Results for ' Fuller's eight principles of legality, the “inner morality of law”'

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  1. Moral principles and legal validity.Matthew H. Kramer - 2009 - Ratio Juris 22 (1):44-61.
    Two recent high-quality articles, including one in this journal, have challenged the Inclusivist and Incorporationist varieties of legal positivism. David Lefkowitz and Michael Giudice, writing from perspectives heavily influenced by the work of Joseph Raz, have endeavored—in sophisticated and interestingly distinct ways—to vindicate Raz's contention that moral principles are never among the law-validating criteria in any legal system nor among the laws that are applied as binding bases for adjudicative and administrative decisions in such a system. The present article (...)
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  2. Are There Cross-Cultural Legal Principles? Modal Reasoning Uncovers Procedural Constraints on Law.Ivar R. Hannikainen, Kevin P. Tobia, Guilherme da F. C. F. de Almeida, Raff Donelson, Vilius Dranseika, Markus Kneer, Niek Strohmaier, Piotr Bystranowski, Kristina Dolinina, Bartosz Janik, Sothie Keo, Eglė Lauraitytė, Alice Liefgreen, Maciej Próchnicki, Alejandro Rosas & Noel Struchiner - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (8):e13024.
    Despite pervasive variation in the content of laws, legal theorists and anthropologists have argued that laws share certain abstract features and even speculated that law may be a human universal. In the present report, we evaluate this thesis through an experiment administered in 11 different countries. Are there cross‐cultural principles of law? In a between‐subjects design, participants (N = 3,054) were asked whether there could be laws that violate certain procedural principles (e.g., laws applied retrospectively or unintelligible laws), (...)
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  3. Lon Fuller's Legal Structuralism.William Conklin - 2012 - In Bjarne Melkevik, Standing Tall Hommages a Csaba Varga. Budapest: Pazmany Press. pp. 97-121.
    Anglo-American general jurisprudence remains preoccupied with the relationship of legality to morality. This has especially been so in the re-reading of Lon Fuller’s theory of an implied morality in any law. More often than not, Fuller has been said to distinguish between the identity of a discrete rule and something called ‘morality’. In this reading of Fuller, however, insufficient attention to what is signified by ‘morality’. Such an implied morality has been understood in terms of (...)
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    Reconstructing Fuller’s Argument Against Legal Positivism.Dan Priel - 2013 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 26 (2):399-413.
    The purpose of this essay is to offer a reconstruction of Lon Fuller’s critique of Hart’s legal positivism. I show that contrary to the claims of Fuller’s many critics, one can derive from his work a clear and powerful argument against legal positivism, at least in the guise found in the work of H.L.A. Hart. The essence of the argument is that Fuller’s principles of legality posit that the same considerations that count for law’s excellence are relevant also for (...)
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    Choosing a Legal Theory on Moral Grounds.Philip Soper - 1986 - Social Philosophy and Policy 4 (1):31.
    I. INTRODUCTION Twenty-five years is roughly the time that has elapsed since the exchange between H. L. A. Hart and Lon Fuller and the subsequent revival in this country of the natural law/positivism debate. During this time, a curious thing has happened to legal positivism. What began as a conceptual theory about the distinction between law and morality has now been turned, at least by some, into a moral theory. According to this theory, the reason we must see law (...)
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  6. Reflections on Law and Its Inner Morality.Csaba Varga - 1985 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 62 (3):439-451.
    1. Law and morals as two systems of norms, and the inner morality of law 2. Law as a value bearer and as a mere external indicator 3. The inner and external moral credit of legislator 4. The inner morality of law. As to the last paragraph, the most striking feature of the inner morality of law is that it is such a possible characteristic, surplus quality which is not a sine qua non, which law is conceivable (...)
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    AidōsandDikēin International Humanitarian Law: Is IHL a Legal or a Moral System?Hilly Moodrick-Even Khen - 2016 - The Monist 99 (1):26-39.
    Even though International Humanitarian Law (IHL) is, strictly speaking, a branch of international law serving as the body of laws governing the conduct of armed conflicts, it functions also, and perhaps to a greater extent, as a moral system (either followed or rejected) for the armies involved in armed conflicts. As utilitarians already noticed, the development of legal systems was powerfully influenced by moral opinion, and conversely, moral standards had been profoundly influenced by law, so that the content of many (...)
