Results for ' Handshake'

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  1.  93
    Handshake.Geoffrey Bennington - 2008 - Derrida Today 1 (2):167-184.
    How might Derrida be said to greet Jean-Luc Nancy in Le Toucher? What kind of handshake does he offer? Derrida explicitly mentions the handshake at the very centre of his book, in the tangent devoted to Merleau-Ponty. A reading of this moment reveals an exemplary case of what happens when Derrida reads apparently ‘fraternal’ texts, and opens up further levels of difference. What then if we consider Nancy's response to Derrida, when the recipient of the handshake shakes (...)
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    Handshaking Your Way to the Top: Simulation at the Nanoscale.Eric Winsberg - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (5):582-594.
    Should philosophers of science be paying attention to developments in "nanoscience"? Undoubtedly, it is too early to tell for sure. The goal of this paper is to take a preliminary look. In particular, I look at the use of computational models in the study of nano-sized solid-state materials. What I find is that there are features of these models that appear on their face to be at odds with some basic philosophical intuitions about the relationships between different theories and between (...)
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    The Quantum Handshake: Entanglement, Nonlocality and Transactions.John G. Cramer - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book shines bright light into the dim recesses of quantum theory, where the mysteries of entanglement, nonlocality, and wave collapse have motivated some to conjure up multiple universes, and others to adopt a "shut up and calculate" mentality. After an extensive and accessible introduction to quantum mechanics and its history, the author turns attention to his transactional model. Using a quantum handshake between normal and time-reversed waves, this model provides a clear visual picture explaining the baffling experimental results (...)
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    Kisses, handshakes, bows: The semantics of nonverbal communication.Anna Wierzbicka - 1995 - Semiotica 103 (3-4):207-252.
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  5. Handshaking your way to the top: Inconsistency and falsification in intertheoretic reduction.Eric Winsberg - 2006 - In Borchert (ed.), Philosophy of Science. MacMillan. pp. 73--582.
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    The handshake as interaction.Peter M. Hall & Dee Ann Spencer Hall - 1983 - Semiotica 45 (3-4).
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    The Handshake.J. H. Van den Berg - 1959 - Philosophy Today 3 (1):28.
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    What's in a Handshake? Multi-Faith Practice as a Starting Point for Christian Migration Ethics.Ulrich Schmiedel - 2022 - Studies in Christian Ethics 35 (3):561-583.
    This article assesses the tension between cosmopolitan and communitarian approaches to the ethics of migration by analysing how the Protestant Church in Germany (EKD) has responded to the current so-called migration crisis in Europe. I argue that the statements of the EKD frame people on the move either as migrants or as Muslims. These frames come with competing ethical consequences. Whereas migrants are presented as passive victims in need of some form of support by Christians, Muslims are presented as active (...)
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  9. Deployment of Attention on Handshakes.Mowei Shen, Jun Yin, Xiaowei Ding, Rende Shui & Jifan Zhou - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The Second Handshake: Constructive Postmodernism in China Today.Zhihe Wang - 2009 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):58-74.
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    Handwork as Ceremony: The Case of the Handshake.Deborah Schiffrin - 1974 - Semiotica 12 (3).
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    Generalization of Students’ Enactive Metaphorizing: The Handshake Problem and Beyond.Victor V. Cifarelli - 2021 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (3):278-280.
    Díaz-Rojas, Soto-Andrade and Videla-Reyes advocate an approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics that emphasizes enaction, embodiment and metaphorization. I comment on their analysis of ….
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  13. Bodily intentionality and social affordances in context.Erik Rietveld - 2012 - In Fabio Paglieri (ed.), Consciousness in Interaction: The role of the natural and social context in shaping consciousness. John Benjamins Publishing.
    There are important structural similarities in the way that animals and humans engage in unreflective activities, including unreflective social interactions in the case of higher animals. Firstly, it is a form of unreflective embodied intelligence that is ‘motivated’ by the situation. Secondly, both humans and non-human animals are responsive to ‘affordances’ (Gibson 1979); to possibilities for action offered by an environment. Thirdly, both humans and animals are selectively responsive to one affordance rather than another. Social affordances are a subcategory of (...)
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  14. On substances, accidents and universals: In defence of a constituent ontology.Barry Smith - 1997 - Philosophical Papers 26 (1):105-127.
    The essay constructs an ontological theory designed to capture the categories instantiated in those portions or levels of reality which are captured in our common sense conceptual scheme. It takes as its starting point an Aristotelian ontology of “substances” and “accidents”, which are treated via the instruments of mereology and topology. The theory recognizes not only individual parts of substances and accidents, including the internal and external boundaries of these, but also universal parts, such as the “humanity” which is an (...)
