poetry in the Republic? Though his critique is modified and refined in other dialogues, the power of his critique is nowhere significantly undermined. I argue in this paper that Plato’s poetic writing is not inconsistent with his critique, and that in fact there is an affinity between his practice of poetry and (...)
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    Aesthetics and Perception.Günter Figal - 2015 - In Niall Keane & Chris Lawn (eds.), A Companion to Hermeneutics. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 155–161.
    For philosophical hermeneutics as Hans‐Georg Gadamer conceived it, art plays an essential role. If hermeneutics and aesthetics are as strictly opposed as Gadamer suggests, the “abstraction” performed by aesthetic consciousness must be an abstraction from the truth of art. As the result of such an abstraction, the aesthetic view of art is secondary; it must be conceived of as nonoriginal experience of art, which, derivative as it is supposed to be, is only possible on the basis of original experience, as (...)
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    Aesthetics as phenomenology: the appearance of things.Günter Figal - 2015 - Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
    Art, philosophically -- Beauty -- Art forms -- Nature -- Space.
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  29. Aesthetically limited reason: On Nietzsche's the birth of tragedy.Günter Figal - 1999 - In Simon Sparks & Miguel de Beistegui (eds.), Philosophy and Tragedy. New York: Routledge. pp. 139--51.
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    At the Limit A Commentary on John Sallis, Transfigurements.Günter Figal - 2010 - Research in Phenomenology 40 (1):97-103.
  31. Über die Schönheit der modernen Kunst.Günter Figal - 2010 - Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik.
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  32. Bild und Zeit.Günter Figal - 2008 - Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik.
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  33. Übersetzungsverhältnisse: Vom rechten umgang mit dem fremden im eigenen.Günter Figal - unknown - Existentia 6 (1-4):151-156.
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    (1 other version)Colloquium 7: On Names and Concepts: Mythical and Logical Thinking in Plato’s Symposium.Günter Figal - 2008 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 23 (1):187-204.
  35. Die Aufhebung des Schonen scheims. Schóne und nicht mehr schóne Kunst im auschluss and Hegel und Adorno.Günther Figal & G. Flickinger - 1977 - Hegel-Studien 14:197-224.
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    Die doppelte Geschichte. Das Verhältnis Walter Benjamins zu Søren Kierkegaard.Günter Figal - 1982 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 24 (1-3):295-310.
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  37. Die doppelte Haushaltung: Religionsphilosophie im Anschluss an Hegel.Günter Figal - 1989 - Hegel-Studien 24:107-123.
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  38. Das Ende der Metaphysik und die Optik des Künstlers: neuere Literatur zu Friedrich Nietzsche.Günther Figal - 1993 - Philosophische Rundschau 40 (3):194-212.
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  39. Die Freiheit der Verzweiflung und die Freiheit im Glauben.Günter Figal - 1984 - Kierkegaardiana 13.
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  40. Die Gegenwart der Geschichtlichkeit. Neuere Arbeiten zur Heideggerschen Philosophie.Günter Figal - 1992 - Philosophische Rundschau 39 (4):293.
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  41. Die Gegenstädlichkeit der Dinge.Günter Figal - 2014 - In Iris Därmann & Rebekka Ladewig (eds.), Kraft der Dinge: phänomenologische Skizzen. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
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  42. Die Gegenständlichkeit der Welt:: Festschrift für Günter Figal zum 70. Geburtstag.Günter Figal & Antonia Egel (eds.) - 2019 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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  43. Decentered-ness : phenomenological explorations.Gunter Figal - 2014 - In Gert-Jan van der Heiden (ed.), Phenomenological Perspectives on Plurality. Boston: Brill.
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    Die phänomenologisch-hermeneutische Möglichkeit der Philosophie.Günter Figal - 2010 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 35 (3):291-302.
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    Die Raumzeitlichkeit der Musse.Günter Figal, Hans W. Hubert & Thomas Klinkert (eds.) - 2016 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes erkunden das Phänomen der Musse in seiner Räumlichkeit und in seinem Verhältnis zur Zeit. Im mussetypischen Verweilen tritt das Nacheinander der Zeit zurück, während der Raum mit seinen Ordnungen des Nebeneinander bestimmend wird. Diese spezifische Raumzeitlichkeit wird in vier Abschnitten ausgelotet: Der erste ist Konzepten und Theorien der Musse gewidmet, der zweite der ästhetischen Erfahrung von Räumen der Natur und Kunst, der dritte gebauten Räumen der Musse, der vierte der Musseerfahrung, wie sie sich in Kommunikations- (...)
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  46. Der Streit von Zeit und Präsenz. Augustinus und Parmenides in neueren Darstellungen.Günter Figal - 1995 - Philosophische Rundschau 42 (2):164.
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    Das Untier und die Liebe: sieben platonische Essays.Günter Figal - 1991
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    Das wirkliche Leben?Günter Figal - 2017 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 65 (4):798-806.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 65 Heft: 4 Seiten: 798-806.
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  49. Die Wahrheit und die schöne Täuschung: Zum Verhältnis von Dichtung und Philosophie im Platonischen Denken.Günter Figal - 2000 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 107 (2):301-315.
    Plato's cntique of poetry in the Republic aims at elucidating the relationship between poetry and philosophy to show the possibility of philosophical thinking. Both philosophy and poetry represent two own ways of experience depending on each other. While poetry is characterized as deceptive, philo- sophy proves herself as experience of tmth with an offspnng in her strife with poetry's untmth, since the latter is unable to express the difference fundamental to her st~cture as mimesis or representation: the difference between the (...)
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    Ermeneutica come filosofia della mediazione.Günter Figal - 2000 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 13 (2):305-312.
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