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  8. Liberalism, legal moralism and moral disagreement.Arthur Kuflik - 2005 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 22 (2):185–198.
    abstract According to “legal moralism” it is part of law's proper role to “enforce morality as such”. I explore the idea that legal moralism runs afoul of morality itself: there are good moral reasons not to require by law all that there is nevertheless good moral reason to do. I suggest that many such reasons have broad common‐sense appeal and could be appreciated even in a society in which everyone completely agreed about what morality requires. But I (...)
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  9. Eight Principles for Humanitarian Intervention.Fernando R. Tesón - 2006 - Journal of Military Ethics 5 (2):93-113.
    When is humanitarian intervention legitimate and how should such interventions be conducted? This article sets out eight liberal principles that underlie humanitarian intervention, some of them abstract principles of international ethics and others more concrete principles that apply specifically to humanitarian intervention. It argues that whilst these principles do not determine the legitimacy of particular interventions, they should ?incline? our judgments towards approval or disapproval. The basic principles include the liberal idea that governments are (...)
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    Legal Principles and Legal Theory.Joaquín R.-Toubes Muñiz - 1997 - Ratio Juris 10 (3):267-287.
    Current legal theory is concerned with the presence of principles in law partly because they are at the core of Dworkin's criticisms of Hart's rule of recognition. Hart's theory is threatened by the possibility that the identification of some principles follows an extremely relaxed rule of recognition, or even no rule at all. Unfortunately, there is no conclusive test to ascertain what is the case in actual practice. On the other hand, the evaluative arguments which support Dworkin's proposal (...)
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    Legal Studies.Tom Campbell - 1996 - In Robert E. Goodin, Philip Pettit & Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge, A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 226–253.
    The studies of politics and law are closely related in that both deal with the use of coercive power in society, yet the two disciplines are often curiously isolated from each other. Political theorists are rarely concerned with the specific content and application of the legislation which they regard as one of the main outputs of a political system, while legal academics are, traditionally at least, noted for their general indifference to the political and economic context of the rules and (...)
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    Legal determinacy and moral justification.Jody S. Kraus - manuscript
    The idea that legal theories seek not only to explain but to evaluate the moral justification of particular areas of law is quite familiar. Yet little attention has been paid to the minimal criteria of adequacy for justificatory legal theories. Whereas many theories claim to identify the moral grounds that justify a particular area of law, such as contracts or torts, none of them explains how its justification determines the outcomes of adjudication governed by the law in that area. In (...)
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  13.  38
    Legal Insanity: Explorations in Psychiatry, Law, and Ethics.Gerben Meynen - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book examines core issues related to legal insanity, integrating perspectives from psychiatry, law, and ethics. Various criteria for insanity are analyzed and recommendations for forensic psychiatric and legal practice are offered. Many legal systems have an insanity defense, in one form or another. Still, it remains unclear exactly when and why mental disorders affect a person’s moral or criminal responsibility. Questions addressed in this book include: Why should insanity be a component of our legal system? What should be the (...)
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  14. Hart on Legality, Justice and Morality.John Gardner - 2010 - Jurisprudence 1 (2):253-265.
    HLA Hart has sometimes been associated with the false proposition that there is 'no necessary connection between law and morality'. Nigel Simmonds is the latest critic to make the association. He offers an 'ironic' interpretation of a famous passage in Hart's The Concept of Law in which the proposition is apparently rejected as false by Hart. In this paper I explain why, even if Simmonds's ironic interpretation is tenable, it does not associate Hart with the proposition in the way (...)
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    Practices and Principles: Approaches to Ethical and Legal Judgment.Mark Tunick - 1998 - Princeton University Press.
    Are there universally valid moral principles that dictate what's right regardless of what the consensus is within a particular society? Or are moral judgments culturally relative, ultimately dictated by conventions and practices which vary among societies? Practices and Principles takes up the debate between cultural relativists and universalists, and the related debate in political philosophy between communitarians and liberals, each of which has roots in an earlier debate between Kant and Hegel. Rejecting uncritical deference to social practice, I (...)
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    H.L.A. Hart on Legal Moralism and Social Morality.Stefaan E. Cuypers - 2024 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 72 (3):239-257.
    After explaining legal moralism, this paper introduces the so-called “Hart-Devlin debate” on sexual morality in the philosophy of law. First, it reviews Hart’s revisions of Mill’s no-harm principle to cope with some counterexamples that favor the legal enforcement of morality even in the presence of consent or the absence of physical harm. Then, the paper examines the main arguments for both the disintegration and conservative theses of the legal moralists Devlin and Stephen, together with Hart’s replies to them. (...)