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  15. A Change in Business Ethics: The Impact on Employer–Employee Relations.Roger Eugene Karnes - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (2):189-197.
    This research explores the historical perspective of business ethics from the viewpoint of the employer–employee relationship by outlining the impact of the changing social contract between employer and employee relations from the end of World War II to the current day; provides the basic definition of the key elements of the organizational social contract and outlines the social contract in employment relations. It also provides what the author believes to be the key drivers in employer–employee relations and the benefits to (...)
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  16. Trump is Gross: Taking Political Taste Seriously.Shelley Park - 2017 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 27 (S2):23-42.
    My 5-year-old granddaughter refers to foods, clothes, and people she does not like as “supergross.” It is a verbiage that I have found myself adopting for talking about many things Trumpian, including the man himself. The gaudy, gold-plated everything in Trump Towers; his ill-fitting suits; his poorly executed fake tan and comb-over; his red baseball cap emblazoned with “Make America Great Again;” his creepy way of talking about women ; his racist vitriol about Blacks, Muslims and Mexicans; his blatant over-the-top (...)
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  17. The measures religious cults took in front of Coronavirus: weakness or diligence?Tudor Cosmin Ciocan - 2020 - Dialogo 6 (2):153-167.
    While spreading wide-world, the new coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 made changes in many social departments of our society on levels we never thought about and messes with all our cultural habits. Thus, we witnessed that the religious denominations took into consideration changes without precedent in their cultic history and thus dogmatic as well concerning the actual threat of Coronavirus. We saw for example the Roman-Catholic Church who suspended all masses here and there[1] at first or banned the crucial gestures in rituals [to (...)
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  18. Primates are Touched by Your Concern: Touch, Emotion, and Social Cognition in Chimpanzees.Maria Botero - 2017 - In Kristin Andrews & Jacob Beck (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds. Routledge. pp. p. 372-380.
    There is something important about the way human primates use touch in social encounters; for example, consider greetings in airports (hugs vs. handshakes) and the way children push each other in a playground (a quick push to warn, a really hard one when it is serious!). Human primates use touch as a way of conveying a wide range of social information. In this chapter I will argue that one of the best ways of understanding social cognition in non-human primates is (...)
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    Aesth-ethics.Silvia Benso - 2008 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 13 (1):163-183.
    Levinas’s most important contribution to contemporary philosophy is his continual vindication of the primacy of the ethical. For the contemporary reader, educated in the shadow of the Nietzschean thought that existence as will to power is art, this claim comes as an uneasy surprise. What is the place of the aesthetic within the preeminence of the ethical in Levinas’s philosophy? Or, more specifically, what is, for Levinas, the place of art in relation to the ethical? Through a Levinasian reading of (...)
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    Programming interfaces and basic topology.Peter Hancock & Pierre Hyvernat - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 137 (1-3):189-239.
    A pattern of interaction that arises again and again in programming is a 'handshake', in which two agents exchange data. The exchange is thought of as provision of a service. Each interaction is initiated by a specific agent--the client or Angel--and concluded by the other--the server or Demon. We present a category in which the objects--called interaction structures in the paper--serve as descriptions of services provided across such handshaken interfaces. The morphisms--called (general) simulations--model components that provide one such service, (...)
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    The Age of Distance: On an Ancient Hand Gesture.Claudia Baracchi - 2022 - Research in Phenomenology 52 (2):261-272.
    In light of the mandate of social distancing imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, and the subsequent disruption in habitual practices involving physical contact, the essay explores the ancient gesture of the handshake with reference to both its cultural codifications and its iconography, widespread especially in Mediterranean and Near Eastern areas. While involving manifold semantic and symbolic significance, the handshake is taken into account especially as a gesture implying a tactile exposure to another, hinting at the possibility of joining (...)
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  22. A farewell to copenhagen?John Cramer - manuscript
    This column is about experimental tests of the various interpretations of quantum mechanics. The question at issue is whether we can perform experiments that can show whether there is an "observer-created reality" as suggested by the Copenhagen Interpretation, or a peacock’s tail of rapidly branching alternate universes, as suggested by the Many-Worlds Interpretation, or forward-backward in time handshakes, as suggested by the Transactional Interpretation? Until recently, I would have said that this was an impossible task, but a new experiment has (...)