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    Public Legal Reason.Lawrence B. Solum - unknown
    This essay develops an ideal of public legal reason--a normative theory of legal reasons that is appropriate for a society characterized by religious and moral pluralism. One of the implications of this theory is that normative theorizing about public and private law should eschew reliance on the deep premises of deontology or consequentialism and should instead rely on what the author calls public values--values that can be affirmed without relying on the deep and controversial premises of particular comprehensive moral doctrines. (...)
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    From a Moral Virtue to Legal Obligation: Muv's't.Nurten Zeliha ŞAHİN - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):746-768.
    Muwāsāt encompasses the moral duty to provide aid to those in need, prioritising those closest to us while sharing what resources we can spare. However, should a person's legally protected values be at risk, assistance and solidarity become mandatory obligations. Islamic law recognises this social duty as fard al-kifāya, with muwāsāt as the justification for this sufficient obligation. On the other hand, muwāsāt is also included in the legal justification of in-kind obligations such as zakat and alimony. Muwāsāt actually has (...)
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    Preparatory Principles.Douglas G. Long (ed.) - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Preparatory Principles is not a linear text in the conventional sense, but consists of a series of short passages on a variety of topics, whose themes are summarised in marginal headings. The material constitutes a philosophical commonplace book, compiled by Bentham in the mid-1770s, in which he worked out the foundational ideas for his new science of legislation. He then drew on this material when composing such works as A Fragment on Government and An Introduction to the Principles (...)
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    Essays in Legal and Moral Philosophy. [REVIEW]G. M. - 1976 - Review of Metaphysics 29 (3):550-551.
    This volume contains papers in which Hans Kelsen addresses a number of philosophical issues that are crucial to his defense of the pure theory of law. Although it includes some papers appearing in English for the first time, this collection differs little in scope or substance from an earlier one, What is Justice? Kelsen’s legal theory has raised the ire of critics because they believe it separates far too sharply law from ethics. In these papers, especially those written in recent (...)
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  21. Inclusive legal positivism.Wilfrid J. Waluchow - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book develops a general theory of law, inclusive legal positivism, which seeks to remain within the tradition represented by authors such as Austin, Hart, MacCormick, and Raz, while sharing some of the virtues of both classical and modern theories of natural law, as represented by authors such as Aquinas, Fuller, Finnis, and Dworkin. Its central theoretical questions are: Does the existence or content of positive law ever depend on moral considerations? If so, is this fact consistent with legal positivism? (...)
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  22. Rescue and Recovery as a Theological Principle, and a Key to Morality in Extraterrestrial Species.Margaret Boone Rappaport, Christopher J. Corbally & Riccardo Campa - 2023 - Zygon 58 (3):636-655.
    New theological understanding can emerge with the advancement of scientific knowledge and the use of new concepts, or older concepts in new ways. Here, the authors present a proposal to extend the concept of “rescue and recovery” found in the United Nations Law of the High Seas, off‐world and within a broader purview of other intelligent and self‐aware species that humans may someday encounter. The notion of a morality that extends to off‐world species is not new, but in this (...)
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    Legal Obligation in Hume.Luigi Bagolini - 1981 - Hume Studies 7 (1):85-93.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:85, LEGAL OBLIGATION IN HUME There is one aspect of the thought of David Hume that seems to me to be important and topical, especially if considered in relation to two reductionist and dogmatic tendencies that are still noticeable in the general theory of law. By dogmatic I understand conceptions that are insufficiently founded on experience. The first of these two dogmatic tendencies is the emphasis placed on the (...)
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    Friedrich Hayek's Moral Science.Timothy Fuller - 1989 - Ratio Juris 2 (1):17-26.
    F. A. Hayek's defense and analysis of the liberal state built on rule of law is both a moral and a scientific enterprise. The author shows that Hayek favors rule of law because it seeks to protect moral agency. It is procedurally rather than morally restrictive because men cannot easily know moral truth. Markets are included in Hayek's analysis not because they produce wealth but because they promote moral agency.
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    Is there (or should there be) a right to basic income?Jurgen De Wispelaere & Leticia Morales - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (9):920-936.
    A basic income is typically defined as an individual’s entitlement to receive a regular payment as a right, independent of other sources of income, employment or willingness to work, or living situation. In this article, we examine what it means for the state to institute a right to basic income. The normative literature on basic income has developed numerous arguments in support of basic income as an inextricable component of a just social order, but there exists little analysis about basic (...)
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    WisCon 46 (review).Laurie Fuller, Jenna N. Hanchey & E. Ornelas - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):618-625.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:WisCon 46Laurie Fuller, Jenna N. Hanchey, and E. OrnelasExistence as Resistance, WisCon 46, May 26–29, 2023, Madison, Wisconsin, United StatesIn a world that seems structured to kill most of its occupants, there is a utopian impulse in the act of existence itself. WisCon 46 represented a prefigurative utopian impulse through centering continued marginalized existence as resistance.1 Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha calls “prefigurative politics” the “fancy term for the idea (...)
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    Private law as an open legal order: understanding contract and tort as interactional law.Sanne Taekema PhD - 2014 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 43 (2):140-149.
    Private law as an open legal order: understanding contract and tort as interactional law This article puts forward the claim that private law, and especially contract and tort, is the area of law that most clearly shows how law depends on social interactions. Taking its cue from Lon Fuller, interactional law is presented as a form of law that depends on informal social practices. Using tort and contract cases, it is argued that this implies that law is in open connection (...)
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    Law’s regret: on moral remainders, (in)commensurability and a virtue-ethical approach to legal decision-making.Iris van Domselaar - 2022 - Jurisprudence 13 (2):220-239.
    In his essay ‘Ethical Consistency’, Bernard Williams famously introduced the concept of a moral remainder, which points to the phenomenon of an in itself defensible decision that may nonetheless re...
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    O "sistema" da moral? Uma investigação sobre a sistematicidade interna da metafísica dos costumes de Kant.Diego Kosbiau Trevisan - 2016 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 57 (134):401-419.
    RESUMO O artigo tem como objetivo pôr em questão duas objeções comumente lançadas contra a "Metafísica dos Costumes", a saber, a sua falta de "clareza sistemática" quando comparada com outras obras críticas centrais de Kant, e também a admissão aparentemente equivocada da legalidade como conceito legítimo de um sistema metafísico prático. Argumentar-se-á que a identificação do ato do livre arbítrio como conceito supremo do sistema permite responder às críticas lançadas ao, por um lado, apresentar um princípio de ordenação sistemática empregado (...)
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  30. Priority-setting in international non-governmental organizations: it is not as easy as ABCD.Lisa Fuller - 2012 - Journal of Global Ethics 8 (1):5-17.
    Recently theorists have demonstrated a growing interest in the ethical aspects of resource allocation in international non-governmental humanitarian, development and human rights organizations (INGOs). This article provides an analysis of Thomas Pogge's proposal for how international human rights organizations ought to choose which projects to fund. Pogge's allocation principle states that an INGO should govern its decision making about candidate projects by such rules and procedures as are expected to maximize its long-run cost-effectiveness, defined as the expected aggregate moral value (...)
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    An argument against a legal duty to rescue.Lester H. Hunt - 1995 - Journal of Social Philosophy 26 (1):16-38.
    Indeed, to a layperson reading the relevant case law, it almost seems that the courts sometimes try to make this principle seem as shocking as possible. In one decision that is often cited, a unanimous state supreme court held that, not only did an eight year old boy have no right to be rescued by the defendant from having his hand caught in a machine in the defendant's factory, but he (the boy, as a trespasser) would even have been (...)
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    When Is a Regime Not a Legal System? Alexy on Moral Correctness and Social Efficacy.David H. McIlroy - 2013 - Ratio Juris 26 (1):65-84.
    Robert Alexy defines law as including a claim to moral correctness and demonstrating social efficacy. This paper argues that law's social efficacy is not merely an observable fact but is undergirded by moral commitments by rulers that it is possible for their subjects to follow the rules, that the rulers and others will also follow the rules, that subjects will be protected from violence if they act in accordance with the rules, and that subjects will be entitled to legal redress (...)
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    Legal Provisions on Medical Aid in Dying Encode Moral Intuition.Ivar Hannikainen, Jorge Suárez, Luis Espericueta, Maite Menéndez-Ferreras & David Rodríguez-Arias - forthcoming - Preprint.
    In recent decades, many jurisdictions have moved toward legalizing euthanasia and assisted suicide—together with a growing recognition of the moral right to a medically assisted death. Herewe draw on a comprehensive quantitative review of existing laws on assisted dying, experimental survey evidence, and four decades of time-series data to explore the relationship between these legislative transitions and changing moral attitudes. Our analysis reveals that existing laws on medical aid in dying impose a common set of eligibility restrictions, based on the (...)