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  23. EPR communication: Signals from the future?John Cramer - manuscript
    Last June I was an invited speaker at the symposium “Frontiers of Time: Reverse Causation—Experiment and Theory,” part of a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) held on the beautiful campus of the University of San Diego. (Here, reverse causation means a violation of that most mysterious law of physics, the Principle of Causality, which requires that any cause must precede its effects in all reference frames.) I had originally intended to just talk about my (...)
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    FTL Photons.John G. Cramer - unknown
    Albert Einstein taught us that c, the speed of light in vacuum, is nature's ultimate speed limit, the highest speed at which matter, energy, and information can travel through space-time. In several AV columns I've discussed ways for getting around this annoying natural law, the law that SF writers and fans most wish to violate. Two AV columns discussed the possibility of getting around the lightspeed limit by popping through a trans-spatial wormhole shortcut. See [ Analog-6-89, "Wormholes and Time Machines"] (...)
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    Interaction rituals and ‘social distancing’: New haptic trajectories and touching from a distance in the time of COVID-19.Marjorie H. Goodwin, Yumei Gan & Julia Katila - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (4):418-440.
    Previous research in the social sciences has shown that haptic interaction rituals are critical for maintaining social relationships. However, during the coronavirus pandemic, ‘social distancing’ was encouraged in order to avoid the spread of disease. Drawing on data from self-ethnography as well as publicly available resources, in this study we explore some new, locally negotiated haptic trajectories to accomplish interaction rituals in the time of coronavirus. First, we present self-ethnographic observations of distancing in face-to-face encounters from our everyday lives. Second, (...)
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    Some Hadiths Subjected to Discussion by Supporters of Bishr al-Marīsī Due to Having an Anthropormorphist and Corporealist Content.Ali Kaya - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):163-188.
    Hadiths that have been discussed in this paper consist of narrations regarding divine attributes and having some problematic meanings between supporters of Bişr al-Marīsī and ʿUthmān al-Dārimī. These narrations were mostly accepted denounced (munkar) by Bişr al-Marīsī and his sopporters due to having an anthropormophist and corporealist content about God. They rejected divine attributes according to their understanding of God based on incomparability (tanzīh) which provided by Mutazilite approach towards divine attributes even though they conveyed some features of Ahl al-Ra’y. (...)
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    Tuitions and intuitions: essays at the intersection of film criticism and philosophy.William Rothman - 2019 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Introduction: how John the Baptist kept his head, or my life in film philosophy -- A philosophical perspective. Why not realize your world? -- Silence and stasis -- Film and modernity -- André Bazin as Cavellian realist -- On Stanley Cavell's band wagon -- What becomes of the camera in the world on film? -- Studies in criticism. "I never thought I would sink so low as to become an actor": John Barrymore in Twentieth century -- James Stewart in Vertigo (...)
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    How Handedness Shapes Lived Experience, Intersectionality, and Inequality: Hand and World.Peter Westmoreland - 2023 - New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
    This book delivers philosophy’s first sustained examination of handedness: being left-handed, right-handed, etc. It engages literature from phenomenology and continental philosophy, analytic philosophy, laterality studies, cognitive science and psychology, gender studies and feminist philosophy, sociology, political science, and more to provide a systematic accounting of the nature of handedness, its basis in lived experience, its effects on bodily performance, its role in varieties of inequality, and its part in oppression and liberation. As a radical asymmetry in the body, handedness plays (...)
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    Degree-Constrained k -Minimum Spanning Tree Problem.Pablo Adasme & Ali Dehghan Firoozabadi - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-25.
    Let G V, E be a simple undirected complete graph with vertex and edge sets V and E, respectively. In this paper, we consider the degree-constrained k -minimum spanning tree problem which consists of finding a minimum cost subtree of G formed with at least k vertices of V where the degree of each vertex is less than or equal to an integer value d ≤ k − 2. In particular, in this paper, we consider degree values of d ∈ (...)
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    Religion als Grenzkategorie von „Diversität“: Zur politischen Verhandlung einer Handschlagverweigerung.Philipp Hetmanczyk - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 29 (1):128-145.
    ZusammenfassungDer Artikel analysiert die in der politischen Kommunikation zum Fall Therwil geäußerten Vorstellungen und angestrebten Zielsetzungen bezüglich des Umgangs mit Religion in der Schule. Es steht die Frage im Vordergrund, auf welche Konzepte religiöser Diversität innerhalb dieser Kommunikation rekurriert wird und in welchem Umfang Diversität in der Schule verwirklicht werden soll. Dabei wird eine Diskrepanz zwischen einem auf Inklusion basierenden Diversitätsideal einerseits und der de facto eingeforderten, auf Exklusion zielenden, Handhabung des Therwiler Vorfalls anderseits sichtbar.
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