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  34. Morality, Politics, and Law.John-Michael Kuczynski - 2010 - Kendall Hunt Publishing.
    It is argued (a) that laws are assurances of protections of rights and (b) that governments are protectors of rights. Lest those assurances be empty and thus not really be assurances at all, laws must be enforced and governments must therefore have the power to coerce. For this reason, the government of a given region tends to have, as Max Weber put it, a "monopoly on power" in that region. And because governments are power-monopolizers, it is tempting to think that (...)
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    Challenges to legal theory: essays in honour of Professor José Iturmendi Morales.José Iturmendi Morales, Falcón Y. Tella, María José, Martínez Muñoz, Juan Antonio & Deirdre B. Jerry (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill | Nijhoff.
    Challenges to Legal Theory offers the reader a fascinating journey though a variety of multi-disciplinary topics, ranging from law and literature, and law and religion, to legal philosophy and constitutional law. The collection reflects some of the challenges that the field of legal theory currently faces. It is compiled by a selection of international and Spanish scholars, whose essays are made available in English translation for the first time. The volume is based on a collection of essays, published in Spanish, (...)
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    Legal pluralism explained: history, theory, consequences.Brian Z. Tamanaha - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Throughout the medieval period law was seen as the product of social groups and associations that formed legal orders, as Max Weber elaborates, "either constituted in its membership by such objective characteristics of birth, political, ethnic, or religious denomination, mode of life or occupation, or arose through the process of explicit fraternization." During the second half of the Middle Ages, roughly the tenth through fifteenth centuries, there were "several distinct types of law, sometimes competing, occasionally overlapping, invariably invoking different traditions, (...)
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    Legal Obligation & Its Limits.Emad H. Atiq - 2019 - Law and Philosophy 38 (2):109-147.
    Judges decide cases by appeal to rules of general application they deem to be law. If a candidate rule resolves the case and is, ex ante and independently of the judge’s judgment, the law, then the judge has a legal obligation to declare it as such and follow it. That, at any rate, is conventional wisdom. Yet the principle is false – a rule’s being law or the judge’s believing it to be law is neither necessary nor even sufficient for (...)
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  38. Legal positivism: Still descriptive and morally neutral.Andrei Marmor - 2006 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 26 (4):683-704.
    It has become increasingly popular to argue that legal positivism is actually a normative theory, and that it cannot be purely descriptive and morally neutral as H.L.A. Hart has suggested. This article purports to disprove this line of thought. It argues that legal positivism is best understood as a descriptive, morally neutral, theory about the nature of law. The article distinguishes between five possible views about the relations between normative claims and legal positivism, arguing that some of them are not (...)
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  39. Legal rules, moral norms and democratic principles.Bartosz Wojciechowski, Piotr W. Juchacz & Karolina M. Cern (eds.) - 2013 - Frankfurt: Peter Lang Edition.
  40. Landmark legal cases in bioethics.Susan Cartier Poland - 1997 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 7 (2):191-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Landmark Legal Cases in BioethicsSusan Cartier Poland (bio)Only a few decades old, the interdisciplinary field of bioethics has developed surrounded by centuries of legal tradition and moral philosophy. Bioethics and the law have weaved back and forth over time influencing each field. Sometimes ethics leads the debate on problematical issues; for example, the Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee at the National Institutes of Health established regulations prior to initiating human (...)
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  41. Law and Philosophy: Selected Papers in Legal Theory.Csaba Varga (ed.) - 1994 - Budapest: ELTE “Comparative Legal Cultures” Project.
    Photomechanical reprint of papers from 1970 to 1992 mostly in English, some in German or French: Foreword 1–4; LAW AS PRACTICE ‘La formation des concepts en sciences juridiques’ 7–33, ‘Geltung des Rechts – Wirksamkeit des Rechts’ 35–42, ‘Macrosociological Theories of Law’ 43–76, ‘Law & its Inner Morality’ 77–89, ‘The Law & its Limits’ 91–96; LAW AS TECHNIQUE ‘Domaine »externe« & domaine »interne« en droit’ 99–117, ‘Die ministerielle Begründung’ 119–139, ‘The Preamble’ 141–167, ‘Presumption & Fiction’ 169–185, ‘Legal Technique’187–198; LAW AS (...)
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  42. Artificial moral and legal personhood.John-Stewart Gordon - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-15.
    This paper considers the hotly debated issue of whether one should grant moral and legal personhood to intelligent robots once they have achieved a certain standard of sophistication based on such criteria as rationality, autonomy, and social relations. The starting point for the analysis is the European Parliament’s resolution on Civil Law Rules on Robotics and its recommendation that robots be granted legal status and electronic personhood. The resolution is discussed against the background of the so-called Robotics Open Letter, which (...)
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    Moral and Legal Arguments for Universal Health Care.Matthew C. Altman - 2011 - In Kant and Applied Ethics: The Uses and Limits of Kant's Practical Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 71–89.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Moral Duty to Assist Others in Their Health Care Health Care Should Be Provided by the Government The Duty to Provide Truly Universal Health Care Rejecting the Liberal Model.
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    Recognizing cited facts and principles in legal judgements.Olga Shulayeva, Advaith Siddharthan & Adam Wyner - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 25 (1):107-126.
    In common law jurisdictions, legal professionals cite facts and legal principles from precedent cases to support their arguments before the court for their intended outcome in a current case. This practice stems from the doctrine of stare decisis, where cases that have similar facts should receive similar decisions with respect to the principles. It is essential for legal professionals to identify such facts and principles in precedent cases, though this is a highly time intensive task. In this (...)
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  45. Legal personhood for artificial intelligences.Lawrence B. Solum - 1992 - North Carolina Law Review 70:1231.
    Could an artificial intelligence become a legal person? As of today, this question is only theoretical. No existing computer program currently possesses the sort of capacities that would justify serious judicial inquiry into the question of legal personhood. The question is nonetheless of some interest. Cognitive science begins with the assumption that the nature of human intelligence is computational, and therefore, that the human mind can, in principle, be modelled as a program that runs on a computer. Artificial intelligence (AI) (...)
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  46. On Law and Morality. A Dialogue.Georg Henrik von Wright & Aulis Aarnio - 1990 - Ratio Juris 3 (3):321-330.
    The dialogue focusses on the distinctions and connections between law and morality. Morality is seen as axiological in character, whereas law is deontological. The possibility of a conceptual tie between goodness (axiology) and duty (deontology) is firmly disputed. Habermas's discursive foundation of ethics is criticized because it seems to confer on moral principles the status of a priori synthetic truths. Every moral idea has a cultural relativity which is not taken into account by Habermasian dialogue ethics. The (...)
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    Can Rules Ground Moral Obligations?Luke Robinson - forthcoming - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    What are the principles that ground our moral obligations? One obvious answer is that they are prescriptive rules that govern conduct by imposing obligations much like (certain) legal rules govern conduct by imposing legal obligations. This "rule conception of moral principles" merits our attention for at least three reasons. It's the obvious and most straightforward way to develop the analogy between morality and law, and between moral principles and legal rules. It appears to fit some prominent (...)
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    (1 other version)Aquinas: Moral, political, and legal theory.Paul E. Sigmund - 2001 - Philosophical Review 110 (1):129-132.
    This first volume in a series entitled Founders of Modern Political and Social Thought, by John Finnis, Professor of Law and Legal Philosophy at Oxford, is the most comprehensive and detailed treatment in print of Aquinas’s political and ethical thought. Finnis is already well known for his 1980 book, Natural Law and Natural Rights, his Thomistic-inspired theory of “basic human goods” in Fundamentals of Ethics, and his attack on the morality of nuclear deterrence, written with Joseph Boyle and Germain (...)
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    Legal Briefing: Conscience Clauses and Conscientious Refusal.Thaddeus Mason Pope - 2010 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 21 (2):163-180.
    This issue’s “Legal Briefing” column covers legal developments pertaining to conscience clauses and conscientious refusal. Not only has this topic been the subject of recent articles in this journal, but it has also been the subject of numerous public and professional discussions. Over the past several months, conscientious refusal disputes have had an unusually high profile not only in courthouses, but also in legislative and regulatory halls across the United States.Healthcare providers’ own moral beliefs have been obstructing and are expected (...)
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    Duty to Self: Moral, Political, and Legal Self-Relation.Paul Schofield - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    That we owe duties to others is a commonplace, the subject of countless philosophical treatises and monographs. Morality is interpersonal and other-directed, many claim. But what of what we owe ourselves? In Duty to Self, Paul Schofield flips the paradigm of interpersonal morality by arguing that there are moral duties we owe ourselves, and that in light of this, philosophers need to significantly rethink many of their views about practical reason, moral psychology, politics, and moral emotions. -/- Among (...)
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